The Holy Spirit In Ephesians #03

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Brother Lee Vayle

Shall we pray.

Heavenly Father, we’re a very privilege people this morning to realize Your Presence because we know that others would have sought to know this which we now know, and others Lord, we know, have turned aside from reality even as they did when You you where here upon earth in flesh, causing the parallel to run perfect again.

Knowing that there will, be very few in this hour who do understand, but You’ve already called them wise making them wise virgins who ‘behold the bridegroom’ enter into the marriage supper, in the marriage chamber.

We’re thankful for this Lord that we have this hope not of ourselves or anything we’ve done or anything we have seen which we would recognize of ourselves, but we understand pure Sovereignty is at work, so we put the honor and glory all back on you, recognizing that You who made the choice is still making choice among us all.

And we honor that Lord we will not argue with it, we stand here, Father, in the position that we recognize these things, and again we praise You that we can say, let God be glorified, let Him be honored.

We only hope, Lord, that we shall give Thee honor and glory from our hearts and a true worship of which You are worthy. Solemnize our hearts and our minds now, and may we be in one accord as never before in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

You may be seated.

[Brother Vayle welcomes and addresses the people]


Now, we’re into the subject of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Ephesians wherein we’ve been preaching for two messages, and now we want to continue in a third.

So, I’m going to try to speak fairly slowly and make every word count, and possibly stop and explain as I go along. So, you listen carefully and try to see what I am bringing to you.

So, for two messages already we have studied three absolutely sovereign and very dissimilar works, yet works in continuity of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Ephesians.

I want to repeat that statement. For two messages we’ve studied three absolutely sovereign and very dissimilar works, yet works in continuity of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Ephesians.

That’s to say there’s three mentions of three different things that the Holy Spirit is doing; they’re in continuity, but they’re dissimilar.

In them we saw God Who is Holy Spirit achieving His Own purposes in completely redeeming and placing a Bride in position to Himself and to His Christ. You understand?

In them we saw God, Elohim, Who is Holy Spirit achieving His Own purposes in completely redeeming and placing a Bride in position to Himself and to His Christ. That’s not organization. That’s not hierarchy, that’s not Laodicean or Nicolaitanism. That’s the Word.


Now, we may call these three works ‘dissimilar’ and they are, yet it is one God Who is doing it all. And we are informed in each instance as to the purpose and necessity and fulfillment which three works brings us to a completely redeemed position and state.

Now, again I’ll repeat: These three works though dissimilar, and they are dissimilar, yet it is one God Who is doing it all.

And we are informed… now, that’s the Word, people are not going to agree with this, because their creeds and their dogmas will stop them from seeing what we see due to Brother Branham’s ministry.

But it is one God Who is doing it all. Not three gods and three works apart… one, two, three god’s, it’s one God doing these three things. Not that there are other things aren’t being done too, but these three major things.

And we are informed in each instance as to the purpose and necessity and fulfillment which three works, those three works, brings us to a completely redeemed state and position.


Okay, you see what I said, complete redemption and position. Now, I’m using the position you’ll find in different ways, so just keep your minds open.

And what we contemplate is so very evident, that it should go without saying that not one, or even two, but all three, that’s the works of the Spirit, must be absolutely required by God Himself to bring about this fullness of redemption of a Bride, and failure of one is to lose all.

Understand? It’s very evident, so evident it should go without saying, because you can’t take from the Word or add to It. That not one or even two, but all three.

Now, you can go to number one, and drop back. You could, if you’re not Bride. Now, you keep that thought in mind, because that’s a tricky thing I’m saying there. Because you know in your heart it’s impossible.

Even get step number one, unless you’re Elect. And if you get step number one, you go to number two, you go to number three. But this is what you are going to find out shortly why I’m saying this, because I will bring you a Scripture later on. And this is where you will know something.


All right, it goes without saying that not one or even two, but all three must be absolutely required of us by God and required of God by Himself to us. See?

To bring about this fullness of redemption of a Bride and failure of one is to lose all. Thus if, it is incumbent upon the true Elect to make their calling an election sure. Now, that’s the one I’m going to tell you about.

If you want to know that you are one of them, you will have to find yourself up against the plumb line of this Word and that you match It.

And if you don’t match into It, there’s no way you’ll be in this Bride. See? Thus it is incumbent upon the true Elect to make their “calling and election sure.” And we’re speaking now in terms of these three.

There is no way the Elect can readily acknowledge the first required work of the Spirit, and then reject the other two at any time that either of those two are brought into effect by God. A lot of people say they’re elect, they’re born again, there’s no way.

Now, you say, “You want to watch it Brother Vayle, you’re judging.”


Well then, throw your Bible in the gutter. I don’t need It, you just done told me I don’t need the Word of God. Now you become a judge of the Word. You become a judge of God. So you watch your tongue. Watch your heart.

See, we get this all the time, the rebellion of Korah and Dathans’. And remember, the time of Moses the clergy, because Korah was of the Levites, the clergy rose up with the businessmen, two hundred and fifty businessmen, got behind their back-slidden preachers.

“So, Brother Vayle, you’re talking about the Full Gospel.”

I’m talking about the Baptist, and the Presbyterian, the whole bunch of fixtures of men. Uh? Don’t get your wires untangled, relax. My job to stiffen up, not yours. See?

Anytime, and he’s rejected there’s no way the calling and the election is sure, it proves that it isn’t there. See? Now, we’ll consider all three of these in the message.


Furthermore, neither can the Elect confuse the order and purpose of these works. Nor impute all of them to anyone single of them, “I’m born again, bless God, I got it all, hallelujah,” and then turn down the Word of the hour?

Turn down even gifts of the Holy Ghost and ministries, then reject further on down the road what God’s doing. See, you got to make your calling and election sure. And this is the hour that you make it.

Sure, because I’m quoting from 2 Peter, which is the Book, one of the… the entire Books of the revelation of the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, of which there are four Books: 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians.

And even John puts his oar in before he takes the Book of Revelation, which is a fifth. Like the Second Coming of Jesus Christ outnumbers the First Coming by two to one, or three to one, if you understand Scripture.

All right, the Elect will not refuse, but will believe in the order and purpose of these works and they will not impute these three to any one single… any single one of them, though It is the Spirit doing It, and He is one Spirit. The true Elect will recognize all three.


Now, that you may thoroughly understand what I am saying, although we took this previously from the Book of Ephesians, we are going to read in Ephesians 1:1-12.

Which is as I have shown you is the abbreviated or encapsulated complete revelation of God in a Bride, wherein God is outworking Himself on her behalf, and working in her that His purpose might be achieved.

You will see God working for her and working in her, so salvation and redemption is totally a sovereign work of the Lord. So, we read and comment some on these verses, particularly we will touch verse 10.

Ephesians 1:1

(01) Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ [a sent one] by the will of God,…

Now notice, he is sent one by Jesus Christ in His Name, and therefore: “He that receiveth Him, receiveth Christ. And he that receiveth Christ, receiveth God.” The perfect harmony in a three.

Ephesians 1:1-2

(01) …to the saints which are at Ephesus, [even] to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

(02) Grace be [unto] you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

You’ll notice in there, God the Father and our Lord. Remember, God is the Lord of our Lord. Jesus Christ is our Lord. If you can’t understand, They have the same name in the same position in the sense of Lordship, you’re just way out in the woods.

You’ll either be Jesus Only, or Trinitarian. So, let’s get it understood.

Ephesians 1:3-5

(03) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

(04) According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him…

(05) [In love] Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children… [Now notice, the number one requisite, “that we should be holy and blameless.”]


Now, that’s what God wants. And as the prophet said, “If God demands it, God’s got to make a way for it.”

I can never be blameless and holy before God, unless He does something period, and this is what It says. This is what He wants, and this is what He’s going to get.

Ephesians 1:5,5-6

(05) Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself,… [That tells you at what time you will achieve this distinction he set out here.]

(05) Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will,

(06) To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

So therefore, without blame and holy before Him is a matter of God working a predestination which is a manifestation, which is of His sons and the acceptation to the praise of His glory is in the beloved.

Now, a lot of people don’t believe that, because there’s not sufficient praise rendered to Him on this account, and the praises always rendered, “Well Lord, I’ve been a good boy today, I’ve been a good girl.” Good for what?


Now come on, don’t kid me, because I know your hearts, because I know my own heart. I think I’m human, a little sub-human maybe, but you’re no better. So, I know how you react. You’re legalist, just like me.

And yet we’re not legalist because we’re getting there. We’re getting converted. More and more full of the Holy Ghost. More and more of His Word. More and more of the mind.

More and more of the conduit that the Spirit of God can work in. You want a lot of the Spirit of God, get a lot of Word. That’s a conduit.

You say, “Well, I’ve got a lot of conduit out there Brother Vayle, that, that, that…”

Shut up! You got a lot of conduit out there that God’s not interested in, and God doesn’t fill, but God’s got a conduit that He does fill. Oh yes. Dirty old Vayle, back to his rotten tactics.

You don’t like it, you can go home. I like it, I’m having a ball. You see, I can downgrade the flesh any day and glorify God. I’ll just be singing, “hallelujah,” right to the tree tops.



