Questions and Answers #02

What’s Becoming of the Money; Eve Should of Borne Christ
#2097 /

Brother Lee Vayle

Transcript in progress.

Audio is available now.

Shall we pray.

Heavenly Father we know that You have given us the spirit of teachability and we know the world does not have that, because particularly the Christian world doubts that there is anything that it doesn’t have, and doubts that there is anything it needs to know, doubts that anything could come and they would not recognize it, doubts that anything from You Lord, but what they would participate in it.

And we know that that is because they are unteachable, even as Cain was not teachable even as he was confronted by You. In this hour, Lord, in the hour of great confrontation, the great Appearing, we know that the true Spirit is the Spirit within us of the Holy Spirit given to us to teach us, and if we are of You Lord, then we will be taught, for all of God’s children shall be taught of Him.

Help us therefore to recognize this is our stand above any stand, our tie post above any tie post, the evidence above any evidence, that we are teachable, we can learn from You.

We admit that we are in error, we are disobedient children, not children of disobedience, that want to continue in our stubborn, willful way, but Lord we want above all else to be subject to You and Your Word, and we know if we have the Spirit of Christ, we will be subject to the Word, especially the teaching, and then from there growing in grace and in your knowledge we’ll be pleasing unto You, coming to maturity.

That’s what we desire this morning, we confess that we are that, but we’re looking for more. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

You may be seated.


Now last night we were looking at what we see is going on, and everybody is so worried about the stock market, and at the same time you have these people on the air, and I listen to some of the programs as I drive back and forth, maybe half an hour of listening, three quarter hour sometime, and they’re still touting their books, which are claiming that the Bull market is a wonderful market, there’s nothing to be afraid of a Bear market, and then suddenly the bottom goes out, at least a good… well it’s about what? Four percent or something like that, it’s not too high, seven percent, as against 1987, twenty-five percent, and I notice the advertisements are still saying there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Well then the market had a bit of recovery, and we read some of the new articles in the paper, and one particularly was where a group of people lost fifty million dollars.

Now let’s just take a look at some of these things, I’m want to write them here, and I’m going to go over this as quick as I can. All right, let’s say that the number of people here were five hundred people that invested. And those people invested ten thousand dollars apiece.

Well that’s a pretty good bit of money, but it’s no record breaker. What can you really do with ten thousand dollars? Tonsillectomy, appendectomy, you know? Or even getting your ear punctured and putting an earring in.

What’s ten thousand bucks? Well you could ask Rodman about that. I don’t know how expensive his earrings are, but ten thousand dollars, you know it’s peanuts, really, but that’s what it is.


Okay over here then, the total we’ve got, we’ve got actually then five million dollars, so let’s say we have five million. I’m not going to go to the fifty million thing there, but we got five million dollars, and then let’s say that back there in 1987, those shares were twenty bucks a piece, we got two hundred and fifty thousand shares of stock here.

Now here in 1997, as of September, that’s your nine-month in there, those stocks came up to say fifty million dollars. And so here we are right here, we got all this money, and all this money came from this five million dollars over that period of time, let’s say it’s nine years.

So actually what you’re looking at, the actual loss, you don’t know it’s fifty million dollars. That’s potential. That’s what their claim is when you consider the rise in the stock. Now what did they actually lose? We don’t even know they lost even five million dollars.

So let’s just talk about the fact that at nine percent, if you have five million dollars here, and you have say nine percent over ten years roughly, you’d have four million, say five hundred thousand dollars.

Now if they were entirely wiped out, they have lost nine million, five hundred thousand dollars. Right? That’s actually what they’ve lost.

They haven’t lost fifty million dollars. See? Because that was never cashed in. That is what you say the market value is and that is what it should have brought in. The point is, who had the money to buy it? Who knows?


So when they say, “We lost fifty million dollars,” you can’t say that. What if you and I invested, we’ll say we hear that there’s, well let’s say that we thought it was a good deal to buy the DeLorean car, you know the fellow that was with General Motors, or so on and so forth, and he raised a lot of money, and what did he make? Was there five thousand cars, something like that? Maybe less than that.

And you say, “Well okay, I know now that that car is going to be an antique, is going to be…” Well what about Tucker? Now there’s a better example still. I had a friend who worked with Tucker.

And Tucker had a real good car that the big three actually from what they say, and what movie came out on and everything else, that they told so many lies that they bankrupt Tucker… now let’s say we had one of his cars.

Okay we buy it for ten thousand dollars, and we trust we are going to get a hundred thousand dollars back. Well the point is if it took twenty years to get the hundred thousand dollars, and you still don’t get it, you have a car worth ten thousand dollars, but you’ve lost the interest.

So when they talk about all of this great horrendous thing happening right now, there’s nothing much to that. The actual manipulation of the stock market.

But what is really happening behind the scenes? Well let’s take a look at it. Behind the scenes here is really your money system.

We’ve got your Federal Reserve, and you’ve got whatever is in Europe over here, and every place else, and remember, what was in Europe, and all this junk here, America took, when they really shouldn’t have taken it.

That’s where Rothschild came in, and he said, “I don’t care who makes the laws, as long as I can print the money.”


So all right, what do you got in the banks? Let’s say now instead of you putting this ten thousand dollars apiece, you put this five million dollars into the bank.

Now the five million dollars you own, the bank doesn’t own. But they’ve got a charter, they’re a corporation, they’re granted by the government to play footsy with the Federal Reserve.

And the Federal Reserve issues the money, it pulls the money back, and they do it by interest, and various conniving’s, I don’t know how they do it.

Because nobody understands the Federal Reserve. I don’t care how smart he is, there’s nobody who understands it. There’s just nobody living can actually figure it. We get a lot of talk about it, but to really know about it…

But this is the most I know about the money system. I understand, here’s our five million dollars by these five hundred investors.

Now the bank is paying the highest rate of interest you’re going to get on this today, it used to be as much as eight percent, seven percent, Scutters were paying ten percent when Reagan took over, it was highly inflation, double digit figure, I know because I had a few bucks in there myself.

What did I have? Ten thousand dollars? And I got ten percent. That’s good money. Ten percent interest. But today what do you get? You get about 4.25 is going to be maximum if you let your money sit in there. If you put a current account in there, you maybe get 2.25%.


Now but here is five million dollars. Now according to my understanding, the banks can loan all of that five million except four percent, is supposed to be four percent left in there, kind of like escrow.

Boy, four percent of your money left in there, and the bank takes, now look it, ninety-six percent of that five million dollars the bank has on books.

Now when you go to the bank, and there’s not just five million dollars, there may be fifty… well it could be five trillion dollars out there that the banks have control of, and they only allowed, forced by the government, to keep four percent in their cash reserve in the bank.

Okay. You tell me that when General Motors, or little George Jones, or ‘Jack In The Box’ goes to the bank to get a loan, that they say, “Here’s the money.” They don’t do it. They simply give you credit.

Now how many times can the banks lend out that ninety-six percent, simply by books? Now they’ll tell you its not being done. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it for fifteen seconds. Otherwise why are the banks failing?

The banks lend money that they can’t get back. We have lent money to nations, trillions of dollars as far as I know, if not multiplied hundreds of billions and we’re not getting a nickel back. Where’s the money coming from? Money doesn’t breed.

I can put two ten-dollar bills together, and I will not get a hundred dollars back. Can’t do it. So what I’m trying to point to you is this. This money here that’s lost up here, let’s say all of its lost, it didn’t evaporate. Where is it? Whose got it? Somebody’s got it.


Now if this group here that lost these so-called fifty million dollars, and actually only invested five million dollars, and the company went bankrupt, then what you’re looking at is the loss of jobs, and you’re looking now at stagnation, you’re looking at deflation.

Because at this point, ten percent, it used to be thirty, ten percent now own seventy percent of all the wealth in the world. That means ninety percent, that’s you and me, own a mere thirty percent of it. Ninety percent. We are down to bare peanuts.

Now this money in the original stock market, Joe Kennedy cleaned up four hundred million dollars, because he was told what you and I weren’t told.

And most of you aren’t old enough to know anything about it anyway. I was fifteen years old when the stock market went down. Almost a month to fifteen years of age. And I went down, the stock market went down. He put four hundred million dollars.


Now the point is, you’re looking at this figure here, ten percent owning seventy percent of the entire wealth of the world. Now let’s look at this figure here. This guy has this liquidity. He’s got money. You’ve got other guys that bailed out; they’ve got money.

What about 1987, Perot? How did Perot know that the stock market would need a correction? You mean to tell me that there’s not an inside track somewhere that’s run by the prince of the power of the universe? The satanic system.

