The Resurrection and the Voice

#1686 /

Brother Lee Vayle

Father, again we voice our gratitude to You with the voices of others, so happy Lord, and so prospered by You to bring us together to look at Your Word Lord, to know the hour in which we live, and that Word which applies to It, what is made flesh in this hour and we a part of it Lord, we’re very, very grateful and we don’t know why Lord we’re chosen for this, but You do and we’re grateful for that Lord, understanding Your love that’s in the elective love, and understanding the love shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, that we would not love You except You loved us first.

And then by that same love is come back in our hearts to You Lord. We’re very grateful for all that You’ve done for us and are doing, and we know that You Who have begun the good work in us will perform it until the day of the Lord Jesus Christ, when we are taken over by His Holy Spirit and our bodies transformed and mortality puts on immortality.

Father we know that we are of such nature that we can hardly seem to wait for that hour, and yet Lord, we have the true nature in You that would be patient and understanding and be glad that we are going through these times, even though troubless that we might ripened and be manifested as Your children and do the will of God which You have set before us Lord.

We thank You for that opportunity, may we never fail to avail ourselves of it Lord, as we’re learning the simplicity of Your Word.

Help us in our studies this morning Lord, may whatever each person’s needs be given to each one somehow, because Your Word is suited to every single person, because Your Word is Life, and Life Lord deals with every single problem, and every single blessing.

We know the prophet told us that we receive this Message for healing. It goes even beyond that, right into restoration, so therefore, we know that healing is a part of It.

We pray Lord, that people may understand and watch for that blessed sweet spirit that comes into the Bride, and whether gifts are put in the shelf as it were, everybody healed Lord, as the prophet prayed for so much. He could not have prayed I believe Lord, unless there was something there in Your Word, and by revelation he could pray for it.

So Father, we commend ourselves to this end today for the glory of Almighty God now eternal good, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

You may be seated.

Before I begin the message I want to thank you for the lovely flowers. I never do know who is responsible, but I appreciate that very, very much.

We use lilies as a symbol of the Resurrection I suppose, because of the fact that Jesus spoke of the lilies of the field how they don’t toil. And it represents a Christian life.


Now, the message this morning is ‘The Resurrection and the Voice’. The Resurrection and the Voice.

And we’re going to read from,

1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

(13) But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that [you] sorrow not, as others which have no hope.

(14) For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring [forth] with him.

(15) For this we say unto you be the word of the Lord, [in other words that’s ‘Thus saith the Lord’,] that we which are alive and remain unto the coming [or the Presence of the Lord] …shall not prevent… [which means, to precede or go before, take precedence over, and also Brother Branham said, “Prevent” in the sense of the word to cause a problem “them which are asleep.”] …shall not prevent them which are asleep.

(16) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with [the] shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

(17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: so shall we ever be with the Lord.


Now, we notice immediately here that at the time of the Rapture of the Church, the Church though one body is actually separated into two groups, the living and the sleeping. You notice here, he’s talking to the living in verse 13.

“I would not have you brethren who are listening to me you’re reading this epistle, ignorant concerning those who are not with us any longer. That you sorrow not as those who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which are missing amongst us, they’re asleep in Jesus, God is going to bring forth.”

And He’s speaking to them, so that means, they’ll be brought forth with them and in their presence.

And the 17th verse,

1 Thessalonians 4:17

(17) That we which are alive and remain… [Notice that,] shall be caught up together with them in the clouds.

Caught up with whom? The dead in Christ. That’s what he said in that verse above, the last part of verse 16.

So, he’s speaking to the Church as two separate groups, although they are actually one body, and of course it is to the living and dead at the hour he is making his references of the hour of the Rapture.


Now, this separation is of great significance, because Paul carefully detailed to the living the process of the Rapture, in spite of the fact that he really did not need to do so in order to acquaint them with the bare doctrine of the ‘Catching Away.’

Now, I want you to notice what I said and listen carefully as I go over it. Now, Paul has separated them into two groups at this hour which we’re living in.

And this separation is of great significance, because Paul carefully details to the living the process of the Rapture in spite of the fact that he really did not need to do so in order to acquaint them with the bare doctrinal facts.


Now, let me show you exactly what I mean by leaving out verse 15, and most of verse 16. So, we’ll read it that way. But first of all we read It once more the way It’s written.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

(13) But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that [you] sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

(14) For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again; even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring [forth] with him.

(15) For this [I] say unto you be the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. [Endure, so on.]

(16) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with [the] shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

(17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: so shall we ever be with the Lord.


Now, you listen to me read it, and I’m going to leave some verses out.

“But I would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them that are asleep. [They’re dead, missing.] That you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus, will God bring forth with Him. And the dead in Christ shall go up first, [in the Rapture.] Then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up [Raptured] together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

Now, I can leave those two verses out and nothing happens in the sense of the Rapture, which means ‘catching up’. The dead are going to come out of the ground, we are going to be changed, we’ll find that later on as we go into Scripture, and we’re all going to be caught up with the dead going up first.

Which fulfills the Scripture, “The last are first, the first are last.”

Which age number seven comes up first, six-two, five-third, fourth-age so right down the line, and then it’s reversed. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, until the Seventh Church Age is caught up in little groups, they’re not even missed.

All right, you can see then when I read that and leave that out, you understand that this must be of tremendous significance to the living, or it wouldn’t even be put in here, because it’s not necessary as far as the Rapture itself is concerned, because it simply means ‘the catching up’.

Do you follow? Okay.


So, there you have the bare doctrine of the Rapture.

01: God is going to bring forth the sleeping Bride by Resurrecting them.

02: God is going to catch them up.

03: God is going to catch up the ones who don’t die, and they won’t die.

Now then, it is very evident that the two verses we’ve left out must describe the event. That actually lead up to the Rapture itself. The dead don’t need that. Huh? Certainly not, the dead don’t need it. But we must need it, because it’s put in there.

And since three things are mentioned but not explained, not explained, it is evident that Paul had already explained them to the Thessalonians previously, or the explanation is found elsewhere in the epistles and were generally known throughout Christendom, actually there’s reputably three letters to the Thessalonians, one is missing.

And this signifies that all three then would deal with the Second Coming, because these two do as to first and second Peter, and first and second Thessalonians; and a whole chapters in the Gospels.

Thousands and thousands of verses to refer to that Second Coming wherein, there is going to be a Rapture. The saints will be taken up.


So, it is evident since he does not explain it here that it is known elsewhere, and this was known in Christendom in the First Church Age which is the Ephesian Age.

We are certain of this because Paul had already dealt with the saints change to immortality preceding the Rapture.

You notice in 17th verse,

1 Thessalonians 4:17

(17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air…

This is not explained, because it has been previously explained in 1 Corinthians, chapter 15:49-57.


So let’s go back there and read it:

1 Corinthians 15:49-56

(49) And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

(50) Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

(51) Behold, I [will show] you a mystery; [to explain this,] We shall not all sleep, we shall all be changed. [Just like the sleeping dead are changed so was the living.]

(52) In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. [That’s to the living.]

(53) For this [corruptibility] must put on [incorruptibility,] and this [mortality] must put on immortality.

