Questions and Answers #09
No Feminine Holy Ghost; Communion Service#2492
[Opening Prayer not very clear.]
…which was a week ago Sunday, we were looking at the thought that there is a teaching going around, it’s spread around the world, it’s everywhere, that the Holy Spirit is female or at least a portion thereof is female.
Now we looked at that and we’re going to talk a little bit about it tonight before we go into something else that has bothered some people, and that is there is absolutely no Scripture anywhere that says the Holy Spirit is female or a portion thereof is female.
That we can take nature that runs in continuity and go back to God, to understand certain principles and things that God does and the way He does them is authenticated by the prophet who was himself authenticated, William Branham.
But at no time did Brother Branham ever say that you could read nature and know from nature and work back to God and thereby know God.
If there’s anything in his message that hints that, it would have to be a slip of the tongue or something very grievous that came upon the man that wasn’t the Spirit of God, because that’s one thing you cannot know is to know God by the senses.
You cannot reason from anything to understanding and having a concept of God.
The actual fact of the matter is that revelation and reason, though they both start with the letter ‘r’ and secondly with the letter ‘e’ absolutely are antagonistic toward each other.
You cannot receive a revelation by the mind. That is to say the human mind which is simply in tune with nature and has not already been flooded by the Holy Spirit.
It is true that we receive the perfect mechanics which is the perfect Word of God in a written form as we have it in our Bible, and without you having the perfect Word of God given to you by revelation, thereby giving you the perfect mechanics, there is no way that the Holy Spirit’s going to fall upon it, and then bring it to life and move through you and in you. It’s utterly impossible.
So if anybody tries to tell you then that you are a mental person, because you have a true mechanical revelation of that Word, and you are not truly Spirit filled, that person is a liar. I repeat. That person is a liar.
I want you to pay attention and look toward me when I say those things, because you will be trapped, if you are so gullible and be suckered by such stupidity.
Unless you have the perfect mechanics, the Spirit’s not going to come upon it! Anymore than if you didn’t have representation back there, you ain’t got it now!
And the dove will not come upon a wolf! I got your attention, thank you. Clubbing with the right purpose is not too dangerous.
All right, look, you can’t find one Scripture that says that God is male or female in the sense of arguing from the human race being composed of males and females. That God is referred to as a male, it’s sufficient to leave it exactly in that category.
But you understand when you are dealing with the proposition of a male and you are dealing with God, you are dealing with life, l-i-f-e. And this life is a source. It’s the fountain. It’s the original, it is Spirit.
And you are not at all concerned as to the sexuality of the being in whom that life is. Now we know the male is the carrier of the life, it is not the woman.
So therefore how in the world would a woman be treated as anything but a son of God in the eyes and mind of Almighty God except there’s some deviation we don’t understand, we wouldn’t want it.
Every child of God is a male. And if you think the Bride is not entirely male, though feminine as to appellation, then you haven’t read your Bibles! Which we’ll be glad to read shortly and prove to you exactly what is said.
Now let’s go to the Scripture and in doing so we go back to Luke the 20th chapter, and this is important that I repeat this, because I want it understood where I am coming from.
In Luke the 20th chapter, 27-38, it tells you the Sadducees denied any resurrection. So they came to Jesus to trick him.
(28) Saying, Master, [in verse 28,] Moses wrote unto us, If any man’s brother die, having a wife, and he die without children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
Now that’s no mystery right there. All God’s got to do, because they’re brothers, is to take the sperm, the seed of that brother, which is in the human life chain that came from the father, and He picks out the seed, which would be actually be that brother that died, bringing forth that one with whom he wanted fellowship. There’s no big deal, there’s billions of sperm there.
As Brother Branham said, “The virgin birth is nothing alongside of an ordinary human birth,” wherein God is marking all that life coming down through ages, and for years everybody had a little old story, you know, “Congratulations you won the first race you ever ran.”
And of course they’re talking of the sperm that gets to the egg first. Hogwash! Dozens get there first and flip right over! Dozens get there first and try to attach, and they can’t attach! Predestination.
So all right, there’s your picture. A brother could marry this widow, and it would absolutely be his brother’s children. That’s not strange.
That’s mystery solved, simple as ABC, if you can’t see that, stick around and you’ll see a few things.
(29) Therefore [there were] seven brethren: the first took a wife, and died without children.
(30) The second took her to wife, and he died childless.
(31) The third took her; in [the] manner the seven also: and left no children, and died.
(32) Last of all the woman died also.
(33) Therefore in the resurrection whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife. [Now watch what Jesus said.]
(34) …The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage:
(35) But they which [are] accounted worthy to obtain that world, [that world, that’s God’s Own cosmos, His Kingdom, even] …the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, [or] are given in marriage:
(36) Neither can they die any more: for they are [like] unto the angels; [not equal as though there’s a status there, why they’re way above angels. They’re like unto the angels, even] …are the children of God, being children of the resurrection. [Now watch.]
(37) Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
(38) For he is not [the] God of the dead, but of the living:
So what is He telling you? The life that came from before, that came from God, that’s in you now, and you pass over, is the same life, and it has nothing to do with sex!
As Brother Branham said, “God will create again but not by sex!” And remember he used the word ‘create’! In other words literally bring from nothing.
And then he used the word ‘form’ in there, from the ashes and dust from the gasses, He’ll bring again from the cosmic light and the petroleum and the calcium and the various minerals, and all of those things. And in the resurrection bring back those same people.
Now Brother Branham beyond the curtain of time, you could hug any woman without any sensation. Try to do it now and see what happens. In other words, we’re looking at this thing the way it is.
Now let’s go back to the Bible and see if Jesus miscued or we are miscuing. Well I of course you know there’s no such thing as miscuing.
So we go to,
(27) So God created man in his own image, [in his image] in the image of God created he him;…
All right, that’s it. What does the next phrase got to do with it? It’s another creation. So now it’s male and female created He them.
Now notice, it doesn’t say: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, and God called Adam and said, ‘Be fruitful and multiply’.” He did not say that. No sir.
In other words, the original life was Adamic life. It’s the original put in the man. Now we know life is spirit. And there’s all kinds of spirits. There’s all kinds of lives out there.
So all right, now it says in the creation of male and female, and this is not an afterthought; any more than 2 and 7’s an afterthought, telling you how it’s done.
