Faith of God *
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Preamble Comments:
…many of us do not know what we process from God. It was Dr. Kenyon who said that, you can never be a truly fulfilled Christian, until you know who and what you are in Christ. And that is a tremendous truth. And it’s one that the majority of us I’m afraid never come to really realize.
And it is not God’s fault, it is our fault. I would also say perhaps a great deal of the fault lies in the ministers who have taught us. That they have not been true to the Word.
That they have interpreted the Word of God in the light of their own experience. And of course, that brings about tradition, which brings about destruction.
I don’t know just exactly just how many nights I’ll be here, Brother Perry mentioned Sunday night, that’s because I said I could come Wednesday to Sunday, because he was going to be away on Monday.
But now that he’s here, maybe I’ll be able to preach a sermon which is a little lengthy on the events of the end time, but I’ll show you from Scripture exactly why it is, that the present day church that worships and loves God, even sacrifices is going to fulfill its ministry under the antichrist.
In other words, they’ll produce the antichrist while the Bride will produce Christ. And I know exactly how and why it will do it, because it’s in the Word of God, so therefore it’s no mystery.
But you see, tradition is this dangerous thing. And you cannot interpret Scripture in the light of experience. You must interpret Scripture by the revelation of the Holy Ghost. See? Your Greek won’t do it. Can’t be done.
That’s why you’ll notice that a truly anointed preacher uses little word study, but they don’t go to those so called ‘infallible rules of the Greek’. Because it’s a bunch of hogwash.
Because the Bible is written almost in one great big long sentence. There isn’t any punctuation to It exactly… even to the Greek and the Hebrew.
And unless you know by the Spirit of God where those divisions are, it would be a very risky thing for anyone to say, “I know by the assured law.” Now, I’ll show you. Dr. McGlasson wrote a book.
And he quotes one man above all others, Dr. A.C. Robertson one of the truly great students. And yet it is my understanding that Dr. McGlasson used those same so called infallible rules of the Greek that he learned so many of from Dr. Robertson, who refutes what Dr. Robertson taught by those same infallible rules.
That’s exactly what happened. So, you see we need revelation. And when the Spirit of God was given to us basically that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God, and I don’t need to know in the academic sense.
I need to know by personal positive possession, which is a mystery. You’ll never explain it, but it works. See? Now, that’s what we miss today.
And I showed you last night from the Word of God, when Jesus wept over Jerusalem, He said, “Oh, Jerusalem if you’d have only known what belonged to your peace.”
Now, I showed you that what Israel had according to Romans 9: was the adoption, the glory, the covenant, the giving of the law, the service of God, the promises. They had the fathers from whom Christ came, and so on.
And yet they were absolutely unaware of what they had in their possession through the mercy of God, and therefore Jerusalem fell and they were destroyed.
And we’re in the very same position today. There are many things that have been freely given to us of God. But, you’ll never know them until the Holy Ghost reveals them. See? You could literally have an amplitude.
Now, let’s look at It. The Scripture says, “You are complete in Christ.” Yet, how many tonight will say, “I am complete?” Not from the academic sense, but from the thorough experiential sense of a Holy Ghost revelation.
Now, if you’re here, I want to meet you. I really do. Because I’m interested in people like that. Because the Bible sets that forth as what is available to us.
Now, these meetings I’ll be taking the best I can, from Scripture, much of what is set forth in the Word of God, that we have from God.
And there is no doubt about it, we have It. But we are not literally aware of It, because the Holy Spirit has not made it real.
And again, I repeat, much of this a blame for not being aware of It, does not lie in the lay member. But it is within those who have not taught the Word of God.
So that the people are not even been aware of, what is theirs according to the Word of God. See?
Every Word in this Bible you’ve got to examine and be aware of. Because no word is void of power. It’s just like I could say to you, “Woe unto them by whom offences come.”
And point out to you It never says, “Woe unto them to whom offences come.” But we haven’t even taught that.
It says, “That when we are ascended, we are in the blessed assured class, that God is on our side.” And yet most of us have been taught, because of this so called ‘positive persuasion’ of the Word of God, that you can have what you want, and so on.
And get what you’re after and “The Kingdom of heaven suffers violent, the violent taketh it by force.”
And we’ve been given all these innumerable promises in the Word. We fail to realize exactly what the Word of God teaches.
So, it’s so necessary for us to begin to repent and apologize to the Holy Ghost. He was sent to teach us, lead us into all truth. To make real to us the things that have been freely given to us of God. See?
So, that God might be revealed in us. So that when He comes, and we are His inheritance, they’ll rejoice in us. And these things have not been brought to our attention.
And they must be, because if a church is going to be restored, what restoration will she have? Simply a spiritual. It’s got to divide the Spirit, for the Spirit alone quickens.
So, we need to apologize to Him who has come to indwell us, and say, “We very sorry, Lord, that we have mistaken Your indwelling. We thought, because we were taught that everyone of us is going to be up, a mighty amour… an army, pulling down strongholds, we’re going to do a million and one things.”
“And that’s all fine, but that’s not really why I came.”
He came, that God’s Word, because remember, we’re born of this Word. As little dogs are born of big dogs, and little calves are born of big cows.
If we are born of the Word, then as cows produce calves, and cats produce kittens, we ought to produce the Word.
Now, it’s just that simple. What’s wrong? Well, we’ve be taught that the Holy Spirit was to get us speaking in tongues, applying gifts, and bigger and better gifts, and greater and wonderful little revelations.
And they’re all fine, now there’s nothing against it, because that’s the Word.
But remember, see? the Holy Spirit was given in order that we become Word Christians. See? “That we become living epistles read and know of all men.”
And that read and known of all men is not in demonstration of power by gifts. That’s just a small part of it.
Jesus Himself said, “Which of you can find Me wrong in one Word?” Can convince of sin, just in one Word. See?
In other words, He was that Living Word brought down, you couldn’t find one flaw, He was that Word. And when He got through demonstrating in power, He turned then to teaching, and that’s when they fled.
That’s exactly where you and I have missed the boat, because we’re taught wrong. We were taught the demonstration, and were stuck there, and we were taught a bunch of traditions. And that’s not good.
We must get back now to the understanding of God’s Word. The Spirit was given to make the things of God which we have now, real to us.
In other words, by experience we demonstrate before the world, that we are those Word believes.
Now, that’s what we had in our minds, as bring this series of messages, and so we’ll go in tonight the study of the revelation of the faith of God.
Not that you’re not aware of it, but some- times someone else teaching it, you have a little better insight, and even on the thought of repetition you’re able to understand a little more, and have a little clearer concept of what is our due.
Now, before we bring the message, shall we bow our heads in prayer.
Gracious Heavenly Father, we deem it a great privilege, Lord, to be here this evening, to be able to search Your Word.
For this is exactly the way it ought to be for those You mentioned in Your Word that were noble, were the ones that searched the Word that they may abide by It.
Now, that is why we are here, and we know, Lord, that without You we can do nothing. And if there were anything, words to be said which were not of You, then that would be too bad, for they would fall to the ground and would never bear any fruit.