Ephesians 1:7-9

(07) In whom we have redemption through his blood, [Now, that’s beginning to tell you the outworking of Almighty God in a Logos of flesh form, through His Blood] the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

(08) Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; [Now, the world doesn’t believe that.]

(09) Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:

Now, there again the revelation can only come if God has purposed in Himself, how and when, and where, and whatsoever to give it.


Ephesians 1:10

(10) That in the dispensation of the fulness of times… [at the time of the dispensing of, after the a portioning out and you come to a certain place that is called the dispensing.]

Not a dispensation as people understand dispensation, that’s a stagnant unreal thought. He’s talking about a time element. The same time element that Peter talks of. The epical season. See? The strategic epical season.

Now, when that begins to appear, you know that in the fullness of times there’s a plurality, the dispensing of it:

Ephesians 1:10-12

(10) …he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:

(11) In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:

(12) That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first [hoped] in Christ.

Now, that’s as far as we’re going to go, but notice verse 10.

“That in the dispensation,” at the dispensing of it, when He comes to that period, it is already organized in the mind and purpose of God that this will be in His predestinated form, “the gathering together of all things which are in Christ, both which are in heaven and in earth.”


Now, without a doubt these verses refer as we previously mentioned to you Revelation 19:6-9. Now remember, we’re talking about a relationship of God and of Christ in a Bride according to positioning, but through redemption.

Revelation 19:7

(07) Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

Now, how did she make herself ready? You want to know? Go back to Matthew 25, where It says, “Behold the bridegroom, and they rose up and trimmed their lamps and said, “Hallelujah.” They got rid of all the old carbon.

All the old stuff that died and had crystallized around the light, so the light couldn’t shine. They just ripped the whole thing off so the Holy Ghost could start coming through.

No more creeds, and no more dogmas, though they could see them unveil and they beheld him and they go into the marriage chamber.

Now, you say, “How do they make themselves ready?”


All right, I answered part of it. Let’s go back to the Book of Luke 1, because I’ve got to get you to understand this brother/sister, because It’s part of the message I’m saying this morning. This is where you “make your calling and election sure.”

Now, in Luke 1:15, It says here concerning John, and then at 16,

Luke 1:16-17

(16) And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God.

(17) And [John] shall go before [the Lord God of Israel] in the spirit and power of [Elijah], to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, [even] the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

I don’t care what anybody says, there’s something laid down here that the Elect understands, they seek and they know and they enter into, and if they don’t, they’re not elected.

I’m sorry! But I’m not that sorry, I’m going to condemn my soul to hell for a bunch of people who want me talk a trashy love. I don’t have a trashy love. I’ll have a trashy love, I’d sooner have no love at all.

Now, John the Baptist stood there and he pointed people to Jesus Christ, and he was a light, but he was not That Light.

And it was his identification of Christ, of the Logos in that hour that absolutely turned the hearts of the Elect, who did not know, did not understand, but their understanding proved their election.

And that got them ready. That’s the readiness. You do what you want, I read you the Scripture.

Revelation 19:8-9

(08) And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

(09) And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.


All right, with that we go to,

Revelation 21:9

(09) …there came [a messenger, an angel] one of the seven angels [that] had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will [show] thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.

All right, remember Ephesians starts out with the position of God to Christ in a Bride. Right? So, now we have to know our position, and we’re seeing ourselves placed. You’re getting your identification.

And if you believe the prophet, you’re not a church, you’re a Bride. And there’s a Bride Message.

Revelation 21:10-11

(10) …he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, [Now, she has been caught up to God, and here she is.]

(11) Having the glory of God:…

All right, what glory has she got? To the praise of the glory of His grace, she’s got redemption that God provided.

Revelation 21:11-14

(11) …her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;

(12) And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: [That’s the Old Testament Bride. See, there’s she is.]

(13) On the east three gates; on the north three gates; south three gates; west three gates.

(14) And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. [There’s the Gentiles.]

So, all that are in heaven, that’s the First Resurrection, that’s already taken place where the Old Testament, the second half of the First Resurrection takes place, so now, everybody in heaven that’s named there and Bride, and everybody in earth named in Bride, you’re all one here in this great lovely New Jerusalem.


All right, go to the 18th verse. I’m going to have to read It all.

Revelation 21:18-21

(18) And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, clear [as] glass.

(19) And the foundations [garnishes] all manner of precious stones: jasper; sapphire; chalcedony; emerald;

(20) …sardonyx; sardius; chrysolyte; beryl; topaz; chrysoprasus; jacinth; amethyst. [I don’t know what they all are, but they’re lovely.]

(21) And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every [single] gate [not several.]

That’s as though there are a lot of them, there’s twelve gates, tells you period. Every single gate. That word ‘several’ means it’s an old English word meaning ‘single’.

Revelation 21:21-24

(21) …was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as transparent glass.

(22) And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. [Now It tells you a further placing under complete redemption. That’s your picture.]

(23) …the city had no need of the sun, neither moon, to shine: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. [See, God coming right through the Lamb. Pillar of Fire above the Lamb.]

(24) …the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it:

Now, there’s a whole bunch of people that aren’t Bride. They couldn’t qualify as Bride, because they were cut out of the same cloth, but they didn’t make the pattern.

Revelation 21:24-27

(24) …the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. [It’s not into it, it’s unto it, because you can’t get in there, is a part of it.]

(25) …the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: no night there.

(26) And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations [unto] it.

(27) And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or [makes] a lie: but they which are in the Lamb’s book of life.

Now, these kings and people are allowed in there, they can’t stay there. They might get in, the language goes different ways, I’m not going to worry about that, but I tell you one thing, they can’t stay there.


All right,

Revelation 22:1-6

(01) And he shewed me a pure river… water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

(02) In the midst of the street of it, on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, bare twelve manner of fruits, yielded her fruit every month: the leaves were for the healing of the nations. [That keeps the peace of God there as an emblem, and so on.]

(03) And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; his servants shall serve him:

(04) And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. [Now, she’s already Mrs. Jesus.]

(05) …[they’re] be no night there; [no] need [of] candle, neither light of the sun; for God [Himself] giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

(06) And he said, These sayings are faithful and true: the God of the holy prophets [that’s the spirits of the God of the spirits of the prophets, by which the Word descends, has] sent his [messenger] to [show you the same as He’s always done it.]

Everything flowing in continuity, and there she’s completely placed.


Now, remember we were back here in the Book of Ephesians 1:10, and It said, “In the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together all one in heaven, and earth.” That’s all the families of the earth that are named in Him absolutely come to that prime position with Him.

Now, let us adamantly note: that Ephesians 1:13-14, is the only way that even the foreknown and elect and predestinated child of God can have a part in this ultimate. Now, let’s read It. Here’s what he said, verse 12 just going over It.

Ephesians 1:12

(12) That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first [hoped] in [Him].

Now, that doesn’t mean that they had a preeminence of just being the first ones, It has another meaning which I’m not really familiar with, but I think It has the idea of that this great first primal cause that they were looking into this, this great thing that lay here.

Because the revelation was coming to them. And when Paul broke that revelation which he tells us how he broke It in the Book of Corinthians, they looking at It, recognizing perhaps first principle said, “that’s it.”

In other words, what I’m trying to get across, if a person doesn’t understand foreknowledge, election, predestination, he might as well hang his hat on the wall and get out. Or pick his hat up on the way out, because he’s out anyway.

That’s been the stumbling block of many people all around the world. They can’t take Brother Branham’s understanding of predestination. That’s why Europe’s a mess it’s in right now.

That’s why other countries are in a mess. There’s no way brother/sister, then there’s a qualification then through the Blood, because the Light is rejected. You know that as well as I do.


All right, now categorically then:

Ephesians 1:12-14

(12) That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first [hoped] in Christ.

(13) In whom also [you hoped], after [you] heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that [you] believed, [you] were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

(14) Which is the [sealing, the] earnest [the down payment] of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

Now, the baptism with the Holy Ghost assures you that you are part of the ultimate. Now you say, “Brother Vayle, I’m going to stop right there.” That’s the trouble, everybody wants to stop right there.

That my brother/sister, as I’ve told you already is the encapsulated eternal purpose of God. No ramification, a simple abbreviated epitomized brief resume, call it what you want, which merely acquaints you with a bird’s eye view.

What does It really tell you about the Blood? Ultimate. What does It tell you about the Spirit? An ultimate. What does It tell you about the final it’s just an ultimate. He doesn’t fill it in. The rest fills it in. So this is the encapsulated form.

Now, remember this: there is no way into the eternal, whatever God does and wants to do, and will do, except you are sealed into it by the baptism with the Holy Ghost, you’ll never reach ultimate redemption.


Now, we can prove this by,

Ephesians 1:3-5

(03) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ [Jesus:]

(04) According as he [has] chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him:

(05) [In love,] Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

Now you notice, he put the word ‘love’ in there to let you know the very place that you stumble. You say, “Well, just a minute, if God is love, why does He allow this? Why does He allow that?”

