Omega Reflection #02
Let’s pray.
Heavenly Father we’re so grateful this morning to You, that You have graced us by Your Presence. That You came Lord, and we didn’t even know You were here. We weren’t acquainted with the Word.
So veiled were we by traditions, and dogmas and creeds, and also unknowledgeable we were, because there was no one who could tell us. All tables were truly not only filled with vomit, but darkness had covered the eyes of the people.
So that when anyone who should, or would have been in a place who might have known, and the Scripture brought forward, You would have to say, “I am unlearned, I don’t understand it.”
I can’t tell you what that is, but here now, we stand in the last day of revelation where no mystery is veiled, but, all has come clear, and is coming clearer.
And, we know that’s because of one reason that Mighty One came down, putting a foot upon land and sea. There His Presence, in the Presence the prophet brought us this understanding, which we are familiar with and grateful for this morning.
And we pray Lord, You’ll help us again, to show what lies within that, O God. May it be Your Word and, not ours. We’re not here, Lord, for fancy thoughts and fancy preaching.
Misunderstandings, Lord, which in themselves could be really wonderful, as far as titillating the human mind is concerned, and raising a false hope, but, we’re not interested in that, Lord. We’re interested in the simplicity of this hour of the revelation.
Help us Lord, at this time then, and we’ll be careful to give you the praise in Jesus Name. Amen.
The Lord bless you.
You may be seated.
Now, I wish we had some way worked out where it wouldn’t be possible to hold you so long. If you have to go, you’ll be forgiven, I won’t call you backslidden, or un-attentive, or anything else.
But, the message will be quite long, because I want to take it fairly slowly. And, it’s going to be a repeat of a Saturday night message that I preached here last time.
With perhaps and hopefully, a better understanding when there were so few of you here in the sense of who are gathered here this morning.
And, I do not kid myself, nor, do I flatter you, but you have got to take the tape and hear it, you who were not here. So, we’re going to start over again.
And, we’re going to speak of ‘The Omega Reflection’ as found in 2 Corinthians the 3rd chapter the entire chapter and 4:1-7. You can see we’re going to be going into Scripture in depth, at least in the sense of reading much Scripture.
Paul says;
(01) Do we begin again to commend ourselves?…
Now, evidently he was already commended or he wouldn’t have said, “We begin again to commend ourselves.” What was his commendation?
(01) …or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of [recommendation] from you?
What fellowship is he with? Who is sponsoring this fellow? What are his credentials? The man was established by God. One establishment was sufficient.
He stood apart amongst men, and, from men. You don’t like that do you? And I’m a pretty tough preacher. But always, the question comes: “Who does he think he is?”
And they said, “Who does Paul think he is anyway?”
He said, “I’ve been commended.” Once proven who I am, it’s all over.
People say, “I wish I knew such a person.”
They’re liars. They’re liars. They crucified Jesus. They’d have stoned Moses, but, God stood in his way. They chopped the head off of Paul.
Understand Scripture this morning now? Tough isn’t it? It’s nothing for the ladies’ home missionary society, and the P.T.
(02) [You] are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:
(03) Forasmuch as [you] are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.
Paul said, “You’ll never cut the umbilical cord. You’ve got a lot of teachers, but, you’ve only got one father.”
How many of you this morning, got a spirit, you want to cut the umbilical cord? You’re a little touchy about the prophet. I’m not. I’ve got an umbilical cord. And, it’s not cut.
(04) And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: [and then he says;]
(05) Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything… of ourselves…
You know, there’s a big difference between people who are self- motivated, and self promoted. Than those who are motivated by God and promoted by God.
For It says, “Whosoever receiveth whomsoever I send, receiveth Me, and he that receives Me, receives my Father.”
I don’t particularly need anybody. Don’t you? Go it alone. See what happens to you? This is how the Bible starts, this is how it ends. Because, Alpha is Omega.
And, we’re dealing with the ‘Omega Reflection’. We will talk of, put the Alpha and Omega together, but, our hour is the Omega, this is an Alpha.
(06) Who has also made us able ministers of the new testament;…
Able ministers of a covenant. God has placed the disposition, of the success of His covenant with the people, in the hands of certain people. The rest rely upon us.
And, the rest say, “Hogwash, I don’t need it.” Or they depend upon somebody who comes with his card, and says “I am the great doctor so and so. I am backed up by the World Council of Churches.”
Jesus said, “I came in my Father’s Name, and you wouldn’t receive.”
Another would come in his name, him you will receive. Saul never came in the name of Saul. He came in Jesus’ Name.
And God said, “I’m going to change your name.”
(06) …but of the spirit: the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
(07) But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:
(08) How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious? [Or greatly more glorious]
(09) For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, [that is of death] much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.
(10) For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth. [Now I’m not going to discuss this until I come back, reading the whole thing.]
(11) For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious.
(12) Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech:
(13) And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished:
(14) But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.
(15) But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
(16) Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.
(17) Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
(18) But we all, with [unveiled] face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
(01) Therefore seeing we have this ministry,…
In other words, God is absolutely in the hands of certain men. Whatever He is, and wishes to do, is hamstrung if these men fail. You don’t believe that do you?
Brother Branham said, “It’s men like so-and-so, who keep my true ministry from coming out.”
The Scriptures said, “Jesus could not do many mighty works because of their unbelief.” Israel calls the death of Moses, they wandered for forty years.
What would it be like today, if we could accept this? Now, I didn’t write the Bible. I preach It, I teach It.
Listen to what Paul said,
(08) Wherefore he saith, when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
(09) (Now he that ascended, what is [he first of all?] descended to the lower parts of the earth?
(10) He that descended, also ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
(11) And he gave, [apostles; prophets; teachers; evangelists; pastors…
(12) For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, [to build up] he body of Christ:
(13) Till we all come in the unity of the faith, the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
(14) That we henceforth be no more children… [and so on.]
Who are they, they’re named representations of the Holy Spirit, through gifts. Seeing we have this ministry. This ministry, laid out here.
A man like that, should be received seriously and, with great honor. But, don’t look for it. They’ll tie a tin can on his tail, and they’ll kill him the first chance they get. God will work around it.
But, let me tell you something brother/sister, don’t you ever kid yourself, that even God cannot be thwarted, except in the end; concerning the graces and goodness He would release upon His people.
But, they don’t believe, they smart off. They can’t sit still. They can’t let their minds go. They want to contribute when you have nothing to contribute, any more than I have.
All I have to contribute is the fact, in me there is a human life that motivates this body to do certain things. Such as; walking, talking, eating, sleeping and other kindred things which are vital and necessary.
And, are necessary to the use of the gospel. Other than that, it is step aside. Oh, I could say something here, very cutting, but I’m just going to try to keep my spirit down. It wouldn’t do any good, anyway.
And, I’d back it right up by Scripture left and right, because I’m not interested in my mind. My mind’s driving me crazy to tell you the truth.
But, He told me how to circumvent that, just look at the things He’s given us that are given for the Bride.
Notice Paul said;
(01) Therefore seeing we have this ministry as we have received mercy, we faint not;
Well you say, that’s aggrandizement. You’ve been given something important. No, you’ve been given mercy. Then people lorded over God’s heritage.
As my nephew said to his mother, “Bite your tongue kid, bite your tongue.”
(02) But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty,…
Now watch, all that it requires. Renouncing the hidden things of dishonesty. Not being dishonest in that pulpit.
(02) …not [being crafty, not] handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.
In other words, there is one Word, and this man does not deviate from it. He is not an eye- pleaser, or an ear-tickler. Now, he might be pretty crusty and Paul was he was a ‘woman hater’ as they say, but he wasn’t.
Reason he didn’t get married was, he had a gift not to get married. See, he was able to get by. But, he never added or took a word, he just preached what was revealed to him.
And he said;
(03) …if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
(04) In whom the god of this world hath blinded [their minds] the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. [Now that’s what he said would shine unto them, through the gospel.]
(05) For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.
He let him who is greatest of all, be a servant to all. The one who wants to be the big shot, the way up, is the way down. Like they said about the young preacher, that went up there and made such a mess.
They said, “If he’d a gone up the way he come down, he’d a come down the way he went up.”
(05) …we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.
(06) For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
And he says, “This is your portion, but, you can’t get it without somebody giving it to you.” The whole system, starts with God, then goes to man.
(07) But [this] we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
Now, before we even start to get into the heart of this ‘Omega Reflection’, based upon the Alpha reflection, as presented here.
We are going to read some Scripture, just ahead of it, that is almost un-nerving in what It is saying; but It is saying exactly in a metaphor, or an illustration, what as Paul has already said here.
Now in,
(14) Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.
Now notice what he is saying: “Thanks be unto God, who gives me constant victory, I walk in constant assurance. I have come to the place of not only assurance, but, a knowledge which is to the place of destiny.”
“I walk in a state of destiny” said Paul.
(15) For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ,…
Now watch, listen carefully. He maketh manifest a savour of his knowledge by us. Paul is taking the full credit, the full blame.
He stands there inviolate, as in violate, that he is that one, for he said, “What came the Word of God unto you, or did it come out of you? And, if any man thinks himself a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge the things that I write unto you, are the commandments of the Lord”
Now, the man stands there and he says, “This is a savour by us, of God.”
Now he said;
(15) …we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: [Now, the sweet savour of God contains life and death.]
(16) To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?
(17) For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.
In other words, the definite revelation, irrevocable, immutable, causes a man to stand there loosing the savour of God in Christ, which makes him to contain within him, life and death, to the people.
Now this illustration according to Dr. Ironsides, this is why I got this illustration, I read it many years ago. Never could employ it, until this hour.
This is the picture of the Roman general who has come back from a most decisive and great victory. And, he has taken the enemy under his thralldom.
As he entered Rome he’s seated upon a beautiful white horse. And, in front of that white horse are those who were taken in battle, dressed in white who will be released. Given life.
And perhaps, even Roman citizenship. Behind him come the others, in chains, and they will be given to the arena. And, they will be given to death.
And Paul likens this one upon the white horse, as Jesus. He himself, taking the place of Jesus, through the revealed Word of God.
And, wherever he goes, he cannot help himself, it is his destiny. Life comes forth and death comes forth.
Now, he said here, “Do we commend ourselves to this position?”
He said, “In no way.”
He said, “Am I giving it to you, by some vote or some credence?
“No way. ”
But, he said, “You have a witness in yourselves right here, that there are those of you, who under my pen, or under my voice. And it’ll be another man’s voice if it’s under my pen. That you cannot argue the fact that when I brought that Gospel here to Corinth, life came to you who listened. ”
“And, death came to you who would not listen. And, the reason life came to you, was because, the God of this world had not blinded their eyes, your eyes were opened. And, you saw the truth. The others’ eyes were not opened, and death came.”
Why he said;
(03) …if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
(04) In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
In other words, the Light coming, the Light is a revelation. And, there is no light apart from the Word. And, that Word has to be brought by a certain vessel. No one else can take his place.
