Day Of The Lord #03

Day of the Master (part 2)
#4883 /
Brother Lee Vayle

Shall we pray.

Heavenly Father we’re very grateful again to be in the house gathered with Your children, Lord, let a local church part of the Bride of Jesus Christ looking to You for all things, knowing that You are All in all, and we really need nothing else beside You.

And if we have You then, Lord, then all things become bearable truly, and all things become workable.

All things are truly feasible for there is nothing which cannot be done, Lord, in Your Name according to Your Word which is the only way to go, which is Your Word, Lord.

Not our own thinking and not our own desires, but Your Word, Your way, Lord. All these things devolve upon us, and we thank You for them.

May we therefore this morning realize our enrichment as never before, our position of grace, our understanding, all of these things. The meritorious work of Jesus Christ, a meritorious Bride, meritorious only because she has the merits of Him Who is meritorious.

All these things, Lord, we look at and we know that He compensates for every lack. May we understand that this morning and rest and abide and rejoice in it, and profitably, prosperously go forward in the Name of the Lord.

In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

You may be seated.


Now, we’re going to be looking at “The Day of the Lord”, with sub title ‘Day of the Master’ part two, which we got into on I suppose it was July 24, somewhere in there.

And as I said last night one of the things that Brother Branham brought out in “Discerning the Lord’s Body,” was that it encompasses the hour or time. That is knowing the hour and the time, or season or epic.

And you might find me calling it epic in one place and epoch in another. ‘Epic’ is American, and ‘epoch’ is British. Now, I was raised in Canada so either one is acceptable. Not because I say so, but Webster says so.

So, epical or epoch we ought to know the epical or the epoch, the hour or time of the season in which we live. And that is what we are into now, which is actually ‘the day of the Lord.’


Now, going to Revelation chapter 1, I’m going to read the first three verses according to the Wuest translation, which is an enlarged translation.

And being expanded, it is not perhaps as perfectly literal with the Greek, but it is more literal with the western understanding.

“A revelation possessed by Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him (that would be Jesus Christ) for the purpose for the purpose of making known to His bondslaves (that would be the prophets and all the servants of God) things which in the nature of the case necessarily must come to pass in their entirety shortly.”

Now, you notice then that this is a Book of consummation. What’s in there has got to come at a certain season and it’ll finish. Like, “that which is perfect has come.”

“And he made them know having sent them through the agency of His messenger to his bondslave, John, (that is, he made them known rather, he made them known, that’s the things that are written there,) having sent them through the agency of His messenger to his bondslave, John, who is now declaring [in writing] the Word of God and the testimony given by Jesus Christ as many things as he saw.

(So, he’s supposed to write everything down he saw.) Spiritually prosperous is he who reads in the worship assembly of the local church and spiritually prosperous are those who hear the Words of this prophecy and observe the things which in it have been written and are on record for the strategic epochal season is imminent .”


Now, the epochal season is in my understanding,

Revelation 1:7

(07) Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and [the] kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.

In other words, this is what really Israel looked forward to, the King and His Kingdom. And this is the literal start of: “Thy kingdom come (on) earth.”

So this… we’re looking at then is the epochal season of this great event. Now, so that is what I believe is what he’s talking about.

Now, you’ll notice Revelation 1:7 sounds like an almost momentarily lived out event. One short scene.

However, the Book of Revelation is not dealing with the event of the moment, but the whole scenario which takes several years and contains that event and many other events also. It’s like the ‘parousia’. It’s a series of things in transport. They’re coming into view.

Now, thus we have an epochal season, a particular period of time as marked by a distinctive character, events, etc. Now, that’s what we’re looking at.

We’re looking at “The Day of the Lord”, which literally the great event is Him coming to take His Kingdom, and of course we’ll be with Him.

Now, of course we might look at one thing that’s in the day of the Lord above all others, and say, “Well, can’t wait for that Rapture. Can’t wait for that Wedding Supper.”

And then somebody looks beyond it and he realizes that you don’t need to worry about the Rapture and the Wedding Supper if you’re there in the honeymoon. Can’t wait for that honeymoon.

And then somebody says, “Well…”, something else. So, you see what we’re dealing in.

Is dealing in the basic fact here that this day of the Lord, though it seems to bring us to the position of just a momentary move of God, something which you know transpires very rapidly, it really has much around it. Many events that are supportive, or actually basic to it.


Now, that event may be noted and enlarged with various portions of Scripture. Now, I’m talking about the event we talk is a central figure in the day of the Lord, when there’s that real consummation.

When it begins to move absolutely from the one realm to the other. As Brother Branham called it turning a corner. Called it a juncture.

You understand what I’m saying? Okay, there’s a season. There’s a time element that we’re looking at.

Now, we’ll look at,

Revelation 1:13-16

(13) And in the midst of the seven [golden] candlesticks one like the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

(14) His head and [hair] were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

(15) And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; his voice as the sound of many waters.

(16) And he had in his right hand seven stars: [and so on.]

Now, in there you see, that is one complete picture of Him that is referring to this epochal season, and this great juncture which is literally set forth here of which the central event, the signature you might say, is that Revelation 1:7.

This literal Coming physically seeing Him, coming to take over, and when He does it’s going to be marvelous. See? Because flesh and blood won’t inherit that kingdom and so on.


Okay, we go to Revelation 6:12-17, this is under the Sixth Seal.

Revelation 6:12-13

(12) And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon as blood;

(13) The stars of heaven fell [to] the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

Now, would that be something that took place in one hour, or fifteen minutes? It took place in one day. That could be spread over a period of time having gone on under the Sixth Seal for three and a half years.

Now remember, the Sixth Seal is already opened. It started back in March of 1964. But God is not through with dealing with the Gentiles yet.

The judgments of God are in the earth. See? But you’re looking down the road here now under that three and a half year.

Revelation 6:14-17

(14) And the heaven departed as a scroll [as] when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

(15) The kings of the earth, and the great men, the rich men, the chief captains, the mighty men, every bondman, every free man, hid them-selves in the dens and rocks of the mountains;

(16) And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that [sits] on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

(17) For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? [Now notice, that to me is a repeat of what we read in 1:7.]


All right, let’s go on to chapter 11:15-19. And It says:

Revelation 11:15-18

(15) The seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, [Now, what is that? That’s the Seventh Trumpet under the Sixth Seal. All right.] and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

(16) And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,

(17) Saying, We give thee thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which art, and [which] wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

(18) And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and destroy them [that] destroy the earth.

Now, you can see there that He’s coming back to destroy the earth. All right.

Revelation 11:19

(19) And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

That’s still under the plagues under the Trumpet. You got the whole thing in there yet. And remember, the great key we’re looking at is the fact of the Coming the Kingdom of God upon earth.

Now, before It comes there’s got to be renovation. There’s got to be a takeover, and there will be.


All right, we go back to Revelation chapter 5, beginning at verse 6.

Revelation 5:6-14

(06) And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

(07) And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.

(08) And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.

(09) And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

(10) And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: [or that made them really a kingdom of priests] and we shall reign on the earth.

(11) And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne [now you see, notice what you’re looking at. You’re looking at the Kingdom of God again on earth.] And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne… the beasts and the elders: number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands…

(12) Saying… Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

(13) And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, unto the Lamb for ever…

(14) And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever…

Now, you can see here this is due to the Seals that this comes into view. And there would not be a kingdom on earth, none of these things would transpire until and unless those Seals are opened.


Okay, let’s go back to then to Revelation 15:1-8. All right, and he said here:

Revelation 15:1

(01) And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.

See, the filled up, now the wrath of God, this is going to be the last thing that hits the earth. It’s under this is where He’s going to come back, eyeball the antichrist, all these wicked ones are going to be destroyed, etc, etc. All right.

Revelation 15:2

(02) And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

Now, you’ll have to put that back somewhere to Revelation 20 actually, but just let It sit.

Revelation 15:3

(03) And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God…

Now watch: they sing the song of Moses the servant of God. Now, you’re referring back to Israel, because you got Moses in here. Say, and the Lamb.

Now notice, you’ve got the Lamb in here. So, this is the One spoken of by Moses. So, what I got looking at here, I got the time of the Gentiles has run out. I see the time of Israel running out, and I see them all coming together on earth. I see this great Millennial Kingdom being set up.

And now It says:

Revelation 15:3

(03) Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.

Now, He’s the one God over all. This is the One they looked for, and this is the One that they see is the One that they crucified, but notice, there is reconciliation.

