Questions and Answers #19
Twenty Percent Tithing - Billy Paul's Dream’ - 'Women's Apparel - Two Seeds#3692

Shall we Pray.
Heavenly Father we come in Your Presence again at this time trusting Lord that You will make known to us those things that we ought to know Lord, we know that that is what the prophet came for the things that we ought to know, giving insight Lord to incite also spiritually especially to even a Bride that was blinded by the glare of the world.
Living in the past where the error was compounded, but then at the end time Lord You brought forth revelation to us we’re in now the Word that was brought by that Pillar of Fire to Paul, even the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in the form of the Holy Spirit.
Same One today bringing the revelation of It, even to the extent that we find what John took down as a scribe and was left in ignorance, and first centuries has left us in ignorance concerning that which was under the seals and the thunders, even that has been revealed to us.
We just pray Lord, that we may be of such a nature to apprehend it, and to make it ours. Not simply as a head knowledge which it must be to begin with, but become a real heart soul knowledge.
And there by the very nature our spirits being changed, which we believe first that great and mighty change must be a hundred percent away from Satan, his spirit and his knowledge, his wisdom and all of those things.
Solidly built upon the unchanging, the unfailing Word of God, identified thoroughly with God Himself, the Rhema/Logos God and there standing uncorrupted and uncorruptable.
Lord we will put on immortality to be with You, even as those coming out of the graves. This we know by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray You’ll help us today therefore in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
You may be seated.
Now, we still have some questions and the lists of questions I had which I was going to answer them from I guess I put it somewhere, which where is not here.
So I’ll do my best to give you what was in the questions, because I’ve got some notes to answer them and some various things you know, so that we can go by it.
All right.
We’ll start with a question where a brother brought out and he mentioned it concerns tithing. And he said that he like to have me explain the basis of wherein I get the twenty percent, and the other percentages, which I will proceed to do.
Number one: There is no definitive mention of the twenty percent that I deal with. It is something that I came to a conclusion based upon the fact of God requiring the tithe and what that tithe would actually be and how people are evidently defrauding the Lord of that tithe at the end time. And the only reason that I’m interested in talking about it is because it’s one of the… end time signs of Malachi.
And there again, the Bible just opened up perfectly almost to the exactly page. I got my Bible trained. See? It is on the exact page. Yeah, Malachi. All right.
Now, looking at it… hey I made a mistake here is says Micah not Malachi. That shows you that you shouldn’t go quickly just by what see. So now I got where I’m at here, pretty close anyway.
At the end time it says in verse 7,

(07) Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone [astray] from mine ordinances,…
Now, that tells you from the days of the father they were messed up on this particular fact of giving. They didn’t… we’re not doing it right.
And right to the very time, and this Book definitely is to the Gentiles as Brother Branham brought out and showed the prophet of the end time as to the Gentiles.
And we would go back to our fathers, which would be the time of the apostles, and the first church age. And evidently the people were not loyal even in that respect, and so, what would you expect at the end time? That’s my point.
If you start at A and you get to Z, or you make them Alpha and Omega. But what would it be like when the time when you get to the Omega?
Like Brother Branham said, “If you have a rifle and you shoot that rifle and a puff of wind instantly hits the bullet as it leaves the chamber, how far off will it be from the target by the time that it’s expended itself?”
Well you say, “Hey, it can miss it by a mile, miss it by who knows?” But the thing is it’s missed. And it’s not so much many time the distance it misses, but the fact that it missed.
That’s why the Bible tells it, “Be careful how we run this race. How we build, how we plan,” because there’s a harvest.
And it tells you, “What a man sows he reaps, and if you sow to the flesh the carnal things, you’ll reap carnality.” Which means your whole life is blown up, you’ve shot it.
Somebody else has got your crown, somebody else is going to stand there instead of you, and you just be wandering around, although let’s face it, how would it be to be in a position of Bride and we miss the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Now I’m not talking now of the out resurrection, I’m talking about that which is within it. And we have not been faithful to where God placed us, and then somebody else picks up our crown, somebody else has got something we could have had.
Now, how would you feel in the light of the few short years we live here, perhaps under duress, exercise our faith in God and yet we’re going to lose that for all time, all eternity.
You say, “Well I just don’t know that will happen.” Well ah, then I can’t read my Bible right evidently.
Evidently Paul when he said, “Let no man take thy crown,” he was saying, “Ha, ha, ha… you know, I just like to tickle you a little bit and get you a little excited. You know nobody can take your crown, but let’s pretend they can.”
Now do you believe that for one split second? Well, you’d have to have an IQ what, minus twenty five?
Listen, we’re dealing with a man that dealt with God and he’s giving what God said. So I’m just trying to let you know that I’m not trying to impress you and make you feel guilty or anything else, I’m just trying to let you know, hey, this is something that’s very sober. See?
And if you flunk here as the Bible said, “If you cannot handle the unrighteous mammon, who will commit you the true riches? The true mammon…. the true riches.”
Now, you’re back to the Book of what? Revelation. “Rich, increases in goods and don’t lack anything. But low and behold, you’re wretched, miserable, blind.”
And the word wretched means, ‘crouching and begging’ as a beggar, because you don’t have anything.
We say, “I wonder if we should start here, let’s just start somewhere higher?”
Now, you’re right back where Brother Branham got the Pentecostals over a barrel. They say, “Brother Branham why do you ball these women out? Why don’t you teach them spiritual gifts.”
He said, “How can I teach them algebra when they don’t know their ABC’s.”
How are you going to teach algebra without ABC? X=Y. Where would you finally pick up X square minus Y square as equal to parenthesis (X+Y, X-Y) and multiply them together? You get X square minus Y square, right?
Anybody knows that’s mathematics with half a day in school in algebra. But how would you know algebra unless you know your ABC’s? Well this is one of the ABC’s, because anybody can do it.
All right, he said,

(08) [Now you’ve robbed me in tithes and offerings. See?] [And now he said,]
(09) You are cursed with a curse: for you have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Now, it doesn’t go to the individual, it goes to the whole nation. And God wanted a nation that was a hundred percent in compliance with His Word and one with each other.
You say, “Now just a minute Brother Vayle, we’re not nation.” I’ve got you over a barrel. We are a nation, a holy nation, a royal priest-hood.
So now what are you going to do now? I’m a dirty man to fight with, very much. Not that I know this Word better than anybody else, but I know just enough. I can know just enough to be dangerous to myself and you can know just enough to be dangerous to yourself.
Now, what does he say? He said, “You are cursed with a curse.” Now, what does a curse go back to? The destroyer. See? Now the church today is wining and wining as though they a bunch of stupid politicians.
If the church were faithful tithers who name the Name of Christ, there wouldn’t be one person on relief, one person begging, one person needing anything.
And the church could take care of everybody, when the disaster came upon that person who wanted to work but couldn’t work. The widows would be well taken care of; there would not be anything remiss.
Let me tell you flat, it is a refusal to sow God’s Word in a right mental condition that has brought all the curse upon this world. We’re right back to politics and economics again.
One time American men, I’ve read it in books and I know what I’m talking about, the great financiers of America knew they had got their money from natural resources that belonged to God and they said, “Our wealth came from God,” as least they gave a little bit of testimony it wasn’t quite that strong.
But they knew this: That our wealth is a liability to us and a responsibility, because we are to create jobs.
Now what did America come to under Reagan? They came to the place that, “we’re not going to create jobs, “we are going to take that money any buy up every industry and put thousands and hundred of thousands out of work, we don’t care.”
You know something I told you some time ago before it got in the newspapers? I said, “I’ve been thinking and I’ve been thinking what is wrong today?”
I’ll tell what’s wrong, “It’s the CEO’s, these leaders of corporate industries, they put not one buck in that industry.” Our forefathers sowed millions of dollars of blood and sweat into those industries that they’re running and they don’t care two-bits for the stock holders.
Now what happen to Stemple? Think it over you guys at work, what have you put into the industry? It used to cost ten thousand dollars to give you men here a job. It cost fifty thousand, hundred thousand, two hundred thousand dollars. Where does it come from? Some are blood money.
They go around and say, “I can strike, I can do this, I can do that, I can spend money, I can have my girl friends, I can have airplanes, I can have this.” Even the big shot Perrot, is liable as he doesn’t know. He just thinks he is. Thinks he understands a few things.
You say, “What has that got to do with a sermon?” It’s everything, I’m telling you. Outside the Word of God there is chaos and death. See now, you’re understanding Rhema/Logos a little bit better all the time, see?
I’m not a fool to stand up here and teach Rhema/Logos as though God will not unveil and keep unveiling and unfolding the very depth of His Word, because He’s obligated, because He is that Word.
Now, we’re not talking just about a print as Brother Branham said, “That’s God in print.” We’re talking about something deeper.
All right, He says here,

(10) Bring all the tithes [and see] if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing [on you and so on.]
(11) …rebuke the devourer…
See, listen, what is the way to have my industry moving? What is the way to have my farm producing? What is the way for anything? He tells you here.
You say, “Brother Vayle I’ve tried it got tough.”
You just didn’t battle out the toughness and you watch, you can start over from scratch and God bless you like never were blessed. You just don’t believe God. You just won’t stand still for the punches.
You say, “You know what you’re talking about Lee Vayle?”
You bet your sweet life I know what I’m talking about. Even my wife will tell you, we sat down one day and I said, “Let me tell you something girl, there’s one place I’ve failed God years ago when… and I prayed food on the table.”
It wasn’t my prayers it’s just His goodness. And I said, “I’ve always flinched from trusting God. You’ve even worked, but let’s face it, there’s going to come a day when we’re going to face it, and I mean stand there with a knife in the front and a knife in the back.”
And we did it. It wasn’t half hard at all. I look back and wondered what I bellyached about. God is faithful brother sister, and without the unrighteousness mammon perfectly understood, there is no righteousness mammon, because He said so.
I didn’t say so, but I can tell you it’s true. And you can have all sufficiency for all things, not as though you can give a million bucks here, a million bucks there, but there’s nothing that comes my way today I cannot contribute to and I’m going to boast in my God who did it, because I didn’t do it.
You sit there scared some of you, go ahead I’m sorry for you. But listen, this is the Word of God, not Lee Vayle. I hate to pour water on you, but maybe sometimes it needs water poured on to put out the wrong fire.
Then we put a little oil in it to make sure the right fire takes over, because there’s two kinds of fire: one’s a fire of God, one’s a fire of hell.
Hell fire will burn you up and destroy you in the lake of fire when it’s all gone. But the fire of God will cleanse your soul and cleanse your life and mold you and me.
We like to think of the potter remolding, a little slush here, a nice little potter. I don’t care two bits for the potter angle; I’m the kind of guy that needs the fire. I’ll be honest.
Do you understand what I’m saying? I’m not critical of God being the Potter, but He got a guy in me that needs fire. You say maybe you need the Potter a bit, sure He formed us, He made us.
But I’m going to ask you one thing, “What pot is worth a plug nickel that’s made out of clay if it’s not burned in the fire?”
So, “good preaching Brother Vayle keep it up.”
Now, I said this to get you relaxed. I’m not fighting anybody, listen, Here’s what he said He’d do:

(11) [He’d], …rebuke the devourer [He shouldn’t destroy the] fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD.
(12) And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.
Now, what’s He saying there? He said, “Hey, look at God… that’s for those guys.” Now, He’s not talking about a spiritual thing right now, He’s talking about a physical thing. See?
Even the Mormons and the Seven Day Adventist’s have proved the value of strict tithing. And I mean strict tithing. And it is said, they don’t know one Mormon or one S.D.A. who was ever on relief or ever had a need, the church was well able and they themselves to care for their people.
And I believe this is the basis why the courts are so full of… divorces after marriages, because the church has never taught the people right. And until recently the major cause for divorce was finances.
It’s not today now, you know what it is, it’s rampant. Phfft! You know God have pity. Miserable cruddy sex; stinks. That which God made righteousness and beautiful and blessed, man has made to stink in the nostrils of Almighty God.
Malachi 3:

(13) [Now] your words have been stout against me, saith the LORD. What have we spoken so much against thee?
(14) [You] said, It is vain to serve [the Lord] God: and what profit [to keep] his ordinance… to walk mournfully…
Now notice, it starts right back there with tithing. And it is my understanding here, if man does not do the first things that he can do, he’ll never do the second, third, and fourth, and the fifth and the sixth and so on.
Now, what does it say then? It says, “Then now these people that said, ‘Listen, we believe this, we’re going to do something about it. We’re going to very honest and very faithful, not matter what happens this is what we do’.”
Now, I’m not preaching for money, you know that; I’m just preaching from the actual Word of Almighty God. And I feel checked to pound it hard, because I don’t want to do it. I can mention several things I know, we’ll just let that ride there.
But watch what it says,