Now over here in Romans we want to show you the truth of this statement concerning Jesus.
(07) For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
(08) For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: [for] whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.
(09) For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.
In other words, when He paid that price upon Calvary, he owned it all. And, He can do whatever He wants, with what He owns. Jesus lashed out. Paul lashed out.
But, people still can’t believe that God does what He wants with His own. They figure, they’ve got to call some consortium or some kind of a conclave, and get the people together and vote.
Let me tell you this, there is no vote in the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no vote in heaven. There is no vote on earth. It’s a vindicated Word, that settles it. See?
They said right here, “Paul identifying himself with Christ. Now he’s made us able ministers.” And so on.
And, he says here, “If the ministration in death, written and engraven with stones…”
And I’ve read it, so I’m going to drop down here to verse 12.
(12) Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech:
Now, this verse here, is a pivotal point. It’s a cornerstone. Kind of a juncture, a connection. And, he’s using it to illustrate, what has been said before. See?
Christ, in types and shadows, God’s Word revealed through Moses, is the savour unto death. But, now there’s a savour unto life.
And, he tells you here, that this ministration of condemnation, be glory much more does the ministration of righteousness, exceed in glory.
All right, Brother Branham says:
Feast of the Trumpets 64-07-19
[101] Haven’t had it through the age. See that perfect continuity of Scripture. (Here we live in it.) The mysteries even the Baptism in the Name of Jesus, in away from Oneness ideas and these other things, and…
the Holy Spirit that has moved that in and showed it perfectly. And, the true baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Token and everything and placed it. And how He placed every form, and everything just exactly… right before our eyes.
And, it’s not in a corner, it’s world known. [Now listen] Jesus the Son of God, revealing Himself by the Scriptures, making that Scripture, that has been predestinated to this day, (just like it was in that day and all other days), live. And to believe that it is the evidence of the Holy Spirit righteousness!”
He’s telling you: you cannot differentiate between the true revelation of the gospel and righteousness. See? Now, this true revelation at this hour is the ministration of righteousness.
And, remember at the end time, “He that is righteous is righteous still, and, he that is filthy is filthy still.”
You’re listening this morning, are you understanding what I am saying? There is a sharp sword that has been wielded in the hand of the one, given to that flaming sword of the Word of God is cutting this morning; just the same as it cuts through the prophet’s hands.
Any man full of the Holy Ghost, saying these things, has got that same sword. I’m not here pretending I’m wielding any kind of a sword.
But, I’m letting you know, as long as I preach that same absolute Word, there absolutely cannot fall in my lot, or another man’s lot, preaching the same things different from the lot of William Branham, or the lot of Paul the apostle. It’ll divide.
The righteous will be righteous still, and he’s showing you here, that there is a ministration given unto man, that brings that to pass.
The church today says, “Hallelujah, I’m full of the Holy Ghost, I talked in tongues, I danced, I got baptized, I did this, I did the other thing, and don’t tell me now, [listen] don’t tell me someone’s got to come to me.”
I’m going to tell you flat right now, you ain’t got it. You deny the very Word of Almighty God. Paul never said, this was up for grabs.
He never said this was proliferated through the church. See?
Because, this is specific in its occasion. What went through, or what the church went through in ages two, three, four, five, six. It’s not of consequence.
It’s the church in ages one and seven, this is Alpha. There’s an Omega. See?
All right. Verse 13, now It says: “we use such plainness of speech about the difference here.”
Now is there a difference between life and death? You see that Roman general, you ask those slaves if there is a difference?
Now they’ve both been taken in the net. They’ve both been overcome. They’ve both been taken in a battle.
Are you fish this morning? Do you know the early Christians had the sign of the fish? A pity, that means a fish means something fishy. Scaly, slimy.
But, if you’re not a fish, and taken in His net, maybe you’re some kind of a crab, crawfish, crawdad, lobster. Bible speaks of clean fish, taken in a net.
This Roman general having taken, in a legitimate conquest, can do what he wants with those he has taken. Now, he is using that picture along with the picture of Moses.
Back in his day, when it brought forth death. And, he’s looking at this hour wherein righteousness brings forth life. Okay.
Seven Church Age, this we’re looking at the first. “Now seeing that we have such hope, we use such plainness of speech.” What hope?
We’ve got absolute confidence. That we are not taken in the net of death. We are taken in the net of life.
We won’t be fish whose heads are chopped off, or fins chopped off, and tails are chopped off, and de-scaled for somebody’s table. Where the… goldfish is loosed in the pond of God, in the garden of Eden.
Now, he said here, “There was a glory in that.” But, he said, “That glory is nothing anymore.” By reason of this glory that excels, and overcomes.
Now, he’s using this, the illustration of Moses in the veil. What happened back in his day, when the ministration of death came forth. It was the same God. We’re going to go back to;
Exodus 34:28-35.
Now, It says:
(28) And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he [didn’t] eat bread, [he didn’t] drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.
(29) And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses’ hand, when he came down from the mount, [and] Moses [did] not [know] that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him.
(30) And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him. [come unto him.]
(31) And Moses called unto them; and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto him: and Moses talked with them.
(32) And afterward all the children of Israel came… and he gave them in commandment all that the LORD had spoken with him in mount Sinai.
(33) And till Moses had done speaking with them, he put a vail on his face.
(34) But when Moses went in before the LORD to speak with him, he took the vail off, until he came out. And he came out, and spake unto the children of Israel that which he was commanded.
(35) …the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone: and Moses put the vail upon his face again, until he went in to speak with him.
Now, there it is. Moses went into the Light, and the Light went into Moses. That’s what we’re watching. But you notice, even though the action of God may be the same, there’s two different things, that are coming forth.
Now, but watch, now, don’t misunderstand this. When the Light went into Moses, it was not that Moses became a veil to the entire Light. Prophet was only a part. He was in the Light, and the Light was in Moses.
The Bible says so. God was in the prophets.
(01) God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers [in] the prophets,
(02) Hath in these last days spoken unto us [in the] Son,…
Who is the very out raying of Almighty God Himself. Now He was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. These were partial. Moses received a part of that living Light, as he stood there.
And, that living Light made Moses notorious before the people, by striking Moses’ face in particular. And, it illuminated Moses’ face. It struck him.
Now, I know that some say, “Well, Brother Branham said, “The Light was in Moses.” He also said, “The Light was upon the faces of the prophets.”
If you’re going to take one quote, take the other quote. And, that living Light made Moses notorious before the people by striking Moses’ face in particular.
In other words, he was the one chosen by God. And, it illuminated his face. The Light struck the face of Moses, and reflected from the face, causing the skin to shine.
It was the Light shining on him, and, reflecting from him, that caused the unearthly glow.
Now, notice why. We go back to;
(16) According to all that thou desiredst of the LORD thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the LORD my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.
(17) And the LORD said unto me, They have well spoken that which they have spoken.
(18) I will raise… up a Prophet… [unto them, and so on.]
Now, the people did not want to hear God, did not want to see God. See? And, from this time on, the people could not ever again see the Pillar of Fire.
It’s Light apart from another man, a prophet-man. That Light struck Moses’ face. And, the Light reflected from his face, so that his face glowed. The people saw it. Thus, in that way, they were able to see the Pillar of Fire.
Hope you caught it. Because, I want to see God for myself. You never going to do it. “Oh I believe I can get to God myself.” You’re never going to do it.
See, man went to God and said, “Let’s have a law.” And the law of God doesn’t change. God says, “You can have the law. You’ll never again see it. You’ll never again be a part of it.” See?
Thus they saw that way the Pillar of Fire, but indirectly. Yet, never the less the same, they saw God in manifestation.
Did you hear what I said? The Logos shining on the face of Moses, and they seeing that glow, actually saw God manifested.
Now, you can see how God is always doing something to get His revelation of Himself across to man.
Brother Branham said in ‘Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed’, there were three things that God had in mind.
Number one: revelation.
Number two: pre-eminence.
Number three: bringing back to Eden.
You’ve got the same thing here. God wanted to reveal Himself. He wanted the pre-eminence. He wanted to bring them into the Promised Land. See?
Remember once He talked, and walked in the garden with Adam, and He has never left off His desire for communion.
And Brother Branham said, “Communion is where people talk back to each other.” But watch how you talk back. See?
But, it scared them, so Moses put a veil over his face, and now there was nothing to see. That’s what It says in Exodus 34: 29-30.
The Logos was veiled in Moses, then Moses was veiled to the people by the people. That’s right.
Let’s go over that again. The Logos was veiled in Moses, and Moses was veiled to the people by the people. He was God to them. But he was just one of them so they couldn’t take it.
Like Miriam his sister, then later on others who had gifts, and they said, “Step aside Moses, we’ve got something to say too, because we’ve got something in our lives.” But, they didn’t have that one thing. See?
Now, because of their unwelcoming spirit, wherein lay disbelief and unbelief, they turned aside from Moses. Moses did not veil himself to them. They veiled him to themselves.
Now, I know you say, “But, I got this Scripture says, Moses put a veil upon himself.”
I want to ask you. What caused it? The people. The people did it. Now, Moses did not veil himself. They veiled him to themselves.
Let’s go over here to,
(34) …behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them [you] kill and crucify; and some of them shall [you] scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
(35) That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom [you] slew between the temple and… altar.
(36) Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. [Now notice what He said;]
(37) Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killeth the prophets, and stonest them… sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered [thee]…
Who was doing the gathering? God was. Who was doing the gathering? The prophets. Then, who was God identified with? The prophets.
So therefore, they were literally God to the people. People don’t want this. We’ve got such a fear of idolatry amongst us. Some people won’t even let pictures be taken.
You see how absolutely wrong they are? They don’t understand A from Z, or nothing at all. Here’s what God was doing.
Now, the people forced Moses to put on a veil. Oh, if they would have accepted him, as Brother Branham said, “If you only knew who I was, everyone of you would have been healed.”
You say, “Brother Vayle, do you believe for one minute, that if they’d recognized him to be Elijah of this hour, in whom was dwelling that Spirit, they’d all been healed?”
Yes, that’s exactly right! That’s a case where a man stops a real ministry from coming out. If they’d have believed who Jesus was, they’d everyone been healed.
And, it was proven, not since the time of Jesus Christ, is there any record until the time of William Branham, that He healed them all. In Matthew 12: Jesus healed them all.
Signifying what was coming to the Gentiles, way down the road. When William Branham could stand and say, “Bring me twenty-four of your worst cases, I guarantee healing for them all.”
That night I saw hundreds of them, there wasn’t one that wasn’t healed. They don’t know who He was. If they’d only known who Moses was. See?
Notice, over here in Exodus 3:16-17. You can just check this out about Moses. And, in the verses 16-17. I guess, we’ll go there,
(16) Go, [God said to Moses]… gather the elders of Israel together, and say unto them, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared unto me, saying, I have surely visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt:
(17) And I have said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt unto the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, [into] a land flowing with milk and honey.
How much milk and honey was there? This promise is for this hour, for the Millennium. And, there had to be someone on the scene.