(28) [He] blessed them, and [He] said, Be fruitful,
Now the blessing was to be fruitful. In other words they weren’t to be alone; they were to become a tremendous family under God.
Now remember Brother Branham said, and this is not only concerning males, it cannot be just concerning males, though Brother Branham put it in that particular context, and if he meant it peculiar as males, then I agree with him, but I’m just trying to talk about it.
He said, “You were in your father but your father did not know you. He could not have fellowship with you until in holy matrimony, through the bedding grounds of your mother, you came forth!”
Now where were you? You were in your father. Where was Isaac? In the loins of Abraham, we’re talking of sexual matters. Because there’s no such thing as the birth without sex.
You can put it in-vitro, test tube, any way you want to do it, it’s still got to come from a source of life which is a human life! And the human life was in Adam. See?
Now all right, the next thing you find that this very life itself goes into a branch!
Do you follow what I’m saying? Adam was a male! And we’re not even talking now in terms of male essentially, although he says him. We’re talking of life.
The male and the female literally come in there as a separate entity in the second phase. Right? That’s the second phase is right.
And he said here in,
(07) And God formed man of the dust of the ground, [Now it says in verse 6,]
(06) There went a mist [up] from [all] the earth, [to] water the whole face of the ground. [See?]
(07) So the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Now you’ll notice in here it says the Lord God. What are you talking about here? You’re not talking just about God now; you’re talking about Lord God, on the grounds that God Himself is now the Lord of this man! Now he’s in a physical form! He wasn’t called Lord God before!
In the flesh you see right away he has a master! Oh man likes to be independent. Every little kid as soon as it’s born can walk around.
Oh independence is the key, “Yeah, get hands off me, ma, pa, let me walk.” Plunk, he goes on his face. He loves it, he’ll be back on his feet, she’ll be back on her feet, don’t worry.
Brother Branham said, “The Holy Spirit was given today to lead us as was Adam could lead all the creatures and things back there.”
You know why? Because the Lord was his God! Everybody screams about, “Oh you’ve got to make Him master of all or not at all,” and they turn down the revealed Word as brought by a vindicated prophet! They don’t even know the meaning.
Anybody can be a gasbag preacher, but it’s pretty dangerous. Oh yeah. You can just pick them on the air now. Oh God.
Now listen:
(07) …formed of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
Even at this time it’s called him! Why? Because it’s life! L-i-f-e. Not male life, not female life, LIFE!
And He said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Get your life strung around and a lot just like you. I’m going to tell you, you can do it because I’ve anointed you to that end.” See where it’s sunk. See where it’s sunk.
Now, notice in verse 16:
(16) And the LORD God commanded the man,
Why didn’t he say them? He says them to begin with.
Well come on,
(27) [And] God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. [You’ve got a second work.]
Now that’s fine. Now it says over here:
(07) …[He] breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Now categorically the breathing into his nostrils was God giving him the Holy Spirit. As Brother Branham made it very clear this is no such thing as God simply breathing.
Why he said, “If you believe that, that God was just simply a spirit like air, like wind, like these” –like he said in Africa they call it ‘imoya’, which is ‘the wind’, and you call in the Hebrew and the Greek like ‘nephesh’ and ‘psuche’. See? One spirit and one soul.
And it’s like when you talk about a ghost or the nephesh in a frosty morning, go whoo, and you see your breath, the moisture distilling.
Well Brother Branham said, “Well anybody breathing in, just breathing in God.” He said, “Forget it.”
Well you got pantheism. The crazy “I breathe in love, I breathe out hate.” Well come on, a little psychology never really hurt anybody, but it’s nuttier than a fruitcake.
Ho, what’s your lungs got to do with your soul? Except when your soul’s gone your lungs aren’t going to breathe anymore, they’ll collapse on you.
Come on, fruitcake religion is okay for the fruitcakes. And I’ll tell you what’s going to happen; the squirrels come right along and just pick the nuts out.
He just… come on, listen, this is not some fake foolish… the reason I say this is to get you to the place where you realize these things are ridiculous! They’re insane.
And better to laugh it off than to get mad. You know… I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong, but the point is look at the Scripture here.
(07) …[in] his nostrils [he breathed] the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
What is he trying to tell you? The guy already was! How can you be in the image of God, which is a spirit being and not be living? Come on. So what… but he’s in a human form now.
And the literal translation is He breathed into his nostrils the breath of lives! God’s Own life in the soul! Now transmitted through human instrumentality!
And people think the souls are out there wandering around to get into you. They’re transmitted through human life! As far as I can see and read what Brother Branham ever said, when did he ever say opposite? I can’t find him say opposite.
I always found him a hundred percent with the Bible here, I don’t care which translation you go to, how many words you look up, it always comes the same.
Now, then he says here:
(16) And the LORD commanded the man, [in verse 16,] Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
(17) But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day [of eating] thereof thou shalt surely die.
Now he believed that but his wife didn’t. Now you notice the command was not given to her it was given to him, she was in him. And of course when she was just in him, I don’t think she remembered anything.
Just like when we were in our parents, our father, we didn’t remember anything, when you were back there, you didn’t remember anything either, we’ll talk about that maybe.
(18) And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone;
Well I thought he wasn’t alone. Well he was, because the Bible said he was alone. So whatever this was didn’t amount to much! And I mean that with my tongue in my cheek and yet with the proper emphasis.
He knew he had her, but nobody else did. And God knew he had her, but nobody else did outside of God, well you know what I mean. There’s nobody else there to know, let’s face it. That’s what it says right here.
He’s alone, “I’m going to make him one like him.” What’s He talking about? The body! Already the life is there, spirit’s there, everything’s there!
And remember the life was in him! The male is the carrier and the woman came out of him! And that’s where she got her life! The woman does not have life!
Proven by the fact of the x and y chromosome. Even shows up in biology, physiology, call it what you want. See? Oh the Scripture’s beautiful here.
(19) And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name.
(20) And [Adam] gave names to the fowl of the air, [and the cattle, and the] beast of the field; [and so on, but it said,] for Adam there was not found an help meet… [In other words, one just like him of his own generation, of his kind.]
What’s he talking about? The flesh. And the complete unity of how he was to be and she was to be. Now we’re looking at life.