And I’m not saying there’s a double government, I’m just trying to bring out facts and figures of what’s in the world today, and I’m not very smart. As I say, Todd would do much better because he’s an accountant.

But the fact of the matter is you are looking at ten percent of the people owning seventy percent of the wealth of this world. Now how do they own it?

They can own it in oil wells, they can own it in businesses, they can own it here, they can own it there, or they can also have large amounts of cash, they can have large amounts of gold, but there’s no place on any record that I can find that these people are buying up large amounts of gold and silver and precious stones, which isn’t going to do any good anyway.

Because it’s only those that have the gold, and if the government legislates, they’re going to take the gold, you have nowhere to hide; you are simply out.


So from last night, looking at where the banks are. Now they come in, the banks have lent all this money out here, and all these guys are bankrupt. The four percent doesn’t cover anything.

The United States government has promised ten percent in the Federal Reserve that they’ll cover you. That’s nothing. They simply can’t do it.

The savings and loans, which were brought in by politics and lobbyists, who wanted to make a killing and made their killing, barely got covered.

Now we’ve got a victim in here, Greg, he had his money in a savings and loan, he had a hard time getting it out, I was smarter, I had my money across in a bank, churches money, a little bit of mine, in the bank across the street, they were not a savings and loan, they had a tighter game to play.

Now you’re not supposed to, banks are not supposed to lend money in order to buy stock or anything, which has a challenge to it, or a gamble.

But if you decide that you’re going to risk your own finances, that is what you have in your bonds… not necessarily your bonds, but your house and all, you can take that money and you can buy for it.

Now when that goes on down, everybody down here then, it’s so depreciated, that up here that was fifty million dollars, back here, is down here now and it might not be even five million, it might be zero, or it might be, say, two million, five hundred thousand dollars.

Well hey, that’s not very much money left. And the banks down here, even they got four percent, they’ve lent this money out here several times, where are they at?


So what I’m trying to say is this: there’s a lot of money out there, there’s a tremendous amount of money, it hasn’t evaporated, but you’ll come to the place where you are not going to have the money to buy things, and it’s going to be compounded by the fact if the gold standard coming in, you can only have money to buy things if you’re under a system.

So now we’re in a position here where there isn’t any inflation so-called, but there has been. And at the same time, people are being laid off in jobs.

At the same time we’re finding, the businessman has withheld the hirer of the laborer. And now because he’s done that his silver and gold is corrupted.

So you’ve got this whole thing in one great big mess here, and nobody can figure it out. And they know there’s only one way to get the system working, they’ve got to come back to a common denominator, which is going to be gold, because I showed you that in the second chapter of the Book of Genesis, right in there, those four rivers dividing, showing civilization, and the thing they brought out was gold, fine gold.

And you can see right there, remember, God’s government was in Eden, and one word out put you outside of that government. And when it put you out there, it put you into civilization, yep; it put you into civilization, and to the economy of civilization.

Now at the end time the economy’s shot! And Satan is in full control. And already the mighty One from heaven, God Himself, one foot upon land, and one foot upon sea. Revelation 10.

And that to me is where Brother Branham brought out that the beast that rose out of the land was America. Dry land, rose out. And America is thirteen colonies, thirteen stars, thirteen stripes, thirteen everything, producing an antichrist.

And now what happens? God coming down. The light came to America, one foot on land, America, where the prophet came out of the land. Just like a root out of dry ground. Yep, that’s what I’m looking at.

I’m not saying I’m a hundred percent right, I am drawing a principle, I am drawing an analogy, or an illustration, whatever you want to call it. Now with the one foot on America with the prophet, the Word goes out over the seas, which is all.


Now let’s follow the devil can only duplicate God. He doesn’t have an original thought. There’s got to be a duplication, the two vines. One from the other, one beside.

So now what happens? You have the dry land, America, the antichrist coming out of it, America making the image to the beast, the whole thing. And America has.

And starting with the Marshall plan, it threw it into positive existence, and I’m talking from history, and what I feel I know, this is not ‘THUS SAITH THE LORD’, we’re just drawing the picture here, as I see it, and so now America with its currency running seventy four percent of the world’s volume of trade.

Now then I don’t care about Rothschild in Europe, I don’t care of the Sultan of Brunei, that’s worth forty billion or five hundred billion dollars, I don’t care two cents for Dodi Fayeds father who’s an Egyptian billionaire, I don’t care two bits about Monaco, what they’ve got, or what Switzerland’s got, or what the Jew’s got, or anybody’s got! I’m not interested, because it’s the American currency that’s controlling seventy-four percent of the world’s commerce.

Now at the same time we get stagflation, everything goes down the drain. And it’s going to go down the drain; it’s going to stop. And you won’t be able to buy and sell without the antichrist. Why? Because he’s the guy that knows how to do it. The rest of them don’t.

And he’s got the gold, and he’s going to do it. Because remember, one word off was Satan’s kingdom. Let’s go and read it again. See I’m in hot water here if I’m not right.

But you better believe I don’t believe I’m wrong for one minute. I only wish Brother Branham was here, either back me up and cheer me on or say, “Lee, you better shut your mouth.”


It says in verse 10 of chapter 2.

Genesis 2:10

(10) …A river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

And you can tell right there, that God, everything that God stands for in a river, the River of Life, goes outside from the kingdom, and watch what happens.

Because if God took His hand off, in other words if God died on Calvary… hah! Forget it. How could God die? If God died, even the devil would die. There’s nothing without God! Not a rock! Not anything!

Genesis 2:11

(11) The… first is Pison: [that sounds like a serpent] is [that] which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;

There you are. If you think I’m wrong, you tell me what it means. “Well Brother Vayle, that’s just a little geography.” Is it? Wonderful.

Then Calvary never happened either, that’s geography and history, on Golgotha. No, no, no, no, no, you can see it right here. It compasseth like a serpent compassing. Gold. One word off, Satan’s kingdom.

And Satan’s kingdom is nothing without God the Creator, and Satan putting his hand on it. Or how do you think there’s annihilation? You’re right back then to the guys who couldn’t believe in annihilation, because they said, “There’s nothing annihilated, even when the thing burns up it goes to gasses, first of all passing through energy, and goes to gases,” but they’ve found right now by destroying the atom, actually they now know there’s such a thing as annihilation. Oh brother, people are such phonies.


Anyway, I wanted to show you this to let you know there’s something way, way more than just a stock market going down, there’s stagnation, they call it stagflation, we had it for a while, they call it recession.

We have also deflation, because people are going to have to charge less money to get rid of what they’ve got, and by that time an inventory can break you.

That’s why everybody’s so happy that today they’ve got a system in the world where you can bring merchandise in without a huge inventory, know the hour it’s going to hit your dock, and put it in your cars or whatever you’re making. And they’re happy.

Now you take that system what we’ve got today, the computerized forces of the world, the telecommunications system, the fact that they can get a dossier pulled in Washington in twelve seconds, and that was years ago, twelve to twenty seconds on every one of us, you can see the system today, and with knowledge increasing, and this was said years ago, double every single year to the fact it will be double every six months.

Antichrist got all the gold, the whole thing coming out of America, and right now gold has taken a drop with Switzerland putting 114 tons on the market down to what, 308 is it Russ, remember? Three hundred and eight dollars an ounce? Yeah. Who do you think is buying it?


Thirty some years ago, who was taking a hundred thousand dollars a year out of New York alone, bingo to Rome? A papal legate. And as a papal legate, America couldn’t even look in his briefcase.

Why they could bring in the bubonic plague here, and spread it in every reservoir in the world, because they got immunity. You can kill our people on the streets, if you belong to another nation. Immunity. So how many billions of dollars in Rome right now of American money?

Now the only money that America destroys is that which comes in dollar per dollar. The Federal Reserve is obligated to make money; we don’t know the whole story about it. But we do know this; they set prime rate and the ordinary rate. They can put money in and put money out.

So the whole thing is now back to the system in the beginning, which is gold, gold, gold. And so that’s what I wanted to bring out last night and show you that say hey, just forget the whole thing, put your trust in God, realize like me and my wife, and especially me because I have to be responsible for her, and I will be, and have been, if we have to starve, we will lie there and starve. If we have thrown out in the cold, we will go in the cold.

But we could both be dying horrible deaths of cancer, we will not go to see Benny Hinn, or listen to Shelley, or anybody else. Forget it!

Death is merely a release from your body, but the life we have never had a beginning and never will have an end, and will one day be just like our Redeemer, Who brings many sons into glory.


