Day Of The Lord #01

Let’s pray.
Heavenly Father, we’re well aware of the fact that when Jesus came into the room, the doors being shut, actually He caused consternation, they did not know Him, but they got to know Him and when they became aware of His Presence by identification they were glad they did something to their lives, Lord.
We believe the same thing is happening in this hour that the very fact that the prophet said that He is here, brought either a sense of misunderstanding that they just thought that He believed… and was setting You forth, Lord, in a little better light.
And then others recognized, did not know what to do about it. But, Lord, we believe that in Your purpose You’ll unfold and show us the things of God, the things of Yourself, and we may not only know the hour in which You lived, but the things of the Lord and be one with You.
We trust that to be so, because You said in this end-time, prophet confirming it, that we would come to that place of one with You, know that You’re in the Father, and we in You.
All of us within with each other and we want that to be our Anchoring Rock today, Lord, our full assurance. We are not looking for anything else but what is ours at this point.
So, we commend ourselves to You, in always, and all things, especially in the study of the Word and we’ll give You the praise in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
You may be seated.
[Brother Vayle makes local announcements]
Now, I want to go to Revelation again, and we’re not going to get too far into the message in the sense of continuity on ‘The Day of the Husband’, the legal owner, ‘The Day of the Lord’, the ‘Day of the Judge’ which Brother Branham saw.
He showed that this was the Judge, but let’s just look at it again beginning in, Revelation chapter 1.

(01) The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave [to] him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his [messenger] unto his servant John:
Now, that’s kind of involved there, I don’t know that I know the Greek. I don’t know that I know chronology. I don’t know that I know anything, but it sounds exactly like the revelation of Jesus Christ.
And that revelation, whatever it is, was given by God unto Jesus the Christ in order to show unto his servants things which shortly come to pass. And He got it to John by way of a messenger.
Now, that’s all I know about it. The messenger turned out to be a prophet. So, prophet was speaking to John, and he was giving him something that God gave Jesus to pass on. I don’t know.
Sounds a little involved, but that’s what it looks like. Now, I don’t care how it came in the sense of a chronology. How it was passed on. I’m interested in knowing what lies there.
Okay, here’s we’re getting to what lies there. It says:

(02) Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus [Who is the Christ of course, in] all things that he saw. [So, you got three things there.]
(03) Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, [So whether you read It, someone reads It to you, or you read It yourself, you’re going to have a blessing.] and keep [these] things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
How are you going to keep some of the things that are purely revelation? You don’t keep them, except in your mind. You keep them in your heart. Mary kept all these things in her heart.
The women kept things in their heart concerning what God said of that Blessed One coming down the line. The prophet’s didn’t keep it in their heart, it was in their mouth, and they preached it out.
Okay, “keep these things.” In other words, don’t let them slip, don’t disregard them, don’t put them on the shelf, keep vital, keep vital with this Book at the time It comes into view. Because remember, It’s sealed.

(04) John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come…
Now who is that? That’s God. That’s Elohim, “which was, and which is, and which is to come.” In other words, showing you that there never was a beginning, there never will be an ending. Then It says:

(05) And from Jesus [Who is the] Christ,…
Now, that’s not ‘kai’ that means ‘even Jesus that is the Christ’, although it could be a preposition, it is a conjunction. Okay, from God, from the Son.
Okay, notice, what about the Son?

(05) [He] is the faithful witness… [that’s marturion which is the faithful martyr.]
Now, every witness isn’t a martyr. Except, there is this: if you’re going to a witness, you got to be a martyr to your own thinking. You got to be a martyr to your own life. Otherwise, your witness is void. It’s got to be thoroughly oriented in Christ. It’s got to be the revelation.
It’s got to be what He said, how He said, it, for the intend that He said it, the hour in which He said it. All of those things lie in there, or you are not a witness. You’re a false witness. Sorry about that, but that’s the way it is. Understand what I’m saying?
We’re taught that by a prophet, Moses’ message wouldn’t work for the day of Jesus anymore than Noah’s would work for the time of Moses.
And remember, we can’t go back to Pentecost, except in the sense of a reality. Because Pentecost is where the seed was sown, this age is where it is reaped. Right? So okay. We understand.
All right, He’s the faithful witness, he’s the martyr. Now, this faithful witness which has its roots in the word martyr is the prototype of Abel. Now Abel was the first martyr, because he was the witness.
And he was a witness by correctly dividing the Word, and correctly initiating the sacrificial lamb. And he was the one who gave his life because of his correctness. See?
Now, that’s where you could say, “For me to live is Christ.” When you have a correctness you can say, “for me to live is Christ,” otherwise you cannot say it.
Now, we just think of this here this bit about Abel for just a second, Jesus was the prototype which was the Lamb, this type being a lamb, being Abel, and remember, the Lamb had to be the first fruit, the first one that opened the matrix, the first one born.
Now, in Abel he was not the first one born. But he was the first true human being born. Now you say, “Well, how come then we get these types sort of lopsided?” You don’t.
Because, “God being a Savior, it’s necessary to predestinate a sinner in order to become a Savior.” So therefore, before there could be a sheep that would be predestinated to be a sacrifice, there had to be the necessity for it.
Now, I’m looking at Abel as a type of Christ in this respect. He’s the first born, he’s the first real human being. And he is the one, and you’ll notice that’s he’s the first then truly born of a woman, that’s a true human being.
And you’ll notice that this One Jesus is the first one born of woman who is a true Seed of Almighty God, the only begotten of the Father.
So, we have a type here, an antitype fulfilled in this One that is a faithful witness, and He is our Savior. And He is also the first born from among the dead, being the first One that died to die no more having taken up His life.
So, all right, we’re looking at Jesus Who is the Christ. He is the faithful witness, He fulfills every single type. In Him is everything we need to have, which is supplied to us from God.
And He’s the Prince of the kings of the earth; that’s He’s the ruler, He’s the top One, unto Him that loved us. That is this One, Who is Jesus the Christ, washes us from our sins in His Own Blood.
Now, that can be applied two ways. It can be applied to God Who is Spirit, Who became flesh to the flesh of the Logos, becoming the sperm and the egg, and coming into the place of flesh and blood.
Or you can put it right back on the Son, it doesn’t matter, because in this instance they become one:

(05) …[He] loved us, washed us from our sins in his own blood,
(06) And [has] made us [a kingdom of] priests [In other words, this is a Melchisedec priesthood that is here. It is not the Aaronic priesthood.] to God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.
(07) [Then], he cometh with clouds; and every eye [is going to see him, they [that] pierced him: all kindreds of the earth shall [mourn] because of him. Even so, Amen. [Now notice:]
(08) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come…
You say, “Is that a further revelation?” No! That’s a key to the revelation, that Alpha is Omega. And notice, He doesn’t say I am what is in between. He doesn’t have to say that. As I’ve said if you got a board that’s oak at both ends and it’s one continuous board it’s oak.
So, if you have something in the beginning that was indicated as God, and at the end-time is indicated, or vindicated as God, you know that what went between was all of God.
Don’t fuss, don’t argue. That’s why the Seals are open in order for you to see what went in between what is going on now to take you where you’re going.
Now that people say, “Well, just a minute, why would He have history?” Then why did God give us history through Moses? The Spirit of Moses is here, what do you expect?
You see, we don’t deal in this church and my preaching with peanuts and peanut shells. We go right to the coconut, so to speak. We don’t fool around. We know what we speak of, and why we speak and why these things are done.
There’s no wandering of the mind, and no wondering of the mind. We don’t w-o-n-d-e-r, and we don’t w-a-n-d-e-r. See? We’ve been headed in a direction of which there is no turning back, you see?
All right, He tells you here, “I’m Alpha and Omega, and if you don’t understand the Alpha and Omega principle, you’ll never see: “which was, and is, and is to come.” Now, you won’t.
See, the people right today cannot understand prophet in God, God in prophet, Exodus. See? They can’t.
That’s why they’re still stuck with denominationism. And the majority of people in this Message, so called, are still in Pentecost.
I know you’re not following me, but just try to follow me. Just try to let your own thinking go like I explained to you Wednesday night. To let your own thinking go means, ‘you don’t have a thought on the subject’, and you’re all ears to get it.
You know, Paul thought he had a lot on the ball. “Why, I studied at Gamaliel’s feet, he said, I went out harassing the church, he said, I was a servant of God, he said, you couldn’t put a finger on me. I was hallelujah to hallelujahs.” And wham! God strikes him out.
“Whooo, whooo are you Lord?”
“I’m Jesus.”
He said, “Oh, my God.” There went every thought. He said, “I’m sunk. I’m dead. I’m gone. What do You want Lord?”
That’s why he said, “The revelation was not of me, not a man. I got it right from Him. Every one of my thoughts… said, boom!”
And for the people that cannot lay aside their thoughts, you will no more understand this Message than a dead hog will understand the glories of God. I’m sorry, I hit it awful hard, and I’m awful blunt, and I’m awful rough, and I’m awful mean, and I’m awful dirty.
And I use terrible language, I say, “Dead hog.” Dead dog? Dead Sheep? What do you want to call it?
But you better know flat, unless you let your thinking go, and I know what I am talking about, because I am a prime example of four and a half hours batting my brains on what I thought I knew the prophet taught on the Holy Ghost.
And after four and one half hours, I have witnesses, my wife and the Brewer’s heard me through that door and I said, “Brother Branham, are you trying to tell me that the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and rebirth is one and the same thing?”
In other words, my thinking was gone. He said, “Now you’ve got it doc.” And I’m not that guy to be fooled with in that situation, she’s too glib for me. Pinned my ears back.
And I don’t like my ears being pinned back, even by a prophet. God’s a different story. He’s taught me, pin the ears back and I got to humble myself, eat humble pie, that’s different.
But the prophet was there, and God was there, and the Pillar, couldn’t see Him, He pinned my ears back.
I said, “What about your experiences?”
He said, “Don’t go by experiences, go by the Word of God.” Which is a revelation.
I sat in the room with him and I discussed, I argued concerning: “Do the Saints go through the tribulation or don’t they?”
The pre-tribulation Rapture secret, and the more I argued, I wouldn’t let my thoughts go though darker the room got, till I finally said, “Brother Branham, just one more question.”
He said, “Brother Vayle, go ahead.”
I said, “Is it thus saith the Lord?”
He said, “It is ‘Thus saith the Lord.”
I said, “Brother Branham, I believe you.” My thoughts went.
He said, “People today don’t understand the difference between the Coming and the Appearing.”
Then let your thoughts go! You say, “How?” Shut up and listen!
I want to tell you something: there’s hardly one out of a million shut up and listen, and I’ll prove it to you.
You’re pretty good folk, because you love me and you trust me, but I can sit with theologian’s and smart men and can wrap this Bible around my ears twenty times to what I’ll ever do, and when I start talking, I can tell instantly they are not listening, they’re thinking to rebut.
I sat a man down and I said, “Shut up and listen, I want to tell you something bud, you know that Bible ten times… it was Ned Iverson, I’ll tell you flat, you don’t have to take it off the tape, because it’s a true story.
I said, “Ned, you haven’t been listening, your mind has been full of questions while I talked. Now stop it!” Or I stopped talking. “I want you to sit there and listen with no questions and I’m going to tell you something.”
I have seen in Brother Branham’s meetings where people raise questions and got up on the floor and said things, they died. Get rid of your questions, just sit and listen.
If you can’t sit and listen you’re never going to make the Rapture or any anything, because the prophet said, “If ten people ever get the same mind, [it better be God’s mind,] there’ll be a Rapture.”
To my utter dismay, I preached over two years now since 1977, I preached almost entirely on the Presence.
And I get phone calls, and I’ll be saying a thing and the man will cut in, and I’ll know instantly that he doesn’t know one thing that I am saying. Let your mind go.
Brother Branham said, “The Rapture is a revelation.” That means one thing to you and me, we didn’t get it right. Everything we got then is wrong. One Word off.
One premise, we are out of the Rapture. It is no revelation. It is nothing, because it is not God, because you void the Word of God by tradition. Then there’s not a promise of good to you but of death, unless you get it right.
“Oh,” you say, “I don’t believe that. The Blood covers.”
Is that a fact. Is that a fact! I want to tell you, you’re a liar to yourself and to Almighty God.
The Scripture said, “If we walk in the Light as He is in the Light we have fellowship and the Blood cleanses.” Without Light, the Blood does not cleanse, there goes your Blood. There goes your Rapture. There goes everything.
That’s why it takes a specific revelation of a certain specific order, which involves God, which involves a Son, which involves a prophet. Which today involves a prophet. God, Lord, Spirit, the great Mediator.
The prophet John, from another prophet, to another prophet. Three prophets and two makes five which is grace. “How do you figure it?” I don’t figure nothing, I believe it.
You say, “How?” Because I let my thinking go. “Well, I just… I just…” Well shut up, you’re ‘just-in’.
The big boy, that says he knows the Greek. He’s the guy that says, “Oh, that wasn’t a prophet that talked to John.”
Brother Branham said it was. So much for the Greek, and the Bulgarians, Hungarians and God knows what, Ukrainians, and the Newfies, and the British. Phfft!
Their Israel, Fap! He, he, he. They’re the ones that wrote the laws be in England. Guy said, “Yeah, but there won’t be an Englishman on it.”
“Well, the flood is going to take you.” It’s going to wipe the islands out, what are you talking about? You know, people boast… they better shut up and listen. Not to me, to a prophet.
Alpha and Omega. Do you want to get to know God? Do you want to know how He operates? You better know the Alpha, and the minute you see an Omega, you know you’re there. What? To the end-time.
If the prophet ever taught us anything, he taught us that truth. And I’ve taught it consistently since about 1975, somewhere in there, or maybe three, maybe earlier. Maybe in back 1971. yeah, it would be back by 1971, at least if not predating that.
All right, He said:

(08) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come…
God manifesting God, revealing Himself in a certain way that you can’t miss it. “And if it’s laid down, [Brother Branham said,] the first time, it’s got to be that way every time unto the very end, because God doesn’t have another thought on the subject, or a better thought on the subject.”
Now, the other day, I mentioned infinity. God is infinite. Thirty-six trillion times, thirty-six trillion times, thirty-six trillion times, thirty-six trillion times to infinite number of times, goes into infinity infinite number of times.
Then God must have known how many times a flea would bat its eye, how many it would take to make a pound of tallow.
You say, “Why didn’t the prophet get down and use some great language like Einstein?” Why should He.
Einstein just confused himself in the world. Brother Branham came along and brought the church out of bondage. Fap! Who need Einstein? Oh come on, man alive. What are we in, some kind of cooking school?
All right. He said,

(09) [I’m your] companion in tribulation…
“Well,” you say, “Every eye is going to see Him come with clouds and those that pierced Him.” All right, you got the whole thing taken in, Israel and the Gentile, the whole bit. Okay.

(10) I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day…
Now, that’s what we got to, “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day.” I became in the Spirit to the Lord’s day.
Now notice: to have the revelation of Jesus Christ that God gave to Him, that Jesus gave it through a great prophet, to John, for him to give it to us, and seal it up that would require now the Son giving the Book to the Father on the grounds of being loosed, taken down here to a prophet to give It to us. He looked down there.
Now, you can’t see what’s in here unless those Seals are opened. There’s no way.
Okay, write It in the Book.