I say as Brother Branham said, his greatest critic in Europe came against him and said that William Branham, he’s the biggest fraud of all.

“Why,” he said, “there’s no such thing as that kind of a God. “Why, he said there can’t be any God. Why, he said what kind of a God would sit through the dark ages with his hands across his stomach like some old Buddha and grin there while women who believed in God, pregnant, were ripped up and their babies fed to the hogs and them then killed, lie there and bleed to death.”

I’m going to tell you something: there’s not one person here whose got any love at all that he thinks love, that He would allow that. Because that’s under predestination.

“Oh,” they say, “well the devil slipped one in there.” The devil didn’t do one thing, except God had to allow it somewhere.

And Brother Branham explained, he said, “the attributes of God had to come out.”

You say, “I don’t think I like that.” Then you don’t have any peace, you don’t have any rest.

How much of a Bride then if you entered in, if you are Bride this morning and I am Bride, when we have come to the place of the declaration that: you are already the virtuous Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, you didn’t do it at all. It all falls back on Satan.


Now, we lay the thing out here opened, and he says continuing:

Ephesians 1:5-6,5

(05) Having predestinated us unto the adoption [I read that,] according to the good pleasure of his will,

(06) To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. [All right, now the 5th is what we want.]

(05) Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good [purpose] of his will,

All right, what we have here then is the phrase ‘the adoption of children’. Now remember, I said, this is the Scripture that I am reading to show you that the truly foreknown and Elect must be baptized with the Holy Ghost.

And it is only the truly foreknown and Elect sons of God, who will be baptized with the Holy Ghost.


Now, I read you here that it is incumbent to come into the adoption. So let’s go and see Galatians the 3rd chapter because that’s what we’re into. That’s a little back the book before, Galatians 3. I’m reading the 4th – 7th verses.

[Brother Vayle starts reading chapter 3 then corrects himself.]

Galatians 4:4-5

(04) But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

(05) To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the [placing] of sons.

Now, not the making of sons, but the placing of sons. Now, you cannot place a son unless he’s a son to be placed.


Galatians 4:6-7

(06) And because [you] are sons, [fallen though, see,] God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, [Our] Father.

(07) Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Now, that shows you categorically, that you would have to be a son of God, though fallen, in order to be placed as a son, because if you’re not a son, you can’t be placed.

Now remember, “The son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman.”

So, you got a lot of sons in here that have no true sonship, because remember and we understand this flat, that the first bastard child was not through a non marriage situation, but through a marriage situation.

Now, God didn’t call Cain a bastard, but he certainly wasn’t a very true sense of a form. The first illegitimate was when an Israeli would marry a Gentile woman, and the child was called illegitimate.

Then it begin further astray where it came to the place where Brother Branham designated this hour that it takes two married people still married, one of which couple would get with each other and procreate a child, that child is truly illegitimate.

Now, if you ever run across one of those, you’ll know that’s exactly what a illegitimate is, you watch the actions. Because Brother Branham said, “They’re very, very different, they’re very, very peculiar.”

So, get your wires straight, don’t go running around especially in this church with your own half-baked ideas what the Word of God says. I’m teaching what it is. And I know what I’m talking about.

And if you don’t like it, you know what you can do, go someplace else where you’ve got a bunch of legalists and have yourself a ball. Anyway, that’s just the way it is at this hour.

And I’m not trying to hurt anybody, I’ll show you in a little while exactly what I’m talking about, here you’ll understand some things. All right: If you were not a fallen son you could not be replaced. You could not be placed, because that’s exactly what happens.

And in the election you are being placed. And you’re making your calling and election sure on the grounds you understand these very things we’re talking about.


Okay, let’s go to John 1, we’ll see the same thing.

John 1:11-12

(11) He came [to] his own, and his own received him not. [Sure, He made it all. This is His world. It’s all His.]

(12) But as many as received him, to them gave he [the authority] to [be] the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

And if you cannot believe, unless you’re ordained to it. Because the Book of Acts, and this is one Scripture nobody, but nobody can get around.

“As many as were ordained unto eternal life believed,” and nobody else did. Now, that’s one Scripture you can’t twist. They’ll twist everything else.

You know, the people that twist are like those that twist the mule’s tail. They get the church to cough up more and more money, get more and more converts.

They believe on His Name:

John 1:13

(13) Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

So, It tells you right there, that I don’t care even though you come by blood, and even though you come by the flesh, because you got to, and you come by the will of man, because men and women want to indulge in sexual intercourse and even have babies, they want the babies just the same as well as the sex act.

Unless you’re in the will of Almighty God, that foreknowledge, you’re not one of them. And you will be given the authority, and that authority has to be a Word authority so that you will know who and what you are.

And Brother Branham says, a mule does not know who his mammy and pappy are, but the thoroughbred horse does.

And remember, there’s wild horses too. The Bride’s not a wild horse. I don’t know if you caught that or not, that’s alright. Do what you want with it.


All right. What we have looked at then actually is,

John 3:3

(03) Jesus answered and said, [Truly, truly, [truly,] [there’s three there] I say, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Now, Brother Branham said, “The kingdom of God was when the Word of God was truly revealed and you go further then where it’s completely manifested.”

You’re never going to be in that Bride, except you’re born again. You won’t even see it, there’s nothing that… you’ll stand back and it just won’t get you.

John 3:4-5

(04) Nicodemus [said], How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?

(05) [And] Jesus answered, [Truly, truly, [truly], I say unto [you], Except a man be born of water [even] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

You can say, “Well, he’s got to be born of both.” That is true. But you can be in the water all you want, unless you’ve got the Holy Ghost then it ain’t going to do you any good. So, don’t, you know, put the emphasis on the Holy Spirit.


John 3:6-8

(06) That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

(07) Marvel not I [say] unto [you, You] must be born again.

(08) The [Spirit breatheth where he willeth]…


What’s the wind got to do with my rebirth? That’s not an illustration, that’s what He’s telling you. Because, ‘pneuma’ is wind. Then why change it? Why didn’t He put it, “you must be born of wind?” Ha!

The Bible said, “There’s coming a time when women will bear down, they wouldn’t bear a child, it would be just like bearing wind.” I’m not born of wind. I think a lot of people are. I’m born of the Spirit.

John 3:8

(08) The [Spirit breatheth where he willeth…]

He breathed on them, said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” It wasn’t the breath that counted, It was the Holy Spirit. God could breathe on any man any number of times, it was just an ordinary breath.

Brother Branham said, “He breathed in Adam the breath of life was the Holy Spirit.” See, do what you want with it.

John 3:8

(08) The [Spirit breatheth where he willeth, sovereignty], and [you hear] the sound thereof, but [cannot] tell [where It comes from, where He goes]: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

There’s no way that you can know per se, as to the experience itself. You have got to have a criterion, or critique. And how do you “make your calling and election sure?” You got to have a Word.

If you don’t have a Word, you don’t know. See, people denigrate this Word here, but I’m going to tell you, that’s the conduit of the Holy Spirit. That’s the ‘pipe’.


Now, this rebirth, this rebirth as Brother Branham said is by the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Furthermore, and I’m not going to speak too long on it, this rebirth by the Holy Spirit baptism is placing sons into the Body of Christ wherein they’re called Bride.

Now, you can’t be born again and not be born again as sons who are placed. And you know this placing goes all through Scripture. Goes right to the place of New Jerusalem, who’s in It, and who is out of It. Where Christ is, where God is, where Bride is.

You can’t get away from relationship, so therefore, this rebirth of the Holy Spirit, or by the Holy Spirit baptism is the placing of sons, furthermore it is into the Body of Christ wherein they are called Bride.

Notice, again Ephesians 1:, wherein we’re speaking.

Ephesians 1:5

(05) Having predestinated us unto the [placing of sons] by Jesus Christ to himself… [See?]

Placing through the baptism with the Holy Ghost to Almighty God, they’re sons. Because Brother Branham said, “The same anointing came back in a Pillar of Fire, and came upon sons.” Okay, you’re getting your picture.

Ephesians 1:5-6

(05) …according to the good pleasure of his will,

(06) To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein [that act of baptism puts you] …in the beloved.

Made you a part, through Blood, Holy Spirit fullness gives you carte blanche entrée, you’re one of them.

People say, “I’m so glad that I’m one of them.” Which them? This, you better be full of the Holy Ghost. Then you better know how you’re full of the Holy Ghost. Because, “the Spirit breatheth where He willeth.”

And you can hear the sound of His Voice which is in the Word of God as Brother Branham taught, “the voice of many waters,” that comes through a Church Age Messenger in every Age.

And It’s sent out by a five-fold ministry, then in the mouths of the people. Nobody can understand the Baptism.


When Brother Branham said it’s without any evidence or manifestation as to signs and emotions and feelings, that’s exactly what it is, It’s by Word.

“So, I had a feeling.”

Did you have a feeling? Oh, wonderful. I had a boil in the hip one time and another in my neck, there were feelings alright. Many a man felt he could fly, so he flapped his arms and jumped off a barn and he broke a leg or neck and he died.

Wonderful, wonderful to have feelings isn’t it? I’ve had feelings about certain Scripture, found It hundred percent wrong. How did I know? Because I checked out the Word.