And, Moses was that one on the scene. And, if they’d have recognized him as that deliverer, it would have solved every problem. “Elijah must truly come and restore all things.”
“Well, I don’t know about that. You know He said something about John the Baptist being Elijah.”
Well, Elijah’s going to restore all things, where all things are all things… well, all things are all things. So, you’re stupid!
Elijah doesn’t bring on the Millennium, by going out here and doing everything out there. Elijah restores that spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began.
Let me tell you something, brother/sister, let’s get this fact right. In the mouth of every holy prophet since the world began, was one Word.
Get back the God of immortality, back to the garden of Eden. And the end-time prophet will do that very thing, to make sure we’re going to get there.
“The righteous are righteous, the filthy are filthy, and outside are dogs,” but over here is the Tree of Life, right on earth right now, for men to come to.
That’s what he’s restoring. The way to get back.
Now listen, God said there way back to Abraham, “The cup of the Amorites is going to be filled.”
If four hundred years it’s going to take while they’re down there in Egypt; then He said, “I’m going to bring them out.”
Now He says here, “Now I’m going to bring you out.” And, Moses is the one that stands there.
Then who is God to the people, and what’s God doing? Just one thing. Then when you hear a man, and you hear that one that God sends.
And, let’s get this flat, I am not that one. William Branham was that one. You listen to him, as you listen to God. And, you obey as you would obey God. And, you fear, as you would fear God.
They did not know that Moses was the living Word of God in human flesh to them. And, people do not like to recognize the prophet is the living Word of God in human flesh.
They say, “That’s too far fetched.” Is it? Well, what is this? John the Baptist came, and they said, “Who are you?”
He said, “I am Isaiah chapter 40 verses 1.” Though the Bible was not divided in verses. He said, “I am that one, crying in the wilderness.” He said, “I am that Word of God in human flesh at this hour.”
But, you tell people that they are part of the Logos, they might get titillated, and believe it. Notice, while Moses gave the Word to them, the veil was on his face. It didn’t need to be there.
Neither God, nor Moses authorized it, but, God allowed it. There’s a lot of things you know, that God has to allow. But, He’ll bring it around anyway.
But, when Moses left them to go back again for the Word a fresh, he took man’s veil off of his face. He knew who he was in the Presence of God. They might have been afraid, but, he wasn’t. You didn’t catch that did you? I looked at your faces, and did get a response.
Under the seventh seal, “He that is [righteous, is righteous] still, he that is [filthy is filthy still].” Under the seventh seal, that we should be blameless and without fear before Him in His unveiling.
Moses wasn’t afraid. Oh, you come into a church and preach this kind of a message, everybody runs, the great pastor, Dr. So-and-so, has got to get up there and comes behind us. Oh, they come behind me all over the country.
“Well, Lee’s a nice guy, but, when he teaches it’s wrong.” We’ll find out. We’ll find out. Oh, yeah.
Preach this Word, and you watch what comes behind. What are you afraid of? If you’re gone, you’re gone.
What is going to stop for you when the shadows really fall, and terror strikes the earth, is He going to say to people sitting around, “Well, well, I’ll just hold this back for them.” No way.
The same phenomena took place over and over again. The veil on his face before the people, he took it off when he went back to God. What a difference there was between Moses and those people.
Now watch how our lesson is going in a certain direction. Exodus 34:29-35, we saw Moses veiled. But, not because either God or Moses wanted it, or did it. The people in their carnality refused to look, they refused God’s ways twice.
First way; Mount Sinai where God came down. Simply stand back and look and hear. They said, “No way.”
Second way; stand up close, and see and hear a prophet. Didn’t want that either.
Now notice what God says over here in Hebrews the 3rd chapter verses 7-8. This is in the Expanded Version, so it comes out in literal Twentieth Century language.
(15) …To day if [you] will hear [not see, but hear] …[do not go on hardening] your hearts, as in the [rebellion]
“In the day of the putting to the test in the wilderness, when your fathers put Me on trial. When they put Me to the test for the purpose of approving Me, should I meet the test, and saw my works forty years.”
Do you realize what they were doing? They put God on trial whether they would approve him or not. “He that receiveth whomsoever I send, receives Me.”
Now, they put Him on trial. They put Him on trial right down to the end. Wherein God even lets them get away with what they wanted to do. But, they never ever approved of God.
Now, are you listening? Because, this is tough. It wasn’t that they disapproved of Moses. It was they disapproved of God.
You can’t put your finger on William Branham’s life. He’s… had every right to say whatever he wanted, as he felt led by the Word.
But, when the first man of note, brought back to the world, the understanding of this Oneness of the Godhead, he was burnt at the stake, by the leader of the Trinitarians, Calvin, the great theologian.
How much Holy Ghost did Calvin have, in spite of the fact that he wrote tremendous things about this Bible that are true? Did not approve of God.
You say, putting Moses to one side, that was putting Moses to one side. That wasn’t true. That was the disapproval of God.
When they put Paul to one side, they disapproved of God. When they put Luther to one side, they disapproved of God.
When they put Wesley to one side, they disapproved of God. When they put original Pentecost in 1906, to perhaps the praise aside they disapproved God.
When the prophet came on the scene vindicated, they disapproved God again. Now, God’s revelation, is a million miles ahead of signs. But, who can believe?
So, God just veils it in a man. Just veils it in a man. That’s the man, stand there. Now, in verse 13, it was Moses with a veil over his face.
Now, watch what happens because of what they did to Moses. In 2 Corinthians 3:14 which we read, and let’s get a good look at It now, to understand what we’re saying here.
It says;
(14) But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is done away in Christ.
Now, it’s not Moses here now, that has the veil, it’s the Israelites that have the veil. In other words, let God be veiled in the human being.
It is sent as Moses was. As Jesus was. As Paul was. As the end time Elijah. God will be veiled in that human being.
Now, the danger is this: Not the veil that’s over a prophet. Not the prophet veiling God. Because you see, that sounds like some great mystery.
“Well if God is veiled in that man, and that veil is not taken aside, can you blame us poor people?”
Now, It doesn’t say that at all. It says, the veil is upon the hearts, and, the minds of the people. In other words, the veil went from Moses’ face, to the hearts of the people.
Now, it didn’t go that way. Until first of all, the reflection came off of his face. Keep that in mind. See, they put a veil on Moses. And then, it falls on them.
Let’s look at that veil. Over here in,
(45) Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom [you] trust.
(46) For had [you] believed Moses, [you] would have believed me; for he wrote of me.
(47) But if [you] believe not his writings, how shall [you] believe [me]?
Now It tells you right there, that they never ever did believe him. You understand what I am saying? They never understood one thing about a future glory. Blind to it. They’re blind to it.
Over here in Matthew 23: reading some more above what I read to you a minute ago. Verse 29.
(29) Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because [you] build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
(30) And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
(31) Wherefore [you] be witnesses unto yourselves, that [you] are the children of them which killed the prophets. [You’re no different.]
(32) Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
(33) [You] serpents, [you] generation of vipers, how can [you] escape the damnation of hell?
Now, he tells them right there, that veil is still there upon the face. Now listen. Read carefully, to get the point.
What is the difference whether you put a sack over Moses’ head, or you put a sack over your own head. Either way you don’t see the light. Blind is blind. No matter how it comes.
Once it was Moses that was veiled so that they couldn’t get the Light. Now it is they who are veiled and they cannot get the Light.
So, see what happens, just like Simon the Pharisee, in contradiction to the harlot. Oh, he had all the answers, he was a Pharisee. He’d studied, he was well trained.
But, he couldn’t recognize Messiah, when Messiah was there. But, it took a little harlot to recognize Him.
And, the drunkards and the harlots will go into the kingdom, ahead of the people that live today. That means, your morals aren’t worth a plug nickel.
You say, “Brother Vayle,” Don’t Brother Vayle me, the prophet said. He said, “It is not character, it is not fruit. It is not getting closer to God. It is not power ministry. It is not obedience.”
Then, what is it? Don’t you know that that’s death? Don’t you know that those five are death? Read your Ten Commandments. We’ll go into that before the message is over.
I want to show you exactly where one is death and one is life. Why I’ve been preaching these things all this time I’ve been preaching, but, I couldn’t put it together. But, it’s going together now.
Now watch verse 15.
(15) But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their hearts. [It is going on now.]
(16) Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.
Now, nevertheless, let the heart cry out for Light. Cry out for the need of Light. Turn to God and cry, when they were desperate in Egyptian bondage, and needed God.
Then and only then will the veil come off the heart. For they then only, will begin to see God.
Let’s prove that. Back to,
(37) O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, stonest the which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen [gathers] her chickens under her wings, and [you] would not!
(38) Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
(39) [And] I say unto you, [You] shall not see me henceforth, till [you] shall say, Blessed is he that [comes] in the name of the Lord. [And we don’t care how He comes. Just let Him come.]
You’ve got to get desperate, that’s why Brother Branham preached. ‘Desperation’. Conditions are still too nice. They’re too soft.
But, I tell you, one of these days, desperation will hit you. It’s hitting me already. I’ll tell you why sometime. I’ll explain Scripture to you, to show you the thralldoms we’re under.
We haven’t got a prayer, we haven’t got a chance, if God doesn’t do it. Forget it! Forget it! Doesn’t mean you don’t try to be good.
It doesn’t mean you don’t try to have some fruit in your life. It doesn’t mean any of those things. It just means, if you had it all, it still would not be enough. See?
When Israel throws off that veil, they will see God, the true Word. They’ll be forced to take off that veil, that’s right. That’s when He leaves us, after the Wedding Supper.
Now, Paul is making a terrible strong point here. You’ve got to be unveiled from whatever it is that keeps you from seeing the Light. It is not God, and it is not His prophet. See?
It’s not those two. They blaze forth. God blazed forth. The prophet blazed forth. It was not done in a corner. And what caused it back there, where the veil came on them? Their refusal to do it God’s way.
To accept God’s way. The same thing today. Who believes in His Presence, and the prophet? I’m getting flack right today.
Those that want to see Joseph raised up as though we’ve got to have Joseph as an eighth prophet, eighth messenger. And, those that don’t want church order.
They want all the gifts strewn around the place. They’re trying to say that, “Lee Vayle is preaching, but since He’s here, nothing else is needed.”
Oh, that is true in a way, because, in Him is everything. But I never said for one minute, the five-fold ministry is gone.
I never contradicted the prophet who said, “As long as there’s a true Bride on earth, there’ll be a true gift of tongues.” What they’re trying to do, is keep Him from the pre-eminence.
“Oh,” says the woman, “Look at these lovely diamonds. Oh, look at these lovely rings. Look at these lovely furs. Look at my lovely house.”
She’s like the woman in the Jewish joke, she sat on the airplane, and the girl beside her said, “Oh, what a beautiful ring.”
“Yes,” she said, “That is a beautiful ring.” She said, “That is the great ‘Kaufmann’ diamond.”