(12) …I turned to see the voice that spake…
All right, Scriptural Voice to see the One behind it, Voice like a Trumpet. What does a trumpet do? Trumpet does several things, it calls the people together.
Calls unto a feast, calls us to Rapture. Calls us to Resurrection. Calls to introduce a person. The last trump, the Bride’s going to get changed. All right.

(12) …saw seven golden candlesticks;
(13) …in the midst [he saw this one… Now, you noticed that Brother Branham said that he saw a judge.]
All right, in the Rapture tape on Wednesday we read that Brother Branham quoting literally from this and going back to the Patmos Vision, he said, “I have always believed that He was more than a man. He was Deity.”
Now Deity can’t be born. And he explained how He was Deity, because God indwelt the man. He made a man that was baptized in the River Jordan who was the Logos of God, the Logos becoming flesh.
In other words, God’s apparency, God’s apparent. His theophany. God coming into view would be now through the man. So this One was born, special creation. God taking a chemistry.
This chemistry was Jesus, it was the Christ. God anointed Him, and God indwelt Him. And because God indwelt Him, this One was the fullness of the Godhead Bodily.
And I verily believe that Elohim compressed Himself, literally took on Himself the flesh of a man which was the flesh of the Word, and we saw God in a man at that time.
Far beyond what would be in a prophet. Far beyond. Okay, this is the Lord’s day that John saw Him in, took Him way down there.
Now, what we want to do is look at this ‘Lord’s Day’ a little while. And we’re going to read in Isaiah chapter 2, that way back in the first part of Isaiah. I was going to call it chapter 11, but it’s not chapter 11, it’s chapter 2.
[Brother Vayle address the air condition system]

(11) The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.
Now notice, the Lord alone shall be exalted at a certain time. “The lofty looks of man shall be humbled. The haughtiness of men shall be bowed down.”
What is a haughty spirit? It’s a spirit of pride and riding over people’s heads. It’s a Nicolaitane spirit that cannot be told anything. They’re going to have their way if you die for it. And they’ll take you to hell on a bobsled.
You know what toboggan and a bobsled is and how fast it goes, it accelerates. And they care less. They don’t what it is to step aside. They’re arrogant. They’ll stand in the presence of a man of stature and sneer and try to cut him down and get him out of the way. They’re haughty.
Let me read about It.

(01) For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be [as] stubble…
All right, we’ll go with a stubble day.

(12) …every one that is lifted up; shall be brought low:
(13) And all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, [shall be] and upon all the oaks of Bashan,
Now, he’s describing the Nicolatain complex, the five-fold ministry. The organizational demands that have built themselves to the place where they are renowned, if you call it that, I got a better word for it.

(14) …upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up,
(15) …every high tower…
What was the first tower? A tower unto the heavens. What was that tower unto heaven? You think they didn’t know there were clouds up there and they couldn’t get beyond the clouds?
Certainly, they knew they couldn’t get beyond it. Don’t you think for one minute that Noah came back and told them the story of the flood, and how the flood came? Certainly.
What was that tower? It was an obelisk around which was eleven acre circle of the signs of the Zodiac, with their own interpretation and their own understanding.
So today, you got the books of creeds and doctrines. You got the dogmas. The organization. They say, “You join us and we’ll get you there.”

(15) …upon every high tower, every fenced wall, [they built their fences.]
(16) …upon the ships of Tarshish, and all [the] pleasant pictures.
In other words, commerce is in here. This is a picture of Revelation chapter 18.

(18) …the idols he shall utterly abolish. [What idols? Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, they’re in idolatry.] [Now listen:]
(19) [They’ll] go into the holes of the rocks, into the caves of the earth,
Now, this is the day of the Lord he’s talking about.

(12) For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, upon every one that is lifted up; shall be brought low:
Notice: any authoritative position of anybody had better be examined, both by himself and by the people He’s talking to. Yep.
You better know that you’re preaching for God if you stand in the pulpit. You better know you’re talking for God, or someone is talking for God if you’re listening.
I didn’t bring a tape this morning, I think my wife might have put it to one side, I couldn’t see it there, then forgot to ask her. I want to play a tape by John Martin. I want to play the introduction.
And I bet you that I can make that man fool everyone of you sitting here, unless you’re perceptive.
Because he’s going to say the very things that you think that you as a guardian of the Word and the faith of this Message are involved in, and before you know you’ll be agreeing, and you will be agreeing with a man that calls the Presence a ‘puke-doctrine’.
Because anybody can say anything that sounds good. You say, “Why you mention his name?”
Because he said it, I didn’t. I’ve got a right to examine anybody, and I examine myself above all else. Because I told you time after time I’ve been scared to go to the Word of the prophet. And I finely gone.
The night he preached the Rapture, when he came to the ‘Shout is the Message’, I said, “My heaven Brother Branham, you said a lot of strange things, this is the strangest thing I’ve ever heard you say. I can’t take that.”
And suddenly I said, “Just a minute, when was he ever wrong.” I said, “I take it.” My thoughts went.
Here you are:

(18) [Paraphrased] …going to abolish the idol.
(19) [They’re going to run] the holes of the rocks, the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.
Now listen: that’s the day of the Lord, that He’s coming to reap vengeance upon the organizational systems. Why you say, “That’s church.” Sure it’s church, it’s the world too.
Do you think Russia is going to escape? No way. She’ll burn the flesh of the harlot, and God will burn her. Don’t think for one minute anybody is going is going to get way.

(20) In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, his idols of gold, which they have made each one for [him] to worship, to the moles and to the bats;
In other words, your theological system is going to come tumbling down on your ears, it’s too late. They’ll say, “Hey, wasn’t this supposed to happen, and that to happen?”
Listen, it’s while they were going to get oil, that they couldn’t get it, that it was all over. I got an hour and a half call from Bill Smith the other day.
He’s troubled about his cousin, good Nazarene boy, always lived the life. Now he’s running scared. Left the Nazarene, got in with Hagan a Trinitarian.
But he said, “The man’s paying seven thousand dollars his ceiling in his office. This building only cost about… with the air condition twelve or thirteen thousand to renovate. This man put seven thousand on his ceiling. Now why?
So he said, “They’ll give me money to go here and go there.” He said, “I don’t want their money.” He said, “I’m scared.”
And Bill said, “Is this the hour of the foolish virgin are trying to get oil, it’s too late for my cousin?”
I said, “We don’t take that attitude, we wait and see.” But Bill’s right. Idols won’t do him a bit of good.
They went to get the oil. Now where is the place they go for oil for the last group that had it. Pentecost, and the life has moved out. Now, where’s your gift and all this stuff? It’s false anointed.
Listen, my brother in-law was Nazarene for all his life just about. I guess the last twenty years he got fed up with the Nazarene’s and moved out.
He never saw this Message I preached. I didn’t tell him too much. He heard me preach that was the end of it.
Well, he’s pretty old anyway, he’s up in his eighties or nineties, I don’t know what he is. He’s way, way up there. I’m the youngest of the family, I’m sixty nine.
My sister way older than me and he was way older than her. So heaven knows how old he is poor Baptist. Finally settled by just going to old Baptist church. Might as well. Where’s his idols? Where’s all his talk about sanctification and holiness?
Don’t find a bigger bunch of crooks under God’s high heaven those that pretend they’ve got so much. I don’t say Nazarene’s, I just said those that pretend they got so much.

(21) [They’ll] go [to] the clefts of the rocks, [to] the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the LORD, for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.
Now, It says, “When he ariseth to shake terribly.”
Let’s go to Revelation chapter 6. All right, this is Revelation chapter 6, the great tribulation, and here’s the day of the Lord then.

