Spoken Word is Original Seed; Book 2 #07

Only The Word Test; Virgin With The Mind Of Christ
#3393 /

Brother Lee Vayle

Shall we pray.

Heavenly Father, we thank You tonight for Your Word and we know Your Word is Spirit and Life. It is also true that Jesus said according to the Scripture which he quoted, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”

Knowing that the bread here perishes, but the true manna from heaven, the Word of Life, does not perish, and thereby, because It does not perish and clothe in that little seed covering a human body, one day this body will not perish either, and there’ll be some, I believe, standing here who shall not see death, but you’ll walk into immortality.

And even before that, there will be those that come forth by the creative power of Your own hand Lord, and we’ll stand here together.

We appreciate that and we look forward to that great day with excitement now and I believe a truer sense of perception as to what lies ahead according to the Word which we have been taught.

And we see Lord, how marvelous all things are running in order and we appreciate that so much.

Bless us together in our study Lord, for further enlightenment, and not just for enlightenment Lord, because we know we could know many, many things concerning mysteries, in fact as Paul said, “Know all things,” and then still be bereft Lord.

We want the reality and we trust we have that tonight, and even more so as time goes by, in Jesus Name, we pray, Amen.

You may be seated.


Now we’re looking, I guess, at number 7 on ‘The Spoken Word is Original Seed.’ And last Sunday we found Brother Branham dealing again with Eve as the mother of all living and pointing out as usual, that when Adam took her as his wife, she was already pregnant with the serpent seed.

Now this is exactly why Brother Branham, though not saying those same words that I’ve quoted from Genesis, “Eve was the mother of all living,” he actually said that she was, because by the time Adam got to her she was pregnant by the serpent.


Now on page 20, in the first paragraph, he actually then draws an example as to how a young man might feel under the circumstances of coming to a bride which was pregnant by another man.

And he said,

[82-1]  Oh, God, if that isn’t a pitiful sight. [Talking about Adam now.] Think of a young man coming to a woman and finding her with seed of some other man in her. What a thing. That’s what God… [had] done to Him. That’s what Adam had done to him. And that’s what Christ had done to Him

In other words, they were faced by that terrible dilemma.

Now, what we are looking at is that though Eve was capable, now listen carefully, though Eve was capable of being the mother of all living and most certainly did become that, in actuality, according to the original, she was restricted by the command of God and at the same time, this command was a right granted her and entitled her to be not the mother of all living, but mother only to the seed of the God race that was in Adam.

Do you understand what I’ve just said… just read to you?


She did become that. She was capable. She exploited her capabilities. How do you exploit your capabilities? Simply going off the Word. That’s all. But then you miss the capability of God.

See, this is the tragic thing of Christianity.

We have left too much up to mysticism and to the individual, rather than bringing everybody to the marvelous truth as it is in Christ Jesus and everyone becoming a garden full blown of God, not dealing with the thirty, going beyond the sixty to the hundred.

So, all right.


This was her high calling and she did not live up to it, because she had other possibilities. Now, you just take what I said and think of it. And here again is where your coming together can be so valuable to you.

If you just talk about these things and explore them, and bring them out in life. “What shall it profit a man if he lose his own soul but gains the whole world?”

And as Clinton so well put it in his inaugural address, he mentioned sowing and reaping. And he said, “He that soweth to the flesh shall reap corruption.”

Well, he’s a pretty good example having his girlfriends and his homosexual company, if that’s not sowing to the flesh, I guess I’m not educated.

I’m living in a perplexing world or I, evidently, don’t have the faculties of Hillary Rodham and Billy Clinton to know what’s going on.

I just ain’t fit for this world. Thank God. Now without belaboring the point this is a perfect example of the church; is able to mess up but is fully entitled and enabled not to mess up.

Now this begins to make some things clear, hey? You got to go right back to the beginning, there’s no place else to go, that’s where Brother Branham took us, that’s where we going.


The Bride of Adam, the Bride of God, the Bride of Jesus, each was exclusively accorded the right to bear the children of God and not only accorded that right but none other, no one else could do it, that is bear the children for Adam, God, and Christ.

Now you might be thinking, “Just a minute, they did.” I just told you they did, but when they did it, it wasn’t Adam’s child, it wasn’t Jehovah’s, it wasn’t Jesus’.

Reproductive organs, actually, are reserved to one male and one female that God ordained. It’s an old Scottish saying, to the man or to the woman, “There’s one out there for ya, and you’ll nay miss him.” But you can. You can blow it.


We see that God made an irrevocable contract by reason of His own creating all things, that though the Bride’s could flaunt their whoredoms at Him by bearing other than His children, He still had to bring His children through them.

Now that means they would be there. We’re talking about the fact just as Adam had to use Eve, because that’s all there was to use.

You can look at the church and you can see as in the end time the Bride is there so thoroughly mixed up with all the corruption, that except Elijah come, another John the Baptist, there would be no understanding, there would be no separation.

So, this explains the mystery of six thousand years of wheat and tares in the one field, the one husbandry. Two vines, and especially, one lump of clay where within the one lump was a foreknown elected and predestinated church Bride, right along with the foolish virgins, and out and out serpent seed: all in one lump.

All claiming sonship from God using spiritual gifts, and in many cases acting exactly like sheep, but none the less are wolves, dogs, pigs, you name it, they’re not sheep.