(16) Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written…
That’s the end time Message we know, but it also includes these thing that are material, and say, “Listen do you realize that God does these things? Do you realize how God can help you and take care of you?”
And by encouragement we give each other a stiff upper lip and a stiff back. It doesn’t mean you’re going… I’m going to say, “I’m going to work day and night and support you boy, and when you get on your feet you say, ‘Listen bud, get on your feet now’.”
Remember I told you about a guy that he told a friend of mine he said, “Ask Brother Vayle to pray for me,” because he said, “I’m really messed up financially, I’m really in bad shape.”
And I said, “Like fun I’ll pray for him.”
You take the Word back from me, and that is God Almighty said, “You sow and then you reap.”
Prayer is not going to do it. You see, that’s where Brother Branham said, “You don’t get on your knees and pray to God to change His mind; you get on your knees so God will change your mind.”
And the man was so offended he got mad at me, I guess he hated me. It doesn’t bother me any. He didn’t know I was telling him a success story. He didn’t know I was giving him the answers of God. But he wanted something else. See?
Now, when I was dealing with that question twenty percent, I dealt only with the fact of what comes out of my own mind, and from the Word of God, based on it. But not saying I can quote word for word.
But there is a twenty percent in the Bible and that is this: If you ever run afoul and you need money and you hold the tithe back you owe God twenty percent on that tithe.
If you had to borrow three thousand dollars, which I don’t suppose anybody has to around here, everybody would; but let’s say you were in a position where money flowed in a business, and you held back three thousand dollars in tithe, you would owe God one fifth of the three thousand which is six hundred dollars when you paid up. Well that’s Bible.
You say, “Where’s it found?’ I haven’t got a concordance, but it’s in here. Don’t worry, I’ve had people…
One man came one time and he said, “Brother Vayle, he said, this is twenty percent above my tithe.” He said, “I borrowed it, he said, a month ago, but I’m paying it up now.”
You say, “Well man that’s under the law not under grace.”
Just a minute now, under the law they had cups that they washed and animals they sacrificed. And it was typical, the tithe doesn’t type anything; it is a law, a nature, a law in itself apart from the laws that give you the types, as I said, “This is the type of nothing.”
But it’s a principle, but in itself it is a law that stands inviolate and represents nothing, it is a way of life; just the same as seed time and harvest. What does that represent?
Oh you say, “I could represent death, res…” Hey listen, don’t give me that stuff.
When you’re dead and if there’s no resurrection, nothing, and God decides to call His whole plan off, there would still be seed time and harvest. The trouble is we’ve mess the whole shmere up that’s all you know.
All right. We’re looking at the principle here. Why did I say twenty percent? Well look, the tithe is built upon your increase. In other words, it’s built upon the business and a farmer.
The farmer sows, he fertilizes the ground; he takes care of it, it costs him money. At the end of the year he sells his crop.
Let’s say that his crop was sold for thirty thousand dollars and his investment was ten thousand dollars. He’d make twenty thousand dollars; he owes the Lord two thousand dollars because that’s the profit. All right, in other words, according to your exact investment.
Now, what does a laborer or you and me and different ones like us invest in a business? Nothing.
You say, “Well Brother Vayle it takes a car to get there.” Why don’t you live by the plant?
You ask the government to deal… the government won’t listen to you. Neither does the Word of God in my understanding. But when a man receives from the company and corporation he is working for, all of the benefits which they claim some companies claim, it equals the actual salary you put out.
That is something in there in my understanding where we could defraud the Lord in what we owe; as I cast in my mind the fringe benefits I get.
The other day I put in five thousand dollars in one chunk to make sure I paid at least a tithe and recently hundreds of dollars more, because I am not going to find myself outside the Word of God as to my increase to the best of my knowledge.
Now you’ve got the record of receipts last year was twenty six thousand dollars, I did not get 260,000 dollars. I did not get a 130,000 dollars, I didn’t get ninety thousand I couldn’t get eighty thousand as far I know. Put the whole thing together I’m way above the twenty percent deal.
You say, “Why? Hey, well Brother Vayle you’re a preacher and that does it.”
Oh, come on don’t be sick. I’m just a Christian talking about this; it’s nothing to do with the preacher, nor anybody else. And I not preaching prosperity, I wasn’t prosperous.
You ask my wife, or ask anybody else. Preachers going around at ninety, one hundred, I turned down… well I quit preaching at ninety dollars a week, which is big salary back there in the Baptist church to be with the prophet get on the road. Well we took it on the chin.
Preachers had big steak dinners, and my wife and I were lucky to have a cup of coffee. We always looked for Howard Johnson’s, because we loved rye toast and marmalade and their good coffee, 75 cent apiece maybe.
Thirty nine bucks a week while you made hundreds, twenty percent right off the top every single time. Widows, orphans, this and that.
If a man wants an answer, I’ll give you an answer, you’re listening to it. You’re not paying attention that’s your business. You do what you want; you’ll do what you want anyway.
And I’m not grubbing for money, hey, you know I don’t take a cent out of this church, I give into it. Yeah, we’ve got the records, come on I can prove it to you.
I don’t hurt anybody on purpose, I don’t, I’m trying to help you. And I understand this in my own understanding very, very clearly here, that hey look, it does cost you something, but you get it back.
Now, I’ve explained to you what bishop Pillai said concerning what is it, the Book of Isaiah, “They that go forth bearing precious seeds will likely come again bearing sheaves.”
He said, “What does that mean?”
He said, “Over in India in eastern countries if you don’t sow you don’t reap.”
And he said, “The harvest is never too great.”
Now he said, “Here they’ve had a terrible winter and all they’ve got left is enough seed to put in the ground.”
Now he said, “The man looks at his wife and his children and he knows they could starve without eating that wheat. But they can’t eat that wheat, they got it sow it or there is no crop.”
Now, listen, you know what that man told me? That man’s guts are churning, and his wife is saying, “Well daddy, where’s the food?”
And the kids are saying, “My stomach feels empty like it’s touching the back bone and is rubbing on it, and when I belch this wind comes up, not the taste of food or anything else, it’s bad.”
And he said, “That man knows he could grind that into flour and they would eat and live, but they’d only die down the road.”
I quit preaching because of money. I died down the road, the TB of the pituitary gland and sick like you can’t believe. That’s what gave me the understanding when I wanted to quit.
I could of worked for Ford before Bill did or Jim, and I had pull two kid and don’t think that I didn’t. I turned my old Buick around, what car I had; I guess that was it part of the time. Going down 117 to apply for a job, slam the break on and do a U-turn, and said, “I’ll die before I quit.”
And I didn’t quit, and I worked it on a principle. Listen, what I’m I’m telling you is duck soup, is kids play, it is peanuts, it is nothing. I mean it, it’s nothing. I mean nothing, I’m talking in terms of the mundane, the little silly things as it were.
But the funny thing is as Brother Branham said, “If you don’t attend to the little things you’re shot, because it’s not the big things, it’s the little things.”
There’s one fellow once said, “It’s not the horse in the slue that causes the stink, it’s the fly in the apothecary’s ointment and the little foxes that spoil the vines.”
So, I’m just telling you, I am interested in myself in being sincere and to me it’s no problem, it may come a problem one day when I have to say, “Look, shall I eat, or shall I give?
Now if I don’t give, I got to… remember there’s an accumulation there, it’s a bit of a penalty according to the Old Testament law, and I’m not going to buck any Word of God to the best of my knowledge as long as… if it’s type I’ve got a right to say, “Hey, forget it.” That’s the type that’s fulfilled in Christ the great anti-type.
But I’m going to tell you, Jesus didn’t fulfill ten percent of anything. Right? So all right, this is not a type of anything, this is a law within its self.
So I look at this picture here now: why is this something that can be done in light of the fact of the present situation?
Okay. Going back to the Bible you will find when the temple needed repair they put a box out there. Brother Branham talked of the same thing in his sermons. “You give in order to repair the temple.”
There was also the fact that giving certain things at the time of a sacrifice, you gave. You gave of the first-fruit which was above the ten percent. There were many giving’s.
In fact without studying and I don’t even care to study, because I’m not interested in a lot of things in pertaining to giving, I put the twenty percent across the board from the gross, and I have it there in order that I really believe that God is now pleased, because I’m covering with my understanding.
And I did study this subject very intensely years ago, come on, believe me, I preached sermon after sermon; where one guy said, “I thought I knew a little bit about giving, until I heard Brother Vayle.”
And that’s true, because I take four to seven nights in a week on it, one and a half hours; covered tremendous amount of material, as I always do even here on everything. I covered which I like to give all the information I can, to meet every possible need and every possible condition.
But anyway, as I look at this thing here and I see all the offerings and those things that’s encumbered upon us, I believe this sincerely with all my heart… Remember this is still a command, not as you care to give, that’s on the other side of the ledger. But if you don’t care to give, you are not sowing correctly as you should sow.
At all the various items that our churches and our welfare and all things cost, I believe that people asked the Lord and said, “Lord now, I’m not Brother Vayle, I’m not Brother Branham who said, “When I get something on the first of the week what I got left I give it all at the end of the week.”
We he could have nothing left, or almost everything and give it away. I would sooner set my heart to have a principle; this is why I’ve never preached this and say, “This is some-thing that you must do, you better check with God in your own heart how you stand and what your need is to understand.”
But my understanding is this: If people gave as I did, and not over the twenty percent now, because many times years back when I was on the road I had no church to work with, so I said, “Alright, I’ll be glad to work with another church,” which I did, and the checks were all made out to that pastor’s church and then because he was so poor I would give him.
But do you know what I’d do? I’d always take twenty percent off the top, even though I gave him all that other money. Sometimes it came to forty to sixty percent of my entire income. I’m not saying you do that.
Hey, look it: please don’t get an idea what I do, you do. Forget it; what I’m dealing with has been an entire waste of time, my time, your time. I just want you to catch a spiritual principle, and then you work it out yourselves.
But with everything looked at, if I take twenty percent of the gross, what I have for my own personal living, and I dedicate it into that ministerial: the widow, the offering and all the rest which God requires at our hands, because He does require us to take care of people who are indigent when they are not at fault themselves.
If they are at fault you are not obligated, because every man has to bare his own sowing and reaping, and if you reap to yourself what you sowed which was a bad thing, you don’t ask anybody to come behind you and pick up all your marbles and all the things you did there and say, “Well I had a terrible mess and I’ll straighten you out,” no way.
You’ve got to learn your lessons, you’ve got to come right back like we came back and that’s how to do it.
So as I say here, my understanding of my own doing is I figure that twenty percent would absolutely cover everything that ever was required, where I worshipped, or what I want to do with, what I want to send mission fields, everything else, that would radically, tremendously cover every single thing.
So now, you do what you want with it. I had to explain to this brother, he was misunderstanding me from where I’m coming from.
Now, he asked another question in there, and the question had to do with what Brother Branham’s ‘The man that can turn on the light.’ And he’s talking concerning the Book of Daniel. So let’s read what his question was here.
There Is A Man That Can Turn On The Light 63-12-29 M
[138] My son, Billy Paul, he talks in his sleep, but he doesn’t have dreams very often.
Now this dream is about Billy Paul seeing his father in a very peculiar manner at a certain time and Brother Branham uses it as illustrating the hour in which we live and it goes back to the Book of Daniel.
So all right:
[138] …he doesn’t have dreams very often. He had one the other night that shook him up. Said he’d dreamed he was at a church, and I hadn’t come in yet. He said when I come in, fire was flying out of the eyes. And I said, “The time is here; it’s over!” And everybody begin screaming, “I can’t, my children.”
My wife said, “I can’t get Sarah to ask the blessing at the table,” and so forth.
He said, “I’ve got to go get Loyce -and the baby.”
I said, “Loyce can’t come now. The baby’s too young to know. Billy the hour is here; we must go.” I said, “It’s midnight now, before daylight Jesus will be here. If it isn’t then I’m a false witness of Christ.”
And somebody spoke up and said, “No man knows the minute or hour.”
[141] “I never said minute or hour; I said sometime between now and daylight.” And I said, “Let’s go, Billy. And I said something… I said, “But we’re at the time; let’s go.” And we got in the car and started. And we started up the mountain.
And when we did, it was–looked like the light was coming, and the skies were dark upon the earth. He said I pulled off the side of the road, held my hands over like this, fire still flying from my eyes. He said I said, “Lord, I have did this at Your command. I have did this just because that You told me to do it this way. I have did these things according to what You’ve told me.”
And I motioned to a big granite mountain, and a Light without hands cut a stone out of the mountain weighing hundreds of tons and here it came. I said, “Turn your heads; don’t look. It’ll all be over just in a few minutes now.” Said, “Then a great holy hush come everywhere as this Stone come towards the place.”
Now, that was the end of what was told him. Now he said,
[142] It may be later than we think. There… See, that’s exactly Scriptural (you see?), the Stone without hands cut out of the mountain. And so one of these days it’s going to be that way when you’re going to scream for something
.And I said to him, “You’ve already had that time. God has constantly warned you time after time.” Yeah, I said, “Even if it’s my own kid or whoever it is, the hour is here. I can only say what He’s told me to say, and it’ll be here, and it was.”
And all of a sudden here He come a big Stone cut out of the mountain without hands. Daniel saw that, you know, back many years ago. And Billy knowed nothing about that, but it was a dream sent to him from the Lord. Now, see, they claim to be worshipping that very God that they were making fun of.
You see, I got to keep reading and I should of read more ahead and more behind what this dream was, because you can get… you know, your own thinking and you mustn’t do that.