So that’s I wanted to just show you that, is all these figures, the man, they lost fifty million dollars. They never lost fifty million dollars. That’s just to lead you astray. Go on back where the real thing is.

And your banks close down and everything else. And you find you got nothing anymore because somebody, a few people got their hands on the whole bundle.

And then the funny thing is they’re stuck too. They’re stuck with it. Go to you rich men, weep and howl for the miseries that come upon you.

You say, “Well who takes over?” The guy that’s been running the show, the devil. All these years, and he’s going to keep running it until the takeover by Jesus Christ.

And remember, the takeover is going on right now! Because God’s got to take over the Bride, take over His entire Kingdom of Saints, and we’re going to come back with Him, Elohim incarnated, reincarnated in the Son, take over the whole system, and as Brother Branham said, “I don’t know if the whole earth will be renovated,” but he said, “He’ll renovate at least a part of it,” and that’s his conversation with me, it could be on a tape, I don’t know.

And we’ll come back and rule and reign with Him a thousand years, we’ll have our own homes, have our own vineyards, own fig trees, and we might just eat fish sandwiches, I haven’t got a clue.

Maybe we’ll eat a fig sandwich, strawberry sandwich, fine by me, I don’t care what’s in it, I know I’m going to enjoy it. You won’t have a bunch of kids with perverted junk food appetites, and you won’t be perverted like your kids with junk food appetite either.

I think if they had grapes of Eschol where one bunch weighed more than the two men could carry, my, you could just sit under one of your vines and eat grapes for the next two thousand years, wouldn’t feel bad at all, just feel great.

They tell me grapes can cure about anything, even, you ever hear of a grape cure for cancer? Yep, they’re right in Europe, grape cure. So who knows?

So anyway I wanted to just show you that, how this thing is, just forget about it, just believe what the prophet said, just believe the Word, this is something the devil’s into, something the devil controls, it’s from Genesis right to Revelation, you saw it, we brought it out, Genesis 2, right to Revelation.

And one day we’re going to walk on streets of crystal gold. In other words you can almost literally look through it. Transparent, so beautiful, wonderful.


All right, now that’s so much for that, we got a question here, and maybe this is all we’ll have time for, and by the way, I’ve missed so far two messages I think, so by the end of the year instead of preaching twenty-four, there’ll be twenty-two, unless I can recover, which I’m going to try to recover and put all twenty-four messages together.

Although I do want to have more time to try to get my own life in order, and get quietened down, because it’s just too hectic at this point, as I said I’m a week behind, or sometimes I’m two months behind, and I’d like to get into some manuscripts, because people want to have some of the sermons I’ve preached in printed form, and I don’t want to let them go out under any consideration anymore without complete editing.

And so if you want to pray with me about that, I’d appreciate it. See, personally I don’t care. But if the people want it, then I’ve got to do something about it, and if you want it, then you better do something about it, which means you pray that I’ll have the energy, or I will have the determination to use my energy.

To this point my energy determination is to have a good plate of pasta with shrimp, you know, with lemon butter sauce, something like that, or to just wander around in a haze.

But, so anyway I’m telling you the truth now. It may sound facetious, but I am telling you the truth, so you pray about that, if you care to.


All right, it said, “Could you please refresh our minds on the meaning behind the statement made by Brother Branham concerning the fact that Eve should have borne Christ?”

Now I like the thought they said the fact. Because the prophet is factual.

Spoken Word Original Seed  62-1803

[23-7]  I believe the Bible is the Word, the whole Truth, [that’s the Word as we understand. You know, the whole truth,] and Jesus is the Word made manifest; He and His Word are One and the same. What was He? Now, look. He was that Seed. [Now I’ll read more.]

[23-9]  He was that Seed that Eve should’ve produced. Do you get it? He was the Seed that Eve was to produce, but she hybridized it by disbelieving God’s Word. So He was that Seed, and the only way that Life could be, in the reproduction of Life, Life had to come through that Seed, and that Seed had to die in order to spread out the Life. Can’t you see it? That’s why the Water was given: to water the Seed.

Now this is just putting it in context in a very limited degree. It should be gone into the much broader context so we’d have more of a continuity.

But if you’d have had your books open, which you did not, you’d have seen an interpolation, which I left out. Brother Branham said, “Now I’ve got to hold something back.” Now when did he say that?

[23-7]  I believe the Bible is the Word, the whole Truth, and Jesus is the Word made manifest; He and His Word is One and the same. What was He? Now, look. He was that Seed [And then he stops and he throws a real mean curve. Because he says,]

…I’ve got to hold something back in order to get it in here this evening. You see? It’s hard.

And that takes people’s minds right off of what he is saying. It blows the whole thing. The scripture’s full of that.

If you don’t understand that Revelation 10 is an interpolation, you can go completely bugs. If you don’t understand the sealing of the hundred and forty-four thousand is an interpolation, you go nuts!

You try to figure chronology? Not only chronology, you try to figure out sensibility. You try to get your point of view; you can’t do it. You’re locked in. You got a major problem.


So Brother Branham not meaning to throw a curve, any more than Paul threw curves with his interpolations, and that’s the same you got over there concerning Melchisedec in the Book of Hebrews. He throws a curve. All of these are curves.

And in throwing the curve, you forget that you are a child of God full of the Holy Ghost with the ability to pick up. And if you’re part of the five-fold ministry, which is positively unique, you do it for the people who seemingly sometimes cannot do it, and thereby you have it.

So now this morning you have it. Now let’s say it again, and forget the interpolation.

[23-7]  I believe the Bible is the Word [of God], the whole Truth, and Jesus is the Word made manifest; He and His Word are One and the same. What was He? Now, look. He was that Seed.

[23-9]  He was that Seed that Eve should’ve produced. [Now that’s what he’s talking about.] Do you get it?

Now, what has he based that upon? Huh? Well, let’s just look at life. I want to draw something up here in yellow and in red. So all right, I take my yellow… oh you can’t even see that. Let’s change that. Let’s change that, I want to have a pink color, and then I want to do something here in a green color.

Now if I don’t do this pink and this green, which looks I’m not having too much success, not a very good green — here’s a better one. Now green here. Because you see I want that there as the basis to what I’m going to put on down here. In this color here.

Now if you don’t get this red and this green, you don’t get that! That becomes a mystery to you. And you say, “Uh, what is this?”


So let’s go back. I believe the Bible is the Word, the whole Truth, and Jesus is the Word made manifest; That is the pink and the green that goes to the red.

Now what is the red? He was the Seed that Eve should’ve produced.

So there’s something up here that’s in the Bible that’s written, or veiled in a mystery that needs to come out. And when it comes out, you will find this down here, which is manifestation, which is Christ! But if you don’t understand this, you’ll never get this.

You’ve got to understand that this is what is basic to bring forth this. You follow what I’m talking about? You’re kind of silent but I think you understand what I’m getting at. All right, go over it again.

I believe the Bible is the Word, the whole Truth,

And that’s right, and that’s what he’s starting with. Now that right here is my red and my green — or my pink and my green. That is it. Truth.

And if anything ever comes of this, it will be this, which is the manifested seed, because this is a seed, this is a life; this is a life principle. But it’s got to have a chemistry. It’s got to have something to produce it. To manifest it.

Now it could be produced in various forms. It could be produced in a form that you and I cannot even see! Because you and I have to deal with that which is visible in some way, shape, and form.

Because all we have with us in this body are the five senses, and everything must come through the five senses. No other way. If you don’t believe that, then how are you going to have a scientist who could take a microscope and take atom smashers, and highly magnified microscopes and everything under high heaven, and produce things that the eye cannot see? It’s all there, but if he’s blind it doesn’t do one bit of good.

And he may be fully capable of every single thing I’m talking about, but he’s blind! So we are here bound by five senses as Brother Branham said.


Now Brother Branham brings out what we say here. This which is there. First of all it came by ideology. God’s ideas, God’s wisdom. Then it came by a foreknowledge in the sense they’re both combined, where it’s written in a book. Then the third thing is it’s spoken.

And at the time of speaking that we begin to look for manifestation. We’ll go into this a little later as I read my notes. But I want to show you the basic of where I’m coming from.

And Brother Branham says, “The Bible is the Word, the whole truth, and Jesus is the Word made manifest.”

And now that is a term that is general. Marble makes a beautiful statue, but this particular marble makes this statue.

So now we’ve got to the place where we’re isolating the Word of God. And the Word of God at this point is isolated to and confined to Seed Jesus. Do you follow what I’m saying now?


So all right, let’s go over it again.