“Spirit breatheth where He willeth.”

You better listen. “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.”

Oh, it’s lovely weather outside isn’t it? Better weather inside. It’s raining in here. Former rain in the time of the latter rain.


Now, it is certainly this Baptism that places us into the Body of Christ, which is in,

1 Corinthians 12:13

(13) For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, bond, free; have been made… [If God demands it, He makes a way for it. Been made] to drink into one [body].

You can’t miss the Bride if you are reborn. And if you are reborn, then you were and are a son.

Now, again notice what I said the last two times: predestination within a predestination. Every single step is predestinated to get you to the ultimate predestination.

The ultimate is that you would be positional before Almighty God and His Christ as a Bride in a perfect harmony and a unity. “That before they call He already answers.”

So, you see that you were predestinated by your birth, which is a natural election and a predestination. The same as Christ was in the election.

Oh yeah, and the predestination, He could only be born a certain tribe, certain there, certain this, certain that. Because the Holy Ghost didn’t wander down the street and knock and say:

“Hello, yes, what’s your name?”

“My name is Esther.”

“Well, Esther would you like to be the mother of the Christ?”

He didn’t go down the door, knock and say, “Girl, what’s your name?”

“My name is Marjorie.”

“Well, Marjorie, would you like…?”

Ha, the Angel of God went straight to Mary. So, she had to be foreknown. Somebody had to be in contact somewhere that was out of this universe to get to her. He went right there with election.


So all right, predestination within predestination. In other words, there’s a series of reality that is manifested in human flesh that’s going all the way with God. But that’s not all, in that body by baptism there is another working of the Spirit.

And notice Ephesians 1:11. Are you with me? It shouldn’t be hard. You folk who heard two sermons here, and you’ve got the tapes, you do what you want with them, I don’t care. I don’t even listen to them myself. I get embarrassed. I can’t take my own preaching.

So, if you don’t take it, it’s fine, bless your heart. I’ll give you your money back, and seeing you’re not paying for the tapes it’s now… you won’t get any money back. Better to give them to you, then have to pay what… it’s easier that’s all.

All right, look it, verse 11.

Ephesians 1:11

(11) In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, [wrong translation.] In whom also [that’s] being… [in Him, when you get in Him.]

It says: “In whom also we were portioned with our lot.” Portioned with our lot. Like going into Canaan’s land signifying the baptism with the Holy Ghost Life, he said, “Put this tribe here, put that tribe there, put that man there, put this woman there, put this kid there, put this, put that.”

And he had it all lined up. And if they’d have stayed in order, oh my, what a time they’d have had for all those years. So, everybody is positioned. You have a position in the body.


We know this is true.

1 Corinthians 12:12

(12) For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. [But remember, Christ is very confused and disorderly.]

He puts the nose upon the foot. And He puts the toenail for an eyelid. Does He? Come on! Why do you think He talks about a body? Because that’s the greatest living organism there is.

The perfect life is in it. No other life can touch it. There’s nothing. And it’s life to the body of Christ, which we know glorified now is perfection.

1 Corinthians 12:13

(13) For by one Spirit…

Now, he tells you how that you can be many membered, but in a perfect unity and harmony. See? Now let’s watch:

1 Corinthians 12:13-14,27

(13) …one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether Jew or Gentile, bond, free; been made to drink into one Spirit.

(14) For the body is not one member, but many. [And 27 to 29.]

(27) Now [you] are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

God has granted and placed severally, which is the English word for ‘individually’. I wish it wasn’t in the Bible. Because you might be sitting here and say, “Brother Vayle is teaching us wrong.

Several is several, bless God.” Well, several isn’t several, bless God.” Several might be several, bless God, but ‘severally’ by the way is ‘individually’.

The king was in his several house. How would you like to be in two places at one time? Because the king was in four houses at one time. No!

The king was in one house. His own little individual place, he got off to squat by himself away from all the queens, the ding-dang, and the din and everything else and all the kids screaming and everybody wanting his attention.

He got by himself, he’s in his individual little room. All by himself out there in the jungle or something. You get the picture? Little old hermit king for a few minutes of the day.


All right, we’re looking at it.

1 Corinthians 12:27

(27) Now [you] are the body of Christ, and [each one of you is an individual member of it.]

In other words, you have been positioned absolutely harmoniously through predestination by the Holy Ghost now, when you get in, you fit. Like Solomon’s temple that was built without the sound of a hammer or a saw. It was already built.

And you know who is helping to build it? Even old king Hiram a Gentile king got so blessed, he got into the act. But he wasn’t part of it.

That’s why the church is bearing us, we’re getting out of her. Nice old mummy church, bless your heart, phttt, good bye. I love you, but also don’t love you.

Now, foolish virgin we love. Wherever they are, we love you. Uh? Sure. Yeah. See, they’re running for old manifest, we ain’t running anywhere.

We’re not running to secret chambers and big meetings and everything else. We’re content with what we’ve got. The kingdom is within.

Now of course, that means ‘in the middle of all’, but it can also be ‘within’. Because if you don’t have something within, you ain’t got nothing common with the body, see?


Okay, now let’s keep reading.

1 Corinthians 12:28-30

(28) And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, [then he stops numbered] after that miracles, gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

(29) Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? [do] all [work] miracles?

(30) [Do all have] gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? [No, but everyone’s got his part, he fits in perfectly.]

Now, that blows the understanding that everybody has got to have one of those nine gifts, but those nine gifts could be, and Brother Branham, should be in every church. Providing you got more than nine people.

You say, “What about the fact that those gifts maybe just sporadic?” Which they are.

Well, one person might prophesy one time, speak in tongues one time, but… I don’t know. Could be, I don’t know. But, I’ll tell you one thing: they’re set in the church, they’re set in the body. So they are somewhere.


Now, this Scripture goes along with Romans 12:4, which tells us:

Romans 12:4-8

(04) For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:

(05) So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

(06) Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

(07) Or ministry, wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching;

(08) …he that [exhorts], on exhortation: [now listen, those are all gifts] he that [gives,] let him do it with simplicity…

That’s a gift. Then that means God has given you an amplitude whereby you give, and if you’re really in the Bride, you’ll know how to give and what to give. And it won’t mess somebody up. If it does, you’ve been given wrong.

Now, Brother Branham told a friend of mine, he said, “Look, [he said] don’t you dare give anybody any money unless you know you’re supposed to do it, because you’ll be responsible with what’s done with that.”

Now, I’ve been taking too well to heart, and I don’t suppose anybody sitting has done that either. But you’re supposed to.

All right. Even these members are uniquely, every member, is uniquely and sovereignly placed, as It tells us in,

1 Corinthians 12:4

(04) Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

It tells you: one God, one God that places, or fills you with the Holy Ghost, the one Spirit through foreknowledge and election manifesting in predestination lets you know that you’ve got to qualify here, if you’re part of the true Bride. Now, if you turn this down, you’re not Bride.


Methodist comes along and says, “There ain’t no gifts.” He’s a liar, he’s not Bride. Because full of the Holy Ghost says there are gifts.

Now, the same Holy Ghost could say, “Now, just a minute, gifts are on the shelf. The day of gifts is over.” But doesn’t die. How much Holy Ghost a man got denies It?

Now, you get good old Baptist like John R. Rice, he wouldn’t deny that. “Why,” he said, “a lot of shenanigans going on.” But he said, “God’s Word is God’s Word.”

As far as I know that’s what he said. I’ve read some of his books, he’s a good old boy. There’s a lot of people, bless God, that understand this.

Baptist, if you want a sermon that will knock your eyes out, you better get a hold of Jack Hyles when he preached, “Where be all the Miracles if God be for us?”

And he’ll tell you things that you just can’t believe. But they’re true. That’s a Baptist. Now, he got step number two. What if he failed step number three? That’s what we’re looking at.


Now, I showed you in here, number one: baptism with the Holy Ghost opens up this whole field. And right away you have to acknowledge this, that everybody a member has a ministry.

And you’re not Pentecostal, so you don’t go to nine gifts that are supernatural, you say, “Hey, one of us could be an exhorter.” But you better know what you exhort.

An exhorter goes around and he cheers people up. “Why,” he said, “man you ain’t going through nothing nobody else hasn’t gone through.”

What if somebody came by and said, “Hey, you know, I believe I’m really messed up, you know… I… Oh, I won’t say it, it’s alright. He didn’t do anything, he just thought maybe, my thinking really bugs me,” he says.

Understand, Christ was tempted on all points like as we are. Are you unique? You’re some kind of a freak if you don’t understand that. So the Holy Ghost then puts you in Sovereign predestination.

The same sovereign predestination is here, so that everyone is a member, and everyone has a ministry. Don’t use the word ‘office’, although that could be true in a minor sense of the word. And notice how they’re categorized.


Now, different gifts, same Spirit. Different ways He works, same Lord. Many operations, same God working. But whatever comes out will be a manifestation of God’s Spirit. On what condition? Word!

And the Word within the framework of the Word, so on the day of judgment God doesn’t say to you, when you say, “I cast out devils.”

