Faith Series #04 *
God is a Good God#0565
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…studying faith in the mind, Saturday night ‘Faith and Confession’. Sunday morning ‘The Trial of Our Faith’. We’ll be starting early Sunday morning about 10:30-35, somewhere in there.
In order to give us plenty of time to make the very thorough study of this question which will open up to us almost the whole of the purpose and plan of God in explaining many, many things to you.
I’ve seen people’s lives literally transformed as they saw what was in the Word of God, and explain why they were going through so many trials what God had in mind.
Now, after tonight I will not be repeating, because we will not have time to do so. We have a very important message tonight relative to faith which will be very illuminating, because it brings us a principle that we have not yet covered.
Before we go to prayer it mentioned that I had a phone call last night at the man I had seen, but I think I had seen, I don’t know that I ever met him. When we were in meetings in New England he came down from Canada to Bangor, Maine.
He was in the meetings, and today he is very desperate flight, because he is in need of healing from something which I think is lung cancer. So, we’ll pray for him tonight along with the desire of the Lord to help us in this Word.

Our Father, we come again tonight now, Lord, to talk to Thee, to know, Lord, as thou has bid us to come, but not to pray not just for ourselves, although we need to do that in this last day.
So, Lord, we’re praying for this brother who is in such great plight. Father… we know that Paul could say that his spirit being present, for the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ could set a church in order, how much more then, Lord, tonight our spirit with Your Spirit being present, ministering to that man that he may be healed in the Name of Jesus Christ, may the cancer be smitten.
That intruding life be cast out, let it be cursed and wither and die, that he may regain his life and his strength. We thank You, Lord, that this is possible, we believe that You’ve answered and the man is on his way to recovery.
Now, Lord, help us in Your Word tonight that every thought will be expressed and couched in exactly the right words.
May It be given in the spirit of the Living God and heard in that same spirit, so that it shall not go astray tonight, but Thy Word shall accomplish whereunto It was set forth, which is to open the eyes of Thy people, Lord, and to give them strength and courage and confidence.
And, Lord, to become skillful in the things of Almighty God, not as novices, and not as children tossed about by every slight of wind of doctrine.
But rather, Lord, growing up tonight to be strong in the Lord, matured Christians. This we believe is what You want, and this is what we want and what we must have.
We’re asking You, Lord, according to Your Word which has told us this is what we can have. We are laying it before You now giving it back to You.
So, this is the confidence we have tonight, Lord, if we ask anything concerning Your will, we know that You hear us.
And if we know that You hear us, we know that we have the petition we desire of You. And we thank You for it, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Now, at this point we have found that this measure of faith which is a measure of the faith of Almighty God Himself has been defined in Hebrews 1:11, “as the assurance of things hoped for.”
In order to understand what assurance we have is based on the fact that the word ‘hope’ means ‘earnest expectation’. Today we often use words which are not scriptural.
And the word ‘hope’ today has lost its meaning. We as I said last night it’s the word that we get given a wishy-washy connotation to.
We say, “I hope it doesn’t rain.” Then that means, well you know the kind of luck I have, “It’ll rain alright, it’ll just wash out the picnic.”
You wouldn’t find a word like that in the Bible. That word goes along with three great words in 1 Corinthians, faith, hope and love. Faith, hope and love.
How could then hope be such a word that would have such a fantastically poor usage, and then find itself flanked by such words as faith and love, and love being the greatest? Well actually the word should be translated ‘earnest expectation’.
So therefore we find our definition that this hope that I have is my assurance of an earnest expectation. But since Hebrews 11:6 says, that we’re dealing with God.
And as Romans said concerning Abraham that he believed God. So therefore then, this relationship expresses to us that our earnest expectation is in God, what can we expect to get from God?
Now, this makes this a very beautiful verse if we’d just let it get into our hearts. That this measure of the faith of Jesus Christ, this measure of the faith of Almighty God, this good and this perfect gift is now our know-so, that we can have what God said we can have.
Now, no one will deny tonight that God was earnest when He gave His covenant. The Scripture says in the Book of Hebrews, which we’ll get into again as time goes on, that God swear by Himself, because He could swear by none greater.
It says, “For men verily swear by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath.”
Now, it wasn’t only that God gave us a covenant, but this covenant was always, not endorsed, but it was consummated by blood.
And we are the covenant tonight through the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. And that covenant is, that God gave His Son.
Now, what I’m showing you is this, that God was so serious about His Word to us. And remember we didn’t ask God for any promise. I told you that prayer isn’t based upon your word.
I showed you in Lamentations as the Scripture said over here where, “Who is he that saith, it will come to pass, when the Lord has not said it?”
Prayer is based upon the Word of God. If it’s not in the Book, you can’t have it. See? So, now notice that God was so earnest about this Word that He gave His Son. You follow me?
Now, if this is true that God was so earnest, then we may earnestly expect what God said we can have. And the assurance that we can have it is because God gave us the measure of faith.
As the little illustration last night that I can take a dollar bill, and that dollar bill is my assurance that I can have any object that is for sale in America up to and including one dollar. It’s my assurance. It means I’ve got what it takes to get it.
And tonight you and I have this measure of faith which makes us sing as we have sung: “Every promise in the Book is mine, every chapter every verse, every line.” And that is true, because it is ours.
Remember, God never wrote the Bible for the devil, He never wrote It for Himself, He wrote It for us.
The Scripture says distinctly, “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God. That those things that are revealed belong unto us and to our children for a thousand generations.”
You see what it is then? “God has given us exceeding great and precious promises.”
And as It says over here in chapter 4: of the Book of Romans, which I read to you, It says:

(16) Therefore [the promise] is of faith, that it might be by grace; [given to us for nothing] to the end the promise might be [what?] sure… [so faith is our assurance.]
The reason that Abraham got God’s promise to him and Sarah was because of faith. He didn’t do a thing about his body. He tried to do things about conditions and God rebuked him.
And he said, “Oh that Ishmael might live.” And God said, “Ishmael isn’t in the covenant.” Remember, God holds us to His Word.
Now, with that in mind, with this particular gift which is good and perfect, because if, “Every good and perfect gift cometh from above.” “And the gifts and callings of God without repentance.”
And this gift is from above, then we’ve got a perfect measure of faith. There’s nothing wrong with our faith. The Scripture says concerning Abraham that he did not grow weak in faith. How could he?
How can you corrupt something that’s incorruptible? If you’re born of incorruptible seed, how could you ever get lost? But if you folks are still running, and can get lost.
I want to ask you that question. If you’ve got some-thing that won’t corrupt, how can you corrupt it? Either you’re a liar, or God’s a liar, make up your mind honey. Uh?
Thanks for a couple of Amens, that’s good, some of you may not be convinced. I hope I’m not losing my crowds that way. But, that’s alright child, we’ll get you there, bless God. Not leading you into sin, I’m showing you where the strength lies.
If you say you believe this Word, you better start believing It. Uh? You can’t blow hot and cold in one breath honey; you can’t make bitter or sweet water. Eh?
We read last night, “Either make the tree good, or make it corrupt.” See? God, you don’t fool with God.
.Now, if we have this measure that is our positive guarantee of every revealed promise in this Book being ours, what’s the matter?
Well, the fact is you can’t find any place in this Bible where God said, “As long as you’re upon this earth, you as a person are infallible.” No sir!
It even says, “When you see somebody in sin, you go and restore him with fear and trembling, because you know you can fall yourself.”
The Scripture distinctly says, “Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed less he fall.” The Word of God says, “The body is dead because of sin.”
That’s why every single person got to die, unless Jesus comes in the Rapture. But the Spirit is Life because of righteousness. Proving, that if you were perfect right now in yourself, you’d never die.
But you’re not perfect. You are a fallible person; you can make mistakes. You can be tempted, you can fall.
And the Bible says, “Though a righteous man fall seven times, the Lord will raise him up.” You don’t believe it, that’s in the Book of Proverbs.
So, the problem lies tonight not in God’s perfect gift as though we didn’t have enough, but it lies in you and me the fallible vessels, we don’t know what God’s Word said about the laws of faith, and we’ve never learned therefore to apply them.
The Bible says tonight, “He that hears My Word and doeth it, I’ll liken him unto a man that built his house upon the rock. And the winds came, the rain, the flood descended and they beat upon the house and it wouldn’t fall, because it was built upon a rock.”
And He said, “He that heareth My Word and doesn’t do it, see? are likened to a man who built his life upon the sand, and when the catastrophes came, the rains came washed him right down.” See?
Now, you understand then that the fallibility lies in us. Nothing wrong in what we got. Brother/ sister don’t, don’t downgrade what God’s done. If you say that you can go out and get lost, you’re downgrading what God did for you.
My Bible says, “He which hath begun as good work in you, will perform it till the day of Jesus Christ.”
Now, I’m not backing down on that. “All that cometh to Me, He said, I will nowise…” Then nowise, that means what you or anybody else can’t pluck you out. See?
Nothing wrong with what God’s done and said. Nothing wrong with God’s perfect gifts. It’s man that fallible because he hasn’t take the promises of God and the principles of God, and worked on them by the Word.
Now, isn’t that right? Now come on, let’s get some pep tonight. Hallelujah, I don’t ask for amens, just get real peppy now in your spirit. I think you’re a light, just want you to pep your spirit.
Listen, “Whosoever therefore, shall break one of the least of these commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whosoever shall do and teach them that sends, shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Now, the Bible lays down laws. And when you don’t abide by those laws, no matter what God has given, you’re going to have trouble.
Did God ever give man any more than He gave Adam and Eve, I mean just a natural and wonderful sense? No sir! But they lost it all, because Eve got out from behind the Word.
So, our problem tonight is this: there’s nothing wrong with what we’ve got by way of faith. Don’t let anybody ever say, “I haven’t got enough faith.”
You’re calling God a liar. Don’t let anybody that’s born again say, “I have no faith.” You blaspheme against the Word of God. Don’t question your faith. Don’t ever question your faith, begin to find out where you’re lacking yourself.
Then the greatest of all laws is this: That since, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the people earnestly expect. And there isn’t one of you who doesn’t earnestly expect something better than you’ve got.
And you’re going to get it from God, it must mean then that God is a good God, with good things and all, and you’ve got to do is apply the law it’ll get that good God to do good things.
Now remember, God wants to do it, He swore He’d do it, so therefore the imploring of God is not the situation, but it’s lining up ourselves with those conditions. Is that correct?
Now, the major problem as we discovered last night it this: we as a people are not sold that God is a good God, we judge by conditions. Because the sun is shining bright we think God is a good God.
Because we’re happy and tripping anything the light fantastic as it were, we think, “God is a good God.” But God is a good God in spite of any that happens.
Is He a good God when we run into problems? Is He a good God when you just buy a brand new car and you’ve got the down payment on, and you haven’t got the thing lined up in insurance and you take it out and smash it to smithereens?
Is God a good God? You see, there’s where the human heart and mind fluctuate. It begins to wonder just how good God is.
You’ve got to come to the place where you’ll realize, “that all things are working together for good to them that love the Lord.”
Because It also says in Thessalonians, “In all things give thanks, (A-double-L) give thanks, because this is the will of God concerning you.”
Is it God in you doing and willing doing the good pleasure, and in Him you live and move and have your being?
And the counsel of His Own will are being wrought out in the Bride, then you cannot fuss at anything, but say, “This is good, and hallelujah, it’s got to be good, because I’m in God and God’s in me and that’s it.”
You say, “What if my love one’s die? Brother/sister, that hasn’t got a thing to do with God, He’s still good.
Listen to me, there’s a queen sitting on a throne in England. And if all America is hit by a tidal wave, or some disaster and we’re all wiped out in fifteen minutes, but the queen is still on her throne, what happened in America hasn’t got a thing to do with her.
No matter what happens to you and me hasn’t got a thing to do with God, as though God would change in one little bit, He’s still a good God.
So, we have reserved to ourselves the right to think that God is either good or bad, or He changes or something else just because conditions change.
And when we get that way, we cannot get your prayer answered, it’s impossible. Because how can you make the perfect faith work, when this perfect faith has lost its object of repose.
Faith cannot be reposed in anything but God, a God Who is good, because you’re looking for something better than you’ve got now, and if that God is not basically and intrinsically always, always good regardless of what takes place, He is a good God.
Then brother/sister your faith can’t work. See? There’s nothing wrong with your faith. What it is, is us. We’ve got to decide once and for all, is He good, or is He not?
Now, I like what Oral Roberts said, and this is the truth. He said, “The people very seldom make up their minds more than once or twice in a life time.”
And this is the most important thing that you and I will ever be called upon to make up our minds about: is He, or is He not a good God?
Now, I wasn’t fooling that time, you know I’m telling you the truth. Is it right? Make our minds up once and for all, is He or is He not a good God?
When Job was tried sore, the devil came before God and said, “Everything seems to be pretty good in my boat, how’s it with You?”
And God said, “It’s going extra good in My little ship, because I’ve got a man named Job, he’s perfect, I think you’ve seen him, you’ve made his acquaintance.”
He said, “Yes, I’ve made his acquaintance, but that’s why I’ve said everything is good in my little boat, because I don’t’ think Job’s so hot.”
And God said, “What do you mean?”
“Why, he said, anybody could praise You and feel good if You just gave him everything You gave Job, he said, You’ve hedged him about.”
You see what I’ve been telling you, when everything goes well, everything goes well, sure He’s a good God. And that’s exactly what the devil said to God.
“Now, he said, You’ve made everything so propitious for him and so wonderful, sure he’s calls You a good God, but I’ll tell You just take that hedge away and let me put my finger on him, instead of Your hands.”
And God said, “Alright, I’ll take the challenge, but you can’t kill him. What do you want to do?”
“I’ll just take everything he’s got and see how he acts.”
And God said, “Take everything he’s got.” And so he took everything he had.
And Job said, “Well, bless God, I didn’t have it in the first place, so I guess it’s okay if I don’t have it in the second place. “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh,” He knows what He’s doing, “blessed be the Name of the Lord.” The devil went back, he was kind of confused.
And God said, “Didn’t I tell you?” And the Lord won the first battle. “Didn’t I tell you?”
“Oh, he said, I wouldn’t be so smug about it, You, after all, he said, a man can lose faith.”
“Well, He said, let him lose something else. What about taking all of his family and the rest of it.”
“Well, that’s pretty …?… though any man says, it’s better to enjoy a sunset and a crust of bread and have your family healthy, than a bunch of club-feet and cripples and the rest. Well sure, he said, you take all that family away, and you make it really rough.”
And then God says, “Well, we’ll see about that.”
Do you realize that people can be expendable in order to see if you will trust God. That’s what God thinks of you, and I say today there are multitudes of reprobates that died because of you and me, we don’t believe even that He’s a good God. God took His children.
“The devil took him,” you say. He couldn’t have if God hadn’t let him.
So, the devil came back to God, and God said, “See, I told you. He said, “You can’t win, why don’t you quit while you’re…” He said, “Well, you just got two against you.”
He said, “I’ll never quit. I’ll tell you what You do, you let me touch him himself and we’ll see what happens.”
Because he said, “After all, no matter what happens as long as a man’s got life, then when he comes to face reality in sickness and death, that’s another story.”
And God said, “God ahead test him, but don’t kill him.”
And the devil came down and did everything he could to destroy Job.
And Job said, “If He’s using his great strength against me, is God planning to destroy me, he said, no, He is trying to put strength in me. He’s a good God no matter what it looks like.”
And then he said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” “For when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” And God said, “Devil, see thou movest Me against him.” But it didn’t do him any good.
Now brother/sister, we’ve got to see that God is a good God. Once we are settled, once and for all made up our minds that this and this, heart and mind are in single solidarity union, all over our bodies God is a good God.
We have been committed to it, not just resigned to it and committed, but we believe it, we know it. That’s the greatest battle of using your faith in this world.
Because once you’re convinced that God is a good God, if you can build from there on. And that is the way we build, because God is a good God.
The Scripture says over here in,