[23-7]  I believe the Bible is the Word, the whole Truth, [Sure it is. Every single thing, history, geography is all in there. Prophecy. Revelation. Judgment. Everything.] And Jesus is the Word made manifest;

And it’s not as though he’s saying Jesus is the whole Word, though contingent to it, concerning David and Solomon, everything else the contingency’s… it’s contingent to it, no doubt about it. Because you’re dealing with the Spirit, you’re dealing with God.

And you’re dealing with the Son being Creator by God, and Administrator by God. All of these things, you’re dealing with it. But this particular one you’re dealing with the fact that Jesus is the seed that Eve should have borne, period.

You’re not dealing with Nebuchadnezzar. You’re not dealing with head and feet. You’re not dealing with iron and clay. Only indirectly. So get what he’s talking about. Not the whole Bible. He’s talking about this. Jesus the seed. The seed of the woman.

And you know it is, because he said, “Eve should have borne Him.” Now that’s the honey right there, that’s the doozy, that’s the stickler. He was that seed that Eve should have produced, do you get it?

[23-9]  He was the Seed that Eve was to produce, but she hybridized it by disbelieving God’s Word.

Now what did she hybridize? She hybridized the birth of her first male child, which was Cain! So she blew it. Now the question comes out, how in the name of common sense could that be? Well go back to the Word! Huh?

Well let’s go back to the Word. Now we’re going to stop there, because I’m going to start reading my notes.

And we’re going to take the whole thing right through what I’ve got written down here with that background. Genesis 1:26-29. And this is all we’ll have time for this morning.


Okay. Reading it.

Genesis 1:26

(26) And God said, Let us make man in our image,…

And He wasn’t speaking to the devil, as a certain man went to Australia and preached that He was. If you don’t know his name by now, forget it anyway. I lost faith in this bird years ago. He’s the same guy that believed that Satan was a scapegoat.

So he had a part in salvation till he had to push his nose into it. So much for knowing what Brother Branham said about anything, hey? He said the Father was talking to the Son. So now we’ve got Satan is the Son of God. Now we’ve got God and the devil the same person. Just this side, that side.

Now my brother/sister, if you want to eat baloney instead of pure tenderloin beautiful Black Angus, grade number one steak, you can have it.

But this morning we’re going to deal on pure number one Black Angus filet mignon of the highest order. All natural fed with good grain, no pesticides, and no antibiotics. So all right, you with me? Because that’s what we’re going to do.

Genesis 1:26

(26) Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion…

Now if He was talking to the Son, man is not made only with a part of God, he’s made in the image of what? Son. So now we’re going to have a lot of sons. And Adam is the first one, past Jesus.

Because we’ve got God Who’s Father, we’ve got Jesus the Son, and now God says to the Son, “Hey, We are going to make a man in Our image. We’re going to have a lot of children. You’re going to be the top Son, and all these other sons are going to be under You. They’re all children. But I’m starting with You.”


Now He said,

Genesis 1:26-29

(26) …let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

(27) So God created man in his own image, the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

(28) And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

(29) Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, [and so on.]

Now just a minute, I want to ask you a question. Did this ever happen? No. The point is then: does it have to happen? Yes. Well actually, did it really happen?

Yes. Because Jesus right now says, “All power in heaven and earth is given unto Me.” And He is the One that fulfils this scripture. Huh? Then Who was God talking about? Who was that Seed?


Now come on now, let’s go back to Brother Branham.

[23-7]  I believe the Bible is the Word, the whole Truth, and Jesus is the Word made manifest;

What was made manifest concerning this scripture? Not Adam, not Eve, not Abel, not none of them. Jesus!

Now that will sink your uppers and your lowers right now. Well come on. Okay. Spoken Word. Once spoken the Word must come to pass, but not necessarily at that moment.

As Brother Branham illustrated, “Let there be light,” it could have been millions of years later, but it had to come to pass, and don’t you believe it won’t. And when it comes to pass the manifestation is God’s interpretation of His Word, because He fulfils it.

And you and I wouldn’t have a clue unless He made it manifested in such a way that we could grasp it! When you see God descend from the heavens and stand before groups of men and declare Himself as ever He did.

Okay. Can you take it? Oh no, you got the Holy Ghost, hallelujah, you know some things by yourself, oh bless God. Oh shut-up, you make me sick.

Listen I know this Pentecostal clap, trash, and balderdash. I’ve been told like the boys on the Internet, “Well you wouldn’t understand. Why I’ve had some things happen in my life too, Brother Vayle, heh, heh, heh, heh…” Yeah. Yeah, so have I.

When I was a kid I stepped on a nail and I limped for months, I fell in a gopher hole, and I broke a piece of my ankle, or my foot something, and I suffered for six weeks, sure, sure, sure. I got hit on the head here, and I had visions, and they don’t mean a thing. I get so fed up.


Now notice, 26-29 did not begin to come to pass until,

Genesis 2:4

(04) These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the [heaven and the earth],

Now the Lord God made them through Jesus Christ, but God made them. That’s where the Jesus Only get all mixed up because they know Jesus was the creator, but only indirectly.

The same as God shed His blood, indirectly. Because Jesus was the blood of God. And it had to be, because the life is in the blood. As Brother Branham said, it had to have a chemistry.

Genesis 2:5

(05) And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was [no] man to till the ground.

Now there you are. This fellow back here is supposed to eat the herb and everything else, and he can’t do it.

Genesis 2:6-7

(06) There went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole ground.

(07) And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

He breathed into this man the breath of lives. So he had two lives in him right away. Had a dual person, Adam and Eve. He called their name Adam. God didn’t say Eve. He didn’t make it male and female. It’s the life. The determination of that life through flesh is what counts.

Genesis 2:8-9

(08) And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

(09) And out of the ground the Lord God [made] every tree [to grow] that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


Now with that we go to 23,24; I got to watch my notes.

Genesis 2:23-25

(23) And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. [She was a part of him. A part of his body, a part of everything.]

(24) Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

(25) And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Okay, now back here before Eve was formed, after verse 7 and 8 and 9, where God talked to Adam, it says,

Genesis 2:15-17

(15) And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it.

(16) And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

(17) But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof [dying] thou shalt surely die.

Doesn’t say that to the woman, He said that to the man. He said that to the man. Of course the woman had to obey that too.

Now, in also 18-25.

Genesis 2:18-20

(18) And the Lord God said, It is not good that man be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. [And that word means, “I’ll make one like unto him. I’ll make one just exactly like him, out of him.”]

(19) And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, [and so on and so on.]

(20) And Adam gave names to all [the] cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. [There wasn’t found one like him.]

So if there wasn’t found one like him, Adam is now in the flesh, there’s no way that he could produce. There’s no way that he could have any children. So he had to have a vessel that could provide children. For that life that’s in him.

So it didn’t matter whether it’s male or female within him, the point is he had to have a vessel that would come forth like him, to produce children. And it talks about nakedness, giving you an understanding how they’d be produced. There wasn’t found a helpmeet.


Now notice it says here that Adam gave names to all them that were in pairs. Doesn’t say anything about giving the name to the beast, but the beast was there. Then notice how he gave his wife a name.

He called her woman, taken out of man, then he called her Eve, because she’s the mother of all living. We know that because she bore Cain.

Okay, and reading on down, He caused the sleep and there they are able now to propagate, and to bring forth. And notice particularly,

Genesis 2:23-24,24

(23) And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

(24) Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, [Now that’s prophetical. See? Showing that the seed life here had to have a chemistry for evidence.]

(24) Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

And the fact of nakedness shows that the reproductive act will take place. That’s what this is all about in here. Now there has to be then chemicals, or the chemistry, in order to bring forth these ones.


So we go back to Genesis again,

Genesis 1:26-28

(26) …Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, [of] the earth, [and so on.]

(27) God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. [As in one person.]

(28) And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, [Why not? Because God had breathed into him the breath of lives!]

Every single child of God was put into Adam. It’s all there is to it. The life that God placed in His Son, we’ll see that in Ephesians, positively was placed into Adam. Genesis 1:26-29 is transferred as it were, which we read about, to Genesis 2:4-25.

That tells you there, we could read it all, we don’t have to, God made Adam out of the ground, the body, breathed into his nostrils the breath of lives, put them in the garden of Eden, he begins his work of overcoming all the animals and subduing all the earth, and remember he couldn’t do it until he had the wisdom of God to name the animals, that’s as far as he got.

He would have to name all the butterflies, all the insects, all the fish, all the trees, everything else. They haven’t done it even to this day.

And if you could name them, and know the ecology, and the association, you will destroy everything that God made. And they’ve done it. And God will destroy those that destroy the earth. See?