He says, “I know you did.”

“I prophesied, right down the line.”

“I know you did, get out of here.”

Now, that man was in category number two. Then he could never could have had category number one. Uh? Because had he had category number one, which is the true baptism, he wouldn’t be merely anointed. This is under anointing.

Because Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, the Levites, the false ministry that looked like the real and could claim it under conditions, united with the Business Men and watch the gifts spread.

And they said, ” Listen, bless God, Moses, don’t you tell us.”

“Well,” he said, “that’s easy.” He just went to the Lord, and he said, “Lord look, if these men, he said, are right, he said, you never ever called me.”

God says, “Stand aside. I’ll eat them up with fire.”

And Moses didn’t say, “Now, hold it, hold it, I really didn’t mean that.”

The same Moses that would die in the wilderness with the people of God because he loved them. How could he get an high-dudgeon that day, just because somebody had a couple of little gifts?

And said, “Moses, look you ain’t the whole cheese.” He said, I done told you, you wasn’t the whole cheese, but I got that Word.”

Now, where’s your love? Meekest man ever was outside of Jesus Christ. Meekness is not weakness. Meekness is standing up and being counted without taking a two by four and knocking heads off, letting God take the two by four, what He wants to do; if He wants to do it, I don’t know.

Okay, you see this operation. You see this.


Now, in reading 1 Corinthians 12:27-29, which we read we saw a particular order in numbering the various members who would’ve been allotted their position. Now, when you’re allotted position you don’t dare get out of position. Can’t do it.

Now, the only truly numbered of the members is found in Ephesians 4. Let’s go back to Ephesians 4:4. We’re going to see something else about the Spirit.

Ephesians 4:4

(04) There is one body, one Spirit, even as [you] are called in one hope of your calling;

Now, you say, “Everybody gets there the same way.” God [inaudible], just one way of doing everything, that’s the right way, His way.

Ephesians 4:5-6

(05) One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

(06) One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. [That’s the ultimate, that’s it. That’s pretty pervasive.]

You know something? That repeats in this hour, because you come back to Ephesians, paradox.

Ephesians 4:7

(07) But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

Notice, grace again. You can’t get any part of this, or any part of that outside the grace of God. The principle of foreknowledge and sovereignty.

Ephesians 4:8

(08) Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, [now, this is where His grace comes in] he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

Now, what did He need… captivity led captive? Who did He lead? He lead up the Old Testament Bride. A hundred percent captive.

You’re looking for the hour brother/sister, you’d like to have it now, because you heard Brother Branham say certain things. That a man fully full of the Holy Ghost under the will of Almighty God was so and so, so and so.

The same prophet said, “There’s no perfection this side of the Resurrection.” So, don’t get your wires all messed up, or you’ll ground out and short out. And blow yourself and everybody else around you to pieces.

They were truly captive when He put them in position through getting them out where they were and into a glorified body. Now, we’ve gotten out where we were.

We’re just waiting for the glorified body. Then captivity will be thoroughly captive. Because that’s the time death loses its sting. Its victory. You follow me?


Okay, at that time. And at that time He gave gifts unto men. At that period. Now watch:

Ephesians 4:9

(09) Now that he ascended, what is it, he descended first into the lower parts of the earth? [Now, that wasn’t his body.]

Sorry about that, but you blew it on that one. It’s right on top of the ground. What went down? Spirit. He went down in the soul… the spiritual part of his body. I’m not going to try to figure that one out.

Ephesians 4:10

(10) He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above heavens, that he might fill all [in all].

What’s that? Spirit. So now He’s come back after He led captivity captive, He came back in the form of the Holy Ghost. But after He leads this captivity captive, we come back with Him in the flesh. Beautiful thought.

But notice, when He led captivity captive was in the Spirit, and He does the same thing with us. That’s why “The Lord Himself shall descend, and we shall meet our Lord in the air.” Because our Lord is the Lord Jesus Christ.

And he said, “Blessed be the God and Father of ‘our’ Lord Jesus Christ.” I ain’t preaching two God’s, get your wires straightened out. I’m not preaching Jesus Only either, so get that wire straightened out. Just read your Bibles.

And no prophet ever came to change the Word of God. In fact, I’ve gone way further than Brother Branham in this respect: I would use the word ‘kai’ as a preposition, he never did, it was always as a conjunction.

Now, if I have a book and a book, I do not have one book, I have two books. If I have a piano and an organ, I do not have one instrument, I have two instruments. That’s a conjunction.


Now, go over your tapes. The prophet read the same Bible we read.

And he said, “The difference between God and Jesus was that God didn’t have a beginning.”

And he said, “What’s this talk about eternal sons?” He said, “Eternal doesn’t have a beginning.” So, somebody is not understanding.

Ephesians 4:11-12

(11) And he gave some, apostles; and prophets; and evangelists; and pastors, teachers; [The order then is: apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors, and that doesn’t mean one’s way above the others. That means ‘he gave them’.] [Now notice:]

(12) For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

It tells you right there, that there is a predestination within a predestination, within a predestination. For now we not only have a predestination where we come to the recognition, we are those sons of God by baptism of the Holy Ghost.

We are also members of the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, and members of one another. And now we’ve come to offices, and It’s the same Spirit doing it. And this is a five-fold ministry.

Ephesians 4:13

(13) Till we come in the unity of the faith, [even] of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

Now, he tells you that that which he is talking about in this sphere, will bring us to perfection, and will be here until a certain period of time.



Ephesians 4:14-15

(14) That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

(15) But [holding] the truth in love…

What do you hold in love? Truth! That’s what we’re trying to preach here. The major love is love of the truth, because without love of the truth you’ll go antichrist. I don’t care how wonderful you look and how wonderful you are, and how sweet you talk.

All the good things you do, and I’m for them. We’ll get around to all those finer points later on, but right now we’re going to stick with God’s Word on the basis of the building blocks, the foundations, what we understand. We’ll get to the others later, and then tell you why.

Ephesians 4:15-16

(15) …[holding] the truth in love, grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

(16) From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

Now, Paul starts with this in the Corinthians, and he said, “I’ve espoused you to Christ as a perfect pure virgin. You are the virtuous Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

And he turned around but he said, “I tell you, something’s going on behind my back.” That’s the law of jealousy.

He said, “There’s something missing.” He said, “Ephesians’ church, you lost your first love, there’s something going on.” He said, “I’ll tell you what it is: you got a wrong word coming in.”


Now, just a second: This that came when the Holy Spirit descended to divide Himself amongst men and place them, This came also. How did they get the ministry? They get it through a prophet.

Through Seven Church Age ministers, that are messengers. But how did This come? It came according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:36, I believe It is.

And he said:

1 Corinthians 14:36-37

(36) What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?

(37) If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge the things that I write are the commandments of the Lord.

Now, he tells you that This came when Christ led captivity captive. Why? Because every single person outside of, as far as we know, Elijah and Enoch, died. But there’s going to be a group at the end-time who don’t die. Something that’s never ever happened.

Now, the Word came through the Pillar of Fire to Paul who taught Timothy as a ‘teach faithful’ man. The same must appear, or have been here all the time so Bride could come to perfection.

But you notice, It doesn’t say that. It says here: that there will be a ministry that eventually will bring an unshakable condition, so therefore between the first age and the last age there is a shakable condition.

Now, God’s got to do it by the Holy Spirit. Then how is He going to do it?

This is in the sovereignty of God, and this is where everybody will stop who goes to what they believe is the baptism, to what they believe is the divine inspiration of God in gifts and ministry and offices, and they’ll stop right here and say, “Hold it, we’ve already got it.”

And I say, “That’s where you’re wrong.”


Now, let’s go back to Ephesians again. Verse 10 again:

Ephesians 1:10

(10) That in the dispensation of the fulness of times…

“That in the dispensing of It, the fullness of times,” when God’s two parallel times of Old and New Testament run to the place where we got to catch up, “because they without us cannot be made perfect,” and they haven’t been.

And those that have gone down in the new without us cannot be made perfect. We have got to come to the place of wherein:

Ephesians 1:10-11

(10) …the fulness of times [to] gather together [all] one [in earth, in heaven]…

(11) In whom we have [been allotted a portion…] [And he said, “You are filled with the Holy Ghost to seal you into It.]

And then he says in verse 15,

Ephesians 1:15-20

(15) Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,

(16) Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;

(17) That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

(18) The eyes of your [heart] being enlightened; that [you] may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, [And that’s not what he said over here, this is something different, although it’s part of it.]

(19) And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

(20) Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead…

Now, It tells you right here, that there’s going to be another definitive work of the Holy Spirit in revelation that precedes the Resurrection. Now you do what you want with It. You do what you want with It.


You say, “Brother Vayle, why would we need a revelation?” Well, that’s because you’re not very smart, you’d have caught it. Proves just what… exactly what I was saying along. That goes for people not outside who hears this tape, not inside here by the grace of God.

He said, “I’m jealous with a godly jealously. I’ve espoused you to one husband, a chaste virgin to Christ.”