Now I’m going back to the beginning or Eden; we find Eve left the Word when Satan added one word only.

She believed his revelation and, thereby, became the mother of Cain, but when she took her true head or seed bearer Adam, she bore Abel.

And she did, absolutely, a child of God, in the image of his father, and his father in the image of God. And remember, God breathed into Adam the breath of lives, and there was no way that Adam could bring forth serpent seed.

There’s no way at all, because what was breathed into him was of the Holy Spirit. And that’s where he became a living soul.

So we’re looking at that as Brother Branham said; “Your soul has that gene or is that gene of God, and God is Spirit, Holy Spirit.” Say what you want.


Now by the time of Noah, there is only one lump of clay people. Just one person at all, and he died, and that’s Noah, that wasn’t of that one lump, wherein there’s one.

There’s serpent seed, virgin-wise, virgin-foolish, can’t do a thing about it, it’s all there. And there is only one distinguishing difference and that difference is by the Word.

Now you notice when Noah built the ark, he wasn’t all hep to evangelize the world, and bring everybody into his ark, and save the world, although he was a compassionate, very fine man, he built the ark and wherein he and his family were saved.

You say, “Brother Vayle, don’t you believe evangelism?” Yes! End time evangelism. They don’t believe in this here. Then forget it. I’m not interested.

Now if this alone does the trick, how come these birds north of us don’t want to quote Brother Branham and around the country?


They can’t be children of the prophet, because you’re supposed to be. Come, let me find that for you.

Oh, I could ask you where it is and I think you could tell me, couldn’t you? Third chapter of the Book of Acts, the Book of Acts is full of goodies.

And it says in verse 25.

Acts 3:25

(25) Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the [covenants] which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.

Why? Because they carry the seed. You identify yourself with the prophets, and there’s a prophet in our hour, you’re identified with God. You’re a child of the prophet. How? By the Word, vindicated, revealed. Okay.


By the time of Noah, there is only one lump of clay people. And there is only one distinguishing difference and that difference is by the Word.

Now remember, Noah built the ark that saved him, and consequently, any seed that was lying there. Now, the seed is all in the blood stream, so forget it, it’s all one lump.

And he saved the progenitors of the future races, Shem, Ham, Japheth. So when we’re building our ark, we’re all in this together, we’re not saving anybody but ourselves. Every seed is going to head for the ark. All right.


By the time of Noah, there is only one lump of clay people, they’re all one mixture. “In him we live and move and have our being,” everything is right in there, what Paul said at Athens, Mars Hill. The one blood and so on. The offspring of God.

“In him we live and move and have our being.” That’s exactly true, just one lump. That’s where we leave it. And there is only one distinguishing difference, and that difference is by the Word. He that is of God heareth God’s Word.

And the sheep hear His voice and they follow Him. There is absolutely no way to identify a sheep as distinct from a goat, except by the Word test. Repeat, there is absolutely no way to identify a sheep as distinct from a goat, except by the Word test.

“The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal; the Lord knoweth them which are His.” And who are them which are His?

“My sheep hear my Voice and they follow me. I know my sheep and my sheep know me. And that day you’ll know I’m in the Father and you in me, and we’re one.”

We’ll hear some of this oneness shortly, how the Bride and Christ are one; one Word.


So, we notice that God gave the true Word and the true revelation to the brides but the brides hybridized the Word every time before their husbands could get to them.

Thus the mixture exists with only God knowing His own and separating them by His Word. Matthew 24.

You said, “I don’t know He separates by His Word, Brother Vayle, I believe He has lots of wonderful things people do.” Why you didn’t listen to me awhile ago.

“The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them which are His.”

And He said, “My sheep hear my voice and they follow Me.” When John turned to hear the voice, he turned to see it was a Scriptural voice.

You say, “How could John do that and I couldn’t do that?” Because John was there in the great vindication of God.

The Lord Jesus Christ was there, and John was fully informed and full of the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost brought all things to his remembrance.

And so he turned to authenticate the voice as Brother Branham said, “Was it a Scriptural voice?” What are you listening to?


Every age, the Seed, or the Word for the hour came forth. And every age the Bride hybridized it eventually. In other words, it might have taken a bit of a time, and went into the denominations and died.

You say, “How does that work out in every age? It works out by the principle of the candlestick which Brother Branham taught us the Church Ages, the lamps, how that there are seven complete arms and the middle one which is four, is the furthest one away from the oil.

So the light began to diminish and diminished almost to nothing under the Fourth Age, the Dark Ages. And it began to come back a little at a time, so you find a diminishing, and you’ll see them coming to the place of almost complete and abject rejection of the Word, so there is nothing there but it begins to come back.

But in the last age, which is the seventh arm down, indicative from that would be on the left hand side, I suppose, if you’re facing it, starting with the right channel, I don’t know for sure.

But that would be the furthest from the first age which was the age of the full Word with a perfect revelation, and a church which in its inception was the only church and had not gone into whoredoms.


But at the end time you’re looking at the perfect Word restored in a complete mess of abject whoredoms. So, in spite of the fact of the tremendous vindication, the very epiphany of Christ Himself in this hour, the church is a complete mess.

And that Bride is a complete mess, she’s right in there, “Wretched, miserable, naked, blind, and doesn’t know it.” But He stands at the door and knocks and says, “Come out of her.” So this is what you’re looking at in those Seven Church Ages.