When you consider the great Pentecostal Mr. Watts, who was in the environmental, same as Babbitt has now, under this guy, and he was ready to destroy everything, even the Redwoods and everything else, for money, you can tell where the Pentecostals are, because they all said what a great Pentecostal Full Gospel Businessman he was.

Well if he doesn’t get destroyed because he’s destroying the earth, then I’ve missed my guess, and I’m not trying to condemn the man, I’m pointing it out.

You simply cannot claim for God anything unless you’re walking in that light. And you recognize it. Doesn’t say that you’re perfect!

Like David knew better than to covet his neighbor’s wife, commit adultery and kill, but he did it! But these guys don’t even know! The things of God are so intangible there’s no tangibility with them.


Okay, so Genesis 1:26-29, “Let us make man in our image,” and so on, is transferred over to where God actually does it, and puts them in a position now to supply the chemistry or the elements which will accrue to the life that is there in them, that God breathed in them, to bring forth God’s children, the same as dogs bring forth dogs, and pigs bring forth pigs, maple trees bring forth maple trees, oak tree bring forth oak tree, monarch butterflies bring forth monarch butterflies, head lice bring forth head lice, chicken life brings forth chicken life, tree frogs bring forth tree frogs…

What I’m trying to get to you, show you, there is a life that is defined by the elements that appear, that are finite, that are creative, that are formed, that are molded.

And you can tell way ahead of time, even by crossbreeding, what you’re going to get in animals! Now they didn’t just get a pretty tan colored horse with a beautiful white mane accidentally. See?


So you see this, we’re talking about seed. And the seed has a covering. And in the covering there’s everything there to initiate that life.

And all you got to do is have a properly germitized seed, as Brother Branham said, in the proper fertilized soil, give it the sun and the light, it’s going to come forth.

Now he said one time, he said, “If you had two seeds, and you couldn’t tell one from the other, what do you do? You plant them! And when the seed comes up you know what you got.”

Then he illustrated life and death by the church true and false, he said they developed a corn in Indiana. That is in the laboratory. They made layer upon layer, they put the little germ in there, it was phony, and they put the layer, the protein, they put the starch, they put the skin on it, every single thing, the husk, and they couldn’t tell it from a real one!

So they said, “Put it in the ground.” Of course the live one came up and the dead one stayed there. That’s the first resurrection. Except you got to bring in the foolish virgin, and I’m just going to leave them alone, because that’s kind of beyond me. I know a little about them, but not too much.


So all right, Genesis 1:26-29 is transferred, as it were, over to Genesis 2:24-25. This is the scenario.

A naked couple, capable of producing a whole succession of generations of flesh used the order of God to bring forth the children of God, was done at that very time.

Now watch what I read.

Genesis 2:24

(24) [For this cause] shall a man leave his father and mother,…

For this cause shall all men leave their homes and set up their own homes, and bring forth their children. Do you follow me?


Okay, to show you this we go to 1 Corinthians 11, and we get into some very blunt material here. 3-12.

1 Corinthians 11:3

(03) But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ;…

If the head of every man is Christ, then He’s a first-fruit! Then if He’s a first-fruit, Eve should have borne Him! She blew it. So it came to Mary, she bore Him. But you see the Word of God never fails.

I knew everybody said, “Well you see what Adam lost and turned to the devil, hallelujah, Jesus redeemed, and that’s it.”

That’s just a part of the truth! Do you think that people that teach that as Fundamentalists would believe what I’m teaching from Brother Branham this morning? Forget it.

They don’t even know the.. how can they know? They can’t know, because they’re not a part of God. You know the devil perverts the Word, even to little fine point, like Brother Branham said, “The most horrible lie in this world, the most complete, is ninety-nine percent true.” One word off.



1 Corinthians 11:3-5

(03) …have you know, …the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. [So God said to the Son, “Let us have many sons in our image.” That happened.]

(04) Every man… prophesying, having his head covered, dishonours his head.

(05) But every woman that pray[s and prophesies] with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.

So when the women began to cut their hair, that’s when woman’s lib started. And when they started woman’s lib, they said, “Roll them girlies, roll them. Roll your stockings.” What did they say? “Roll them girlies, roll them.” Let’s see. “Laugh at Ma, laugh at Pa, give them all the ha-ha. Roll them girlies, roll your own.”

And then they talked about the knees. I forget, I remember that song, I used to yell that at the top of my voice too. Yeah, back in the twenties. “Roll them girly…” Oh it was great fun, but what did I know about it? Phtt.

I was strictly sensual. Born in sin, shaped in iniquity. A sheep lying in the hog pen. If you’re weaned on hog food, you’ll love hog food. Phtt, nothing to it. Eat manure with the chickens, you’ll think it’s the greatest thing in the world.

Anyway, let’s keep reading.


All right. It says here, the woman she might as well shave her head if she cuts her hair.

1 Corinthians 11:7

(07) For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image [Notice he’s not in the image, he is the image] and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

So now just a minute. When God said, “Let us make man in our image,” He sure was talking to the Son. Because you can’t make an image unto God. God made His Own image. His Own body. Started off with Adam.

1 Corinthians 11:8,10-11

(08) For the man [listen] …for the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. [So therefore everything that she was, she had to get from him.]

(10) [Paraphrased] For this cause the woman ought to have the sign of authority on her head because of the angel. [What’s the sign of authority? Uncut hair.]

(11) Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

Where does [cut] hair come from? Disobedience to God. Eve showed her lack of recognition of Adam’s authority when she went with the beast.

She was a harlot right there, a prostitute, and she should have had her head shaved and cast out of the garden. But it couldn’t be done, of course, because Adam quickly intervened, played God, and saved her.

And neither could God get rid of her, because she was a part of Adam. But she was not in the original.

Now nothing against women. This is just what is historical. Because if the woman started out as a part of the man, like a twin within, male and female, He called their name Adam, then she is just as much a part of God as the man.

And she has her part to play, even as Adam has his part to play, and there’s no such thing as true Christians born again, unless both the male and the female, the husband and wife relationship, is played according to scripture.

One is a goat or a pig or something else, or both. Or you sure haven’t learned Who you came from and what you are, to walk in the dignity of the life of God.

Now it’s just that simple. Because breathed into him was the breath of lives. The full ability with this woman to bring forth every generation unto God.

And remember Christ, if He’s the first fruit now; He always was the first fruit. Can’t change.

Brother Branham looked down one night, and he said, “God knew before there was a speck of stardust I would be here preaching, and you folk would be here listening.”

I think he said that in 1965, in California. I guess he shook them stem to stern on that one.


Now it says,

1 Corinthians 11:9,11-12

(09) Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. [Okay, verse 11, now here’s what I’m looking at.]

(11) Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

(12) For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.

So what you’re looking at here is the perfect thing that God brought before us and it leaves us without all this sexual connotation. “I’m the man, I’m the woman, I’m this, I’m that.” No. You’re a child of God.

And that’s what the Greek says. Born one is not son of God; it’s used wrong in scripture. When it says, “Sons and daughters of God, come out and be separate, and show you’re sons and daughters of God,” that’s different from the word in the Greek, which is translated through the Bible as sons. It’s born one. It’s used as it were in the neutral.

Where no gender is implied, but the thing itself or the life itself is designated. Like we showed you over there in Corinthians, when it says “own”, “his own”, or “her own”, “his” is not there, the pronoun, and “her” is not there as the pronoun, the word “own” is there, and whatever the subject is you’re talking about, designates the sex.

We saw that in 1 Corinthians 13, and also what is it? Second chapter? I forget.


All right, so we’re looking at this here, and we read to verse 12.

Now number one: we saw number one, Genesis 1:26-29, “Make man in our image,” male and female made him, have power over the creation.

Number two: we saw man made physical, and we saw the woman made physical in a separation. And now in this separation, she is fully capable of bearing these generations with Adam.

Now the point is, notice, she got her life from Adam. And if she wants to propagate, then the same life comes from Adam, which came from the Son of God, which came from God. Right, that’s what you’re looking at. The beast has no part in this.

Now remember there’s a first fruit, to bear many sons. First fruit, many sons like the first one. Because that’s what a first fruit is. That’s why He’s the first begotten, He’s more than a first fruit once; He’s a first fruit twice.

And He’s a first fruit even three times, for all I know — right down the line. Because He was the first Son of God. Then He was the first risen from the dead.

He’s the first to take, and will be the first to take complete charge. Until He hands the Kingdom back to the Father. He’s that first. Always watch that first. You can’t break type any more than the nature.

See, people think, “Oh God said this, but it didn’t work, so God did that.” Oh, forget it. You’ve got what I said, the thought, the writing, the spoken. And once that’s spoken, forget it.