Revelation 15:4-6

(04) Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; [and] thy judgments are made manifest. [That is, Thy righteous acts are made manifest.]

(05) And after that I looked, and, behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened:

(06) And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.

Now, you can see, you’re still under that… three and a half years, in under the trumpets and under the plagues.

Revelation 15:7-8

(07) And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who [lives] for ever and ever.

(08) And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God…


Now, that’s the place you see where everything is over, redemption is all over. There’s no more Israel coming in, there’s no more Gentiles coming in, it’s over.

Because, there is where you’re looking at… you’ll go to: “The Souls that are Now in Prison,” about page 25, I don’t know where it is anymore, maybe 20, 24, 25, you’ll see in there where Brother Branham shows you that really that’s the point where people use the term, “Blood is off the Mercy Seat.”

Now, I don’t know if the Blood is off the Mercy Seat or any… I personally don’t care. Because I’m not given to bandy terms of even good terms, or bad terms, and this is a good term.

And try to make it mean something that lead people astray, because, so many people thought, “we’ll, there’s no Blood left on the Mercy Seat.” Then the Blood is here. The Blood is there.


Look, the Blood was shed, It’ll never be shed again. We’ve got an Intercessor, we’ve got an Mediator. See, and we’ve got Him so… I don’t worry about these others things.

I just realize that according to the truth you don’t find the departure of redemption until this point, because there’s nothing more to be redeemed. One hundred and forty four thousand come in.

And 144,00 come in, they’re sealed. That’s full of the Holy Ghost. So, there’s no more. Because you see, that puts everybody that’s supposed to be in the First Resurrection.

And remember, the 144,000 are in the First Resurrection, but they’re not Bride. See? The Bride and the Groom are one.

The Bride ministers to the Groom what He provides for her, and the 144,000 are eunuchs which take care of the Bridal Chamber, they minister to the Bride.

And then in the great Zion, New Jerusalem, new heavens, new earth which is to come. Then you find them as an entity surrounded by gates and walls that don’t go straight up, they’re in the form of a pyramid. See?

And then all the billions bring their glory in, so that’s what you’re looking at. Now, by now today though we just read these verses here.


Now, what I am reading and looking at, I’m going to illustrate, and yet it’s more than illustration is taken from Matthew the 3rd chapter. So let’s go to Matthew 3 here, I’ll try my keep my voice down or keep myself from getting to exhausted.

Now, John said:

Matthew 3:11-12

(11) I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and fire: [and when that is over, no more.]

(12) [His] fan [will be in] his hand, [he’ll] throughly purge his floor, [he] gather[s] his wheat [in] the garner; [he’ll] burn up the chaff with fire unquenchable.

Now, He can do that in a series. Because remember, the Gentiles are gathered before the Jews. But the fan is in the hand separating. That’s that revival breeze spoken of in Acts the 3rd chapter that comes.

A great healing revival will let you know what hour you’re living in; the hour of Elijah. Now, I ask you a question: does anybody but us know that? No! Then we are the only ones who can discern the Lord’s body.

So, you got one point in your favor to take in the table of the Lord. And you may be a bunch of… why I ain’t going to say it. I’m not going to tease you anymore, I tease you enough. I ain’t going to tease you anymore.

Matthew 3:13-17

(13) Then Jesus [came] from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of [John].

(14) [And] John [would have hindered] him, saying, I need to be baptized of you, [why do you come] to me?

(15) And Jesus answering said, Suffer it to be so now: for it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.

(16) And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

(17) And a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, [hear him.]

Let’s go back to Acts the 3rd chapter for just a minute here

Now remember, He came to John, and John would have hindered Him. And He said, “Let Me fulfill it all, because I got to come to this point.”

Now, when the point was come to, then God moved on Him to manifest who He was in the physical. Right?


Okay, let’s go to Acts the 3rd chapter verse 19. The middle of the verse, because there should be a period at the word ‘out’.

Acts 3:19

(19) When the times of refreshing [that’s that fresh revival breeze that is blown that will bring back the dead,] come[s] from the presence of the Lord. [That’s anything visible to the eye of the person, or of the thing.]

And remember, Jesus said, “If I had not done the works no other man did, they have not sinned, but now they both seen and hated both me and My Father.”

What did they see? They saw the works. So they saw God. And like the Church of Christ they despised God.

“Oh,” you say, “they love Him.”

Look fellows, let’s get this flat: you don’t believe the Bible. Or do you believe the Bible? You can come to the place where the Word of God is everything, or just some little myth out here.

I’m not boasting, but I come to the place where I don’t look at Lee Vayle or anybody else anymore, I have this Word and I know this Word.

You say, “What if you fail?” Well, at least bless God, I went down trying. I went down glorifying Him. It was my purpose to be here to glorify Him the way I do, and still go to hell, that’s fine by me.

Oh, it isn’t really fine, but He’ll make up for it somewhere. You see, I got faith in God, not some fellow out in the boon-docks, some spirit.


Now listen, It says here, “after that great time of proving His Presence, even He shall send Jesus Christ which was appointed and proclaimed in advance.”

But hold it, but not at that moment. What’s got to happen first?

Acts 3:21

(21) The heavens [got to keep Him there] until the [restoration] of all things, spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

Now, what in the world is spoken by the mouths of the prophets? The Word! And he’s backing this up with documented Word. The Alpha.

Acts 3:22-23

(22) For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall [you’ll] hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.

(23) And it shall come to pass, that every soul, [that] will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.


All right, he’s telling you now they weren’t all destroyed back in the days of Jesus there was only a mini great tribulation under Titus. But, this one, there’s neither root nor branch left. They’re all gone.

So, the same One, see? in this epochal hour of season is formulating, or having formulated by God events around Him in their season which will prove who is God, and bring the Son back to earth in manifestation.

Now, there It is. Now, It’s going on now. Now, if you don’t know that you’re not in the Bride, you’re not fit to take Communion.

You see, everybody get’s their John to …?… on, “Oh, do I live exactly right?” I hope everyone of us do, but I know we don’t. Don’t give me that old hogwash.

Called a guy’s bluff last night, nothing but a bare-faced liar. Now, I’m a read again in Revelation. I’m going to throw the guy out. Just comes around me, I’ll throw him out.

And say God threw him out, I could throw anybody that doesn’t mean God threw him out. I could bring anybody in, doesn’t mean God bring him in. But you kind of get tired of that nonsense.

Here’s a guy hasn’t even got the place for cast off telling lies. You think he knows anything we’re talking about? There’s no way.

The first thing you do is quit telling lies when you’re born again. That’s the first thing you do. I can prove that by Scripture, I’ve done it several times to you.


All right, Revelation 1. We read the first part of verse 1. The Revelation, as we said here that God gave to Jesus Christ. And It’s a revelation of Him.

You say, “Just a minute now, do you think that God could give His Son a revelation of Him?”

Certainly, “Thou art My beloved Son, this day have I begotten Thee.” My anointed One, My righteous One. King of glory enter into Your courts. Sorry!

How would you like God to give a revelation to you? He already did. “Spotless virtuous Bride of Jesus Christ.” What do you want?

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe I could qualify…” You just disqualified yourself. Why are people so afraid to say what God said? That’s the only Word that’s going to endure!

You say, “I believe I’m a liar.” You’ll go to hell for it. You’ll burn in the lake of fire, because all liars go there. “Oh, I believe I’m… my doctrine.”

Well, you’re a prostitute to the Word of God, you’re going to go there too. Your own words said so.

Listen, I’m not a tough preacher, I’m an honest preacher. Don’t think I don’t have my battles like you have your battles. But there’s one thing I’m going to tell you, “the Word of the Lord endures,” my brother, my sister.

The Word of the Lord is creative. He made by His Word, and He keeps by His Word. God gave Jesus the revelation of Himself. Well, He did it. See, you’re not letting your thinking go.

How are you going to get a revelation? How are you going to get anywhere if you don’t let your thinking go? What’s your thinking anyway? Manure heap.

Dung-heads grow mushrooms. Mushrooms are fungi, if you get enough of them. There’s all varieties. Hundreds of denominations and thousands of independents.

“Hi fungus.” Is there fungus among us? I have to get back to kidding I guess, if I get too rough on you I got to drop back to kid you a little bit.

Well, I’ll tell you what: just apply that outside somewhere. You say, “Oh, you mean this church has all got and this church ain’t got nothing anymore than anybody else’s got.”

