Shalom #01
A Course In Self Improvement#0589
…That’s the Word, out like a two-edged sword, O God, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart. Separating, dividing, Lord, declaring righteousness unto the righteousness, and wicked unto the wicked, Lord, and drawing that dividing line, the fan in Your hand, the great Judge. All things we know, Lord, You are here and doing, Father.
We know it’s not really real to us yet, but we’re standing with it and one of these days, Lord, at the right time we know it’s going to be as vivid to us as it was with the prophet who already knows that it’s realer than he ever had it, O God. We thank You for that privilege, we’re just going Lord, more and more from the negative to the positive.
We know that, Father, we’re so happy to know it in reality and we’re just plodding on Lord, by Your grace, until one day, Lord, we’ll take the wings with the morning and be there at the glorious Wedding Supper. We cannot thank You enough for it, we praise You for it, in Jesus’ name, amen.
You may be seated.
Now we’re going to start this morning… I apologize to Brother Joe, I forgot to phone him and tell him we’re going to deal with Shalom, the message that Brother Branham preached in Sierra Vista back in 1964 at the turn of the year, as a New Year’s message.
And he’s speaking to a house meeting there, where I forget the brother’s name… Isaacson, Brother Isaacson, the pastor and evidently there was somebody there that Brother Branham knew was ill, had been away or something, and he doesn’t mention his name but he starts by saying,
[1] So glad to see him this morning. He’s in the building there. And then he says, Sorry to hear about this brother that was with us the last time here, that’s got cancer, is in the hospital. We know that we only have one avenue out of this, and that’s the avenue of death.
Now listen to what a prophet says in the face of Pentecostals, and everybody that teaches divine healing. It’s you know, a little bit too much that we want to be like the old… Well anyway, there’s always jokes about black people. Why? I don’t know. I guess because there’s jokes about Jews and everything else, but the story is told of the old black doctor that… he had a patient.
And that patient went to him for a long, long time, and the doctor kept averring that the man was doing just great, and getting healed and doing just fine. So the fellow up and died on him. “Well,” he said, “there’s one thing I know,” he said, “the man died healed.” Which is you know, true in a way. You can be healed and still die. You know. But it’s… here’s what Brother Branham tells us.
This person died of cancer and that was the way that God wanted him to be taken off the earth. He said, “Something’s got to take you off this earth.” I think maybe, there is in this age, too much emphasis on a social gospel that’s amongst the Pentecostals and the power orientated people, who talk of re-birth and talk of the greatness and goodness of God, and they got two things in mind: money and health.
“Well,” you say, “anything better?” Well, that’s right if you want to look for the world. If you want to miss God.
You know the major concern of people… Dale Carnegie brought it out in his book. The major concern of the people, number one, is to get along with people, that means have a nice, social, well-behaved, good flowing life, you know, you know. And the next thing is health.
You can be a millionaire and dying, what good’s your money? The next thing is health. Actually I think it’s reversed. I think today the number one question is health and who cares if you get along with anybody? If you’re in good shape you’ll outlive them! You’ll kick their teeth in! Let’s get healthy! Brother Branham says something’s got to take you out of here.
And being orientated to this, because it’s in the religious world more than ever, it seems that people literally hold themselves or others not in contempt, but would more or less impute something to them or themselves that would make them to consider themselves inferior because they’re sick. Oh, I know there’s lots of scripture that says, “Hey, if you do so and so, you won’t get sick.
No diseases. You do so and so, the diseases come upon you.” Well, he said the diseases of Egypt! What if their were diseases in Palestine that didn’t belong to Egyptian diseases? You go out here and live in sin, and get AIDS, that’s your tough luck, that’s a plague, there’s nothing going to cure you.
You’ve had it. See? But you say, “Well, I wouldn’t get pneumonia!” You can get healed of pneumonia, what if you died of pneumonia?
I had TB when I was a kid, I didn’t ask for it, just got it. The doctor did well by me, put me on eggnog… oh eggnog, oh brother/sister, quarts of eggnog a day. Lucky my mother knew how to make a nice fig syrup that she put in those miserable eggnogs.