But, since none of Your Word is void of power, we pray that every Word, Lord, shall be exactly Your Word.
And then because Your Word is powerful, and will bring forth what It was designated to, or sent to bring forth, we know that we are going to reap a harvest, which will be restoration.
If this which we talk about tonight is going to become real, it’s got to become real within us, Lord, in order that we might truly be called living epistles, read and known of all men.
Now, help us tonight that every Word be Yours and the Spirit in which is said. And in the same Spirit give understanding, and line upon line, precept upon precept, until we’re growing up literally into being Word believers, to the end that we might be untied to You in the grave time of Resurrection and Rapture, which we know is just around the corner.
Lord, make us very, very confident of Your Presence tonight. Very much aware, and every-thing, Lord, to have a breath of expectancy about it, because You’re coming soon.
And my we, Lord, who have heard the Word to forth by the indicated and authenticated, vindicated prophet Lord, be especially aware of this time, this breathless hush. That this growth period, Lord, this final period of the separation.
Grant it, tonight my God, we pray, and we’ll be careful to give Thee the praise, because You’re worthy, and deserve it all. Amen.
You want to turn tonight in the Book of Mark chapter 11: we’ll read the story of the revelation of the faith of God. And in verse 12, It says:
(12) And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry:
(13) And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find anything thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.
(14) And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee here-after forever. And his disciples heard it. [Now, of course they did, because He wanted them to hear it.]
(15) And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;
(16) And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.
(17) And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but [you’ve] made it a den of thieves.
(18) And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him, because all the people [were] astonished at his doctrine.
(19) And when even was come, he went out of the city.
(20) And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.
(21) And Peter calling to remembrance [said] unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou [cursed is] withered away.
(22) And Jesus answering [said] unto them, Have faith in God.
(23) For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he [said] shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he [said].
(24) Therefore, I say unto you, Whatsoever things [you] desire, when [you] pray, believe that [you] receive them, and [you] shall have them.
Now, this illustration is one wherein Jesus was preaching by example. He knew the fig tree did not have any fruit upon it.
We are well aware of that and understand it. And he was trying to teach the apostles something which had hitherto not been reviewed in the Word.
And that is that God Himself had His Own personal private faith. And Jesus was about to reveal the faith of God to the disciples.
Now, you will notice here the translators made a little error, for they said, “Have faith in God.”
If you would take many, many translations in the manuscript, you will find that It does not say that. Even your margin has the correction, for It says, “Have the faith ‘of ‘ God.
Now, Jesus wanted to let the disciples know the availability of the faith ‘of ‘ God Himself. It is not faith ‘in’ God, It is the faith ‘of ‘ God that is being revealed.
Now, you will notice here, that Jesus said, “Have the faith of God.” The word ‘have’ means to possess. It means ‘to own’. And so, Jesus said to the disciples, “Possess the faith of God.”
Now why did He say it? He said it because Peter, you will notice, said, “Lord master, behold the fig tree which Thou cursed is withered away.”
And Jesus knew that Peter wasn’t just saying, “Master, the fig tree is withered.” Peter was literally saying, “Look, it happened just like He said it would, how was it done?”
And Jesus said, “It’s done because I have the faith of God.”
Now, when you have the faith of God, you will do more than curse a fig tree. Because having the faith of God will give you the ability to say to the mountain, not just a fig tree now, “but mountain, be thou cast into the sea, be thou removed and it shall be done.”
Now, I want you to notice something here. Something which is tricky. And it’s very discouraging in a way to know this. And yet it’s very encouraging in the other way, because it puts you on the guard.
When you read this with your normal human mind, you fail to realize that Jesus is indicating not only the possibility of having the faith of God, possessing the faith of God, but He is revealing it to the extent that this faith will do tremendous and mighty things. But, the human mind doesn’t take it that way.
You see, human mind says something like this: “Well, the fig tree was cursed, that’s true. Now, it was cursed because Jesus had power.”
And when they wondered about the fig tree drying, Jesus said, ” Have the faith of God.”
Then He went on to say, “For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say to his mountain, ‘be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which He said shall come to pass, you shall whatever he said’.”
“Now, let me see, have the faith of God, that’s fine. Now, if what I do here, if I can just get my mind and my mind and my heart lined up, so that I’ll never doubt anymore; if I can just get a hold of myself now, and get myself working by discipline…”
Oh, hold it, hold it, that will never the faith of God. It might have approximated the faith of God, but that will never produce the faith of God. But, you see, the human mind tricks you.
You… listen tonight, how could anybody, any living person, say, “Mountain be moved.” And stand back and say, “It’ll move.” Sure, it’ll move.” You see?
I got myself lined up where I don’t doubt. I don’t waver one bit in my mind, I don’t waver one bit in my heart, there isn’t one doubt here, and I say, “Mountain move.”
That mountain will be there a hundred million years after you’re dead, because mind power is not faith. Because faith is of the heart based upon the Word. And the Word is so foreign to the mind of man it’s pitiful.
Because God says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, and My ways are not your ways. For as high as the heaven is above the earth, so are My thoughts and My ways above your thoughts and your ways.”
And if light travels at the rate of a hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second, and there’s sixty seconds in one minute, and sixty minutes in one hour, twenty-four hours in one day.
And three hundred and sixty-five days in one year, and these light stars are million years away, that means what? 186,000 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 x 1,000,000, that’s how far your thoughts are from God’s thoughts and your ways and my ways from God. As natural people.
So, how could anybody say, “Now if I just got myself lined up here, if I could l just hold steady now, I’d approximate the faith of God.”
Jesus did not say, “Either produce or approximate, He said, have the faith of God… own… you possess it.”
Now, let me show you something then, there is no place outside of this up to this point to my knowledge, where the faith of God is revealed. And also, connect with it now,
(29) The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children, that we may do all the [works] of this [word.]
Now, the faith of God has been revealed. It has also been told us we can possess it. So therefore, the faith of God is available to the ‘whosoever’.
Now, this then is a basic academic concept from the Word. Call it letter if you want. This is the letter of the Word.
Jesus by demonstrating that He had the faith of God. And told the disciples they could perform even greater works than He did, by the same faith in God.
Now, turn to them. And He said, “When you got the faith of God you’ll be able to stand back and not doubt, but say, “Mountain go.” And the mountain will go.
And believe me brother/sister, I don’t see mountains out there going. Such as you’ve got around Tucson here.
But I see a mountain of circumstance and problems and conditions, that can lie upon the chest of every single one of us, and yet we have got something from God.
If we have got that faith, and to let it stand back and without any doubt with no lack of peace in our minds, with no lack of peace in our hearts, but with the calmness that is set forth in the Word of God. Which is becoming to a child of God.
We can say, “Mountain, you’re going to go, because you got to go. Because I say you’re going to go on the authority I’ve got what it takes that makes it go. “
Now that is what the Word teaches here. I didn’t write the Book, I just preach It. Because if I were to base my preaching on my own experience, I would never dare to preach this. But I’m not basing it on my experience.