And I want you to understand that there always was just enough light, because the Bible said, “Do not take away and destroy the oil and the wine, leave it there.” That little tiny bit was always there.


Now at the end time you have not only the Word restored, as it was in the Ephesian age, but now you have the Word in the divine order of spiritual and historical chronology where the time has run out of the Adamic tenure of this earth, where he must come to the place of immortality.

So now we step into the very place that he abdicated. In other words, he did not live to that place where he could have walked in. He abdicated. He lost it. We are there now in spite of how intense and horrible things look.

Don’t you care two bits about that: that has nothing to do with us! And you’ll see more and more in this message what has to do with us and we are it.

Remember Pogo, Kelly wrote, you know, the tremendous cartoon Pogo, by Kelly. They talked about, you know, he said, “We have met the enemy and it is us.” We have met the Bride and it is us. Yeah.

We don’t have Pogo. The Holy Spirit Himself told us. We’re not looking at cartoons, funny papers or anything else; we’re looking at the revealed Word of God which brings the Life of God to us.


All right. Every age the seed Word for the hour came forth and every age the Bride hybridized it, eventually went into denominations.

What came out of the Catholic age, the Fourth Age, the Lutherans took, it died, the life went on, to sanctification, the Methodists, that died, it went on to Pentecostals, that died, the Life that was in the chaff which is Pentecostals is now in a Bride and they won’t die. Why? Because the wheat gets garnered into the Marriage Supper.

Now, but at the end time there will be a Bride of that same original Word and there is no way she will leave that, see, no way she’ll leave that. And therefore, bring forth the promised Seed back in flesh which we know to be Christ.

Brother Branham said, “The church can’t do it. Only the Bride can do it.” And remember, it’s a pitifully small group.


Now again, page 20.

[82-1]  Oh, God, if that isn’t a pitiful sight. [Eve is pregnant with serpent seed; it isn’t just… and it would… the horrible thing is it’s not even the seed of a man.]

Think of a young man coming to a woman and finding her with seed of some other man in her. What a thing. [What a terrible thing.] That’s what God had done to Him. That’s what Adam had done to him. And that’s what Christ had done to Him

[82-2]  Yes, they never stayed with the Word and caused a hybrid condition.

Well, now, that’s true. The condition was a hybrid condition, because as soon as Adam gave way to Eve and she became pregnant by him, that’s when the chips were down.

God never came down when she messed with the serpent. No, no, no. He came down because Adam threw in his lot with her. Now he’s sinking down to the beast level.

Remember, Adam was between the angels and Almighty God, a God seed, and here’s all this creation out here. He was alone. He was isolated.


Now, they’ve lowered the human race to where at the end time they’re nothing but brute beasts. And if you think this generation here isn’t brute breasts, you know, I thank God every night and every morning that He takes care of me.

When I see what is going on, what’s happening around me, I am full of great gratitude for everything I know that comes from His hand.

Because I want to tell you there’s every instance there’s a buzz saw out there ready to cut you to pieces. You got people out there, that got no more soul than a skunk.

In fact, why should I insult the skunk, he’s a very fine intelligent part of nature. He eats bugs and worms, rodents and things. These skuzzballs do nothing. They’re leeches on society.

What soul do they have? If they have a soul, they’re natural brute beasts. The human seed has run out. My goodness me, what more could anybody want? For a bad time?


[82-2]  Now… never stayed with the Word and caused a hybrid condition.

The hybrid condition is the world right now. In other words, it’s a lowered perverted state. And if you don’t think it’s in a hybrid condition, how come everything out there are hybrid plants?

Everybody started to go to Tucson. “Oh what a nice place. Tucson. Oh yeah, no allergies, everything’s great.” And what did the idiots do? They dug wells. They had water.

So they brought in all the trees that weren’t native. “Everybody got… everybody got a problem, oh yes, it’s horrible.” Sure, it’s horrible out there.

Now they’re saying nobody can plant any of these kinds of trees anymore. You go out to Phoenix, they got so much irrigation out there, it’s horrible. That’s why I like Tucson. I don’t like Phoenix.

You go there, you’re breathing air that’s [inaudible], you might as well be here in the Lima Valley here. Forget it. Hybrid.

So what did Brother Branham say? “They never stayed with the Word so even the conditions, everything around is hybridized. All mixed up messed up, scrupled up.” Never mind just the people.

[82-2]  That’s what Israel did. See where she’s at? That’s what Christ’s bride did. See where she’s at? Right back to the rest of them. Christ’s Pentecostal bride did the same.


You know if they would have stayed with the Word we wouldn’t have that ozone problem, with the big hole, and all the carbons up there and everything else.

Farmers wouldn’t be polluting the universe with all their pesticides and all their herbicides, all their fertilizers.

How many farmers got earthworms in their soil out there? Huh? How many got the proper microbes? Hey, folks, you’re dead and don’t know it. Yeah, that’s right.

We better get out of here. We’ve got our eyes on AIDS. I got news for you. You can die just as rotten a death from malnutrition and the poisons and the junk that’s within us as a case of AIDS.

You know that bit of poetry years ago when you were kids, have you ever heard it, “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if the fleas don’t get us, the bedbugs must.”

That little doggerel is a hundred years old and it’s only coming to pass now. If the AIDS don’t get you, cheer up, cheer up, something worse could come. Yeah.


Let’s keep going.