(68) Thou art good, and doest good;…
The Scripture says here, “But let him that glory, glory in this; that He understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord which exercises loving kindness and judgment, and righteousness in the earth.”
Now listen beloved, I’m going to tell you something right here” Try as we might we have no right to attempt to figure out what kind of a God, God is by nature, you can’t do it.
You cannot figure out what kind of a God, God is by history, you can’t do it. Because no man has seen God. No man has counsel with God. No man has actually heard God, in the sense of a face to face interview, it has never been done.
You say, “What about Christ?” That’s the glory of God was seen in His face and God was veiled in flesh. I’m talking about Spirit now, Eternal Spirit.
There is only one way that you and I can know God and that is by what His Word says. And God said, “I am a good God, and I’m doing good things.” Now, what are we going to believe?
Now remember, this faith of God rests in God. Like a homing pigeon it goes to God, but if we don’t believe what God said about Himself, how can this faith go to God? Can’t do it. Right? Can’t do it.
We’ve got to make up our mind that God is a good God, that He’s not frustrating us, He’s not hurting us, but everything is a hundred percent right.
Remember, He said in Psalms 50:21, “Thou thoughtest that I was all together such a one as thyself.” God is not like us.
Again He said, “His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways, but as high as the heaven above the earth, so are His thoughts and His ways above ours.”
And again It tells us as Balaam said, God speaking, “God is not a man that He should lie, neither the Son of Man that He should repent. Hath He said, and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken and shall He not perform it?” God is a good God, He is doing good things.
Now, God spoke in His Own defense as to being a good God. And remember, when we talk about a good God, His love is in question. Does God love us? Does He really love us?
If He loves us why does He allow wars and all these things? He still loves us. And His love is not like what we think of love. It’s elective love. Remember, when Israel cried, “Lord, how can you say You love us?”
He said, “I do love you, because I proved it, “Jacob have I loved, Esau have I hated.”
The fact that God had chosen you unto salvation. The fact that you have been born of His Spirit, proved that God loves you and not the man, He didn’t play.
If you’re born again tonight according to God’s Own Word, you and I have no right to doubt His love and His goodness. None whatever.
Now, you say, “Brother Vayle, I don’t feel it that way, I don’t know it that way.” But that’s the way God knows it, and that’s the way God feels it, and you better begin to go God’s way.
You see why we …?… in faith? How many people really believe that’ a the proof of God’s love, election? The majority do not, they turned their noses up and they fight right tonight, they stiffen their back and their neck. I don’t mean you folk here, I mean the so called Christian world.
And they say, “Well, if that’s God’s love, haw.” And God says, “Haw,” right back, because that’s what my Bible said is love.
When Israel said, “What is the proof of your love?” He said, “The proof of my love is election. “Jacob have I loved, Esau have I hated.”
Now, brother/sister, did I quote you the Word of God? Did I? Have I given you Malachi the 1st chapter, the first few verses? I most certainly have. Did I make this up? I did not.
Will God listen to you and me if we tell Him what to do? Never. He warned us about that. Then, where is the proof of God’s love tonight? Did you and I stand on, the fact that we’re born again, nothing else.
And from there on if He slays us that’s His business, He loves us, then He’s a good God. He promised to never leave us nor forsake us.
He said, “When you pass through the waters, I’ll be with you, it shall not overflow you.”
You say, “What about the fact then Brother Vayle that many people died?” Isn’t there a resurrection? Isn’t there a Millennium? Isn’t there an Eternal reign with Christ?
Get in the Word of God, say that these sufferings are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed?
Didn’t God say He doesn’t owe man anything, but man owes Him? Uh? Then alright, is He a good God? See where we are tonight, we got us once and for all make up our minds is He a good God?
You say, “I saw that poor soul suffering.”
You ever see a man suffer and die of cancer? That has nothing to do with God being good or not being good. Not anymore than has to do with this micro-phone. This is a microphone, and if I were shot through the brain at this moment, hasn’t got a thing to do with it, and that’s the way God is.
I’m not saying now God took His hand off, but I’m just telling you to get your minds made up that whatever we see happen, or what is done to us or anybody, little children being destroyed, blown to bits by bombs and all; that has nothing to do with it. God is a good God! See? Follow me? It’s important to get that.
Now, the next thing what we’re getting into is our second part of the definition of faith. And that is, that faith is not only the assurance of things hoped for.
That is a good God, our assurance, that a good God is doing good things even better than we know, or ever we’ll realize until we stand before Him in the revelation of the day of the Lord when He comes to this earth.
It also says over here, “That faith is the conviction of things not seen.”
I don’t like the word ‘evidence’, because it is not actually right in Scripture. That word ‘evidence’ doesn’t fit in today anymore. It’s an old fashioned word.
The word is ‘conviction’. It’s the very same word we get from, where we find where Paul said, “If any man speaks in prophecy, and he’ll read the secrets of a man’s heart by prophecy, and that man is convinced of all. It’s the very same word. Conviction, or convincing.”
“Faith is the convincing of things not yet seen.”
Now, to begin with we must realize that unseen things cannot mean not only those things unseen due to those spiritual nature, but unseen as yet in our possession, or as yet unseen in our possession.
Now, I’m going to show you that’s true, because we’ll turn to the Book of Romans 8: where I got that from, and in verses,