I’m preaching the Word of God. See? He wrote It, I didn’t. And I’ll not become a dead traditionalist to try to make the Word of God fit my experience. But I want my life to fit the Word of God.
Jesus said, “There was the faith of God available.” Because He said, “You possess it.” Because the word ‘have’ means I have a glass faith. That means ‘I possess it’.
Jesus said, “Possess the faith of God.” The Scripture, the Scripture must now come. Did the early church possess the faith of God?
So, we go to the Book of James 2:1, and James said,
(01) My brethren, have not the faith of…
The human mind says, “the faith ‘in’.” Your human mind is as contrary as the devil himself. And so is mine. Because that’s the first place the devil appeals to, he appealed to the mind of Eve.
And it’s only too easy to says, James is saying, “Have not faith in God, at the same time you’re putting the faith in man.” It’s doesn’t say that. Come awful close to it maybe, but not really. It says,
(01) …have not the faith ‘of ‘ our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
These people had already lost the revelation of the dynamism of the faith of God resident within the human vessel. I’ll show you that, but pursuing this.
(02) For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;
(03) And [you] have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:
(04) Are [you] not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?
James is saying, “Shame on you, how dare you with the faith of Jesus Christ Himself, now turn to men?”
When did Christ ever turn to man? He was always a complete faith in God. How is it that we with the faith of God do not place that same faith in God? See, there’s a reason is, there is no revelation here.
If there was a revelation of the faith of God and these people here, you see, time has gone by now, but God said, I’m going to restore.”
And if God is going to restore then He’s got to bring us back to the revelation of the faith of God, which was there in a short measure of time. True, I showed you.
Because we’ll turn immediately to prove the point to Peter. Because in the mouths of two witnesses, not the Book of Peter, but what Peter said in the Book of Acts.
And It’s the Book of Acts 3:16, and we’ll read It here. And I’ll read it to make a little more sense and just reading it the way… you follow while I read now.
(16) And [Jesus’] name [see, I’m putting in Jesus instead of ‘his’] And [Jesus’] name through faith in [Jesus’] name hath made this man strong, whom [you] see and know: yea, the faith which is by [or literally from Jesus] hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.
You will notice here that Peter said the way the man was healed, was because of two forces. Jesus’ Name, and Jesus’ faith.
And the revelation of the faith of Jesus Christ was so real, that when Peter looked at the man who needed help, and the man expected an alm, Peter said, “Sliver and gold have we none.”
Notice how far the church that James started, had fallen? They wanted silver and gold, didn’t they? They thought that would do it. Money will never do it, program will never do it. It’s going to be God by a revelation that does it. See?
Peter said, “Do you want to know how this man was healed, what power we had, I’ll tell you? It was Jesus’ Name, and Jesus’ faith, that did it.”
Peter was fully aware of his ownership, his possession from God which was the faith of God that Jesus said that was available to him.
And without hesitation, without any thought of it not occurring, he could turn to that man and say, “Silver and gold have I none, but such as we have, we give into you, arise and walk.”
He took the man by the hand he was so sure, pulled him up. And the man began running and leaping.
Why? And they said, “How was it done, we’ve got to know the answer.”
“Oh, you trickster, what did you do?” And he said, “You want to know how it was done? It was His Name and his faith that did it, and I’ve got it. See?
Jesus said, “Possess it.”
Not as though we don’t possess it, because if you’ll recall in Shreveport, Brother Branham’s words, “We need a revelation of the faith of God.” Go back to your tapes.
Now, not only is this true but look Paul said the very same thing in the Book of Galatians. In the Book of Galatians 2:20 the verse which we all love:
(20) I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; [and] yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith [in] the Son of God,…
Now, we want to put it, “I live by my faith ‘in’ the Son of God.” That’s not the way the Bible writes It. Doesn’t say that.
It says, “He lives by the faith of the Son of God.” Now, don’t twist it, the human mind will twist it.
“But Brother Vayle, that word really means, you see, He is faithful.” Yes, He is, but that’s not what he is talking about here. Not talking about that.
It says, “It’s His faithfulness, that will see you through, and present you faultless, because He’s a faithful Intercessor.” But this is the faith that you are living by here, to be an over-comer and to manifest yourselves as living epistles.
Paul said, “I have been crucified.” See? And he’s not living by faith in Christ, he’s living by the faith of Christ in Christ.
We’ve been told to major in faith in Christ, when we should have majored in faith of Christ, because it’s the faith of Christ that’s going to work when you want to put faith in it. See? Human faith doesn’t stand back.
It can’t stand back and say, “Mountain be moved.” What have you got working for you? That’s mind power. Mind power can’t do that.
Only the faith of God can stand back and say, “Mountain be moved.” And it’s got to go, because only God’s got that kind of power.
Now, not only does Paul say this, but turn again to,
(16) Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
You notice what It says here? It says, you’re not justified by the works of the law, and you are not justified by faith in Jesus Christ either. You’ve been justified by the faith ‘of ‘ Jesus Christ.
See, we can’t read our Bibles wrong, we got to read It right. Don’t let the human mind fool us. It is not faith ‘in’ that justifies you, it is the faith ‘of ‘ Christ that justifies you. Is that what I read? Is that your Bible?
“Not by works of the law?” No sir, but by the faith of Jesus Christ. That’s what Paul said.
Now, what else does Paul say? Over in Ephesians 3: here, what Paul has to say about the faith of Jesus Christ.
(11) According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:
(12) In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.
Let me just talk about this for a minute, this I have to do to bring this out. Supposing I were to ask you this question rhetorically of you.
And I were to say, “Tell me brother/sister, what would you like to have as your prayer life before God? What would you like to have as concerning your proper attitude, and ability to receive from God, as concerning the necessities of life?
And you’d say something like this:
“Well Brother Vayle, I tell you, I often feel condemned, and I just wish that I could have such a life before God that I can always go before Him and say, ‘Oh Lord, here I come with a great news’.”
“And the minute I said it, ‘I knew I could walk right in His Presence, and feel at home and then when I gave my request, oh my, I could just go away knowing I’ve got it.’ I’d just like to know that I could get to Him.”
Well, isn’t that what you’d like? What would you say if you’ve already got it? What would I say… how would you respond if I told you on the authority of God’s Word, that’s exactly what you’ve already got? And I’ve going to prove it to you right now.
So let’s look at the Bible. It says here,
(11) According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:
(12) In whom we have boldness…
Now, that word ‘boldness’ is a peculiar word, because it doesn’t mean a lot of gumption. It means ‘freedom of speech’. It comes from the Greek word ‘parrhesia’ which means, ‘that I am always able to speak out’. There is no fear.
In Jesus, we have the ability to speak out. Presenting ourselves. See? And then It says we have boldness and access. See?
I can come to Him, and I have access. Never a closed door. See? Never a shut entrance. But I can come to Him, and I can talk to Him. And it says,
(12) …boldness and access with confidence…
And this is the confidence we have in Him, that we ask anything concerning His will, we know that he hears us. And if we know that He hears us, we know that we have the petition we desire.
Is that what the Bible says? Now, you know that’s what It says. But have we got it real? We do not have it real.