[82-3]  She can’t bring forth spiritual Word children, for she is a hybrid herself.

Well, let’s look at male and female relationships. She’s got traits, he’s got traits. So the baby comes forth with a complexity of those traits in there, right? Those lines and things, recessive traits, or the baby has diabetes or a case of spinal bifida.

How did the baby get it? How did Cullen get it? From momma, but how did she get it? Nobody really knows. Some relative. See. Now that condition isn’t normal. It wasn’t meant to be.

And one day it won’t be. Cullen will get a perfect body. Lord comes, he’s a good candidate; he’s a little baby, a little child, long time before the age of accountability. Won’t see any crippled children in the Millennium. No, in the future there will be no cripples.

What about you people sitting here and got some heart problems? Where did you get them? Hybridization. It just tells you the whole thing.

The seed’s got mixed in there, and the mingling of the seed today with those various traits and all, if they are not truly compatible, hey, you’re stuck. Hybridized. Started back there getting off the Word, went plumb through nature. See.


Now he’s showing you out here that nature is perfectly compatible. Man makes it incompatible. Getting off that Word, that’s where the whole trouble came, God wanted a theocracy, God in the driver’s seat.

Man moved by the Holy Spirit, Adam in the Garden of Eden. And He’s going to get it. Like He said to the woman, “You bear that seed.” Now she went ahead and blew it.

No, no, no, only so far, only so far. God’s Word never fails. So I don’t care how bleak anything looks, we are going to be where God said we are to be and you better believe it, because Christ paid that price and came forth in the first Resurrection.

Him being a first-fruit and we are going to be a hundred percent in that image, and we are going to be born from the dead also. Just like we’re being born… you that are going to be standing here in the Rapture, I could miss it quite easily.

You are going to be born from corruptibility into incorruptibility, and from mortality into immortality as soon as you see the dead come out of the grave, that sweep goes over you.

So don’t you forget it! And don’t you stay away from the promise! You stay with that promise, because it’s getting more and more exciting.

The more I learn little things that Brother Branham said, I get very excited within me and I get very happy. I get very assured.

The more I’m into this Word and understand these things that have been mysteries that Brother Branham brought so simply and so plainly, the more convinced I am that I am a part of it.

And you know how I get it? Get it by coming to church, so I can tell you people all about it. The more I tell you about it, the better it is for me. The more you hear it, the better it’s you.


Now this woman being hybrid can not bring forth spiritual children, for she’s a hybrid herself. See, you can’t produce beyond what’s in you.

As much as you want to have a beautiful happy little child that’s perfectly whole, everything else, if you got certain lines in you and your wife vice versa, that child will be exactly the product of you. Now that’s genetics. That’s just truth.

So, how can the church without a part of that church having the pure Word of that hour bring forth anything but what’s in them? And if the pure Word for that hour is not in them, hey, they’re going to bring forth hybrid children. There’s just no way out of it.

Now, each child brought forth in the flesh is a hybrid, that doesn’t matter because you’re going to get a brand new body. Now how can she do it? It says,

[82-3]  How can she do it when she’s hybridized herself with the denominations? [How can she bring forth a Word… spiritual Word children.] She joined up with them and so she is just the same as they are,

[In other words, all the denominations, everybody is just tarred with one stick. And you know, living their lives, with this false hope,] in with the Council of Churches… everything else, she’s as hybridized as the rest are. How can she do it? She can’t.


In other words, she can’t bring forth spiritual Word children. In other words, the seed has to be in the church.

Now the church is never going to bring forth a church anyway, that’s any good; it’s just going to be individuals in there.

[82-5]  Now, watch, the true Bride. Hallelujah, there’s going to be one! She’s predestinated. She won’t be denominationalized, because She’s predestinated [not to be.] She doesn’t have to worry about some denomination; She’s already predestinated to take the place [of complete separation unto Almighty God. See.]

[82-6]  Look, like Mary I want you to get this now and don’t fail. Are you ready? Say, “Amen.” When Christ comes to His Bride, She will be a virgin like Mary was, for God will not bring Christ through a womb of a whore, and neither will He bring the Bride.

What do you mean bring the Bride? Well, the Bride’s not going to be a Bride by a whore. She can’t do it.

He can’t bring His Word through a whore of His Word. Those are horrible words, but that’s what the Bible said. I’m saying what It said because this has got to be understood.


Now he’s telling you something. The true Bride like Mary will have a virgin womb and he’s got in here, I’m going to change this a bit but I’ll read it the way it’s written.

[82-7]  The true Bride, like Mary, will have a virgin womb for the Bride of the Word, which is Christ. [Now I believe what he actually says in there, the Bride should be deleted.] The Bride, like Mary, will have a virgin womb for the Word, which is Christ [because that is the truth.]

In other words, something has got to happen to literally bring about the literal coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now that’s what you’re looking at, because this man is for this hour, he is not for the Pentecostals, they’re dead.

He is not for the Wesleyans, the Lutherans, the Catholics, and all the rest. No, he is for this hour, for this Bride. So now he’s telling you about it.

So it means here that before Christ can come through the church she must revert by the power of God to be a virgin of the Word, or He cannot come.

And if He cannot come, it’s all over. So therefore, the second coming of Christ depends a hundred percent on God doing something to get a virgin who will have nothing to do with anything but the Word of Almighty God.

