Spoken Word Is Original Seed; Book 1 #24
Two Edged Sword; Seed Planting: Order Of The Hour#2493
Shall we pray.
Heavenly Father, we realize that same Pillar of Fire that was here bringing the Word to Paul is now revealing It and we thank You for It Lord, that we can have the truth of what Paul said, especially for this hour, the consummation, the Gentile Ages.
And also, Lord, what you gave to John, the Revelator, who as a seer, as rather one who just brought the Word as a scribe wrote down everything that he saw very accurately, given that ability we see that open to us also.
And we pray Lord, what is brought to us at this hour may be increasingly clear to us and the mysteries Lord, that are laid open to us by the prophet vindicated we may receive those knowing that they’re the truth.
And if we are part of the truth that will abide in us and join together in that invisible union of Word and believer and Spirit, making us one, Lord, as we ought to be and are according to truth, and to progress from this point on through the ages that You have laid out for us.
We thank You Lord, therefore, we can assemble together in this hour with peace and quiet and love of Yourself Lord, by the reason of the Spirit in the Word which is in us having, therefore, a true love toward You Lord, and true love toward each other in that great family devotion.
Help us, this morning to that end, in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
You may be seated.
Now just before we get into number 24, of The Spoken Word is Original Seed, I’ve been remiss in not answering some questions that come to me periodically of which one is a question concerning people who find themselves in a pretty well, they think, untenable position. They don’t know what to do, particularly concerning marriage and divorce.
Where a question arises and it may have to have its roots entirely in organization and Pentecostal church, but then again it also might have some roots in the message of the hour in that people were not necessarily allowed, not necessarily encouraged, but there was perhaps set forth the understanding that people could separate and re-marry, kind of indiscriminately.
But anyway, a question came up, “How if I was really full of the Holy Ghost and I believe that I was truly a child of God, how could I have been so messed up, especially in the thought of marriage and divorce?”
Well, actually, the person just missed what Brother Branham said. He said, “It was wrong teaching.”
And if you have wrong teaching, then you have everything wrong. If you don’t have an understanding… I’m not a mechanic, I can tell you that, but if I were to read an article I might be entirely confused as to what the differential is, if they still got them in cars, I don’t know.
I suppose they have. As to some other part of the car which would be very minor in its comparison, and I’d make a botch of it. Well, if you have the wrong Word, you make a botch of it.
It started out in the Garden of Eden with Eve, allowing the Word to be changed to her, and she brought about, what Brother Branham called, “This great interruption,” which is this six thousand years of sin, until it’s brought back to where it should be.
So, I think the majority of people who are asking questions along lines like this are victims of wrong teaching. And what you got to do is to just go on from there. After all the only unforgiveable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and let’s face it at the end time, there’s no message that this has life.
No other word will come to life, and so if you come against the Word as it says in Hebrews 6, you turn It down, after having seen the supernatural vindication manifested to you or read about or know about It, it’s for the burning.
That’s the same as Malachi 4, and that’s Revelation, chapter 19, when Christ comes back with the Bride and also, goes forward to, because all Scripture has a double meaning or application, compound meanings, of course, right on down a thousand years later, the White Throne.
So, neglecting to answer that I just wanted to let you know as Brother Branham said, “Live the way you’re living. Be happy. If you’re contented, stay that way and don’t worry about it. Just believe.”
As I say, the atonement is effective for anybody who really believes that Word, if they listen to the Word of God. See, to listen to the Word and receive It, you couldn’t do it unless you’re Seed. You simply can’t do it. And even then you have to be very elect. So, all right.
We’re going to go to number 24, and in the last several pages of this message which we read, the sermon that Brother Branham gave us on this subject.
We find Brother Branham explaining his ministry as part of the end of sacred history upon earth as the Bride is about to enter into the Millennium and Tribulation and fire destroy, yet renovate this earth.
So Brother Branham is very careful here as in all messages to indicate and substantiate really, what part his ministry has in end time sacred history; in other words, having to do with the Bible, the church, the Bride, and the eternal things of God.
Now number one: he presents himself as a vindicated prophet in the light of Deuteronomy chapter 18.
That is, the man that’s vindicated by God has THUS SAITH THE LORD and what he says comes to pass and because of that and we had it on numerous occasions, literally hundreds of times, it is the infallible proof that what that man says, is what you are obligated to listen to, receive and believe or you are in jeopardy.
No if’s, and’s, or but’s. When this man speaks for God he speaks as God.
Now remember, that’s predicated upon the fact that Israel said, “We don’t want to see God in any further manifestation. We don’t want to hear God in any further manifestation. It is too nerve-racking. We can’t take it. What say we have a representative who go there and God deal with him and he deal with us?”
And God said, “They have well spoken what they have spoken. That is exactly what I will do from now on.” And that is a hundred percent true and you turn your back on it, you’re finished.
Now if you don’t think that’s true; you try to sell a house that your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great… God knows how many great-grand-father’s, put a lien on it, and the lien was never lifted.
As long as they can trace that down, you don’t have cleared property. Right? You know the law, Brother Evan’s smartest man here in the law. Is that right? You got a lien on your property. “Well, I don’t think I’ll receive it.”
Try to sell your great-great-great-great… thirty times great-grand-dad’s property. I think we could do that in England, couldn’t we, Brother Abbot? You go back a long, long, long, long, long, long way. Yeah. Same law over there, right? If it’s not clear, you’re out of luck.
Why? Because it was a legitimate government backed contract. All right.
Now can a jury determine the law as to upset it? The answer is no. The law is there and the jury must abide by it, and many times they will set the consequences. But the jury is not a law maker. And the judicial factor in America does not legislate, it adjudicates.
There was a piece of legislation passed thousands of years ago. And that piece of legislation was entered into by God and man. It’s a contract that He speaks by a prophet.
This brings us to Brother Branham in Revelation 10:1-7, where the mighty messenger, God Himself, Elohim, comes down from off the throne, stands upon earth, His feet as pillars of fire. Therefore, the Pillar of Fire is here, the Judge and the prophet.
This also fulfills, Acts, chapter 3, “where a prophet like unto Samuel.”
In other words, one who does not bring the Word but is fully capable of adjudicating on the grounds that he can get to God for the absolute correct answer. Said beginning at Samuel, the mouth of all the holy prophets the Word restored.
William Branham doesn’t only purport to be that individual, but it is proven by THUS SAITH THE LORD that he is that individual, but many people disbelieve always because of Deuteronomy chapter 13, which precedes Deuteronomy chapter 18.
“Well,” you say, “maybe God threw them a curve, by putting the false prophet in there ahead of the true prophet, Deuteronomy 18?” That could be possibly true.