“I’m afraid your minds are deceived, for he that comes will preach that another Jesus that I haven’t preached, you’ve got a wrong Jesus. Receive another spirit, you’ve got a wrong spirit. Receive another gospel, you got a wrong gospel.” How far wrong can you get?

You got a wrong Jesus? Now hold it, let’s watch it, Jesus, Jehovah Savior. That’s the name of Elohim, one of His Names.

All right, you say, “I believe that to be the Son of God.” Fine, I’ll go along with that. What’s He, one of the eternal ones? That’s wrong. It can’t be, It’s got a beginning. He’s not God, He’s made Lord and Christ, that’s enough. God made Him.

The next thing, what about the Holy Ghost? That’s the Spirit that came back that’s upon Jesus. What was upon Jesus? Come on, the River Jordan tells you. Same One dealt through Seven Church Ages. Dealt by the Word. Now He’s got to come back to set the Church in order.

You say, “Where’s that?” That’s 1 Corinthians 15, preached It for years. See?


Now. So we see that the Church was given a definitive ministry to her by the Word, and through the Word, and for the Word. The Holy Spirit bringing It. Returns in the last day to bring a Bride to perfection. It’ll be the same Pillar of Fire revealing the Word that brought It.

Now, there is a real harmony between Ephesians 4, Word ministry and the gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, for headship of the Word is ‘stewardship’. And the placing of members is also stewardship for they’re under a head.

Now you’ve got a predestination within a predestination. The Headship of Jesus Christ always honored, and if It’s not honored through the gifts, it’s a phony in the sense that it’s not in itself an impure thing, but it’s used wrong. So, the Word must ever point to Him.


Now, let’s go back again:

Ephesians 1:11

(11) In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, [in whom we have been portioned our lot, and that lot portionment is the same that Paul speaks of, of stewardship.]

How can you be a steward, if somebody hasn’t given you something, and trusted you with it? Now, It said it’s required in the steward that he be found faithful.

Now, It said, “God says, I gave a steward, he sent some money. I gave one five, ten, fifteen, whatever it was.”

The first fellow said, “I’ll go out and do something with it.” He got fifteen more, something like that.

The next fellow got… he said, “I’ll do something.” He got ten more.

The fellow with five, he said, “Well,” he said, “I don’t think I can do a thing.” He sat there.

And God said, “You’re wicked.”

Showing you, not to take a parable now and run with it, but showing you the example that stewardship is involved here. And a stewardship being involved the pastor and the five-fold ministry is responsible to God, and so is the congregation.

Now, this is why Brother Branham said, “Church be subject to your pastor, and pastor subject to the church, because they’re both subject to God.” I get so sick and tired of preachers all the time, subject.

When is this church ever heard that I’m not subject to you? In the constitution it’s laid out that though I have protected myself, I’ve protected you. You can go anytime, I can go anytime. We don’t have contracts here.


I’ve preached so hard you may say, “Well, if I go out of here, I believe I’m lost.” Nothing to it, I could be the one that’s lost and you got free.

When have I preached on tithes and want your money? Check the bank account you’ll see what’s sitting there. See? I’m not trying to defend myself, I’m trying to show you something here.

I’m trying to be a true steward of God responsible to you and for you and to God, and you’re the same way, or you’re no value. If I spend my time fighting for you, and you don’t spend your time fighting for me, fighting each other, get out of here! I’ll preach to four walls.

If we don’t know what this Word means, we haven’t got anything in the first place. So let’s take the bank account and give Brother Evans thirty thousand for the building and have a bon-fire.

It would be fun wouldn’t it, roast wieners, we would put it down there, set it for thirty thousand. What, roast wieners? If you don’t, you’re not half the business man I thought you were. Let her go. Not that you want to burn a building, I’m just getting it across to you.

Look, we could have the finest building in the world, a big crowd. What is that got to do with anything? I’m trying to show you there’s a harmony that we’re obligated to be in, because we are in It if we’re Bride. See? And we’re both responsible to the same person.


Now, let me show you something: Brother Branham said, “Pastor, be submissive to the church, church submissive to the pastor.”

All right, I stub my toe, and I look down and I say, “Well, toe, phfft! stupid jerk, suffer.” Oh what a fine head I am. Say, “Oh boy, where was that chair in the dark? Oh, tomorrow night that chair won’t be in the dark where I busted my toe.”

No, the head begins to look out for the foot, and the foot looks out for the head. Why?

You say, “How?”

Because, if the toe gets stubbed, it lets the head know where pain registers.

“Hey, watch out up there boy.”

There’s a harmony. I’m tired of preachers who always say, “Well, Brother Branham said, ‘you got to have a church to go to and pay your tithe’.

Well, that’s about the worst thing you’ll get here if you don’t pay your tithes you get no tapes if I find out. And I don’t even check the tithes, you can slip that over me very easy.

I’m going to let your conscience be your guide, because I don’t give a rip. If you can’t watch me and know how it’s done, forget it. Because you know how it’s done. You don’t have to re-teach what’s been taught.

But, always the same old story, when you don’t come here in this church to simply have a church to go to and pay your tithes, you come here to listen to me preach the Word, which you believe is the Word or get out of here!

Or sit there and do whatever you want. At least you not a hypocrite any longer… [blank spot] …speaks of our harmony, and that harmony does exist.


Preacher also say, “Well, they said years ago, you shouldn’t have another Bride Church, so called Bride, and I keep my thumbs crossed and fingers crossed and my tongue in my cheek on that one.

Also my two feet hooked together like a chimpanzee on that one, you can’t have a church within two hundred miles.” Says who?

I don’t care if we’ve got a church right here, it would be interesting. Be interesting. What’s the difference? What do you come to church for? For Lee Vayle?

You come to church for Lee Vayle, I got to tell you, you people that drove eleven hours, you’re a bunch of idiots, you know, too bad for you. You’re just plumb suckered that’s all. And I didn’t do it, you did it yourself. I didn’t ask you to come, and asked you to go either.

Do what you want. You must have come for something other than me, that’s a fact. Because if you came for my personality, you’d have to catch me drunk to be in a good mood. That’s just about the truth isn’t?

No, I’m not kidding myself, and I’m not kidding you either. We’re here for one reason. We believe that’s there something here in line with this Word. See?

Also, we understand as Brother Branham said, “The queen of Sheba came, and men rallied around the gift, but a greater than Solomon is here.” And he was talking about a gift.

So they thought, “Oh great gift of Brother Branham. Yes, if we get behind the gift.”

No, get behind the Giver, because the gift and the Giver is two different things. And Brother Branham said, “If I give you my pen, I don’t give you myself.”

So, there’s a harmony there. There is an interplay, and everything that Brother Branham said comes to pass in the glory of the context of the Word.


Now, let’s go back to 1 Corinthians 14: we already went into It, but we’ll go and look at It again, the 36th verse which I read.

1 Corinthians 14:36-37

(36) What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?

(37) [Now,] If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, [that’s he’s a prophet to the five-fold ministry, he’s born again, spiritual.] let him acknowledge the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Why? Because God could never allow a Bride member to have revealed to him or her, a thing which is contrary to the Word of the hour.

People come by and say, “Well, I guess Brother Vayle is off, because he doesn’t see gifts.”

Well, I do see gifts. I practice gifts. I’d like to see those people that criticize me match up to me in the old days when gifts were here.

I don’t have little dreams about some little thing out there on the road, I have visions that came to pass. Utterances that’s right on the nail.

Time after time what comes to me, never fails. If I was in the ministry right today and go in that room, there’s no doubt I have a gift of prophecy. No doubt at all. I’ll tell you right now, because God told me.

I went to Him like a dog on his belly loving his master, happy for a pat.

And I said, “Lord, now look, You don’t have to. Oh, no, no, no way. But if You wouldn’t mind, I would like, could it be possible, I might have the gift of prophecy?”

“And whatever you’d use it, He said, it’s yours.”

There’s something bigger in that. There’s a spirit of prophecy far exceeds it. I’m not trying to build myself, I’m trying to be an example someway.

I can’t be an example any other way, except by my mouth as far as I know, trying to teach you something, trying to help you.

But you’ll not go out the building and say, “Hey, we got to listen to Lee Vayle, because so and so.”

You listen only if I’m dove-tailing with what the Word of God said, the prophet said. It’s the only hope you and I got, because it’s the only hope I got. Why should I condemn you? It’s condemning myself.


I’m going to tell you something brother/sister: Twenty people going down to death in a boat that’s sinking is far more tragic than one person going down.

Especially if that person was responsible for pulling the plug where they all went down. I’m not trying to ship-wreck anybody. Nor will I.

We understand this thing here, that if you’re full of the Holy Ghost, if you are in a ministry, there is no way that you could help acknowledge the third manifestation, the work of the Holy Ghost when He comes on the scene.

Like right there, a picture of It. Right there a picture of It. Right there a picture of It. You do what you want. I don’t care. I’m sold on It.

You say, “Brother Vayle, that takes a lot to do with my mind. That takes a lot of bringing my mind down.”

Oh, come on honey, you’re just exactly two thousand years too late on that one. Two thousand years too late. “Casting down reasoning’s and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.”