“Oh, I’ve never seen a diamond quite so beautiful as that. Why it must be wonderful. I don’t suppose it’s as big as the ‘Hope’ diamond though.”
She said, “It is not.”
“Oh, I wish I had one.”
“Oh,” she said, “My dear, you’d not want that diamond.”
She said, “Why not?”
“Because there’s a curse upon it.”
“Oh, what is the curse?”
“Mr. Kaufmann.”
That’s right. Mr. Jesus, thank You for the gifts. Step aside. Who needs ya? Oh, it’s nice You’re here, but… Somebody’s going to die. Somebody’s already dead.
Because He’s here, with life and death. I saw the prophet up there, in North East United States, when he stood there, teetering his toes with the power of life and death.
He said, “I’ve got the authority to take your life, or let it stay with you.”
He let the life stay. Those who defy that which came forth under Moses, died under two or three witnesses. How much more terrible this hour? When life is standing here.
I want to read now in the ‘Unveiling of God’. [64-06-14]
[62] …one time a man walked through that veil, and it was sudden death. Now, it is death not, to go through it. Amen. If you can’t break that veil of tradition, break through that wall of denomination, to see God in His power, it’s death.
Once where it was death to go in, now it’s death to stay out. The whole Mercy Seat is sitting in plain view. Anybody can see if the veil is rent. Glory to God. The whole Mercy Seat comes into plain view. [People say they want mercy.]
“But our church doesn’t do it this way.”
“Our great theological seminaries say different.”
The great Oneness church, that has their college, I think it is in Minneapolis, “You must take a special course, that’s directed against Brother Branham.” How did God come in view in Moses’ day?
No longer could they see the Pillar of Fire. Only could they see the Logos, as the Logos came directed from Moses.
Man cannot see God and live, there’s no way. The only way he can see God is by a reflection and the prophet saw the reflectors, we know that.
Let’s keep moving on 2 Corinthians 3:17-18. I hope you’re getting help, and can understand what we’re saying here. We going to break into the real, the part you really want to hear but we got to take it step by step.
(17) Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
(18) But we all, with [unveiled] face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image [are transformed and glorified in the same image] from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
Now, It says here, and the Lord, is that Spirit, that means there is one God, you can’t have two of them.
We’ve been made free, no veil on God. God in plain view. No veil on us. And we about to be manifested. Now, that’s right. Because, that’s what It says.
No veil on us, we are about to be manifested. No creeds or dogmas, pure God, pure Logos, pure Word before us. They had that once, all set up in the Ephesian Church Age.
When the Holy Ghost came back, and set Paul as the prophet in the Ephesian Church. Now you say, “I believe John was also.” No, John was there only as an adjunct.
It was Paul, who was the prophet and an apostle to the Gentiles. And, that’s admitted in the conference in Jerusalem. See, you’ve got the history on it.
And, Paul said, “When He came back as the Holy Ghost, He set the church in order.”
Such order, as would bring her right in to the revelation, complete, in the Promised Land. Not one missing, everyone there. But, we know what happened.
In 2 Corinthians the 11th chapter, we find Paul saying, “You’re a virgin, but I believe something has already gone wrong. You’ve already betrayed yourself unto somebody else’s hands.”
Because, he said, “I fear… as the serpent beguiled Eve, through his, smartness, his wisdom, his cleverness, your minds will be corrupted from the simplicity in Christ. For he that comes, preaches another Jesus, whom we’ve not preached. Another spirit, we have not received…” and so on.
Now, that let them know that death had set in. “But, at evening time it shall be Light. That’s when comes the Sun of righteousness, with healing in His wings.” Which is immortality.
Now, verse 18. Here’s what we’re looking at. Here’s this Omega Reflection taken from the Alpha.
(18) But we all, with [unveiled] face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image [that’s absolutely transformed into the same image] from glory to glory…
Now, you tell me what image God transformed Himself into, which was final? You say, ‘Pillar of Fire.’ No way, it’s the flesh. No way.
Because the Logos became flesh, and there, was the fullness manifested. The Pillar of Fire will not do that work. It took a human body.
Now, what glory are we going to? We’re going to the glory which is in the human body. The resurrection form.
Now, this is what we want to get at. Here’s a lesson in physics. He is talking about a mirror. So, we’re looking in a mirror. Now, Israel looked at Moses.
Now watch. As the Light from Moses’ face struck Israel, they turned and ran and would not look back at Moses’ face.
Now, the face is the open expression, and the expressing of the head. The true organ of communication. Right?
Listen again. The face, is where there is the open expression, and the expressing of the head. It’s right here. All right.
The true organ of communication. Had they gazed at Moses, they would’ve had the same Light strike them.
Understand now, this is pure physics, and laws of nature. Light travels. Travels in a straight line, by the way. But, as it’s reflected, it’s deflected.
But, it goes in a straight line, it doesn’t curve around. Moses’ face shone, because, Light was beaming from it. That Light had to travel from Moses to somewhere else.
Now, the question is, where would the Light go in the divine economy of God? Except to the Israelites standing there. The Light wouldn’t simply bounce off in the air.
Now you know, that that’s true. When you deal with the economy of God, you do not make up your own rules. You have to abide by what God wanted.
He said, “I want you to stand there and see Me, to see the Light.” They say, “We don’t want to.” So, He let the Light reflect from Moses.
They said, “We don’t want to.” What was He trying to do? To get them in the Light.
Then you tell me, where the light from Moses’ face would’ve gone? It would have gone to Israel, because, that’s what He wanted. Do you understand what I’m saying? All right.
God’s Word is never void, or, undirected. And, that Light striking them, would then strike back to the Logos, until the Logos, and the prophet and the people were all one in a great manifestation of the glory of God.
And, that’s exactly right.
If you don’t think it’s right, what is New Jerusalem going to be?
“Oh well, Brother Vayle, there’s a big high city, a pyramid, and, up there is the Lamb, and, and, and, and, He’s got a bag over His head. And, up above Him, is the Logos, and well anyway, it’s ah, the Pillar of Fire, and He’s got a bag over His head. If not, there’s a cloud up there.”
I thought the city, lay in His Light? For the Lamb is the Light of it. And, I thought the Pillar of Fire over the Lamb on the throne, answered the question; “Before they call, I will answer.”
So, let’s get our understanding right. What did God want? He wanted what we’re looking at. As He reflects through the Lamb, to the city, that’s what He wanted.
They said, “We don’t want It.” The Light striking them, would then strike back to the Logos. “Before they call, I’ll answer.”
God the Source, in anticipating all needs. God’s become All in all to the people. Now, He’s dealing through a prophet.
Because, they said, “We can’t deal with You direct.” And, that’s true. We’ll get some stuff on this later on… information.
Light striking them would then strike back to the Logos. Until the Logos, and the prophet and the people are all one, in a great manifestation of the glory of God. God, out-raying Himself on the prophet and the people, all one in the Light.
All in the Light, as He is in the Light having fellowship. Remember, God loosed them from the Egyptians, to bring them right to that spot of worship in that mountain, preparatory to going into the Promised Land.
Now, that’s what He brought them for. He said, “I’m bringing you out to worship in this mountain.”
And, “They’ll know who I Am,” He said to Moses. “Because, I’m going to show Myself to them, as I showed Myself to you.”
So, Moses went up into the mountain, there was the Pillar of Fire. There was earthquakes and thunderings, and lightning. God Almighty, speaking forth. The glory of God there, they got terribly scared. See?
Now get this, the Light striking the people had to go back to God, for faith is a revelation, and faith is toward God.
You say, “Why would it have to go back?” Because, that’s what it’s all about.
Where does a man direct his kisses? To his wife? I hope. Unless like this guy Springer did, tried to run for governor or something. Yet he paid a prostitute by check and the check didn’t bounce.
What does God give you revelation of self for anyway? To bring back to Him.
That’s what faith is all about. Faith is a revelation. Faith toward God. Without faith, you can’t please God. You have no part with God.
So, the Light from Moses struck the people, and, instantly should have gone back to God. But, they went screaming from God.
That’s what Brother Branham said. “When I preach this sermon, it’ll scatter ten thousand of my friends.”
I’m not the prophet, or I could live in fear to what’s coming, to a degree. Hear how God was working… this is how God was working, His mighty works in manifesting Himself.
Now listen, in three ways here’s what He is doing;
One: God in a Pillar of Fire.
Two: a prophet.
Three: a people.
The three making a fellowship, nothing would have stood before them. What a kingdom lay there. But, they turned it down.
Now, Brother Branham said, “All they needed was God, the prophet, and going in.”
But, they said, “Give us some kind of a law to live by. Give us some kind of a virtue to make it. Give us some kind of a fruit to make it. Give us some kind of a power to make it. Give us something to make it.”
He said, “Shut up! I’m giving you nothing to make it. I’m going to make it for you.”
Now, not for one minute are you going to go out there to kiss Balaam’s big toe or somebody else and a Balak.
You can be a Roman Catholic, and this kind of thing, and that kind of thing. And say, “Oh, He’s here, hallelujah.”
You’ve got to be born again, my brother, my sister. And, when you’re born again, God will get you in. See? They turned Him down.
Now, listen carefully, we’re talking about this thing back there, and now it’s likened to a mirror. Roman general, Christ, Paul, life, death. Now, we’re talking about the mirror.
Stand before a mirror, especially at night. Switch off every light in the room. You are there, the mirror is there, but, you behold nothing. No light, no reflection, no beholding.
Now watch carefully, turn on a light, that does not ray itself, or shine itself on you. Or I could say, “Shine on me.”
I will see the mirror, but, I still will get no true image, but, perhaps get something confusing.
You say, “What about the fact that the light could hit the mirror?” The light hitting the mirror will bounce over to you, and then, bounce back.
Because, it’s got to hit you every time, or, there’s no image. I’m sorry. Turn the light on me. The light hits me. Then it’s reflected from me and strikes the mirror, and, I am beholding an image.
All right. The mirror is the Word, because, that’s what It said;
(18) …we… with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same glory…
Now He’s talking about that, which we are unveiled to. We are unveiled to the Logos. We are unveiled to the Gospel. We are unveiled to what’s in that Gospel.
We are unveiled to the light of the Gospel. The life of the Gospel, we’re unveiled to It. Now, that light’s got to hit. It’s got to hit the person looking. See?
Now, you look at that, you look at that Word here, that’s what we’re looking at. See? All right.
The mirror is the Word. You stand there to see an image, a reflection of yourself, for that Word, like a mirror, is to reflect you.
You’re looking into the mirror. That may sound strange, but, that is what is being said here.
As a person stands before a mirror, that’s why he stands before a mirror, would beholding a mirror, what do we see?
We are going to see ourselves. Or, we’re going to see what object is presented to that mirror. See? A person stands before a mirror sees his own image.
So now, one stands before the Word of God for his hour, and he is required to get an actual reflection of himself. So, you want a reflected image from the Word.
And, there is a spiritual law, even as there is a physical law, that brings that image. So, if the light which is spiritual revelation, does not strike you, you won’t ever mirror or reflect back from that Word, or, see what is in that Word that is actually you in there. See?