On the other hand, Israel was well acquainted the Jannes and Jambres and saw the mighty works which they manifested so close to those of the prophet Moses.
That God said, “Look, I want to tell you about the false prophets. You better be very careful. You could end up with a man so correct, but so far off it’s to be pitiful and bring you destruction as in the case of Balaam. Jannes and Jambres; they are not true prophets because they are not vindicated properly.”
You notice, that there is no record of Balaam coming with THUS SAITH THE LORD which is a miraculous entrance in order to substantiate His prophecy even though it is still standing today, proving he was not a true prophet, as was Moses, but he was, simply truly, a prophet.
Number two: the vindication is necessary, or he cannot speak with authority from God as did Paul and Moses and Samuel. In other words, after two thousand years we have THUS SAITH THE LORD in the land and who can dispute it according to the Scripture.
And notice everybody’s mouthing off and just this morning I heard the same old thing, “The …Judeo-Christian concept… the Judeo-Christian concept… Judeo-Christian concept.” Bring it to Deuteronomy 18.
Hold it, boy, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it. “We got our own ideas.” Why don’t they just forget the Old Testament? They don’t believe it. They don’t believe even the very concept upon which this Bible was written. Huh?
Yeah, they’re like these guys in America; they hate America but they won’t go someplace else. They’ll stay here and bug us, and try to destroy us.
Three: with his right to bring a message entirely vindicated, there is actually no reason for continued vindication. Once the Supreme Court rules; it should be final, unfortunately it’s no longer that way. But I got news for you; when God’s supreme court rules; it’s over.
There is no necessity for Pythagoras to continue proving the Pythagorean Theorem. Isn’t it nice I know those things? The square root of the sum of the two sides perpendicular to each other is the square of the hypotenuse; something like that. Once it is proven you don’t need to prove it again.
If you’re an architect and you know anything about physics and you’d have to, you know, to be an architect, to understand stress and strain, all the architect has to do is know the exact formula and apply it.
I never did like physics; we were taught in school, we say now, “Here is the fulcrum, which rock is the fulcrum, or it’s the fulcrum, and here is a board of which the density and specific gravity and all that kind of stuff is so and so, and here we put something over here, a little rock to balance this over here,” and you had to find out all about that.
It drove me nuts, because I didn’t like it, and I had no reason to attempt to apply it. But I had this much brains to know that somebody else could do it under the proper conditions, and it worked.
When you drop a rope over the hill, a very, very high hill, that might not be a hill but a mountain, several miles high, and the tensile strength is just so much, how much rope do you let out before the rope breaks? Who gives a rip? I don’t. But it’s very necessary in this world to know that and when it’s proven; who’s going to climb on a mountain?
Dribble the rope down, “Hey, buddy, when you going to break?” There it broke. You see what I’m talking about? If this message is vindicated, somebody’s stuck. Huh?
And somebody’s blessed. What is that? The law of blessing and cursing; the Sword that cuts both ways: the judgment that kills them saves us. Right?
All right. It is time for a message that must and will be accepted by those to whom it is sent which is a Bride, a very elect group.
Thus we see the great ministry of vindication decreasing. Why, it decreased entirely, it’s no longer amongst us. The vindicated ministry, of course, was the Son of man ministry. Thus we see the great ministry of vindication decreasing for seed planting is the order of the hour.
You know, if you study the lives of people and you don’t even have to study them, that any man who ever came on the scene with a great ministry, it wasn’t long until his ministry died and almost every single time the fellow then went into teaching which constituted an error, unless you had THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Because invariably a man’s reputation is built upon his strength. And if his strength was one of Pentecostalism where you had great power and authority in meetings where the sick were healed… I can remember in the case of Dr. Price.
Does anybody know where the thyroid is? The goiters? Right beside… now I want to ask you a question. Is it in your throat? Or is it in the walls? It’s in the walls, isn’t it?
Then how come when Dr. Price prayed for the people in Vancouver, British Columbia, they spit up goiters on the floor and they swept them up with brooms and shovels. Miracle!
Now, my question is; does that constitute him an authority to teach? The answer is no, but he did it anyway. Unless you got THUS SAITH THE LORD you cannot go to the Scriptures as infallible authority. Yet you’ll notice that Mrs. McPherson did it. Cross myself, you know… and just about everyone did it.
Not everyone, but a lot of them did it. See? Notice what I’m trying to tell you. They beat God’s time clock to the punch and right today the Pentecostals vindicate themselves by Oral Roberts and Tommy Hicks, he’s dead, I beg your pardon, Tommy Osborne, and other men and they do not even exist in a healing ministry. It is completely defunct.
You don’t even hear Junior Grant anymore. You hear people running around like these people running to the Branham people; they’re falling like ten-pins everywhere.
Anybody want to leave here, you’re happy… I’d be happy… I’m not happy to see you go, look, I love you, but hey look, do what’s in your heart. I got to do what’s in my heart. You know, don’t worry and be sorrowful anymore about anything.
Of course, I got to watch myself, because I’m a little more careful. The most…
Number four: at the time of this seed planting, which is called the sowing rain, the moureh, or teaching rain of Joel 2, we notice that two other seeds are being planted.
Number 1: Billy Graham, the Protestant pope of denominations.
You say, “Why is he the Protestant pope?” Because he goes to the pope and bows down and scrapes and he says, “You are preaching the same gospel we are. Hallelujah, my brother, my darling brother.” That ain’t the way I heard it in the Word of God.
B: Oral Roberts, the Pentecostals, a power demonstration of gifts, the restoration of gifts, not the Word since 1906 and continues right to the very end of all this Gentile age entirely. Thus three seeds are planted, one by Brother Branham, one by denomination, one by the Pentecostals. And they’re the chaff; they’ll be burned.
Now this is a sorrowful situation, but there’s nothing you can do about it. If you think you can by your disbelief and claiming you’re more righteous than God, you may do so but you’ll die in the fire. Your pains for being ultra loving will be your destruction.
Three seeds planted. They must have water or rain which is the Spirit to bring them to the harvest as it says in the 2nd chapter of Acts, and the 6th chapter of Hebrews.
This is the latter rain that will now bring to maturity every seed and take them to the judgment. It’s called the harvest rain. This is how it happens in Israel. The Bride seed Word will bring forth sons of God who know no other Word but the message of the hour.
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock and if any man hear my voice and open the door, I’ll come in and sup with him and he with me.”
The message alone has life and is by vindication the only seed that is proven to be the true original Word and It will be fully processed by God. It will be, absolutely, fully predestinated because that is the end because it is.
Thus from this point on every soul and every spirit is judged and tried by the Word as to Its truth, whether it be a Spirit of God, or a spirit of man, spirit of hell. Hebrews, the 4th chapter, and the 12th verse that Brother Branham read time after time is it.