Now, see, they claim to be worshipping that very God that they were making fun of. And the same thing has reversed again today by the same reason, living in a glare instead of the Light. Great Lights has a shine. [That’s] all right.
In other words, they don’t glitter, they don’t glare they have a glow as Brother Branham said.
[144] Look what darkness we’re in today. Look what’s going on today. Look at murder, rape, strife. Why, it’s come to pass… I believe it was Billy Graham said in his last meeting, “In ten years from now every citizen of California will have to pack a gun to protect themselves. You can’t put enough law enforcement.”
Well, Brother Branham didn’t tell us half the truth. One of the reasons they are all packing guns to shoot each other on the freeway. Yeah, just taking pot-shots. It’s a good thing some weren’t very good shots.
And now what are they doing today? They are hijacking cars and killing people. Tell you flat, I wouldn’t live in Dayton if you’d paid me. I’m about ready to move a little closer to some other city.
I like a city to be near, because it’s convenient, but Dayton might be another Detroit and some of these places pretty soon if they are not careful. My God, surely won’t be Los Angeles, their murder rate there is terrible.
What about that boy, he’s what twenty years old sentence to death, because he walked into a beauty parlor, a woman was sitting there he stole her purse and when he saw her address he took a cab from the money in the purse and went to a place in Dayton and there was what, four children upstairs, the woman and the fifth one and he robbed the place and set the place on fire and they all died. So there you are.
Brother Branham played that kind of low but it’s the truth.
The people’s just gone insane. Shooting, and murder, and rapes, everything. See? it’s just gone wild (see?) upon the streets. See, it’s a day we’re living in, a Sodomite day.
How can people want a president, wants gay rights? They can have federal rights, let them have it, vote, everything else. But don’t tell we’ve got to have them in our church and listen to them, and put them in the pulpit and any place else.
Have they only got the First Amendment? We don’t have it anymore, let’s not kid ourselves, we don’t have it. The criminals and crooks, the gays and everybody else, we don’t have it, and Clinton sold himself right down the river.
What this country needs and they’ll never do is as a process of recalling and get those bums out of office that are in there when they don’t do what they are suppose to do. “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any [people.]”
This nation’s gone. It started to go down the drain before Brother Branham died. I can absolutely prove to you that Grace Collin’s daughter teaching in Miami produced a book that was edited evidently by the Catholic church and they said that people of Europe that despised persecution came over to America and brought the Catholic priest to teach them religion.
That’s what they taught in the junior grades, Mae. Did you ever hear that when you were a kid? You heard different didn’t you? Yeah. We can get the book honey don’t worry. That’s what you’re looking at right now.
They’ll tell anything at all, anything at all. I read the article of the Catholic priest in Texas said, “We’re tired of you Protestants saying, ‘us Catholics killed you Protestants, it was you Protestants killed us Catholics’.”
What about Saint Valentine’s Day, what was it, twenty three thousands Huguenots in one night, that’s the Bible, it’s more than that.
Anybody remember your history? I’m a Canadian and know that, come on, where are you Yankees? You’ve computer brains; you should be able to tell me.
What made England great? France the Catholic country destroyed the Protestants, they went to England and they brought all their knowledge and their skills and their trades with them.
Why was America great? Because of Catholicism who wants them to burn wax candles and give them all the money and make them peons and everything else. Slaves.
Now listen, you ought to know by history it pays to serve God. I’m talking to myself now, don’t worry; I’m not talking to you.
See? But there is a Light shining if they’d only look, if they’d only see–look into the Word and see what’s supposed to be in this hour, they would know what’s trying to be done.
Now, they claim they’re worshipping that Light. So did they claim they was worshipping that Light. But they were worshipping It in a glare of another Light instead of the real. See? [Creed and traditions and so on.]
Now what is Billy Paul’s actual vision or dream? Is it the fact that Brother Branham had sparks of fire coming out of his eyes, and is it the fact like somebody said, looking at this dream now he said, “He had eyes of compassion for you, but what about when He comes back with those eyes of fire?”
You know something? I can tell you something, but I’m going to be very careful what I say, because I’m not going to tip my hand. Brother Branham after this dream was given to him; I think within a few days, he told me the exact meaning of it.
And it doesn’t mean what you people think sitting here by no means shape and form. Now let’s prove it to you, because you weren’t listening as I read were you?
When you read, you weren’t listening again, because you got caught on this very dramatic subject. You didn’t read the context. What’s the context?
[138] My son, Billy Paul, he talks in his sleep, but he doesn’t have dreams very often. [He talks but doesn’t dream.] He had one the other night… [And that dream was fire flying out of Brother Branham’s eyes.] “The time is here; it’s over!” And everybody began screaming, “I can’t, [because of] my children.”
My wife said, “I can’t get Sarah to [say] the blessing at the table,”
[Billy] said, “I’ve got to go get Loyce-and the baby.”
I said, “Loyce can’t come…
Come on. What’s he dealing with? He not dealing with the scriptural thing whereby this is literally happening, he’s telling you right here that, listen people who should be turning and that the relationship strictly between Bill and his dad.
Well, come on is it? Loyce can’t come. Mede can’t come. Bill, let’s you and I get together and do (sudden) things. Now I’m not telling you one more word. You can take it from there. I know what I’m talking about.
This can only apply figuratively to the fact that it had something to do with Brother Billy and his own dad, and he took it and showed how it could be applied to [a] world that is turning down everything.
Now, I want to ask you a question. In that great storm in Colorado, when by the authority of God and the command of God, William Branham took upon himself to tell the storm what to do and it did it.
And the same One who caused the Words of William Branham, which were God’s Own Words or it wouldn’t have happened, for the storm to cease said, “How would you like to come and take a walk with Me?”
Was there anything that anybody even close to Brother Branham, now you and I also included, would want to do anything but go with the man that was walking with God.
Let’s go back to the time of Enoch. Enoch walked with God and God took him, but didn’t take his relatives. We all have a personal relationship with the prophet.
Now, the other question the brother asked was:
“What about women today when they like in various areas they like to use a snowmobile, which I think, some of you around her like a snowmobile, and I don’t begrudge you.
What do you do about that when the clothing is not too suited? Can you possible bypass some of these things that Brother Branham seemed to be so strong on? Based of course upon the Word of God, he wouldn’t of have been strong upon it at all, only from the Word.
Do you have a melioration of that particular thing? What can you do about it? Is there something you can do?”
Well, I don’t know. I suppose if you had that which was absolutely created for a female, then you dress like a female on top of it you might get by with it. I have never been stuck on culottes; I know that Becky tells the story he dad said it’s okay.
I can’t understand that, because culottes are nothing but men’s pants in order that they can straddle a horse and ride. And I wouldn’t be caught in culottes dead if I could help it unless they did it after my corpse was colder I went down fighting.
I don’t see any reason why a woman if she wants to ride a horse, why she needs to ride a horse in the first place. If she likes riding horses it’s fine by me, put a great big skirt on, or ride side saddle or something.
See look, I excuse myself, you excuse yourself, but God doesn’t excuse anybody. When they challenged Brother Branham about little kids wearing, you know, little you know, garments like boys, little things you know, what do you call them, slacks kind of things… what do you call those things toddles wear? Pants you know.
“Oh,” he said, “little kid would be all right, but there comes a time you got to tell them different.”
I understand that, because at a certain age you’ve got little boys and little girls they’re absolutely sexless as far as the sex proposition is concern, but as you get older you identify yourselves as male and female.
Like on fellow said, “My God,” he said, “You see two people kissing in the back seat,” he said, “you don’t know if it’s two men or two women.”
By the way they dress, their long hair hanging down. Don’t ever come in with long hair. I’m about the worst with long hair, but that’s because I’m lazy, but I don’t have much anyway. A little bit, every now and then it’s a little bit shaggy at the back.
It’s another reason I don’t like beards. It’s okay if you have a little whisker that’s your business. I wouldn’t give you the time of day for beards and things.
You say, “You’ve got any Scripture for it?” Oh not too much, not too much.
Brother Branham didn’t have it. He’d grow a beard out there in the wilderness, came in and shaved it off.
He made a statement, “Don’t try to look like the Lord.” But maybe that’s the closes some people give it. I don’t like them. I always find there’s a weirdness to the things.
If it swept the church I’d walk out, I’d just say, “It’s nice knowing you, goodbye.” Honest to God, I’m telling you the truth, I’d walk out on you.
You say, “You wouldn’t do it.” Just try me. Just try me. The world’s getting weird.
Brother Branham said, “Jesus, if He lived here today he’d look like a pins man in a business suit.” I don’t think he said clean shaven, I think maybe he might of, I’m not sure.
I’ve never seen one in this Message, especially preachers with those beards, right Bob, that wasn’t a bit phony. You about lost me that time Bob with your beard, I thought my God, it this guy doesn’t shave it off. See what difference it makes?
I tell you the truth, I’m not up here to con anybody, you do what you want. I do what I want. Hey look, one day we’ll all wish we’d done what God wants.
I really feel the church is getting more sober and sincere than it has been for a long time and I appreciate that. Myself, I’m looking at things. I’m looking at things in my marriage the same as you got to look at yours.
Mitch, you’re getting older, you’re not a kid anymore. I may be the oldest one no doubt, seventy eight years of age. My wife is seventy eight years of age as she was telling Bob this morning.
We come into this life as little kids, we begin to grow up, we become individuals. When we marry we’ve got a lot of difference we’ve got to pool together.
And we want to be mold together, we meld together, we become more one and more one, then we get old. What happens? We begin drifting apart. Why? Because now we’re individuals again, we’re both going to die; we’re both going to face God.
And it’s the funniest strangest feeling that you have, at least I have it, as I recognize we are one, but my God my wife is going to die. I am going to die. I cannot die for her. She cannot die for me. We are now individuals again. Yeah.
Life’s strange, but you can’t do anything about it. Some of you have lost your husbands, some wives. You know what I’m talking about very definitely.
You’ve lost a part of you, and yet that part was always been lost, because God doesn’t only have sons, He has daughters, so they are all called sons on the page of His time.
You have to realize… I going to read my notes and we’re finished, because I don’t want to come back and talk about it.
The question came up:
“What about the soul of Cain, was it hybrid?”
Now I’ve used the term hybrid, but I want to tell you why; you know how I operate, I’m not a prophet, look, I tell you things and I tell you if I’m looking at it, I tell you if I’ve reached a definitive.
I try to tell you if I’m just looking and saying, “Here as far as I’ve gone and this is what I’m looking at, this is the closest I can come, I don’t have a word from Brother Branham, I don’t have a thing definitive.”
But these things come up and I’m willing to look at them for the sake of looking at them, and there’ll be truth comes out, but can I put it together in the definitive?
Many times I can’t, I cannot place the definitive crossovers where Brother Branham could say, “Jesus was a supreme Deity.” Yes He was, when God was in Him.
And Moses in his own way was a supreme deity the same way, because he was God to the people. But Jesus was much different; He was the fullness of it all, the fullness of the Godhead bodily, now going back and forth as Brother Branham does.
And he said, “Jehovah of the Old [Testament] is Jesus of the New [Testament].”
Then he said, “He went back to the Pillar of Fire.” Yet we know He’s on the right hand of the Majesty on high. We know He had a preexistence with God. That He was not God, yet this One is God.
You come up being Jesus Only or something. But you cannot deny… We’re not Jesus Only I can tell you that. Uh, Uh, we baptize in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost. We understand that God had a Son and has a Son. And Brother Branham recognized it.
Now, when you’re dealing with this subject here as we deal with.
Now, [Brother Vayle makes a comment.] alright listen, I’ve got here sheets of things that Brother Branham said that does not line with what he said after 1963 with the Seals open.
Well you say, “Brother Vayle, Brother Branham told us he never was wrong in his doctrine.” You better take that with a grain of salt, because you better know how he meant it. Because if Brother Branham was never wrong and never made a mistake, then he was the Seals.
God didn’t have to descend in the form of the Holy Ghost in angelic form to talk to him seven times. What he was telling you he never had to change his doctrine which was true basically. He understood there was one God, positively he knew it.
He understood baptism, he understands the baptism with the Holy Ghost, but he was wrong on the evidence. Because he said, “It was love.” And it wasn’t love; it was knowing the Word or receiving the Word for the hour. Right? Is that right? It better be right.
Hankins came by here and tried to fool some of you guys years ago, “It was love,” and he tried to pawn it off on me and he said, “Brother Vayle,” he said, “I meant what it was it was some little evidence you have.”
Is it some evidence you have? How many of you really walked in love? Fap! I wouldn’t give you a nickel for a bushel of it.
How much love did David have? Man has a beautiful wife, he lusts after her gets her pregnant, kills the man. Oh, great love.
The same man said, “Thy word have I hid in my heart, I might not sin against thee oh God.” Man I’m going home right now.
You can have all the love, shmuve that you want, unless it is the love of God in the Holy Ghost, the conduit being the Word in us, I am not interested, because that is the true definition.
Brother Branham said, “How can you help not love each other, you that have that Word?”
So all right, okay, okay okay, so Brother Branham said many things right here, that do not line with what he talked when the Seals were opened. Especially when he took ‘Who is this Melchisedec’ and those other things when he talked to us.
All right, I’m going to read my notes:
When we speak of Cain we are speaking in terms of 1 John 3:12.
And you better just watch it, because we’ll take a little more time than thirty minutes here, or thirty five… 1 John 3:12, it says,