More nor less, if you have Him and He’s being revealed, there’s nobody a step ahead of us, or step behind us.

But anybody that’s outside of the revelation just can’t even take Communion. Oh, they’ll do it, they’ll do it. But they’re wrong somewhere down the road.


All right, listen: God gave Him the revelation and He passed it on to John to put it into a form here that could be read, and those that read it would then know at the epochal season the juncture that this is it.

What is at hand? That Presence and that literal Coming at that epic, and not before.

Now, Jesus said, “When an epochal season would encompass, when Israel is back in the homeland.” She’s there.

Oh, they’d like to get her out. They ain’t going to get her out, she’s going to be like a sore thumb, she’s going to be like a thorn and a goad and pricks in their eyes.

Remember, H.G. Wells, the boy friend live in lover of… what’s her name, the girl that wrote all those books? I’ll get it after awhile. Rebecca… what do you call him…?

He said, “Israel, what is Palestine? Never anything happened there. Never anything will happen there. Right now it’s a bane in the whole world, and the Son of God got Himself in human flesh is going to come down here again as He came down born in a manger.”

So much for your so called historians and your filthy authors and authoress’ when there is a Word to be believed. So much for H.G. Wells and history. Shucks, man alive. Ain’t fit to even talk about it.


Now listen, in here It says:

Revelation 1:1

(01) The Revelation… [that] God gave [to Jesus. Two persons are mentioned. God and Jesus Who is the Christ.]

All right, look at verse 8.

Revelation 1:8

(08) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

There’s only two of them remember outside of John. Two Supernatural Entities. One of them is revealing Himself.

“I’m Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end, saith the Lord, which is, which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Now He says He’s the Almighty.

Okay, who is He? Which One is He? Okay, that’s verse 4, because of the description.

Revelation 1:4

(04) John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits [that] are before his throne;

Now notice, there are seven Spirits before His Throne. He is on the Throne and there are seven Spirits there.


Let’s go to 4, and find out Who He is now.

Revelation 4:1

(01) After this I looked, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard as it were of a trumpet talking [to] me; [the first voice, but been two voices in it, maybe more. Alright, the voice, like a trumpet.] Come up hither, and I will [show] thee things which [are to] be hereafter.

Okay, what is that? That’s a revelation that God gave concerning Jesus Christ to Himself, and now Jesus is passing it on.

Revelation 4:2

(02) [Now] immediately [John is] in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and on the throne [something was sitting.]

And he… now, you see, the word ‘one’ is interpolated in verse 2. But you notice in verse 3, the proper pronoun is there, signifying a noun. Because a pronoun is for a noun. This is a person. A noun being:

Revelation 4:3

(03) …he that sat [upon the throne] was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: a rainbow round about the throne, [and a light] like an emerald.

That’s like the Urim and the Thummim, the Pillar of Fire, God moving. Spirit of God moving in a form so that someone can apprehend it through spiritual eyesight.

Revelation 4:4-5

(04) …round about the throne were four and twenty seats: upon the seats… four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

(05) Out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven [now listen,] seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

See those seven spirits? They’re before what? They’re before Him that is sitting on the Throne who was likened unto, not a man, but like the Pillar of Fire. God manifesting.

As Brother Branham said, “He changed back from flesh to a Pillar of Fire.” Not that the Spirit did, the form around the Spirit. See?


All right. Now notice: Revelation 4:8, haven’t read that far yet.

Revelation 4:6-8

(06) Before the throne was a sea of glass like unto crystal: in the midst of the throne, round the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.

(07) And the first beast like a lion, second like a calf, third [like] a man, fourth like a flying eagle.

(08) The four beasts had each six wings [with] him; full of eyes within, [without] and [rested neither] day [nor] night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, [now that tells you who it is] which was, and is, and is to come.

All right, that tells you we’re right on track. We’re talking about God. Holy Spirit, see? Now, Revelation 1:1, the revelation of God, that God gave to Jesus. Alright, that appertains to the Holy Spirit God.


Okay, Revelation 1:1 also speaks of a revelation of a person called Jesus Christ, doesn’t it? The revelation God gave to Jesus Christ of Himself. Not of God-self, although that is true, of Himself which is here. Here’s who you are. See?

Now, we’re dealing with two. I don’t care what anybody says. You’re dealing with two here. That’s why Brother Branham wasn’t Jesus only. That’s why Oneness has such a job of trying to figure him out.

Now, Who is He? He is Jesus Christ of Revelation 1:

Revelation 1:5-6

(05) And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful [martyr], the first begotten [from amongst] the dead, [even] the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

(06) And hath made us kings and priests unto God and [the] Father… [even the Father.

Not God and Father, God, even the Father, because it is God and Father certainly. But, It’s God, even the Father. Didn’t the angel say the Holy Spirit is going to come upon Mary?

Then, Who is the Father of Jesus? Holy Spirit. Who’s the Holy Spirit, God! Didn’t have two fathers, had one Father. God’s Spirit. So, here He is. He’s God, Who is the Father with the Son. “This is My son.”


Notice, he said, “According to people this is my theory. This is another God. This is something else.” No! This is His Son.

“Well,” you say, “I don’t know if I can think that way.”

Well, put your thinking away and start thinking that way. Your trinity doctrine isn’t so wonderful, it was started by Tertullian. And only came into preeminence under a man named Dr. Bruce in about 1914.

Everybody has gone gaga over Trinitarianism, because about the same time the Oneness doctrine broke. And they killed the first man that brought the preeminence, Servetus. Servetus is what I call him.

He called himself a different name, but I take the shortened term Servetus. They killed him. Who killed him? A Trinitarian called Calvin. He didn’t stick a knife in him, but he was the one that caused him to burn at the stake.

Now, we talk about the Catholics are doing despicable things to Protestants. What about the Protestants? They’re just as hairy as the Catholics, because they came out of the Catholics.

There’s no difference between Protestants and Catholics. Like mother, like daughter. She’s a great harlot with many prostitute daughters. So why… there’s no difference at all.

Many people think I can be rough on Catholics. Fiddle-diddle, I’m rough on the whole organizational system. I’m not rough on it, I’m just telling you how God’s rough on it. Okay, here’s this One he talking about.


Now, let’s go to chapter 5:9-10, which we read. And I’m just going to read 9 and 10.

Revelation 5:9

(09) And sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, tongue, and nation;

Now, that’s talking about the One called Jesus the Christ. And He took the Book from the hand, the One that sat on the Throne that’s called, Him which was, and is, and is to come the Almighty.

This One that said, I was dead, and now I’m alive forevermore. Came and took the Book. Now, what’s hard about that? I’ll tell you one thing, the Trinitarian’s have an easier job on that than Oneness’ do.

Because, they’re trying to work this out how God sucked His body up into Himself, blew it out again, and did this, and did that… I don’t know, I know, I can’t figure nothing what they say. I haven’t heard that much anyway, forget it. Okay? And now the 10th verse.

Revelation 5:10

(10) And made us unto our God [a kingdom of] priests: and we shall reign on the earth.


Okay, with that you compare 5:5-6.

Revelation 5:5

(05) The elders [said], Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

Now, that’s part of His redemptive work to open the Book. Do you know that Jesus had a ministry up there beside intersession? He had a ministry of culmination.

Remember, He closed the Book on earth, and He opens the Book in Heaven and sends It down here for the Thunders. He closed the Book in Luke chapter 4, taken from Isaiah 61, He closed the Book.

And the Book was closed to the day of chaos and peace. The fan is in His hand, separate them, gather the wheat, burn up the chaff. Oh yeah, you can’t get away from it.

Maybe next Wednesday we’ll get into the twins, walking in the Light. Maybe I don’t know, maybe we won’t, we’ll get that another time. But you see there’s the… all the time there’s blessing and the cursing.

Remember, Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim. You can’t break Bible tradition. You can’t break the way God does things.

When the Word came forth and It was over the sons of Jacob, six on one mountain and six on the other mountain, one screamed the blessings and one screamed the curses. See?

Why, the curses is nothing but the Word of God that has been perverted. You sow perversion. you get perversion. See? We’ll talk about that later on too.

All right, 6 verse.

Revelation 5:6

(06) And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

Now notice, these are not before the Throne. They were, but one at a time they’re sent to the earth. See?


All right, let’s see something here that may help us understand Godhead, even the relationship of Jesus, of God and Jesus, the wisdom of Christ.