(54) So when this [corruptibility] shall have put on [incorruptibility], and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

(55) O death, where is thy sting? O [death], where is thy victory?

(56) The sting of death is sin: [and so on.]


Now, you will see here in these verses that Paul tells the living so they are very acquainted in that first age, where Paul visited all the churches and ministered and faithful men ministered what Paul taught. Because that was the premise upon which he worked.

They were familiar with what was going to happen to the living at the time of the Resurrection when the dead came out of the graves with glorified and changed bodies.

And Paul explains what goes on here. There’s a putting on of something, and the putting on is an inner vesture; it signifies not an outer vesture, but an inner vesture.

And so that inner vesture that man is putting on is something that is given by Almighty God to the inner man that will then come through the facilities, which has to come through facilities, into the human bodies giving a change.

And Paul explains that also in the Book of Romans, “That we are transformed by the renewing of the mind.” And that is exactly why the last Church Age Message is one of repentance which means ‘a change of mind’.


Many people are still in error concerning repentance, they think the repentance is a feeling God gives you of great sorrow, of great turmoil. “Oh, I got to get to God.”

Brother/sister that is entirely wrong. It is godly sorrow that leads to repentance. You lead the cow to water, she isn’t water. See? Your horse or anything else you want to put.

Godly sorrow is not repentance it leads you to it, and when you sorrow enough, and God gives you the sorrow, then the mind is changed, because everything has to come through the mind. Believe it or not we are not robots we’re automatons.

Now you know that as well as I do. The human will is with us, we are not instinctual persons driven by instincts, though many people think they are. That’s hogwash. I don’t care how instinctual you are, how sensuous, anything else you are.

You have your impulses, your compulsions and your God knows what. But you are not driven, you just think you are. If you’re truly driven then you’ve got a devil or something.

As it’s best to be driven by the Holy Ghost like Jesus was. Whoever has been driven by that, well we are to a degree, but we’re not put into strait jackets.


All right, Paul tells us, he’s already told the Corinthians, he’s told the Romans, he’s told the people we understand.

Furthermore, in Ephesians 1:15-20, he spells out exactly the means by which the living will know the same power of Resurrection and Rapture and glorification as did Jesus receive from God in His Resurrection and Rapture, and placing and power.

Repeat, in Ephesians 1:15-21. Paul spells out exactly the means by which the living will know the same power of Resurrection and Rapture and glorification as did Jesus receive from God in His Resurrection and Rapture, and placing and power.


So, we go to Ephesians, the 1st chapter, and we’re very acquainted with this: Wherefore also, you folk that are full of the Holy Ghost and filled with love:

Ephesians 1:15-16

(15) Where… after I heard of you faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints.

(16) Cease not to give thanks [to] you, making mention of you in my prayers.

Now, you notice in here, that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. So therefore, when you receive the Holy Ghost you must receive the love of God. And faith worketh by love, so therefore, everybody will have this experience. Right here.

Notice, “Wherefore, I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love unto all the saints.” Notice, faith and love go together. Why? Because they’re full of the Holy Ghost, says so up here in verse 13,14. You were sealed.


All right,

Ephesians 1:16-18

(16) [I] cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;

(17) That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him[self.] Right, [inaudible.]

(18) The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; [that’s the soul, that’s where enlightenment takes place.] that [you] may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.

Now, the revelation is concerning Him and what He has. You remember also, that Jesus didn’t inherit one thing but His Father’s Name. That’s why He’s called ‘Jesus’. That’s the Name of the Father.

You know, that’s too much for these Trinitarian boys, they’ve got to bend Scripture, warp and twist until it’s pitiful, they’re all pitiful. The inheritance. That’s why we get so much feedback all the time on the Name and water baptism.


Now watch,

Ephesians 1:19-20

(19) And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

(20) Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead…

Now, notice in there that God’s Spirit is going to bring a revelation of Himself, a personal revelation, more concerning Himself than concerning you. This will not be all the do and the don’ts, and the was’ and the why’s and the wherefores’ and let it be concerning Him.

Intimate relationship, like in the Revelation, John saw Him. Alpha and Omega, and he said, “Wonderful.” That’s why I love the Alpha and Omega doctrine.

Nothing like it between you and me, that’s the most tremendous thing Brother Branham enunciated. Most tremendous thing I believe the Lord let me get a hold of. I trust it’s gone plumb around the world.

I would hope that every preacher sees it. Because if you don’t see, you don’t see Hebrews 13:8. My brother/sister, you’re just back there in a… you’re just wondering what it’s all about.

Now, we’re not proud here, saying, “We know what it’s all about nobody else knows.”

But look, in a common sense just to say, “Look, I got a tan jacket on, kind of goldy tan, I got to tie that sort of matches, well you know, I could say, sort of green you know, when it comes on the camera, kind of green but it’s all right. Well you know, it’s green.”

Now look, brother/sister it’s like Brother Pete said the other Sunday, being humble is not being stupid and a liar. Being humble doesn’t make God a liar. Being humble states the facts, and if we’re wrong we’re wrong, and we’re right we’re right.


Now watch, categorically it says, “There will be a revelation, then there will be the power manifested along with it proving the Resurrection and the power of the Resurrection to us.” Which means the dead will come out of the ground and we’re going to be changed.

And it’s based one, rather pardon me, two is based upon number one. And three is based upon one and two. What am I talking about? Revelation, Resurrection, Rapture, that’s what I’m saying.

So Paul already has acquainted the people of Ephesus with what he wrote in, to the Thessalonians or Thessalonatives, some call it that, I don’t care what you call it.


All right; and since this is the final mystery of the living Bride on earth there has to be other Scriptures that refer to this. Well certainly, 1 Corinthians 15:51.

We read that a minute ago. So let’s read it again.

1 Corinthians 15:51-53

(51) Behold I [show] you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, we shall all be changed.

(52) In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead [will] be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

(53) For this [corruptibility] must put on [incorruptibility,] and this mortal must put on immortality. [And so on.]

Now, that is the last mystery, it’s a final mystery, see? The last one to the Bride, and that’s the last sermon Brother Branham preached, ‘The Rapture’.

Now let’s be careful to see that whatever this all is, what we have read here. It is to both living and dead as to its consequences, but it is only to the living at the time of the Rapture, in the sense of the period of the Rapture.

The dead don’t need it. How are you going to talk to the dead? They don’t need it. They don’t have it.

It is under this last trumpet that the dead are raised and the living are changed. That’s right, that’s what It says. At the last trumpet.


Okay, let’s just take a little bit of a look at that. We go back to John 5, just to get some Words of Jesus on the subject.

John 5:25

(25) Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. [Now remember, Son of God is Holy Spirit.]

Okay, we’ll compare that with John 11 and that’s 25 and 26.

John 11:25-26

(25) [And] Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

(26) And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die, [Do you believe] this?

Now notice, he says here, “Those that die are going to raise and there’s going to be a time when they who hear his voice will not die, but they’re going to be changed.” They’re going to keep on living, see? Never die.

So you got Jesus has enunciated the principle of the events that surround the literal Catching Up.

Or as Brother Braham categorically said, “On the Wings of a Snow White Dove, we are going to preach on the circumstances of the Rapture.” So that’s interesting.