(12) Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. [Not as Cain. Cain being of that wicked one, slew his brother.]
Now, in this verse we’re in Cain is mentioned by name. It is strange to say Abel is not mentioned by name, but only as Cain’s brother. And that as a casualty to Satan via this man Cain.
Satan is a spirit, so he must use some material, and life which is in that material, because he cannot of himself use some type of dead material and get his will, actually wrought out, though he can as allowed by God, direct storms and other things, but for Satan to really work in contradiction to God, he must use a vessel.
Now, here what we see, or what we see as a principle in verse 12 an example of the definitive, which is the context of the definition and verses 7 to 12.

(07) Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
What in the world is righteousness, in contradistinction to unrighteousness? Signifying that this man is righteous and this is the only thing that makes him righteous and nothing else does vindicate it. Right? I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.
You can’t let your mind wander and say, “Well, there’s thirteen things included here and there’s fifteen over here.” Hogwash! We’re looking at that which leads to the definitive and gives us an absolute trust.

(08) He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.
“Everybody sins.”
“Oh, do they?”
I got news for you, they don’t.
“Oh,” you say, “The Scripture says, ‘For all have sin and come short of the glory of God.’”
I don’t care if it does say that. Now you see what you’re doing; you’re wresting Scripture and dividing it in a way that it cannot make sense, it cannot make truth and you go down with it.
Says right here,

(08) …[the] sin is of the devil. [Now] for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might [bring to nothing] the works of the devil.
In other words, no matter what the devil does it’s not going to affect you. You’re not blind, you’re not ignorant, you’re not off your revelation.
You say, “Ah, ha, I understand that. I got that pegged. Yes sir. The One of which… “spirit of wisdom and revelation and knowledge of Him” has made me wise. We’ve got the answer to the devil. We know how to answer his question.”
Right? Yes sir it’s right. Amen Brother Vayle. No it’s amen to the Word of God.
All right,

(09) Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin;
That’s why your flesh is here and tested. That’s why your flesh sins. But that inner man, the real you, as Brother Branham said, “My ears, my eyes, my nose, who is I? Who’s me?”
That’s what he said. It’s better English, I like it better. Never mind the grammar, phooey on it.

(09) Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; [the reason?] for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
“Well,” you say, “That’s Jesus Christ.”
Well then you’re not in the picture, good bye. You’re disqualified. You can’t line the Scripture. You can’t see yourself there. You’re shot.
Now you’ve got to use some stupid idea: entire sanctification, where the Nazarene’s and Methodists say, “Well you see, I’ve been entirely sanctified and I don’t sin.”
So look, this old Jewish rabbi he knew that spirit, he said, “Nobody gets angry, nobody gets angry.” He called a woman up, he said come here sister please. And he took a pitcher of water and poured it over her hat, here beautiful hat, her beautiful head and she said, “Uhaaa!”
He said, “I thought you couldn’t get angry sister.” Pfftt! Hogwash!
Come on, you think the Word of God depends on you and me and our whims, our philosophy and our folly? There’s something more… “The spirit of wisdom.” Amen, I’m so glad that’s here today.

(10) In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God… [Never mind the interpolation, let’s go down,]
(12) Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous. [Go back to the Old Testament, go back to Genesis and you’ll see it.]
All right. Now, what we see here in verse 12, what we see that is the context the principle in verse 12, is an example as I say and is defined and explained to us in verses 7-12. And notice the two definitives.
Number one: there are two seeds evolved, one of God and one of the devil and nothing in between.
Right? Are there three? No, two. Now you can mull them around, you can mess around, you can categorize, functionalize, and politicize, prioritize, using some of Joe’s good words from the air base. Two seeds, right? Two seeds, uh? Come on. Well, can you name a third?
“We’ll, we’ll, you see, Jesus had a seed and I’m not like him.”
Then you’re going to hell, because He’s only stand in the midst of the brethren and sing praise to God. And these brothers aren’t adopted. Nah. Spirit born of the same spirit and blood washed. Sure, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.
Now, one of God, one of the devil. Though all creation is of God, even the devil; but there are the disobedient to wherein God had called them and placed them.
And that goes right back to Satan, but it never does the true seed of God. There is… there is an affinity like magnetism and there’s the real principle, the magnet, the spiritual, where spirit comes to spirit.
All right.
Number two: there are two different acts of worship. One is righteous and God based on seed propensity. Seed propensity, the propensity of the seed lies in who is the author of the seed, because seed presupposes something ahead of it.
You follow me? Okay, so all right, two acts of worship, one righteous and of God based on the seed. And what is the propensity of the seed?
The next one is number two the unrighteous act or deed; which is unrighteous worship which is of Satan and based on the seeds propensity.
So, two seeds, two propensities, one each must go the way it’s indicated according to what lies in the seed.
Now, you ever notice how a plant comes: there’s a portion of the plant that digs down for roots and a portion that goes up. How? Because it was already there in the life that took on a form that was in the seed. See?
And notice, the spirit of the beast goes down, but the spirit of man goes upwards. That’s just thrown in for a little bit, we’ll get to more of those later.
Now, let us note carefully that Abel is called, though not named the seed of God, or the born one of God. That means, issued forth from God, or the one who as to His intrinsic and essentional person life.
I don’t say personal life. I’m saying person life. That life as a person and that person has a life. You understand what I’m saying? My words are very carefully written down here.
Let me read it again. Now, let us note careful that Abel is called, though not named the seed of God, or the born one of God. Or one who as to His intrinsic and essentional person life, issued forth from God as a part of the life of God, but in a vessel of flesh subject to temptation.
Which means: will we obey God or not obey God. You understand we looked at two seeds and two acts. One is righteousness, because of something he did which is called righteous, and that’s the seed of God.
And there is one, who did an act which is called unrighteous, and it’s an act toward God, religious, but it won’t take.
You understanding what I’m saying? Uh? Some of you look a little blank. You better get some of my old tapes and go over them. Basic, basic, basic, taken right from Brother Branham.
Now, this life is that true life whose source is God and as a son of God is known as Abel son of Adam as sire, and Eve as the mother. Now my language is used carefully there. Genesis has the answer to this.
And over in Genesis 1:26-27, you know it says,

(26) Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: [And then it says,]
(27) [And] So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Now, I believe in there are literally composite, a compositive action. I don’t believe that God is simply repeating Himself.
I believe He’s telling you He made by creation one, then He recreated adding to it; which was a life spirit and the definitive being a life spirit, He then created again the female and the male aspect, and it is created. Oh yes, it’s created.
Now, He created them. Then in,

(04) These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
(05) And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not [ah ha, there was not] a man to till the ground.
We already had a man over here, and what happened?

(06) The Lord God formed man from the dust of the [earth], [There’s no such thing as creation there, it’s a forming. See?] and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; [And at that time when the breath came in which was the Holy Ghost] man became a living soul.
But now notice: after the forming He breathed into Adam the Holy Spirit which would give life to a body, otherwise insensate as to Genesis 2:5, “No man to till the ground.” See?
Unless he has this soul he couldn’t till the ground; as Brother Branham said, “Adam like a tree, his feet as roots, right in the ground solid, like a mighty oak.” God breathed the Holy Ghost.
He said, “Not just a breath now, a breath wouldn’t do it.” He said, “It’s the Holy Ghost.” God breathed the Holy Ghost in his nostrils and man became a living soul.
Lets just take a look at the soul. Psalm 25: and in verse 1,

(01) Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.
There’s something in there that’s caused the soul… that is called the soul, that this man Adam as a tripartite being of three fold within himself, body, soul, spirit.

(02) My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.

(01) As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. [Now, that sounds very good doesn’t it?]
Let’s go to Luke 12, and let’s find out something about Luke 12, that’s going to give us another idea.

(19) And I will say to [the Lord], Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.
Now, here you’ve got two different concepts from two different people. Here one fellow’s got his soul lined up with God, and the other fellow’s got his soul lined up with the world and everything that’s out there. See?
Now it’s not saying that both of these men couldn’t go both ways, because they are both in the flesh, but you notice that one person positively as Brother Branham indicated and showed us that this rich man was the rich man that turned down Jesus.
He wouldn’t follow Him, wouldn’t give his goods to the poor and all, so now he’s so rich he got to tear his barns down, and he’s still so full of himself he simply can’t give it away.
He wasn’t creating jobs for the people out there and doing what he should do. He’s usurping himself; he didn’t care about anybody else. Notice the way his soul went.
Now, this man was a living soul. That’s the one He created, we see in the Bible, and without the soul the body had no life, it had no motion, or emotions, or motivations; even though another life which was already created I believe in two steps we mentioned, in Genesis 1:27 and lived in that body there.
It was already there, like Brother Branham said on one tape, he said, “The life in the womb is a different life from the life that comes from that spirit that comes into that body.” Now it’s getting kind of tricky isn’t?
Thus, I contend that soul or soul life is the true life that the body now builds around and the spirit created allowed of God is another life that is necessary for the life function not found in the soul, but contributes to the life as it is lived.
Now, let’s take a little peek at that. We’re going to go to Proverbs 20:27 and it says,

(27) The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.
So, now we’ve got a link up, we’ve got a linkup between soul and body and it’s evidently spirit as Brother Branham said, and “the spirit is a part of the mind.”
Now, with that we go to 24 and to 20. Now this just my understanding, I’m not saying I’m perfectly right.