Now remember multiplication did not take place until after they were in the body, and this is what caused the fall, which was the illicit intercourse.
(21) The LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, he slept: he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
(22) And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from the man,
Notice Lord God. Now she is to have God as her head. Right, Brother Branham told you in Marriage and Divorce. But after she messed up, man became her head. And it’s right in the Scripture a hundred percent.
But right here it says Lord God, which means Master; the one I worship is my Master. Well I’m going to tell you one thing, if He’s your Master, you’d better hear from Him. Huh?
There’d better be some way to hear from Him, and better some way to worship Him or someone’s going to be all messed up.
So let’s read a little more. And He took a rib, made him go to sleep, that’s the first… God was the first anesthetist, first case of ether here or chloroform, so to speak, proving you the doctor’s on the right track when they put you to sleep, yep.
(21) …took [out] one of [the] ribs, closed up the flesh instead thereof;
(22) And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, [see the Lord God,] made he [the] woman, and brought her unto the man.
(23) And Adam said, This is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh: [and] she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. [A hundred percent correct, a hundred percent correct.]
Now listen, there’s no man to till the earth, and there’s no woman to be one like unto him in order to be his complete companion and in order to that he then could multiply himself or bring forth his life through her. Now that’s what it’s for.
So you see we’re not dealing with male and female spirits in the sense that you are going to absolutely have a separation! It wasn’t in the beginning; it’s not at the end!
And at the end it says they are like unto the angels! And angels don’t have human bodies. Whatever there is completely outside the realm of sex entirely.
So I’m trying to show you here for people to begin putting emphasis on male and female, as far as I’m concerned, you’re right out the window, put the emphasis on life.
And don’t try to tell anybody there’s a female part of the Holy Spirit comes down on the Day of Pentecost.
Especially when Jesus Himself said, He said, “We will come unto you, but when the Comforter’s come, lead and teach you into all truth,” and a woman cannot handle the truth!
I can understand that many people have a female Holy Ghost the way they react to the truth. There’s somebody teaching them! And it isn’t the male Holy Ghost. Well come on. Gnosticism.
After Isaiah 40, the voice thundered from heaven, “Shut-up you fool; I’m the one that made you.” It was a woman. How many people are sticking with the truth?
I want you to tell me one place where William Branham ever said what these guys are saying, or one place in the Scripture.
Now I tell you, I’ll challenge those men to show me I’m wrong. They can’t do it, there’s no way they can do it.
(23) [He] said, This is bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. [Now he said:]
(24) Therefore…
Now I want you to notice something there, this saying is attributed to Adam in Genesis, but Jesus did not attribute it to Adam. Certainly not. Because Adam did not have a word of his own.
And fresh from the hand of God, he was the first prophet! Just spoke the Word of God, anybody just speaks the Word of God comes through him is a prophet.
Now he never got in the Word the way down the line went, but don’t you believe for one minute that God did not deal with this man, even though he’s out of the Garden of Eden. Oh yeah.
How did Abel get his revelation except God dealing? So you see we were meant to be a prophet class all the way up.
Where we could be lead by the Holy Spirit, just live that life by the life of God, like Paul said, “I live by the life, not my own life, it’s gone, but I live by His life and I do it by the faith of Him.”
He said:
(24) A man leave father and mother, and cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Now notice in here it didn’t have to say this. You know why it didn’t have to say the next verse, they were both naked? Naturally they were both naked.
And unless it was put it in there, God made them some clothes, or taught them how to do it, it’s entirely irrelevant. Sure they were naked.
But notice the next thing in there:
(25) …[they] were not ashamed.
See in other words it tells you here, the body being very smooth there was an enticement toward the fact of that sensation that lay there.
Absolutely right.
Now we go a little further, and you’ll find over here it says in verse 20 the 3rd chapter that:
(20) Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. [And she still is. See?]
Now then you’ll notice over here again it tells you that the two children, Cain and Abel, we just leave them and we go on to the place where Abel is destroyed, and we find then that Adam has a son by his wife and his name is Seth.
In other words, now Adam is reproducing himself. And you notice that you do not find girls mentioned in the Bible. Why? Because they’re not the producers of life, they are merely the incubators.
And that’s not being rough on the women, it’s just hey, my God that’s the truth. Women do not have x and y chromosomes, that ought to tell you something! Women do not carry the life.
The men are the carriers of the life and the life is in the blood, and before it’s over you’re going to find William Branham a hundred percent exonerated on every single thing he said that refers to science! You’ll find it, don’t worry.
Think God’s some kind of a fool, doesn’t even know His Own universe? Then come down here and read hearts of men and predict the future word by word? Come on. This is what gives you confidence in God, where He is Lord.
But the people want to be the Lord of some organization. Forget it. God’s not organized. And yet He’s the most organized one of us all.
In other words He keeps within Himself, He keeps His Godhood.
Okay, over here in the Book of Matthew the 19th chapter, which Brother Branham used when he was speaking on marriage and divorce:
(03) The Pharisees also came [in verse 3], tempting him, and saying unto him, [same like the Sadducees, this is Pharisees,] Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?
Now you see the Sadducees said, “We don’t believe in a resurrection and come on, how are you going to talk us into it? Well, here we got a case right here it will stump you.” See? No he wasn’t stumped at all.
Now he said:
(03) The Pharisees came [along], tempting him, saying, Is it lawful for a man to put his wife [away] for every cause? [That’s what Hillel said, any cause at all. And the Maimonides said no.]
(04) And he answered and said, Have ye not read, that…
In other words the Jews had a liberal branch and they had a conservative branch. You got the conservative Christian, and you got the liberal Christian.
Anything goes. Women can preach, cut your hair, live in adultery, makes no problem, just long as you’re a nice guy. Yep.
They said one of these… who was the guy that said, Durocher said it… he didn’t say it, “Nice guys,” you know, “finish last.” Nice guys get finished off in the Lake of Fire. Because God only came to save sinners.
So where’s your nice guys? You know, their whole premise is entirely wrong.
(04) Have ye not read, that he which made them [in] the beginning made them male and female,
In the beginning made them male and female. What’s he talking about? Marriage and divorce! They were not male and female in the beginning as two separate individuals.
Now except Adam was put into two vessels, the life within him, which has come on down here today, male and female, how can a man divorce himself? Even if he commits suicide, he can’t divorce himself, because he’s still himself.