Back in Revelation 1:1, I read from Wuest. “A revelation possessed by Jesus the Christ. Which God gave to Jesus the Christ for the purpose of making known to His bondslaves that which must shortly come to pass.”

That which is epochal, which is set aside for certain epochal, certain season.

Brother Branham categorically told everybody the Word had a season. You can’t get them to believe it. They wouldn’t believe it if a cucumber grew on their noses.

Come on, let’s face it. What more did Jesus have to do to manifest Who He was?

And He said, “I am the One.”

They said, “You’re not the One.”

He said, “I am here.”

And they said, “You’re not here.”

Well, come on, you got a ridiculous preacher here, because there’s ridiculous people of the world if I can raise my voice sweetly, sanely, and soundly, I’d have the organ playing, the piano dribbling in, and maybe a little organ, you know music from the two boys and softly tell you.

Hogwash, I got a ridiculous world I’m preaching to.

You say, “Who are you preaching to?”

No I’m not, these tapes go around the country, not because I especially want to, but they want them, so phfft! they can have them, both barrels. All right?

Now, we saw God in verse 1, the Almighty. In verse 8 described in verses 4 and 8, as to be an identical description. But, in Revelation 1:4, we saw seven Spirits before the throne.

And then in Revelation 4:5, we saw the same seven Spirits now placed as burning lamps.


Okay, let’s read “The Breach”. [03-17-63] Not too much to read in The Breach, page 101, and it says:

[64]  Seven horns was the seven churches…

What are horns? Symbols of strength. “Why,” you say, “just a minute, would the church be a symbol of strength? Looks pretty poor to me.” That’s right, doesn’t look bad to God at all though.

Because when you figure that Jesus was the right hand of God symbolizing His strength coming down here in a human form, what did He really do as far as man was concerned? Nothing, nothing, nothing.

But as far as God was concerned, He said, “You glorified My Name, I’m glorifying your name now, and to turn, I’m going to glorify.” And He said, “I’m satisfied with your work.”

The Jews said, “Haw…”

And we look at the church today, there is a Bride that is spotless and wonderful. I don’t care if she’s swallowed up by a majority of the heathen filth that’s round about us, she is the right arm of Christ, the power of Christ, so to speak, manifest in human flesh.

Don’t get your sights down in the mud brother/sister, get them up. You’re off the dung heap. You no longer got a manure head. You become a prince, a kingdom of priests unto God.

The only ones that can take His emblems. Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. The rest are in condemnation. Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Get revved up my brother, my sister, I want to get you in orbit. You’re not a bunch of flunkies to the devil. A Bride a flunky? HA! Come on!

People sing the song ‘Safe in the arms of Jesus’, and so we’re deaf. You’re going to be in the arms of the lover pretty soon my brother, my sister, physical form. Yes! Now this is the time you ought to shout and strike up the band.


All right: he said,

…that was the Lamb’s protection. [The church.]

Why, because they keep screaming about Him, talking about Him showing forth His praises. But listen, it’s the Word Bride that always did it.

What He protected His rights with on earth was a God-sent group of people that protected. See, the horn on the Lamb… Seven eyes are the seven messengers of the Seven Church Ages:

Seven eyes, Spirit of God dealing with one man, one man dealing with the Bride of every age, and they becoming the Word manifested in flesh, the bulwarks of God. The bastions of Jesus our Christ.

A mighty fortress is our God, and a mighty army is the Bride. Sure, yes siree. Yes sir, we’re like that marching to Zion bunch, seeing the glory of the Lord.


Page 109.

And, lo, and behold in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts,… in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, [he just explained it] which is Him, the Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

See, Seven Church Ages, seven messengers kept the fire burning.

And [He], the Lamb took the book out of the right hand of Him that set upon the throne. [Sat upon the Throne, okay? Good enough.]


All right.

Revelation 5:6

(06) And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

Alright, you know what that is now. Yep, God came down manifest Christ, now the Spirit comes down, by the Word we manifest Him.

I’m going to tell you something brother/sister, the only way anybody ever manifest Him is by the Word. There’s no action of yours and mine can do it. There’s no way. In other words, we got no self starters.


Now, this Revelation 5:6, is actually also,

Revelation 1:12-13

(12) And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

(13) And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

Now, you notice in there, there’s two different offices. Same One. See, One is going from the Priest, Intercessor, Mediator to the place of Judge, position. More attributes coming forth into the roles. People think He can’t be both. He is.


That’s very good, let’s be careful and see something that pertains to the chronology. That is Revelation 1:5. We’re going to talk about chronology.

Revelation 1:5-6

(05) And from Jesus Christ, who is the [Christ, who is the] faithful witness, [the martyr] the first begotten [from amongst] the dead, the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, washed us from our sins in his own blood,

(06) And made us kings and priests…

All right. Is the description of Revelation 1, which is Jesus the Christ. Very good. That’s at the off-set. That’s at the beginning. That’s introduction. That’s telling you Who He is.

Now, we’re going into a revelation of Him, that God gave to Him pertaining to His roles, and that which pertains to the roles, and gave it to John.

Now, we’re getting ready to get to the scenario. The three main characters in receiving the revelation. God, Jesus the Christ, John.

You say, “Just a minute, there’s a prophet involved.” That’s later down the line he tells us that. I’m talking about now.

And this was to be given to the servants of God through the ages, and to the Bride at the end-time especially, because this is epochal. Epochal concerning what? Age number seven!

And the coming of mountains, the coming of the Lord to take over His Own. Coming to wrest back!

Listen, that’s not hard to understand. He went down into Hades and He wrested His own out of prison. Now, He’s going to wrest the earth. I like it. I’ll let Him do it.

You say, “Brother Vayle, “I don’t think I like judgment.”

I don’t have a bit of trouble, He already declared me righteous. You do what you want. Oh, say listen, the Lord is so good. Just tremendous.


All right, now, we’re looking at,

Revelation 5:6

(06) And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

After Seven Church Ages they kick Him outside the door. They say, “We got rid of Him.”

He said, “Fooled you, I don’t get rid of.”

You know, I like… I don’t like to break into little jokes and things here, but you know, even human beings can’t get rid of.

Jack used to tell me about him and his wife Jeannette when they first got married, they said, “We’re were just a couple of kids, we just raised each other.”

And he got so mad at her one time he said, “Look woman,” he said, “when I get home tonight, he said, you better be gone.”

She said, “No, I ain’t going to be gone, I’m going to be here.”

He got home that night, he was still mad. He said, “I told you to be gone.”

She said, “I told you I’d be here and I am.”

I’m going to tell, you know, just because they kicked him outside, doesn’t mean you get rid of. They crucified Him and they weren’t rid of Him!

Remember, Brother Branham preached, he said, “I thought I got rid of you.”

“Oh no,” he said, “You didn’t get rid of me.” He said, “I’m here.”

“Every time I crucify and put You down there in the ground…”

He said, “I’ve risen.”

He took the devil’s lying tongue out of his mouth and wrapped it around his throat and gagged him. And so people came by and unwrapped the devil’s tongue. Hope you caught that.

That’s what Eve did. She never should have let him rattle off at the mouth.


Now, He came and took the Book. Now, this is at the end of the Seven Church Ages, at that time it is not Revelation 1:5 though It’s the same person.

It’s Revelation 1:5 at the epochal season. You understand what I’m saying? Uh? You know what I’m saying?

Look, here’s a baby here. What about thirty five years from now if the Lord tarries. Same baby, same person, same kid.

But he’s got different roles, give him till about eighteen years of age. He may want to get married by that time.

Likely get idea to get married by the time he’s fifteen, his dad will say forget it. Mother will say the same thing.

But, about eighteen, nineteen years of age the way people go, they figure they’ll go ahead and they do it. Same kid. But you’re down in the scenario, you’re down the road.

Remember, that song they sang years ago “Little Jimmy Brown,” you know, and boom, boom, boom, bell you know, little Jimmy Brown and bells are ringing in the valley of Jimmy Brown’s born, you know, boom, boom, boom, the bells ringing, Jimmy Brown’s baptized.

Boom, boom, boom, Jimmy Brown’s confirmed. Boom, boom, boom. Jimmy Brown’s married. Boom, boom, they have a baby. Boom, boom, he’s dead. Remember the song? Sure. I like that song. It’s kind of nice.