(20) For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out. [Tells you right there, he’s got a bad spirit. He’s got to go. See?]
Now, this principle Brother Branham made clear I believe as he spoke of the Mormon baby that never saw the light of day, and also spoke of the spirit waiting for the body.
Because remember, when you’re dealing with eternal life, you’re dealing with the soul, you see. Although we can be sanctified in body, soul and spirit, but the spirit is allowed of God and is there to receive the body as it comes down.
But Brother Branham told the Mormon who grieved over the fact that the baby was evidently born dead, he said, “You will see that one in heaven.” But you’re dealing with souls.
So what life was in that baby that caused that baby to form? It evidently would be a soul life as far as I can see. I can’t see any other thing for it, otherwise to my books; you just simply ignore everything that is said and trust for the best.
Now then notice, Eve was in Adam and when separated she was body, soul and spirit as was Adam, but she carried no seed. Now she had seed life in her, because Adam was a seed of God, she had that life, but she in herself had no seed.
Thus as it says in Genesis 2:5, she was made a help meet, she was to be a help meet, she was made of the species of Adam to reproduce himself.
And that’s exactly true, because, you know, listen, we’re not talking about Adam, Adam, Adam, Adam. We are talking about God man, His Own son that He called Adam.
So let’s just bring this back to God in a nice way, and not Adam, Adam, Eve, Eve, Eve, Adam, Adam. You know, that becomes trifling. That becomes undignified for us.
We should instantly know that Adam was an issue of God, because that’s what it tells us in Genesis 5, and over there in Luke, 3rd or 4th chapter tracing the genealogy. Adam was a son of God.
And remember it’s explained in Hebrews that Jesus was not ashamed to praise God in our midst, because we are of one source and therefore His brothers. It’s not because we’re redeemed His brothers, that’s a lot of hogwash. It’s because we are His brothers we are redeemed.
Redemption does not make us brothers. Hey, we’re not a lot of Pentecostals and Methodists who got our doctrine all mess up. We’re a way ahead of the Calvinists, let’s not kid ourselves.
The woman though seed herself, as an individual of God, did not possess seed for propagation as did Adam, and that is why she had no Y chromosomes.
Same life, but didn’t have what was necessary in that little bit of chemistry to propagate. But she’s used in propagation, that’s what the Bible said, “Woman is of the man, yet man is of the woman.” You follow? Certainly. Yeah.
The light forces could and did provide a body for Adam’s seed Abel and they both were God’s seed individually in a body form, and Abel carried seed to disseminate the same as did Adam, that’s history.
And notice, Eve copulated with the beast who had no soul, but only a place for a soul. But this life could and did unite with her ovum which was produced by her life forces.
Now remember, she’s not producing any souls and things here, her life force here which comes from that is producing a body which produced an egg and the two lives were so close that the sperm could mingle with her egg, and that’s what happened. See?
So Eve copulated with the beast who had no soul, but only a place for a soul, but this life could and did unite, see but this life could and did unite, you see, with her ovum which was produced by the life forces and when it did, it therefore brought forth Cain who was a hybrid of human life and beast life.
And since scientifically both male and female contribute from their two lives certain factors, Cain was neither true human, nor true beast.
And when in marrying and procreating he brought forth more serpent seed which was again two life forces in union and both corrupted into a hybrid.
But the true life of Cain was beast life and the woman, the carrier with those particular characteristics, and that sounds kind of involved but I think I know what I’m saying, but I’m not going to tell you that this is dogmatic truth.
I’m looking at the question; I’m trying to see where we could go with it.
We know that Cain married a daughter of Adam and Eve and sons and daughters were born. Then Eve bore Seth a true human and seed child of God, and the genealogy proves it.
Now notice, both races grew apart, and apart from each other for many decades, until the sons of God lusted after the daughters of Satan beast children, by via Cain and married them. That’s true, that’s true.
The life lines were now thoroughly corrupted, but the seed of Adam and the seed of the beast were both there in those bodies and remained separate in spite of the fact they were all one lump physically. In other words, two lives in the blood line.
That’s why you’ll notice when people use to say years ago, “Oh, that guy look what he does, it’s in his blood you know, it’s in his blood he’s going to be a gambler, he’s a rapist, it’s in his blood, it’s in his blood.”
And what about this guy that loves peace and understanding, “It’s in his blood…” You bet it is, you bet it is.
Didn’t Brother Branham say, “It’s a blood cell?” Ha, that prophet was so right. Just loved that man.
By the time of the flood Noah was the only true human being left. After that all one lump only, not two, you know, two races to deal with as it were, but they were one hundred percent from that time divided by election.
That’s why Brother Branham said, “It’s far easier to see a virgin birth by God, than it would be for God to trace every one of us down through countless, trillion, my God infinite number of sperm and eggs and everything else over all the generations of six thousand years, and bring it right down to here today.” And who’s going to believe Brother Branham’s Message?
Man, oh man, you ever study some of those things; get the scientific fact of how many eggs there are and how many sperm; when fifteen thousand go across the sperm goes across the diameter of one hair they tell me.
I cannot believe what I read in one record, but this record is supposed to be true that the male ejaculate could reach literally to the sun or the moon or somewhere, laid end to end.
How, could God do it? He brings all the stars out and puts them back, calls them by name. I’ve got no problem with God, I just say, “Isn’t that wonderful?” Now then, it’s wonderful that we’re a part of it.
Now, the next step we take in this study is to realize that we have been talking about seed and soul. Using both terms, Adam had seed, seed-soul.
The beast had seed, but not seed-soul, just seed animal life; or seed life as all others in natural life. Most every life have some seed to it, even birds, animals, insects and all. Some like amoebas their self, you know procreating.
Yet when the beast sowed his seed, now that’s a better… watch my terminology, I using terminology, you watch it. Yet when the beast sowed his seed in Eve by virtue of Eve and the beast having a created spirit or life, see, now that’s the thing we look at, she could produce his child Cain.
Then Cain could take his sister and the two life forces also bring forth children, but again not soul-seed for that is in the male. So then you’re looking at two males now, you’re looking at Adam, you’re looking at the beast.
Now, Eve came from the man. Now she has a soul individually and she has the life forces thereby that she can procreate through Adam and she is a living entity, a responsible one.
But at the same time in those life forces, though she herself cannot produce life of herself, she can produce life with another male. And the two lines were so close that two lives could come together.
Now notice, I’m not using the word ‘soul’ so much anymore as I’m using the term life, or seed which is what we are looking at. Right? That’s the secret. See.
Now, here’s the tricky part, the puzzle: from Cain and Adam’s and Eve’s daughter or daughters came a race of people. From Seth and his sister, Adam and Eve’s daughter, came a race of people, true human beings.
Now, up until the period of Genesis 6:1-9, and we haven’t got time to read it, when the two races did not mix, but remained separate so the Cain race had not even a trace of true souls or seed of God, because even though a daughter of Adam was Cain’s wife, she did not carry seed, see, as the life of God for transmission.
She could transmit, but she could not transmit anything but a life that was given to her. Only Cain had seed, but not soul-seed. And the seed came forth each time from the males.
You follow what I’m saying? Same as the males that came from Adam.
Now however, the males who carry soul-seed take women who are carriers of a life pass through them by sex, copulation. So now we have all one lump and only God knows the sperm carrying the seed of Adam which is the seed of God.
It has to be, because it’s got to come somewhere, you’ll find it right here where Brother Branham seems to say, “That the spirit is standing there the same time the soul,” but remember after the Seals that’s a different story.
Always watch what’s going on, because first thing you’re going to put things against each other and you have a nervous wreck.
Now listen, the race is now one blood, and no way can we call it of one soul, and that of God, because there two seeds in the blood line. So as I see it, we can no longer talk about soul exclusively, but about seed.
You follow me? We’re talking about seed now, superseding soul, even though there is soul there when it comes to you and me and those that are ordained of God.
But we cannot by any stretch of the imagination put an inner soul, a true soul, even though sometimes in Bible it indicates a little flash here and there.
There is no way you can say the animal has a soul. Brother Branham as a definitive Word of the hour to us, he put it that way so that don’t ever think there is any connection.
And in talking of seed, let us first then take Genesis 2:7. Now in Genesis 2:7, now of course we know what that is, where we find that God is forming man out of the dust of the ground.

(07) The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Now what are you talking about? All right. Now talking of seed let us take first,

(07) …and [God] breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
And what? The life is in the blood. Right? So at this time the body is diffused with blood which is not the blood of God, in the definitive sense that Jesus was.
But as a type it certainly is, because the blood was not there before the Holy Ghost breathed in to him, and blood now suffuse the body, and the life begin to move through the whole channel.
As I would say maybe the hemoglobin and things like that were there. We’ll just leave it at that. But you notice now how the man is a living soul. He’s a living soul. That’s what he’s called, you see.
Now, let’s go a little further. We go to,

(09) And the LORD [said], Where art you?
(10) And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
(11) And he said, Who told you, [you] naked? Have you eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded you that you should not eat?
(12) The man said, The woman who you gave to me, [gave it to me and I ate it.]
(13) And the LORD said to the woman, What is this that you have done? The woman said, [Well she said, The serpent he beguiled me, and I ate it.] [You know passing the buck right along.]
(14) And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; [and] upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
(15) And [I’ll] put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;
Now, here’s a soul man and a soul woman and we’re talking about seed. And there’s a disassociation whether you want to believe it or not concerning the soul on the grounds a woman doesn’t have seed.
But it tells you here, this woman is going to have seed which means a propagator of life, right? Oh yeah. And this other fellow down here is going to have a seed too, and there’s enmity, and he is going to bruise the heal of the One that propagates life, and the One with Life is going to do in the one the propagates death. Right?
Well here it is laying right here before us. We’re talking of seed, right? Now, that’s what I want us to go to, because I think it makes it clear.
Genesis 4:

(25) And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed…
In other words, the propagator was dead who was in line with Adam as heir to propagation and first born. Never forget first born, always first born, first resurrection, can’t do it different; nope, nope, nope, only first born Bride. Beautiful see, all lines up.
He’s a seed, another seed. Why she had Cain there. He was another seed. Oh yeah, absolutely, two propagators, oh yes, yes, yes my dear. Propagators, okay did we read enough?
Now, let’s do a some little quick work here. Let’s start tracing our Bible quickly to get some thinking done here. We go to Genesis the 17th chapter, and we go 9 to 19.

(09) And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed…
Listen, eight souls saved in the Ark, eight seed-souls in the Ark. Right? Okay, they’re interchangeable aren’t they? Comes right down to it.
You know the word soul can be used to have an appetite? “What thy soul lusteth for…” means your stomach, yum, yum, yum, call it your soul.
But you see what kind of soul you’ve got; gluttness, yeah. Oh we just pass that over, just a little thought. I’m with you, big turkey dinner coming on after awhile, and things like that you know, Christmas and Thanksgiving.