So what is this marriage and divorce all about? It’s all about the fact that there’s a male and a female! And the female got exactly out of order!
Now what’s wrong with marrying and remarriage? Adultery, which is sex! So where did Eve mess up? She couldn’t mess up with her own husband! She messed up with the other guy, the snaky fellow, the city slicker.
That’s the trouble right there, where does it come from? Brother Branham said there was one per each. And a man that really gets his right wife and his mate, there isn’t any divorce, because they’re one, how do you divorce yourself?
So you guys that aren’t married listen and smarten up what the prophet was teaching in Marriage and Divorce. It’s lifetime.
Of course you do have an out, if you got the wrong one here, you’re stuck with her, but you can get the other the right one in the other area. But you won’t have sex with her, you’ll just be compatible!
To where my heavens you wouldn’t want to divorce because there wouldn’t be any reason, if each of you just get lovelier and lovelier because you’re in the Presence of the Lovely One. Thousand years of sanctification!
Wives and children in the resurrection really getting to know yourselves and each other. Blossoming, fruitful boughs.
No wonder they talked about the grapes of Eshcol, they’re so big that it took a dozen guys to handle a few bunches.
Oh listen, if you think the Message is good today, wait till you cross over, where you really get a hold of it! Yeah, I hope you’re beginning to see some things here; it’s good for all of us.
And he said, now listen:
(04) …Have ye not read, he [that] made them [in] the beginning made them male and female,
(05) [And that one that made them] said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
Now it tells you right there the separation of life into human bodies causes them to cleave together and become one flesh! Okay, let’s check it out.
I don’t mind checking things out because it says one place one thing, it says the same thing in another place, well my heavens, it’s got to be the same thing.
Okay in,
(13) Meats for the belly, and belly for meat: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.
Now he tells you right there in the beginning, it tells you the whole subject matter, where it went haywire. She got fornicated. That’s what entered. The body was for the Lord! Because the Lord God made the body.
That’s why the woman is a sacred vessel! And sexual intercourse in marriage is a righteous act. That should take the guilt off you if you’re married legally and lawfully.
Everything you know about sex is rotten, everything you know is makes you feel bad, although it makes you feel good too, so therefore you got a mixed crew here. Huh? God help us, when we going to believe the Bible?
I know there’s warrings within our members and it is hell on earth. And hell was made for the devil and his angels, not for you and me. We’ll talk about that too maybe, I don’t know, we’ll get to it.
All right:
(13) …but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.
It tells you that’s the beginning of it. As Brother Branham said, God had it arranged that they didn’t multiply by sex. It tells you! Huh? Come on, the dust, whooo, whatever it is. But they went to the fornication and broke into the laws of nature!
And it’s still true; the Lord is for the body and the body for the Lord, because every son of Adam is redeemed through the Blood of Jesus Christ, though it be Wise or foolish virgin. Yeah. For as in Adam all died, even so in Christ all are made alive.
Now let’s go a little further.
(15) Know ye not that your bodies are members of Christ? [The Lord God. My body is not my own.] shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them members of an harlot? God forbid.
Now that of course has a spiritual connotation and reference in the sense of organization, as Brother Branham used in the ‘Invisible Union of the End Time,’ when he preached in 1965 down in Shreveport, and he brought Romans 7, the man must be dead before the woman can marry again or she is in adultery.
How are you going to be in the spotless Bride of the Jesus Christ and still in organization, when He says, “Come out of her My people and be ye separate, saith the Lord God.” Called to be sons and daughters, he’s speaking there of the sexual term now.
But you get a little further, you’re going to find every single one was a son. Why? Because that’s life, it’s not sexuality, it is life!
Then if you want it more abundantly, what kind of life is going to come upon you? The same life! Which is designated, and it’s called male.
But don’t get egotistical over being male, you got male chauvinistic pig, and God doesn’t have pigs, He’s got sheep. But He doesn’t have harlots either. Talking to women now too just as stern as to men.
Now listen.
(16) What? know ye not that [that] which is joined to an harlot is one body? [and] two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
There again you’re talking. We’re the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, no way can you be joined. And no way will Jesus join Himself to that person, there is no way, you must come without the camp and suffer without the camp.
You got to quit all of these things you’re into. But listen, he’s talking now of physical fornication!
(17) [For] he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
Now he says here,
(16) …know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
That takes you right back to the Garden of Eden! So what are we talking about? We’re still talking about this life! That’s in the male and the female for multiplication!
So even God can come forth and be manifested amongst the people by this extraneous method which they fell into, when the body was for the Lord, because the Lord was for the body!
Now if your son is in you, and you want to bring him forth by holy matrimony, then you are for him! And he being an obedient son is for you!
But notice how the neighbors and school teachers and all the rest of the muck and the crap in the world want to take your sons from you! And some of you kids are happy to be taken from your birthright.
Well I’ve got news for you, you’ll pay for it! Say, “Brother Vayle, be sweet and nice.”
Oh come on, don’t give me that hogwash, you’ve been sweet and nice, people have treated you like a billion dollars some of you, and you still stick your nose up and want to run like animals. Don’t tell me, I’m not stupid!
One of the smartest guys in this ministry is Bob Wright sitting right there, he can smell this stuff about a mile down the road. Don’t ever fool with him I can tell you right now, he can see far past your eyes.
That’s what an elder is for in the church. A blameless man is a man as a boxer can parry the blows. Get you down the road safely.
“I don’t want counselling, bless God, I’m going my own way.” See? Lord God. Not God. Lord God. God’s my master.
What does my master want? “I don’t want to be led around by the nose.” Certainly not, by the soul, where the glory is!
Yeah, why do you think the little saying came in the last day, when it says, “Love is never having to say you’re sorry.” That’s the love of God that made every protection.
We don’t have to come and say, “Lord I’m sorry, I’ve botched this thing up.” Not that we won’t, but it should get less and less and better and better all the time. Oh there goes our time right down the drain.
Okay, we read it. No we haven’t yet.
(18) Flee fornication. [Now listen.] Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; [ha! True.] but he that committeth fornication sin[s] against his own body.
Where did sin first enter in? It tells you right here. She said, “The devil seduced me, the serpent. This handsome, rugged, giant fellow.”
Oh I could say some things Brother Branham said, but even I’m going to not shock you tonight, I’ll just lay off.