(12) …I beheld when… the sixth seal [was opened]… [The Sixth Seal is already open with] a great earthquake;… [but there’s another one coming.]
We’ve had little John, now we’re going to have big John. And little John was mighty big. And the whole world knew there was an earthquake in Alaska, but they knew nothing about this until what they’ll know in the next one.
The earthquake opened the Sixth Seal. Now, there’s coming an earthquake out of that Sixth Seal.

(12) …the sun [is going to be] as sackcloth of hair, and the moon as blood;
(13) …the stars [will fall,] as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs…
(14) …the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
(15) And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and bondman, every free man, hid themselves in the dens [of] the rock [and caves.]
(16) And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that [sits] on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: [Now, I believe that, there’s not a conjunction, but a preposition, “even the wrath of the Lamb.”]
(17) For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Now, what’s he say, “the great men.” Okay, the cedars. The great trees. The oaks, the mountains, the ships, the whole complex system, which is on earth religious system, which we’re into right now is going to go down the drain.
Now watch what It says in, verse 22

(22) Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?
Well, if you’re going to cease from Him, who are you going to look to? The Rock from whence you are hewed. It’s going to take the definitive of God to make you secure. What is the definitive of God? The revealed Word.
“Oh,” you say, “the blood is.” The Blood isn’t. Because the Blood can stand there and see everybody but a mental case and a baby go to hell.
You got to have the Light. So the definitive is the Light. “Oh why is this written by a prophet?”
Okay, let’s find out a little more. Well, I go that back to that a little later. Let’s go read on in chapter, let’s see Isaiah 2 I read there, and chapter 2 I got, read enough of there. Okay, let me go to chapter what 30, chapter 13. I’m not going to take everyone of these, but I got to just take some.

(06) Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. [Now, the day of the Lord and whatever precedes it and surrounds it is destruction.]
(07) Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man’s heart shall melt:
(08) And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: [they’ll] be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames. [Now watch:]
(09) Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: [he’ll] destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
Now, He’s telling you what He’s going to do. He won’t destroy the earth per se, but He destroys the sinners. Now remember, the earth was formed to be inhabited.
Then who would inhabit it? The righteous will inhabit it. See, you can’t take away the purpose of God. All right.

(10) For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, the moon shall not cause her light to shine.
(11) And I will punish the world for their evil, the wicked for their iniquity; and cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
Now notice: arrogance, pride, and haughtiness is what we’re dealing with the last day more than any other day. See?
All right, let’s go to Acts 2: where Peter talks about this great day of the Lord. He said:

(15) [Why] these are not drunken, [this is a phenomenon]…
(16) [This phenomenon] was spoken by the prophet Joel;
(17) [It’ll] come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh;
Now notice, what’s going to happen preceding destruction.

(17) …pour my Spirit upon all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men [see] dreams:
(18) And on my servants and on my handmaidens [both old and young, I’ll] pour my Spirit; and they [will] prophesy:
Now, that’s not the spirit of prophecy. Never kid yourself, doesn’t say that. Because if they’ve got the spirit of prophesy on his group, then they’ve got the same spirit on the other group, and that’s impossible, because the spirit of prophesy is a testimony to Jesus Christ.
Then if you’ve got a testimony to His, you have become a part of a witness, and you’re a part of Him, you’re lined with Abel and the rest of them. It doesn’t say you are. Now:

(19) [I’ll show] wonders in heaven above, signs [on] earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
(20) The sun turned [to] darkness, the moon [to] blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: [Now notice, He’s pinning It down.]
(21) [It’ll] come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Now, that doesn’t go with those verses up there, It tells you down, down here, because He sends the call out for His mercy. There’s nobody getting saved up there after that.
Unless 144,000 Israel. All the rest are purged out. Earth is purged. Church is purged. Israel is purged. What have you got left. See?
All right, let’s go to,

(01) Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it.
Now listen, did you let your own thinking go and just read what was there? Come near, you nations. Come near you Gentiles. Come near you people, to hear and hearken.
That’s what It says, “you people.”
“Let the earth hear, and all that is there in the world, and all things that come forth of it.” A message goes forth, warning before judgment. Now, who’s going to bring it?
“Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils:” It better be God Himself doing something about it. See? A work of the Spirit.

(02) For the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations, his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter.
That’s a prophesy. “I don’t pray for America, it’s too late.” Time’s run out, prophet said it.

(03) Their slain also shall be cast out, their stink shall come up out of their carcasses, the mountains shall be melted with their blood.
(04) …the host of heaven be dissolved, the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, as a falling fig from the tree.
(05) For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Idumea, upon the people of my curse, to judgment. [You know the pilot was an Idumean?]
(06) The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, (it’s) made fat with fatness, with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams: the LORD hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, [behold, he cometh in Bozrah, robes are dyed red. Who is He that cometh? That’s the great One.] a great slaughter in the land of Idumea.
(07) …the unicorns shall come down with them, the bullocks with the bulls; their land shall be soaked with blood, their dust made fat with fatness.
What’s he talking about? Hierarchies. Church systems. Don’t you realize Israel had a church system made up of priests and they were the lousiest of the lousy?
The high priest’s sons reached in the pot, they had no business taking the choice part dedicated to God and laid with the women right in the gate. You talk about having fornication up here in Chicago on the campus, they had it right there in the temple.
Oh, it’s a fun thing. Don’t tell me preachers have changed. Fap! You know what I said over there in Quincy? “I’ll let you visit me, but no preachers.”
I’m not a nice boy either. I wish I were a Puritan. I wish I was the purest of the pure. The loveliest of the lovely. I’m the cruddiest of the cruddy. I’ve told you that. But don’t link me up with this stuff.

(08) For [it’s] the day of the LORD’s vengeance, the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion. [They got in arguments.] [Show me a church circle, church meeting that doesn’t end in argument. That’s why God sent a vindicated prophet.]
(09) …the streams shall be turned [to] pitch, the dust [to] brimstone, the land become burning pitch.
What’s he talking about? What they’ve done with the Word! They turned It, It’ll turn on them.
We believe in the river flowing from Ezekiel’s east gate, that started with Luther to the ankles. To the knees under Wesley. To the thighs under Pentecost. Waters which cannot be plumbed to take us over under William Branham, messenger of God.
The other purged to brimstone brings judgment when ours brings victory and glory to take us over. Of this is the day of the Lord we’re talking about.
We’re talking about the time that immediately precedes the destruction on earth when He comes in vengeance.
But, I want to show you something here: I’ve showed you before, but I got just keeping the whole thing back on a purpose. All right, that’s the 8th verse I read.

(08) …the day of the LORD’s vengeance, and the year of recompences…
Notice, ‘day and years’, all the years will be counted for. See? And the accounting will be instantaneous, but there’s a lot that surrounds it. And the people don’t understand what surrounds it.

(10) …shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke go up for ever: generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it [over and] for ever. [Now you say, “What does that mean?”]
All right, I’ll tell you: every Scripture has a compound meaning. So, let’s go to,

(10) But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, elements melt with fervent heat, earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
(11) Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy [behavior] and godliness,
(12) Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved,
Now listen, the day of God, the day of the Lord as Peter brought out here. Go back again, look at It.