(24) For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
(25) But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
Now, let me show you something here: If you never knew there was a car you wouldn’t hope for it, you wouldn’t want it. If you never knew that there was something particular in the line of furniture you wouldn’t look for it.
You may have a longing for something, you wouldn’t know how to define it, but you wouldn’t look for it.
But you see, when you do see something, that’s when you really want it. What the eye sees, the heart hankers for it, longs for it, yearns for it. That is truth.
Just like you see something in this Word by the Spirit you long for It. Now, the Scripture tells us we are saved by hope, but hope that is seen is not hope.
In other words, when you see a thing you don’t any longer look for it. When you see a thing in your possession you don’t anymore expect it, because you got it. See?
If I am hoping for a car and earnestly expecting it, I go down and get the car, I no longer expect the car, I’ve got the car, see? that’s what he’s saying here.
So, our thought tonight is not simply one whereby by grace are we saved through faith that you are going to stand in the Presence of God justified and glorified and like unto Him, according what Scripture says, “When we see Him, we shall be like Him.” But it also has to do with bringing into our possession earthly promises.
Now, you say, “Brother Vayle, why do you say that?” Because that’s what happened to Abraham. Right?
He didn’t have a son, but he got the son. And he came right out of his own bowels produced by Sarah, his wife, there was that son Isaac. He got him not figuratively, but literally, he came into positive being, and he no longer looked for his son, he had him.
But until his son came, faith was his assurance that he could get that son which he earnestly expected, and faith was his conviction, that he would see that son materialize before he died. And that’s exactly what took place.
Now, as this faith nature in us causes us to suffer trials and temptations, and causes us to abandon earthly pleasures, for the Kingdom of God which we will inherit.
So, it even now at this moment here in this life disregards the trials we must face in order to reach some earthly promises that God’s given us.
Now, listen to me carefully brother/sister, concerning this word ‘conviction’. You cannot have opposite conviction on anyone subject at any one time, it’s impossible.
You can’t be convinced you will be healed at the same time that you are convinced that you’re going to stay sick.
Faith is the power of a right and good conviction which leads us into rest, which is the rest of faith which we’ve been talking about.
The true Christian has a sublime disregard for the things that are seen no matter what they are. Let them be cancer, let them be drought, let them be anything at all, enemies coming against him as David said, “I can run through a troop and jump over a wall.”
I say a Christian has a sublime disregard for the things that are seen, no matter what they are for he has his eyes fastened on the unseen, yet seeing in God’s Word by the promises.
The Bible said, “Abraham staggered not at the promises of God.” Most of us do stagger at them, we shouldn’t. We should be happy for them, we should not stagger at the things which come against us.
We carry that thought which I have mentioned, that we have a sublime disregard for the things that are seen, you see that are against what we want.
You see, if we have them we wouldn’t look for them. We don’t see them in our possession. What we do see my brother, my sister, is what is against us. You see? Otherwise we wouldn’t want what God said He has for us.
Now, if you’re sick what do you want? Health. Did God say He wants you sick? No sir, He said He wants you happy.
So what are you? Are we going to keep our eyes on sickness? No! With this conviction, and you can’t have a double conviction on one subject at any one time in your minds.
I said you cannot believe you’re going to get well, at the same time you’re sure you’re going to stay sick. No sir, you can’t do it. That’s true, we know that.
But the Christian because he’s got this faith from God he can have a sublime disregard for the condition which he sees that are against him, no matter what they are, for he has his eyes fastened on the unseen as yet in his possession, but seen in God’s Word that is yours.
Now, as you understand that, we turn to Romans 4: again verses 17-25. Now, this is a story again of Abraham receiving his promise.

(17) (As it is written, [God said] I have made thee [Abraham] a father of many nations,) [what is Abraham’s resultant reaction?] before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
(18) Who… [when hope was gone, hoped on in faith.]
I like what Moffat said, rather than the King James version, that’s why I quoted It that way. Who when hope was gone and there wasn’t any more use in looking, he kept looking.
Well what about that now, did you get it? I said, faith of your conviction so that you don’t look at what’s against you, and what you see, you look at what you don’t see in your possession yet, but what you see in the Word. See?

(18) Who… [Paraphrased: …when hope was gone hoped on in faith he might become what God said he was.] [Now, what about it? Come on I want that to sink in. He hoped on and became what God said he was.]
(19) And being not weak in faith,…
How can you be weak in faith when you’ve got the faith of God? “Pray for me, I’m weak in faith.” Shut up! You’re weak in the head. Weak in the pocket book. Weak in your knees. Weak in your backbone, weekender.
You’re not weak in faith if you’ve got the faith of God honey, you made a boo-boo. Uh? Did you… is there one thing we know tonight that’s one thing, we are not weak in faith.
We are not weak in faith, honey, that’s one thing, we’re not weak in. We may be weak in learning in how to use the law of faith, we are not weak in faith.
Neither are we weak in righteousness, because we have become His righteousness. We are as righteous as God because of our union with Christ.
We may not act like it honey child, we may not have learned to use it, but there’s one thing that we are not weak in, we are not weak in righteousness. Quite shocking isn’t it?
You see, we got you and me, and we’ve got to get our thinking all lined up don’t we? Uh? That’s why tomorrow night I’m going to talk about faith and your mind.
Am I giving you Bible, uh? I’m not twisting a thing tonight. I’m not here to twist anything. I’ve got nothing to gain by twisting. I want to twist anything, I might twist somebody’s arm. I’m not going to twist his faith and his mind. No!

(19) And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead,…
Now, listen to me, this is the one thing that he should have considered. “Hey Doc, what’s the best vitamins for this, can you tell me? Put my back in adjustment that might help me too.” I’m doing this on purpose.
“You see Doc, take my pulse.” You know I’m getting old honey, I just can’t go through this. See? The one… isn’t that what I should consider if I’m an old man and want a child, is my body, right?
“Yeah,” he said, he didn’t consider it.” What do you think of that? Well, wasn’t that what he should have considered?
But not according to God. Vitamins, therapy, nothing would do the work. Because it was already too late for both of them, and yet it didn’t bother him one little bit, because he knew he had what it took, he had the faith.
So, he didn’t look at what was against him, but he looked at what God had said was for him. And he knew that he had what it took, but he had to learn how to use what he had, what it took to get that answer. See?

(20) He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith,…
Certainly he was strong in faith, that’s the one place that he was strong in. He was weak in his body. Seminally speaking, he was dead, dead, dead. You know that? You don’t believe it, read what It says in Genesis concerning his wife.
She said, “Shall I have pleasure with my lord?” She said he was incapable of the sex act. Uh? You know the Bible was this blunt? We’re going to make it this blunt, because the Bible just said blunt, it tells you in plain English.
The one thing he wasn’t weak in was faith. And when he recognized that he could go someplace, and brother/sister, when you and I recognize that God’s a good God, and gave us a good gift, we can start going someplace Uh? All right!
Now, It says that he was:

(21) …fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.
Now listen tonight brother/sister, you and I both, know every one of us know tonight that what God says He can and does perform. We know that. But we fail when we talk about ourselves.
We say, “Yes, I know Sister Holgram was healed of cancer. I know Brother Johnson was healed of tuberculosis. I know positively the little boy in Finland was raised from the dead. I know that God had fulfilled in the life of somebody every single solitary promise in the Book, but I don’t know about me.”
Why not about you? Are you any different from the rest? None whatever. You’ve got the same measure of faith. You’ve got the same care, you’ve got the same promise. You’ve got everything, everything, everything the other fellow had.
All you’ve got to do is be like Abraham who realized what he had and said, “That’s the one thing I’m not weak in, I’m not weak in faith.”
People praying on their death bed and say, “I’m afraid I’m weak in faith.” You insult God! Die with your last breath going out, and say, “I’m strong in faith, that’s one thing I have got. I’ll admit, I haven’t learned to use it, but I’m strong in faith, because God said so.”
Put the blame where it belongs right back on the carnality of man and the fallibility. But not on the infallibility, and the super Deity of Almighty God. Which of course is in contradistinction to our carnality.
Now, we go on here. This is based upon, this Word here which we read here of Abraham, is based upon the fact that God has said in Genesis 17:5-6, and He said:

(05) Neither shall thy name be called any more Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
(06) And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations [come out] of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.
You’ll notice that God said, “I have made you, and I will manifest it. And when Abraham was willing to concede that he was what God said he was, he became.
Until you and I concede that we are what God said we are we will not become. But when we are willing to concede in the face of every single thing that’s a hundred percent opposite, then we will become.
And right now for the first time I can finally get a hold of Romans chapter 7. Never did understand It till now.
But, here’s what Paul said, he said, he said here,

(18) For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
(19) For the good that I would I do not: [and] the evil which I would not, that I do.
(20) Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
(21) I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
(22) For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
(23) But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
(24) O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from law, or [the sentence] from this death? [Now notice,]
(25) I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; [I myself, notice he said] serve the law of God with the flesh the law of sin.

(01) There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ…
The answer is when Paul identified himself with Christ, and believed that he was what God said he was, he stopped sinning.
In other words, when you and I believe that we’re the righteousness of God, and believe it, what God said about us we will become it.
Because Abraham became what God said he was, when he believed he was what God said he was. Right?
Didn’t say he was that, “right away now, child.” He didn’t get that way in fifteen minutes, but he got that way. He became what God said he was.
You can’t have a double conviction about anything. Abraham couldn’t have been convinced that he would never be the father, he was convinced that he was the father.
Today they say, “Well, that man’s crazy, listen to that old fool going around saying, “I’m the father of nations, I’m the father of nations” heaven knows that he’s ninety-nine years of age, he’ll never, he’s just nuts.”” But he became what God said he was.
We say, “By His stripes I have been healed.” I am healed, because God said so, It’ll get a hold of you, It’ll do something for you.
People say, “Well, I can’t say that Brother Vayle, I’m a liar if I say that.” Then Abraham your father was a liar. In fact you haven’t got Abraham for your father, lets’ face it. Did I hit that.
“But I talk in tongues.” I don’t’ care if you do talk in tongues, devils can talk in tongues too. You’re a child of God, you’re going to say what Abraham said, “I am Abraham.”
They said, “You mean you’re Abram?”
He said, “No, I’m Abraham.”
“Because God said so.”
“Because God said so? God’s making you a liar.”
“No sir, God’s not making me a liar, He’s making me once and for all to see truth, because Thy Word is truth.”
“Let every man be a lair, but let God’s Word be true.”
Oh, we’re getting somewhere aren’t we? Beginning to gel isn’t it? Uh? Beginning to gel now, uh? Certainly, because it’s the Word of God.
He became what God said he was, when he identified himself with the Word of God. “By whose stripes you have been healed.”
He said to the woman, “Daughter, thou hast been loosed from thy infirmity.” “Come over here honey so I can pray for you.”
If she had quibbled and said, “Now, well now Jesus, look now you don’t expect me now to believe I’m healed and you haven’t even prayed. Well why don’t you do something then I’ll believe it.”
He would have said, “Go down your way, you’ve missed the whole point, goodbye.”
She was so happy to have heard from God she came running and the minute He touched her she was whole.
Ah yes, there’s something to see here brother/sister, and that is, we must begin to see it’s the eyes of Abraham.
Now, in other words, Abraham gave his whole attention to what he does not now see. Right? He absolutely refuses to give his time to what’s against him.
Now listen, I’m going to tell you something right now, it’ll help us all. Years and years ago, before I knew anything about what I’m teaching you tonight, I said, “Any fool, (actually I used much stronger language then that which is not nice to say from a pulpit,) can know what’s wrong, but it takes a mighty smart man to make things right.”
Now, this man knew what was wrong. Any fool knows what’s wrong. Listen, don’t you know that doctors have got their diagnosis to a place that you can go a clinic, and they today I understand are ninety percent correct in their diagnosis?
But they’re about ninety percent off on their prognosis, because they can’t do a thing for you. Any nut knows what’s wrong.
“Abraham, what’s wrong?”
“Well son, it’s this way…” He didn’t say…
He said, “Nothing’s wrong son, don’t you know that I’m a father of nations?”
“Oh brother, there’s goes that kook again.”
No, he’s right. He’s not wasting on what is wrong. Don’t sit up worrying about your troubles, don’t waste your time looking at yourself, “God my back hurts, oh God, my sinuses are… Oh Lord, my ear drums and my left lung is collapsing, and my kidneys don’t…”
Shut up about those, any jackass knows what’s wrong! Uh? Balaam’s ass knew more than Balaam did. Oh, we’re going to slug tonight.
Anybody know what’s wrong. Don’t put you time on it. Sure you’re sick, you got troubles, forget it! Any nut knows what’s wrong, and the great God knows how to make it right.
And He said, “You identify yourself to what I said in My Word. You get your eyes on My promise. Get your eyes on Me.” Don’t entertain what’s wrong, entertain what’s right, and then some-thing’s going to happen.
Why? Because you can’t entertain opposite sentiments on a question and come out serving God. You can’t think you’re healed now and at the same minute wonder if you just won’t keep sick.
You’ve got to settle your mind once and for all. I’m through looking at what’s wrong, I’m looking at what’s right. And you men, the Scripture says, “Looking unto Jesus.”
Now, listen to me, this is exactly what David did in,

(13) I had fainted, [I would have gone down, I positively would have been defeated. It was all over as far as victory and everything concerning my life with God was concerned, but] unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Notice, he didn’t look at what was wrong, he began looking in faith at what God said was right. Now listen, he said, “I would have gone down if I would have kept looking at what’s wrong.”
Now David said that. You’re not going to get the promises of God child tonight if you’re going to keep looking at yourself and what’s wrong.
Forget it, you’re not going to get it. You mean you don’t believe your faith is big enough. Why? Because you’re looking someplace else. Faith, like a homing pigeon goes to God.
Listen, get what I’m getting at tonight brother/sister. Get what I’m getting at. Faith is the conviction of things not yet seen in your possession.
You’ve got something so big in here that are saying, forget what’s wrong. Forget what’s wrong, forget what’s wrong. Hasn’t God spoken? Forget what’s wrong.
Never mind David you’re suffering. Never mind Abraham you’re having trouble. Never mind that, remember what God said. You got something in here, that’s that big.
Now, he said, “I would have fainted from what I saw, but I had faith in the unseen. I was convinced, or convicted what God had said was more real than the very circumstances I was in.”
Do you realize because of this condition is what made him live by faith? Now listen, “This is the victory that overcometh the world.” What? Even our faith, and we live by faith.
How did David get a victory? Saul came one night, and there he foolishly lay in the open. The guards went to sleep.
And David had every chance to go down there and kill him. He said, “Men, instead of killing him, go on down there and cut skirt off of his garment, and bring the skirt back.”
And he held it and said, “Oh king, I could have killed you but I didn’t.”
Now, don’t you know that this man could have got rid of his conditions by killing him? But God didn’t say to kill anybody. He let God fight his battle. He just rested in faith, in perfect faith. He even let the enemy multiply.
In other words he had such a conviction, and we’re got the same faith tonight, because there’s only one faith. The Bible says, “There is one faith, one baptism.”
There you are, not two, you can’t be baptized in the body and baptized with the Holy Ghost, it’s two different things, it’s all one and the same when you are baptized in the body of Christ, you were baptized, the Holy Ghost. Now, don’t pretend you’re a theologian if you don’t believe that.
Now, come on I didn’t quote you what Lee Vayle says, or Jonathan Edwards, or even the pope. He’s a pretty great authority isn’t he? And I’ve quoted you God’s Word.
And David said this, “I look to God. and because God said I was king, I became king.”
Now listen, take your Bible’s and turn to 2 Corinthians, and in It we’re going to read chapter 4:17-18.