I hate the taste of raw egg, yuck. She poured it in so I could drink the stuff. And the lousy cow turned out to have TB! I’m getting TB of the lungs and the cow’s got TB. No wonder I had troubles. Well I get over it.
Then I get TB of the pituitary gland. If it weren’t for God, I’d be dead. But you see, that’s different. TB is literally incurable, you can’t cure it! But God can heal it. Yes sir. See?
Things are here in this life… we’re not saying, “Roll with the punches and don’t have faith.” Look it, faith actually, though in many cases doesn’t overcome cancer, it puts you in a good position to endure it, if it’s going to get you out of here.
Every disease can be compensated for in many ways that God’s laid down. Like ‘a merry heart doeth good like medicine,’ ‘a broken spirit drieth the bones.’ That’s where the marrow’s made. Never though, ever believe anything different from the prophet but then don’t take it and run with it! “Well, I gotta die, I guess I’ll have cancer.”
You’d never get cancer. You might be like the sister, Sister Belle, the black lady in Brother Branham’s church. “Well,” he said, “she’d died such a nice easy death it’s lucky she had nothing to…” not like atone for it, but you know, that she’d done something where she had something coming back to. You know, have her comeuppance, so to speak. You know.
There are many people send their sins on before hand, others follow. In other words, the life isn’t too good, many times things will come. But evidently her life was right up there. Then on the other hand, like the apostle Paul, you could have terrible bad eyesight and have your head chopped off. So he’s telling us, “Hey look. Diseases get you out of here.”
So don’t try to make a big doctrine out of this, some great big thing, just know that you’re going to be taken out of here. Brother Branham died in a car wreck. Arteries like a sixteen year old person. How many sixteen year olds here got sixteen year old arteries? Sheesh! Want to make a test? You might flunk it.
There’s an avenue of death… Now listen, we all have to walk that path, whether we be the most righteous, even the most holy one of us, we pack one another over one another’s graves.
You go out there, the graveyards full of graves, people that died, and you’re carrying somebody over the graves to put another one in the ground. And your turn’s coming. You know the big thing is to be ready for it. The big thing is to be built up in faith in Christ.
Like I said the other day, and I meant it. I can feel good even when I feel rotten. That’s because of what? Of you people. You’re my contributors. Because you sit here, you come here, most of you can’t wait for the church door to open, some I suppose don’t care if it ever opens.
That’s your business. You’re the loser. I’ve been here as I told you this morning, so sick, sweat dropping off my body, pushing myself to utter exhaustion. You think there’s not a reward? I didn’t do it to stand up here and be nice. Fap!
I’d sooner be out there sitting in the sun, don’t sell me short, brother/sister, I’m lazier than a tadpole. I’m just plum lazy, I admit it. I don’t like to exert myself. Well, I love the Lord, to a degree, and I know the Lord loves me without degree. And I love people! To a degree. But mostly to a very good degree. See?
We’re all going to die. Are we getting ready for it? Daddy Bosworth died. Oh, man alive! That old bald headed fellow. He wasn’t very handsome but he was so ugly he was handsome. He had a certain… listen, I’ll spill the beans on me than anybody else.
He had a certain pride about him, he tried to get on Brother Branham. And Brother Bosworth always showed his pictures when he was young and handsome. And you know why I hated that? Because there was a fellow in camp named Jack Taylor, an ex-policeman who was a champion wrestler of Canada! And he was pitted against a guy called Bull somebody, from Montana.
Great, big bruisers. And I saved, oh man, I saved my nickels and my pennies, and I couldn’t wait for those two birds to come to town so I could see these handsome guys get in there and really muck it up. And Taylor walks in, bags under his eyes. Bald headed. Ugly as sin. Great big pot gut on him! I thought, of all the cotton picking hypocrisy, those birds had the nerve to put young pictures in there.