It kind of makes you think. About the sun rising in the morning, just a baby. Around noon he’s already a full fledged person. Three o’clock in the afternoon he’s on his way to death.

Trees come up in the spring time, by fall they’re down in the ground again, the leaves are all off. You know man is just for a little season. God’s got His season too. This is the season. Are you looking down the road?

So, you understand what I’m saying, epochal season. Okay.


All right, Revelation 1:5 is what we saw in the beginning. Revelation 1:10, “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day.”

Now, the epochal season is the Lord’s day, see? and this One here, He is seen in the scenario, the whole written scenario, and He sees Him in a certain scene in Revelation 5, which is way down the road.

Because, until this time He couldn’t take the Book and rip the Seals off. Because the processes of redemption to this point had not been fulfilled until this hour. You follow? Okay.

Just like the doctor is going to give you an operation. The nurse comes in and she cleans you up, shaves you up, they take you out of the operating room on a stretcher, whatever they use, little table, put you on the table, turn the lights on, splash you with more alcohol, whatever they’re going to use, put you under anesthetic, then start using the knives on you.

So, I’m trying to show you a progression, and I’m using everything I can, good, bad, and indifferent, to get you see it. Okay.


Revelation 1:12-18

(12) I turned to see the voice… saw [this one within amidst] seven golden candlesticks;

(13) A garment down to the foot… the paps with a golden girdle.

(14) Head and hair like wool, white as snow; eyes of fire; [That’s the Judge.]

(15) Feet… burned in a [fiery] furnace; voice of many waters.

(16) Had in his hand seven stars: out of his mouth [goes] a sharp twoedged sword: countenance as the sun…

(17) I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead… he laid his right hand upon me, saying I am first and last:

(18) I am he that liveth, was dead; behold, I am alive, and have the [amen, have the gates of] hell…

Now, you notice right here, you’re actually looking at an incarnation. You’re looking down the end. You’re looking right down the very end there.


Now notice, we put Revelation 5:5-7 at the end of the Church Ages. We do so chronologically, because we noticed Revelation 5:8-10 is not Revelation 4:4-8.

Now, Revelation 5:5-7. We read It, that’s the One, comes to take the Book out of the hand that sits upon the Throne, that sits upon the Throne. All right.


Revelation 5:8-9

(08) And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, every one having harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.

(09) And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and open the seals, [because you were] slain, redeemed us to God by [your] blood out of every kindred, [tribe] and tongue…

You notice, redemption has wound down. You can’t have Him as the great One taking the Throne until and unless they’ve all brought in. Because there’s just no way it can be done. See? Because He becomes.

He’s first of all, Prophet, Priest, and then He’s King. And in between of course, we see the role of the Judge in there, which in there rejected role. All right.


Now notice, that that Word I read, Revelation 5:8-10 is not,

Revelation 4:4-6,8

(04) And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and the seats I saw four and twenty elders, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads gold crowns.

(05) And the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and before the throne, [seven Spirits] are seven Spirits of God.

(06) And [I saw like the] sea of glass [I saw the beast and I saw the one] full of eyes… [and so on.]

(08) [Crying,] Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and [which] is to come.

Now, that’s not the same scene. No, it’s not the same scene. They’re not crying “Holy, holy” to that One, they’re crying, “Holy, holy” to this One.

The very same beast and elders that were screaming to Him that is on the Throne are now finding themselves in a position of the transfer at that moment of their praises. See?

Now, you keep that in mind what I’m saying, because I told you the truth. You got two different pictures here in the scenario.


All right. In,

Revelation 5:6-9,11-12

(06) [That he] beheld, in the midst of the throne [the Lamb]…

(07) Took the book…

(08) The elders…

(09) [Are singing] a new song, [and so on.]

(11) I beheld, and I heard [many of] the voice round about the throne, the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

(12) Saying, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.


All right! What is it? This is Philippians 2:5-11. Now, this is my understanding of this. Brother Branham didn’t say this, so don’t quote me as I’m saying Brother Branham said it.

I’m saying this based on what I believe Brother Branham taught and what I find in his teaching. Because, he said he just gave us a little old kernels, we’re are to break it down and find all the meat of it.

He said, “I’ve just given you a bare outline here now,” he said, “you work it up.” He said, “You preachers, that’s your job.” Well, if I’m doing right or wrong, I don’t know, but I’m trying to do right.

Philippians 2:5-6

(05) Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

(06) Who, being in the form of God, thought it not [a prize] to be [grasped and retained to be] equal with God:

What did He do? He just came down to earth in the form of the flesh. In the form of a servant and died upon the cross. And that’s what they said up there, wasn’t it? Uh?

Alright, now watch?

Philippians 2:9-10

(09) Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

(10) That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth… [So, now they bow.]

Now, you can’t find the beast and the elders bowing before this time. So, though He had the Name in the scenario there wasn’t the full effect of the Name until the end of the scenario. The part we’re going into now. Right?

Okay, now, we’re looking at it.


Now, I want you to just think of something here a minute, every name should bow at that Name, and every tongue confess. Now remember, there’s no name given under heaven except the Name of Jesus whereby we’re saved.

So therefore, if that Name is changed as Brother Branham said under the Thunders it would be changed, the new name it couldn’t happen until the last redeemed of the Gentiles was in.

Now, the question is: does that Name change? Now, I don’t know, but I can tell you this: in the Book of Exodus, God came to Moses and He said, “By my Name Jehovah was I not known.” Wrong!

By His Name Jehovah He was known to Abraham. But the truth was, it was only known personally and not collectively.

Now, everyone of us knows the Name of Jesus personally. But today we know It collectively, we’re Bride, Mrs. Jesus. Is this what He’s talking about? I don’t know.

But, I know until this point the four and twenty elders and the beasts do not scream in adoration and fall down in worship as It says, this is it. You follow what I’m saying? And every tongue confess.

Now, when’s every tongue going to confess? That’s still down the road, but we’re getting to it. We’re getting there. See, people don’t want to believe you’re going to get there.

They don’t believe it’s steps. It’s a boom, boom, boom, boom. Oh, you got to have a crazy shotgun religion. Where do you get such nonsense?

The Bride is a growth. It is member to member added over a period of roughly two thousand years a scenario has been unfolding to the epochal season of this hour.


Listen, you understand what I’m trying to say? Let’s go back–I stood on the bridge in Bruges in Belgium, where they killed the ancient martyrs under the Roman inquisition.

They chopped off their heads and rolled the bodies into the water below, then they kicked their heads in I guess.

Funny thing, all the pictures in Europe we took, that one didn’t turn out or they kept it for some reason. Might have recognized, I don’t know. And we took a lot of pictures.

Listen, my brother/sister, that was a scenario. That was a scenario of the church falling into the ground and dying the same as her Lord did.

You understand now what I’m talking about scenarios and the unfolding revelation and what we’re into?

Now, I said, what you’re looking at back there in Revelation 1:1, and my understanding’s entirely different, though the same person, not any different person, but the plan of God being brought forth as it wasn’t brought forth previously, is now being brought forth where this is in effect.

It says, “Because you did do this, you now have this.”

And I notice this spoken of in Philippians is positively not cast as a future thing, but it’s cast in this hour now as all the accumulative glory and honor that should come to it is bursting forth in this hour. See?


All right, let me go to 1 Corinthians 15th chapter.

Now verse 22:

1 Corinthians 15:22-23

(22) For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. [That’s talking about the Resurrection.]

(23) But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his [presence]. [He’s going to be here, to raise the dead.]

Brother Branham said, “He descends, sets Himself at the Head of the Church to raise the dead.” Before the dead are raised, He’s got to be down here at the Head of the Church.

“Well, just a minute, to set Himself at the Head of the Church according to what some people say, He’s got to raise the dead first, then set Himself, and then change up.”

Hogwash! He comes and sets Himself at our head. That’s why there’s no holy popes and no holy preachers and big leaders.

People can’t understand why I followed leadership all these years. Refused to take any position in leadership. Because the Great One is here!

Do you think I want to cut my throat? Shee, that’s like going downtown and telling the sheriff, he said, “I’m sorry, but I got to confess I’m the guy that killed that fellow in the street.”

“Well, you mean? you’re going to die for it.”



You think I want to die a spiritual death and not give Him glory? I prayed years and years, humbly prayed all my life, because I am such a rat-fink within and without according to my own human nature.

I prayed, “God if I could give you five minutes of glory, I could die happy. You could do what You want with me.” I’ve put in years trying to give Him glory.