[82-7]  Now the true Bride, like Mary, will have a virgin womb for the Word, [and Brother Branham said,] “The mind today is the womb,” [Exactly what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 11.]

[82-7]  Now, the true Bride, like Mary, will have a virgin womb for the Word, which is Christ. When Christ, the Word, comes to the Bride, She will be the same as He is- a virgin by the Word. Now I hope it’s going over,


Now remember, this Bride is not like Adam, Jehovah’s and Christ’s after Pentecost. Nope. No way.

You’re going to come right down to “Come out from the midst of her.” You’re going to have an absolute virgin of the Word.

And you are looking at Hebrews, the 2nd chapter. And we read it dozens and dozens of times because this is the perfect picture.

Hebrews 2:11-12

(11) For he that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one [source, or one person, of one God]: for which cause [he’s] not ashamed to call them brethren, [So they’re all of one Father.]

(12) Saying, [I’ll] declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.

So you’re coming to the reality of that right now, the same as the reality of the White Throne is here and don’t you forget it because Malachi says, “Leaving neither root nor branch in the day of the Lord.”

Now that’s not White Throne. It’s before the White Throne but it is White Throne in the fact that the White Throne is not a place where people think this age is going to be judged. It’s already judged.

And the sentence has been passed out. It will merely be irrefutable proof that the sentence passed upon those people is just and right, and the execution, thereof, takes place. Read your Bibles.

Read your Bibles and listen to Brother Branham, and you are going to find Hebrews 4:12 is not something down the road; already taken place.

[82-7]  …I hope you understand what he was. What was He? The Word! The Word of God. [In other words, the true revelation, the exact manifestation.] Upon His vesture He had a Name written, “The Word of God.”

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word… made flesh, and dwelt among us.” He is God, and God is the Word. And when His Bride comes, She will be the same product that He is- virgin.


See? And remember, she will eat the same food. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”

Now remember, I told you some time ago, that if you can’t handle the unrighteous mammon, you’ll never get the truth. Yes, that’s… how many… I wonder if you people really realize that?

I know I speak to people here, they may be here, they may not be here, but they hear my voice even around the world, they haven’t got a clue.

Now let’s take the picture again. If you can’t handle the unrighteous; you can’t handle the true. Now what was it that Satan said to Jesus? He said, “Turn these stones into bread.” The unrighteous mammon.

And Jesus said, “Forget it, it is written man shall not live by bread alone, but every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” He handled the unrighteous mammon a hundred percent and God gave him the righteous.

Now I don’t preach vain to you people, and I’m not trying to get your money or anything else, I’m just trying to tell you a principle.

And there again you have the truth, the differentiation between the Bride and the non-Bride is positively, the Word. See?


Now, one source.

[83-1]  Did Christ belong to a denomination? [Of course not, He repudiated it.] Did Jehovah? [Of course not. He didn’t belong. They kicked him out.]

They said to Samuel, “We don’t want you over us anymore, though you’re a wonderful fellow and hey, you always treated us good, you always told the truth. And Samuel, it’s fine, but you’re old. What we want now is a king.” You know it just knocked the wind out of his sails.

He went to God he and said, “Lord, I’ve been faithful. I’ve been true. And they admit it, but they repudiated me, they rejected me.”

God said, “On the contrary, they have not rejected you, they’ve rejected Me.”

You reject the prophet; you reject God. “Oh, that Bill Branham…” Hush. You guys rejected God. They didn’t reject Bill Branham. Huh?

And then people think they know the Bible. How much do they know? I’ll tell you what they know. It says here, patented or copyright by Schofield. Don’t even know if they know that. That’s the truth.


Christ didn’t belong to denominations. Neither did Jehovah.

[83-1]  Neither does His Brid! She’s part of Him.

The great repudiator. Hey, if you belong to Christ you got to believe to repudiation. Redemption inculcates repudiation. That’s what repentance is.

Repudiate your mind, like Paul did. Paul went so far as to call it a shot of manure. People get mad when I say things like that.

They read Paul and they don’t understand him. And I explain it and they get mad. Why would you get mad when I explain Paul? Because you’re that kind of a guy? Huh?

If my head was anything by myself except manure, you know I would sell it. You know nobody wanted it. My goodness, me.

[83-1]  She’s part of Him. She needs no dogma; She won’t have any. She will be absolutely virgin. How? By the works… [Now read it a little further before you try to puzzle out what the work is.] Amen. [Now watch the work!]

She will punctuate every Word of God with an “Amen. Amen. Oh, let… it be according to me… [let it be unto me according] to Thy Word. Amen.” Oh, my. There you are. Punctuate God’s Word..


So what’s the work? Well, it’s the work of faith, bringing the mind under, sweating blood, as it were to get rid of your own thinking and embrace the Word of Almighty God. How many people right today can really embrace predestination? Ha, ha, the Pentecostals? You got to be kidding.

There isn’t one percent that believe in true predestination. Now they’ll go as far as foreknowledge, because they got to admit that God is very smart.

But the thing is I find God a whole lot smarter than they admit He’s smart. See, they don’t want to blank out. They don’t want to blank out.

You know something? If one of you people tonight and it wouldn’t matter male or female, and you’d hired somebody to do a very intricate type of job and they’d been trained wrong concerning that job.

Wouldn’t you really sooner have somebody that never was trained, than to be trained wrong? You say, “Sure.” I would.