No, we really have it real, I’m not saying that we don’t really have it. But I’m saying, it’s not manifestly real by experience.
Now, notice what the Bible says. It says, “In whom we have this ability to come to Him and express ourselves and we have confidence. On what grounds? By the faith of Him. It says, “If you possess this faith of God, you have this ability.
You say, “Brother Vayle, what am I struggling for?” That’s the whole trouble. Because you struggled to talk in tongues, didn’t you honey? You’ve struggled for every single thing you’ve got.
You were taught to struggle when the Bible says, “That faith, is a rest.” The rest of faith. I was taught what would work, I’m not sowing.
If I should say to you, I mean not you as people, but a principle. If I should lash out, I’m not at you, I’m angry at myself, because I was sold a bill of goods.
By men who were so scared to experience that they called God a liar to His face, and praising while doing it, and danced, and shouted, and cut a rug.
Because they wouldn’t dare, if she had the faith of God. Because the faith of God positively says, “When you’ve got this faith then you are in Christ Jesus, placed there by the Holy Ghost, you have boldness, access, confidence, the very thing we’re praying for, we’ve already got. The very thing we’re crying for, we’ve already got. The very thing we condemn ourselves for as though we do not possess it, we’ve got it.” See?
Jesus only didn’t make it available. The early church had it. And we’ve had it ever since. But the revelation is missing. Because men turned almost sympathy to organization, and tradition, and void the Word of God.
And when you void the Word of God, the Word of God will not work. And especially if you’re not even taught about it. How are you going to know about it? It’s not… your responsibility.
The men that will answer are them that are supposed to have fed your souls and have given you anything except popcorn and God knows what.
Popcorn, I’ll talk about the testimonies later on, and these things called promises so called, out of the promise box. We’ll take the Book, the way It’s written. Huh? That’s right.
The faith of God has been granted to every one of us. Just look at this for a second in Revelation 2:13. Notice what Jesus says in this Book of Revelation, the last Book written, by the last great author John, It says:
(13) I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith,…
It doesn’t say you haven’t denied faith in Me. Because even the devil has faith in God and they tremble. Because faith and believing, is the same thing. Faith is a noun, and believing, is a verb.
It says here, “You’ve not denied My Name.” And we haven’t, have we? Huh? But we’ve denied His faith.
You see people, it’s this way: the Name of Jesus is not a rabbit’s foot. And isn’t it true that if every one of us had every prayer we’ve uttered In Jesus’ Name, we’d all be princes and princesses, living in castles and a fleet of Cadillacs, right?
And we’re kind of a sleazy bunch when it comes to that. So therefore, these prayers haven’t been working.
Do you know what the great ingredient missing is? That thing called ‘faith’. Because we haven’t been clearly made to understand by revelation of the Holy Ghost.
Your faith has not been told to work up to be like His, or to approximate His, or to produce His. See? But we should have been told, even as we possess His Name, but was never our name.
But we’ve been given It, the power of attorney. Even so we have been given faith from God.
Let us see this in the Book of Romans 12:1, because here is the proof positive.
(01) I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, [said Paul in verse 1,] that [you] present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
(02) And be not conformed to this world: [fashioned after this world] but be [you] transformed by the renewing of your mind, that [you] may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
(03) For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man [every brother He’s talking to] the measure of faith.
God has dealt to every single brother and sister in Christ the measure of faith, which is God’s Own personal faith in a measure. And there isn’t one that has anymore than others. God has dealt to every single one, ‘the measure of faith’.
Now, where did He get it? He produced it, it’s His faith. We didn’t get it from somebody else and pass it off, it was His faith, God has dealt. The word ‘deal’ means to deal out as a dole.
Like if I had a cup here in my hand, if I could cup my hand, reach in and get the same amount of grains of rice, I’d say, here this is the same amount of grains of rice, the same number of grains of rice, the same number of grains of rice.
If I had a cup of water which might represent faith. Or a cup that was empty, representing faith. I could say, “Here is Peter, he’s got the measure of faith.”
Here’s John with the measure of faith. Here’s Paul, he’s got the measure of faith. Here’s you, you got the measure of faith.
Every single brother in Christ has a measure of faith. Now, the wicked don’t have it, because the Bible says in 2 Thessalonians 3:2, “Wicked and unreasonable men have not the faith.” See?
Now, let’s look at this faith. What people have this faith? Well, the redeemed, or the Elect have this faith. It’s given only to the Elect. In the Book of Acts 13:48, It says,
(48) And when the Gentiles heard this, [that is if God has turned to the Gentiles] they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained [unto] eternal life believed.
Now, there again, you see, it’s always put backwards. They say, “Well if you believe you’ve got Eternal life.”
That’s true, but who believes? Only the ordained can believe. If you’re not elected, you won’t believe. See? You can’t do it. Why? Because It actually is very simple. In the Book of Ephesians 2:8-9, It says:
(08) …by grace are [you] saved through faith; and that [faith is] not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
(09) Not of works, lest any man should boast. [You see?]
Only these Elect are recipients of the faith of God. And it’s only by the faith of God that you can be born again. Let me show you further:
The Scripture says, “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.” Why that lets everybody in, every Protestant, every Catholic, believe that. But are they born again? No sir.
Why? Because it’s not human faith. Human faith is where Paul sits before Agrippa, and he challenges Agrippa by the Scripture, because Agrippa, you see, believed the law and the prophets. “Paul, he said, you almost persuade me.”
Paul said, “I know that you believe.” Well if believing is what It says to get faith, then the good Word of God saves. But you see, Agrippa had human faith.
And human faith won’t move your sins. Human faith will not bring in Christ, you see. What? Receiving the Spirit by the works of the law, or by hearing of faith? See?
Let me quote to you back here in,
(16) Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, See? even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ,…
You cannot be declared righteous, you cannot be made perfected in Christ through the substitution every works, and the indwelling presence of Christ, you cannot be the soul mate, apart from the faith of Jesus Christ Himself. You see it?
Now, let’s prove it more.
(22) Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ… [Not faith in Jesus Christ, but faith of Jesus Christ.]
When the Spirit of God cried out to you by means of the Word, and your heart was searched, and you repented, you were granted repentance, and you were given the measure of faith, so that you could believe by His faith to be justified, and be born of His Spirit. See?
The revelation is clear in the Word of God, that there is a measure of the faith of God available. And it is only available to the elect, because only as many as, or are ordained ever believed.
The Spirit of God Himself gives you the measure of faith. And it is this measure of faith that causes the Holy Spirit to place you into the body of Christ, that ties you with the Holy Ghost. So that it can be truly said, “Salvation is of the Lord.” See?
Nothing to do with man anymore than you have to do with your own birth. See? “By grace are you save through faith. And the faith is not of yourself, it’s a gift of God. Not of works, nothing you produced, lest you can boast. ”
Now, listen to me, could you boast tonight if you said, “I produced enough faith to bring God into this vile vessel?” You go ahead.
You see why your churches are full of goats? Because the preachers give the audience a bill of goods. They sell them Bible school training, what we call ‘proof text salvation’. They get the man to admit he’s a sinner according to the Word.