You’ve got to be a part of that Word. Brother Branham made a great stress on it. If you weren’t in there before, you’re never going to see yourself there now. Never. See? You’re looking in there at a seed.
All right. We keep moving. Listen, as a mirror is struck by the light, that reflects from you.
What is in that mirror that is doing the imaging, of showing you to be who and what you are. Well, it’s a silver on the back of it, or the mercury, whichever they’re using.
You see, there’s something there that’s going to throw it back.
Now let the spiritual revelation strike you, and that revelation presented to the Word, will correct the image back to you, what you are in that Word. It is what is in that Word that is you.
Now, you’re not getting this at this moment, but, you will. You watch awhile.
And, revelation shows it to you. Now, as I said, if the light of the spiritual revelation does not strike you, you can’t get that image out of there.
But, if it’s a true spiritual revelation that strikes, no creeds, no dogmas, no misplacing, no misinterpreting, no veils, you will see Christ. Now, that’s it. Now, that’s the tough part.
I look into a mirror, a light’s got to strike me. Because, we’re talking about light. Let’s not forget that. We’re talking about light. Spiritual revelation, given a certain way.
Now, I look in a mirror, I’m beholding a mirror. I am going to see myself in that mirror, there is no two ways about it.
But I’ve got news for you, if it’s a spiritual revelation, you will not see yourself, you will see Christ.
You don’t have to figure it I’ll figure it for you. Because, I’m not through preaching. You’ll see Christ formed in that Word before your very eyes, and the Light that God reflected to you, and, back to the Word.
And, that makes you, and the Word, and God all one. Because, He is the Light. When that Light hits you, It shows what you are, and, it shows Christ.
Did you hear what I said? You do what you want with it. I’ll prove it to you, just a while.
You reflect that Light back to God, and the Word makes you that Light, then you and the Word and God become one, for God is Light. The Word is Light. Christ is Light.
And, you are Light. Now, that’s all Scripture. You know I’m quoting Scripture without going to it, I’ll go to it a little later.
That makes you and the mirror, because, that Light is Christ. And, that Light coming from you, now forms the image in the Word.
Now listen, that makes you and the mirror, that image you saw Christ, because, that Light is Christ.
And, that Light coming from you, now forms that image in the Word. Can’t form it any other person. Got to form it on you.
You say, “Well I admire that person, I can see this, I can see that.” You better see it in you.
Now, what we’re doing here is seeing we’re becoming one with the revelation. You still with me?
Just hang on, I’m just trying to make it much clearer than the last time. Taking more time, I’m going through the points in a little while, but just wait.
Now, the image that comes back to you is Christ. Now, let me explain why there cannot be creeds, dogmas, or denominations.
2 Corinthians 11: again;
(03) But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds [What was on Israel’s mind? And, their hearts, veiled. So, your minds should be veiled] from the simplicity that is in Christ.
(04) For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus,…
Changes the doctrine, or receives another spirit, changes the doctrine, preaches another gospel, changes the doctrine.
Now watch It;
(03) …if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
(04) In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
What’s going to shine unto you? The image that strikes you, that strikes the mirror. What stops it? Creeds, and dogmas, a change in the Word.
What needs restoring? The Bride needs restoring.
(05) For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;…
If somebody else comes and does different, he is preaching himself. Then if you can get this any other way than the way Paul preached it, who needs God?
Then those who believed in creeds and dogmas, denominations are right. Come join our church, come join our church.
We’re the gates to heaven, we’re the gates to heaven, we’re the gates to heaven. “We’ve got power,” said the Catholic church “Over three places, over heaven, purgatory and hell.”
They even they made up one, that must be the best of the works, they made up their own. Even one place God didn’t have.
Do you see why it’s creeds and dogmas? See where unbelief lies? See where the whole thing lies? Who’s going to give it to you? Prophet.
He said, “Under those Seven Seals, under those Thunders within the Seven Seals, God gave everything to put the Bride in the Rapture.”
There are people standing here that aren’t going to die. And, they’re in the worse shape of any bunch during all the age. And, they’re in the best shape, because, He does it.
All right. Now, Paul said he had that ministry. Paul said he had that ministry, that Word, striking the individual. Bringing forth immortality. What’s that? God backing His Word. That’s all.
Number one: looking at it. The Logos, came to Paul with revelation. 2 Corinthians 2:14-17.
Some caught it, some didn’t. The Light that struck Paul, struck them. Blinding some, opening the eyes of others. Some got life, some got death.
Those that got life, saw themselves revealed in the Word, they saw they’re part of the Logos, they’re part of that revelation.
It says that when he preached to the Gentiles they said, “Hallelujah!” Something struck home. See?
Now, God answered back. For they were manifested Word. Paul said, “They were manifested Word, at that hour.”
But listen, the same Word at this hour, in this moment, does not bring forth living epistles of the first church age, the second, third, fourth, fifth, the sixth, but living epistles of the Seventh Church Age, to the image. {Blank spot on tape]
(02) [Was in the prophet under] these last days spoken unto us [in Son] by [and in] his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
(03) Who being the brightness of his glory, the [expressed] image of his person, upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:
Same image. We shall be like Him, wondrously like Him. Same image, that in His wondrous glory we shine.
Let me tell you, you better shine in His glory now, or you’re not going to be like Him. A transformation sets in.
It tells you;
(01) Therefore seeing we have this ministry, [Somebody has got to have it]… we [receive] mercy, we faint not; [What a job handed to a man.]
Saying to William Branham, “I’ve chosen you that you’re that one that’s Elijah, you’re going to restore a Bride. You’re going to bring life. You’re going to bring death. The Word that I put in your hand, is going to transform people.”
“Until the righteous are righteous, the filthy are filthy.””
And, the righteous walk to the Tree of Life, the dead come out of the ground, they all go away in a Rapture.
Well he said, “There’s just one thing to do, that’s ask mercy.” That man better not take a creed or a dogma. That man better not try to make himself somebody.
Moses couldn’t tell the people who he was. Jesus couldn’t tell the people who He was. Paul never got off the ground. The prophet of this hour never got off the ground either.
“Why, who does he think he is? What card does he hold? What fellowship? What school has he gone to? Is he well versed?
Why, his language isn’t fit for the pulpit. “Ahh, he wasn’t as good a preacher as I am.” I didn’t think his language was bad at all.
2 Corinthians 4:
(03) But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: [All right, I won’t read the rest.]
Now, it could’ve brought a Resurrection and a Rapture, at the First Church Age, but, the timing was off. All right. That was Alpha. Come to Omega.
That was the First Century, this is the Twentieth. The Logos of revelation, shined on our prophet. The same Light that struck the prophet, was reflected from him to us.
For the prophet reflects the Word. He’s a reflector of the Word. This is what Brother Branham said, which is correct. Thus, we became one with whatever he was one with. If we received it.
Do you know old Eleazar wasn’t any dumb bunny. He stood around and seen Abraham all these years, and he said, “Abraham has got a God, I don’t know Him, but, I wish I did.”
Now, he didn’t know how to pray, but, he knew whatever he prayed, wasn’t worth a hoot, alongside of who Abraham prayed to.
But, he didn’t know what Abraham prayed, he said, “Oh God of Abraham” he said. And God said, “What is it boy?”
“Well”, he said, “Look, seeing you are Abraham’s God, and this is something Abraham tells me you want, will you take care of this journey?”
And God said, “I’ll sure do that.”
Listen to me, whatever Brother Branham was hooked up to, we’re hooked up to. You see where your faith takes you?
When the Light strikes, you believe what He said, you don’t ask questions. Answer here, answer there. Because, the more questions you ask, the darker it gets. Because, questions are unbelief.
You say, “I don’t have a right to ask questions?” Only, in faith.
And, because you’re ignorant of something you believe in, but, can’t quite define. But, to bring up a question, as a question is out. For, faith does not question. Faith believes, it’s a revelation.
All right. The Light of revelation, reflected from him, William Branham struck us, and went straight to the mirror, the Word, even Christ.
And, we saw that we were a part of the same revelation, the prophet who had the revelation of God. That proved our rebirth, because, we could see and hear what he said.
It was the same Living Word, Logos that came to the prophet that shone on us. There is no difference.
You say, “I wish I was a prophet.” Why bother? Do I need to be a Rockefeller, if I had the power of attorney to write the checks?
Forget it, I’d certainly be me, Rockefeller can fly a kite, I don’t like what they did, whatever will do. The money’s fine, I’ll spend it.
You don’t need to be a prophet. You don’t need to be five-fold. You don’t need to be this or the other thing. More than anybody else does. Just believe It. That’s all.
Now, the same living Word, that came to the prophet, shone on us. That makes God, and the prophet, and the children all one.
Children of the Light, in whom there is no darkness. That’s what we saw over here in 1 Corinthians. Paul praying… so that you come behind him, in no gift, waiting for the apocalypse of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Who, at that time when He is unveiled, shall confirm on Him making you blameless. Absolutely without guilt. That’s one of the dividends of the Seventh Seal.
You’re guiltless and you know it. I don’t care what thralldom you are under, you are guiltless. You just wait, and I’ll show you. Just hold onto your hats.
All right. That makes it all of Christ. That makes the Bride and the Father one, even as the Father and the Son are one. That makes John 17:21-23.
Now let’s go and see where we’re at today.
(21) That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also, may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
Now, what was He? The Word. What did that Word contain? The Life of God. The expression. Then, we’re the same. One, with that Word.
(21) …that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
(22) And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
The same absolutely. He said, “Which one of you convince me of one Word, find me wrong.”
Confute me, and, that makes this our day, the completed circle of reality that Logos was in God, and, we were in the Logos to begin with.
And, we are now all manifested, and ready for the first fruit resurrection, to complete the image. Because, that’s where we are going to.
We’ll show you a Scripture, just hold onto it. Even unto immortality, like unto Jesus, who is the Christ.
Light has risen in the western sky, look at verse 18 again.
(18) But we all, [that’s the whole Bride] with [unveiled] face beholding as in a glass…
Notice not face, faces, even His face. One message, one Bride. That’s all that’s going to get it. There isn’t going to be one that misses it.
(18) …with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed [are transformed, are immortalized] into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
Starting way back there in Luther’s day, begin to glow, the Light began to glow. But listen, the fullness did not come until this hour so therefore, the image could not be completed.
You can’t get immortality back there in Luther’s day. Any more than you could get back in Irenaeus’ day, it wouldn’t work, it’s only today.
Now, this is the last look. This is the hour for the final image. It started with just as small blaze of Light in Luther’s day, but, today it’s Resurrection time.
Listen, for the first time in two thousand years, the veils of creeds and dogmas are ripped asunder. That’s 2 Corinthians 11:4, restored as in Acts 3:19-26, where Elijah comes and restores.
Now, blind Laodicean eyes are shined upon, by the Holy Spirit. The Light struck, and we saw Christ.