And since It is the last mystery and under the last trumpet, and in the last age and since God Himself is involved, because He is involved, It says right here, “God’s involved.”


So therefore, repeating: It’s the last mystery under the last trumpet, in the last age and God Himself is involved. We take this to find the Scripture which is detailed to set this all forth.

And there is only one place you’ll find this brother/sister and that’s in Revelation, the 10th chapter verses 1 to 7.

Try as hard as you will, you’ll find fragments and scatterings, but you’re going to fine the truth right here in Revelation 10: which is an interpolation. It should have been back under the Seals.

Revelation 10:1-2

(01) And I saw another mighty [messenger] come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: [behold, he cometh with clouds.] and a rainbow was upon his head, [and I ask you, who’s got the rainbow? Only the covenant messenger, covenant angel.] and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: [Who described that? That’s the 1st chapter.]

(02) And he had in his hand a little book open…

He didn’t have it up there before. At that time He had the seven stars, He doesn’t have that now. Hey, what’s He got? He’s got the little Book open. Why? Because the work is now done. Symbolical of the end, the One that sat upon the Throne.

Revelation 10:2

(02) …and he set his right foot upon the sea…

And that’s the One in the 5th chapter that was given the Book back, the open Book. The Lamb came forth and took the sealed Book out of the hand of Him that sat upon the Throne, ripped the seals off and gave It back. So that’s the One; comes down in the Pillar of Fire.

All right,

Revelation 10:2-3

(02) …and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left [upon] the earth.

(03) …cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: …he cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.

Where? Upon earth. Not in heaven. There’s silence in heaven, the thunders weren’t up there, they’re down here.

Revelation 10:4-6

(04) …when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying… Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

(05) …the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven.

(06) And [swore] by him that [lives] for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:


No more delay, once this starts rolling nothing is going to stop it. Here’s your Roman candle, Seven Seal.

Revelation 10:7

(07) But in the days of the voice of the seventh [messenger] when he shall begin to [trumpet,]…

There’s only seven messengers, seven’s completion. Doesn’t say, “In the days,” it says, “Seven messengers,” it says, “In the days of the seventh messenger.” Messenger is an angel. Angel’s a messenger.

Revelation 10:7

(07) …when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, [that’s perfected, concluded, closed off. Nothing added to it.] as he hath declared [the good news of the gospel by] his servants the prophets.

So, this has to do with the gospel to the Gentiles. It’s all over when the seventh messenger comes on the scene, and he comes with the last mystery according to Paul, he comes with the last message, that’s the time of the Resurrection, that’s the time of our change, that’s the time of our going away. Right.


Now, notice also, that the Rapture is at the end of time, and in an hour of judgment, it’s at the end time, an hour of judgment, as declared in 1 Thessalonians, the 5th chapter, which follows chapter number 4; which is on the Rapture.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-2

(01) But of the times and the seasons, [of this Rapture] brethren, [when the dead come out of the ground, you get changed, we get caught up. This end-time messenger, this whole thing.] [I] have no need… [to] write [to] you.

(02) For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

All right, he’s going to tell them, he’s telling them what transpires up here is so covert, is so secret that only the living Elect are going to get it. He’s coming as a thief.


1 Thessalonians 5:3

(03) …[and they are going to be saying,] Peace and safety; [United Nations, League of Nations all these things.] then [cometh] sudden destruction… as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Now, that’s going back to the 18th chapter of the Book of Genesis. The Promised Son, the woman bearing a child.

Okay, now,

1 Thessalonians 5:4

(04) But [you] brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.


Now, right up here then there is life. And that life had been previously shed. Seven Church Age messenger comes on the scene at the time when the world needs peace and is talking peace, talking peace, talking peace, talking peace, but preparing war.

When three men sit down the table a whole bunch are liars. Like Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, they couldn’t wait to cut each other’s throat.

That’s been fulfilled once I don’t know when it’s going to get fulfilled again, but all these things are near and far fulfillments you see?

Let’s keep reading,

1 Thessalonians 5:5-7

(05) Ye are the children of light, [in the evening time it shall be light, gross darkness shall cover the earth. But the glory of the Lord will rise upon you. See? But you] are not of the night, nor of darkness.

(06) Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. [Now, what’s he talking about?]

(07) For they that sleep sleep [at] night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.

What’s he talking about? All tables are full of vomit. The priests are all drunk. They got wrong revelation. This is the time when God is going to spew them out, because He’s nauseated, see?

And sleeping we go into a spiritual resurrection from our slumber amongst denominations.


Let’s begin to see Ephesians over here. Hope I can find it for you.


Ephesians 5:13-14

(13) But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: [and] whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

(14) Wherefore he saith, awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

Now, he’s not talking to the dead. They don’t need any light. Oh sure, they are going to get further understanding, but they don’t need it. How do you need it when you’re in your theophany everything is like a glorious paradise.

And you’re just waiting to come back and get your body under better condition. Oh fap! I mean, come on, let’s not our minds run into the gutter with the world out there. Bring it in line with Scripture.

It’s a spiritual Resurrection, we’re celebrating that this morning, we’ve risen from the dead, we’ve been called out of our creeds and our denominations, and our whoredoms.


God told a prophet He said, “Get your daughters from”… Well if I can find it here, let’s read it to you. Everybody reads this wrong, I think. I don’t know, maybe they don’t, is it Hosea? Yeah:

Hosea 1:2

(02) [And in] the beginning of the word of the LORD [by] Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms:

Didn’t say, “Marry a whore,” some prostitute, most preachers preach that. He didn’t say that. He said, “Get a woman from amongst that bunch,” which would be forbidden. But he said, “I’ll let you take her as a sign that I’m going to take her back.”

And as Israel is taken back under her Seven Church Ages, now coming into the finality, we’re taken back out of Laodicea to be a true Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, though we’re all filthy with the world.

So now again now God is given a mate. This time an Eve that won’t get messed up. Yes sir, that’s why she’s patient and waiting.



1 Thessalonians 5:8-9

(08) But let us, who are of the day; be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love: and for the helmet, the hope of salvation.

(09) For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation…

What’s he talking about? The Change and the Rapture, going to get us out of here, see?

1 Thessalonians 5:10

(10) Who died for us, whether we wake of sleep, we should live together [for] him.

Now, in other words it tells you putting you back to those who have gone on ahead and sleeping, they’re up there enjoying the Lord too.


Now, at a time of end-time judgment this perfectly coincides with Malachi, the 4th chapter, and all Scripture runs in continuity and you don’t pick what you like and throw the rest in the garbage tin. Now that’s what everybody’s doing, but simple folk like us.

Malachi 4:1

(01) For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, and all that do wickedly…

That’s your Cain’s who sacrifice and worship wrong. They’re not out there mugging little old ladies and ripping up people and putting all kinds of bomb ideas. They deny the power of God which is the authority, deny the Word of this hour.

They’re doing wickedly, the wicked deed of Cain was to worship God in self-will, saying, “I’ve got more revelation and don’t need anybody else’s, I’m just a good as you are.” Nobody said he wasn’t. They’ll pull that trick every day.

Malachi 4:1

(01) …the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts… [leaving] them neither root nor branch.