How? By a spoken Word, a teacher, concerning Him, not myself, and to point you to Him. I’m ready to go. That’s why I’ve got no worries and no fears anymore. What’s to fear, what’s to worry.

You say, “Hey Vayle, you take a lot upon yourself.”

Why don’t you take something upon yourself, the door is open, go ahead. I invite you. I invite you to believe in Him this morning, and His grace.

I invite you to stop being legalist looking at yourself as though, hey, you’re going to make something yourself.

You already have, a mess, and a nuisance. A fly in the ointment, a horse in the slough. Right. When a person does that, he rejects everything that God did for him, and everything that God meant to him.


You see why Brother Branham excoriated his church when he came back and he said, “I left the church and I came back to a cult.” Why? Because they turned down predestination.

He could refuse the Lord’s Supper to that bunch. He wouldn’t refuse, go ahead and drink damnation. Go, go on and drink yourself condemnation.

You said, “You believe that He came down, became man in flesh and blood, and then died upon Calvary and gave forth his blood in order that we might come in and Him have a Name above every name.” That’s predestination. That’s election.

Did you know the Bible called Jesus the Elect One? He’s in the predestination, and a man doesn’t believe it take communion. Well, you’re lying in your teeth to Almighty God that you believe it.

And people come around and they try to make one little point and say, “My goodness.”

I’ve got fifteen points or better, Brother Branham about discerning the Lord’s body. Not just “You better be nice,” The kind old priest was nice. Christian Scientist produces more love too. Okay, in His Presence.


Now It says:

1 Corinthians 15:23-27

(23) They that are Christ’s at his [presence].

(24) Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when [God the Father] shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

(25) For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. [Who’s feet? Jesus’ feet. I can prove that to you.]

(26) [For] the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

(27) For he hath put all things under his feet… [For God has put all things under Jesus’ feet by that time.]

And when God says all things are put under Him, it is manifest that God is left out which God did put all things under Him which is Jesus. How are you going to have God put under God? Don’t you see what I’m talking about?

He’s bringing Him to the place of this hour that He is here now to raise the dead for Him, to give Him that Bride to meet Him in the air, meet our Lord in the air, Christ Lord is here now as our Lord, and His Lord to take us to Him Who is our Lord physically, and whose image we’re going very rapidly.

Now, It says right here, putting all things under Him, even death swallowed up temporarily, put to one side. Who’s doing it? God’s doing it. What am I driving at? I’m trying to tell you, this is that hour.

You say you believe in a Resurrection. I’m telling you, this is what we’re talking about, that day of the Lord. His day. See? I want you to see that. All right.


Thus 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 is bounded, and started by verses 20-23 concerning the Resurrection.

Then up here in 29-34:

1 Corinthians 15:29

(29) Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?

Now, they said if Jesus didn’t die, didn’t raise up, he’s dead. Then if he’s dead why are you getting baptized for him, if the dead rise not?

You’re baptized in water proving you believe that you’re going to rise the same as He rose up. Because it’s symbol of death and resurrection. Wine and bread, symbol of death. Life poured out. All right.

1 Corinthians 15:31-32

(31) I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.

(32) If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what [it does, is advantages] me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; [and be merry] for to morrow we die.

Well, It says, “eat, drink and be merry,” I threw that in, because everybody else throws it in. But, that’s the idea. Let’s have a ball, let’s guzzle.

Let’s mess up. Who gives a rip? There’s nothing left but sin to have pleasure in, so have it! Yeah! I kid you not. The prophet didn’t kid you.

1 Corinthians 15:33-34

(33) Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

(34) Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

They don’t even know God and His plan. And what about this hour? They don’t know Him and His ways than nothing, to amount to a hill of beans if you know anything.

Now, what I’m trying to show you here is this: that this is the hour of the Resurrection. And I read all the verses that pointed you to the Resurrection.

I showed you that this is the epochal season. The day of the Lord. This is the hour of that revelation.

And the revelation, the Great One is this, we are already a kingdom of priests unto God, and I’m coming back to take over.

I’m already getting a good feel of it. Now, because a lot of things are disappearing into the smoke of foolishness.


So, we have said all this to get to our title “The Day of the Lord.” And we’re going to get there, don’t worry. And we read of that day, which is this day. The day of the Lord in 1 Corinthians 15:24-28.

Now remember, as we said, not under… remember, God is not under the Lord Jesus Christ, He is just doing those things for Him that He wants to do in repayment for his death upon Calvary to get that Bride and to get us together.

And Jesus ripped the Seals off that Book, He opened the Book which He closed, so the day of judgment is here, and the day of redemption is here and they’re running concurrently. We’ve already started in the both.

And I want to tell you something: the wheat will be gathered before the chaff is burnt, thank God. Yeah. But the fan is in the hand separating right now. Who makes the decision? A Judge always does.


All right. “Patmos vision,” [12-04-60] page 95.

[51]  Now, John was (transplanted, or) transmitted from the Isle of Patmos, in the Spirit, over into the day of the Lord.

This is the day of man, men are fighting, but the day of the Lord will come when these kingdoms will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, then there’ll be the great millennium. The Lord’s day, the day of His coming, His judgment, that’ll be the Lord’s day. (Yep!)

How are you going to get into it? How are you going to get into that epochal scene of the epochal season? How do you get to that point where we take over? You’re getting into it now. The machinery has come into view. That means, anything previous is out of date.

A fellow in New York they tell me, and I got this first hand from the man’s own pastor. When in New York the preacher raised hand with the Spoken Word book, and he said, “How many think you’ll make it by this?”

He said, “That’s old truth, we’ve got new truth now,” meaning himself.

Well, they just flunk the test right there. They went by the vindicated machinery. Bulldozing in politics my brother, my sister, used by a preacher will not get you there.

The True Word of God will get you there! I will not get you there! My word will not get you there! You might be a bunch of dunces to be sitting here this morning.

I don’t think you are, because I don’t think I’m a dunce, and I don’t believe in talking to dunces. I don’t believe I want to waste my time. If I thought for one minute, that I was not telling you the truth I’d get out of here. I’m old enough to retire.

Just keep them tax dollars rolling in to keep my security coming. Sorry about that Peter, you got to work hard for me.

You’re tough luck, so if you’ve been born earlier, and you wouldn’t have got Dianne, so you’re glad you’re born now. See, there you are. You’re glad you’re in the Bride. No matter what happens, you’ve got it made.


All right, see, we’re talking about His day. He’s never had His day. But He’s going to have His day. You bet He is. Page 97. We’re going to have it with Him, that’s the beautiful thing, we’ve haven’t had our decent day either to tell you the truth.

Which Bride never had her real day. Fiddle-faddle, she had her real day. She got gypped you of it. For the Bride to have her day, she’s got to have her husband. She ain’t got no day. All right.

[55]  The greatest of all revelations is the Deity, the Supreme Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. You can’t get to first base until you believe that… Peter said, “Repent, and then see the Deity. Be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you’re ready to go in the Spirit.”

The first thing you have to know is the Deity of Christ. “I am Alpha and Omega. I’m the A to Z; there’s no more. I was at the beginning; I’ll be the end. I’m He that was, which is, and shall come.”

Now, just a minute, that’s said of the One that sat on the Throne. What’s he talking about? Incarnation. I’ll show you that in just a minute.

Don’t you try to let your thoughts go wandering all around the country. I’m not through reading. Because, you can hear Brother Branham right here, and swear he’s Jesus-Only.

[56]  Be careful John. You’ve entered into the Spirit. Something’s going to be revealed to you. What is it? A trumpet sound. “I’m Alpha and Omega.”

The first of all revelations. (Oh, sinner, bow, repent now before the time’s too late.) “I’m Alpha and Omega.” The thing’s that’s first is to know Who He was.

Oh, Who was He? He was God manifest in flesh. Who is He going to be again? God manifest in flesh. You got a different picture.

Who’s this approaching? Is it King Jesus? King God? King Holy Ghost?


Yep, yep, don’t think that anything less is going to come and take over. You bet your life nothing less.

Because, that Spirit that’s amongst us now is going to be made incarnate to us, we’ll crown Him King of kings and Lord of lords.

You can’t crown a spirit. He’s got to have a body. You can’t crown a Pillar of Fire, burn you up. Don’t get near the Pillar of Fire.