So here’s Brother Branham, he’s getting up in years, and his head’s quite bald, he doesn’t look… and Daddy Bosworth has him with all these young pictures. And I said, “Brother Branham, that ain’t the way I see it. Let’s get some new pictures.”
Brother/sister, we don’t need to worry about trying to look we were sixteen. I saw a picture the other day of when I was about that age, I wasn’t too impressed. Then I stand before the mirror and someday I say, “You handsome devil you look fifty-five.” The next day I say, “You ugly dog you look eighty-five!”
So I add the fifty-five and eighty-five, comes up to a hundred and forty, divide by two and I look seventy. I’m only knocking off four years. We’re all going to die. What are we doing about life? What are we putting into it, see, that’s what really counts.
Now, this age right here, there’s going to be mass death, as Brother Branham called it, “Atomic bomb fodder.” Several places he called it, you know, “Gun fodder.” Human lives. Something is going to take us out of here.
Now look, the sweet Spirit of Christ that is the Holy Spirit, ‘cause there’s only one Spirit. The reason people think there’s many spirits is because God has one Spirit, and because He’s doing a certain thing, He designates what is being done and He titles it!
That’s why it’s God Father, Son and Holy Ghost, one Holy Ghost, manifesting in different ways for certain occasions. Certain reasons. So when you call the sweet Spirit of Christ, you are talking about the God that was living in Jesus. See?
Now, that God is Spirit. And it’s of His Spirit, He gives us. Like if I was in position well, what if I was a rosebush? And then I was animate to the extent that I could manipulate myself and do something about myself with you, I’d pluck off a rose and say, “Here’s a rose for you, and here’s a rose for you, and here’s a rose for you!” I’m giving you of myself!
But I’m still the rosebush! So God is the source of life, He’s Spirit, and He gives of Himself. And right here I want to caution you, when and if you ever pick up what is the Holy Ghost given for, you are going to sit I’m gonna read your minds this morning and tell every single one of you, what that subject to you means!
And it means this to you! ‘Oh, God is giving me the baptism with the Holy Ghost and what’s it going to do for me?’ You’re a hundred percent wrong! It’s God Himself coming on the scene and what He’s doing. See? I just threw that in as good measure, never forget what I’ve said though I’ve just said it, never forget it. Mmmn-mmmn.
Don’t you dare forget it. I cautioned you before when we studied the Unveiling Of The Mighty God, and I showed you, it wasn’t the contents of what God was, the contents was how is He unveiled? You read and find out for yourself.
You’re going to find God Who came down at Pentecost. That’s what Brother Branham taught. The God Who came and visited Paul, the God Who is here now! What is He doing?
It is not that He is giving of Himself to you the baptism with the Holy Ghost, what is He doing in His Bride, what is happening? “Well, bless God, Brother Vayle, I’ll be sweet and kind.” Oh will you? How sweet and kind are you? Fap!
You’re no sweeter and kinder than I am. You’ll pray like me to be sweet and kind in the eyes of the world. You’ll pray like me to be sweet and lovely. “Everybody’s going to love Brother Vayle, he’s going to be so sweet, he’s going to be so generous, he’s going to be so kind.” And Brother Branham said, “Somebody’s got to tell them!
“ He didn’t say, “Oh, sweet Lee Vayle tell them,” either. He said, “Rough, cruddy old Lee Vayle tell them”. You say, “Well, Brother Vayle, what right have you got?” ‘Cause God said so. ‘Cause God said so. Not a congregation. Don’t try to mold me and I won’t try to mold you.
One thing this church has learned, I hope you’ve learned, I just preach the Word and walk out, you do what you want. Because if the Word doesn’t do it, brother/sister, it’s Lee Vayle building the house, and I wouldn’t give you a nickel for any house Lee Vayle can build.
I believe like Pete Klassen. He said, “The first house you build for your enemy. The second house you build for your friend.” But I disagree on the third statement, he said, “You build for yourself.” Pete! I’d have to build a hundred and fifty houses and still not want it! But he’s right as a carpenter, and a doggone good one. So we see the truth there. All right. Live this life, we all got to die.