Notice, how it jumps two thousand years to the White Throne. Same with Brother Branham did. Confused the day-light out of me. I agreed that the Patmos visions… “What’s he saying, what’s he saying.” Well, he’s a prophet.

Paul, prophet’s run in line, this one jumps two thousand years. This is not the lake of fire at that hour. That’s two thousand years down.


Brother Branham took the same one as the wicked and put him two thousand years under Daniel. “What is he talking about?” He wasn’t mixed up, I was mixed up.

Oh yeah, I’ve been through the denominational mix-master. I don’t know which brand I liked best, Sears-Roebuck, or the GE, or the Kitchen-Aid, but believe me they’ll all get you mixed up. Might as well get thrown in a centrifuge.

Malachi 4:2-4

(02) But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; [you’ll] go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

(03) [You’ll] tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts. [That’s not the lake of fire, that’s here.]

(04) Remember the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.


God sent a special divine order of grace for Israel before the Promised Land, the same thing with us.

Malachi 4:5-6

(05) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day… [when I tramp them all down and you trample them down with Me.]

(06) And he shall turn the heart[s] of the fathers to the children, [that’s been taken care of under John, so what’s he going to do today?] and the heart[s] of the children [of] the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

Before the smiting and the cursing Elijah comes with the Presence of Almighty God and delivers the people. Gets them ready.

So you see, you can leave these two verses out, and it doesn’t change the fact of a ‘Catching Up’, except this: It’ll change the fact that you won’t get caught up if you’re living at that time without knowing this.

Now people can say what they want. You say, “Brother Vayle I believe in the grace of God.” Sure you do, just like the cross, put it all back on Jesus.

“Well Lord, you suffered, I don’t need to.”

“Oh, hallelujah, he got tempted, so I can yield to temptation.”

Oh can you? You watch and see what happens. Put it all back on Jesus, be a fool. I’m a little sarcastic and tough here, that’s my job.

You say, “Brother Branham wouldn’t.”

I’m not Brother Branham, let’s get that flat. I complained to him one day, complained bitterly.

“Well,” he said, “You wouldn’t be Lee Vayle?”

I said, “Hold it Brother Bill.” I said, too much is much, and to much is too much, I can’t stand it.”

He swung at his translations. Sure. “Somebody’s got to tell them, I’m not here to rough and tough, because somebody’s got to tell them.”


But I’m going to tell it the way the record tells it, put it straight, because that’s my job. It doesn’t matter if I’m loved or not, that’s not the point.

I’m loved enough here to make up for anything I’m not loved out there, so who gives a rip? They’ll never overcome the love of the people here.

So I care little or nothing about that. Oh it bugs you at times, but I’m going to say it again, I can take the doctrine of the Rapture and take those two verses out.

They’re to the living, but you take them out, or don’t understand what It says what chance have you got? You go right back to being a hard-shell.

“Oh, it’s all in the Books, they’re going to get saved without me, it doesn’t matter.”

Oh yes it does. Jesus Christ didn’t die in vain. The Blood was not shed in vain and the Holy Spirit does not speak in vain. Men must be filled with the Holy Ghost to be born-again and get out of here.

That’s why he preached ‘The Token’. He preached The Token because of Ephesians, the 1st chapter.

That is The Token, that Spirit that comes amongst us. That is THE Token, and from THE Token you have A Token, but your a Token is not The Token.

Not even a prophet, not even a prophet, because that The Token comes and goes. You let this Spirit go out of your life you’re gone. And no man could ever retain that Spirit outside of that Speaking Blood.

Time we knew those things. Perfectly coinciding them with Malachi 4:1-6.


Now, here’s where the theologians and the majority of those who claim to follow this Message make their mistakes. They cannot coordinate 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and 17 with Revelation 10:1-3. They cannot do it.

Now let us go and find out what I’m talking about, so we understand what we are saying. Otherwise this would be left up in the air and you draw your own conclusions. I don’t want your conclusions drawn, I want you to listen carefully.

So we go to 16 and 17.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

(16) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with [the] shout, with the voice of the archangel, with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

(17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Now therefore, because It says, “We shall meet the Lord in the air,” everybody figures He comes down to the heavenly places up in here, just up in the skies and He sits there.

So therefore, the Lord descends with a Shout it’s done up there. He descends with a Voice it’s done up there. He has a trumpet it’s done up there, because we’re going to meet the Lord in the air.


What about the Scripture that says, “The Lord said to my Lord sit Thou at my right hand?”

I want to know about that. I’m not twisting Scripture, I’m showing you something. Who is the Lord said to my Lord? God! Elohim! The Original. The Eternal, without a beginning, without an end.

Who did He say to our Lord, our Lord Jesus Christ the One that had a beginning? Who’s body was so much of God It was a part of God. See?

The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit.” And Brother Branham categorically never referred to Jesus except as the Holy Spirit and the Pillar of Fire, he always called That Lord that these people are mixed up with as the body.

As I told you many times I use to be insulted by Brother Branham’s expression, “Oh, how could he say it, a prophet of his caliber and I am so nice I would never say body.”

How stupid can you get? Don’t answer that question, I’ve got enough trouble of its own. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Body’s right. Body is right.

[Someone says amen.] Yes, exactly. The body of His glory.


Paul had met Jesus, and Paul said, “Henceforth know we not man after the flesh. Once we knew Him after the flesh, now henceforth, know ye Him no more.”

He knew Him as a Spirit of the Living God. He knew Him as Jehovah the same yesterday, today and forever; of the Old and the New, the One Eternal Elohim, call Him what you will, El, El Elah, Elah.

Call Him what you want, Elohim Jehovah. Call Him strictly by the Name Jesus, which means ‘Jehovah Savior’. Not the body. God the Person comes down.

Then he said, “The Spirit that’s in our midst when It’s becomes Incarnate to us, which is in the air, we crown him King of kings and Lord of lords.”

And that’s what came down in Revelation 10:1-3, let’s read it and find out brother/sister. There’s no big mysteries here.

The mysteries have been given to us, revealed that men with their carnal academic and denominational organizational thinking cannot let their thinking go. Therefore, they cannot repent. Do what you want.

Revelation 10:1

(01) …I saw another mighty [messenger] come down from heaven clothed with a cloud: a rainbow was upon his head, [and who’s got the rainbow?]


Let’s find out. Go to,

Revelation 4:2-3

(02) And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

(03) And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne…

There’s your Pillar of Fire. There’s the rainbow over it, Spirit of God. Now He comes on down, because He’s got the rainbow. He faces towards the sun. His feet is pillars of fire. What in the world is that one?

Revelation 1:12-16

(12) And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. [That’s conversational.] And [I] turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks.

(13) …in the midst [I saw one] like the Son of man…

(14) His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow; eyes like a flame of fire;

(15) …feet like fine brass, they [burn] in a furnace; and his voice as sound of many waters.

(16) …his countenance [shone] as the sun…

Same One. No problem. He had in His hand a little book opened, which is that one, Revelation 5, for sure this time.

Revelation 5:1-7

(01) And in his right hand of him that sat upon the throne [was the] book written on the [outside and then inside].

(02) And… a strong voiced angel [said,] Who is there worthy to open the book and loose the seals?