(10) But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;…
And he says, the day of God. Same thing. But that is not at the opening of the Millennium. That is at the end prior to New Jerusalem coming down on a dissolved and recreated heaven and earth.
So you can see Scripture here in Isaiah, which could well point to both the events, the one that is pre-Millennium, and the one that is post-Millennium.
You say, “Can you separate them?”
No I can’t, I’m sorry, I’m not a prophet, but I’m just pointing it out to you, that don’t get rattled. You have heard what the prophet said about the pre-Millennial and the post-Millennial, keep it there, don’t get it confused.
Don’t wonder, just understand and believe it. Don’t get your thoughts roaming. Don’t try to figure it, just let it sit, because as far as I can see it’s bone dry I’m not going to try and separate any of it.
You say, “Well, what do you really mean?”
I mean this: that is there a possibility when all is thrown to the lake of fire that that could be viewed sometime by the Saints? I don’t know, it could well be.
Are these words here more symbolic of the disaster then they are a literal description of what is going on? I don’t know. I’m not a prophet. But you better understand, the day of the Lord is both before the Millennium and It is after the Millennium.
The same as the Judge is before the Millennium and He’s at the end of the Millennium. See, because He’s in both places.
Because Brother Branham saw Him in the ‘day of the Lord’ and preached for this hour, and put Him right down at the White Throne Judgment and preached for that hour.
Why? Because what God is He always is, and doesn’t change from being from what He is intrinsically, but the world may manifest at different times in different depths for different reasons. All right,

(12) They shall call the nobles [out of] the kingdom, [and] none shall be there, her princes be nothing.
(13) …thorns come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles the fortresses thereof: an habitation of dragons, and court [of] owls. [He said the same thing about Tyre, I believe it was, or was it Babylon?]
(14) The wild beasts of the desert shall meet with the wild beasts of the island, the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.
(15) There shall the great owl make her nest, and lay, and hatch, [and so on.] Now verse 16
(16) Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, [there’s where Brother Branham said you get the right one, see? Which is merely a compatible spirit,] and his spirit it hath gathered them.
What gathers us at the end-time? This Message. Who’s doing it? God is His Own Messenger, but using a voice.
Remember, I showed you on Wednesday night that Brother Branham said, “Jesus Christ does all three in descending.” Which is to bring a Shout, which is a Message.
And he said, “My Message.” Talking about himself. So let’s get that flat.
Then they say, “Well, Brother Vayle preaches that the Rapture is progressive.”
Oh, what would you call It? So what would you call It? The gathering together unto Him is by the Message.

(17) …he hath cast the lot for them, [He has cast a lot for them] and his hand hath divided it unto them by line: they shall possess it for ever, from generation to generation shall they dwell therein.
Now, what’s he talking about? “Line upon line, precept upon precept.” The Word is cast out before us, and we go into It line upon line, precept upon precept.
Now where’s your organization, denominations and something outside of this Message that’s going to live?
Brother Branham said, “Nothing outside of this Message has any life in It.”
Nothing outside this Message shall live. He’s got the same Message that Paul had. It’ll bring forth the dead, and we’ll be judged by It, and the judging is not to condemnation. The judging is to placing.
Okay, now let’s go to Ezekiel, the 7th chapter, we could use other verses here, but we don’t have to, and there’s not a terrible great number of them anyway.
You’d be surprised how few Rapture references there are by the Word ‘the day of God’, or ‘the day of the Lord’. Now, we go to chapter 7 verse 19

(19) They shall cast their silver in the streets, their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
That’s Revelation chapter 3:14-17. It says, they sold out for money. Now listen, we’re like a little recession, or depression.
We’ve got people in this church looking for jobs and need jobs. But I’m going to tell you something: there’s money out there to burn.
That’s right! I kid you not. This is Laodicea, there’s wealth out there to burn.
Go to almost a rundown restaurant up here, so what have you got? You got so many cultures you can’t even take care of them. Stock market’s zooming. Cars are back where they were. Now they want gas-hogs again. See?
Don’t ever kid yourself a little recession means anything. There’s all kinds of silver and gold. And the churches’ depending on it. And the hour that the system fails, the church will have the silver and gold and take over.
And that’ll tell whether you want go with God or go with the money. A little test going on right now. I don’t know if I paid my price years ago. Maybe I have, maybe I haven’t, I don’t know, I’m not one to boast.
“Stumbling block.” Stumbling block is money. The stumbling block is money! The stumbling block is money! That’s why if a millionaire sat in this congregation I’d walk out. Let’s be honest. There’s some of us has got too much already.
Now, I kind of hurt your feelings maybe. You think you ain’t got enough? Look around, you never had it so good. Not in this church.
I’m talking out here in the world, the whole bit. “Stumbling blocks.” There’s stumbling blocks, silver and gold.
How many preachers are selling their souls for money. The main stumbling blocks are what in a preacher’s life? Popularity, women and money.
Now if you got the money you’ll soon be popular and have all the women you want. If you got the popularity, you soon have the money, then get all the women you want. See, you’re trapped.
I’ve got news for you: I’m very happy, I can walk down the streets of Barcelona if I went there, I can walk down Madrid if I walked there, I could walk down to Time Square, I’m sure look there, and every prostitute in the corner would look at me and turn away. May God keep me in that way.
You say, “Well, you soon be old enough.”
Well that’s fine. Thank you, that’s a compliment too. What about the money? The money is out there by the handful.
When a preacher that I know can turn to man confidently say to him, who would be his assistant pastor now, he said, “Well, that church is good to us per year at least thirty to fifty thousand dollars.” I got that on record. I kid you not. I got witnesses.
I got a friend who went with a certain preacher on a trip, and that man came back and said, “Lee,” he said, “you know that guy said exactly how much money was waiting for us each time.”
He said, “Now why would a man do that?”
Preacher’s don’t preach for nothing anymore. Well, look brother/sister, I’m not here to run you down, I’m here to run us down. To smarten us up.
Don’t think there’s not money out there. I’ve told you many, many times, look: if I got on the road and really worked the angles, a hundred thousand dollars would not be impossible.
You say, “Why wouldn’t you do it?”
I don’t want to do it. Money is not the answer. Faith is the answer brother/sister. Faith is the answer, because you’re going to be brought face to face with it anyways. It says right here, it wouldn’t do you any good.
What would be the good if I were worth a half million dollars? What would be the good if I had a millionaire sitting in the congregation? I’d just walk out. I’d have to walk out.
I’m sorry, there’s no… God protect me, God help me to walk out if the day came. Or have some kind of understanding. Put it someplace else. Because the first thing a person and money does is come and ruin you. No way, no way, no way.
I’ll tell you what, the elder’s next to the Holy Spirit. I’m the elder. If I let you down, I’m going to answer to God for the whole bunch of you. I’m willing to take that responsibility. Not your money, not your lives, but I’ll preach that Word.
What you do with the Word, you can do what you want with It, your conduct anything else. I don’t ride herd on you, but you know what the prophet said about men and women’s dress.
Not just women, men, and everything else. How your homes are to be, you know that. It’s been laid out. That needs preaching, and re-preaching. You’re kind of looking at the wrong guy.
I’m here for one reason, to keep in touch with what I believe is what is going on at this hour. And I’m not a prophet, but I try to point you to these things by the grace of Almighty God, when He shows me grace I try to help you.
Now listen, It said right here, “that’s their stumbling block.” Yeah, I’m sorry, you do what you want, but that’s what It says.
Now, I’m not saying give your money away, I’m not talking about you, I’m talking about preachers, and I’m talking about the church in general.
I’m not putting the finger on anyone person in the church or as the church collective, I’m telling you what is going on, that’s all. And the stumbling block is there.
And that little word ‘money’ is a bigger stumbling block then most people know. Maybe sometime you’ll know more about it.