Just a little later we watch Him in His sevenfold Personage, watch what He is then. “I am the Beginning and the End. I am Alpha and Omega, I’m the First and the Last. I was before there was a first;

Come on, who’s he talking about? Holy Ghost, God Himself. Before even that Light came out of Him. And you know when that Light came out of Him?

If all there was, was God, then what came out of God? God! Let that sink in, but don’t try to run with it. I won’t either, I’m for sure, I’m sit right here. See?

“The First and the Last.” What you see, in a book write…


All right, let me read from the “The Rapture,” [12-04-65] page 33, paragraph 158-160. What I read out of here was the “Patmos Vision”, page 95, paragraph 131 and page 97, paragraph 144-146. Rapture tape page 32 on 158,158-160.

I said, “Jack, Who is this Person that’s standing there, (Jack Moore) ‘There’s One like the Son of man standing there, hair as white as wool.'”

I said, “He was a young Man; how could He have hair as white as wool?” And he said, “that was His glorified body.” That didn’t ring the bell. But when I went in the room and started praying, He let me know what it was.

Now, he said, “That was just Him standing there glorified.” In other words, that’s the Lamb, that’s the High Priest, that’s so and so.”

He said, “Hold it.” [now listen.] 

[63]  See, I’ve always preached that He was Deity, not just a man;

Now, did he? Now, he didn’t end there saying, “I’ve always preached He was Deity, forget the man, there’s no man around, never saw a man in my life.”

Now, man is not Deity my brother, my sister. He said, “Not just a man.” Now listen, what was He?

He was God manifested in the flesh, [In Whom I am pleased to dwell. I’m not in him, but I’m going to get in him].


The question is: was heaven empty? Don’t ask me questions like that. I’m asking you questions like that. I don’t have all the answers. But I just believe. I believe what he said.

He was God manifest in flesh. [He sure was.] God, the Attribute of God of love, the great Attribute that came down displayed here on earth the earth of God.

Jesus was God’s love, which built a body that Jehovah Himself lived in. [Jesus was the Body of Jehovah. I’ll put It together.] He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily.

Now, you could run with that and say, everything that God was, everything He put in that flesh. It could be exactly right.

But, you could take the terminology that everything that God was, that He wanted to put into a body and would fit in a body, He did put in a body, but He left something outside.

You say, “Well, then let’s put it in another way, what if then, all of God entered the body, but everything that God was going to do, being God, was not allowed to that body?”

We could put it that way too. But, I want you to notice something brother/sister, God cannot be born and God cannot die. I’m sorry. There is no way.

This the Son of man was the Tabernacle of God. He said, “This is My beloved Son that I specially made, as I am a Father to no other person, as He is a Son which is attributed to no other person.

And I’m going to get right into him and dwell in My fullness concerning a body.” And He did it! You understand what we’re saying now?

What God was, He manifested through that body. That body had to die so He could wash the Bride with His Blood.

You understand now what he’s talking about?


Okay. “Patmos Vision,” 103. Hope to try not to read too much. You see, I had to re-cap from last Sunday before, because we had an interruption last week, which was fine for us.

Okay, 103, 168. Now, here’s more proof that this doctrine is right about “The Lord’s Day.” Remember, not man’s day, His day. We’re tapering off our day, and He’s coming in His day.

There’s a juncture, and it takes a prophet to turn the corner. We’re ushering in the Millennium. See? We’re getting into immortality.

“Some standing here shall not taste death till they see the Son of man coming in His Kingdom.” Period, hallelujah.

Not three, but many. The only time that it ever happened. Never going to happen again. Wonderful. Did you notice, He was not a Priest during this time, neither was He King, He was a Judge. Okay?

How come the judgment is the God of the earth, He’s not a judge right now? How can a plant or anything be what it is and manifest unless it’s inherently there already?

Now, I got some very dry looking sticks from out west, Perkins, and Johnson Perkins out there in Medford, Oregon. They sent me roses and a dry root, but they should have sent them UPS, but they sent them by Post Office.

And if you work for the Post Office, you know, I’m not bawling you out, but you better get on your toes, and they messed things up.

So, they were the driest looking cruddy old sticks you ever saw, and I just put them in the ground, but you know, they’re beginning to show signs, and the first little burst I saw in that dry looking stem that had a little bit of something that might have pertained to life in it.

I said, “Ah ha, I’m getting me a rose.”

And you know what? I’ve got news for you, I’m getting roses. Because the roses were already in there. They’re in the roots, they’re in the branches, they’re in the thorns, so to speak, they’re in the life of the thing, and a branch came out.

And pretty soon now the buds begin to form, what is it? the ‘calyx’, what you got, I don’t know terms anymore. Who’s a smart botanist around here? Forget it, you don’t either.

Okay, calyx’s and stamens and petals and all that sort of stuff. It was already in there!


Don’t tell me the Judge wasn’t already in God, just moving back and forth like a Pillar of Fire, moving to come, watching here, watching there.

Come on brother/sister, let’s face it, the Great White Throne isn’t much of a judgment in the long run.

It only pronounces and tells the disposition of it, because look, you already made it by the time you get there, or you haven’t made it, because your life has run its course.

The Bride is the same way, she’s predestinated. It’s only a matter of allocation, it’s election “I choose this, I choose that.” How could a Bride then be in any condemnation?

So, I want you to see these things in here. But remember, we are coming to the place when He absolutely with a finality is a Judge, period. There’s no more coming in. Uh uh. And He hasn’t even taken His Kingly role on him yet.

But, I want to ask you a question: how come a judge can not only pronounce sentence, but enforce it by carrying it out himself, unless he’s a little bit above being a judge? You know why? Because He’s God and He’s moving His muscles. King of kings. Oh, that’s a great day coming.

You know brother/sister, we don’t have any reason to be vengeful or anything else, or vindictive like this rotten skunk up here at the top you’re looking at.

Sitting on this chair, because he’s going to do a better job than you and I could ever do. In the meantime, just love him I guess.

And a, not just guess. I can see the wisdom of God, I’m not too tied into it. The reason I said tied, because I see the word ‘tie’ in here.


Okay, notice the priest, the high priest when he went to the sanctuary, went to ministry to service, he had a tie around his waist, he had this sash. Tying his girdle around his waist meant he was serving.

Never tied it over his shoulder, but here he comes walking with a girdle tied about the top with a sash over the shoulder. What is it, an attorney, a judge, see? Why?

Because, now is the time for the exaltation. See? Now is the time to raise. He’s elevating Him. See? Elevating a Bride. We’re on the move.

Remember Brother Ungren told about the Ascents in the Psalms, and I read here from Isaiah one time from the Psalms and I showed you how it got greater and greater ascending, ascending?

Come on, where is that, you know where it is? Get it out, I’ll play the full, give him a treat, get him away from this harder stuff here. Why?

It’s tremendous, it’s tremendous, in the Psalms and in the Book of Isaiah, how they just start and begins roaring with a deeper intensity of the roll of the organs and the drums until the [inaudible] and renderings screamed to the glory of God.

Heavens and earth shaken, everybody screaming, screaming, screaming. We’re in it now brother/sister.

And people say, “Well, I don’t see nothing about that prism stuff. Well there’s puke, I preached twenty nine years myself.”

Preached puke twenty nine years that’s okay by me, I haven’t been preaching puke at all, I’m preaching of Him. I ain’t preaching of Him who does puke at that kind of stuff. Oh yeah.

I’m being facetious, telling you the truth. Get down to the knitty-gritty. Look, I’m going to be judged brother/sister, I don’t kid myself. I know the axe is going to fall for a long time.

Not concerning Him, but concerning a lot of things. I don’t kid myself. You believe He’s Judge? “Father judgeth no man, committed judgment under the Son.”


Okay, on page 110. “Patmos Vision” 12-04-60 I’m not going to read all these.

[79]  Feet of brass, tread down His enemies. Because He suffered and tread out the winepress of the fierceness of God to pay for our sins. Then we, guilty, poor, miserable worms… [now remember, they throw him out too. They got to pay for that.] He’ll take those brass feet and kick them out.

Now, here’s a prophet talking. You never knew a more gentle man than William Branham. His own wife said concerning him, “I believe Bill, if somebody knocked you down and punch your teeth in, you’d give up and thank him.” Something like that, right? That’s what she said.

I remember after when Brother Branham died, we were in First Cafeteria she wept. And she said, “Brother Vayle, I’ve never known a man… no one ever had love like Brother Branham.” I admit that’s true.