(12) For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of… joints and marrow, and… discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
(13) Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
That was proven time after time by Brother Branham, therefore, the Word test is our ultimate, live or die: Word test.
Five: based on his vindicated authority Brother Branham takes a few Scripture as a Word test for his audience. Now listen carefully to what I just read, because I know you’re not catching it, because you’re too familiar with expressions rather than the depth of the expressions.
And the reason I know it, because I catch myself off of guard all the time, too. Now listen carefully! Based on his vindicated authority Brother Branham takes a few Scripture as a Word test for his audience.
Now based upon vindicated authority, therefore, any Scripture he takes is what? A hundred percent the truth, the way he tells it, right? Any Scripture! Any Scripture! All Scripture! None excepted; e-x-c-e-p-t-e-d. Huh? Okay.
Do they really believe him, the audience to which he is speaking, mixed, that he has the authority and speaks as God to the people? That is very doubtful.
He does not even challenge them as to his authority but casually, and yet definitively, and emphatically, so it’s not as casual as they think and as we think, and he expresses in terms Matthew 28:19, and the terms are foreign to the Trinitarian for he calls them titles and not names.
Now, being as casual as he is, is this a trap? Except to the very elect, who are now so thoroughly indoctrinated, so substantially one with the vindication and who has brought it, that every time he says something; it is “Amen, that’s great, I’ll take that.”
You don’t have to understand every single thing, now look, all of us aren’t prophets, teachers, and Bible trained and all, we have our own limitations. I’ve got mine as I warned you many, many times. I’ve got mine. See? Yet if one is true seed, there should not be one thought opposed to this.
Now, the great revelation and the revelations Brother Branham brought us are under the Seventh Seal. Now remember, time itself runs out under the Sixth Seal in the sense of the way that we know the earth now.
Because right at the end of the Sixth Seal, Christ and the Bride’s got to come back and set up a kingdom, and it will be full of immortal beings when He renovates a part of the earth.
So the Seventh Seal which should follow subsequently, chronologically, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, is not so. If you look at the whole chronology, it’s one, two, three, four.
And in there you see the four faces of the four beasts; living creatures, the Zoan, and you see the four coming forth from anti-Christ; white, red, black, brindle. And it rides plumb out into eternity.
So therefore, chronologically, you actually have four Seals, the Fifth is revelatory concerning the Jews, the souls under the altar. And number six is a complete picture of what happens at the end of four. But seven comes in and gives the revelation that the Bride has need of.
And remember, the greatest revelation in the opening of the Seals and the Seven Thunders, “There is one God. THUS SAITH THE LORD you must be baptized or re-baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
I ask you a question. How much respect do the Pentecostals have for the Bible that they endorse? And the prophets and the way the Bible is given that they say they do believe? The answer is; it is nothing but a sham and a mockery. This is why they are the chaff at the end of time.
Then Brother Branham rebukes the Pentecostals about Acts 2:4 that tongues is not the evidence of the re-birth. He further rebukes them about gifts and warns them that they can’t build on gifts where Jesus said, “Many will come in that day, and I don’t even know you.”
He even shows them that Jannes and Jambres could do the same miracles Moses did, and that they repeat in this hour.
Six: he then goes to Matthew 24 and warns them, warns that all but the very elect will be deceived in the hour that the two spirits, Son of man and son of perdition, and yet both of which one is of God, and One is allowed and authenticated that it is God.
Remember now, you got the water falling at the last time on everybody bringing forth the briars, bringing forth the wheat. And Brother Branham said, “The two spirits are razor blade close.”
And you can be deceived, because these people can be anointed by the same Holy Spirit we have, and bring forth every single thing the way Judas did, who healed the sick and raised the dead.
And believe me, he did not run around saying, “Look it, that fellow there, he’s not Messiah. I want to tell you, you watch him. I’ve been close to him and I’m the guy that carries the bag and write the checks and he’s a phony baloney. I want to tell you, you look out.”
He was in there singing, “Hallelujah, praise God,” and jumping with the rest. And he was the same as the bunch that came back and said, “Ain’t it wonderful?” He said, “Amen, devils are subject. Hey, hey, hey, the devils are subject.”
Don’t think he wasn’t. Look it, let’s look at the Bible in the eye. Look at it the way we know people were there and we’re here. And it’s a repeat. All right.
Then finally aligning and allying, not only aligning but allying himself with the prophets on page 55, paragraph 2, he shows the fate of those who do not listen to Him, even as it says in Acts 3, and Malachi 4, wherein it says, they will be burnt up.
And it says in Acts, the 3rd chapter the same as Malachi, the… 3rd chapter, rather, that every single one will be destroyed, and that goes for the foolish virgin and it goes for the serpent seed.
Okay, we’re going to start reading now page 55, paragraph 2.
[55-1] Even the Old Testament said, “If they speak not according to the law and prophets, there’s no life in them” [now he’s taking them right back to Deuteronomy, chapter 18, and 13. And then to the definitive statements.] If they speak not according to the law and the prophets…
What law and prophet? Vindicated to be so, anybody can mouth this, the Seventh Day Adventist mouth it. Oh, man, according to them you listen to them, you got the law and the prophets and you can worship on Saturday and you’ll go to hell by Sunday.
They call the ‘Mark of the Beast’ leaving the so-called Sabbath. They’re Saturdarians, they’re not Sabbatarians; they’re Saturdarians. Where do you get that hogwash? Anybody can quote Scripture and the devil is the best of the works.
How many times have I told you used to be a man in Colorado name of Springer? I think he’s dead by now. Very brilliant, you quote the Scripture, he’d tell you where it is. You tell where it is; he’ll quote the Scripture.
And yet he believed there was a hole in the earth at the North Pole and flying saucers controlled by little brown men came out there.
Understand he believed so firmly something he was eating, or faith control or mind control he was just… I think his hair turned black and curly and everything else. It was really amazing.
Speaking… how do you mean to speak according to the law and prophets, when anybody knows that anybody can pervert the Scripture? And the first thing that was done in the Garden of Eden to the human race was the perversion of Scripture.
So, Brother Branham is telling them he is allying himself with the prophet and he’s aligning himself with the prophets, he’s taking his place with the men of THUS SAITH THE LORD.
[55-1] “If they speak not according to the law and the prophets, there’s no life in them”—that’s exactly what the Bible says, if they deny one thing. Then show me one person that was every baptized using the titles of, …Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. [The name.] Why do they do it then? – …creed, hybrid, dead children, bastard children, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. Scriptural.
Now here’s a man telling you Scripture. And if you’re not baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, this at the end time is the penalty, and what you are, you’ve identified yourself. “Oh, I can’t believe that.” Nobody asked you to.