Jesus Christ appeared before us,” the same yesterday, today, and forever.” That’s why He’s the same. That’s why we know It’s He. We are now because of His Presence, in the process of immortality.
The Scripture says so. “As we have born the image of the earthy, we shall bear the image of the heavenly.”
Now, that’s image to image, and, there’s no more images to go to. That’s the Omega reflection. The fullness of the Godhead bodily, returned at the end time in a man.
Now, that’s hitting it awfully tough. That you can see, I’m very close to deity. But I’m not. But I’m not. Because, you’ve got to get to that image.
Veiled behind skins. But, be careful where you take it. Because, William Branham was not God. If God poured everything of Himself, and left nothing of Himself, and put it all in a Bride, it’s the only time that that Bride would constitute God.
Nowhere in Scriptures does It say so, because, New Jerusalem, the Pillar of Fire is even over the Lamb. “But,” they said, “Show us the Father. That will take care of it.”
He said, “Look at Me, you’re seeing Him.” Striking, isn’t it? It is not tomorrow, it’s now.
Let’s read some of ‘The Unveiling of God’ 64-06-14
Going back to page 32;
[209] So, now in this age, when the old denominational and traditional veil has been rent, from the Word of God, so it can be manifested! [Didn’t say that you manifested, that He can manifest]
The tradition says, “All those things are past.” But in this last day the traditional veil has been rent apart, and here stand the Pillar of Fire. See? Here He is, manifesting the Word for this day. The veil is rent.
Now, the world, still they don’t believe it. No matter what, (they see), they don’t see it. It wasn’t sent to them. [Moses wasn’t sent to Egypt.]
[210] Remember, the Son of God was not revealed to Sodom; two messengers [were]. That’s right.
[211] But, this, God Himself in human flesh was revealed to Abraham, the Elected. And watch what He did to reveal Himself. And now, Abraham knew, when He knew what was in Sarah’s thought behind Him, he called Him “Elohim!”
[220] The old saying “The days of Miracles is past,” the walls is tore down. Jehovah still stands in full view, manifesting His Word, unveiled One. That’s right. Notice.
[221] The Gentile church has also been blinded from the veil. It’s been tore off, and showed God, the ecclesiastical veil. How? By veiling the Word in human being again.
That’s exactly what Israel failed to see. If it would have been some Angel or something, Israel would have believed it. But being it could not be an Angel, it had to be a man.
God can’t break His Word. In the last days it has to be the same thing again. See? What blinded Israel? That Man.
“You’re a Man making Yourself God.” That’s what they killed Him for, and, today, because the Message come through man and not Angels. [And that Word being God] See?
God can’t change His way, change His Word. He said He changes not. See? Notice, Thomas and the Gentiles are just as blinded today as Israel was, because (what?) the veil. God veiled in human being, blinded Israel.
Notice, has ever blinded one. One, It will blind; the other, It will reveal the Truth. It’ll close the eyes of some, and open the eyes of others.
[242] We in Him! Then we, being in Him, we are still veiled to the religionists and Professors of the world. See, our Glory that we have and enjoying, we are still veiled to them outsiders. They think we’re “crazy, a nut,” See?
That’s right. But we who are in here, in Christ, baptized into Him, in Him, we are partakers of this Glory. See? But not on the outside; [it’s not the outside, it’s the inside] you’re still looking in, [but on the outside, they’re still looking] denying It.
[243] So now we are invited into Him, to be partakers of all that He is. We’re invited into Him, which is hid to unbelievers, by the veil of human flesh.
They know that Glory, they read of It, It’s in the Word here, of the Glory of God” and things like that, it’s just a word to them…
Now, that’s what we’re talking about this morning. This written thing here is just a word here, until this hour.
It’s a promise, that’s unfulfilled. It’s just a word. But manifesting time, it’s no longer a word. What is it?
[243] …To us, it’s a manifestation! It’s no more a word; it’s a reality!
[244] God said, “Let there be light,” that was the word. But now there is light. It ain’t the word; it’s the light. [It’s no longer the Word, it’s an image.]…
[245] Now it isn’t just a written Word to us, it’s a reality. We are in Him. Now we’re enjoying Him. Now we behold Him. Now we see Him, the Word, manifesting Himself. It’s hid out there, because (why?) It’s veiled in human flesh…
[248] …It’s still veiled.
[249] We’re inside of Christ. Now, as then, all true believers see Him, the word of promise of this day, openly manifested. That’s a big word if you can get it. See?
All true believers, that’s in the Word, see God openly. The veil is rent, and God stands openly before you, manifested.
Absolutely, Christ. But It says you’re looking. We behold Him, as in a mirror. Just keep that in mind. You’re looking, what’s to become manifested? Christ.
Just hold on, just keep listening and thinking.
[250] In order to do this, our old denomination veil must be rent again. [That’s the veil has got to be rent.]
In order to really see what It is, you’ve got to come out from among that stuff. See? You’ll never do it; they’ll keep pulling that veil before you, every time, “Oh, there is nothing to That.” But here It is written, and here It is made manifest, you see. See?
[251] Now, what if a fellow refuses to see the sun, and say, “Oh I know God said, ‘Let there be light,’ but there be no such a thing. I’m going down in the basement. I just refuse to see it?” The guy is crazy. There is something wrong with him.
[252] There is something wrong with a man or woman, can see the promise of God and, see It manifested, and then refuse to believe it, it’s because the denomination pulls the veil down. [It’s] veiled!
[253] In order to do this, our denomination traditional veils must be broke, by God’s Spirit of Fire and Sword, which is His Word. Always His Word is His Sword. See?
And He took His Sword that day, full of Fire, and ripped that veil from top to bottom. He does the same thing with the same Sword today! Not, “My creed, my book of creeds, my—my catechism.”
But the Sword of the Lord, see, rips the veil down, and you see God standing in plain view, manifested in His Word. What a glorious view to look at! See? All right. God’s Holy Spirit, and Fire, His Sword, rips it. The Word rips the denominational veil.
[254] …[What if] you just said, “The Word,” and the Word don’t work? What good would the Sword be here, and say, “It can’t rip… it won’t rip?”
[255] But when you lay that Sword of God up there and watch her rip, she’s held by an ordained hand sent to do so. See, rips it open, and there He is.
There it shows God plainly in view, the great Jehovah. That is His Word made manifest, the portion that is promised to (this) day…
Now, He tells you what’s promised. God, made manifest. He tells you what you’re going to see is Christ revealed.
When the veil is pulled away, now let’s get this straight, you didn’t get this the other day when I talked. I guess some of you were pretty upset, when I mentioned the fact, of the legalist spirit within the church.
And, I know for your sakes, I should have mentioned everything under high heaven, to please some of you babies. Well, I’m not here to please babies.
Let’s get this flat. Legalism and eternal security is the same rotten muck. There’s no difference between the two. Grace is where you’ve got to stand, my brother/sister.
And, I’m preaching grace this morning. I’m preaching the thing the prophet preached. That in this Message, you will see Christ. But, they’re not seeing Him.
“Oh well, Brother Branham said He was here, but, oh ho ho. He’s always been here, ho ho ho.” And, they look at themselves, and they think they’re leaders and everything else.
[255] …When the Sword, promise of today, in this day, [that’s] what’s supposed to be, and God takes His Sword and rips down the denominational veil and pulls it back, and manifests Himself and shows that He is there, still that same Pillar of Fire. Notice, that is the Word made manifest for today’s promises.
In other words, He absolutely appeared in signs and wonders, and all the things necessary to prove who He was.
And, He did it for one reason, to get right to that Word, so the Light could break from the Word. Because, He was the Word, and the Life broke from the Word. That’s what it’s all about.
[261] …when you see the Word made manifest, you see the Father, God, because the Word is the Father. The Word is God. And the Word, made manifest, is God taking His own Word and manifesting It among believers. Nothing can make it live but believers, just believers…
Now He tells you right there, Now, we can see what Brother Branham said here, what I like.
[37-243] …[It is] manifestation to us, (see?) it is no more Word, it’s a reality. Amen!
And that’s what I’m preaching now, what Paul preached, what Brother Branham said, “It’s no longer a Word.” [See?]
Now, the Logos is here, He’s here, that’s it. That’s what it’s all about, shadow has given away to substance. In the days of the voice of the seventh messenger, every mystery is perfected. “For that which is perfect is come.”
And, one of the mysteries is; “we shall not all sleep, we’re going to be changed.” See?
Now, that’s the mystery, the last mystery concerning the Bride, that she really knows anything about it experientially.
Because, when she’s changed, she’s changed. And that’s it. She’s open then, for every experience on the other side which she wasn’t opened to on this side.
And, every experience that she was open to on this side, is closed to that side. She’s completely changed, she’s new. Now, it is now, it is no longer He is coming.
As Brother Branham said, “He’s here.” The Seventh Seal is opened.
The Light of His Presence has struck, and it’s reverberating, pulsating rays have formed the perfect circle of the Logos.
And, the prophet and the Bride, and the Son, I’m talking about the physical now, they are all one.
In other words, the Husband who is the Groom, and the Bride, are now one. Absolutely with that Word, there is a union.
Now look, the fullness hasn’t yet come in because, we’re still waiting for immortality, but it is already transpiring.
See, that’s the beautiful part of it. We’re not looking down the road. See? We’re made one, never more to be fragmented.
No organization will come out of it. He has risen with healing in His wings. Yesterday is gone, so we don’t look back.
There is no cosmos tomorrow, so we don’t look ahead, for time is run out. That’s Scripture, Revelation 10:6-7. Now today is our salvation.
That’s the day of our salvation, which salvation is the redemption of the body. Not, something else. Now, just let the Light strike you, and gaze into the Word of Promise of this hour.
And, that Word will be quickened to you, and produce the reflection of God, even, Jesus Christ as it is said, in 2 Corinthians 3:18.
You will never die, but will live according to John 11:22,”whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never perish.’
Now, that did not happen back in the day of Jesus, when He was on earth. No way. But, it’s got to happen, because He that liveth and believeth in Me shall never perish.
In other words, those that are living, and come to the faith of immortality. Notice I snuck it in there. I didn’t say, ‘living and believing.’ Whole world believes.
I’m talking the faith of immortality. It’s the faith is here for the going away in the Rapture. See? Now, you will not die but live.
All right. Let’s be sure to get what we’re talking about. So, we’re going to go back to… 2 Corinthians 3:7-11, now here is where I’m going to try to round up things for you, so you’ll get what I’m talking about.
(07) But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:
Now listen, this was a literal glory upon the countenance, the same thing they saw on the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus, and Moses, and Elijah. Right? There’s a glory. Don’t think there’s not, there was a glory there.
(08) How shall not the ministration of the spirit be [tremendously more] glorious? [There is no comparison.]
Now listen, what’s coming, is a ministration of the Spirit. Now, let’s watch. Because He tells you down here, that Spirit that’s coming, is God Himself.
Do you follow? Are you beginning to see now? How many don’t see? For land’s sake, don’t tell me you don’t see it, you’ll scare me to death.