(20) As for the beauty of his ornament, he set it in majesty: but they made the images of their abominations and of their detestable things therein: therefore have I set it far from them.
Now, watch this verse that I read at this time: “As for the beauty of his ornament, he set it in majesty: but they made the images of their abominations,” the beauty of worship of Almighty God through Jesus Christ has become a filthy system of idolatry.
That’s right. Now you heard what I read? What I said? That’s what it is. Their detestable things are in there. What’s that? Their creeds and their dogmas.
“Therefore have I set it,” the thing that God placed in beauty and majesty He has taken from them as He took the Pillar of Fire from the temple in the time of Israel.
And all that Ezekiel saw was creeping snakes and slimy crawling things within it. There’s your church system. The Bride comes out of her brother/sister, she doesn’t organize.
Now, you see why I stay home and I don’t go anywhere. I want you to understand me in this church like nobody else understands me, because I’m part of this church.
And I’m the head of the ministry here. And I kid you not, I can produce the money and the ticket that would take me around the world, places, time after time.
“When can I meet you at the airport?”
I say, “I ain’t going to meet me at any airport.”
“We will take from Oslo into Sweden.”
I say, “I ain’t going to Oslo.”
I can be gone day and night, but I’m not going anywhere day and night. You know why? In case they say, “Lee Vayle is trying to make himself a leader.” I’ll stay home.
And the only people that get my tapes absolutely have a loyalty are those that send their tithes to this church, which I take out of this church. But the tithes that come into this church now from people that I send tapes to is fairly large.
And I’m obligated to help them all I can with tapes. Anybody else if they want them they’re going to have to find a way to get them. Which they have.
Finally I broke down and said, “Well there’s certain channels you can go through if you want them.”
But there’s no man can lay a finger on that I have organized anything, has started anything, so that is around the country and it’s a lie. As long as it’s a lie, I can rest.
But no way, no way am I going to by the grace of Almighty God put into disrepute “the beauty of His ornament,” make Jesus Christ stand back and take a second place. No way, shape and form.
No way will I stand up and say I know more than the prophet, because I don’t. No more will I preach anything from Lee Vayle, but what the prophet said as far as I can possibly know and possibly bring to your attention. No way.
And that’s not a psychology I’m pulling on you, because look, I don’t have any time for psychology.
He said:

(21) …I will give it into the hands of strangers for a prey, and to the wicked of the earth for a spoil; and they shall pollute it. [They’re going to bring down all those systems now.]
(22) My face will I turn also from them, and they shall pollute my secret place: for the robbers shall enter into it, and defile it.
(23) [And] Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, the city full of violence.
(24) Wherefore I will bring the worst of the heathen, [they’ll] possess their houses: [and so on.]
And you can see right today brother/sister, the systems that the church is in, it’s getting worse and worse, and worse, until the church preaches anarchy.
Set’s up homosexuals, listen to me, if the church turned on sin the government of the United States would be forced to turn on sin, but the church won’t turn on sin.
That’s why you’ve got a hell bound government and a hell bound nation in America right today. Because the church is to blame.
A judge one time stood up and he said, “What is the matter with you people in church, I’m getting cases that the church should take care of.
Marriage and divorces in my lap, it should be in your lap. You deal with the laws of God. I deal with secular things. But he said, “You fill my courts with what you should be dealing with.”
How does the Roman Catholic church do with marriage and divorce? Pay the pope enough money and your kid be let off. What, so he can go out and get drunk?
Yes, drunk with his own self pride and obnoxious heresies. Say he can forgive sin, and break up a marriage, and say a Jackie Kennedy never… well, how was it, she could marry the divorced man, the big Greek guy, Onassis.
It’s okay, because the pope said so. I want to know where God said so. I want to know where the pope can tell me just one little thing that will come to pass.
To indicate that he might have some little vindication, or something. But you saw what his hand did in Poland, walk right in and took politics over. Bra-vis-si-mo, po-pi-o. Take it over. Be glad.

(26) Mischief shall come upon mischief, rumour upon rumour; [they] shall seek a vision of the prophet; but the law shall perish from the priest, and counsel from the ancients.
When this Message comes there aren’t any more. When this Word of prophesy is come there aren’t any more. When this part falls in with the others six parts, there aren’t any more.
Listen, people that sow this Message so called, that is, they call themselves the Message, they’re seeking all around the country for something else. Running, running, running.
Why don’t the stand still? They heard what the prophet said. They’re not going to make the First Resurrection, because they can’t stand still. He said it, I found the Scripture on it. That takes care of that.
Let’s go to,

(15) Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.
(16) Is not the meat cut off before our eyes, yea, joy and gladness from the house of our God?
(17) The seed is rotten under their clods, the garners are laid desolate, the barns are broken down; for the corn is withered.
(18) How do the beasts groan! the herds of cattle are perplexed, because they have no pasture; the flocks of sheep are made desolate.
That’s the condition that the world’s in. Ecologically, the world’s shot. Even the springs of water aren’t pure any more. Where are you going to go to get something to live on it?
The Scripture says, “When a man asks for an egg, will he give a scorpion?” No, he said, he won’t do it, but you know what the prophet, Brother Branham told us?
He said, “Don’t eat eggs.” I still eat eggs, and I admit it, I disobeyed. “Don’t live in the valley.” Try to get out. He said, “Eat a little wild meat.” Try to cut down.
How many people really believe the prophet? No, not one of us. Now, Jesus said, “In that day you can eat an egg.”
Most of the eggs I get taste like chicken manure, rather than a fresh sweet egg. Why? Because they’re feeding reconstituted horse manure made into protein. Oh, brother/sister, I’m sorry, but that’s the truth. I don’t lie to you.
Now if you can get out here and raise a chicken or two I would say you’re not disobeying the Word of the Lord perhaps, but how do you know your chicken is not getting radiation fall-out or something?
Why you say, “The sign went up in a store recently, eat at your own risk, all food is dangerous.” That’s exactly right.
Prophet said, “There’s nothing left in the food.” He said, “Therefore, if the body is turned to mush, what about your brains?”
Then, what about your spiritual revelation if your mind’s gone, and you haven’t got the mind of God? You can’t let your own thinking go. Where are you going to go? See? It’s rotten. It’s all gone.

(19) O LORD, to thee will I cry: for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness, the flame hath burned all the trees of the field.
(20) The beasts of the field cry also unto thee:…
What about up here in Utah? Mud slide, water, too much, suddenly a forest fire. Quarter million acres up [just] like that! What’s the crops doing out here without rain? You better get them pretty soon.
You say, “I’ll pray.” That’s fine, we pray for rain. I’m not much for praying about the weather, I just pray Lord, take us through it.
That’s about I’ll ever do. I’ve prayed for rain, I don’t know if I… for you it’s all fine to pray, I’m not saying you shouldn’t pray.

(20) The beasts of the field cry also unto thee: [How many endangered species are there right now?] [there is a water] dried up, the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness.
What’s that? Times of drought, the whole thing. I don’t believe that’s a natural fire that’s come down and burn things up.

(01) Blow the trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, [it’s] nigh at hand;
(02) A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more, even to the years of many generations.
He said, “This is going to do it.” This is where the people of the earth are all finished off. Everything’s gone.

(03) A fire devoureth before them; a flame burneth [behind them,] the land is [a] garden of Eden before them, behind them a [desolation,] nothing escape them.
(04) …appearance as appearance of horses; [a] horsemen, they [shall] run.
(05) …the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains [are going to] leap, [terrible instruments of war… and so on.]

(10) The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and moon shall be dark, the stars shall withdraw their shining:
(11) …the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: [he’s] strong [executed] his word: [Notice, he is strong that executes his word, that’s the judge.] for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; who can abide it?
Now you notice, that all of this going on, wars and rumors of wars, this is peaking up for the time when the great warrior with the great war comes on with the Bride, take over.

(12) Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me… [and so on.]
Okay, let me just go on here, and read in here, same chapter, verse 21.

(21) Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.
Now, there he said, He’s going to take back ecological balance. He’s going to restore the land back to the Garden of Eden.