Anybody with an ounce of brains would. That’s what you’re looking at here. Their heads are full of dogmas and creeds and all kinds of junk.

So everything that is said now is in the light of the moving of the mind in that area, like the person that you now, need to retrain, he’s got these motions that are all wrong. Okay.

[83-2]  Have a virgin womb. What will she come out of? [That’s the Bride.] A virgin womb, the Word. What did Jesus come out of? A virgin…

Okay, if you look at that carefully, you got to understand.


Let me get it over here sort of, it’s in 1 Corinthians, it says here in,

1 Corinthians 11:11

(11) Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

And what you’re looking at here is the fact that the man was not traded for the woman but the woman for the man.

And you will notice when Jesus came forth, he came forth in a theophonic form which was that covering, like a light, as he came forth from the Father, and it was commensurate to what He was, because He was intrinsically and essentially only God, a part of God which came forth.

Well, now, the Bride also comes out from Him, and yet as the woman came from the man, and yet the man comes through the woman, you got the same picture here in the Bride and Christ.

She has to come from Him with His life and He is a virgin of the Word and that’s all He is, so therefore, she will be.

And so in the final analysis, you’re looking at, God redeeming that body, because that’s what the baptism with the Holy Ghost is all about, according to Ephesians, temporary things.

Brother Branham also said, “You’ll find out some day that you always were saved. Seed of God cannot sin, can’t do it. You never did sin, you’re the perfect, righteous Bride; you were tricked into it.”


All these things show you here what we’re talking about that the virgin herself, in other words, every member of the Bride which makes up that special virgin had to come out of Christ, yet at the same time everyone has to come out of her.

In other words, it’s just like male and female reproduction. See? We’re in the church, we’re Bride. We come through this, but being that life is there, that Word, the rain falls upon it, bringing it forth into that child that’s there. And the same thing happens when it comes time for Christ.

This virgin of the Word and that’s all she is, she’s just exactly a composite like Mary. “Do unto me according to Your Word.”

And when that really comes in the Bride, like Brother Branham said, If ten virgin, which would be wise virgin, ten, really had the same thoughts, bring forth Christ right now.”


In other words, getting back to the true revelation. In other words, Adam stood there and knew it. Eve veered. Now, today with Him standing here, there is going to be a Bride that doesn’t veer.

This is where Brother Branham said, “Pentecost everybody gets anxious. Anxious. Anxious.” Why don’t they wait for Him to do it?

Some are going to try to bring Brother Branham back and this and that. Sure he’s coming back, but don’t tell me what he’s going to do, I don’t know, because he never said anything about it. If he doesn’t come back, Paul doesn’t come back. Nobody comes back.

So whats happened? Well, come on, he’s got to come back. You can’t have THUS SAITH THE LORD and have what we have here and the perfect revelation of Scripture and all, all these great mysteries come together.

One of the greatest mysteries of the whole thing where Brother Branham said, “Christ is obligated to do for the Gentiles in the form of the Holy Spirit what he did when he was here in flesh.”

And that’s in Matthew 12 and Matthew 4, the two chapters. That happens to be Luke 17:30.

There’s your tremendous mystery right there and that brings you to the parallelism of Scripture, the son of perdition, and the Son of man. Everything falls into order. We’ve got a Bride here with the mind of Christ.

There’s only going to be five hundred or five thousand standing here upon earth with that mind, with the rest of them gone down, you better believe she’s going to be here, because the Word of God cannot return unto Him void. And this time it’s going to bring forth immortality.

So I said we’re just hoping that your skin and my skin is the tent, the skin that covers the Word. God behind human skin. Yeah. And the measure is the Word for this hour.

And the measure is John 5, ‘some aren’t going to die, as the dead come forth’. Hey, we’re right into this thing. Okay. Where am I reading from? Okay, I’m up here.


Now, Christ didn’t belong to a denomination and Jehovah… and right on down the line. But what did they do? They do the works of God which is to believe the Word of God and say, “Amen,” to every Word; they don’t doubt anything.

And if there’s any question they just say, “Forget it, we’ll wait until the answer comes, because it’s here right under my nose.”

[83-2]  Have a virgin womb. What will she come out of?—a virgin womb, the Word. What did Jesus come out of?—a virgin womb. See?

Now remember, Brother Branham said, “We came just like Jesus did, except, we by-passed that theophonic form.” We came exactly like Jesus except, we had to by-pass that particular form.

But now with the baptism with the Holy Ghost, there is no doubt we’re going to have the form commensurate to what we are which is a glorified body, just like Christ.

[83-3]  When Adam come to his wife, she was pregnant. She had done something. She was mixed. She produced a hybrid child, and it died. [That’s exactly true, and they all died.] And when Joseph came to his bride, she was pregnant, but with Life.

Adam’s wife, or Adam’s bride, before they came together, just like Joseph and Mary, just like Christ and the church now… And before they came together, Adam and Eve, she was pregnant with a corrupt seed from the serpent; and when Adam come to his wife he found her impregnated with death. See?

Death, how? Spiritually, physically dead. But when Joseph, the human, come to his wife she was pregnant with Life, the Word of God flesh among you.


Now the point is this: one turned down the Word and it died, brought forth a child of death, and she died. What about this time? If she receives the Word she’ll bring forth Christ in flesh.

Like remember… Abraham and Sarah, just before the burning. And she herself will not die. See?