Now, no one’s going to stop us dying, because there’s no way we can stop from dying, except this endtime resurrection’s around the corner. The most righteous one, the most holy one, doesn’t matter who, appointed unto man once to die, until God abrogates that scripture, that scripture was only put there for six thousand years!
And then He gave us a type that you could abrogate it! Elijah and Enoch. Then Jesus came and paid the penalty, and Enoch and Elijah, you can see that somebody can walk to the Tree of Life and not die, and be immortal. My that’s wonderful! Now that’s something we should never forget! In the midst of death there is life, and life is greater than death! Sure.
Now listen, he said here;
[1] And yet Jesus said, in spite of the fact everybody’s got to die, “He that believeth in Me shall never die.” But what the “death” is there, of which Jesus is speaking, never die, is not what we call death.
Like when Jesus spoke about Lazarus, He said, “He sleepeth.” And they said, “Well, if he sleeping, he’s got it better than we got it. He’s doing well.”
Then Jesus had to tell them in the language they knew [See?], “He’s dead.” He said, “And for your sake, I’m glad I wasn’t there, but I shall go and wake him.”
He didn’t say, “I’m going to bring him back from the dead! I’m going to wake him up!” He was somewhere, a hundred percent Lazarus! Now I mean in the spirit realm, a hundred percent Lazarus. Yes siree.
[4] That’s when He made that wonderful quotation that we have in Scripture, and Brother Branham paraphrases, “He that heareth, he that believeth on Me, has Everlasting Life; shall not come into the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life.
I am the resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die.” See? Never die! There’s really no death to a Christian, because death means “Eternal separation.”
Okay. He says up there in paragraph one, “He that believeth in Me shall never die.” But what the death he’s speaking of there is not what we normally call death, see? But we’re no better because we’re born again Christians. So death is “eternal separation.” Okay.
Let’s go to a second here, to Matthew 10:28. This is what he’s talking about. And he said, Matthew 10:28, here.
(28) And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Then they say there’s no annihilation. Psbbt. How can people be so stupid? You know why they’re so stupid? Because they don’t want God’s Word! They want a doctrine that can scare you! Oh my! I read the statistics all the time and they say, “Sixty percent get saved through fear!” Find that in the Bible. I raised kids.
I didn’t do a good job. But I had one boy so stubborn, if I whipped his rear-end till blood came, that didn’t change him, he’d be right down doing the same thing again. I don’t say I did that, but I could do it. Now come on you parents, are you stupid this morning?
You know fear doesn’t do it. I saw the TV on AIDS, the homos stood there, and the heterosexuals are standing with them, the bunch of fools is what they are! And they said, “We’re going to do it! And you’re going to pay for it! And you’re going to cure us!” Fear? Fear?
How many people are afraid where sex is involved alone? You’re no more scared than King Nebecchenezer was, of telling Daniel to “shut up and bring me my boots and make them clean.” ‘Cause if you want to do it, you are going to do it.
And you know it. And if you want to drink, you’ll drink, and if you want to smoke, you’ll smoke! And nobody’s going to stop you. And you’re not afraid. Oh, you’re a little scared, maybe. But you’re not really afraid. Neither afraid of God or anything else.
You know what people are afraid of? They’re not afraid to steal, they’re just afraid of getting caught. Isn’t that awful, for people to be that way? Yet they try to tell you, the fear of hell will save people. That’s not in my Bible.
The Bible said, “there is no fear of God before their eyes,” then why make the Bible lie? Same junk they tell you. “If you don’t get saved before you’re about thirteen, it’s likely you’ll never be saved because, you see, the odds will be against you.” And I can explain and tell you, I’ve already told you, God wants to train you! He wants you as a child!
That’s why most people get really born again when they are young, so God they have some kind of life to give back to God. You tell me you’re different from me? My wife the same way. Wandered the Prairies, picking the flowers, wondering about God.