(22) Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: [you won’t be decimated anymore, you’re not going to killed off, I’m going to bring you back.] the pastures of the wilderness do spring, the tree [bears] her fruit, the fig tree and the vine yield their strength.
(23) Be glad then, [the] children of Zion, rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first…
Now you cross that word ‘month’ out of there, because that doesn’t belong there. The prophet told us what it was, it was a repeat of the former rain.
The original Word came back for the Bride, The true interpretation of the Word for this hour. So we’re back to originality. Now:

(24) And the floors shall be full of wheat, the vats shall overflow…
Now, he’s been talking about the day of the Lord, and he hasn’t been talking about wheat. But he’s talking about wheat now, “whose fan is in his hand, thoroughly purges his floor, gathers his wheat in the garner, with chaff he’s going to burn up.” There’s your day of the Lord.
Now, right now, for the first time he’s talking about wheat. The Bride. Before He is talking about in incessantly upon the chaff, to the chaff, and about the chaff. And that stuff out there, organization.

(25) And I will restore [the earth,] the locust [ate… and so on.]
(26) And [you] shall eat in plenty, be satisfied, and praise the name of [your] LORD… [the rest don’t.] and my people shall never be ashamed.
(27) And [you’ll] know that I am in the midst of Israel, that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.
(28) And it shall come to pass afterward, [after the prophet’s on the scene with the Word.]
That’s the mixed anointing comes, that’s spoken of in Acts. That’s spoken of in Hebrews. Everybody is going to anointed that wants to be.
And after that, sets in the great tribulation. And at the end of the great tribulation is a consummation.
Now, let’s go,

(09) Proclaim among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:
(10) Beat your plowshares into swords, your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.
Now, that’s you arms-race. Remember under Hitler it was guns or butter. They chose the guns. Under Russia, go back to Stalin, he was the worse, till you get to the present fellow, and he’s a wolf in sheep clothing.
He ain’t no secret admirer of the West, and a westernizer. He’s one of the biggest liars ever in the world, because he’s head of the old lodge-pool, the old KGB and the rest of it.

(11) Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round thither, cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD.
(12) Let the heathen be wakened, come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat:…
Now, you go to Revelation chapter 19, and you’ll see that they’re putting in sickle to reap the vine of the earth and get them to Armageddon where the blood flows in the valley.
And he said here,

(15) The [moon’s] darkened, the stars shall withdraw their shining. [It’s the great tribulation, and a consummation.]
(16) The LORD shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; the heavens and the earth shall shake: the LORD will be the hope [to] his people, the strength of the children of Israel. [Now we understand that. We can read on even further, but I won’t.]
Okay, now I’m going to take you back to Malachi, the 4th chapter, and I’m going to let you go.

(01) For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, [it’ll] leave them neither root nor branch. [Now watch verse 2.]
(02) But unto you that fear my name shall the… [same One that arises to shake the earth terribly rise upon you at the same time with immortality coming out of Him.]
Now, this is what we’re looking at. See what happens to people, they don’t follow Brother Branham.
Let’s go back to, Matthew, we go back to Matthew 24. Well that’s not as good a Luke 17. Let’s go to Luke 17, that’s better still. All right, and in verse 28

(28) Likewise as it was in the days of Lot; they [ate], they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
(29) But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
(30) Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
And nobody, but nobody till Brother Branham ever preached the positive, only the negative. Nobody realized that God would come down in a human form, and give a Word of promise which would bring the promised Son on earth.
At the same time Sodom was to be destroyed and Lot taken out. Now, your types aren’t exactly perfect on Lot there, because he was Elect.
That would be a type of those saved, they’ll have to go through tribulation, the whole bit, come up in the White Throne, they’re going to make it alright.
But I want you to notice, when God came to Abraham the cry went up. “Will the Judge of all the earth destroy the righteous with the wicked?”
And He said, “No way, shape, or form.”
Now, let’s go back to,

(13) [Now] I would not have you ignorant, concerning them which are asleep… [and you that are alive at the time of that time.] [Now verse 17,]
(17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so [we’re] ever [going to] be with the Lord.

(01) But of times and seasons, brethren, [you’ve got] no need that I write you.
(02) For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so [comes] as a thief in the night.
Now notice, he is joining the Rapture and the Presence, the Appearing, with the day of the Lord to destroy. Putting them together.