You say, “Man, that’s rough preaching.” Hey, I’m not God. I’m trying to serve Him though preaching.
[55-1] “…heaven… and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away,” …Now you see why I’ve stood the way I have.
In other words, this man had the opportunity to come to this distinct infallible position and he arrives. And the rest say, “Well, hey just a minute.” No, don’t just a minute me. You give me one THUS SAITH THE LORD, come on.
“Well, Brother Vayle, I heard that in a meeting Pentecostal down in Texas.” You’re a liar, the truth isn’t in you. I don’t listen to hogwash.
That’s where I have all my trouble. I’ve a very, unkind, mean person. Oh, I’m very mean. I’m very mean to the lady who said, “Well, Brother Vayle…” She didn’t tell me, she told the rest of you folk, “Well, I’ve had His presence since I was eleven.”
He wasn’t even on the scene when she was eleven.
I said, “Well, Brother Branham said so.” “I don’t care what Brother Branham says.” And yet she sat here pretending all the time she believed what he said. “I go to the Bible. Don’t tell me I can’t hear from God. I was healed.”
I said, “Prostitutes get healed. And people who hate the One and only God go to witchdoctors and get healed thinking it’s God.” And you think she could believe Brother Branham? I’m quoting Brother Branham. You think she could believe that? Ha!
Do you have any more make believers around this morning? You need a dip in the fountain, brother/sister.
Don’t confuse the spirit of hell with the Spirit of God, although He made that spirit of hell, and He said concerning Lucifer, “Thou wast perfect in all thy ways till iniquity was found in thee.” Well, what do you mean? Until it manifested itself.
You know something? I could sit before Brother Branham for fifty thousand years and maybe fool every single person until one day I’d give myself away, so will you, so will I.
When he said, “You couldn’t hide if you tried.” Brother/sister, I sat there and watched it happen, and believe me that much I know.
[55-2] Show me one place, if it isn’t a curse for a woman to cut her hair.
Now here’s the catch.
“Brother Branham, if you really are that prophet, and if you really have THUS SAITH THE LORD, I’d like to see about twenty on that one in a row, THUS SAITH THE LORD, THUS SAITH THE LORD, THUS SAITH THE LORD, THUS SAITH THE LORD, THUS SAITH THE LORD, and they all come to pass, and it’s possible I just might believe that hair has something to do with it.” Right? Right?
Now, come on. Come on, I sat in his meetings. I myself said, “Brother Branham, listen, I’ve seen these old gals with long hair; they got a tongue long enough to lick the jam off a doorknob. Long hair can’t mean a thing.”
He said, “Brother Vayle, I didn’t say it made you spiritual. It’s the Word of God.”
Oh, that’s funny. I thought the Word of God made me spiritual. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. Just do it. Just let your hair grow.
What about slacks? Every abomination is the Lake of Fire. Women wearing men’s clothes: Lake of Fire. Ha…. no, no, no, no, no. Oh, no, no. Then why is it in the Word? If it doesn’t belong there; it’s messing things up, then God’s own book is full of disorders.
We’ve said, “Now don’t add to my word,” and He adds to his Word. How am I going to catch up? You see what I’m driving at? If we can’t have an ultimate somewhere, you got nothing but confusion. But if you got an ultimate, hey that’s it.
Now this is what Brother Branham is trying to teach us on his vindication and his alliance with and alignment with the prophets, and this Word of which Jesus Christ was the fullness and came and died for us sending His life back upon us.
[55-2] …Then the people say, “Brother Branham’s a prophet. [See, now the women were cutting their hair, they fuss at me.] Then people say, “Brother Branham’s a prophet. [Sure, they can’t help it.] Oh, you… believe him as long as he’s talking to the people, telling them their sins and things like that; but when he goes to teaching, [ho, ho, ho,] don’t you believe that.”
Well, you poor hypocrite. [I love Brother Branham’s saying that. He says it instead of me. Thank you Brother Branham.] You don’t know nothing. [I like that too, better than anything. Don’t know nothing, is double negative, it’s better than anything.] Doesn’t the Bible say the Word of the Lord came to the prophets? I don’t call myself a prophet; I’m no prophet.
And that’s true; to them he isn’t. Tell me how many people was Jesus the prophet to? The majority of people call themselves Christians don’t even know that basically Jesus was a prophet.
“Oh, Messiah, oh Messiah, oh Messiah.” Sound like a train; hump… bump… bump, coming down the tracks. No Messiah unless He’s a prophet! Koresh… who’s a Messiah. If he’d of had as many THUS SAITH THE LORD’s as he had women and children, he’d of been a world beater.
But he’s nothing but a stinking fraud, never had one THUS SAITH THE LORD. Men and women got entranced by his spiritual vulgarity. Why he had a Harvard lawyer there; so much for your brains. No wonder Paul called them dung. Okay.
[55-2] I don’t call myself a prophet; …But you said so; I’m saying what you said. …then turn around and say a thing like that.
In other words, deny the very concept of a prophet. You say, “Hey, that’s a dog.” Then you identify it as a dog. And you say, “Hey, doggie, doggie, how would you like this nice little bale of hay for your dinner?” I’m not stupid; that’s a very good illustration.
Why do you call Brother Branham a prophet and you don’t listen to what a prophet really is? Why do you try to feed him a bale of hay?
Why don’t you give him back the Word and say, “Brother Branham, that’s right! That’s right. That’s right. Amen, I’ll take that. I don’t specifically know all about it, but that’s it, because you’re a vindicated prophet.”
[55-2] …turn around and say a thing like that. Don’t say you didn’t do it. I’ve even got it taped where you said it. You didn’t know that, did you? Just want you to say you didn’t one time; that’s all I want you to say. I’ll let your own voice play it back to you. [Then what about the judgment?]
[55-3] As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses: miracle workers, [that’s Pentecostals,] but where was the Word, the true Word? There were guys working miracles. [Pretty soon, there’ll be gays working, if not already.] Those… guys could do everything in the miracle line… But there was two anointed prophets standing there, or one prophet and his helpmate.
Now you got to kind of watch this, because in this particular instance, this could be… Brother Branham saying, “God is His own prophet, and I am His helper.” It’s like if you’re going to use this word later on down and have a little different understanding I do believe.
[55-3] There was an anointed prophet called Moses, stood there, had THUS SAITH THE LORD. And at the end, it was all manifested before the deliverance. Is that right? The so-called miracle workers died right out.
They actually died, no doubt chasing the Israelites into the Red Sea, and they were overcome. I don’t think for one minute that Pharaoh would have moved without them, but I could be wrong, I’m just giving my little guess there historically.