And how does the knowledge of God come? By the Holy Ghost, and who gets It, the prophet. Something wrong with your head. Maybe your head won’t grow hair, but it doesn’t grow brains either; the kind God wants.

I hate to be sarcastic, but that’s the only way I can get it across. Maybe it’s not, but I do it anyway.


All ministries are subject to the Messenger Ministry of the Age. Which brings it all into a true harmony of the Word. “Then if you dwell in Me and My Word abides in you,” you got it.

You shall ask what you will. You say to this mountain “be moved,” and Brother Branham said, “that’s back in the Millennium” when things moved around.

I want to ask you a question: what would you sooner have? Now listen, It’s says, “You say, and you cannot say it, the prophet proved it, unless God inspires you to say it.”

Now, if you had your choice to say anything in this world and It says, “You ask for yourself.” Now you can’t ask for your daughter for yourself, because that’s out. Although that’s sensible, in a way that’s not it. It says, “You ask for yourself.”

I want to ask you: what would you like for yourself right this moment? I’ll tell you mine. And if you’re different I think you’re a little bit flakey. Glorification. Well, you know something? This is the hour to ask, because this is the hour of revelation for it.

I told you some time ago looking at the Word of God that one day a man said, “Sun, stand still.”

One day a Man came down the road and he said, “Fig tree, you’re dead.”

And He turned and said, “If any man say to this mountain, See? you be cast down. Cast in the sea.”

A prophet came by one day and he said, “Oh Capernaum, Los Angeles, city of the angels, [he said,] you’re going down. And the mountains are going down with you.”

It’s already been said. It’s already been said, brother/sister, and this is our hour to say the same thing. How? Because the prophet brought it to us.

Now, this ministry of the prophet that bring you the Word is a very special ministry and only one man has it out of seven ages, and the First and Seventh Age there were two men that were prophets.

And under those prophets the church comes to a perfection wherein it starts with the prophet and ends with the prophet. And remember, you cannot have a prophet without God. That’s why when I preached in ‘Simplicity’, ‘God prophet, prophet God’.

Then, there’s a prophet back there and a prophet now. Five ages didn’t have one and it wasn’t prophet God, and God prophet. It was God, but not the Pillar of Fire with the prophet.

Then they say, “Well, He’s always been here.” Not in this way. I can take that many ways brother/sister.


All right, listen: back here in Ephesians 4th chapter which we read, ending at verse 16, It says, “The same One that lead captivity captive,” means that He was the Captain, the Head. God is a great General, Bible says so, “A man of war.”

All right, bringing us right back to Him, captain of the host of Israel, our Joshua to take us in. Elohim becoming. And if He’s been here all this time, I won’t argue that. But He wasn’t the Captain to take us into it now.

I think if the people preach they ought to preach from a thorough knowledge, or they ought not to preach. Right back to headship, and at the time He takes Headship I want to tell you something, there’s nothing but pure Bride.

You know why? Because all the rest are gone, and those here are pure Bride. They’re separated, “come on out.” And on the way a bunch die. Some of the Elect because they’re too old, and a bunch of interlopers’ die.

Because they’re not going to be standing here they’ll be glorified. But that doesn’t make you different from the folks that come up. Don’t ever put a premium on that, there’s no difference. But it’s God’s plan.


Now, here is where we see headship return to Headship and how It comes. It came down, when the fullness is over you’re back to where It started. What did He start with on Pentecost? Nobody! Oh, you say, “Yes.” No, you say wrong.

Brother Branham said, “Mary, the mother of Jesus had to be full of the Holy Ghost.” Then you Catholic’s, where do you stand?” Peter had to be full. It’s not that they were not the candidates by virtue of foreknowledge, election and predestination. It’s they weren’t in yet.

So therefore, he started with nothing. He took what He’s finished with, took it up.

Now, He said, “I’m starting all over.” Nobody’s in. What is it? …they’re all in. There’s nothing but Him standing there. What came down is filled up. Everything God poured into Jesus the Christ.

Now, that’s way back starting at Logos. Look, a Light came out. Pillar of Fire. Angel. Then one day He said, “I’ll just take this whole theocratic conception of a Logos, Theophany, I’ll make a man.”

He made It through the chemistry of a woman. Took of Himself, created that egg and that sperm. Placed it in there like a separate vessel, and through chemistry brought Him forth, and here He was.

Now, He went back to a Pillar of Fire. Now He’s working through the chemistry of a body down here. But remember, He started it. Now It’s finished, in this hour It’ll be all finished, right back to Headship.

What we’re back to? We’re back to, brother/sister, the Logos Himself, in Pillar of Fire. Then what’s the next step? Perfection of fullness lies in a body.

So, the Lord Himself that descended with a Shout, with a Voice, and a Trumpet reincarnates Himself in our Lord and you’re right back again. That’s where perfection lies.


All right, we see It there. Now notice: Ephesians 1:13-14 this has to end sometime, because It’s given, let’s read It, which is the down payment, the Seal, the Token, the guarantee of our inheritance, New Jerusalem, until the redemption of the purchased possession.

When there is none left, this is over.

I want to ask you a question: what was here before It started? The Holy Spirit. Then what will be here before It ends? The Holy Spirit. Why? Because It’s the last Word, the rest come into It. When you get the Word don’t worry about the members. Don’t worry about the people.

Those people if they’re elected will already have a seed. They will take that Word and the Holy Ghost come right into that Word within them. And the more Word you’ve got, the fuller you’re going to be. That’s how it goes.

Now, what comes next? The Holy Spirit Himself comes down for the entire family.


Now, listen to me: I’m going to prove to you I’m right. This Scripture here, 14 speaks of the last day, because of verse 11. And speaking of the last day speaks of redemption where redemption runs out.

Brother Branham in The Breach on page 78, speaking on Ephesians 4:30, which is, “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you’re sealed unto the day of redemption,” has previously quoted these two verses here in Ephesians 1 on page 77.

So on 78 he says:

The Breach 03-17-63

[22]  Hold that Word “redemption” [now he speaks,] until the day that the Book of Redemption has been revealed, and the Redeemer comes to claim His own possession…

“Oh,” you say, “just a minute, what does he mean?” I’ll tell you what he means.

He said, “That One that he spoke of there, that came down was the One that had the Book that the Lamb ripped the seals off of, the Lamb climbed on the Throne of Him that He handed the Book back to, and He brought the Book back down here.”

Now, that One is here in ‘Shout, and Voice and Trumpet’ to get us over there. Now, let’s find out. I’m going to start reading and with this he quotes Romans 8:22-23, which also has to do with our redemption which goes to the Resurrection.


All right, so we know what It says here in Ephesians 1:13-14, and what It says in 15-23, which puts us in the Rapture. Which is, according to Brother Branham, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, when the Lord descends with a Shout, the Voice of the archangel and so on.

Now, I’m going to read on page 73 of The Breach. Now the mystery, and he reads Revelation 10:1-7. Now, the mystery of this Seventh Seal Book will be revealed at the sounding of the Seventh Church Angel’s Message.

Now that my brother/sister was what he was talking about from Revelation 5, when He took the Book from the hand of the One on the Throne.

This does not say that. This says, “The One, the mighty Messenger came down and He’s got a Book.” So that’s what he’s telling you

[13]  The seventh angel begins to sound, and there’s the messages wrote out there, and we got it in tape and book form. [What he said is already in book form and tape.]

Now, at the beginning of the sounding of the message, the mystery of God should be finished at that time. Now, we will notice, the Book of the mystery of God is not revealed until the seventh angel’s message is sounded.

Now, these points will be important in the Seals; I’m sure, because it must every one tie together. [Every bit.] Now, it’s wrote mysterious, because no man nowhere knows it: And God alone, Jesus Christ. [Because you see, the mystery is given to Him.] [ Now watch:]

Now, it is a Book, a mysterious Book. It’s a Book of Redemption. (We’ll get into that in a little while.)

Now, we know that this Book of Redemption will not be thoroughly understood: it’s probed at through six church ages, but at the end, when the seventh angel begins to sound his mystery, he winds up all of the loose ends that these fellows probed at, and the mysteries comes down from God as the Word of God and reveals the entire revelation of God.


You say, “How?”

I explained it. A teacher said, “I’m going to give you class a paper.” Now, the teacher said, “These are the questions.” The kids fill in the answers, and the teacher corrects the answers, the kid has a perfect paper.

That’s what Brother Branham did. He didn’t write a Bible. Didn’t go through the whole thing, just did the right thing. Now you see, I’m not making that up. That’s ‘Thus saith the Lord’. I read it out of the Book.

The sounding of the Seventh Angel Message, the mystery of God should be finished that’s been declared by His holy prophets. And that’s the gospel, and the prophet who wrote the Word.

[14]  At the sounding of the seventh church age, the last church age, all the loose ends that through these church ages have been probed at, will be wound up together.

And when the Seals are broken the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head.

Now, I’m going to read that again, because I’m going to give you the explosive line here.

…when the Seals are broken and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and sea with a rainbow over His head. Now remember, this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this coming.

Of this, what coming? When Revelation 10:1 comes down.