And they show him what they call ‘a plan of salvation’. Then they get him on his knees, and they say, “Bless God, my dear, my brother you’re born again.”
How come? Not, the Bible said. Because if God doesn’t call them they can’t be called. Remember, Jesus sent out servants, in the plural, to invite them.
But, when it came time to compel them, he sent ‘a servant’ one… the Holy Spirit alone, in the Son of man.
And how does He compel them? On the grounds of faith, when they’re convicted, the measure of faith falls into a man’s heart, and that man knows he has passed from death to unto life, and human faith can’t do it.
You got it, just a minute as it were. Second perhaps prior, to being born of His Spirit, you receive the Spirit of God through faith.
Now, what is this faith of God defined as? The faith of God is defined in the Book of Hebrews 11:1, and in here you’ll notice It says,
(01) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, [it is] the evidence of things not seen.
Now, if you take your other translations, you will notice that the word ‘substance’ is translated as ‘assurance’, which is what it is, rather than substance. You see, some of these words have lost their meaning to it.
See, the word ‘substance’, may why they say, “this is like substance.” You see, give me something substantial, something with substance.
Well, the word substance comes from two Latin words, ‘sub’ and ‘stantia’ means ‘to stand under’. And you could say, “Faith is substance for things hoped for.”
That might be alright, but literally, the literal translation, which I’ll show you from other Scripture could really be faith is the assurance for things hoped for, and it’s the condition of things not seen.
Now, you’ll notice in here that It says, “Faith is assurance.” Let me prove it to you. Notice what he’s talking about. Let us go the Book of Romans.
(13) For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not [made] to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.
(14) For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:
(15) Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.
(16) Therefore it [what is it? the promise] is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed;…
What makes the promise of God sure? Faith! So therefore, faith is what? Assurance. See what I mean? “Faith is assurance of things hoped for.” See? That’s what Jesus said. Why, He said, “Have the faith of God.”
And when the mountains of tragedy, misfortune and circumstances come, this man need not shudder. He need not fail. He need not disobey. Why? Because he’s fortified with the faith of God.
And he can stand back and say, “Mountain move!” Now, it doesn’t say when it’s going to move. It doesn’t say how fast it’s going to move. But it’s got to move.
All the storms of life, all the wishes, then man can say, “Mountain be moved.” And the beautiful thing is this, he will not doubt.
Now, human faith would doubt, because human faith can’t move mountains. Human beings can’t move mountains, in this scoop shovels, and maybe an atomic might move some of them. But that’s what you’d have to move somehow.
God wasn’t talking about moving literal mountains, He’s talking about the problems and things of life. And He said, “Mountain be moved.”
And this mountain through this man, through the faith of God can stand back with assurance. Now, what’s assurance?
Well assurance to me, and I’m getting carnal again, is like this one dollar bill. This is my assurance, my guarantee, my substantial ability that I can procure whatever is available for one dollar.
Now, I don’t look at this and say, “Well, you know, I wonder if that dollar will that […?…] Oh, I see, you know the gold standard we’re about off of the silver standard.
It’s not even a silver certificate anymore. I just don’t… you know how it is. And he’s been dead a long time, poor old George. Does anybody ever do that? How come?
If we’re going to run true to form, let’s run true, all the way. Because if we’re that way with God, it’s certainly humiliating to God to find us have trust in money isn’t?
And yet we look at this dollar and say, “There’s my assurance.”
“How do you know that you’re going to get that thing down there, Brother Vayle that’s worth a dollar?
“Well, I’ve got a dollar bill.” See? “I’ve got what it takes.”
“Well, Brother Vayle, the street cars aren’t running.”
“Well, so what, can walk, ain’t the first time.”
“Yes, but yeah but you see, I heard this fellow down has got a great big mob down there, and you might…”
“Well, I can push more liquor in.”
“Yeah, yes, but oh, the last person went down, you know, the first thing you know, she got her clothes torn and one rib broken.”
“Yeah, so what?”
See, you got the dollar, you got down and get it right? That’s the way the faith of God is. See? Faith is the assurance. See? That’s what this is, it’s the assurance, guarantee, that I can have what’s hoped for.
Now there’s a catch. “What can I hope for? Oh, goodie, goodie, goodie, goodie.” No, no, no. No, no, no. The word ‘hope’ is another mistranslation. Because you see, you and I mistranslate it from our understanding of what the word hope is.
“Well, I understand the word ‘hope’ is. Oh, I hope it doesn’t rain. But you know my miserable rotten luck, it’s going to rain, the man will come and it’s pouring too.”
Could there be such a word in the Bible, faith, hope, love? And that word ‘hope’ means, “I hope it doesn’t rain, but with my luck it will.” That isn’t what the Bible hope means. The word ‘hope’ in the Bible means ‘earnest expectation’.
Faith is my assurance, of what I can earnestly expect from God. “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” No! “Call upon me, I’ll show you great and might things you know not of.”
“Mountain be moved!” God said so! On what grounds do I move says the mountain. On the grounds of the faith of God which I possess, what else?
Now, faith is my earnest expectation, is that right? Faith is my assurance, you see, of what I can earnestly expect. But I earnestly expect from God. Right?
Now, what can I expect from God? Any-thing this Bible says, is mine. That’s why the Bible says, “The promise is sure, because God made it sure by the measure of His faith.”
The measure of the faith of God in the human vessel, is the guarantee that every promise in the Book is not only available, but It is procurable.
And according to Hebrews 11: which I am in, the Bible says, “If you don’t let God do it for you, He’s not pleased.”
Because It says, “Without faith it’s impossible to please God, for he that cometh to God must believe that [God] is, and that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”
And you know what a rewarder is? A reward is? It’s what you get. In other words, if God is cut out of our lives, See? and He is not working for us, and performing for us, then God is not pleased.
But God is not pleased when we are not allowing Him to do things for us. See? And the measure of faith is the guarantee that God can, and will do for us, exactly what the Word says.
But we’ve been majoring Him all the time. Bring your faith up to where it doesn’t waver. Bring your… oh, I’ve preached this for a long time, bring you mind under control. Approximate the faith of God. Get a hold of yourself bud!
How would you like to lay an egg tonight? Bunch of chickens? Makes you laugh doesn’t? Joke. Neither will you produce the faith of God, my brother, my sister, nor, do you approximate.
Jesus said, “Have the faith of God.” Possess it. And we have if we’re born again. To deny the faith of God is to deny your rebirth.
You say, “Brother Vayle, I don’t have it.” Then honey you’re not born again. You can talk all you want about being in the Message. I don’t know what message you think you’re in.
Because if this is last day Bride, it’s going to have to be in this Word. It was faithfully preached, and your prophet said, and my prophet said we need a revelation of the faith of God.
He didn’t say we needed the faith of God, He said we need a revelation of the faith of God. “By grace you have been saved through faith, and that faith is not of yourselves.” Not of yourselves, not human faith, it is a gift from God.
Now, if every good and perfect gift cometh from above, and this has come from above, then we have a good and perfect gift which is our assurance of every promise here.