(18) …Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that commit[s] fornication sin[s] against his own body.
(19) What? know ye not your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
Then certainly God breathed into Adam the breath of life which was the Holy Ghost, which gave him the ability to bring forth the life of God in people!
Oh think what Adam and Eve had at their disposal. Of course as Brother Branham said, they’d come to it in due time.
Listen hey, we’re just trying to show you from Omega what was in the beginning in the whole plan of God coming together, the salient factors and doctrine therein, and helping you so that you won’t be misled with these little titillating things.
What would a little female Holy Spirit do for you? Well she ought to lead you right into seduction of some kind.
2 Corinthians the 11th chapter:
(02) For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. [You never had a man!]
(03) But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
What would a woman do to you? Open you wide for seduction. Oh man, I don’t know where these guys are coming from, forget it.
Okay, we’ve pretty well covered this. So Eve was given to Adam to reproduce himself, just as God gave Adam to Him to reproduce Himself.
So now we have the life coming down to the very end.
Now let me show you in the Book of Hebrews what we were talking about. And it’s the 2nd chapter.
Now, notice how we go right beyond the sex, and it says in,
(09) But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death,
Just the same as you and I passed our theophonic form in order that we could be in a body of flesh to be tempted. He was in all points tempted exactly as we are. But remember He had that memory.
Brother Branham came back from his vision beyond the curtain of time, he said, “I’ll never be that person again I was before I got there.” How could he be?
That’s why Jesus could conquer everything. See it says, how does he put it? Hold your finger there. When I want a quote, I usually end up by not quoting, so I’ll just read it.
Philippians the 2nd chapter, 5
(05) Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
(06) Who, being in the form of God, thought it not [a prize to be grasped and retained] to be equal with God: [He was. What did He do? He set it aside.]
(07) But [he] made himself of no reputation,
What is reputation? Reputation is actually almost synonymous with glory! Because glory is that which is exhibited according to what lies there, and in comparison nothing can touch it!
And when you’re equal with God, what more do you want? Satan at one time was equal with God, Brother Branham said so. Led in the worship with Michael.
Now he said he became of no reputation, didn’t say of no character, it said no reputation. See? His reputation of course was solid on character, it was great.
(07) …and took upon him the form of a servant, made in the likeness of [man]:
(08) And being found in fashion as a man, humbled himself, became obedient unto death,
Now what does it say over in Hebrews?
(09) We see Jesus, made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
Now this One was crowned with glory and honor, absolutely manifested, came right down here and took our place.
Now listen:
(10) For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
(11) For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one [source]: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren.
But he sure won’t call them sisters, because he ain’t nothing from nowhere, phooey on them. Now do you believe I read that right? Hogwash. Every single child of God is called a son.
Because that’s what Brother Branham said, “You were in your father and he wanted fellowship with you.”
And it starts out with the only begotten one of a kind Son, then it goes on down through Adam. And you know what? He’s going to turn every one of us into the likeness of the only begotten kind.
And you won’t have to worry about sisters or brothers, children of God. Joint heirs with Jesus Christ. There won’t be one scintilla of this thing called sex.
Because I’m going to tell you something, if my spirit and your spirit was liberated in this building, like Brother Branham has seen the spirits, and he called the woman’s spirit back… now we’re talking in terms not of that spirit out there that God allowed, I’d better go back to that too.
But I’m sure he wouldn’t designate, and say, “Well that was a male spirit and that was female spirit just went out that door.” Because what good would it be to be female and male spirit? They can’t breed anyway.
That’s the crap they tried to say about the angels came down and pressed themselves in human form and got in bed with women, they had sons, that produced great big giants, and there’s books written on it! Hogwash, folly, a lie of the devil! And don’t you ever be kidded that you can’t be fooled by the devil.
I remember years ago when I was reading a certain article in a magazine which dealt with séances, and what it really was, but they pretend it wasn’t. And supposed to be some Christian man. But he wasn’t. It was spiritism.
And in there, it told something, I wish I could remember, give it word by word. And you know what? It sounded so good, I said, “That’s the way it is.” Brother Branham came and blew it plumb out of the water.
So I said, “This is the way it is.” See? You can get fooled. Listen, I want to tell you, if you got headcheese on you the mice will come and fill it full of holes. I just sort of ease you up a bit, don’t worry, I’ll be back with the club.
(10) It became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory,
It tells you right there! Doesn’t say one thing about male and female, it calls it male! And this again is not to make the male anybody! But it’s to make you understand life is life!
I go out here and I see a herd of kine out there, and I don’t say, “Well now that’s a bull life and that’s a cow life,” and I see a horse and I say, “now that it is a stallion life, and that is mare life,” I say, “those are horses!”
And I can only tell which is which by the appurtenances which are sexual! In the resurrection, ain’t so.
Now if we were to be in the garden and bypass sex and bring forth those children, then go right to the Tree of Life, when that time is expended, don’t you begin to tell me one thing about sexuality, because it ain’t there!
The only thing is there for complementary, and of course the fall was there, otherwise how in the world would God have ever been a Savior indeed, if He was a Savior and nobody needed saving?
We’re in a depression today, is anybody here is a highly skilled technician in atomic energy? They don’t need you anymore. What’s it feel like to sit here and be useless?
You see what I mean? Come on. You can take this upside down and inside out and come right back to it. A hundred percent true.
(11) For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,
(12) Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren,
There’s no women there. You know what? Women are foolish virgin, that’s right the whole bunch are foolish virgin… pbbt, done. You girls go on home, won’t bother washing feet, take communion, you ain’t got no part in this.
Hey, you see where you go when you get ridiculous? Nobody’s saying there aren’t men and there aren’t women.
Nobody’s saying that Brother Branham’s a liar when he said he took the female out from the male part because it was there.
But what does he talk about that female spirit? See? What did it bring forth? See?
He said, “In nature,” he said, “the little hen is brown coloured, and the male’s got the big gorgeous plume.”
He said, “There’s only one female that we know in all history amongst the birds that’s beautiful looking and superior to the male, and she kicks the male out and says, “You sit on the eggs and I’ll go out there and have a ball.”” Yeah, he tells you about it.
She’s out there running around, you know cuckooing, and he’s sitting poor old boy down here. He tells you, he tells you, the female spirit is definitely put in that type of body with the proper organs whereby she can bear!