You couldn’t change it if you tried. If Brother Branham said, “THUS SAITH THE LORD, you’ve got your healing,” you could say, “I don’t want that healing! I don’t want to acknowledge that healing. I’ll never testify to…”

You better believe you’re healed because the doctors will prove it, and you’ll stand before God wishing you’d have kept your mouth shut, and just praised God. See I’m so strong on ‘THUS SAITH THE LORD’ and vindication, that I don’t turn a hair. Why should I? God doesn’t either.


So all right, number one: Genesis 1:26-29. Number two: Genesis 2:4-25. But watch number three does not follow number two as Eve interrupts Genesis 2:23-25, by Genesis 3:1-13.

Now in there you’ll notice that Genesis 1 is all about creating in the image, and this is this, and so and so. Genesis 2 is the putting in the human bodies ready for propagation. So what we’re looking for now is the fulfillment. Which should have followed.

By whom it is manifested that this Word was applied, because nobody but Jesus could fulfill it! Nobody. Because nobody could do the will of God like Jesus. The will of God was there, but nobody could do it. Thank God He did it, and we by faith can apprehend it.

Now so you go to Genesis 3:1-13. Now keep in mind what I read over here in the Book of 1 Corinthians. It tells you how it all comes about and what everything is in here.

And remember this is the divine order. Now listen, remember the divine order, “Neither the woman without the man in the Lord, all things are of God.”

So here’s where you see God’s having His way in spite of what man did. And the Word comes to pass according to God’s Own desire and understanding, and the interpretation comes to you and me by the manifestation thereof.

And the manifestation thereof is Jesus coming back with His Bride, and Him doing it all. Because I’m going to tell you, an army without a general that can give the commands to get the work done is nothing but a riot, and a disorderly mob.

Oh, my, see we’re putting this all back on Jesus, and if you can understand it, you can get happy like I’m trying to show you what Brother Branham is saying here.

And listen, the Christians can’t get this. These are not Christians here this morning, this is Bride, this is Mrs. Jesus. See? The identity.


So now in Genesis 3, all the way through, we find in here and you know the story. The beast, the serpent, who is the beast, he comes and he says to Eve, “Hey, has God said you shall not eat of every tree?”

The woman said, “That’s exactly right, we can have all of the trees that grow in the garden, but the tree in the midst,” she put it right, she was truthful, the tree in the midst did not grow out of the dirt.

Because if there’s a tree that will kill you when you eat it, it did not come out of the ground! Period. Huh? Well come on! We’re not a bunch of dumbbells, are we? Does arsenic grow out of the ground? No, it’s in the ground.

So if I give you a beet and a plate of arsenic, say, “Well I can eat the beet, because it came out the ground.” Well that’s fine. The arsenic? It didn’t grow, it was there, forget it.

“Well I’ll eat the arsenic.” Great. Go ahead; die. Have a few good belly cramps before you die, too. Stupidity is magnified by pain.

If you don’t think so… now that’s a very cogent thing I said right there, that wasn’t a little cliché. You look to the future, you’ll find out what I said. And I’m not a prophet.


Now Genesis 3:1-13, it tells you that:

Genesis 3:3-5

(03) …[you can’t] eat [that, don’t] touch it, lest ye die.

(04) And the serpent said, Ye shall not surely die:

(05) [Because] God know[s] in the day thereof, then your eyes be opened, and [you’ll] be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Do you know that’s something that evidently God did not say to Adam and Eve, but the devil knew that it was true, and he said it, and the devil can tell you a truth to destroy you! Why? Because it’s taken completely out of context and put in another place or another time!

What about the Seventh Day Adventist? They all died under Mrs. White. With their phony, stupid prophecy. But boy, she had a lot of truth. Women do. But they’re gullible.

The female spirit was not meant to contend with the enemy. And you get that in the type, the church cannot contend with the enemy. It’s got to have the Spirit of the living God, God in our midst. If God were not in our midst today, we could not contend with the enemy.

Because he’s only one word off today, just about one word off, every place you turn. And he’s got all the gifts manifested. He’s got the Benny Hinn’s out there. Go whuuump, in Evander Holyfield’s face, and the big, world champion boxer, I saw, because the film was given to me. Plop, bouncing on the ground, comes up healed.

And the doctors say, “Well we misdiagnosed.” Oh, God, you talk about… Let’s go home and vomit. Because I don’t want you vomiting in your seats. I’m not kidding, I feel like vomiting. My stomach just wants to go ulp.

Doesn’t it make you just nauseated? Just nauseated? And they’re supposed to be intelligent people. Oh merciful God. I don’t know, do you think the devil when he came in the garden, and the beast was a doctor, a lawyer, or a journalist? Or was he all three? Well anyway, let’s get on here, because this is really serious.


Now she’s caught in her nakedness, and they try to cover it, because she and her husband are in their nakedness. And the word ‘naked’ comes from the word ‘smooth’.

And if you can’t take it from there… I won’t talk about it this morning; I’ll do it another time. And so all right, they’re messed up.

Genesis 3:9-11

(09) And God called unto Adam, and said, Where art thou?

(10) And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

(11) And he said, Who told thee thou wast naked? [Who told you?]…

Now evidently there was something that they were perfectly capable of, but in doing it, it destroyed something within them. And it made them realize, this was not right.

Now unless you’re completely perverted under some devilish religion, there isn’t anybody in his right mind, and this runs in the billions, who doesn’t know that premarital sex, or sex outside of the will of God, somehow is not right. And it may be very pleasurable, but it still isn’t right.

And that wrongness does something, even greater than people realize, because it sets off a mechanism, which will eventually produce AIDS.

The mechanism will produce homosexuality, and everything filthy, animalism; you name it. It’s there, and will produce death. The body will succumb.

And the bodies today are rotting while they’re walking. Syphilis and gonorrhoea is that type of death, but AIDS is a millions times worse.


Did you notice today the papers, they put a picture of this man up there in New York, Chautauqua area, that’s just outside of Buffalo, if it’s what I’m thinking about, he had sex with pretty close to one hundred girls, one as young as thirteen, for drugs, he has HIV, AIDS, and now they figure hundreds are infested.

One person brings to light, and yet they’re still trying to tell us, “Oh, we’re conquering AIDS, oh AIDS is just under the table now.” And suddenly, blam!

Next week it’s going to be, “Oh hey, is it really getting good, we’re overcoming.” Six more weeks, blam! And what about all the blams that nobody knows about?

Just thank God we’re not doing those things, and there’s only one reason, because the sheep hear the voice, and they don’t cohabit with pigs.


Now, we go down here, and it says,

Genesis 3:12-13

(12) The man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. [And actually he’s saying the procreator, because she was with him, and we talk of that procreator meaning bringing forth children.]

(13) And the Lord God said unto the woman, [that’s Jehovah Elohim said,] What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent [completely] beguiled me, [Morally and physically seduced me. I was a pawn to his lust, to his urge, and I’m pregnant.]

And I think every man and woman ought to teach his daughter that the man and woman’s act of intercourse, with the man lasts just a few minutes, but with the woman it’s a solid nine months. You better think about it.

Because parents have an obligation to do more than just try to hide behind a little thin veneer, or spare their little feelings of guilt or something, whatever it is, they should be very, very open, and because they weren’t open the schools did it, and they opened up Pandora’s Box, instead of knowledge which is true, every filthy sin has come from our schools today, because the homes didn’t do right by their kids. Now it’s come to the place, “We did it, so the kids will do it. So that’s fine.” Well it’s not fine.

Now, so we see that Eve by her interruption, or by what she did, number three was enacted rather than number two. And so now we find adultery, whoredom, illegitimate child.


Now then carefully looking at,

Genesis 3:15

(15) And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Here we hear the woman’s seed. Now this is spoken Word. But watch. Before it was spoken, it was a thought. And after it was a thought, the premise, it was written in a book. Then it was spoken.

So therefore, the speaking of this particular word does not mean that the chronology is perfect, because the chronology is not perfect.

The chronology was already in heaven, and the thought was exactly, “Let us make man in our image, and let us therefore bring forth after our own image, and let us have our children in that image successively,” but it wasn’t. She blew it.

As Brother Branham said, “The beast, or the serpent got to her before Adam did, and now she has twins.”


Now Seth, Abel, every child of Adam and Eve was a true, legitimate child of Almighty God. Cain had to of course take his half sister, after his mother’s flesh, and the hybridization thereof corrupted the flesh more and more, and since lust started with the beast, and remember true intercourse in marriage is not lust.

It’s sensuality, but it is not lustful. Because how can you lust after that which is yours, you already possess it; it’d then be a state of coveting.