[83-4]  Now bring back that spoken Word, [See, go to the Original, go back and get that Word what God said and have nothing else but It.]

Bring back that spoken Word, bring back that Word of God which was Word here, see, [Word made flesh that came] through a human womb… Amen. God will do it anyhow. He spoke it, and it’s got to be so.

Now, see, that’s what I said about Eve. There is no choice, but she has to bring forth. So she messed things up, but there is no other way that it can come.

There is no other way we can get a Bride except through this miserable message church here and she’s in it, and she’s going to come out with the pure Word of God; that’s the time that Jesus could come.

And who’s here making sure? God Himself here making sure.

Brother Branham said, “When Adam and Eve sinned, He did not leave His precious children to a cherubim or an angel, or some messenger, He Himself came down, so today.”


And remember, He has the Book of redemption open in His hands. That’s the same one in chapter 5, become chapter 5 and verse 1, becomes Revelation 10:1. Now come back to that spoken Word.

[83-4]  Bring back that Word of God which was Word here.. [see, the Word made flesh] come through a human womb. Amen! God will do it anyhow, He spoke it, and it’s got to be predestinated.

Oh Glory. Amen. That’s our God. Oh, that’s rich, brethren, if you can dissolve it, [In other words, you can take It and digest It and make It yours.] –you can hit it. That’s where He found them.

[83-5]  When Adam come to his wife, she was pregnant with the wrong seed. That seed died. When Joseph came to his, she was pregnant. Now, what caused the different pregnancies? Because that Adam’s wife doubted the Word. Is that right? Joseph’s bride believed the Word.

What’s the difference. So what is it then? It’s the Word. Oh, that precious Word. The world was formed by the Word of God. Hallelujah. There’s my stay right there. Let all denominations and everything else fall and do what they are going to. On that Word I stand.

Now let’s be honest, all history proves only the Word stands. In other words, nature out there proves It and today It’s vindicated by THUS SAITH THE LORD that all we have is the Word and that’s what stands.

And that same Word that made all of this world, said, “One day I’m going to dissolve it by My same Word and bring it all back together again.”


Now Brother Branham says,

[83-5]  On that Word I stand. [Now if you stand on that Word and you’re a part of It. You don’t have a worry in the world.]

[83-6]  Now, that’s why I have done what I’ve done. That’s why I’ve disowned denominations. They say, “Well, he just breaks up churches.” They said the same thing about our Lord. [About Paul and everybody else. Luther, Wesley.] Just say it every time…

[84-1]  Now, Christ comes to His Bride. Where does He find her? [Or how does He find her? Doesn’t matter, each word is okay.] Same thing. Why? When she started out…

(Now, listen, I don’t want you to miss this.) When she started out, she was a virgin. She was going to be all right. She went right on in the early church. It used to be wonderful.

God gave him a Bride, [that’s Christ a Bride,] and what did that Bride do? If you know history, in 606 she goes right down there and impregnates herself with Roman dogma, [and organizations.]

And from that on, that old mother whore in the Bible gave birth to churches, and they were harlots, which is a whore- that’s Protestants- because they were every one born right out of her and everyone took their own fate–organization.

[In other words, their lot, their destiny.] Now, do you see why I’m against it? All right.


Now, Brother Branham is telling us here that organization is not natural. What came to the Bride is unnatural.

Just like it wasn’t natural for Eve to conceive by the serpent, although she could do it, it wasn’t natural. It wasn’t a part of the Word of God that’s in continuity like all nature.

Now Brother Branham talked about the interruption. She broke the continuity. Marriage and Divorce will give you tremendous insight into these things here. Don’t just read it for marriage and divorce because it will just drive you nuts.

You got to go back to what the original is, what caused the problems, why marriage and divorce is going on in such a mess and everything else, and he takes you back there.


Now, he’s saying, they took their own lot or destiny, their fate, which is organization.

[84-1]  Now, do you see why I’m against it. All right.

So, organization is not original seed. It’s something that people do with original seed. Now here’s an example. You can’t organize creation.

Let’s organize the elephants. If we get those elephants organized, man, we’re going to get us a good work force.

But you know I tell you what, honest to Pete, if you want to organize sheer energy according to size, let’s organize the ants. Do you know if a man could hop like a flea for his size, he’d jump over the Empire State Building, nothing to it.

Why we must get three or four guys jumping to hit the moon. Let’s organize. Hogwash! You can’t organize creation.

All natural creation works by its own laws and you can’t organize those laws. Why? Because its innate. It’s particular and peculiar to them.

Now you want to fool around and hybridize, you are going to destroy yourself. That’s why all this talk right now, we’re going to cross the genes and splice in this.

And we’re taking a bit of, what is it, the ant let’s say, the ant has got a bit of formaldehyde in him or same stuff, that’s in the anti-freeze, we’ll put it into the strawberries, and the strawberries won’t get frost-bitten, this and that. Eeee-yuck.

I’m going to tell you something; you are going to… Brother Branham said, “When they start doing that, which is get into the secrets of life, it’s all over.” It is all over.


You can’t organize creation. All natural creation works by its own laws and you can’t organize those laws, because they’re established by Almighty God and they are irrevocable and they cannot be violated.

You can fool with a manifestation, you watch what happens. Goes right back to Eden, they fool with the manifestation. You either work with them or against them. Creation is not a product, or creation is only a product of the Word.