(03) And [there wasn’t a man anywhere…]

(04) And [John began to weep…]

(05) …the elders [said, don’t weep John,] the Lion of the tribe of Juda, [is going] to open the book…

(06) And I beheld… [the] Lamb… seven horns, seven eyes… seven Spirits of God [came] forth…

(07) …took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.

And He opened the Book, gave It back, and whoever He gave It back to, which in the One on the Throne came down here. That is not the body! Now, they’re all mixed up. Can’t help it what they’re mixed up, they’re mixed up, see?


Okay. The scholars do not believe in the literal descent upon earth as the Appearing, because they believe meeting the Lord in the air obviates it.

So they say, “That’s the appearing.” How in the world can that be the Appearing?

If the Appearing has to do with the Rapture, and this will be conditional the Appearing is conditional to the Rapture then it has to be as we’re saying it from those verses we’ve read. You’re “caught up to meet the Lord, so we’ll ever be with the Lord.”

Okay, It is this Appearing as defined in ‘The Anointed Ones’, and ‘End Time Evangelism’, 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 is all about. Now, if you believe Brother Branham to be a prophet of God, then of course you’re going to listen to what he says.


Now, there’s a certain man who writes letters around the country, and I suppose some of you people got the letter as I did the other day, and in there he’s putting everybody right even the prophet. The prophet of course according to him made a mistake.

Well I don’t know where Mr. Olson got the idea he could put the prophet right, but I think he thinks so, so it’s alright. But he’s not going to try to put us right, because he hasn’t got anything to do with us.

Now, in here Brother Branham says concerning witnessing the Appearing of the Lord today; “Now remember, the Appearing and Coming is two different words. To Appear and then to Come.”


Now is the Appearing. He has already Appeared in these last days. Then how can the catching up in the Rapture be the Appearing? This is what’s to the living saints of Paul spoke of which is the first chapter of the Ephesians, chapter 1 and verse beginning at 15.

Now is the Appearing.

“His shadow has already appeared in the last days.” Doesn’t say that does it?

It says, “He’s already Appeared in the last days.”

Who’s He? Who you talking about? The Lord, come down. His Appearing is supposed to take place, see? Right here with us in the last few years.

Now It’s a sign of His Coming. He’s Appearing in His Church in the form of the Holy Spirit, showing that’s He, because people cannot do these things that you see the Holy Spirit doing. So that’s the Appearing of the Lord.

Now remember, It spoke of Appearing and Coming. Now He’s Appearing in signs and wonders, but remember, in Exodus Brother Branham said, “He didn’t only go down to Egypt and appear in signs and wonders, but He appeared in a Pillar of Fire, and today He had His Picture taken.”

Now, that picture wasn’t taken in heaven, and Brother Branham wasn’t up in an airplane. Here. Do you expect to see that when you meet Him in the air? Hogwash! What are you talking about? You’re going to see the body.


So, now listen, Brother Branham says here, “I want you to know you who listen to this tape, you might of thought I was trying to say that about myself, being I was preaching this message. “I had no more to do with it than nothing, no more than just a voice.”

Now, “I wasn’t the One that Appeared down on the river, I was only standing there when He Appeared.” What about that?

Now brother/sister, it’s about time, and I know you realize, you cannot help but realize even though you might of heard me preach only one time, that there is a vast difference between all the preachers who preach, or try to preach this Message. And don’t let that bug you, that’s good, that’s good.

It narrows down the election, even if we don’t make it, it makes God right. And that’s the thing we’re interested in. We can’t make Him right brother/sister, He is right, but we can preach in such a way is let the people know, look, there’s something going on, see?

This is what 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 is all about, is what we read from Brother Branham here. And in the events of the Rapture the prophet said, which he said the conditions.

The Voice was referring to the Resurrection while the Shout was a Message of restoration of a Word, of the Word, to restore a Bride to virginity, to a continuation of the Virgin Ephesian Church under a prophet apostle.

That’s what it’s for, bring a Message to restore a Bride, to being a Virgin of the Word, which would bring Her back to a continuation of where Ephesus dropped off making Her a complete Virgin Bride as in the beginning.


He also said that 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 was Luke 17:22-30. So let’s take a look at it. Now we all know these Scriptures very, very thoroughly.

All right,

Luke 17:22-25

(22) …He said [to His] disciples, The days will come, when [you] shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and [you] shall not see it. [Now they already seen Him.]

(23) And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them.

(24) For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. [Now, that’s a future day He’s going to have. Now watch, that day will follow this day.]

(25) But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation.

Now watch, when those days will come, long way down the road. I don’t care if He was speaking to the disciples.

The days of the Son of man that they saw repeated was at Pentecost, but they weren’t the days of Noah and the days of Sodom.

So those days come again, which are the true days of the Son of man which bring in Noah’s day and Sodom’s day.

Luke 17:26-27

(26) [But] as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. [Not with the disciples, the future disciples.]

(27) They [ate] they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

Now, that’s why you’ve got to take special heed to marriage and divorce and don’t be caught up in it, marring, divorcing, divorcing and marring and being a fool about it, or you’ll miss it.

Shows just what you’ve got. That’s right, you better be careful. You’ve got a bunk punk marriage you asked for it. Start working on it.

Listen, there’s no such thing as two people marrying with stars in their eyes and being lovey, dovey day and night you’re crazy. Just because you’re eating crunchies doesn’t mean your cannon-balls are erupting out here. You just think there are.

Marriage is a bit of the crunchies and tweekies to begin with. And then it begins to settle down to differences, different differences, remember a woman is different from a man, a man from a woman.

Men have degraded women to the point where women act like men, and now men act like women, God have pity.

You are not going to escape it brother/sister, let me tell you flat you are not going to escape it. Marriages are of harder to ever to abide in and to abide by then they were in yester year, because of the spirit of the age.

But I’m going to tell, you get under this Word and you’ll have a good… marriage. Absolutely.



Luke 17:27-28

(27) …[eating and drinking]… the flood came, and destroyed [every single one, except the eight of them.]

(28) Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they [ate] they drank…

That’s when they got into Sodomite condition of homosexuality so perverse it’s pitiful. But you notice they’re having a great time,

Luke 17:28-29

(28) …they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; [Sure did.]

(29) …the same day Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

It lets you know, I would say when the last foolish virgin has been mowed down. There’s nothing left but all serpent seed. You’re going to find the Bride’s having been gone already, nothing left, God’s just going to shwooo, blot it out. Yeah.

Didn’t He take the eight people out of the flood? Only one was a perfect human being. Noah alone was genetically perfect, his wife wasn’t, his sons weren’t and their wives weren’t. One eighth, the rest were not. The Bride’s going to be gone, the foolish virgin all killed off.

Now watch,

Luke 17:30

(30) Even thus it shall be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

Those days come back, but not the Son. He just says, “The days.” In other words, there’s a repeat, which we showed you was Matthew, the 12th chapter, went into by detail which we can’t go to today.


Now, getting hopefully into the Voice. The Son of man can’t change, that’s that Word, It means prophet. Why?

Because Jesus was that Prophet and He called Himself the Son of man, which the prophet then was the son of man, because you cannot find literally really son of man in the Old Testament outside of Ezekiel who is called son of man.