(03) …they shall say, Peace and safety; [comes] sudden destruction, travail upon a woman with child; [they’ll] not escape.
(04) But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that [you] should overtake you as a thief.
(05) [They’re] the children of light, the children of the day: we are not of night, nor of darkness.
(06) Therefore… [a man under the Blood, full of the Holy Ghost is full of light. He is not asleep, but he is watching. He is not drunken,] but…[he’s] sober. [Watch verse 9.]
(09) For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
Who is It in Malachi? The Great One coming, reeking vengeance, bringing deliverance.
Now listen, the day of the Lord is literally then going on now. Our ‘day of the Lord’. Not unto destruction, but to deliverance.
“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a Shout,” which is a Message. Which was William Branham’s Message.
Brother/sister, 1965, the prophet left the scene, almost eighteen solid years the people have been gathering in on this Word, and coming into immortality.
A Bride of such character to stand still in the waters of separation, until she’s dressed by the Word.
Now, Brother Branham equated the garment, inner garment to the Word, to the Holy Spirit, and he said, “The Blood perfects the Bride.”
How can a Bride be away from the Holy Spirit, from the Word, and from the Blood, or anything of God?
For God had a purpose, and the purpose came in foreknowledge, and election unto predestination, and we have not been predestinated to loss. We’ve been predestinated to glory.
So brother/sister, look, the day of the Lord may scare a lot of people. It may throw them into a tizzy, but it doesn’t bother us, because whose fan is in His hand, He’ll thoroughly purge His floor. He’ll gather wheat in the garner and burn up the chaff. We’ll be gone by that time.
I submit to you, as far as I know, as far as I can preach, if we are not literally in the day of the Lord of the wind-up where He’s bringing in the Wheat preparatory to bringing in the chaff, what in the name of heaven are we in?
Why are we looking down the road? We’re looking right now at the fact that He is here, and the fan is in His hand.
And Brother Branham said that was a sweeping, healing revival that revived the world. And he said it’s been going on and it hasn’t died since.
So the fan is still in His hand. But they don’t know that Brother Branham said, as he said in the Rapture tape, “God gave these great signs and wonders and miracles to commend Himself to us.”
To gain our approval of Him, to get our eyes on Him. Then you better cease from manners, breath as in his nostrils.
I’m not preaching anarchy, there’s a five-fold ministry, don’t worry about that. There’s a real Bride.
But you better believe there’s a very, very, very, few Bride’s, because if Brother Branham preached, at the Branham Tabernacle was loaded to the gills and overflowing when he preached on The Anointed Ones at the End Time.
And he said, “How many of you people understand what I’m saying?”
I raised my hand in full faith, because I knew that sermon before he preached it, because, see, we talked about it.
I even said, “Brother Branham, will you name me a false anointed one, and a true anointed one?”
He said, “Certainly,” he said, “Me and so and so.” The big fellow out there in Oklahoma. If you can’t catch that one, you write me a letter. I might not answer it. Yeah, he told me flat. How would he know?
How did Elijah know Gehazi’s heart? He said, “Where did you go Gehazi?”
“Well,” he said, “I didn’t go into her.” He said, “I didn’t have time to go anywhere.”
“Oh,” he said, “did not my heart go with you?” He said, “Bring out that junk you took.”
Now he said, “I’ll tell you what,” he said, “you did yourself a good turn, now I’ll do you a better turn. You’ll learn your lesson,” he said, “the leprosy that was on him is now on you.”
So much for your money. What are the people selling themselves for this day? A little bit of gold. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Won’t be too long till the church takes over.
Men will say, “Well I’ve got to have a job.” And they’ll sell themselves to a union that’s dedicated to the harlot.
Who many years ago went to Switzerland? Which pope was it went there for the great International Union Conference in Zurich I think it was, or in Geneva perhaps, I can’t remember now.
And who got up there and commended them? The popie old boy stood up there. And he went to the unions. He’s already selling them into bondage.
And he’ll say one of these days, “Now you lovely people, you now… look it, what is the use of you starving? Why should the wheels of commerce grind to a halt. We have the gold, and we’ll just put it in the pot and all you people, all you’ve got to do is come to church. You’ve been wanting to come to church anyway. I think it’s going to be marvelous. All that lovely anointing is going to be there.”
Oh, they’ll be singing, they’ll be shouting when the saints have gone right home.
Listen, don’t you think so? Didn’t the prophet tell us they’ll be making altar calls as though He were here and He’s not? Didn’t Bill Graham come up with the same thing?
Wasn’t Wesley who said, “I’m not afraid that the Methodist will ever cease to exist on this earth. I am afraid that the Dove will have flown and they will not know that He has flown.” And He flew. He flew to Pentecost. Pentecostal people.
Then the Dove did a very strange thing, he left the people anointed to gifts, but He didn’t leave them anointed to the Giver. Where are they today?
“Well,” you say, “Brother Vayle I don’t understand.”
Listen, don’t you understand that tree out there is enjoyed by a sinner as well as a Saint?
Don’t you know the sun’s shining and the rain coming down brings out delicious food for a Christian, as well as for the gourmet gutter-snipe that’s bloated with his champagne and his toxifying foods of the finest caviar and all those concentrated things that will kill him; ruin his liver quicker than a… how do you say, “Jack Robinson?”
Sure, same God did it all. Doesn’t withhold His hand. Now, Who’s here? Same One, God’s here. “What’s He doing?
“Anointing us to get us out of here.
“What’s He do with them?”
Anointing them. They’re going to stay here.
You say, “How do you know?”
The prophet said so. A vindicated prophet said so.
“Oh,’ you say, “our vindicated prophet said this.”
I don’t care what your vindicated prophet said. See, the Voice that spoke to the man and said, when Brother Branham’s meetings when that man, that devil possessed man fell across Brother Branham’s feet. I told you the other night again.
A man got up and he said, “Oh,” he said, “that voice said to me, ‘that’s the way it was done in the Bible, you can do it’.”
When I saw Brother Branham vindicated, hundreds, not one that wasn’t healed. So stupendous the Voice to me said, “If you ever listen to a man, that’s the man you listen to? No.
You say, “What Voice did you hear?”
Well, I can’t prove anything. Why would somebody come by and prove the ‘Pythagorean theorem’ when the Pythagorean theorem was already proved?
Now, someone could practice it, but why prove it? Why would I try to prove it? Why would God be so ridiculous as to try to prove in me, what was proved in a prophet?
The proving in a prophet was for me to adhere to, and walk in believing. The It’s already been proven. Where then is my faith in God? I’m literally blaspheming.
Man come along and say, “Well, you know Brother Vayle, I’ve had great things happened to me you know. Well, I don’t…” Well what?
Like you’ve got your nose caught in the grinder or something? Sticking your nose in somebody else’s business, telling God how to run His affairs?
Don’t talk to me. Look, I’ve heard voices too. I’ve seen visions. Stupid old Lee Vayle up here had enough moxie, whatever it was to ‘chutzpah’ is that the word they use?
To walk into the hospital and lay hands on a woman with cancer. Stomach piled up like this. Pfft, go flatter under the doctor’s nose. Walk into a hospital and say, “That man’s not going to die, he’s going to live.” He lived.
Two years later, say, “He’s not going to live, he’s going to die.” And he died. Where did It come from? Good question. I think the Lord helped me.
In fact, I know He did, because you see, I could be false and still anointed. Right? I’ve got no vindication. None at all.
But I want you to know brother/sister, don’t go looking down the road for something to happen, it’s already happening. The Wheat are being separated from the tares.
The chaff is getting reading for the burning, and we are getting ready to go away, and we are going to get out of here.
Because He has risen amongst us with healing in His wings, and when you turn Him down, there’s only one thing left is judgment.
It’s not another God they’re turning down, It is the same One that is here. Elohim is here. Sodom and Gomorrah is repeating, what do men want?
Well, I want Him, hallelujah. I believe I’ve got Him. Well, here’s the point you know, I think it’s kind of like Brother Branham two kids when Becky said, “I’ve got all of daddy.”
[Sarah] said, “Well, you may have, but daddy’s got all of me.” I just don’t know which way to swing on that, but I think that’s good.
Okay, let’s rise at this time shall we?

Heavenly Father, we’re grateful again to have been here in this place to talk about this great day that’s upon us.
We know that there have been signs in the heaven, there’s been signs in the earth properly truly vindicated by the prophet who said what those signs would be, those mighty Angels appearing in a Cloud, the picture taken.
The very One, God Yourself, You allowed Your picture to be taken, we know that. That Pillar of Fire was indicating You were there, It’s been taken by the camera. Natural eyes couldn’t see It.
You said men couldn’t, but You didn’t say a camera couldn’t. So, there You presented It to us, and, Lord, If that… that’s just marvelous how
You can just turn the wisdom of man into just foolishness. Just wipe him right out, because he’s proud, because he’s arrogant. Turn right around, and just say I’ll let a camera do it.
My, how fantastic to know that there are… there just wasn’t one miss to see that Cloud of Angels ringing the great Presence. Coming down to the prophet, to bring forth the locked up Word, that’s been loosed to us, released to us.
See a photograph of that taken by scientists. Taken where they knew there couldn’t be clouds, because there wasn’t any such thing, yet, there was a Cloud. What was It?
There again, Lord, bringing man’s smartness, his wisdom into play that he could look at something, and he could actually take a picture of It, and bring It to us, and we believe the truth about It. But the rest don’t go for that one little minute.
We thank You, Lord, that there isn’t anything that hasn’t been vindicated. It’s a matter that all things are ready, all things are prepared, just come on in.
Even standing at the door giving a self invitation, knowing that no man could come of himself, You came to us, and You made the way that the door could be opened.
We can come together, be one together, sup together. And the people could talk together being a body. Same with the Head said for the first time, going where the Head has gone, being taken by the Capstone Himself.
All these things, Lord, we know and we rejoice in, and we know that we know. We are convinced, we are satisfied that this is the Word of Eternal Life.
Lord God in heaven, we just thank You now for this hour, half whatever we’ve been together, the Word. May the grace of Almighty God now go with us.
Rest and abide upon us, knowing that here we are already well into the final destruction. And we have been saved from wrath to come. Lord, we praise You for that.
We see ourselves like Daniel years ago and the handwriting was on the wall, the kingdom has fallen, it’s already gone. And the King that took it over said, “Daniel, I’m going to make you my head man.”
And here we are, the handwriting on the wall, every sign in, and the King Himself saying, “I’m going to take you up there and put you in the Throne with me.”
I just don’t see, Lord, where the Bride has one thing to worry about, we’re just ashamed of ourselves. We’re not haughty and proud, Lord, as we see Your grace and know these things. We’re just ashamed of ourselves, Lord. We’re truly sorry.
We’re truly repentant and we want to be more sincere than ever. When we realize Who You are, what You’re doing the magnitude of Your grace.
There’s any one thing we want, we want to cease from man, even ourselves who’s breath is in our nostrils and just give over to God.
Lord, how long until that sweet hour, when the Sweet Spirit moves in amongst us? And as a great…
[tape recording ends.]