A deep calling to a deep. But some people are stinking mean like the apostle Paul was. See? Brother Branham got saved about the same age I got saved. Wondered as a child.
Oh, don’t try to confuse the scripture brother/sister, listen, just please believe the Word. Death is body and soul in hell. Death is annihilation. Death is an irrevocable separation from God, we are only dead in our trespasses and sins.
Listen, we are separated from God in our trespasses and sins. Sheep that went astray! Now our Saviour came and shed the blood! And God is no longer angry, God’s not even mad at us. When’s the last time you did something real nasty? Don’t ask me five minutes ago.
When’d you do something nasty? You know you’re wrong. Well, God’s mad at me! Oh, children are you sick this morning? Has the virus got in your computers, to change the whole Word of God in your mind and give the devil’s lie? Are you giving way to your feelings?
God is not mad at you! God cannot be angry. He’s made reconciliation through Jesus Christ, and now the Judge is here, and there’s no anger in the Judge. Listen to these fool judges in America. They’re sticking their nose into cases.
They are legislating, and they’re making decisions outside the Constitution! They’re defying the Executive! They defy the Legislature! They’re complete fools. God’s no fool. He stands back, uninvolved as it were, dispassionate. And He said, “This is the record. This is the Word.”
You say you believe Jesus Christ came and fulfilled the Word, you believe He was the Word? God shall judge the world by one Christ Jesus Who is the Word. Say, “I’ve got perfect confidence in Him, He’s that great One!”
That’s exactly true, then let’s stand back and let Him have His way. That’s why this church must be built upon God Himself, Who is the Word. Brother/sister, what future we have in Christ, what lies ahead of us shortly, the little while that’s here, while the world’s dying out there, life is springing up within us. How do you think Paul felt the day his head was going to get chopped off? He just couldn’t wait. Peter says, “Crucify me upside down.”
Those people had something. You think they had more than we got? It’s impossible. It’s impossible. This is the mind age. Don’t run back to the calf age, the face of man, and all those things, we run counter to the man. Everything we believe runs counter to the man, like Abraham!
Who reckoned his body now dead to be alive, considered it not, nor the deadness of Sarah’s womb. But knowing a God who raises the dead and calleth those things which are not as though they were, he stood right there, and his faith was made perfect!
You know all you got to do these days? I’ll tell you all you got to do. All you got to do is really believe the Word and be happy to come to church, be happy to get together, and talk the Word, it’s going to get a hold of you.
You say, “Well, Brother Vayle, I’m of the old school. I believe in so many hours of prayer.”
Wonderful, just go right to it.
“And I believe in reading the Bible.”
That’s great, go right to it. But you know what my Bible said? My Bible tells me that when you turn your ear away from hearing the law, God will turn away from hearing your prayer.
So what good’s all your praying? Brother Branham exposed The Herald of Faith and Brother Moore, right in their homes! It was the best paper America ever had, it was the prime one. The Herald of His Coming. “God send us a prophet, God, O God, send a prophet! What we need, O God, we need a prophet!”
Prayed day and night, and the prophet stood there. “Here I am!” “O God, send us a prophet!” Now the Pillar of Fire stands here, William Branham’s gone, “Oh Brother Branham come back, Brother Branham come back, oh Brother Branham!”
And the Pillar of Fire, over his head, there it is stands right there and said, “I’m here.” Huh? “Oh Brother Branham, Brother Branham.” What are you looking for? All I know is the Word.
Now listen. I may feel like a hypocrite saying it. I may tell you right to your faces, “Hey, Lee Vayle talks a good talk but it isn’t really a hundred percent,” and you’re sitting here and you know that you’re lying in your teeth if you say it is a hundred percent with you, because you’re all liars and I’ll tell you to your faces, you haven’t got it a hundred percent! The way you want it.
But the way God wants it is a hundred percent. You cannot have resurrection faith till the resurrection is here. Right now if any faith you’ve got, you have passive faith in a Word delivered to you. Oh I could scream it tonight, because I can get so happy, I could tell you things.