And brother/sister, isn’t it funny that we try pass this thing through? Uh? Oh come on, unless you have it. You mean I’m all alone us here, and I’m the only one that’s ever done it?
You say, “But Brother Vayle, the Bible says, “Pray and fast for this thing cometh, you know not of it, without prayer and fasting.”
According to what I understand I’m not going to fuss about original, they say that’s not in there.
And even if it is in there, it’s not talking about that taking the place of the faith of God, it’s just sharpening you up. Because faith… fasting never has been a means to an end. It’s a means, to a means to the end.
In other words, it gets too cut down to where God might have a little better chance of speaking, or some of the spiritual things rising. But your fasting isn’t going to do it, because it’s faith.
And if you and I use any other means than the Word of God, we’ll end up as being carnal impersonators exactly what the prophet told us. Because we impersonate, is not to be the real thing, to make out as though we were.
Then then be carnal on top it’s a pretty terrible thing. Is that, right? We’d better be careful. Now you see, the Word says we have the measure.
And this measure, the faith is the assurance of things hoped for. Whatever God’s Word said, as this dollar bill is my assurance of anything that’s available for a dollar.
So, the measure of faith is my assurance of anything that God says what’s mine in His Word. See what God has done for us? My how the Elect ought to rejoice.
You have never been placed upon your own merits as concerning the Bride of Christ. You are either Elect, or you not Elect. But here we have it, the measure of the faith of Jesus Christ as our assurance.
Now, I remember when Brother Branham was in Centerville, Ohio when he came to Lima, and had meetings there and he preached on the faith of Abraham.
And he gave us this illustration, he said, “Supposing that I came to your place starving, or you came to my place starving,” [and I’m going to use my own words in order to give you what he conveyed to us.]
Suppose I’ve been out somewhere hunting in a cabin. And I said, “Well, I think I won’t go home tonight, I’ll stay here, there’s no food in the cabin, but there is a little lamp and I light it.”
And a man who is hungry and starving sees my light, he knocks on my door and he says, “Oh sir, will you give me some bread, I’m starving.”
And I say, “Sir, I’m sorry, I came up here to do a little hunting, I decided to stay the night, I’m going home, there is not a bit of food in the house. I wish there were, but there’s not. Look it, I’ve got some money and I’ll give you money. Now sir, you see that light down there?”
“Yes, I see the light.”
“Well look, I got to tell you something about that light there’s a grocery store there, but it’s kind of hard to get to, not easiest thing in the world see. But what you do is this, you start off and if you go down the road, it’s dark you sort of see your way, and just keep going down there, but there’s no bridge over the creek, and you’re going to have to ford the creek, you’ll have to climb up the bank and this ramp and so on. Now, you may have trouble getting there, but the thing is, you just keep your eye on that light and keep walking, and what you’ve got will give you that bread.” You see.
Now, you see, there’s the thing, the man takes this quarter, and he says, “Well, that’s fair enough.”
He says, “I can’t expect for you to go and get the bread for me, after all you gave me the money, you show me where it is, and I just keep my eye on the light, and I’ll keep walking and I’ll get it.”
The man got there and he got his bread. Now, you see, that’s the way faith is. See? There’s no doubt that you’re going to get it. See?
There’s no doubt that it’s going to move the mountain. There’s no doubt you’re going to go through the problem. There’s no doubt these pressures are going to go.
Just the fact is, remember this by revelation. Get it by revelation. I’ve got the faith of God. And that faith of God gets the answer.
So, I don’t care what the conditions are, my God will give me that, because I got what it takes, because it says in the first place. I’m not trying to approximate His faith. I’ve got His faith.
I’m not trying to work myself up where I produce it, because I couldn’t produce it, I’ve already got it. See?
And there isn’t one of us tonight who is born again, but what has this faith of God. See? So, what’s missing? The revelation.
Now, remember brother/sister that this can be absolutely true. Because as I showed you, Israel had the adoption and the covenant, and the law and the glory, and the ministering, and all of these things. But, they failed in day of their visitation.
Paul said to pray less we seem to come short of the promises of God. Nobody comes short, it just seems that way when the chips are down. And we get scared not having the revelation.
“I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength.”
As I said the other day, last night, how many of us that the revelation, so that we can take joyfully the spoiling of our goods. Because we know something. Oh, I know what the human mind said.
It says, “Now look, go through it and you’ll layup treasures.” Oh, it’s very sweet of you honey, but the Bible doesn’t say that. We say, “The Bible does, because It says, ‘there is not one whose left father, mother and so on.”
I’ll tell you one thing; people don’t leave those things without a revelation. Because the bird in the hand in the human mind, is worth two in the bush.
When God says, “The birds in the bushes are more than one or two in the hand.” Whatever you’ve got.
We turn the other cheek when we realize by revelation that we can do it, what lies ahead of us. We can let anything go as we say, ‘down the drain’.
People can take anything we’ve got, and we’ll be happy. On what grounds? On the grounds of the revelation. We have sought God entirely backward, and now it’s time to get back to the Word, and seek according to the Word.
He’s a Spirit, the Holy Spirit was given to us, in order to make real to us the things that we have freely received.
Tell me, did you work for the faith of God? Not one of you. Did you pray and fast and thereby get the faith of God? Did you? Huh?
Let me show you the schmozzle that’s going on here, if you don’t understand this.
Now, look it here, I want to ask you one question: Did Brother Branham pray and fast to get a gift? Or did the angel of God appear and say, “I am come?”
Did you ever wonder what all these worries were? He said, “I have come in order to give you a gift of healing to take to the nations.” Is that, right?
Now, how come Brother Branham didn’t do like the rest of the boys? They go to… I don’t want to be sarcastic, or vulgar, so please forgive me.
But I have a little gift of sarcasm and sometimes it works beautifully in order to get the point across.
So, listen: It says here, “For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge is given.” Is given?
Tell me how many of you folk does the boss give you your wages? You say, “Don’t use that on me Vayle, he doesn’t give me anything, I worked for it.” Then why twist this around?
It says, “It’s given by the Spirit.” A word of knowledge, and faith, and healings, and miracles, and prophecies. And It says here, “All these works that one in the same Spirit.”
In other words, all of the manifestations are by one single Spirit, who devise individually as He wills, or want to do it. But what do these men do?
They saw Brother Branham and they said, “Bless God, it rang a bell, I can do it too now, I’m going to get in my closet, hallelujah. I’m going to shut the door. I’m going to make God…” And didn’t they?
Well come on. And what’s happened, a mess that we’ve never had. Anointed pocket book.
I’m going to the mountain to pray. A piazza [means: a learning management system] I need money. Why don’t you pray for it, you’re going to the mountain aren’t you?
Maybe if God gave a fifth to Peter gave you a berry bush, a money bush up there. Pardon the sarcasm honey. If you want me to put sex on the mike. Say, “You go ahead, he can’t talk.”
Oh, come on! This may be a joke, but it’s serious, because we’ve done the same thing. We have thought we can bombard heaven and do fifteen hundred things.