You can’t covet your wife; she’s yours. She can’t covet you because you’re hers. So now you have things all skewed up here, and it’s very, very bad.

Now even though this is spoken after the fall, it had to be in divine order, as Eve’s promise before either Adam or Eve appeared. See?

Remember this was spoken to Eve, but before this was spoken to Eve in Genesis 3, it was already spoken to her in Gen 1:26-28. And in Gen 1:26-28 was fulfilled only in Jesus, the Christ. So she should have borne Christ.

Now remember Mary. God spoke to her, and she said, “Let it be unto me according to Thy Word.”

Did Eve say that? No, she didn’t say that, she said, “Let it be unto me according to what the devil said about the Word.”

If she’d have said no, and remember Brother Branham said she had to get out from behind the Word before anything could happen. The minute she got out from behind the Word, she entered into a process of reasoning.

Therefore the mind is the most important thing you have to flood with the Word of God. And don’t you even talk about your heart being flooded with the Word of God, or your soul, before you consider your mind.

Because had it been only the processes of the soul, Eve would have gone nowhere with the devil. It’s the mind, and in the mind lies reasoning’s! And if the reasoning’s go down into your heart, you will go to hell as sure as you are reasoning in your heart!

You don’t reason in your heart! You receive in your heart the engrafted Word of God, then anything come out of that goes back to the mind, and the mind says, “Now look, this is what God said, go that way. Do that thing, don’t listen to this, don’t do that, don’t go there, come over here.”


Like I said last night, the Bible said, “In the last days, you come together even more often.” And there’s only one place I know where it talks about assembling, that I like, it’s in the Book of Acts, but Paul deliberately talks about assembling for the Lord’s Supper.

And yet I find people don’t mind missing it. No problem. I got news for you. You’re wrong. There’s something wrong with your head, because there’s something wrong with the heart. Your teaching is faulty somewhere. If it has been it’s corrected now.

So all right, Mary said, “According to Thy Word.” And if Eve had have said that, she’d have borne Christ, Who is the first fruit, because it’s proven that He is physically, therefore He must have been back there!

And if you think He wasn’t, you’ve got to be crazy. Because before there was a speck of stardust or an atom or anything at all, which is the truth, the atom, the light formed, and there was only God for it to form from.

And when you have a child, a baby, what’s it to form from? Only what the mother and father are!

Boy, now look at today. What is this, this woman in Ohio here going to have seven babies? That’s littering like a pig or a dog.

Do you know that twins are not accepted in any place hardly in this world, except you know kind of the downtrodden bunch of white people? Do you know in the Bible that they talked about twins only in the light of sheep having twins, because they like lots of sheep? Or animals having twins?

Twins weren’t looked upon in scripture as anything too great. And if you want to follow the scripture, and you look at twins, you’ve got a problem! You got Cain and Abel, you got Esau and Jacob, and you come down to typing Jesus and Judas.


Now these people take fertility pills and they’re coming like in animals. And what does my Bible say about that? It says, “What Eve did in the beginning greatly multiplies her conception.”

An animal, female animal can have a baby, most of them, not all of them now, I’m not that stupid I don’t know a little bit about biology and physiology. But a lot of them just have a baby once a year.

Some can litter out and have more babies. A woman, every twenty-eight days. She’s right there in the place to have a child. See where this came from?

Now let’s look at Mary again. “Be it unto me according to Thy Word.” And there’s the first fruit. And as I’ve said before, you show me one place in history, where every child of Mary by Joseph was not a true child of God.

I don’t believe that there was one child in that family that did not become an absolute beautiful Bride of Jesus Christ. Jesus had brothers. They were criticized.

Just like Mary got out of shape that time she said, “Oh do what, you know… just go ahead and listen to these people, you know, have a little wine here.”


Then again Brother Branham brought out, “I and my Father have …?…” He said, “I must be about my Father’s business.” He gave her the truth right to her lie… now she didn’t mean to lie, she’s a human being, she’s a nice person. You know I got no criticism there at all. But she was out of order just the same.

And Brother Branham showed where his wife was out of order when she said, “Well Bill, why don’t you take care of them?” You know? So all these things you’ve got to look at. But I look at it.

Now this is definitely so, we talked about the spoken Word, should have been Christ born, this is definitely so because Adam’s seed never did fulfill Genesis 1:26-28, and Adam and Eve certainly didn’t, he only got as far as talking to the animals.

“You’re a cow, you’re a horse, you’re a pig, you’re a dog, you’re a…” you know. “And hey, you dogs over here, there’s twenty-eight varieties right there. And you pigs, there’s eighteen varieties of you. You’re a duroc.” Is that a pig? Duroc. Yeah.

And, you know. I used to know them. I’m a, you know, semi-farmer. We lived in a little plot of land and we had cattle, and we had a couple of horses, and we had some pigs, man those pigs tasted good. Chickens tasted better. Beef was fabulous. I licked the pan. Today? Phtt. Even promising you a first grade beef isn’t going to fill that one.


All right, now listen. Adam’s seed never did fulfill Genesis 1:26-28, only Jesus and His redeemed!

Okay, Ephesians 1. Now here’s the beautiful thing. A good predestinationist, that understands predestination like some good hard-shell Baptists, and some more, they can take this, but they can’t understand it. Verse 3,

Ephesians 1:3-5

(03) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

(04) According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

(05) Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

Now you can see right there what it’s telling you.

Ephesians 1:3-4

(03) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly [placing]:

(04) According as he hath chosen us in him…

Where were we? The same place where Jesus was! Where was Jesus? In God! So the fullness of the Godhead bodily had to come through Jesus to Adam and on down! “Let us make man in our image.”

So therefore, if God were to be born, or His image be born, I don’t care if it was bred in an incubator by chemicals, it would have hands and feet and arms and legs! And every appurtenance that you and I’ve got. Well come on.

Isn’t that what came forth when God placed an egg and a sperm in the womb of [Mary]? And all she did was supply the chemicals? Then can’t you see that we have not only the possibility of being a part of God, but we were a part of God, even though in this form.

Don’t look at the form, you’re going to have the same form but changed! If visions are correct, Paul is still going to be small and thin with a hooked nose! Take a good look at mine.

I’ll be there in the resurrection. Beak and all. We had a guy back in our town, his name was Bell, and he had such a proboscis, they called him Beaky Bell. Now if he’s a lamb, Beaky Bell’s going to be there with the beak.

They had a guy in my brother-in-law’s place, his name was Hewitt. He had a nose like this; they called him Ploughshare Hewitt.

Now if he’s born again, he could have a ploughshare nose, he’ll be there with a ploughshare nose. And if you’ve had yours bobbed, it’s going to come back.


So get with it! Get with it! Get over this stuff on the outside. It’s what’s on the inside that counts. Like that’s what God showed Brother Branham.

The inner man flourishing in youth, the outer man perishing. He looked like a monstrous death head in that picture. But round about him were all nine gifts of the spirit.

Miracle power of Almighty God, prophet of God standing there, God descended in human flesh, come back in human flesh. Not that that flesh was God’s, but in the flesh He came manifested.

Here he was the inner man just getting renewed day by day with the Word. The outer man perishing. Yeah, we’ve got people here with bad backs. We’ve got Steve sitting back there with a bad back.

One of these days Steve, don’t worry, if you don’t get it here, you’ll get it there. Get a brand new back. I’ve got a bad back too, don’t let it bother me, because it really doesn’t.

Oh, I praise God the way my vertebrae are, everything else, I praise God from the bottom of my heart that I don’t suffer like some people. I honestly, I’m amazed.

I stand all amazed in the Presence of Jesus the Nazarene, not only wonder how He could love me, but how He’s so good to me. When in my sane, sensible moments I realize the grace and goodness of God, which is truly wonderful.


All right, this is definitely so because Adam’s seed never did fulfill Genesis 1:26-28, only Jesus and His redeemed in Ephesians 1:3-6. They were the ones.

And note,

Ephesians 1:7

(07) In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

Is Genesis 3:15! The elder brother. And as the scripture says, “He was before all.” Then if He was before all, she should have borne Him! But she didn’t! So He comes as Brother Branham said here. Where am I? Oh, turn over. He said,

Spoken Word Original Seed  62-1803

[23-9]  He was that Seed that Eve should’ve produced. Do you get it? He was the Seed that Eve was to produce, but she hybridized it by disbelieving God’s Word. So He was that Seed, and the only way that Life could be, in the reproduction of Life, Life had to come through that Seed, and that Seed [and we’re all seed of God, but that Seed] had to die in order to spread out the Life.