And that’s kind of off-handed, because that’s only one illusion. And Ezekiel in my books never did qualify in the grand stature as some of the others. But that’s alright, that’s simply my thinking. Brother Branham used it and that’s exactly right, exactly right.

So, it’s the prophet, and that’s where people missed the boat, when they think of Jesus they think of Lamb. They think of Savior. They think of Redeemer. They think of coming King. They think of this and they think of that.

And they think of everything but what He was, Prophet! He called Himself the Son of man.


So, what is the Son of man? It’s the Prophet, and all prophet’s got to die. They’re killed, they died in Jerusalem, just like Jesus did. But you see they couldn’t save anybody, because they’re only part of the Word.

What they had to give to the people through their lives was a part of the Word. It was part of salvation, but they couldn’t put the Cap on it. What was the Cap? The One that gave It all in the beginning.

So now the Cap is here to do It all. What was the Cap? The Holy Spirit. It wasn’t the human body. It’s not a human body now. It’s only when God incarnates Himself in that human body.

So you understand this, Son of man cannot change, it means Prophet. So we have Jehovah and Elijah on earth together to bring the Shout which is the Message of Divine order to a Bride, to make Her one spirit and one flesh with the revealed Word, that’s exactly what. See?

Now, Elijah’s the prophet. “Behold I send you Elijah the prophet.” I’m going to come and destroy if I don’t send him. See?

Now He says, “I’m coming.” Now He says, “I’ve got a choice, I can destroy, or I can take care of the good people, the people.”


Now, you notice, in the days of Noah, I beg your pardon, the days of Sodom, God came down and talked to Abraham and said, “I’m going to go down and take care of that wicked city.”

And Abraham said, “Now just a minute,” he said, “Would You destroy the righteous with the wicked? Perhaps there’s fifty.”

And God said, “Certainly now I won’t destroy the city for fifty righteous people.”

“What,” he said, maybe he said, “You wouldn’t mind it if I lowered it to forty.”

“Well,” He said, “Certainly not, no problem at all.”

“Well,” he said, “We’ve got Him down (I think,) to twenty five.”

Why, Paul he said “No problem, twenty five, that’s a good deal.”

Abraham got very, very scared now, he said, “What about…” he said, “Ten?”

“Oh,” He said, “No problem at all. No problem, I will never destroy the city with anybody in it that’s righteous.”

So, He took him out. Simple as ABC.


So all right, we’ve got the same thing today. We’ve got Elijah and God, there’s the picture right there. Notice the humility of Christ, the humility of Elohim, little tiny Flame Fire and a big man.

Brother Branham’s a small man, much smaller than I. But notice the discrepancy there. You talk about humility, God bringing favor to Himself through His mighty manifested Words, then proving Who is doing It.

And people turning That down and not realizing That is those two verses in 1 Thessalonians 4 that I can wipe out.

And it doesn’t change the fact of a Rapture, but it changes the fact of who is going to be in a Rapture, and how the people living here are going to escape, because it’s a day of wrath if that takes place.

You know the wrath of God is in the earth today, the judgments are here today? Certainly, they started way back there… what was it? Let’s see Brother Branham died by 64. 64 up in Alaska.

Okay, we’ve got to hustle right along here. Okay, you cannot change that.


Now, watch what bearing this has on the Resurrection that we’re talking about. Let’s go to John, the 5th chapter, so we can see what we’re dealing with, because this is the Voice we’re dealing with. We’re dealing with John 5:25-27 again.

John 5:25

(25) Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

Now, according to the power of the Resurrection He is the Son of God, and God came back here in the form of the Holy Ghost as Son, and He’s still Son right now. But He’s still the Father, but that is recessed. Sublimated.


John 5:26-27

(26) For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have live in himself;

(27) And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.

Son of Man is prophet, and prophet has the power of execution of the law, because they alone can give the law and interpret the law. So they go in either direction, commendation, condemnation.


So, he’s telling you at the time that God in the form of the Holy Spirit in Sonship will be heard and the dead raised at the same time the Son of man ministry is evident as Judge.

And Brother Burfield just sent me some material that I’m a little bit aware of, but not too much of from Australia, or New Zealand, I forget where he’s from.

And in there looking a Haley’s comet, which they can see beautifully down there, because the Orion’s can be seen all the time. And it’s over the figure in Orion that the comet which now has seven tails forming a bridal veil is over the left shoulder of the branch, I think it is called in the constellation Orion.

I’ve seen all those things in my own books at home, but he’s pretty good. So I’ll bring it down to you have copies soon, be interested in knowing. The Haley’s comet went through here before, but not with seven tails. No. Not where they call the ‘bridal veil’.

And the stream that pours the head is the river of judgment, and what is noticed around which is also an Orion and the Pleiades and some of the other figures is called ‘the judgment thrall’, and Israel was not back in the homeland when that comet was seen, what was it, about 1876, something like that, I forget what anyway, I don’t know my dates. If you know your dates, good for you. Rusty would know if he’s around.

[Someone speaks to Brother Vayle] It’s news to me, but here it is again. Now that could be about right, supposed to be seventy some years they told. They said in one instance. Okay.


Now, both Son of God and Son of man are mentioned, but only Son of God’s Voice raises the dead. And Son of man in verse 27 is Judge which is the prophetic ministry.

Now, follow it attentively, Jesus was that prophet like unto Moses that was to come, He was God manifested in flesh to give His life for His own.

When he died on Calvary, He went by the Spirit into the prison house and woke the sleeping saints and led them forth. Not in the physical brother/sister, uh-uh, uh-uh, Spirit, not physical. See, they’re all mixed up again.

If He’s going to raise the dead He won’t do the physical form. Because it says in Ephesians God is going to manifest the same power to us that manifested to Him. And remember, Jesus was dead. Physical body, the body remained Jesus. See the body did.

Okay. When he died on Calvary, He went by the Spirit into the prison house and woke the sleeping saints and led them forth, and by the same Spirit in the prophet He’s woken us sleeping saints out of denominations.


Now notice, the One in flesh was the same One in the Spirit. Yep! The One that was living in the flesh is the same Spirit that is now entered the Spirit form Pillar of Fire. See? Is the same One that went down to the grave.

The Prophet or the Son of man in flesh who preached to the living, now listen, the Prophet or the Son of man in flesh, who preached to the living, did the miracles all on earth, went in Spirit to the sleeping and woke them, and brought them out. Sure He did.

Now watch, first He revealed Himself as Son of man proved it and preached it. Secondly, in Spirit He raised the dead. So today, first the Message then the Resurrection.

A Judge and a Prophet of,

John 11:25-26

(25) [And] Jesus said, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.

(26) And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. [Do you believe] this?


Posted His ministry. Showed it perfectly. And now,

John 5:25-27

(25) Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. [That’s Son of God the Spirit.]

(26) For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.

(27) And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.

Because of the prophetic office, absolutely. Which is the Judge and to judge between. He can now raise the dead and change us, because the die has been cast.

He said, “You didn’t even do it.” Taken from our whoredoms, unfaithfulness, filthy. He said, “You’re the righteous, spotless, sinless Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, you didn’t even do it. You’re completely justified and held in a perfection.” See?