And it’s not that at all, it’s God and His grace in beauty and mercy. Our dear brother, didn’t pray and fast and go through a million things and say, “Now I’ve got a gift of healing, watch me.”
And the minute that he used us, when God told him to, they ran to the man who said. “I’ll do it.” Or as one man said to a man that I loved in the ministry, and the first one.
He said “Give him another shot. Give him another shot, that’ll work.” Kind of vulgar?
I don’t blame the man, I’m not critical now, please don’t misunderstand. I can understand what the man meant, by. But, are we in the Word, or are we out of the Word?
And that’s the criterion. Because if we say we believe Him, the Spirit express orders written, were… to be in this Word, because the Bride is a Word Bride. See?
And it’s only through the Word that he’ll approach to Him, in order to be united with Him. It’s Wedding Supper time. It’s restoration time. It’s resurrection time. It’s Rapture time, it’s honeymoon time.
Whether in that express order, I’m not prepared to say I’ve got it mixed up, because there wasn’t trying to get it in chronological order. But what I said was true. And we need to be exactly what the Word said.
“God has dealt to every man the measure of faith.” It is your and my assurance, that everything that God said was available, and it’s on the grounds of the revelation of what we have already got.
The Spirit was given to us. I have said, “To make clear what God has given, not that we begged for.” The gifts were freely given too.
The men said, “Oh, I’m going to get something bigger and better.” There’s a couple of boys somewhere between here and the East coast, said, “Well, if so and so has that many gifts, don’t you worry we’ve got all those too.”
And it’s been a carnal comparison and all. And we have failed. Why? Because men have subverted the Word by not listening to what the Word said.
Listen, not one jot or tittle is going to pass away. So how dare we change the word ‘of ‘ to ‘in’. It is not faith in God, it is faith ‘of ‘ God!
So, all the talk of putting faith in God without any awareness of the faith ‘of ‘ God, my brother, my sister we’re on dangerous ground. Because it’s the faith ‘of ‘ God, that gets faith in God.
Now, you see you can use human faith and get a lot of things done, you see it every time. There are millions of prayers that God answers.
I would say over a period of time by many people on the grounds of their own faith, that’s placed in God. Following rules that were laid down in the Bible. It’s all good.
Like Brother Branham said, “The man goes to the witch doctor he believes he’s approaching God, and God heals him.”
But they don’t have the faith of God. That’s saving faith, that’s the faith that brings in the Holy Ghost. That’s the faith that brings in every promise.
And one of the promises was what? Resurrection and a Rapture. Now, if we’re here for the Resurrection, and we’re going to be in the Rapture we’re going to be changed. Is that, right?
Because remember, all Israel left Egypt, there wasn’t one sick, or one infirm, they were all healed. See? Like Resurrection. See? We’ll be changed in our atoms to go.
But remember, it was by faith that Enoch walked, and was not, because God took him. That’s rapturing faith. Before rapturing faith come resurrection faith.
And today we don’t even know how to use healing faith, because we think it’s our own. There’s no revelation that is his faith.
Believe brother/sister, it’s going to take more faith than you and I got to go in the ground and come out of it.
I expect the first messenger upon this earth,… I mean, the first messenger I expect upon this earth is the last messenger, because the first will be last, and the last first.
And the death that put him in the ground will keep him there, but the faith that he has of God will bring him out.
When He comes out, that’s the time you and I better look to get changed, that we’re in that Bride. And the faith of those fathers are going to bring the rest out of the ground too.
And the world won’t see Him. I don’t believe the world is going to see Him, because Jesus said, “The world sees me no more.” And that’s right.
I believe all the Elect’s gone in those days. This is the next generation, and what’s up and what’s down God knows.
But brother/sister listen, it’s His, not yours and mine, but His that becomes ours. We need the revelation of His faith. It says, “Faith is the condition of things not seen.” Not evidence it’s a condition.
Listen, you can’t be convicted of… how did he put it? you can’t be convicted if you’re going to be healed the same time you’re convinced. Or, you’re going to stay sick.
Yet, today we’ve got a fight, haven’t we? Why? Do you know we’re trying to do? We’re trying to line our faith up.
Now, let me get my faith lined up. “Oh man, I’m going to bring my faith into line now, and I’m going to get my understanding now, I’m healed, I’m healed.” That’s all very good, but it’s not God.
Because God’s Word says, “Faith is the conviction of things yet not seen in their possession.” The things of God, that are in His Word, that are yours and mine, not seen in our possession, it’s a conviction, Abraham had it. See?
But, they said, “Abraham, don’t you know that you can’t have a child, you’re a hundred years old.”
He said, “I’m not convinced at all.”
“Oh, they said, come on man, come on! Surely you know that you cannot procreate a child.?”
He said, “I’m not at all convinced you’re right. I fact I’m convinced you’re wrong, because, I’m going to have a child.”
Tell me, is that human faith? No. No, the Bible says, “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but strong in faith.”
Many a man said, “Brother Vayle I’m weak in faith.” Isn’t that the biggest barefaced lie you’ve ever told? How can you be weak in faith when you got God’s faith?
You may be weak in the back. Oh boy that hurts. May be weak in the knees, I can’t get along, too good. Maybe weak in the head a lot of the times. Weak in the pocket book? Ninety-nine percent.
But weak in faith? How dare anybody say that. Yet we can get kind of… oh, you know… humility. Humility to make God a liar? Uh? Is that humility? If it is, I don’t know the meaning of the word ‘humility’ is.
If humility means to be a liar, I was the most humble man living, till I got born again. Oh man, could I tell them. That’s not humility. Humility is God says I’m healed. Humanely speaking, I could never say it, but He said it.
You say, “Brother Vayle, that makes me a liar.” Then Abraham was a liar. He said, “I’m a father of nations.” And the Bible says, “He became what God said he already was.” Because he was convinced.
He was what God said he was. On what grounds? Faith. Not human faith, that’s based upon reasoning and all. Not upon observation, but upon the clear-cut fact of a divine gift called faith. The faith of God.
So, I submit to you again tonight, I’ll let you go twenty minutes early, in my submission we need the revelation brother/sister, of what we’ve already got.
He was given to us. Jesus said, “When He is come, He’ll take the things of mine and show them unto you.”
And we said, “Amen, hallelujah, tongues, glory to God, prophecy, glory to God, hallelujah, bless God, interpretation. Whoo, look at the miracles, healings, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.” Right?
Right today you’ve got men who’re saying, “We’re getting results aren’t we? It’s got to be God.”
I was taken to task in Columbus, Ohio not long ago, because I dared to stand up, and I even called names. I’m sorry I do, I shouldn’t do it, I know.
But I say, I’ve got a big mouth, if you do it in the open, I’ll tell it from the house top …?… Men who live in sin.
What do you think of a man who calls three lovely girls… “In fact I’ve got a message from God for you.” And he tried to bust in their apartment and seduce them. You want to know his name? I can tell you if you want. Not much point though.
And I was called down, because I preached righteousness. That those men have nothing for me. Because His Scepter is a scepter of righteousness, not of sin.