To come back upon us! See? Look it, the life that Eve had, was the life that Adam had, and they had to get together to bring forth the manifestation, so we as the seed of God have His life come back upon us to bring forth the manifestation, and be in His image and His glory. Come on, that’s no hard thing to understand. Okay.

Where am I? All right.


Now, notice then,

Ephesians 1:8-10

(08) Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;

(09) Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, [that’s God doing it,] according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself: [Way back there in foreknowledge.]

(10) That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ,

Now just a minute. How can you put them all in Christ if He weren’t there to begin with? That’s why the body rejects these intrusions of other cells, unless it’s prenatal. Which means the life is there but it hasn’t come to the place of the manifestation. To that adulthood, as it were.

You can take prenatal cells right now, they’re doing it. We put that in the church age Book. Oh, the Pentecostals laughed and laughed and laughed, and they quoted doctors. Bunch of jack asses.

And the bigger the jackass, the bigger the mouth, the bigger the bray! And the bigger the price they’ll pay at the end of the road! Oh, they hated the Church Age Book! Oh how they ranted and raved at the Book! That’s Pentecostals in Canada.

And I told you within six weeks Time magazine came out with about fourteen, fifteen pages on cellular therapy. And now what do they want? They want to raise pig organs to get things to help you in diseases.

And it’s strange; a lot of the things working on are the pigs’ testicles! That will make you think, won’t it? That’s where the life is. Coming from the blood for reproduction.


Oh hey, just give me time, a little more study; I’m going to take the top off of everything. You bet your life, I’m ready for it. Oh sure, they’re afraid right now that women are going to be paid to have fetuses and abortions to give men rejuvenation, and women rejuvenation, won’t have to worry about collagen, and have your little, you know, touch up wrinkles here and all, you’ll be rejuvenated.

Come on, you can’t say you haven’t been warned, I’ve been preaching this before Brother Branham died. I’ve been involved in this. I know personally the greatest authority in the world on this subject. Dr. Kuno. So don’t tell me.

You want to know? Ask some questions. What I don’t know, I can phone him. Right down here.

Ephesians 1:12-13

(12) That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

(13) In whom ye also trusted, after ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed,

You were sprinkled with that life! Hey, but you always were saved. What’s it for? Redemption of your body.

Ephesians 1:14-15,19

(14) …until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

(15) Wherefore also, …I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, [Christ and so on. This is the time we live in, the Appearing, the Parousia, the Presence.]

(19) [And then it says here at that time, we’ll know] what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe,

THUS SAITH THE LORD. As Brother Branham said, “We’ve seen the Word of God manifested in power, we’ve not seen it manifested in revelation.” We’ve got both now, the opening of the Seals. Time and eternity blended, hallelujah. The whole thing is there before us.

Ephesians 1:20-21

(20) Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places,

(21) Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not in this world, but in [the world] to come:


So what’s the manifestation? The seed Jesus, and Eve could have borne Him, first fruit. And she blew it. What do women feel like now? You let some man get to you before your husband? Think it over women. Let’s nail it down.

Oh these guys criticize Lee Vayle because he doesn’t believe in a life. Oh doesn’t he? Let me go to their congregation, and preach what I’m preaching this morning, and see who believes in a life. Oh you won’t go to hell.

But Brother Branham said a woman could be forgiven but never justified, why? Because she did it. She did it. I got another question coming up here, and I’ll take you right back and give you the answer too.

Men have no right to do those things, nor women. Because the woman is a sacred vessel for childbearing and given to the man to bear children. And in the act, if she has a consummated act with any man, of sexual intercourse, that is for one thing in the eyes of Almighty God, it is for conception.

Now don’t think it’s not for pleasure also, that is if you’re married. And you can control birth, if you want to stay away from a woman from seven to ten days. You got your choice. I’m telling you and teaching what nobody ever taught me.

I would to God I had been taught, because I know from my birth from God, I could have done what I should have done, though I’ve only had one woman in all my life. That’s only the grace of Almighty God, and something within me. Said you don’t go that way.

I’m not criticizing those that have made errors, and those that messed up, but I’m telling you, you better recognize what the scripture says, and thank God that you are redeemed, and you will not, as Brother Branham said, ever go that way again. Don’t ever do it again. See?


Now, Genesis 1:26-28, which we read, and Genesis 2:7, all the way to 2:23, into Genesis 3:20, and let’s go back there, and in the 3rd chapter:

Genesis 3:20

(20) Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

Now just a minute. She was the mother of all living knows absolutely then Adam knew that she was already going to bear Cain, and going to bear his son in whom the lifelines were, with the proper depository, which was the womb of a woman, that life would come forth. And so now you’ve got the two seeds on earth.

And there’s where Brother Branham tried to take me the first time he talked to me about serpent seed. And he said, “But Lee don’t you see there’s a seed mentioned there.”

But I never caught it till he preached it. And I begin to understand that he was that vindicated prophet who knew what I’m teaching you today, what I taught simply from Brother Branham, and I’ve taken over forty-five minutes to take a little paragraph, to show you, you can go through scripture after scripture, and you can find that Brother Branham was a hundred percent correct.


Well, it’s way past time. Is it all on one tape? Not? Why didn’t you tell me? Well, I don’t have to preach another sermon, and I can cut this back then by what? Instead of two, I can cut it back by one.

Well I don’t exactly say I’m sorry I kept you, the point is I wanted to cover this and it’s covered, and this is one of the questions, and the next question answered will go back to this one, and show you what you want to know about how it came over on the ark. To the best of my ability I can take you to scripture and show you. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong.

I don’t believe I am, but as Brother Branham said it came over on the ark, that is my guidepost, that is my maxim, my principle, my ultimate, and I will look at it. And I will try to say, or try to look at it and say, now is there scripture for this? And I think I have the scripture.

So all right, it’s time to go and have lunch, to depart until we come together, and you’ll come together of course Wednesday again, to service here at 7:30, if I feel real good enough to it, I will come back Sunday, I don’t say that I will, and the more that you people help me, the more that I can come back, because I do have to have a lot of help at this point.

The more you can sacrifice a little bit, then I feel I can sacrifice. Not that I wouldn’t anyway, but the point is, it’s much better to preach when I’m feeling better than when I’m not feeling so great.

So anyway, we’ll try to get back and clean up all the answers we can, and see where the Lord takes us spiritually, physically, I don’t know.

But our times are in His hands, and may then we give our time to Him, wherein our time in His hands will be really productive of what is of grace and truth to the glory of God, not to human instincts, and human desires. Right?

So let’s rise and be dismissed.

Now heavenly Father, we want to thank You again for Your help today, and I believe Lord we have been helped, not that we’ve answered every single point, not everything as clear as we would like to have it, but Lord in my own mind I can see the clarity here as the prophet taught it, that Eve should have borne that seed, should have, because He was that first fruit, and nobody can deny it, right from the beginning.

And now again, He will be, and we all standing with Him, glorifying God, especially when the Son hands back the whole entirety to the Father, and the Father becomes all in and all.

Oh my, my what a tremendous, tremendous time that will be, all we know is that it makes us rejoice and declare Your glory, and praise You for us having a part in it, and we do thank You for it.

As Brother Branham always prayed, we pray therefore with him, Lord heal the sick amongst us, help the people to be alert, to be strong and healthy.

Help them Lord because today we know we have a fulfillment, as we have never seen it before, as when John prayed, “I pray and wish above all else that you may prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.”

And there never was a time when people had a prosperous soul, or the ability to have that prosperous soul as of this hour, and there never was a time when there was a richness upon the earth, so people are fully aware of, and indulging in and enjoying the fullness of financial ability and good things of this life, but Lord there is a sickness in the body.

Help us Lord in the Name of Jesus Christ to attain to the three-fold. That our bodies be healthy, Lord, really healthy, and may it be to serve You.

Grant Lord to us today that if there lies within us any thought that we will not serve Thee the more, and rejoice in You the more, and do Your will, then Lord we are not worthy to have healthy bodies.

We simply are not in that point of the adoption, but grant Lord that we settle our minds as never before, and our determination, setting our faces like flints toward the holy City.

Give us that good health and well being Lord, to use for Your glory in our waking moments, in any part of our lives.

Not indulging in the flesh, although the flesh certainly has a part of this life, eating and drinking and doing those things which are incumbent upon us, but not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, not forsaking any time where there’s an opportunity to manifest Your sweetness, Your kindness, Your love, Your Word, whatever way. Lord, that’s our hearts desire, anyway. We wouldn’t want it otherwise.

Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be all power, honor, and glory through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

‘Take the Name of Jesus with you.’

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