(10) This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.
(11) And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token …betwixt me and you.
(12) And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man [and] child [and so on.]
(13) He that is born in your house… [with] an everlasting covenant.
(14) And the uncircumcised…
Now listen, the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised that soul, Uh? But he’s not seed, his seed has a soul, it’s mixed up isn’t?
Just keep holding, let’s keep reading though. It’s interesting; I’ve not got to the interesting part. The interesting part we’re going to come to. Yes, you better believe it, its interesting part.
Genesis the 27th chapter and the 4th verse,

(04) And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die.
You know what, when you’ve got a good meal in your stomach your soul felt good. Yeah, naturally, you’ve got here in the cold and you come in the house, and your body; your body has something to do with your soul, nice and heat and you say, “Ohhhh it’s so nice.” Yeah.
You’re tripartite, you lack one you lack the other. You don’t have a body; you’ve got no soul and spirit. You’ve got no soul who cares about your body and spirit. You’ve got no spirit, who cares what? Interrelated, the whole thing is one thing.
Okay, let’s go to Matthew 10:28. Now we all know what that is don’t we? We talked about it to a degree a little while ago. Matthew 10:28 talks about destroying the body and soul in hell, I do believe.
And it says here,

(28) And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: [In other words, get rid of this life that’s in you.] but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. [See?]
I contend it’s interchangeable, but you have to know the principle upon which each one is based and I haven’t looked at it, and I don’t know that Brother Branham ever said it, so I’m just stuck to take these things and bring them to your attention and see what we come up with.
And so 2:27. Remember I’m not a prophet.

(27) Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
He said, “My body and my soul.” Why, what happened? The soul went to hell, the spirit went back to God who gave it, the body stayed in the grave and after a certain time within three days, He came up and took his body united with the spirit, there He was a perfect man.
All right. 1 Thessalonians 5:23, you know what that is:

(23) [That we might be sanctified holy, body, soul and spirit.]
So let’s go to,

(12) For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, [Doesn’t say anything about seed now does it?] and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
You don’t have to mention it, because he’s talking about the reveling word of the end time.
Now let’s go down to Matthew the 13th chapter, that’s going to give us some good things. You know that’s the parable chapter. In the parable chapter it tells you in 24-30.

(24) Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
(25) But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
(26) But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
(27) So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
(28) He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up [and rip them up?]
(29) He said, [No, no, not leave them till the harvest time.]
(30) [Let them grow, we’ll gather both at the harvest and the time of the harvest, he’ll say to the reapers gather the wheat;] first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: [and then] gather the wheat into my barn. [Sure, we don’t get to New Jerusalem until the Great White Throne, no problem.]
Now, what is this all about? 36-43.

(36) Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, [explain] the parable of the tares of the field.
(37) He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
(38) The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
Now this is not a parable in the sense it’s any longer a parable. The parable was the wheat and the tares.
This is the truth, the definitive:

(39) The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
(40) [And] therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
(41) [And] the Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; [Ah ha, see what those tares are?]
(42) And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. [Wheat and tares don’t gnash teeth, they don’t have any. Then notice:]
(43) Then shall the righteous [1 John 3:] shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. [Huh? I thought they were the Son of Man’s. They can’t be, they’re sons of God, fully identified with Son of Man.] Who [got] ears to hear, let him hear.
All right, John 7:42. Now, we’re looking at these things here. There again I want you to notice I cannot be definitive, I can’t give you positive answers unless I find something the prophet said.
I’m just looking at these things because it’s in… Take a look at it. See what you come up with.

(42) Hath not the scripture said, That Christ cometh of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was?
Now here’s a seed of God Himself, that is, this great-seed, the Only Begotten and He’s coming by means of flesh.
In other words this tribe must bring him forth through the woman that is born into that tribe who has the life individually of Judah, right back to Abraham, right back to Adam, right back to God.
But she herself does not have seed, but now she does, because God creates in her that which brings it forth, and since no man can claim it, now listen, no man can claim it, the woman claims it, the same as we the Bride today claim Him and nobody else can claim Him.
Brother Branham said, “The church cannot bring Him forth, it takes the Bride to bring Him forth.” Yep! Why? Because it’s got to be Word.
John 8:

(37) I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.
(38) I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
(39) They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
(40) But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
(41) Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
(42) [And] Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
(43) Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
(44) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him…
Now notice right there: The devil never killed anybody. Who killed him? Cain. At who’s instigation? The devil. Who got Eve all messed up? The beast, how? By the devil, because he could talk and reason. The devil doing it for him, that’s why reasoning is such a terrible thing, that he comes by the devil.
Reasoning is not of God, though he said, “Come now let us reason together.” He said, “Look, I’ll sit down and talk with you, and I’ll pit myself against yourself, let’s talk it over.”
But reasoning gets us nowhere, because eventually God will have His way, and if you’re a child of God you’ll listen to the reason of God.
Like it says, “Give a reason of your hope.” But you’re never going to convince anybody; you’re just supposed to tell him. See?

(45) Because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
Let’s go now to 2 Corinthians, we’re just going back and forth on Scripture to show you one thing that’s here. 2 Corinthians 11, you see now in Abraham we saw one lump. This man Abraham could have two children. Boom! One’s an absolute slob; one’s an absolute child of God.
Now proven by the fact that Isaac married Rebekah, had two children before they are born, God loved one, hated the other.
How come? Because of the life, that little sperm in there, that little soul-life in there that comes from God and the other did not have that soul-life.
He had a life, yes, because there’s seed there. And remember the life is in the seed. But now you’ve got one lump, but there’s going to be one race again pretty soon. Praise God that is going to be marvelous.
Okay, 2 Corinthians 11:22 and it says here,

(22) Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I. [How? Through genealogy, see? the sperm life.]
Now, let’s go to Galatians. There is where we really begin to see the goodies. Okay,

(13) Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
(14) That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
(15) Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man’s covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto.
(16) Now to Abraham and to his seed were the promises made.
Now, what you’re talking about is a specific seed that came through Abraham, procreation under the sons of God in flesh. But the man being one lump absolutely had the mixture of the blood lines in there. There’s nothing you can do about it.
Now it says,

(16) Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
Do you realize that Jesus came by election? Bible said, Peter said, “He’s elect.” Election based upon foreknowledge.
So there’s a natural election, that’s why you’ve got bodies, you’ve bypassed your form that the spirit would of generated itself, would have been out of its own self, that spirit from God and it would have been no act of creation, it would have been positively a manifestation.
Let’s face it, creation means something started. Brother Branham told us this building we have eternal heavens, signifies only one thing: it will be a manifestation. Right.
So we’re looking at this thing. Now, in the flesh anything can happen and it does happen, which is pitiful.
Galatians 3:

(26) For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
(27) For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
(28) There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
(29) And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
That’s exactly true. How do you know if your Abraham’s seed? Because you’re baptized with the Holy Ghost. What’s the evidence? Believing the Word for the hour.

(01) Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;
(02) But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.
(03) Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: [Now watch it coming down.]
(04) But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, [the body] made under the law, [true.]
(05) To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. [A placing of sons, these are the ones, see?]
(06) And because ye are sons, [seed, true soul of God,] God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, [Father], Father.
(07) Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
In other words, you are placed and shown perfectly who you are. And what is the evidence? You believe the Word for the hour.
Now, from following this Scripture we can see how Genesis 2:7 is perfectly brought forth and how the serpent also had life and seed, but in no way had seed-soul, but only seed to begin with.
In other words there is no part of the beast that was not created and therefore is not eternal. That’s what you’re looking at. Everything else must go by the board and start over.
Now, the question comes because the two seeds can mingle in one manifestation the flesh, do serpent seed have hybrid souls as the souls of Adam and Eve, as though the souls of Adam could mingle with some other forms of life and bring forth a hybrid soul?
Now the reason we speculate is because of Matthew 10:28, where he says, “I’m going to destroy body and soul in hell.”
And also 1 Corinthians 15: where it says,

(22) For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
And we know that the soul that dies is found over here in… in what that soul is that dies, we’ve already got it pegged is in 1 John the 3rd chapter, and you find it right there.
And how do you know that’s a soul that is not of God? Or how do you know it is a soul of God we should say. And at the same time how do you know then that soul that is of God is a seed of God in contradistinction over here that is a seed of the serpent.
And you don’t even have to worry about the soul, although it does say, “Destroy body and soul in hell,” because the word can be interchangeable, because you’re talking about the life. See?
Now, in 1 John the 3rd chapter which we read. All right, now, because I have no final answer which I say we don’t have, because Matthew 10:28 and 1 Corinthians 15:22, other Scriptures has appeared to me that from Cain on serpent seed must have souls though not as Adam and Eve would have souls, being the seed of God.
However, it could be that since Adamic and beast life has mingled and all that both sides had in them intrinsically and essentially, that Adam and serpent, is now in the entire so called human race, there is no doubt that every single person is accountable to God, whether we call it soul or seed.
In other words, if anybody comes to God and says, “I worship God,” and they have a sense of that worship and they are wrong, they are accountable to God.
Thereby, we are looking at what is across the board, a soul which is the same time you’ve got seed, but there’s never said one place in Scripture about by Brother Branham that this beast here and serpent seed actually has a soul which is commensurate to, the soul that is in Adam and Eve.
So you see, the thing is a peculiar situation, I cannot resolve it, but let us keep going on. See? They can be religious but that’s it.
So, we see the truth in 1 John 3 concerning Cain and Abel and we see it perfectly over in the Book of Romans 9:1-24, where election determines what is there in that blood lined of humanity that is now one lump.
Now do you know that the 9th chapter has to do with election, predestination? Now at the same time if you go to Romans the 3rd chapter you will notice also it says in 9-19 it says,

(09) What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;
(10) As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
Now what does that mean there’s non righteous? There is not one person of himself that knows how to approach unto God and worship God acceptably, that’s why Jesus said, “The hour has come when they that worship God, must worship in spirit and in truth.”
They didn’t have it before that particular era in that particular season. All down through the ages there were the elect ones who entered into that portion at that hour.
But now you’re getting deeper, deeper and deeper until we’re right back to the Tree of Life. You understand what I’m saying? “There’s none that understandeth, and none that seeketh after God.”
That there, that’s the Book of Revelation the 3rd chapter.
Revelation 3: [Paraphrased]
“They’ve all gone out of the way to become unprofit, we’re rich and increase in goods you don’t have a nickel. There’s none that doeth good, no not one, wretched, miserable, naked, blind. Their throats an open sepulcher the tongues they use to deceit, the poison asp on their lips whose mouth if full of cursing and bitterness, swift to shed blood, destruction misery in their way.”
Now, what is he talking about? He talking about the perfect example of man while he is simply in his flesh, no matter who and what he is, he is subject to temptation and testing.
And a sheep can be as lousy as a goat, and a goat on the other hand might show some pretty good manifestation though he’s not a sheep.
So we see the whole thing here is one lump, there is one hope that is through Jesus Christ, but that is limited to the elect. Now, that sounds like a pretty bad situation, but I’m sorry.
Now, let’s go a little further.