In the days of His flesh He proved He was the Son of man, and raised Lazarus as God in the flesh. And as God, God raises the dead. Show me where it says anybody else raises the dead but God. Every Scripture says, “God raises the dead.”

We went through that, whole sermons on… sermons after sermon on the Resurrection, there’re still around here somewhere. Only trouble is they’re on the long tapes; some might be on cassettes.

Today He proves He is alive and brought us the Word, and revealed Himself as Son of man, but in the form of the Holy Spirit in a Pillar of Fire.

That revelation is completed, that is all we need, Brother Branham said, “Was under the Seven Seal and the Seven Thunders to put us in the Rapture.”


Now, that same One will raise the dead, because He has again revealed and proven Himself to be Hebrews 13:8, which is Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New.

All things are ready for the Resurrection potentially, absolutely. The saints have only to mature and ripen into the sons of God that God wants them to be, and God will call forth the Elected Ones who are now asleep.

So, twenty Easter’s have gone by and today it is Easter number twenty-one since Brother Branham left us, because we’ve got to count today.

How many more we do not know, but we do know that the signs and events of the times that it cannot be too long until we see that One in flesh that has already Appeared amongst us. That’s Jesus Christ Himself, that’s God.

The same Holy Spirit that brought the Word is here still in that Pillar of Fire as the Voice that will raise the dead. True.

Brother Branham said, “The Pillar of Fire leads us into the Millennium when that Spirit that’s amongst us becomes incarnate to us which is in the air, we’ll crown Him King and Lord of lords and that’s the time the Lily of the valley, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost, Son of David, Son of God, Son of Man, All in all, everyone.”

In the solemnity of this hour it is good to remember the words that the prophet said, “We ought to live so as to meet our love ones in the Resurrection.”

And that’s true, he didn’t leave anything out, he gave us everything to live by. There’s nothing that we need to miss and will miss.


As Paul said over here in Ephesians, I beg your pardon, 1 Thessalonians if I can just find it here.

He said,

1 Thessalonians 4:15

(15) For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord…

He said, “Thus saith the Lord.” Brother Branham, three times in the Rapture tape said, “Thus it has been spoken, and thus it will be.”

Paul said, “Thus is thus, it is the Word of the Lord.”

There is going to be the descent of our Lord from Heaven. There is going to be a Shout. There is going to be a Voice. There is going to be a Trumpet.

Then we are going to raise to meet that One that we call the body to make the differentiation. Meet Him in the air our Lord, because He is Lord, and He’s worthy to be worshipped. Not three gods, no, we understand that.

Now, that challenge can only be met by the Logos identified life, which is the Token. That’s right, there is no other way we’ll make it outside the Baptism with the Holy Ghost.

And if that Token, a portion, if He is in you, you are sealed forever to the end that you will be like Him in the days of His Appearing, and that’s now. Well, some of us may die, that’s all right.

He arose two thousand years ago to seal this to us, and now He has risen amongst us, exactly what Brother Branham said, “To complete His purchased redemption.”

As He started redemption in the Garden of Eden, personally He did it in the form of the Holy Ghost; the same One is doing it now.

In the same form of the Holy Ghost concluding His redemption; came down here in a mighty Cloud of angels, showing exactly Who He was.

Oh, people don’t want to take that I know they don’t. “Oh,” they say, “That’s just some little thing.”

“Oh,” they said, “The Red Sea what was that?”

He said, “That water in the Nile that turned to red, that was a mountain, volcano has erupted and throwing red-mud around there.”

How do they account for all those fleas? Flies four feet deep.

“Oh, somebody left a hamburger out overnight.”

Oh, that’s fine. I suppose they all died in one foot of water. Oh, how… you know brother/ sister, you know “wisdom is justified of her children.” You can see how wise they are.


Let us acknowledge and welcome and honor Him who has brought us a spiritual resurrection from our creeds and dogmas, our darkness and brought us into the glorious Light of His salvation.

Brother/sister let me assure you, the Shout has gone forth and the same One that brought It is here with the Voice. We don’t know that very minute.

We don’t have to know the very minute, but we know the very hour. And I’m going to tell you this that Resurrection is not going to come upon us unawares. You better believe it, because Paul said so.

Oh, don’t put it all back on Jesus and leave and lead the cross in the life of Jesus. Take the cross like we said last night, put it in our own lives.

Take the Word; don’t put It all back on Jesus, say, “Well, He did it all.” That’s exactly right.

He did it all, which is potential. It means everything He did, He did that we can have a benefit from. And that’s an act of living benefit we got this morning.

Sure, we know one of these days that Voice is going to scream out like it says, “Lazarus come forth,” and the dead are going to come forth.

You bet they’re going to come forth. You bet they’re going to come. But I’m going to tell you one thing, we’ve already come forth. If we have not had our spiritual resurrection let me tell you this, the dead would not have a physical resurrection.


If we did not have this Word of Light to clothe us and bring us into the last-day promise, which promise us under the last Church Age Messenger, at the very last message, “our corruptibility is going to put on incorruptibility.”

And there never was a time when people were so corrupt in their physical bodies outside the time of Noah. You bet, there’s nothing left in the soil.

Oh, I know the scientist can laugh and he’ll say, “Oh well,” and say, “we can make all the chemicals just as good.” I don’t believe that for one minute.

Anytime time a chemist can out do God, or do as good as God, then I’ll kiss the chemist’s foot. And don’t take me on, I’ve got good teeth, even though they’re bought.

You might be not missing your toe nails, but a couple of toes. I’ll kiss anybody’s foot. Been proven as over a period of time, doctor Roy Lee, one of the greatest bio-chemist ever lived a genius in the twentieth century, would not sell one synthetic product of any sort, because he prove too conclusively, and that man was a genius. And I say not because the man’s dead and I knew him personally, I didn’t know him personally. I could have, but I didn’t.

But over a period of time it’s proven you spray your land… synthetics and what do you get? You get bugs, bugs, bugs and more bugs. When the land is pristine as God intended it the bugs take care of the bugs.

God’s got His Own balance, His Own ecological balance, that’s what is exactly wrong with the world today. Adam got out of the picture, he only got as far as naming the beasts, he didn’t go to the birds and the bugs and the little bugs, and the plants. He didn’t get to the ecological balance, and no man ever has.

And God said, “I’ll destroy those that destroy the earth.” And where’s the earth today? And people come along and say, “Well now, I’ll tell you what, we’re going to build up and we’re going to do so and so.”

Do it outside of God’s way? Come on you’re gone then. I don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings, not here to hurt anybody’s feelings and nobody ain’t going to hurt mine either, bless God, I tell you that flat; I’m staying with the Word. I’m staying with the prophet.

He said, “The soil’s gone.” And he said, “There’s no food left anymore.” He didn’t say, “The smart farmer, the smart intender, the PhD’s and all these others, we’re going to improve it.” He said, “It’s all gone.” He said, “If the bodies is turned to mush what about the brain?”

I believe a prophet. Not fighting with anybody, because I got no fight with anybody. I just lay it on the line. I’m going to stick with the Word of God and the prophet.

You say, “What if you end up a mess?” Well, I was already was a mess, what are you talking about? I feel lest messed up than ever. You say, “Well, that’s delusion.”