And he talked about men with little quivery voices and the way their hips go a certain way and the way they always wanted to do things the women do. Sheesh-kabab.
Now that’s my understanding. I do not say for one minute that Brother Branham was incorrect, he was absolutely right.
He took the female spirit off from the male, because they were both there in the beginning, as God stepped the man down into a double.
But in the beginning it was Adam, then male and female. That even shows the very fact that that female spirit in there, having been a stepdown from the original, no wonder she fell. Because the next thing now it’s in the flesh, and she’s wide open to it.
But that doesn’t mean anything, look the point is that’s the way it had to be, a woman is just as valuable in the sight of God as anybody. And let me tell you flat, without Sarah, there would not have been an Isaac.
And without the beautiful Rebekah, there would not have been a Jacob, even though there was an Esau, but there again you see the twins, you just see the two vines coming, you see the Word of God and the false word of God. All of these things.
So I cannot believe for one minute that anybody because of Brother Branham’s statements on dividing the male from the female or the female from the male can turn right around and say, “Okay, there’s a portion of the Holy Ghost that’s female.” I cannot buy it.
For the Holy Spirit to come back as a female, if you’re going to carry the thing all the way through, you’re admitting that a woman can make a man pregnant. You’re admitting that a woman can bring forth the Son of God, which is a lie!
The church can’t do it! It’s only a true Bride composed of sons. No way, shape and form can I buy their stuff.
And I’m not even in a very expansive mood for being in a place of revelation; I’m just looking at this thing the way that what the prophet said.
All right, the next thing… how many minutes we got? Twenty? Hoo, that’s not much time left.
Well I’m not going to start forty-five minutes on twenty, because the point is you would then find yourself in a bad shape tomorrow morning. Or I would find myself in a bad shape by repeating. You’d find yourself in better shape by repetition.
Like you get a lot more out of this than you got two weeks ago for the very reason that we’re repeating and bringing out, maybe bringing out some more important highlights on this.
But as I say, there’s no Scripture in no place that I have anything at all to tell you anywhere that the Word of God or Brother Branham indicates that the Holy Spirit has a female portion part or is female. None whatever.
It is said by those people in Pentecost, and I read it years ago, they said that the Holy Spirit is definitely the feminine gender, just like you know you’re looking at the Greek, you’re looking at Latin.
You look at the word ‘light’ in Latin, it’s lux lūcis, or lux lūcis, however you want to put it. So that’s what they call an i – roof in there. And so if you want to know all the i-roofs then memorize them, lux, lūcis, feminine light. Laps Lapidus – neuter stone. See?
Okay, if you have a language that is bent around the male, the female and the neuter, hey, you can have real trouble. But the Greek isn’t that way to my knowledge, I’ve never found any scholar that say it was.
So there isn’t any feminine Holy Spirit. There’s no appellation. Now and even if there were, let’s go a little further, Elohim in the Hebrew is supposed to be a hundred percent plural! Divine manifested vindication, revealed Word proves there’s one God period!
So I don’t understand how anybody’s going to look at human structure, and look this way and that way, then try to tell you, “Hey, Brother Branham said this about the male and female being separate, now we’re going to separate the Holy Ghost.”
I showed you, He made him, then them. Simple as ABC in my books, anyway, that’s the way I see the Word of God.
We’re going to go now to the Book of John the 13th chapter, and before foot washing/communion, and you will notice we have a nice curtain hung in the foyer, and there’ll be chairs out there so that as the ladies can go right to the foot washing so can the men.
As the women go through the two swinging doors to the foot washing, the men will go to their right, and then when they’re in there they can pull the curtain, and you can maybe take what? Thirty people in one crack in there.
Up here we’ll be able to even out the foot washing service, and make it much better for everybody.
And remember again when you come up there’s one brother with the bread, but there’s two lines for the cup of wine. So remember to split. Just watch carefully what line is here, and you come that way.
Start from the back there, come all the way down, then down at the back starts all the way, when this is finished then starts there, we end up on the right hand side.
You go out that door, and women instantly go to the foot washing, the tubs are there, men to the right, and everything is just fine.
You know after years you finally realize the old Dutch saying was true. What is it? “Too late we’re smart.” You know. “Too soon we’re old and too late we’re smart.”
Anyway things are getting much better as far as our disciplines are concerned, and that’s very important.
All right, it says in the 13th chapter:
(01) Now before the feast of the passover,
Now notice again before the Passover, and remember Christ is our Passover. See? Now when will the people really, really, really, and I mean really know that Christ is their Passover? Passover Lamb, the shed blood for sins.
That covered the sins of David, and hey by the way did you know Brother Branham said he really thought that David was the greatest person, the greatest prophet in the whole Bible?
Yeah, he said that David was the greatest in estimation. You know why? Because he was the father of Jesus, you know, in the flesh, in the type. I always thought Moses maybe was.
Interesting how you find these little goodies. So David’s a big guy, and I’m happy with that, oh very happy, for a very carnal reason.
I don’t think you can do much worse than he did. I’m not aiming for this, you know, any of these bad things. I’m just saying, my God, I mean there’s hope for me. There’s hope for me, yeah.
Anyway, a Passover, how do you know that He’s your Passover? When you see Him! Right? When are you going to see Him? When you’re changed and go to the Wedding Supper, when the Spirit’s amongst us becomes incarnate to us!
Now listen, when did this Communion take place? Before the Passover. When do we quit taking this? When we can’t take it anymore. We’re changed and gone.
Now what about these guys that said we don’t take Communion? It’s even told of us we don’t take Communion here, some of the churches up north, especially one I got in mind.
Where do they get those lies from? By a certain preacher they’ve been listening to over the years, I’ve got his sermon, I threw it away, but I can get it again.
He’s supposed to be preaching this Message, and he tells a dream of a boy and preaches on it as though it’s real! The gospel truth.
I never… listen, if I could take limburger cheese… what’s that stuff they used to make over there in Van Wert? Horrible smelling stuff. Yeah, well they made limburger; they made something else over there too.
If you rubbed that on the exhaust of your car and turned the motor up it would smell sweet roses alongside some of this stuff that that guy preaches.