That if they were his right handed boys and this spiritual situations, spiritual economic situation, he took them right along. All right
[55-4] Now, what they’re trying to do, they’re trying to–to manufacture a latter rain. Nonsense. Why, that latter rain will sweep the world, brother.
Now remember, the latter rain will bring to maturity the three seeds that were sown: the Bride Seed, the Pentecostal seed, and the denominational; that’s Protestant, Roman Catholic, the whole thing in there.
[55-4] [There’s been a…] …former rain sowing Word… [that’s hyphenated. There’s been a former-rain-sowing Word. Put the hyphens between them, little dashes.] That’s right. Now, you’ll see what the latter rain produces.
Now what’s it going to produce? It’s going to produce every single thing that’s in those seeds. Two seeds out there and then the third.
And my, let me tell you something, I believe with all my heart; everybody’s going to be surprised, even the Bride, going to be terribly surprised to see the results, infinite beyond imagination. And the rest are going to be surprised to finally become atomic fodder. Now watch!
[55-4] Now, you’ll see what the latter rain produces. You’ll find out there’ll be an affiliation. [It’s going on now and we know it.] The Pentecostals and all the groups will come together, and they will shut the doors on those guys that won’t listen to them; and you won’t even be allowed to open your mouth.
[There’s laws in the books right now, they’re called “hate laws” and everything else.] …right. That’s when He will come. That’s when He will show. That’s when you’ll see a rain. Oh, my, lie still; and be quiet; let it go.
In other words, he’s telling you flat, you’re in a lull. Like when a young man came and said, “Brother Branham, I don’t feel all the joy. I don’t feel all this hilarity and those things I used to feel.”
He said, “Son, the revival’s over.”
Now what was he talking about? He’s talking about those conditions which were existent or preexistent to the bringing of the Word and during the time of that Word, because remember the Word took on a form of stimulation.
Now that’s the only place where you are right today, is a lying still in the sun, and the stimulation of that Word. And what is it doing?
It is stimulating your spiritual and physical endocrine glands with the light of Almighty God that people I believe right in this audience will not have that fourth ring of light depart, but superseded by the fifth ring that takes you right to the Tree of Life and gives you immortality.
Most of the time I feel like my fourth ring is going to get rejuvenated. But I don’t know. I don’t know. You get out of here, you get the best of both worlds. See?
Now remember, Brother Branham also said, “When the squeeze come down the third pull comes into existence as never before.”
Now that’s been taken to the point where Brother Branham must come back in a tent, listen, I don’t care if he comes back —My God!— just as long as he gets here. I don’t care what he does when he gets here. Just get here! Yeah.
People scream for God get here, then when He gets here they care. Oh my, why did you do it my… why this, why that. Why? shut-up! Why did you bother screaming? You don’t want them in the first place.
All you wanted was God to anoint you in what you wanted for what you to do and then tell God what to do. So shut-up and get out of the picture. You go to the Lake of Fire, just like the devil. No hope for you, gone.
Now the third pull according to Brother Branham, itsy, bitsy birds, doves, angels, and the third pull was the greatest of all, which was the revelation of the Seventh Seal and the Seven Thunders.
Now what is the receptacle of that Word? Bride, the earth, the husbandry of God to receive it here in temples made of clay, so that they without us cannot be made perfect. We are being perfected by the end time message.
When spiritual headship is here and we’re being united together by the Word and joined to Him, so that with complete headship in control, the body must go where the head is, which brings them out of the ground, and we changed and go on. And headship is here.
So, I’m going to tell you something, it would be fine if mighty miracles come, but Brother Branham said, “You’ve seen your last sign.”
I believe in healings. Everything that’s in the Word I want. “And I know if we confess properly and keep on confessing God will make our bodies obey that confession which is in the Word.” Brother Branham said so.
And he didn’t have to say it; look it’s in the Bible. Men like Kenyon knew that. Anybody that understands divine healing knew that, we didn’t need Brother Branham to even say that.
But he said it because the people are getting lax. It will make your body obey It. You’ll become that promise of living Word, your healing, or whatever it is you desire of God which is legitimate to you. You can have it, just keep your confession up.
Where Brother Abbott came from, if you didn’t get healed, the guy said, “Oh, you got sin in your life.” Oh, come on. I wonder if he could pray the prayer of faith, call the elders and pray the prayer of faith and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they’re all gone.
Where’s his prayer of faith? Where’s mine? Where’s yours? The prayer of faith takes it out of your hands when you’re sick.
When you’re sick and you call the doctor and you’re right down on the floor, and you tell, “Well, I’ll tell you how to get it. Well I’ll tell you how the enemy… and I’ll tell you what to do, oh God, just get me to the hospital or get me a shot or something.”
See, there’s something wrong, brother/sister, people aren’t even human anymore. Gross darkness has covered the people. They can’t think anymore.
Latter rain, it’s here, and it’s going to be stronger and stronger. It’s going to be more and more pervasive. As far as I’m concerned, I just want the Word to be so pervasive; it takes my life over, my body over and yours, too. Miracles and things, I don’t need. Thank God, if we get them.
Wonderful, but hey, I can die. I don’t want to die a vegetable. I hope I don’t, but that might be God wants me to die that way. I don’t know.
Maybe I’ve broken so many laws in this life here; that I’ve got to pay my price. I’m not going to argue, but I can tell you one thing I’m arguing for. That Word just so live that we go right to the Tree of Life because that is the promise under the Seventh Seal when the Seals were broken.
[56-1] Oh, but the Word was with that anointed prophet because the Word of the Lord came to the prophet. Now, God doesn’t change His system. No, no. [But they think He does.] He never changes His system.
Now, what was it? There stood three again. There went Jannes and Jambres performing miracles… like went down to Sodom, …one little miracle, blinded the people.
See, with creeds and dogmas and homosexuality. “Everybody loves the homo dear, everybody have no fear, he’s my wonderful brother.” Hogwash! He’s an abomination.
God said, “Destroy the homosexuals from out the land.” No, the church gets in the act and say, “God made a mistake.”
Even the Jews have denied a hundred percent the Word of God, they’ve got female Rabbis. Where were the original homos in America standing? In the Jewish homes.
Come on, go back, the way my mind goes back and they said it, because of the maternalism and the Oedipus Complex, those Jewish women put on their sons, and now today you’re Jewish if your mother’s Jewish.
You ever heard such crud in your life? Jews are no longer Jews; it’s just the name. Out of millions and millions, a 144,000 will be the real Jews. I’m not against the Jews, but I’m just laying it on the platter. Sheee, oh.
Look it, if God hasn’t sent a prophet I’m going to tell you one thing, forget it. I’m not like those guys, smart enough now if the real thing comes. You know what? If this isn’t it, I’m finished.