When I look at please understand, I am not here as though I’m a prophet. I don’t have any great revelation, I’m not going to say, “There’s a wind that’s going to blow the house down. This is going to happen. That’s going to happen.”
But there’s something in my soul tells me I’m telling you things. And it goes with the Word, because it is the Word! Contrary to Mr. Rosenke, this is the Bible. Psbbt. You think I care what those fat-heads say, pontificating.
He’s one of the first ones, said, “Look to me, I’m a great apostle.”
Anybody ever say, “Look to Lee Vayle, he’s a great teacher?”
I’ll come down and flatten you, God, I’ll bring you up on the platform here and shame you before everybody. I ain’t no great teacher, and I’m not the teacher, I’m none of those things, I teach the Message as far as I know it and that’s it.
And I’m responsible for nobody outside of Lee Vayle. I’ll stand on my feet, you’ll stand on yours. But I know one thing, I will answer if I’ve led you wrong. And you will answer if you haven’t believed, and gone your own way. Sure.
What in the world was I talking about? Never die. Separation, death. Death is in the land. You know why? ‘Cause they turned down the Word of God. What is death? Well, put it this way.
Death is dark and life is light. Gross darkness upon the people of the world and light upon the Bride, and Shalom uses that very quote. Separation in our day. Death means separation.
Okay. Revelation 21:8, and I’m going to close right now, time’s gone. I’m overtime. Revelation. That’s what tells you what the death is. Be a good place to start on Wednesday. Revelation 21:8.
(08) [And] the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters…
Hey, just a minute. What right has anybody got to put a few fearful people in with unbelieving, abominable, murdering, whoremongering, sorcering, idolaters, and liars? Huh? What about it? That’s cutting the ice pretty mean this morning isn’t it?
That’s laying it on the line pretty good. Here I am just a little scared! My goodness me, a little thing like fear puts me with the whoremongers? The murderers? The abominable? Idolaters? Liars? And you’re going to annihilate me, O God, because I’m fearful?
Seven Seal is what? Relaxation. Lord, I’m going to relax, I’m relaxing. Oh yeah? I am not afraid of work, I can lie down and sleep beside it. Something’s wrong isn’t it? Something’s wrong. Talk all you want.
You know what? They say dogs can smell fear. I ain’t no dog but I can feel it when people are afraid around me. I bet it’s my big nose. Fear. Fear. Fearful. What kind of fearful people are they? Not those that fear God, reverential awe.
Not those that fear to disbelieve His Word. But those like Brother Branham said. They fear to leave their pensions, they’re fearful of their wives, their husbands, their children.
Fearful of their church, fearful of anything because this is the revelation of Jesus Christ, fearful of anything in this Message. This pulpit self proclaims this church to be a cult. That’s not a bad word!
Look, let’s face it. It’s just like the doctor said when the woman said, “I have halitosis.”
He said, “Honey, bad breath is better than no breath.”
What if you’re called a cult? That’s bad breath.
“Oh, I’m just a Christian.”
That ain’t necessarily good breath. That’s no breath at all.
“I’m Methodist, Baptist.”
If you’re not a believer in the truth, and you’re afraid of something about this Message now if you’re afraid you’re not lining up, that’s healthy. See?
But if you’re afraid to the point where you’re not going to make it, and you believe this and you’re stuck with it, then you’re crazy!
You’ve gone into violence, within your mind and your heart. And you better put a straight jacket on. Because brother/sister, I’m in so deep, I wouldn’t know where to go.
You know what I’m waiting for? I’ll tell you what I’m waiting for, I’m waiting for the resurrection. Because only the resurrection will tell anybody who is right. When we see William Branham, we know we have made it! Why?
Because we’re resting on what is going to bring him back or not bring him back! You say, “Well, just Brother Vayle, what if I don’t see it right?” That’s got nothing to do with it! This is the truth we’re talking about this morning. Vindicated.