I thought that Christ, the Rose of Sharon, crushed, brought forth a sweet odor. Do you mean to tell me the One that’s crucified, we unto ourselves, this end time church does, does bring forth an odor that is contrary to the Word of God?
My brother, my sister that cannot be so! To preach anything other than Brother Branham preached is heresy! That alone is vindicated! Yeah.
Well we’re coming to Christ our Passover; we’re already outside the camp, honey. Another couple days, another couple foot washings, another couple Communions, right to the Marriage Supper… I’m not lying to you.
I could tell you something to prove I’m telling you the truth, I won’t tell you. Later on I’ll tell you. I know what I’m talking about, I’m not up here making fun, brother/sister.
If I did, I ought to shut-up and sit down, confess my sins and ask God to take me off the earth. No way.
Now it says here, just before the Passover, the great feast coming up, we really know our Passover, He’s raised from the dead, we’re raised with Him, as Brother Branham say hallelujah.
(01) …when Jesus knew his hour was come that he should depart out of this world [and we know our hour is coming too], having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.
That’s that love that Brother Branham spoke about. He said, “Now if you really love this Word, you’ll sure love each other.”
How much Word’s missing somewhere? Love has a lot to do with your brothers; it’s what you got in mind and how you treat the things that are there.
(02) Supper being ended, the devil put in the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him;
(03) Jesus knowing the Father had given all things into his hands, that he was come from God, and went to God;
Now listen, that’s before the Passover now. Now come on, what’s God doing today? Watch.
(03) Jesus knowing the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God and went to God;
Okay, what do we got over here?
(20) Now is Christ risen from the dead, become the firstfruits of them that slept.
(21) For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
(22) For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all be made alive.
(23) But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; after they that are Christ’s at his [presence]. [Then what?]
(24) Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God,
Now that’s the end, but before then what’s happening? God is putting everything under his feet! So therefore everything now is delivered into the hands of Jesus again at this time for the Gentile church!
Oh my, if you can’t see how the Bible runs in continuity, just weaves back and forth, Alpha and Omega, Alpha and Omega, what was is and will be right down, hey man listen, we’d never get this except for the prophet.
Nobody would know what we’re talking about here this morning except a little group that believes the prophet.
(04) He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself.
What’s he going to do? He’s going to get off the throne pretty quick now, and meet us in the air. You know what happened? This One, God incarnates Himself in him, everything’s under this One’s feet.
Do you know what He does? For three and a half years with us He just looks down and watch him make a big mess out of things. You know why? He’s in perfect control.
“Well He’s in control with all this going down here three and a half years?” Oh my brother, my sister, absolutely in perfect control. He’s letting them do their thing to the very end. No problem.
You know something? The higher the water got under Noah, waters of tribulation, trial and all, the closer he got to heaven. The more he was in God’s power.
So that we’re up there, now the earth, we don’t care what happens down here, we can sit at the Wedding Supper and just say, “Let them do what they want to do, hey man, let them go ahead.”
And the devil having a heyday. Death is having a carnival. Puts his garments, now what’s he do? Girds himself.
(05) …pour[s] water in a basin, wash disciples’ feet…
Now somebody, I don’t know where this guy got this from, but I just read the other day that he said this word ‘wash’ here meant ‘communion’.
I don’t know if that rang a bell or not, so I got my concordance out, doesn’t say that. But its nice thought, nice thought.
Because if you wash somebody’s feet, you sure are in communion with them. You’re communicating. And communicating by way of the feet was very good, because these were dirty feet.
Like Brother Branham said, “Jesus with dirty feet.”
But I’m looking at something different here. I’m looking at the fact that this One Who was at the first wedding, yeah? Right? He supplied the wine! He that was greatest of all became servant of all!
Now I want to ask you one question: can He change? And the answer is no! So He’s still servant. And what’s He going to do at the Wedding Supper?
We’re going to take anew with Him, all the things; we’re going to take for the first time really everything we really wanted. And He’s going to minister to His people! Even as He’s doing now, spiritual food in due season.
Notice pouring the water in a basin. That’s something you can get your hands on, your feet into. Well that’s good, but today there’s waters to carry us over. Oh yeah.
You have a little basin tonight, that’s just symbolical. You know what the first thing was? The waters came to the ankles. How deep do you put your feet in those basins? Ankles. Symbolic.
Ha! Here’s where it started, watch where we’re going. Waters to carry. Why? People get scared of water carrying, “They might carry me away.”
Oh praise God, this water going to carry you to the right place. From the Eastern gate here to the Eastern gate of the holy City itself, New Jerusalem. Oh yes, marvelous.
(05) He pour[s] water, [washes their] feet, wipe[s] them with the towel wherewith he was girded.
I like that. The word ‘gird’ has a special significance, not only of the application of a covering, but a strengthening.
And I see today God strengthened, God manifesting Himself greater than He ever did, for He said, “He that believeth shall do greater works than even these.”
And Brother Branham said, “He had more success in my ministry on earth than He had in His Own.” So we’re seeing that right today.
Now why is He girded? The Bible speaks of this great One girding Himself. You know what? You know part of that girding is? He’s girding Himself with His saints to come back here and take over.
Oh not that He needs us, but then again He does need us. He wouldn’t be full without us. Where would it all be without us? Where would we be without Him?
And then question comes: where would He be without us? It’s reciprocal! This is what makes the union, the male and the female so to speak! This is your type, Bride and Groom! As a body becomes the female as it were.
Then you notice how the Bride at the end time produces like Abraham and Sarah, the One coming in flesh.
Takes God to come down here and liven the Bride, to bring her to the days of her youth where she’s pure virgin, and she will bring forth that One.
Oh yes, absolutely, as Isaac went out to meet his bride, oh ho, He’s coming down to meet His Bride! Meet Him in the air, clouds of glory.
I feel real Pentecostal shouting Holy Ghost Methodist… not Methodist, forget it, Baptist! I’d sooner have a Baptist that has a little bit of wine than a Methodist, all he knows is prohibition. He prohibits the Holy Ghost even. You don’t believe that?
Hey I come through that stuff, don’t tell me, I’m a Canadian by birth. Presbyterian to begin with, went with the Methodist, oy-yoi-yoi, talk about a hybrid. Shee.
The first political church, CCF, Christian Commonwealth Federation, headed up by a Baptist preacher, Douglas in Saskatchewan.