Now, I’ve been accused of making that a spiritual Coming. Then the man with the extra big mouth had better criticize Brother Branham, because this is where I got it. You do what you want, and they’re doing it.

Just as John was giving his message, the same time that Messiah come in the days…


But, Brother Branham said, “It wouldn’t be flesh, it would be spirit.” He showed you that from Matthew the 4th chapter, and I went to 12, where It’s much more elaborate. It’s the same.

[15]  John knew he would see Him, because he was going to introduce Him.

William Branham said, “He revealed Him.” Do what you want.

And we realize that in the Scriptures over in Malachi, there’s to be a one like John, an Elijah, to whom the Word of God can come to, and he is to reveal by the Holy Spirit all the mysteries of God and restore the faith of the children back to the faith of the apostolic fathers:

That’s exactly right. And what did it? We saw the signs and recognized that this is it. Here’s the prophet. Prophet gets us to God. Hallelujah! What more do you want? Rockefellers got the money.

He gave me a check with his name on it. It’s been authorized, I got a billion dollars. Hallelujah! Spend her kids, spend her. Let’s have a ball.

“Oh, I could do that,” you say.

Well, you can’t do this unless you’re Elect. I’m spending the coin of heaven having a good time, eating the Manna from over there. You bet your sweet life. I’ve got no qualms about that.

I’m just a jerk, because I don’t do more of it. And you’re stupid with me, so go ahead and admit it. Thank you. It’s just the kind of crowd I like. Confession is good for the soul, but doing something about it is better still.


All right:

…restore the mysteries that’s been probed at through these denominational years. Now, that’s what the Word said. I’m just responsible for what It said. See? It’s written that’s right. That’s what It is.

Now, we see that this seven-sealed Book is the mystery of redemption. It’s a Book of Redemption from God. Now, all the mysteries at this time should be finished at the sounding of this messenger.

That’s what Paul spoke of, he said, “This thing revealed is got to end. Oh when? I don’t care what you and I say, it’s what God says. And God’s got a prophet. I love that! See?

It’s a Book of Redemption from God. Now, all the mysteries at this time should be finished at the sounding of this messenger. Now, here’s the angel on earth, another Angel, mighty Angel came down.

See, this angel was an earthly angel, messenger. But here comes One down from heaven: a rainbow, covenant. Only Christ, it could be; just exactly like it was in Revelations chapter 1…

Now, he’s got Revelation 1, and Revelation 5, and Revelation 10, the whole thing. I preached that for months on end. I’m right with the Scripture.

…standing in the midst of the seven candlesticks with a rainbow to look upon as a jasper and sardius stone.

And the same One, there He is.

And he said, Jack Moore said, “It’s a glorified form.”

And he said, “No, it’s not.”

Then It’s a Judge without the glorified form. Then it’s not the White Throne. But Brother Branham put it together, why? Because time and eternity have blended. And It’s the same One setting the whole thing up and moving us in.

What’s a thousand years of His time? ‘Plump’, it’s gone. What’s three… ‘plump’, and that’s gone. No, two plumps maybe. You might as well get the understanding, they rejoice in God brother/sister. Get your hearts turned the way they’re supposed to be turned.


I’m going to tell you, the Bible said, “Our mouths will be filled with laughter.” With joy, no more to be ashamed. Have yourself a good time in Christ.

Out in the world there’s nothing there’s nothing out there to see they’re going to do a thing for you. Get with the Word here, same One with the candlesticks.

[16]  And here He returns back…

“And here He returns back.” Then He must have been away.

You say, “Oh…”

I say, “Hey, Alisen, I just got back.”

She says, “You never were away.”

I say, “Come again?”

“You never were away.”

I say, “Where do you think I got these things I got in my pocket?” And I bring out some lovely things to show her. Well, that’s quite a revelation.

“Well,” she says, “Ha, ha, ha.” A trick of course, in a “you were never away.”

That woman’s got to be nuts. That’s the church. Something’s wrong, it’s not in my head. I don’t care what anybody says. I’ve begun to be renewed under the prophet years ago.

People got upset when I said, “Brother Branham saved my soul-life.”

They said, “Lee Vayle said, ‘Brother Branham saved his soul’.” They’re liars, I didn’t say that. They just didn’t catch my little old trick.

In other words, my life was useless here as a person, a minister of God, full of the Holy Ghost. I was going to give it all up and go away one more time, see, forget it, I can’t take it.

He said, “Lee, [he said,] those people are false anointed, what do you mean?”


I saw every whore-monger, every gyp-artist, every con-artist pulling a deal in the pulpit. Gifts galore. I saw faithful men pray to God and get nowhere.

I said, “looks like God rewards the iniquitous.” Looks like we got an unrighteous God somewhere, something’s messed up pure pitiful, I’m going to leave it.

And Brother Branham came along and he stopped me from messing up. So he saved my ‘soul-life. The life I’m leaving out here. You think I’m preaching truth today. I’m helping people, I know I am.

And I’ve got no problem there, I’ve got no worry. I’ve got a ministry that’s been successful in a certain degree, because He’s in it, and if He wasn’t in it, I wouldn’t be able to do a thing for anybody.

Now, you can’t sit back and say, “Well, I don’t believe that, and I don’t believe what you say here and there.” And get any good.

Well, you get your own good. I’ve got nothing to do for you. No way, shape and form. How can you get something out of me if you don’t believe?

Look, I’ve got to have faith in William Branham. You got to have faith in somebody, you’d have to have faith in Brother Branham, sure, but there’s a ministry involved.

Because he said, “You minister’s got to break It down to the people.”



[16]  …He returns back in the 10th chapter after the coming time, that all the mysteries is to be finished, and the Seals are to be broke, and proclaiming that its time is no more.

And he said, “When the seventh angel begin to sound, the mysteries should be finished and the time for the Angel to appear. We’re close, somewhere. That’s right.

But, he already said, “That messenger is here on earth when that happens.” Well did Brother Branham say the messenger is under the earth when it happens? He said, “He’s on the earth.”

He didn’t say, “He’s under the earth.” So, William Branham… he had to be here, that must be right.

That must be the One.

“If that’s not It, well…”

Northern lights then are just as good as that. At least they don’t fool you, they’re better. Can’t buy it, brother/sister.

I don’t care what his tense’s sound like, or anything else. William Branham, he said, that messenger said, “He’s on earth at the same time.” It says so, I read It to you.


notice, Seven Seals holds the mystery of the Book. Until we can see what those Seven Seals has sealed in, we’re only presuming them things. Because as I’ve told you this morning, upon my little message this morning in “God Hiding in Simplicity,”…

You see, we are sure to miss the thing unless it is absolutely, genuinely revealed by the Holy Spirit and vindicated the same. See? The prophet rises and tells you that this is just that, and God don’t vindicate the thing, forget it. See? But God in every statement, in everything has to vindicate it to make it right. So His children will watch those things and be alert.

Now, he’s basing those Seven Angels upon a revelation, which was a vision. And he comes back and tells us the Seals will be opened. Now, we have enough faith in William Branham through identification to know the man isn’t lying.

Those Seals were opened. Seven Angels did come down. Then that Mighty One must have come down. So, Revelation 10:1-7 set something in progress, and 2 Thessalonians 1:7-13 or 10, set the same thing into progress.

We are now, bless your heart, in the midst, or the final call of the Shout, for all we know we are waiting for the Voice, which is the Resurrection. With It, our change, and with It the Trumpet to take us up higher. His children will watch those things and be alert.


Well, brother/sister, there you are. Three times I’ve brought out something in the Book of Ephesians which show you that though they run in continuity, it is the same Spirit.

There is no way that any person who is not ordained to be the recipient of whatsoever, the Holy Spirit Himself is doing, that person will never attain to it.

And if he has attained to one position, he is sealed in that position so that he is not in another position.  And his authority lies exactly where God put it, because God’s doing it.

And at the end-time, as in the first, God literally goes outside the body and outside the Bride. I am sorry, but yes, he does. For He stands at the door and knocks, and He says, “Come on out.”

And the first one to come out is the prophet. And God begins dealing with him and the rest of us come out.

You see, Paul said, “Look Bride, I’m going to tell you flat, the Word of God did not come out of you, It came unto you. And if you’re Bride, you’ll recognize that what I am saying is the commandment of God.”

And there stood another Paul, perhaps one of the greatest prophets that ever, ever lived. I don’t know how great, it’s not my job to know how much of God was in William Branham, I don’t know of one hundred percent, or two hundred percent was, and I’m not speaking lightly, I’m driving my point across.

I do not know, but I know in continuity God was in the prophets, and It cannot change. And God must speak to this world before it comes tumbling down. He said so, and the only thing that wouldn’t fail was God Himself.

And our God being “consuming Fire” would take care of us and take care of that. And God would do it. And the Bible says, that God does His Own way and nobody can change it.

And that’s what I try to teach this morning, the Lord bless you.

Let’s rise.

Heavenly Father, again we thank You for grace, mercy and truth through Jesus Christ our Lord. And Lord God in heaven, we know we have a little part in these things that we are involved…

[tape recording ends]

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