God manifested! Reality. I’m not here pretending I’ve got perfect reality. I ain’t going to pretend nothing. I’m telling you this, I told you already. Look here, this is either it or I am sunk. I don’t know… where’d I go? Where would you go, what would you do?
Tell me. Where you coming from? I don’t mean way back in eternity, we put that on the board here, I want to know, where are you coming from this morning? See? Look at it here. Revelation chapter 2 and let’s get rid of this fear! [Verse] 22 and 23. No. 2 and 23, I can’t do that in the 3 rd chapter, can I?
All right.
(23) And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
Now, what age does He search the heart? Seven Church Age. Hebrews 4:12. Discernment. Now I want to ask you a question. Was discernment the last sign given to the church? Well you say, “Sure it was.”
What was it for? To vindicate the Message! Do you believe those two things? Say, “Sure!” Then how could you not believe the Message? You say, “Brother Vayle, I, I, I, I…” I know what you’re trying to tell me, you don’t understand it all, so forget it! What you don’t understand, you don’t disbelieve. You just don’t know. And there’s an atonement for that.
There’s always been an atonement for ignorance! Until the revelation of God comes in, and you turn it down, you’re finished, there’s no more atonement. We don’t need that brother/sister, we believe the best we know how.
The washer woman with one tape, and three tapes! See? Now you can have this much and miss it, this much and make it! Why? Because this much up here doesn’t believe it. Just talk about it. But when your heart puts to God, seal every word is right and you’re trying desperately, in spite of your condition, and conditions around you.
To see how it comes out and what it is. That’s not fearing God, that’s walking up to God! ‘Cause God is His Own Word. And that’s not turning your back on God. Now what did God say to the church here? This very church He’s talking about.
In verse 21:
(21) I gave her space to repent of her fornication; she repented not.
What was that space in this age? The space is a vindicated prophet on the scene! And if you can’t have your mind changed by that, it’s over. But listen, then if your mind is changed, what are you afraid of? What’s to be afraid of death?
You’re going to die anyway, might as well make up your mind to face it. Oh, some of us won’t die. In the meantime we’ve been brought back to God, bought back, there is no separation. When we leave here we go to a body commensurate to what’s in us.
You say, “Well, what’s in me Brother Vayle? You see the trouble is, there ain’t nothing good in the… so I wouldn’t know what I’m getting.” You see there you’re messing the scripture up again. Paul said, “In my flesh there is no good thing.” The soul is of God, born of God.
The soul came from God, it never sinned in the first place, the prophet said you didn’t do it! What did it? That spirit that came into a flesh body, that could be tempted.
What’s the use of having a body that could be tempted and then would never fall to temptation? Everybody be Jesus Christ Himself, what are you talking about?
Now this thing is cracked this morning, you realize, nice of you. You’re getting the picture. God’s sovereignty. All that He gives, I’ll lose none. “Who are with Me in the beginning will be back at the end.” I got nothing to worry about.
The only worry I got is to look at that Word and keep saying, “Hey, brother, I can do better.” And I will do better. Today, I will love justice more than I ever did. I will do good. I’ll be less judgmental. You’re just looking at yourself. And it’s a course in self-improvement.
Simply because you want to be a servant of God, that people can look at and say, “Well, I admit that the fellow does act different but I’d never believe what he believes.” See, they’re not going to believe what you believe anyway, there’s only one little thing out there.
What am I like with people? Can you walk humbly before God, today? See? Can you do good to your neighbor? Love justice, show mercy? Everything else is counted for. How can you fear? “Oh, I’m going to make God mad!” You can’t make God mad.
The righteous cannot make God angry. The righteous won’t even try to make God angry. You wake up this morning, say, “I’m going to have a bad mood, today. I’m going to hurt people, and I’m going to fuss at God.”
Now you make wake up feeling like you might have thought and said that, because maybe you’re not feeling well, you’re allergic to feather pillows and you haven’t gotten rid of your feather pillows. You’re allergic to ice cream and you won’t quit eating the junk.