I couldn’t go through any more THUS SAITH THE LORD and this and that, for anything in my life, because if a whole bunch of THUS SAITH THE LORD legitimacy came I would just have to blow my brains out.
I’m too old to go out and have a whale of a good time, eat, drink, be merry, get drunk, carouse. Hey, look, one shot of wine and I vomit. One cigarette and I’d throw up over the whole congregation. What am I supposed to do? You know what? Blow your brains out.
Cuss a blue streak against whatever gods there be, nature, anything else, and just sit down before you blow your brains out, and cry a little softly and regret you didn’t sin when you had the chance to sin, you’d of had a lot of fun doing it.
I’m not bitter; I’m just telling you, “Hey, I speak as a human being.” As the Scripture says, “Just eat, drink and be merry.” And as Paul said, “If in this life only we’re talking about something, and no resurrection.”
He said, the best you got in spite of your high moral thinking and your nice, nice ways, and you’re sweet, sweet, sweet. You’re just a miserable crud. Face up to it.
Shall we go home now? Or should we dance? In other words, should we get with it and understand, look, this is why it’s live, die, sink…Brother Branham lays it out.
[56-1] …There stood Abraham, the anointed one, with God and his helpmate Sarah.
I think that’s a little, not iffy, but it’s put in a such a way that I think he’s really saying here, “There stood God, that anointed One, because He is the anointing and the anointed, and of course, Abraham was anointed, too.”
“And there stood Sarah, the word ‘helpmate’ means one of his own kind, so here was two little Brides standing right there in perfect union with the Word, who had to discern her heart and put her in order.”
“All He did was rebuke her, He didn’t even hurt her, because she lied to Him, she was living a bit of a lie right there you know. All those years she hadn’t believed but Abraham had. In there plugging away, just believing God, no matter what came, but she was his kind.”
“Brother Branham stands here with a little Bride around him, here’s God Almighty, Brother Branham… here’s God, there’s Brother Branham’s picture, and there’s the Bride around him somewhere.”
[56-1] Is that right? Here stood Jannes and Jambres performing miracles: anything… Moses could do in the sign of miracles, and signs. And there stood the anointed Word, the prophet, with his helper, his assistant. Oh, I wished I could preach on that now…
Well, …God’s His own prophet, and now He’s got a man to talk through. And now the prophet that is God to the people has got a Bride to work to, here it is passed right on.
Now people don’t believe that, yet do you realize that Brother Branham continually made Genesis, chapter 18, always want to make it 19. Why do I want to make it 19 for? It’s got to be 18. Doesn’t got to be but I’m saying it is.
Yeah, there it is, Genesis 18. And Sodom is 19, yeah. Okay, Genesis 18 is Hebrews 13:8. Who never changes, does what He always does the same. All right.
In Genesis 1, remember, now this is a good one, and I’m not going to tell you I’ve got the answer but I’m going to look at it.
[56-2] All right. In Genesis 1, remember, every seed after its kind, [so every single seed was there, every single seed was original, every single seed was of God.] It must forever be that way.
There’s all those types in Genesis. [And remember, they end up in Revelation. Seed book; harvest.] A man who would say, could believe, that the church will go through a tribulation period, I wonder where you’d ever get a seed for that?
Now he’s telling us something. And I don’t know whether I’m too dumb I can’t get it or I didn’t look at it long enough which I admit I did not, I got to be honest with you.
But right there he tells you in the Book of Genesis, there’s a seed sown, positively that says, you will not go through the Great Tribulation. Okay. There’s all the types.
[56-2] A man who would say, could believe, that the church will go through a tribulation period, I wonder where he got that seed…? ”Well,” you say, “I believe it… this that that they’ll do…” That’s all right.
Did you notice yonder where the rain falls …the rain fell on the other kind? Where did it fall? [Now here’s we’re getting some insight.] Noah was in the ark before the judgment struck.
Now remember, as it was in the days of Noah, eight people got there safely. In other words, eight people rose up above the flood and came right down upon this earth.
So therefore, you got a perfect picture, the Bride going up and coming down after the cleansing of the earth which is going to be by fire, a renovation, I don’t understand it but that’s in Malachi, right through the Scripture. All right. He was in the ark. Now watch!
[56-2] Sodom: Lot was out of Sodom before it ever took place. Sure, we aren’t going through any tribulation period; you’re going in the rapture one of these days.
Now, there’s where he’s using his types in Genesis. But before that ever occurred, there had to be a seed somewhere, because you can’t plant seeds afterwards, even the tares that were already in the ground.
So, there’s got to be something in the 1st chapter of Genesis, the first 2 chapters and into 3 where God talks again that will give us the seed where this is a manifestation which manifestation repeats at the end time. We will not go into the Great Tribulation.
Now you remember, that I was quite a student of some preachers, one Dr. Bosworth, that Brother Branham spoke so highly of, and I can understand why, that he believed we went through the tribulation, because it types beautifully in about every single thing that has to do with your life, where we make the big phony mistake the same way the Catholics do.
The Catholics know you’re going to be purged, but they’re going to put you in a little hot spot, but not real hot spot, so that you can pay to get out of it. That’s very interesting; it’s another golden calf money racket. Then you see the people that go through the Great Tribulation, they got that wrong.
The purging is done here by God putting us through trials and temptations, so we learn the way of the Lord is the way to go. Because when a man, he gets tested in his flesh and he gets pain, he begins to smarten up and say, “Hey, it’s about time I quit doing this thing.”
You learn by the trials and things that you suffer. Well, the Great Tribulation, brother/sister, is not that at all. It’s a retributive judgment upon collective sin and it falls at one time; it is not a process over the ages.
So, it’s like the judgment of Noah, when the water hit the earth and took everybody away but those that were above it. And that’s what’s going to happen according to the Book of Revelation.
Now, back in those days, of course, I used to believe that we went through the tribulation, and when Brother Branham taught otherwise, I wanted to get information from him and so I sat with him.
And as we sat and talked my mind was so full of Scripture and far more abundant than he was able to give me, that I could see the arrogating black between us, he was moving one way, I was moving another, although I was trying to move to him, I couldn’t do it, because you see, I wasn’t believing.
I was taking Scripture against Scripture and you cannot pit Scripture against Scripture and get anywhere, you got to… Listen, hey, what is the proper division, for heaven’s sake? So finally he was helping me, but he couldn’t.
Finally I knew what had happened to me, I said, “Brother Branham, just one more question, if you please.”
He said, “Sure, Brother Vayle, what is it?”
I said, “Brother Branham, I’m not getting anywhere and I know it’s my fault, could you just please tell me is it THUS SAITH THE LORD, the Bride will not go through the tribulation.”
He said, “Lee, it is THUS SAITH THE LORD she will not go through it.”