Now, here’s a prophet, a great prophet of God standing there, he said:

He’ll take feet of brass, kick them out His enemy. He’ll wade over the antichrist. He’ll take those apostate churches and sling them into the eternity yonder, somewhere into a consuming fire where they’ll be consumed and done away with. And He will reign on earth, Him and His church forever. Glory.

Say, “I don’t think I like that.” I love it. “Prophet do it, I can do it too.”

“Head, white as wool,” righteousness, experience, eloquence, sufficient, wisdom. Aged, white, speaks of wisdom, old. Knows what He’s doing,

How are you going to feel sorry and sympathetic for a church that destroyed the Bride? Unless you repent.


You know brother/sister, I’m going it tell you something: all the time, Satan has always tried to out-God, God, and out-Word, the Word. Then he tried to out-Christ, Christ.

And you know what? We’re a lovely bunch of little devils. We always try to out-God, God. Yes we do, out-Word the Word, and out-Christ, Christ. “Because we have more love, we have more of this, we have more that, because…” Yeah.

How many are born again? Don’t ask that question. I got you over a barrel right then. Well, don’t you honestly… don’t you find that old stinking nature always want to out-God, God, and out-Word, the Word? “Oh yeah, sure does.”

But, brother/sister if it ever comes to the place where It’ll say what God’s says and means it, it has become a perfect person in the sight of Jesus the Christ.

You say, “Are we going to get there?”

You bet we’re getting there right now! What do you think I’m talking about? I don’t care how you put it. I don’t care how I put it.

The Word of God in the mouth of a jackass like me is still the Word of God let’s face it, but I’m not hybrid. I know who my father and mother is, I go right back to God.

You say, “You know who your father and mother is?”

Sure, God said, “Adam, you’re going to leave father and mother, and I’m your Father and Mother.” God’s my Father and Mother, you do what you want.

Now, I said you do what you want. Come and go with me to my Father’s house, it’s all right. If you don’t want to, it’s all right.

I’m not putting myself up and say you got to be like me, this and that, I’m just telling you, look, “I believe.”

You don’t get nowhere not believing. Forget it! Get with God this morning. Get with His Word. Don’t out-God, God, and out-Word His Word.

He’s the fountain of wisdom.

[80] “One like the Son of man come in power and united with this Ancient of days, and the judgment was set.” [He tells you right there. God incarnated, coming on the scene.] “Judgment opened the books were sent…” and so on.


Okay look, I’m not going to any further than that, because that’s in the judgment, I just tried to show you here that this is the great day of the Re-incarnation. We are coming into the most magnificent event of all Divine history.

Now, this is the day of the Lord, that is Revelation 10:7. Let’s go to Revelation 10:7.

You say, “Brother Vayle, do you believe the prophet is God?” I don’t believe the prophet is God, just quoting a Scripture. He’s God to the people.


Revelation 10:7

(07) But in the days of the voice of the seventh [Church Age messenger], when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be [perfected and completed], as [God] hath declared [the good news of the Gospel, by] his servants the prophets.

It tells you right there It is. Wind up time. The Book of Revelation will wind up the Seven Church Age. When That One comes down off the Throne to put everything under the feet of Him that He’s exalting.

And the Seventh Church Age prophet messenger stands there, it’s in effect now, time is running out for redemption. No more Gentiles are coming in. It’s all over with.


Now listen, let’s go over to Revelation 22: here’s when the Seals are opened. They were closed in Revelation 10:4, but notice what It says here:

Revelation 22:10

(10) And he [said,] Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. [The epochal season and the great event of the epic. It’s on! The crescendo, the ascent.]

People say, “Well, I believe Brother Vayle after while you’re going to stop preaching that Presence.”

I often think that way myself, and I start opening my mouth and there’s no way to stop. At least you ain’t going to stop me. You can always leave if you want.

And when my wife leaves, I’ll spank her. How can I do that? She’s too big to take…

Listen, “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: the time is at hand.” Now, at that time:

Revelation 22:11

(11) He that is unjust, [will] be unjust still: he [that] is filthy, [is] filthy…

That’s right, because He’s setting up His Kingdom. He’s leaving the filthy ones here, and in the dirt, and He’s killing all the rest when He comes back.

Revelation 22:12-14

(12) [I’m coming] quickly; my reward is with me…

(13) I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. [There He is in the incarnation.]

(14) Blessed [is he that washes his robes, and has the] right to the tree of life…

Now, you don’t hear the Tree of Life until New Jerusalem. This is the Tree of Life that’s down here for immortality. That’s ours.

Okay, now I want to close, yep hopefully. I want to close in doing it, I want you to notice, I take a long time to get on my target, and you know that, take too long. Okay, that’s fine, you got your opinion, I got mine. I take too long.

But, I’m on it now, and I want to say this with Brother Branham. He said, “John was in the spirit, and it was the Spirit of the Lord’s day.”

And that’s this day, His day, not my day, His day. Not the church’s day, or even the Bride’s day, but His day.


Let’s go back to,

Ephesians 1:15-18,18

(15) …after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,

(16) Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; [Now, watch that love that’s in the church.]

(17) That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

(18) The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; [you] may know what is the hope of his calling, and the riches of [his] glory his inheritance in the saints, [that, that’s yours; that you may have it, that you may know it.]

(18) The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that [you] may know what is the hope of his calling, the riches of the glory his inheritance…

We’ve heard about ours for years, now it’s time to go to His! It’s His day. What’s going to happen? We’re going to know:

Ephesians 1:19-22

(19) The exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

(20) Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, [And giving Him that Great Name my brother, my sister:]

(21) [The] power [of all the] world[‘s] to come:

(22) [And the church under Him, and He] the head [and God the Pillar of Fire. It’s already started see?]

Now, this is the day of the Lord, we’re into it. I don’t care what anybody else teaches, this is how I teach. This is His day.

And I’m looking at the One today Who’s bringing the day of that physical being that God indwelt. Which was the Logos for that portion, which was reduced to a sperm, that took It’s sustenance from a human woman.


I’m going to tell you something: when a woman did it, Mary, she was the Bride that said, “Let It be to me, according to Your Word. “Let it be that Word,” she said, “I want that Thing.”

And you know something, when she said that that sealed It for you and me. Because that’s what the Bride said. And remember, God used her body, and God is using ours.

He’s using a Bride in this hour, which I’m certainly agreeable to, I’m glad. Because, God Almighty has had the purpose, and that purpose was exalting Jesus.

And was exalting a Bride with her, our hour of exultation is here, because He is being exalted.

You know, I’ve said for many a time we’ve had a lot of marriages, and we always call it “the Bride’s day.”

The poor groom that is going to pay all the bills. That’s going to be the father of children and take all these things in hand.

He sorts of stands back like a little ramshackle sort of a kid, “Here comes the bride, here come the bride…”

He stands there smiling. Here comes my Savior, here comes the Groom my brother/sister. Oh yes, I’m looking around at the Bride, and I’m glad for the Bride, sure I am.

Look, brother/sister, there’s no two ways about it, there’s a Bride and I believe we’re a part of It.

But, I’m going to say this: “Here comes the Groom.” The day of the Groom. See? Highly exalted, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Shall we rise, let’s pray.

Heavenly Father, we’re so grateful to know that You are here amongst us, form of the Pillar of Fire, the Holy Spirit to keep us wed and blessed with Your Shout.

Your great Word, Your great Message that absolutely brings Him, the lover of our soul, the One Who washed us with His blood, and thereby brought us into being a Kingdom of Priest unto Thee, O God.

How great it is to know that You are now getting everything ready and us ready to take us up to His very Presence where You can incarnate Yourself, and also then present us to Yourself, and what a glorious day it is, and we the Bride of Deity. Deity come down. We coming up.

What a tremendous hour that the very moment of It. His day starting down upon earth that they robbed Him of. He’s right here surrounded by all these events that make us to know that this is the hour You set aside.

You Yourself, O Father God, great One, great Holy Spirit in our midst. You set aside and You’re bringing It to pass right now and we’re a part of It. Seeing Eternity unfold.

We do our best to express these things, Father, and we’re publicly declaring You in our midst here, knowing You’re here, that if You help me to make my words better, my understanding better, I’ll sure do a better job than what I’m doing, and I’d like to do a better job.

To declare Your glory, Your Presence and those things that are really right about You. And in a solemn sober manner, Lord…

[Tape recording ends.]

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