(17) For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us…
The very things that you and I think that are against us are what? For us! “All things work together for good, do they not? them that love the Lord.” Is that correct? There it is:

(17) …our light affliction, which is but for a moment, [God said, “It’s going to pass away.” Now, it] worketh a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
(18) While we look not at the things [that are what?] seen, but at the things which are not seen:…
In other words, my brother, my sister, if you stop looking at that which is against you, it will start to work for you. I can’t figure that out, but I can believe it.
Oh, I can figure it out, because once you disregard it in faith brother/sister, the next time it comes around the corner you’ll disregard it all the more.
You see, I’ve dealt with you before you snake, just go on your way. Chop your head off, and hang your tail up for a memento. That’s what they do don’t they, with the rattlers?

(18) …for the things which are seen are [what?] temporal; [they’re going to pass away] but the things which are not seen [are what are they? The promises of God concerning the condition, they] are eternal.
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but not one of My Words.” Why? Because God and His Word are the same. These same three bear witness on earth, that’s the water, the blood and the spirit and they agree.
But the Father, the Word and the Spirit not only agree, the Scripture says they are one, the blood, the water, spirit are not one they simply agree. But God and His Word are what? They are one.
Now, with that in mind,

(04) He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.
The Bible says here that a man going out and looking at the wind he’ll never sow. In the wind sow anyway, what’s the difference?
And he said if he regards the clouds he will not reap. He says, “It’s going to rain I’m going to stay home.” Go out and reap anyway.
Listen to,

(05) Thus saith the LORD; [God] Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm,…
Notice what James says, “Have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ respect of person?”

(05) …[in] whose heart [where’s your faith? In the heart,] departeth from the LORD.
“Cast not away thy confidence which hath great recompense reward.”

(06) For [It says, if you do that you will,] be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall [inherit a] parched [place]…
Now, listen to me, you didn’t get that did you? I know you didn’t, it took me a long time to get it too.
It says, “Good is coming, but you won’t even see it.” Good is coming, but you won’t even see it. Because, what’s he see? His condition.
You can’t get your eyes on two things at once either. You can’t look at yourself and look and look at the Word of God at the same time.
You can’t do it, because if you do you’ll hate yourself. You’ll want to kill yourself like Moses said, “Kill me O God, I’m sick and tired, I can’t take it.”
Even David cried for God to kill him. And Abraham thought that he would die for awhile without a child by his wife.
And he said, “Let Ishmael live.” See the fallible vessels my brother, my sister, fallible, fallible people. See, we’re the ones that can fall.
And the Bible said right here, listen again, “Thus saith the Lord, cursed is man that puts his trust in man.”
What greater curse is there in this world that you and I feel, that we never bought up the opportunity to make good when they’re under our noses?
Some of you people here live in this area. You know that we’ve had a population explosion. You know that people are building on every hand.
Some of you had the chance to buy land here, and had nothing down and nothing a month hardly, and you’d have been rich today.
But you didn’t see it did you? It went right pass your nose, just like it went past mine, but it was there all the time.
Now, my Bible says here, “Cursed is man who puts his trust in man.” And It says here, “Who maketh flesh his arm.”
And he begins to look around at conditions and everything else. It says, “Good will come, but he won’t even see it.” It’ll be there, but he’ll miss it each time.
Jonah 2:8 says:

(08) They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.
He said that when he was in the belly of the whale. He said, “Here I am, but God’s a great God, and they that believe lying vanities.”
In other words, look at systems and conditions, “forsake their own mercy.” You can’t keep your eyes on what’s wrong with you.
As I said a while ago any fool knows what’s wrong. Don’t be a fool looking at those things, you know what’s wrong. What’s right? God’s Word. Get your eyes on that. Get your mind full of It.
All right, what does It say over here in,

(08) …he [that] looketh upon [the serpent], shall live.
Here they were, being bitten by snakes. And the Bible said, “When you’re being bitten by those snakes, keep gazing at that, [brass serpent] you don’t take one quick look and walk away like we do in prayer and say, “Well, thank you Jesus, I’ve got it.”
No sir, you keep looking and you keep looking and the conditions get worse and worse. And the snakes bit harder and faster, and those who looked the longest were bitten the worse. But they kept on looking and suddenly, they didn’t even feel the snake bite and they were healed while the rest died.
Now, turn to Deuteronomy 20. This is a very good Scripture, It’s one of my favorites concerning this very portion of this very thought. Now,

(01) When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and people [less] than thou,… [in fact you’re a great number and they’re none.]
That’s not what It says. It says, when you go to battle you’re always going to go against bigger odds, than what you have got resources in yourself.

(01) When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and people more than thou, be not afraid of them: [Don’t get your eyes on them] for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. [When God saved thee, He promised to take you all the way through.]
(02) And it shall be, when ye are come nigh unto the battle, that the priest shall approach and speak unto the people,
(03) And shall say… Hear, O Israel, [you] approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, do not tremble, neither be terrified because of them;
(04) For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, [and] to save you.
Now, turn to,

(15) And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, [this is when the Syrians were round about Elisha, you know and Gehazi] the servant of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both [men and] horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?
(16) And [Elisha] answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
(17) And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open [this young fellow’s] eyes, that he [can] see. [Because he just can’t see anything, but what’s against him, that’s not going to do him any good but harm.] And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, [the heavens] the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
You can never have your eyes opened to the power of God until you get your eyes off of what bothers you. Stop making much of your condition and make much of God. “O magnify the Lord,” is what the Psalmist said.
Didn’t say, magnify your condition, did he? And he said, “You that glory, glory in this.” What? That you know God is a good God doing good things.
How in the world can anybody glory in a good God doing good things all the time say, “Oh, look it at my poor back. Oh. what a terrible condition, oh my, oh my.” Oh yes, oh, oh, oh. Oh, quiet now, quiet right down. Because that’s not the way to get it done.
What does It say over here in,

(01) Wherefore [because] seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, [What witnesses? The heroes of faith who even died to please God] seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, [what’s a be-setting sin? Unbelief.] and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, [How?]
(02) Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame…
Notice that, paid no attention. Come …?… Wouldn’t put his time on it, but he looked unto God.