(01) Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
(02) But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. [In other words, everybody is under the curse, because the enlightenment of the truth is not there,]
(03) And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? [See pointing fingers.]
(04) Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
(05) [And] after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; [Notice, righteous judgment, judge according to my gospel. Come on, vindication.]
(06) Who will render to every man according to his deeds:
(07) To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: [You see, you go right on from immortality right on to the top.]
(08) But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, [they discuss it, they argue, they reason this and that,] but obey unrighteousness, [What’s that? And illicit act before God in worship,] indignation and wrath, [Why indignation, because He gave them the truth and verified it.]
(09) Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, [Now you see, you’ve got the soul in there again. But what is it? That’s life in there. See?]
There’s a play upon it and it’s hard to understand. I’m going to conclude pretty soon. Don’t worry I’m going to come to the end now. Lets go on.
Now, to…

(09) …the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;
(11) For there is no respect of persons with God.
(12) For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;
(13) (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
(14) For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto them-selves: [That’s why natural law was put forth by Benjamin Franklyn.]
(15) Which [seek] the work[s] of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
(16) In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
You’re right back to the Word. If you’re a seed of God you’re going to be in that Word, and you’ll be worshipping God correctly.
You say, “Oh those people are having much more fun, they’re more emotionally, oh, oh, oh.”
“Oh, shut up, go with them. Join them.”
If you envy them, why sit around here? There’s just one thing, are you in the light? “If we walk in the Light as He is in the Light, we have fellowship one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son cleanses us from all [unrighteousness.]
Everything that’s against God, every act, and every act is toward God, because it’s all of God out here. What are we doing about it? What are we doing with it? There’s cleansing in the Blood on one condition, Light, my brother/sister.
And men will not come to the Light; he’s talking about those Jews there, because their deeds are unrighteous and evil. They want to worship God, but say listen, “I’m going to tell you, I’m going to do it my way.”
I told you about the guy down in Florida, when I went there that his paper for getting ads for Brother Branham; I didn’t know he didn’t know, they put in huge ads.
So I thought, well we’ll get the ads now, Paul Cain Company, you know Paul? He’s a nice guy, but he’s a little off beat you know, he’s wrong color.
He’s not with Brother Branham, he’s not with us, but he’s got a good healing ministry, he discerns everything else, I didn’t know the difference, of course not. He’s a very affable guy, and I still like the guy really as a person.
Anyway, I went to get these ads and he said, “No way.” And he misunderstood one thing I said which was, “Look, maybe…”. You see he didn’t want to, because he didn’t believe anything about him.
I said, “Perhaps, you know, there is such a thing that it could be.” And boy, he cussed me up one side and down the other.
Because, bless God, he was religious, hallelujah! And he knew God, but God damning every sense of the way, and SOB every sense of the word. He had religion? He sure did.
I wouldn’t be surprise the man died of cancer because of that. He found out in a hurry you don’t do that. You don’t act and say, “Listen, I can worship God, but I got a mind of my own, I can do this.” No Sir!
“Be still and know that I am God.” Know, and if you don’t know you better find out. Alright.
Thus, I believe we need to think in terms of hybrid souls, but in terms of soul-seed-gene-life, and place it according to the two vines. Now the one and only separation is by the Word and that by predestination. I’m going to give you a bomb-shell.
And here’s the bomb-shell: because the man asked the question, nice guy and I asked for it myself, because I brought the subject up… I said, “He could have had a hybrid soul, there’s something in there, because all souls are God’s and these people are being judged, the souls are being destroyed and God can’t destroy part of Himself, so therefore, hey listen there’s something in there.”
What is the solution to our problem today? To put you at ease. Now listen to me carefully. I had Brother Bob go through everything Mamalis’ has got. I had Dave go through everything Neil [inaudible] got.
Not one of them had the quote I’m going to give you, but Gene, you know that quote. No, who was there at that meeting? It has to do with the soul and the spirit. Somebody was there.
Now listen to me.
Brother Branham told about the time he had the vision of catching the fish.
And they said, “Oh Brother Branham you’re a great fisherman, you can fish.”
He said, “Yes, yes, I can fish.” And he said, “I’ll tell you how it is done, you throw the lure in, [the clean sweep] and you give one little tick and that gets something moving.
And the little fishes start looking around and you give another little jerk and the big fish’s see the little fishes and they come running.” And he said, “You hook that big fish and you get him out.”
He was so excited with those preachers, encouraging him, “Amen Brother Branham you can do it. Hallelujah,” you know just building and puffing him up and everything. He gave the line one big fat jerk and out came the lure with skin on it.
How could a little fish eat a great big lure like that? See, God’s mocking the man, showing the man up, not mocking so much, but as giving him a lesson.
Brother Branham has the lines complete around his feet. Everything all messed up and he’s crying and mumbling, he tries to thread a little shoe with a big thick end of a piece of a rope, almost what, maybe half a inch thick.
And the Angel said, “Listen,” he said, “you’ve got the wrong end.” Little tiny pencil end he could of shoved in.
And what was it Brother Branham said, he said, “Every time I get around a bunch of preachers they cause me trouble. I was trying to explain spiritual things to Pentecostal babies, it wouldn’t work.”
And he said, “I was trying to tell them where the soul and the spirit lay.” And what happened? He caused problems.
You see what I preach this morning can cause you a lot of headaches, the same as the female spirit stuff coming out of Florida and Memphis, Tennessee and I hear all around the country now.
They are meddling with what Brother Branham said he himself trying to explain caused havoc and chaos, and this morning there’s not one of you could follow me, because I couldn’t even do it myself. I did this on purpose, see, I’m not a prophet and you’re not smart. Yeah.
Why are you trying to figure it? What’s it to you? We look to seed, man became a living soul, but right away it went into seed. Seed is life, because it’s a carrier of that which is in.
Human seed and animal seed, blood, all one lump; it all boils down to one thing, let’s get this flat, the seed of God has to be in the wise and foolish virgin and in nobody else.
And what the serpent seed is out there I don’t care if your uncle, and your mother and your sister and your brother are serpent seed, because you could be, it could everyone be.
But you stand here as the seed of God, you don’t need to try to know everything, but just know this: serpent seed, the seed of God.
Don’t try to figure that soul and that spirit, and I got this thing, and I got that thing and I’ll measure God as female or not. I just read about my soul being a her, that doesn’t mean anything, because we get into the millennium brother/sister we’re neuter.
And there’s no fellowship of a male and a female sexually, you don’t feel a thing. It’s just a beautiful relationship of love and sweetness and it looks back upon the life that God allowed here, that we could be His dear children and go through the testing’ and trials and mature up to the place where God can take us in and further unfolding His Glory and bring us to higher heights and deeper depths.
We don’t need to know all these things; it’s going to get followings around the world. I don’t want any followings, I don’t want to have to explain things, “I’m on the spot, and I’m going to bring you something rich and real and different.” Phoo! “I sure got you this morning.”
I’d like to see anybody do any better, not that I think I’ve got more answers than anybody, but I’d like to see somebody set right down and say, “Brother Vayle, I’ve got exactly what Brother Branham said, he explained it right down here. But he’s the man that said it, “It got me into nothing but trouble.”
And he never came back and said, “Hallelujah, I’ve got the victory.” Uh, uh.
Let’s rise and be dismissed.
You’re a nice bunch of people, I took your time, I don’t know when I’ll see you again, because I preached four times last month, two times this month and I think it’s time for quitting.
Let’s bow our heads in prayer.

Heavenly Father, we thank You again for the time You’ve allowed us and we know Lord You allow us all the time we want to take, and it’s good time Father, even come to a dead end where people say, “Well, I might not see anymore then I use to see,” but I know one thing I’m a seed of God, because I know what the prophet taught, I’ve received it thoroughly, I absolute rest upon vindication, my faith is perfect.
It has to be, what else it there to look for? And Lord as we see these glorious things the prophet taught us, it just thrills our hearts, just like the breezes of God, the winds of God blowing through us, the fruitage of God coming into existence, the maturity, the sweetness, the wine of God pouring in our very beings.
Maybe we shouldn’t allow it, but it just makes us so happy to know that You’ve revealed to us these basic wonderful things of what seed and the essentially of being right from God, and righteousness and unrighteousness, and all these things Lord You’ve brought to us.
And Father God in heaven the prophet said, “Under those Seals everything to put us in a rapture,” and there’s always an element of mystery, even when the mystery is explained, that’s true, especially concerning itself.
What do we need to know? Except there is one God, and we know He dwelt in human flesh, and that One died for us and rose again making intersession, mediating for us. The spirit of God filling us takes us right to the Word, the Word of this hour when there’s life for transfiguring and transform.
The very life to heal as we give way and let go, and let God, taking us from minds that are corrupted and corroded where Paul said, “He’s not given the spirit of fear but of love and courage, but of sound mind.”
Father, we thank You for this. We don’t need to know everything as though we’re going to dissect this and that.
We know it’s not for us, but it’s for us to know that You came down, You could not leave Adam and Eve to an archangel, or to any angel, or any other messenger, You Yourself came down, and so today.
We thank Thee oh God that You are here to lead the Bride into the Millennium, and each one into eternal immortality, as the Scripture said, “Immortality, eternality.”
Father let there not be one weak in our meeting concerning their faith, concerning their trust, coming to that place where Brother Branham said, “He had this one major gift that to learn to get out of the way.”
Lord help us to get out of the way concerning salvation, for the same prophet said, “That’s always been man’s trouble, he’s always trying to put something to it.”
God this morning help us, because we can’t help ourselves. Help us to reach the irrevocable decision that salvation is of the Lord. And I receive it, to confess it and stand with the Word of this hour. That’s what we want Lord, because that’s the great thing.
Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be all power and honor and glory through Jesus Christ our Savior, amen.
‘Take the Name of Jesus with you.’