I said, “Thank you, Brother Branham, that’s all I need to know. I will find out from the Scripture. I know you’re right.”
And I did, and it took me years of just standing back and waiting, and then when I saw it, it was letter perfect. It showed the very things that great students stumble over.
And they stumble over the word ‘wrath’, and I’m going to tell you, if you study that out carefully, and place it with the Scripture, you will find that the Bride never, ever has the retributive wrath of God fall upon her, because you’ll notice as Brother Branham says right in here, and I’ll read it to you.
[56-2] Sure, we aren’t going through any tribulation period; you’re going on a rapture one of these days. Certainly. Why do you… why do you ever have to be judged? He stood my tribulation [or my penalty:]
All the wrath accumulated against me, and there’s just my parents and everybody else, and what I did, what they were good at, they passed on to me, and I got better than they were at sinning, oh yeah, I became a pass master, according to my own parents, and their parents, and their parents. Yeah.
And He took the penalty. So how come I’m going to go through the Great Tribulation? He took my tribulation, my penalty. See? Remember, this man is vindicated to say what he says.
[56-2] He stood my tribulation: Jesus Christ. There’s where my tribulation took place… yeah. I accepted Him, and I’m free… “When I see the blood I’ll pass over you.” That’s right. Moses was safe–safely protected while… with Israel while the tribulation fell. That’s right.
And notice, that was just the beginning of tribulation, the next thing not only was the death angel there destroying the seed, but those seed bearers now that were left because, see, their first born was the real seed-bearer, now they’re all dead in the ocean.
“Leaving neither root nor branch.” The same thing is going to happen; there will not be another group of human beings as we know humanity today upon this earth, going to be a bunch of glorified people, hallelujah. Right down the line. Okay.
We’re not going to go much further. We might go back here just to be the Book of Genesis for a minute, right in the very beginning.
And remember this, God tells the man that he is to have the supervision over the creation and through multiplying the whole earth would come in subjection with those wonderful people there, and then when they went astray in the 3rd chapter, you notice what he says here in verse 17.
(17) And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife,… [Now here’s where your true sons get their lesson.] eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
(18) Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
(19) In the sweat of thy face [thou] shalt eat bread, till thou return to the ground; for out of it wast taken: for dust thou art, dust [thou] shalt return.
Now you notice there’s a logical sequence there. What you’re supposed to do is just gracefully grow old and die and go back to the dust.
And there’s nothing mentioned there of any one of these sons of Adam ever getting the wrath of God to fall upon them in retributive justice as it fell upon Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Uh, uh, you don’t find that there.
Now, remember in 1 Corinthians, the 15th chapter, where in Genesis 3, Adam could not go to the Tree of Life and live forever. A mystery comes up, and the mystery is a solution to Adam’s dilemma, the human race. The true Adamic seed, that came from God that had the genes from God in their souls, and the souls from God. Okay.
What is it?
(51) Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed,
(52) In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, [See,] at the last trump: for the trumpet [must] sound.
Now it tells you there’s a certain trumpet that has to sound and then is when you know and remember, and the Voice of the Seventh Church Ages, when that trumpet sounds, that’s under your Seventh Seal, your last church age messenger.
That’s when you can go to the Tree of Life and live forever. Now what does it? The opening of the Seals.
You don’t find these people dying, even a natural death, so how in the world can they die what you’d call a supernatural death that happened to Korah, Dathan, Abiram?
Because remember, the fire is for the chaff, and the seed has to be out of the chaff, it’s gone. And what is the seed? Royal seed; first-born seed.
So there’s no way that you could possibly as a child of God go into the Great Tribulation, where remember, they prayed to die and they don’t die, except the foolish virgin that are killed, they die all right.
Three and a half years of terrible, terrible problems on the earth, the Great Tribulation. But remember, Moses was safe. That’s right.
[56-3] All right. Every seed must come after its kind. God made man in His image after His kind to be His Word on earth. [That’s expressed Word on earth. Sure, it was, He said, “Let us make man.”]
He expressed it in Jesus Christ. [That was the full perfection.] What was? God was in Christ. That’s a Man after His kind. See? When God, which is the Word… How many knows He’s the Word? When the Word was in Christ, a man, human man, expressing Itself through Him, that was God, the Word, in Christ expressing Himself.
And God in the beginning made man in His Own image, and that’s the kind of man that God makes today. The seminary and the incubator hatchery turns out a bunch of hybrids…
What does he mean here? Those men will be in the continuity of God’s Word. They’re not going to be hybrids. They’re going to believe It.
See, all through the years now, it couldn’t do it, but you got to come to the place where it’s got to do it, because that’s the predestinated plan of God. Get to that Tree and live forever.
[56-3] (See?), when God calls a man, he’s in His Own image: the Word made alive in him.
Now, how does It become alive in him when It’s not alive to him? Now if I were saying this… I’m saying this for Brother Branham. So the seed,
[56-3] …when God calls a man, he’s in His Own image: the Word… alive is made to him…
Because the Word is alive in him. There’s something in there, like Jesus said, “You don’t have a place for my Word in your heart, in your soul.”
…That’s right. There he is; that’s God’s man, man in His Own image, in His very likeness. And Jesus said, that he will do the works that I do. So God made man in His Own image after His kind.
[57-1] His kind, what’s His kind? the Word. He is the Word.
Now Brother Branham is talking again about himself as well as us as individuals with our own capacity. But up here he’s talking about John 12:14 as far as I’m concerned, when he says and Jesus says, “He’ll do the works that I do.”
And I realize that Brother Branham did not put it in there, ‘greater works’, that’s John 14:12, but the thing is this, we understand that we in our own positions do the particular works but he had a most particular one.
[57-1] His kind, what’s His kind? the Word. He is the Word. Then if a man denies God’s Word, how can he be in God’s image? See? Just ask the question. Ask yourself. “How can you be in God’s image and deny God’s Word, when the Word’s expressed image of Himself?” [See, how true.]
“Oh,” he says, “it doesn’t mean that.” Expressed image of God said, “Oh, I said it, but I didn’t really mean it. I was wrong there. I… back up. That was some other time. I didn’t mean it.” [In other words, can you hear God saying that?]
Oh mercy, trash, slop of the devil that he fed to Eve. Don’t let people try to poke it down the elected neck though. No, sir. They won’t believe that. “Just come and join with our gang.” Join nothing; you got to be born; not join; a new creature.
[57-2] Yes, in His Own image of His kind to be… His expressed Word on earth. Now, Jesus was God’s expressed Word. Do you believe that? Then what are we to do? Sons of God too, with the expressed Word in the church, carrying on [That…] mystical Body of Christ, carrying on the same works that Jesus did when He was on earth. See? …after His kind.