Well, if that’s euphoria, fine. You have your euphoria and I’ll have my euphoria. Sure, no problem at all. You understand what I’m saying?


All right, we’ve at the very verge, this is that hour brother/sister, I’m confided, I know you’re confident and I know there’s no spirits amongst us, we’re going to try to rev it up.

We’re going to try to make something out of it. We don’t do that, because we cannot bring on a Resurrection.

I could not bring on the prophet, I could not bring on an understanding it took God to do it if I do have the understanding. I believe I do, and I believe you do too, there’s no doubt in my mind that this is it. Nothing lines up outside of what we believe. See?

Nothing lines with the Word. Find me what other people believe that lines with this Word. Can’t do it. Well I know they think it does. We’ve got an evidence, ‘Thus saith the Lord’. So it’s, Thus saith the Lord. It has been spoken, there is a Shout, It is gone forth.

And that Message is not a new patch on an old garment. It is not according to your thinking what you were taught. It is fresh Manna.

It is not tongues, it is not interpretation, it is not prophecy. It is living revealed Word, backed up by God Himself. God put Himself on the block and manifested. Proved it, had His picture be taken as it were, it’s right down the line.

Now He did It, we didn’t do It. Hadn’t a thing to do with It, we receive It. Now today, we receive the understanding, ripening in the Son that Voice.

Son of man, those days are over. Back to Son of God, see? Raising the dead. But that One hasn’t left us, Who revealed Himself Son of man, no way shape and form.

Here, in a Pillar of Fire. Where? I don’t know, it doesn’t matter to me. It doesn’t matter one little bit, we’ve got the evidence. Going to raise the dead and get us out of here. Put us in the Millennium. Bring us back.

You say, “All of us?” We’re supposed to believe for every one of us.


Now look, you can’t believe for your neighbor that’s good. And you can’t believe for your children, you can try, and that’s good. I want you to understand what I’m saying now, you believe for yourself.

You say, “I’m going to make it if nobody else does.”

The old song you say:

My love ones won’t go with me, I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back.

If my parents don’t go with me, I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back.

If my children won’t go, I won’t turn back, I won’t turn back.

You’ve got to come to that place. Now, I’m going to tell you something, you’re at that place. You may not know it, but you’re at that place.

There is a channel, and I’m closing, there is a channel that if you pursue what you are in, there comes a time when that thing that you are in takes over.

You study geometry to the place where you become so through there comes a time when that just takes over. That’s right.

You study, you go into anything, anything at all, there comes a time when that takes over. That’s why people start smoking, it takes over. They start drinking, it takes over. They watch filthy movies and things, it takes over. They let their minds go here, it takes over. They start playing cards, it’ll take over. Take this Word, it’ll take over. You can’t help it, you can’t help it.


You sit here this morning, these people tell me, say, “Lee you don’t know what that Word meant to me, it’s like I’ve been born again.” I get that so many times.

People encounter me, and I understand perfectly; you know why? It took over. Just took over that’s all. You can’t get away from it, no way.

Look at Peter, couldn’t get away from it. I’m going to tell you one thing, if that thing hadn’t taken over Peter, Peter wouldn’t have got over. “My sheep hear My Voice,” and I take over. That’s what He said.

The Lord bless you.

Let’s rise.

Heavenly Father, we’re grateful we’ve had this Easter time together. And Lord, what an Easter time It is, celebrating the Resurrection from the dead, Christ risen amongst us, by the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself and proving that He is that One who rose from the dead.

We don’t understand the entire mystery Lord, we understand some, and we can rejoice in it, say yes I can see that and understand how the prophet put it that way.

And I know It’s true, because that’s exactly what did happen the consequences I hear. And Lord God in Heaven, Paul laid out a consequence to the living and the dead, and he showed us circumstance to the living that brought upon the consequence.

And Lord God in Heaven we know we are in the stream of the Rapture, we know the conditions are leading us to the consequence, which is catching up to be with You in the air, and we’ve got the Shout Lord, and we’ve got the Voice coming up on the horizon, because we believe You’re here with that Shout, that Voice Lord to raise the dead.

We believe it Lord; we believe You’ve taken over. We believe that You are in the driver’s seat, that You’re the Head-ship Oh God. And now sealed in there’s not one of us going to get away, not that we want to get away, nobody want to get away, we all want to make it Lord.

But, we get so insecure, time and feeling full of wonderment and this… we just feel like we’re dissolution at times at say, “Oh my, am I really in it?” And all that Voice comes back, “You’re not going to get away.” There’s no way.

He goes out fishing and He keeps the good and throws away the bad. And we’re the good fish by the grace of Almighty God. We’re the ones Lord, the Sheep of Your pasture, the Flock of Your hand, right down the line Lord, we believe that.

And You said, “The sheep hear the Voice and they follow, and they don’t get away.” No, they don’t, because You keep everything else away, and You pend us in.

Father, we’re so glad that You broke the seals of death and sin, and all those terrible seals that had us sealed, and then You took us to Yourself and now You seal us in by Yourself, and not one of us is going to get away, because You said, “I won’t lose any,” bless God.

Lord, if it means putting them on a tether you’re not going to get away.” If it means putting us inside a little special safety box we’re not going to get away. I doesn’t matter Lord, we know that You have… You are the One and we are not going to get away.

We thank Thee Oh great Shepherd of the flock, help us to love You and appreciate You to the extent… not that we wouldn’t try to get away Lord, because we don’t want to get away, but we just appreciate the fact we’re not going to get away, and that You love us and everything You’re doing is right for us and we appreciate it so much.

Now, increase that love we pray by the Holy Ghost, even unto faith, the love of each other, and faith in each other, to believe for each other as we believe for ourselves, though Father, we know we got to believe for ourselves more than for anybody else if we’re going to make it, because it’s got to be personal. But Lord, it just begins to melt through us all until we become that sweet and lovely body.

And we have more of the Resurrection today, then we had yesterday and by Your grace Lord, more Resurrection tomorrow and everyday then we even got today, because Your Word that’s flowing in us and through us, more and more to the glory of Almighty God.

We ascribe to You honor and glory Lord, and we pray by Your Holy Spirit that You have ascribed to us.

Also, honor and glory and so many blessings, just multitudinous that please Lord this morning, my that sweet begin to come among us, as never before, so all the sick amongst us can get healed, and everyone with a true conscious dedicate the strength and the energy that You give to serving You and Your people, and whatsoever cause Your Holy Spirit would put upon us from the Word that our lives would be spent for You. And that would be our motivation for healing and nothing else.

Father, forgive us for the times we wanted healings just to spend it on ourselves. Forgive us Lord, for all the times we just walked in errors. James said, “You just want to ask so many things, because you just want it for your own pleasure.”

Father God in Heaven, it would give us pleasure we know, to have healing and to have help. But Father, this morning we want it under Your condition.

Fill our heart with such grace Lord, to desire this only that we may serve Thee effectively and fulfill Thy Word towards You and towards Your saints, and toward ourselves which we know will complete the Divine order.

And Father, we will give You the honor and the glory, because we sincerely desire it, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.

‘Take the Name of Jesus with you.’

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