I was called down, because I didn’t get people shouting and screaming. But he did. He’s got gifts. What gifts? Carnal impersonation is but all amounts to.
We’re not here brother/ sister, to make mock of anybody, or God, or anything else. We’re here to know truth, and we need the revelation. And that revelation is what we possess from God freely. Not what we think. See?
Anointed ones in the last day can go God and force issues anytime. But, those in the Bride are what? Members! Fingers, eyes, ears, nose, they don’t force, they’re placed there. And their function comes automatically, normally.
For the hand doesn’t say, “Because I’m not the eye, I’m going to just get mad and do so and so.” Or, bless God, because I am a hand I’ll reach out and grab here and grab there and do every other thing.
No, they function properly, but when you’re outside the body, the anointing can be upon you, and you can have many manifestations and be a million miles away.
Sure, just the way it is. That’s the thing to renew me in faith. Any message love to preach of the two vines, See? because that’s what cleared my soul up.
I was puzzled in sorrow for you, because I saw and couldn’t understand, but now I know. See? But God has dealt us the measure of faith. But how many have reality?
Let no one ever say this, that he doesn’t have the measure of faith.
Jesus said He was coming, that you may know the things that are mine. To make them real to you. See?
Paul said, “That you might know the things that I’ve already feely given unto you of God.” You don’t have to ask for anything in that respect, is to have revelation of what you’ve got.
Latter rain came along, and they gave us the truth didn’t they, about the fact, to be… what is it, to a member of the body of Christ? And they had men doing it.
Next thing you got men trying to baptize into the body of Christ. They had men laying on hands and giving a bunch of fairy tales, and wrong stories, you still got it today.
That’s not the way it is, you already have it. We’re complete in Him. What we lack? Revelation, and that’s why He was given.
So, I say again tonight to impress us. And God help us to pray. And I want to add to what I said last night, we pray for revelation. Don’t pray for signs.
Never mind the signs. They’ll come in their proper ordained course. Pray for revelation. Not the dreams and vision kind of revelation. No! That won’t do it.
As I see you here tonight, as clear in technicolor. I saw in a vision in ’39, forty-eight hours before Hitler invaded Poland.
I saw, I was taken up in a pitch-dark room, black as you might call any blackness could be in, there up in bed, I heard a voice say, “Hitler will invade Poland.”
And I saw on the wall in technicolor the armies marching, invading Poland. If this is the answer, my brother/my sister, that isn’t the answer, it’s the revelation.
And that the inside where God takes these mysterious things that can never be explained, and He makes it so real.
I quoted you John last night. “We, John said, I want to tell you about the Word that was manifested, we handled It.” “Why? he said, I saw it, I heard it. Look, he said, I saw it all over, I knew it by experience they were so real, and now I want it to be real to you.”
And I heard William Branham did the same thing. God was so real, that you could… see, God was as real as this book I pick up for that man.
God was as real, or realer than that book. He didn’t get it by discipline brother/sister. He didn’t get it by begging, he got it by revelation.
That’s why I believe the angel said, “Now, see what you did. You tried to explain it.” You don’t explain those things. How can you explain what’s unexplainable, but real? See? Revelation is an individual thing. See?
The eye age, is coming to being it’s going to take God within us, to reveal. Then reveal Himself through us, then the Bride will have ‘Thus Saith the Lord’ in her. Not all these gifts and things, that’s not it.
It’s this ‘Thus Saith the Lord’ is the Word, and she’ll be a Word Bride before the world. No wonder he created squirrels by the Word of God.
Word demonstrated. Right? Revelation. So, we’re not praying for signs, they’ll come and they’ll come in their due order. We’re praying for His Spirit given to us for the purpose of revealing to us.
In other words, making real to us experientially what we already have and are in Christ. Right? So, we pray for that. Not other things.
Because brother/sister, when I walk by revelation, there isn’t anything to stand before me. See? When I am sold by God, in other words, I use the word ‘sold’, complete revelation for me, you follow me?… that’s it.
Now, you follow me what we’re talking about?
Tonight, each one of us is born again, has the measure of that faith. I don’t lie to you, brother/ sister. If I quoted the wrong Bible, I know what I’m talking about.
If I preach this sermon in error, and It’s erroneous, I might as well quit. Because if the Bible doesn’t say what I said It to be, because I read It, then God help me, It doesn’t say anything.
If this Bible is so mysterious It doesn’t mean what It says. Then heaven help us. It’s own Words says, “A wayfaring man though a fool need not make a mistake.” If it’s the faith of God my brother it’s the faith of God.
If He says we’ve got it, that ends it. But don’t stop there, because He said, “The Spirit was given to make it real.” But we have done wrong haven’t we? “God give me this, God give me that. Lord it would be real if I have a vision. Lord, it would be real if I speak in tongues, if I prophesy.”
Oh, that’s wonderful brother/sister. If it’s really wonderful, to do those things and they’re real. “Oh yes, I know what it is to prophesy, I showed you, and they come to pass.” That’s wonderful.
And I’m going to tell you one thing brother/sister, if this Word doesn’t come to pass in you and me, right? condemnation.
Now God revealed to Thy servant, by Thy Spirit, who and what I am in Thee, and not be satisfied. Do you follow me now? huh?
This is why He was given. This is why He was given. May God help us to stop dishonoring His Name, and let Him do His work. Right? Alright. Amen.
Shall we rise, the Lord bless you.
Gracious Heavenly Father, what You have given us to bring tonight we have brought. And, Lord, again we know Your grace and goodness, because You said a man without the Gospel, will be judged without the Gospel.
And so tonight, Lord, if I have taught academically, or in the letter to these dear ones, and they have been warned that this will be so. And I can’t give them revelation and I don’t pretend to have it myself, at this moment.
I know, Lord, that there can be no judgment set upon us, as though we should be fearful, and say, “Oh my, what will become of us, for here we are undone.” No, because, Lord, I just doubt if, except for the last little while, anybody anywhere has even heard if the faith of God.
And so now that it’s revealed by means of letter, we pray Holy Spirit, and You’ve been given to us the Spirit of God within us, for this very purpose. We humbly ask Your pardon, for not praying this way before as we should have.
But now, here Christ within us revealed Thyself, and Thy things to us, that we may thoroughly know experientially every moment of our lives, the magnitude of Thyself and Thy gift that in each one of us has tonight.
O Jesus, this is so superior to these other things we look for. This is what really will be it. This was the famine in our body crying out in our souls.
And we’ve drank out of so many cisterns, and they we’re broken. And there wasn’t life in it. But tonight, Lord, we drunk out of Your Word.
Now, give that Word Life, we pray and the reality in each one of us. And encourage us each moment, until we come as come we must, to the age of the eye, the mind.
Where we will have the revelation, and walk in it revealing Christ to the Word. Living epistles, read and known of all men.
God grant it tonight everyone tonight, Lord. Everyone, every lovely person here, Lord, the youngest to the oldest. Everyone, Jesus. O, what a privilege is ours tonight and thank You for it.
And now unto the King Eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be all power and honor and especially glorious through Christ manifested in us. Amen.