Now right in this particular area here, you cannot possibly make this say, well, all right, if we don’t have the works it is certain we don’t have anything. Because then you’re putting works above manifestations far above the works itself.
The thing to do is to recognize and understand that those are there but you don’t major in a minor. The important thing is to know the works are there, and believe also, and understand that healing and those things that are in the Word are absolutely available to us, but never in the same context and content that they are in a prophet.
So Brother Branham is looking at the denominationals now who deny… How many times did Billy Graham pray for the sick? A general prayer, if somebody’s sick, “Oh, Lord, please do something if You possibly could.” But they don’t make it definitive.
So he looks at the two seeds being sown, and one denominational seed that just stand back and say, “Well, God did it but He doesn’t do it anymore. This may be of God because you know it’s a good little thing to have a little pain” And they rationalize it.
The Pentecostal come on full steam and they say, “Yes, bless God, we got the works, therefore, we are right.” And Brother Branham turns around and says, “Jannes and Jambres had the works and they’re wrong.”
So what he’s doing… you’re looking at a group of people who follow Brother Branham’s ministry and notice that Brother Branham continually prayed for the sick.
The question is; how many got healed? It doesn’t matter how many got healed. Are we faithful for praying for the sick, are we faithful of doing everything we’re supposed to do?
As Spurgeon said, he said, “The most wonderful thing I ever heard in my life…” and he said, “it is my job to believe God for the impossible, and leave the results up to Him.”
So here’s what you’re looking at here in Spoken Word is Original Seed. We’ll finish that next Saturday now, and get into the book number two.
We find here that Brother Branham is simply saying, basically in this sermon, what he was doing already, confirmed to the people so they’d have no lack of understanding that he was that vindicated prophet.
To bring you right back, not only to the true understanding of the Word of God, but in his hands were placed as a minister, faithful as Paul in 2 Corinthians, the 4th chapter, that without him there could not be a resurrection and a rapture.
There could not be a world ecumenical society. There could not be chaff. There could not be separation. There could not be these things. In other words, it hung on him as the one that God chose to be that kingpin for God and with God in this particular position.
Now they’ll all stand back and say, “Now you did it, Vayle, you made him God. Now you showed what you were.”
And I say, “Wonderful, and you showed what you were.”
Now we’re like the guy that was going to buy a horse, and you heard my stale old joke, many times, haven’t you? I’ll tell it again. So you find out what the horse is like by putting your hand in his mouth, and counting his teeth. And so the guy stuck his hand in the horse’s mouth and counted his teeth and the horse counted his fingers.
Do you know where I stand? Stuck my hand in your mouth; you counted my fingers. In other words, it’s easy to know who people are, and who I am, just go to the Word, give the Word test. You’re making yourself unique, Brother Vayle? No more than you or anybody else. Right? Right.
Let’s rise and be dismissed. Saturday night at seven thirty, we come together again.
Heavenly Father, we thank You again for the time of fellowship we have around Your Word and we know Lord, that whether people want to believe it or not, It has been made manifest.
And that’s the thing Lord, that as we come together I feel in our hearts, and our minds, our souls, we begin to understand more and more, and yet the devil stands right outside the door, maybe even inside the door, to pluck it out of our hearts and our minds, this tremendous revelation that we have, and discussed this morning, that this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel, this is that spoken by all the prophets.
This is that which is to be in this hour and in this day when You stood upon earth, O Elohim, with Your prophet, and the people then here would come to a perfection.
So that they without us should not be made perfect, and they can come back upon the earth, and we can be changed, and this was done even as Paul said by a ministry, the gospel, with a man.
And I believe Lord, this was that Elijah which would come forth even as Your prophet himself said, “The Elijah of this hour is the Lord Jesus Christ.” And he said, “The Token is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.”
Even as he put everything back on You, but helped us to realize that here was a man under the control of Almighty God, even Yourself, Elohim.
That You could stand over him as the Pillar of Fire and You could invade his very being, as that same Pillar of Fire and that man had to bring forth that truth, and there wasn’t any way that he could miss It, anymore than when You said, “Let there be light.” And there was light.
And I know Lord, because people stand today and they put a reasoning mind as Your stumbling block that You Lord, cannot have Your way, because of the mind of man.
They forget that You said, “You will make the wrath of man to praise Him, and the remainder wrath You will restrain.” They forget that You reign in the armies of heaven and earth and You do exactly what You want and You will do it.
That when You said, “Let’s make man in our image,” and give this dominion, You never gave it to a man, because he wasn’t there to give it to. You gave it to Yourself, that there would be a man, like a man after your own heart, like David, Jesus.
Now, more kindred ones to stand in the midst, and just think Lord, what a great day that is when the Bride, when Jesus Himself is on the throne, the Pillar of Fire above the throne, and there stand those mighty men like David there, Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob, Samuel.
Isaiah sawn asunder, Jeremiah put to shame, men thrown in dungeons, Paul, the great Paul, great men, four and twenty elders, all standing there, sitting there, perhaps, all in that great kingdom. We allowed there, too. And how was it? It was because of Your Word Lord, what You said.
And the very people stand up against It that know without Your sovereignty, that You standing with Your Word as the Word Himself, they’d never be there, and Lord, if we’re a part of that Word we’re going to believe everything that’s said.
So help us today Lord, to get rid of everything and to walk in the light as You are in the light, have fellowship one with another, and we loving that same Word, love each other Lord, and progress onward, praying for each other, helping each other, no matter what it is.
Making sure that we run interference for those round about us who need help and making doubly sure that nobody interferes with us when it comes to standing with that Word and walking in the light.
Help us Lord, to have this same blessed Spirit the prophet had in our own little niche here, in this little body of Christ, that we might not lack in anything as we present ourselves and wait for further presentation at that great day Lord, when very hopefully, blessedly, we crown You King of kings, and Lord of lords.
Now heal the sick amongst us Father, by starting deep within the soul, and within the mind where we can begin to realize that that very Word that we believe and witness to coming out of our mouth, You will make our bodies respond to It.
Help the people to realize that, for that stands right with the same promise, “Call for the elders, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick.” Lord, we’re getting so lazy we want somebody to do it for us all the time, maybe that’s our trouble.
We need to take more of the Word, not more, all of the Word and lay It all in there, and it’s proper ways of understanding so the doctrine of healing and these other doctrines become complete and pure, so that we stand with It until It begins to stand through us and manifest Itself and bring into absolute manifestation what lies in that life.
So we’re looking for help Lord, keep us during the week, Father, and may we be busy concerned about our Father’s business, attending to the Word and sharing the life that is in there by giving the Word abroad, whatever is necessary, bringing our homes under divine order, applying the token, all of those things, safe journey here whatever.
Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be all power, honor, and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
‘Take the Name of Jesus with you.’