The second time I’ve preached this, and it’s going over your heads? Impossible. Come on.
He said, “If this was glorious, what it did to a man in the presence of men, what’s going to happen when the Spirit Himself, loosed from that Word, of which, that Spirit is the life.”
Begins to move on those that look. If you could be healed looking at a brazen serpent,(and that’s what it’s supposed to do, what will happen if you see Him, Who alone hath immortality to give you?
Do you follow what I’m saying? Now, let’s be very careful now, because, I want to show you what I’ve been talking about all of this time.
Now He said;
(07) But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, [the Ten Commandments, the whole bit] was glorious,… [And it sure was, don’t say it wasn’t. There was manifestation there. Absolutely tremendous.]
(07) …the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold [even] the face of Moses [and when it was simply reflected glory. They never even could stand to see the Pillar of Fire. The Pillar of Fire, got reflected. They couldn’t stand even that. Tremendous, it was tremendous]
(08) How shall not the ministration of the spirit be [even tremendously more] glorious?
(09) For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory. [Now listen, how it exceeds:]
(10) For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by [the] reason of the glory that excelleth.
That wasn’t any glory at all. What happened back there? What happened back there, Jordan rolled back. The walls of Jericho fell down flat. They had tremendous kings, the greatest kings that ever lived.
The most beautiful temple, the most beautiful throne. The most beautiful homes. They ran the world. Marvelous kings, no one could touch them. Died, dead. It’ll never come back, it’s finished.
Israel’s only got three and a half years, then Millennium. So, forget about all that junk you’ve been learning, way back in the days of… you know, that stuffed goose, for the seminaries.
Now listen, what I want you to understand is this: What came forth under Moses, was tremendously glorious, insofar as actual manifestations, something was there? What was revealed? Man was revealed.
“Thou shalt not, commit adultery.” I’ve been a pure boy, I’ve been a pure girl. You’re still adulterers, it’s in your heart.
“Thou shalt not steal.” Hey, my parents would kill me if I stole. You’re still a thief.
“Thou shalt not bear false witness.” Boy, there’s always been one thing I’ve wanted to do, and thought of to do was, I sure wouldn’t want to tell lies.
Remember the story Brother Branham told about that man that was a good preacher, one day he died and woke up in heaven. He woke up going to heaven, everything was black, black, black, and he knocked at the door, and said,
“I’m Reverent, Brother So-and-so, said, “I’d like to come in here.”
They said, “We don’t have a record of your name.”
“Well” he said, “Man, that’s impossible.” He said, “That is impossible.”
“Well,” he said, “It’s not impossible, your name’s not here.”
He said, “What can I do?” “Is there someplace to go?”
“Yes, you can appeal to the White Throne.”
Well he said, “Let me appeal to the White Throne.”
See,… he approached unto a light that no man can approach unto, and he was struck in his heart.
And, the Voice called him by name, and He said, “Have you ever told a lie?”
And he said, “I thought that I was a very honest person, but I knew at that moment I was a liar.”
“Have you ever stolen?”
He couldn’t recall a thing, but, he knew he was a thief.
God looked down that day. And, when He got finished, you saw, yourself. Hi liar. Tell me who isn’t? Little white lies. Little lies with two legs, three legs, four legs, five legs. Fat lies, thin lies, fast lies, slow lies? Hi liar. You like being called a liar?
The prophet didn’t mind, he said, “Come into the world speaking lies. I’m a liar.” Hi, you adulterers. How can you not agree? My little dirty story, it’s not a dirty story, it’s just a fact.
They tell me this actually happened. A man interviewed a woman he said,
“Are you true to your husband?”
She said, “I certainly am.”
He said, “Would you cheat on your husband?”
She said, “No way.”
He said, “Hold it now, hold it, hold it. Are you very well off?”
“No,” she said, “We’re not, we’re quite poor.”
“Look it,” he told her, “What if a millionaire came, and he desired you?” He thought you were something special, and offered you a million dollars. “Would you take it?”
“Well,” she said, “Well, for one time. That’s all. “Well we could use the money you know. Yes, (she said) I guess I’d do it for one time, for a million dollars.”
He said, “Would you do it for twenty dollars?”
She said, “What do you think I am?”
He said, “We already know what you are. We just want to determine the price.”
That’s not a dirty story, it actually happened. Hi adulterers. You don’t like it do you? You know why? Because it tells the truth, and it kills you. You’re dead. You’re dead. You’re dead.
And, you men can’t help being dead, because of little children, babies, you get erections. It’s for one purpose. You know you were meant to be that way. You can’t help it. You’re dead.
You hear what I’m saying this morning? That’s what they saw when Moses got through. That’s what God said. They saw themselves.
I want to ask you a question: What do you want to see in the Word, today? Yourself again? Uh? You want to see Him. I want to see myself as Him.
The first time was death, because it revealed man. The second time, it is life, because it reveals Him.
You have the revelation this morning, my brother/sister of Him. This is what I’ve been talking about the last few sermons I preached.
Trying to get you to understand, grace from legalism and from eternal security. I can’t cure you of it. I can’t take you from… believe me, Lee Vayle has ceased from Lee Vayle.
He saw enough of Lee Vayle, and it’s all over as far as Lee Vayle is concerned. He’s gone. He’s dead.
“Well,” you say, “Brother Vayle, I thought that meant some great tremendous thing, you’ve got greater character, and you’d have greater…”
There, you missed it again, you cotton picking legalists. Can’t you understand? Take [inaudible] encase you in cement, or I’ll be nice, feathers.
So, you can’t move, but listen, you can think, and, your thoughts will betray you. Because, God reads the mind. He reads the heart. He reads the soul.
And, He separates the soul and the spirit, and He looks right down. And, He told you that, “You got no place to hide. You’ve got no place to go.”
Understand what I’m saying? Come on! We’re going to kill legalism this morning, understand. Don’t go out of here, being like a bunch of little babies, that need nursing and your bottoms touched up.
I’m working on your heads this morning. To hate this Word, would be to hate God. I’ve got you over a barrel.
Colossians 1, that’s what I want. Somewhere, in Colossians. Listen to It. Verse 15;
(15) …the image of the invisible God, the first [born] of every creature: [so on.]
(18) …[having] the preeminence.
(19) [please God] the Father… in him… all fulness dwell;
Notice in verse 20;
(20) And having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether things in [heaven and] earth…
(21) And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, now [is] reconciled.
(22) In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:
You say, ‘That’s what I want.” That’s what you’re not going to get by yourself. But, He died upon Calvary. He died upon Calvary. That’s right.
And, the Blood of Jesus Christ scatters sin until there be no evidence of it. There’d be no sin, there be no sinners. Who did it? Jesus did it.
Then, who’s going to be unveiled in redemption in this hour? He will be unveiled. And, we beholding Him, will be changed to His image.
Because, this is the hour for it. It’s quite simple when you begin to look at it.
Let’s go to Romans 7: Paul just said in verse 14;
(14) For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
So, certainly the law was spiritual. Given by God; “Thou shall not commit adultery; Thou shall love the Lord; Thou shall not steal; Don’t covet your neighbor’s wife; Don’t covet your neighbor’s ox; Don’t do this, don’t do that.”
“But, that’s what I want to do! Well, I really don’t want to do it.” Well, what’s in there?
(15) For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
(16) If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. [Nothing wrong with that.]
(17) Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
(18) For I know that in me [that is, in my flesh,] dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
(19) For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
(20) Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
(21) I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
(22) For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
(23) But I see another law… warring… [Then he said,]
(24) O wretched man… who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
Thank God, there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. But remember, the body is dead because of sin. You still have got to reckon with it.
What’s going to get you out of it. You’ve got to be changed to some image. Well, let me tell you flat, it isn’t going to be your image, it’s going to be His image.
Then, when the light shines at this hour, it does not present you anymore, it presents Him. I want to tell you frankly, without fear, because I’m just going to close this off, the best I can.
You’ve got enough to know, that I stand with what I preached this morning. I stand with the prophet William Branham, who before he died, had no sense of guilt, and no sense of fear.
It’s not that he wouldn’t be guilty if he did something wrong. But, there was no sense of guilt before God, it’s all over. There is no fear, why should there be a fear?
I’ve got the same thing in my way, that he had in his. And, I’m not trying to make myself William Branham. I’m just telling you this one thing, I am preaching the Word of God, who lives and breathes and is real.
And, I’m not looking at Lee Vayle anymore. You can look at him all you want, that’s all some of you people are doing. Go ahead, have a ball.
And, I’m just stupid enough part of the time to look back. From this day on, by the grace of God, no looking back. If you want to tantalize yourself, titillate yourself, and be a complete something or other.
Don’t blame me, I want to get out of the picture. You can’t look at yourself and win, brother/sister, because you’re gone. You can’t look at each other, because, we’re all gone.
Brother Branham said, “It’s all gone.” Well he said it. I didn’t say it. Said, “It’s all gone.” It’s finished.
What does the Bible say, something about that? If my mind’s right, it’s in Hebrews 12: don’t know that for sure. But I think it’s Hebrews 12:
He said:
(27) And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
(28) Wherefore we receiving a kingdom [that] cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
(29) For our God is a consuming fire.
There in His Presence with godly fear, giving Him the pre-eminence, and remember, your character will develop. But, it won’t be character gets you there. The fruit will develop, but, it’s not fruit that’s going to get you there.
And one day, just before the Resurrection, that sweet Spirit is going to move in, and you’ll say, “Praise God.”
Same Spirit that’s on the other side, is going to move in. I guess because they moved out. The gifts, as it were, were put on the shelf.
Amongst God’s people, all the healings that you missed are going to happen. Why? Because you and I are hindering somebody right today. Just before the Resurrection. Just before the Rapture.
Just by the grace of God. Not that you did one thing. What if you woke up tomorrow morning, you that… how many people out there are missing teeth? I’ve got a lot of teeth missing. Tomorrow morning I woke up, and every tooth that was in my head.
I said, “Look what Lee Vayle did.”. Whewww. Now, I’ll pull them out and show you what I did. I stuck them in the night before. If I woke up tomorrow morning with… and I take out what I’ve got out.
I don’t like plates around me, partial plates. Phfft, put them on the table. Soak them in water, just put them out there, ready for the morning.
If I woke up next to that tomorrow morning, and I tried to push something in here, “Hey I’ve got new teeth”… Lee Vayle, did it? You’ve got to be nuts. I didn’t do it, somebody else did it. God did it.
All right. Listen, that light, let’s just take a look at John 1: I’m not trying to take all day long, but, I have to get this across to you.
(01) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
(02) The same was in the beginning with God.
(03) All things were made by him;…
(04) In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
And, it tells you that, the life was the light of men. In other words, the life that comes through, is Light. Revelation.
The revelation of this hour; We shall not die, but, live. See?
Now notice;
(14) When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, [we] also [will] appear with him in glory.
When He that is the Light, comes on the scene, we’ll be illuminated. The Light is here, the Life is here. And we all in a manifestation of Light.