(02) …despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
(03) For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest [you] be wearied and faint…
There is no fainting by looking to God, but there is fainting looking at circumstance.
David said, “I had fainted if I’d looked at conditions, but I was looking to God who made me a good promise.” See, how the Word dovetailed? He’ll never change that Word. It’s marvelous.

(01) James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
(02) My brethren, count it [pure joy] all joy when [you] fall into divers [testings.]
(03) Knowing this, that the [trial] of your faith worketh patience.
(04) But let patience have her perfect work, that [you] may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
(05) If any of you lack wisdom, [if he lacks anything] let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
(06) But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
In other words, you can’t have you mind full of yourself on one minute, and your mind full of God the next. Get the thing out of your mind that is against you, because it’s against you anyway. So forget it.
My brother, my sister, if you had the bill to pay and you reached in your pocket and there wasn’t a nickel there, you’d stop looking in your pocket, you’d look someplace else wouldn’t you? Then why do we look at our troubles? Look to God, it’s that simple.

(07) For let not that man think [he’ll] receive any thing of the Lord.
(08) A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. [Get your mind full of what God said.]
Now, let us get right into the heart of the truth that we’ve been bringing you. And we want to see exactly from the mind of God how we work out this process of faith and why we can do it.
Here is why a man can disdain what he sees, no matter how serious and urgent the problem and trial is. Here is why a man can count it pure joy when he falls into testing and conditions which are against him.
And now, if we’ll get it, you listen carefully to me, and I’m going to show you how it is by asking you a question.
And my question is this, listen to it carefully: Was God a Savior before He died on the Cross, or did He become the Savior of mankind by dying for their sins and rising for their justification?
Now, how many say that He became a Savior? Or how many say He was a Savior before the Cross? Now what is it? Are you sure?
You sure He already was a Savior, dying at the Cross did not make Him a Savior, because He was the Savior. Is that correct? You’re a hundred percent correct.
God being a Savior, now listen carefully, God being a Savior before there was ever a speck of stardust, before He was God. Because God is an object of adoration before there was one thing to adore Him. He was a Spirit.
And when there was not even one created thing, and God was there all alone, He was a Savior. And God being a Savior, it was necessary that He predestinate a man who would require salvation in order to give Himself a reason and purpose of Being.
Do you know that God alone had no reason and purpose of Being, do you know that? Well, come on now, we’re going to make you think now child, now let’s get thinking.
We’re not here to waste time tonight, we’re here for some good thinking thought now. If God was a Savior, and there was nobody to save, then He had no reason and purpose of Being.
If I’m a watchmaker and nobody’s got a watch, I have wasted my entire life. Is that correct? Well, come on, is that right? Then if God’s a Savior and there is nobody to save then He has no purpose of Being. That’s correct. You follow?
Now come on. God being a Healer, it was necessary that He predestinate a man who would require healing to give Himself reason and purpose for Being.
God being a Provider, it was necessary that He predestinate a mankind who’d needs help, or He would have no reason or purpose of Being.
God being a Shepherd, it was necessary He’d predestinate a helpless sheep-like creation in order to give Himself a reason and purpose of Being.
God being Peace and Banner, it was necessary that He predestinated people who would be full of strife in order that He give Himself reason and purpose of Being.
In other words my beloved people, listen carefully and get this, before there was ever a problem, there was already an answer.
Years ago, we’d have a man strum a guitar and get you singing and screaming. You were just pumped up. You made almost a …?… If anything should make you scream and run around this building what I said just now should have done it. Because before there was ever a need, the answer was already waiting.
As I said, “If you had a million dollars in the bank and somebody presented you a bill for ten thousand dollars, it wouldn’t bother you, because you’ve got what it takes.”
The answer was there before the problem. And brother/sister when we begin to see this tonight the laws and what I have been teaching you, something is going to happen to us faith-wise.
The peace we’ve been missing is going to start to come. Because I wouldn’t have one bit of qualm, and one bit of worry if I had a ten million dollar bill against me and I had a hundred million in the bank, I wouldn’t care if I saw death as long as I had life just after death.
It wouldn’t matter to me my brother my sister under any consideration, if I had the biggest debts in the world and a Rockefeller had already said, “Don’t worry, I’m going to pay that bill.” See?
And what has God done? Before there was ever a need, the answer was already there.
Therefore the answer is everything, and the problem is nothing. In fact, if you only knew it and you can know it now, and I will prove to you that these trials are not worthy to be compared to the glory.
And that ‘ALL’ things are working together for our good. Because the problem is here for one reason only, it’s to point you to the answer.
If you hadn’t been a sinner, could you had a Savior? Uh? Doesn’t the Bible say, “The goodness of God leadeth you thee to repentance?” Didn’t It say that? Uh?
Well, now listen then carefully. If you didn’t have a problem could God ever be good to you and great to you? Then is there anything wrong with God creating a problem?
Now, He said, “When you go passing through the water, it shall now overflow you.” “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, (and I will walk through it,) Thou art with me.”
So, what’s our problem? You see why you can disregard it and get your eyes on the answer? Because anybody, I said any fool, any fool knows what’s wrong. Why worry then what’s wrong? Look for the answer.
If I needed a ten dollar bill and my pockets are empty quit looking in my pockets that’s not going to do it. Look for the answer.
Now, you see, we’ve got a need, and God couldn’t be God without us being exactly what we are. If we were suddenly made infallible my brother my sister, God wouldn’t be God anymore to us. We’d be our own gods. Wouldn’t we?
Listen to me, there is a day coming when the Son delivers the kingdom to the Father and the Father becomes All and in all. You and I will go back to be what we were in the beginning, a part of God.
There will be no need then it’s all over, it’s a new plan God worked out. What it is I don’t know, but right today the answer is this, God can only be God by supplying our needs. That’s why you and I have got to have needs, but that’s what brings us to God.
Let me ask you a question tonight to be honest now. Is everybody really happy here tonight that you came to God that you’re really born again, are you really happy?
Let me ask you a question: is there somebody here that got that way by just being patted on the head and sweet talked to, had every-thing in your lap and you just suddenly found that somehow it was all so sweet you came to God? I doubt it. I came to God through adversity. Didn’t you?
How many didn’t come by adverse? Let me see you hands. Didn’t anybody? You did not come I mean? There you are, just one. Did you have them since? God wasn’t much of a God when you were a child, He’d been more of a God now since you’ve had trouble though.
You see, God will never let it go by. If you come as a tiny child it doesn’t matter you’re still going to come that same way, there’s got to be problems. You don’t find God through the flowery paths of ease. You find God by way of the hard way.
Listen to me, brother/sister, the problem was necessary for the answer. God needed sinners to be a Savior.
And tonight God still needs problems, we need problems. Because when Israel had every-thing she grew sloppy and careless, she went away from God.
That’s why in this Laodicean Age, we are so corrupt and so cold, and so hateful and so miserable.
Because we can say, “We’re increased in goods that we lack nothing.” We don’t need God anymore. You know what He’s going to do? He’s going to leave the corrupt church.
He’s going to stand outside the door and knock and say, “Behold I stand at the door and knock.”
And He’s going to join Himself by Spirit to the Bride and take her by the Word. Then we’re really going to need Him, because brother/sister, we’re going to get persecuted. We don’t need God too much now.
Oh, if you’ve got cancer there’s new serums’ and things on the market that’s pretty good. And there are places that you can get some help. And if you went on a proper diet, you could, you know, be comfortable and all those things.
And you’ve got, you know, you’re going blind, there’s places for you. It just seems that we don’t need God anymore. That’s the Laodicean Age, but He’s going to turn that right around brother/sister.
In fact let’s face it, because our problems is the lack of needs as it were, we need Him all the more. Because you see, we’re losing the vision. Because you see, it takes a need to draw you to God.
And He said, “You don’t know, “but you’re wretched, and miserable, and naked and blind.” Isn’t that exactly how we feel today? Oh may we need God.
Now listen, But I’m not dealing with that, I just want to throw in and show you how tragic it is when a people don’t really feel their need of God. The problem is necessary to point us to the answer.
And I will prove it, because when you went to school the teacher never, ever gave you a problem that didn’t have an answer.
If there isn’t an answer, there isn’t a problem. Vise a versa. If there’s a problem there’s got to be an answer. “The Deep calleth unto deep.”
So, now you can see the faith of Abraham. You can see why it was that Abraham could call those things that which were not as though they were, because they were! They are! It’s just to get them visible.
Let me prove it to you. Psalms 139:14-16, here’s what It says:

(14) I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
(15) My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
(16) Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
But they were just as good as theirs, because God was in it. And so you can see it now. You can see the faith of Abraham.
And you can realize why faith calls those things which are not, as though they were, because they deal with the unseen things.
And we can bless God, because of the need we had, because it points us to the answer, and then God gets the glory.
There was a man that was born blind. God healed him when he was about forty years of age.
The disciples said, “Who did sin? Did his parents sin and cause this malfunction, or did he sin himself having been born alright?”
And said, “Neither, but for the glory of God is this man born blind.”
The man was born blind in order that God could heal him, and God became glorified therein. And so, let us not become problem conscious, that’s not the answer.
As I said, anybody knows what’s wrong, so forget it. Bring in the expert, what’s right? God’s Word.
Now, It says here then: “Faith is my assurance that I can have what God says is mine.” I’ve got what it takes never doubt.
It also says, “It’s my conviction of things unseen, that is not yet seen in my grasp, in my presence, in my hands., but it’s my conviction of it.”
Now, what does that mean? If I’ve got a conviction through faith in my heart contrary to what is against me, then brother/sister, I’ve got peace and the rest of faith. You follow that? That’s where the rest of faith comes in. It’s to get the conviction. So tonight we have.
You say, “How have I got it Brother Vayle?” Because you’ve got faith. I can have peace tonight, because I’ve got faith. I can like David, lie down n the presence of enemies, or sit there and eat, because I have faith.
Don’t sell your faith short. That’s the one thing, never sell short, you’ve got it, we’ve got to learn to use it. And we’ve got to learn to use it by actually using laws. The first law my brother and sister is this, God is a good God, make up your minds.
The second thing is, the problem is against you, any fool knows that, so forget it, turn to what’s for you. Turn to what’s for you. You’ve got in here…
You say, “Brother Vayle, if I’ve got in there what is my conviction that this which is against me is nothing, and that’s for me though I don’t see it, I’ll get it like Abraham, he became what God said he was.” “I don’t feel it.” That doesn’t matter, you still got it. That means you’ve got it, so you can afford to forget it.
Like I said about Abraham:
“Abraham, look at your body.”
“Never mind it.”
“But Abraham that’s your trouble.”
“Who cares about that.”
“Abraham, you can’t afford to forget it.”
“Yes, I can afford to forget it. I can afford to forget what’s against me.”
I can afford it, I can afford to put it right out of my mind. What’s against me is against me, who needs it? I’m looking for what is real now.
“But Abraham, won’t that thing sneak up?”
“No, it’ll never sneak up on you.”
“Will it overcome you?”
“No, it can’t overcome me?”
He keepeth Israel, he that never slumbers nor sleeps shall keep Israel and shall keep thee.”
See tonight, you see what I mean? You don’t have to lay awake and fuss and fume about things. forget it.
Let me just ask you this question before we quit. How many of you tonight can tell me what you worried about ten years ago, and stay awake over it? You can’t remember?
Oh, surely you must remember,… it sure was a problem, but you can’t remember it can you? I can’t either. That’s how important it was.
Listen to me,. don’t you know that every problem in life gets solved. Every problem gets solved in one of two ways, the right way or the wrong way. But they’re going to get solved, you might as well let God solve them. Uh?
Did He say, “I’m your Provider?” Then let Him provide. Did He say He’s a Healer? Then let Him heal.
How? By realizing you’ve got what it takes, so forget what’s against you. Abraham regarded not his own body, he disregard it. And yet even that which is against him and Sarah’s life.
You say, “Brother Vayle, I’ve got troubles inside, and troubles out there.” Forget them all, look to God. You make even your enemies to be at peace with you.
And, “the wrath of man shall praise Him, and the remainder of wrath shall be restrained.” You see tonight? You really see it?
Before there was an problem there was what? An answer. And the problem points you to what? The answers.
A man one day said, “When you go to the bus station and you see a sign that says, ‘to the buses’, do you get on the sign and ride the sign, or do you ride the buses?”
So, what are we going to do? Are we going to ride our problems, or are they going to point us to God? What is it? Uh? Now I haven’t said anything hard to understand, but this is how faith works. May God make it work.
Let’s close our eyes now we’re going to pray for these handkerchiefs. Brother Kash aren’t we, right here, and lay hands on together, and here they’re all here.

Father, we come to you tonight in Jesus’ Name concerning these handkerchiefs which shall be sent out. Now, Lord tonight we are not Paul from whom they took aprons, but after all it wasn’t the fact that they took aprons from Paul. It was the fact they took them in Jesus’ Name.
It was the faith of Jesus as it was with Peter who healed. And so, Lord, tonight we disassociate ourselves from anything in this world, and from anything which is contrary to Thy Word, and stand confirmed on Thy Word. Not that we in ourselves are worthy to lay hands on handkerchiefs, but we are the righteousness of God by our union with Jesus Christ.
And we can say upon whom these handkerchiefs to come, depart thou iniquitous thing, come out in Jesus’ Name, and let them never more be tried by this thing, but healed, whatever their need is.
And let them know, O God, even these handkerchiefs are laid upon them, perhaps have never heard this Message and tape, which I have brought, but, Lord, somehow let the very gist and the root of what we taught grasp a hold of them, when they can say, “Now, that I’ve had the handkerchiefs laid, I can forget my body, because I count it done even as Abraham.
Father, Your Spirit does things like that. The Spirit that taught me these words, Lord, in the Bible can teach them too, because You’re no respecter of persons.
God, grant therefore tonight as our hands are laid here in community of faith that’s being brought forth multiplied in each one in dynamic power, these shall be little emissaries or messengers, the healing power of Almighty God, casting out devils, and destroying this stronghold by delivering and giving help.
I believe that, Lord, Your Word said It, and that’s good enough for us, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.