We’ve got some Canadians here, if you don’t know the history, I’ll teach it to you. Huh? You bet your sweet life. You’re talking to an old timer. I got roots clean back to God. Oh. I better have, you better have too. Yes sir.
And Simon Peter comes along, and he said, “Lord,” he said, “hey, you’re going to wash my feet? I don’t think you should.”
Jesus said, “What I’m doing now you don’t know, but you’ll know later.”
I says anybody here ever know what Jesus was doing when he did it except somebody explained it later? Nobody ever knew it.
Now look we’re coming to Passover. We’re coming to see Him Who is our Passover. The resurrected One, trusting in His blood, commemorating it, washing feet, type of communion, whatever you want to call it, tonight I’m putting it to the order, that the little basin to the ankles signifies hey, what started back there is a rolling river to carry us across.
Not waters to swim in, no, no, no, waters to do the dead man float… pshew – don’t even wiggle a finger, don’t have to steer yourself. Oh that suits Lee Vayle a hundred percent. I’d dream about that.
Maybe I’ll tell you, maybe not. I just say one thing about it, hey, it’s dark but you’ll get there. So scary, but nothing’s depending on whether we’re brave or not, brother/sister. It depends on Him.
Like Brother Branham said, he told you, he said, “The stabilizers are on the craft that’s going over, they’ve been set.”
He didn’t say, “Now bless God, here’s for the millstream, here’s for the pond stream, here’s where it’s just like the sea of glass.”
He said, “We’re going to crest every wave.” Shoom, and bigger!
This bark isn’t going to bust to pieces and go down brother/sister, like they do in the Great Lakes and places like that where they don’t figure things out. We’re cresting every wave.
Don’t worry about the blue lagoons and everything else; we’re looking for the crystal sea. Yes sir, the Tree of Life. Yes, so this is very, very much a little type we’re talking about tonight.
And so Peter said, “Well,” he said, “you’re not going to wash my feet.”
And Jesus said, then he said, “You don’t have any part with me.”
And then Peter said, “Well,” he said, “Lord, not my feet only.”
Notice this guy’s pretty extreme, but I like his extremity, I like how extreme he is, he said, “Hey,” he said, “give me a complete bath.”
And Jesus said, “No, no, no, no, no. You don’t need that, he that has his feet washed.”
Now listen, foot washing then is very, very symbolical. Now remember the image at the end time, which is the church, starts with the feet and goes to the head.
Never, never forget the stone that was laid, the foundation corner is the One that’s coming down to meet us, and is called the Capstone, and He’s here right now in the form of the Holy Spirit, and the washing of our feet signifies we are one with those people, whose feet at the time of Luther were simply up to the ankles, but I want to tell you brother/sister, this Bride, signifying tonight, we’re saying, “Lord, we’ve got waters to carry us over.”
Why, what does it mean? He’s answered Peter’s prayer! Oh you say, “What was Peter’s prayer?”
Oh I’m glad you asked me, because I wanted to tell you anyway. And it says over here in the Book of Revelation;
(14) Blessed are they [who wash their robes], have [the] right to the tree of life…
Oh it’s over here in Ephesians the 5th chapter, where is Ephesians? It’s over here somewhere, I think it’s before the Book of Philippians isn’t it?
In the 5th chapter I think it tells us here, and it says here, oh:
(26) That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water by the word,
(27) That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; holy and without blemish.
(28) So men [ought] to love their wives as their own bodies.
Why? because Christ love the body and he washed it for the presentation.
You know what we may, brother/sister, start out with a little mud in the basin tonight. Yep. The water’s to the ankles, and when it gets to the knees, the water’s not so dirty, it’s not so muddy, and when it gets to the thighs, oh ho, it looks pretty clean, even sees our toes now in there.
And pretty soon the water rises as crystal clear and takes us over. I believe foot washing can symbolize that tonight; all depends on how your heart is. All depends on my heart is.
Let’s pray. Let’s rise.
And before we pray, let the deacons come forward. And those that are going to play [instruments] and what have you, and they will take the Lord’s Supper first, and remember again the ladies go and men also go now so the service is a little more efficient.
Remember there’s one for the bread and two cups for the wine.
Gracious Heavenly Father, we’ve certainly appreciated Your goodness to us tonight, if we didn’t have any more than just a good spirit amongst the brothers and sisters here Lord too.
But we believe it’s more than that, we believe Lord it’s that Word, the life that’s in the Word as we try to come to grips with the reality of it, so that there can’t be any mistaking of this and that and the other thing Lord, but just hew right to the Word of the living God.
And then Lord finding these things that are in Your Word, to bless us Lord, to just see the beauty and the simplicity of it all. And then come together here Lord for the foot washing and communion O God tonight.
I would dearly love to have You impress in my heart and my mind, as I believe everyone would, to realize Lord the little water in the basin could signify that the waters to the ankles, and then it went further to the knees, and up to the hips, waters to swim in, and now waters to carry us over, but it just started with a little basin, with a little water.
But tonight Lord, the floodgates from Your holy temple, from Your Holy Self Lord, flowing for the people to cleanse them and take them across. How soon? We believe it’s going on now.
Marvelously closing out to the end when there’s a Bride going to come from the dust and those here changed to meet You in the air.
And now Lord as we remember Your death, the shed blood, the broken body, we remember the Passover. And it becomes significant too Lord, because You are our Passover.
We know it by the fact of You proving Your resurrection amongst us by the Holy Spirit. Father, taking complete control for You, blessed Lord Jesus Christ now on His throne.
And now we waiting to meet You, changed to be like You, You in our midst, giving praise unto the Father, not ashamed to call us brethren.
Help us to be in that particular frame tonight Lord, and let it not just be impressed by words tonight and little superficial coloring of the mind, but God, let it go right down into our hearts, please Lord, remove by Your sacred blood, the life in that blood, every ring of unbelief from our hearts tonight.
That blood can soften any rock, God let it soften our hearts tonight, so every word is a welcomed word to our hearts, and our faith spring forth like the noonday sun.
We don’t want to be anybody Lord in ourselves, or accomplish anything of ourselves or to be in any way apart from You, we just pray Lord that You’d be just so kind to let Your life come through ours. You could have it all. That’s how we’d like it.
Help us tonight to that end. We give You praise in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Brother Vayle continues with the Communion Service.