I was going to go into Ephesians the 5th chapter, 1-33. But, you read it yourself, it’s all there for you. It’s this hour, 1 John 3:2 is for this hour, absolutely.
(02) …when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Now listen, from where I stand, there’s only one hope I’ve got, and that’s looking at Him. Nothing else. No other way do I consider is open to me.
No other way do I consider anything is going to happen to me. I give up all hope of these other things.
Now, just before I let you go, I let you know this one thing. You’re going to read; ‘The Unveiling of [Mighty] God’ [64-06-16]
It’s a good thing to read it and go over it. And, you’re going to think that I’ve said things contrary to what the prophet said. But, you’re wrong.
The prophet was talking of God in a prophet. And, what you look for because, that’s how God operates. I dealt with the kindred subject, is what happens, when God uses a prophet, when the light strikes.
Brother Branham was not dealing exclusively, as I was this morning. He dealt two-fold, and he showed God in the prophet, but, in God manifesting, putting a veil, as it were God veiled, the Word veiled in a prophet.
Because he said, “Even the very Elect, couldn’t be deceived by it, it was too bright and too strong.”
Those things are legitimate, he said the truth, because, he was dealing with concerning the prophet. I wasn’t. I was dealing with the fact that when God moves, and in what way He moves, what is going to transpire.
And brother/sister, let me inform you this; that the Bride went off course, because of that Word, that had been hampered.
It had been tampered with into creeds and dogmas, and it went into death, to the very dark ages. Until a glimmer began to come back. Began to come back to justification by faith.
And, in this same hour, “That which is perfect has come,” We don’t look through a glass darkly. The creeds and dogmas are stripped off.
And, when you don’t look into that glass darkly, what do you see when you look in?
You say, “Well, if I look in a glass, I’d see an image or fool this time.” When you look in this image, this Word, you see Christ. You, are out of the picture.
Now, look it. Therefore, I don’t care about your character. Well, you say, ‘You don’t care at all?” It isn’t that I don’t care at all.
What do you think plagues me? Do you think I’m happy to know that I was born in sin. Do you think I’m happy to know that within me lies, every rotten-ness that could be imaginable? But that’s not where it lies. You see?
Do you understand what I’m saying? It doesn’t exist anymore. It’s gone. Even the glory that was there, is no glory at all, by reason of that which excelleth. Sin is no more sin, little Bride, you didn’t do it. It’s been washed and wiped away.
And, in this hour, he that receives that revelation, and can see Christ, and see Him unveiled, will find not Jesus, but himself, blameless. The fullness of the work of Jesus in redemption, is allotted to this hour.
Why do you die? Because of sin. Why will you not die? Because of life. Is this the hour of life or death? It’s the hour of life. Then, there’s nothing more to look at, except, life.
You see what grace is? Grace doesn’t have a thing to do with the legalists, nor with the eternal security bunch. It doesn’t have one thing to do with an organization, or denomination.
It doesn’t have anything to do either, with this Word as simply the Word. Um, um. No way. It’s this Word, made life. The Word of the hour living, my brother, my sister.
And, it says when those Seals were opened, “Don’t you dare seal that Book up again.” “For he that is righteous is righteous still, he that is filthy is filthy still.”
Now listen brother/sister, how are you going to have faith for the Rapture, if you don’t get it? Now, don’t cast your eyes down, get a million miles away, get with God this morning.
You didn’t come in here for some purpose, or you’d be out in the streets. I don’t preach to people anymore, just for the sake of preaching. I’m tired of preaching. I want to quit the whole thing and go up there somewhere by myself.
But, I’m going to tell you, I know this one thing, people are not the same when I get through preaching. Because, I preach for one thing. I preach for life.
Haven’t preached one thing to condemn anybody this morning. Except get you off of your creeds and your dogmas, and your backgrounds, and this and that. Get your eyes off yourself.
Begin to get it right here where it belongs. And, you will see Christ. When did William Branham unveil William Branham? He explained William Branham.
But, he didn’t unveil William Branham. The Son of man was revealed, and unveiled by William Branham.
He said, “You thought I was trying to say this about myself because I preach this Message,” he said, “I have no more to do with it, than nothing.” Then, what have you got to do with it? Nothing.
Did you put the sun up there? No. Do you put the sun to bed at night? No. Except for some trick, you can’t even tell a chicken to close its eyes. Not very smart.
How many seed can you tell to grow? I bet I’ve planted over two bucks worth of parsley seeds, more than that, about two and a half, I doubt if ten percent came up.
I should have said, “Parsley seed, I want you to come up like that!” Won’t work, will it? I want to ask you a question. Is He able to perform what He promised? He’ll do it, that’s where grace is, my brother, my sister.
Let’s rise. Let’s let you go home. I kept you a long time.
Sorry about that in one way, but, then again, in another way, you’re better here, then someplace else.
Heavenly Father, we’re so grateful for Your love and mercy, Your kindness, O God. But, no matter, Lord, if this Word were wrapped up in the husks of corn, it wouldn’t matter.
Any more than are wrapped up in the most beautiful tissues of gold, encrusted with diamonds, it wouldn’t matter. It’s just so hard, Lord, for people to understand that Your Word, is Your Word. It’s hard for me.
Lord, I wouldn’t stand here except for mercy. As Paul claimed mercy. You know my heart, I wouldn’t claim one thing, O God, no way, shape or form.
Don’t even want to talk about it, concerning myself, I know this, Lord, that Your Word is true. I know, Lord God, the dividends of the Seventh Seal are now in effect. God Almighty, I know they are.
Lord, this morning we stand with that Word. Letting that Word, Lord, shine upon us, by the Holy Spirit. We’ve seen You revealed, and we just fade away. Fade away, fade away.
It’s just like there on the Mount Transfiguration, looked very nice to those disciples when Peter, James and John stood there, and they saw Moses and Elijah, but, pretty soon they saw Jesus only.
And a Voice said, “This is the One to hear. This is the One to see.” This is the One to hear, and we’re so grateful, Lord, so grateful, O God, even though they did put a veil on Moses’ face, they couldn’t stop him communicating.
O God, I know that people did their best to put the veil upon Brother Branham, to stop him. But, there was no way they could stop that Word from coming forth, and we could hear.
And by hearing, we could begin to see. And, by seeing, we begin to believe. And, by believing we begin to change. Now, Lord, our change has gone far beyond. Lord God, it’s got to go beyond.
We know it’s got to go beyond anything the baptism with the Holy Ghost, ever did for us. Or we’re still going to sit right here. It’s got to go beyond. It has. Lord, it’s brought You into plain view.
You said, “I Am the resurrection and the Life, he that believeth in Me, shall never perish.” We believe that this afternoon, Lord. We thank You for it.
Now, Father, if there’s any doubts in people’s hearts and minds, I pray that they’ll be dissipated this morning. Lord, help them to catch the understanding, that we’re not trying to take anything from anybody.
Not trying to take privilege or responsibility away from anybody. But, Lord, we know there is one thing who alone has immortality. That’s the only One dwelling in the light that no man can approach unto.
Lord, that means if you don’t approach unto us, we’re never going to get It. But You’ve come, Lord with healing in You’re wings. We believe therefore, that immortality is not within our grasp any longer.
But, it is ours, grasped, not looking forward to embracing, but embraced. Not looking forward to have, but possessing. Father, we’re so grateful for that.
I want to thank You for it. As the people here thank You in their hearts with me. To give you honor and glory in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
The Lord Bless You.
Let’s sing ‘We’ll walk in the Light’. Now listen, walking in the Light to me,… I’ve got to kind of explain it.
Now It says, “If you walk in the Light as He is in the Light, you have fellowship”.
But, I ask what kind of a Light is He in? Not the kind of Light you can walk in. See? What kind of Light is He in?
You’ve got to be kind of careful here, because, if you’re talking about you’re going to walk a certain way, that’s very good. But, when you talk about Him being in the Light, now, what Light is He in? See?
What Light did He shed on you? Revelation, the Word. So, the big thing is, if you’re going to walk in His Light, you’ve got to start somewhere, and that’s get the Light. Don’t talk about walking into a Light.
Get the Light. Walk with the Light. See? That’s what we’re talking about this morning. So, we’ll walk in the Light.
We’re starting the morning to realize, that God has a-lighted us, as we have never been lighted before. That’s right. Because, had the Light that’s lighting today fallen, they absolutely would have been changed into immortality. But, it wasn’t the hour for it.
You see Light couldn’t work. Wouldn’t work. Today the Light is here. Are you following me? How many people believe they are not going to die?
Let me see your hand. Come on, that’s good. I’m not going to die. Well you just said a few sermons ago, you could die. That’s absolutely right, I could die. That’s absolutely right, there is no problem there at all. You see what I’m talking about?
Understand this, there isn’t one of you, couldn’t walk out here and get killed. But, the Word of the promise, the Word of this hour, the faith you’re walking it; you’re not going to die.
Now, if God wants to take you, what’s the difference? Sudden death, sudden glory. Who gives a rip? But look, you can’t walk in that Light back there that Lazarus walked in.
Do you understand what I’m saying? Come on, let’s get with the prophet this morning, get with God this morning my brother/sister. Walk in the Light.
What is the Light of the present hour of revelation. Let that stream around you. As a stream forth, from the Word.
Why, that’s going to bring what Bro, Branham said, “The Shekinah glory fell upon the shewbread.” And he said, “Wiggle worms got into there, and everywhere else, but, the Light shone upon it.”
Look it, skin worms ain’t going to eat me. They are going to ruin their teeth on immortality. I could die tomorrow, certainly.
You know, I’d like to die tonight, I would get out of here… They told me Al Arnett he might have a heart attack, might die.
I phoned his wife, and I said, “Listen Ag you tell him flat, ain’t no way he’s going,” I said, “I’ve had my reservation in for ten years ahead of his.”
I’m getting out of here before him. He’s living very good the last I heard. I don’t know if he’s faking it, good or not, he phoned me right back.
Look it, I’d like to get my reservation in to get out of here, don’t misunderstand me. But, that’s not my promise, brother/sister.
That’s not your promise. The Light’s not shining on death anymore. Do you follow me? There isn’t any death, anymore.
Now you say, “Well, Brother Vayle, that applies to all these guys that died!” Oh, come on, listen, to me. We’re being changed from glory to glory.
I’m not talking in generalities anymore. I’m not talking in think-so anymore. I’m talking about this hour. Yeah, take a good look at yourself.
Sure, I’m a flop and a failure, never said I wasn’t. What did Brother Branham, ever really do? What did Jesus ever really do? What did anybody ever really so?
If you’re looking for something monumental forget it. Look at Him. Look at Him. He’s Life, let Him shine on you.
Let the Light of His revelation, the Light of His Life shine on you. And, it will reflect right here.
And, oh listen, this Word, the prophet, the Logos, Father, all becomes one.
What was Brother Branham’s last great Message for Thanksgiving? ‘[Mystical] Invisible Union’.
‘We’ll walk in the light.’