So now you wake up, uh, uh, uh. Like a dead chinaman just fell into your mouth, as they often say. What’s that got to do with God? What’s your feeling got to do with God? Tell me. Nothing.
What is it? It’s the mind. The mind going to the Word. Waking up early in the morning, my thoughts shall be of You, O Lord. Why do you think God said, “Bind them upon the frontlets before your eyes up here. Put them upon your arms.”
You see? It’s the mind age. It’s all you got to do. But don’t give way to those things that evolve some kind of a fear, and there’s nothing to fear. Roosevelt who quoted, wasn’t Aristotle, I forget who it was.
He said, “We have nothing to fear” you remember that Gene “there’s nothing to fear but fear itself.”
Was quoted by one of the ancient philosophers, who is it? [Someone in congregation mentions a name.] No, no, he quoted it. He just said as somebody else said. That’s the same as ?Greely? when he said, “Go West, young man, go West.” ?Greely? never said that, he really wrote what another fellow said. I’ll remember his name later on, too.
But the truth is, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. In other words, don’t let anything rise in your heart and mind to give you any trouble. When it comes to your salvation in Jesus Christ, wonder only this one thing: am I going to give myself over to God, to get out of the way, where He can direct my thoughts and my paths?
Then though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, though I get sick, though anything else come, though the walls come tumbling down, a thousand at my left and ten at my right thousand fall, it shall not come near me, for I am God’s.
Brother/sister, that is all that’s left, believe me. When peace like a river tendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll, whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, “It is well, it is well with my soul.” We have passed from spiritual death to life. We have had a spiritual resurrection.
There is now no fear, the die has been cast, the ship has been safely anchored, “let the swells come,” Brother Branham said, “We shall not capsize!” But what did Ezekiel say? He said, “There were waters flowing out of the East gate under Luther, it went to the ankles, to Wesley, it went to the knees.
To Pentecost, it went to the thighs.” But our age, there’s waters to swim in, and waters to carry us over! It’s no longer me carrying myself or even carrying this church, it’s God’s Word doing it. Brother/sister, I feel so good this morning, I don’t care how rotten I’d feel physically, what matter what I feel so good to know that we have got the sail set.
The Word is working. And there is a glorious Bride, of which by the grace of God we’re a part, without spot, without wrinkle, and we shall see God in the flesh. Let’s rise and be dismissed. Preach all day and all night.
Heavenly Father dismiss us now with Your love, mercy and grace, which You’ve kept us, Lord. We know, Father God in Heaven, there isn’t anything more wonderful than to know Your Presence, and even just talk about it with Your Saints, Lord, stir up our captive minds and hearts which we believe are captive unto You, for the devil has no part in us.
What part has it got in a spotless, virgin Bride? Lord God in Heaven, we’re so far beyond the things of this world and life, we just haven’t even given You credit for it, for all things are in You and You are in us, Lord.
Why should we then ever be cast down or ever say anything other than that, Lord, but stand right up here in Your glorious, wonderful Presence, glorifying Your holy Name, not walking in fear any longer, Lord, but walking in light, and Your Own Word says by John, if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship, one with another.
You and I, Lord, and then every member of the congregation with You, and every member with each other, having fellowship one with another, communion of the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleansing. Thank You, Lord, for healing the sick amongst us, we’re grateful Lord, for the baby’s dedication…
…the storms rage, let them roll, we don’t care, we’re in the eye of the hurricane, Lord, everything’s at rest and relaxing, just floating around, everything else out there is debris being crushed and driven, but Lord God, we in the eye of the storm. It doesn’t matter, we’re going on with You, Lord. Thank You for Your peace, Lord, Your love, Your mercy, all these things, we cannot praise You enough.
So now Father, as the prophet always said, Your sweet Spirit come into the church, Lord, more and more, until there not be one sick one amongst us. Unto You we’ll give the glory, in Jesus’ name, amen. The Lord bless you. Take the name of Jesus with you.
[Brother Vayle continues with a memorial service and a baby dedication.]