So when we’re talking now, what I’m talking about, you cannot organize creation. You have to leave it alone and work with it. And as you work with it according to the Word, you are going to bring forth what God wants brought forth.

Creation is only a product of the Word and, you can see, you can’t organize it. So what you do, you go back to the Word which is the organizer.

In other words, it’s the life organism which produces this. So let’s get back to God. That is what we are saying.

And you cannot get back to God unless you go plumb straight to a vindicated revealed Word. Here I’m back to vindication again; people are going to hate me.

I don’t… I love it; I don’t care if they hate me. I love to be hated. I’m proud. It makes me proud, see I’m arrogant.


[84-2]  Now, for the birth of the Word is Christ. Not… polluted with denominations.

In other words, Jesus never came through the church, He came through the virgin womb of a woman who said, “Be it unto me according to Thy Word.” She believed the impossible. She believed what was stupid. She believed a paradox. It was right.

[84-2]  …The early church- no denominations, just the Word and Spirit irrigated It. Brother, God laid the Word down like that, and the Holy Spirit irrigated It, and there she went. She brought forth children, certainly, but this church can’t do it. She’s too denominated. See, she can’t do it. She’s got the world mixed up with it. Look what they did.


All right, if the church can’t do it and this has to be the instrument, then the seed has run out.

Way before Brother Branham died, he said, “I’ve crisscrossed America, I just went through it again,” and he said, “coast to coast, maybe fifty people came to the altar. And I don’t know if any of them were saved.”

And he said, this same sermon he said, “What you’ll notice in here, a Seed has been sown. And that is what is coming to pass.” So therefore, there is a few little people, in whom that little spark is that the Word of God goes to.

Like in the days of Noah, and you cannot go beyond that, in the days of the burning, three people came out of Sodom. Four came out and one turned back. Yeah, you’re looking at a very, very, tiny minority. See.

[84-2]  She brought forth children, certainly, but this church can’t do it. She’s too denominated. See, she can’t do it. She’s got the world mixed up with her. Look what they did.


So the church is finished, all it can do is bring forth bastard children, there’s a little Bride in there, “Come out, and consort with Me.”

And as Brother Branham said, “She gets pregnant by the Word.” And that’s the only few that are going to be a part of this Bride at the end time.

[84-3]  Now watch, God confirmed His Word through His body. Is that right? [Sure, we know that.] Then she went whoring like Adam’s wife did in Eden, Jehovah’s wife did in the days of Samuel, that took a king, divorced God, (her espoused husband,)

..and His Word, and His prophet (His outlet for the Word), and went whoring like the rest of the nations; and God divorced her. Same has He done today:

Back in 1956 Brother Branham said, “America’s finished; it’s all over. The divorce.”


Okay. Let’s go to,

2 Thessalonians 1:7-9

(07) …you who are troubled rest with us, [Relax, take it easy, take your peace,] when the Lord… [Now when?] …when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, [That took place.]

(08) In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: [That’s Malachi 4.]

(09) Who [should] be punished with everlasting destruction, [leaving neither root nor branch,] from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.

In other words, the Pillar of Fire is still here to lead us in and God will be transfigured before us in an incarnation, we get it all, they lose it entirely.

God’s left his temple, there’s nothing but destruction, three and a half years. You follow what’s going on? It says, “Destruction.”

2 Thessalonians 1:10-11

(10) When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and… be admired in all them that believe because [of] our testimony… believed in that day. [Well, it tells you right there. God coming down. We getting glorified with him, and so on.]

(11) Wherefore we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power.


You notice how that that jives absolutely with the 6th chapter of Hebrews where it says, “But we’re persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation.” It’s the same thing.

He’s talking about the same thing, in six or eight different ways. There’s not a million comings of the Lord Jesus Christ, there’s one Appearing and one Coming. Then put it all together, this is the Appearing. Put it together and find these goodies. Notice!

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12

(11) …and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, [Notice the good pleasure of his goodness.] and the work of faith with power: [He’s going to manifest It and demonstrate It, this is It.]

(12) That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and [you] in him,

That’s what Brother Branham said. Three times in a row it happens. “In that day I will know I’m in you and you in me,” and you know.

He said that happened at Pentecost. It’s happening today. And it happens at the White Throne. Sure! Because after the White Throne there’s nobody but us. You go to the New Jerusalem and the rest of them come in later.


Now watch!

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

(01) Now we beseech you, brethren, by the [Presence] of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering… unto him, [How do you get gathered? By the prophet.]

(02) That [you] …soon not [be] shaken in mind, or… troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

(03) Let no man deceive you by any means: for [the] day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, [the] man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [Now he’s telling you about all these things here.]

(04) Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. [That’s the pope.]

(05) Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

(06) …now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

(07) For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he [that hindereth] will [hinder], [will] be taken out of the way. [And that’s the Holy Spirit. Brother Branham authenticated that, other men have said the same thing.]

(08) …then shall that Wicked by revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. [Now he’s telling you there’s… a sequence here, and yet there’s a space in between.]

(09) Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, [Now there you are the son… that’s your son of perdition; the whole thing there.]

(10) And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; [right back to Cain] because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. [And that’s where Cain made his big boo-boo. He did not divide correctly and he lost out.]

(11) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe [the] lie:

(12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

You see, now look at what you’re looking at here, it said, “Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first.”

I understand in the Greek, this can be a divorce. Until there come a divorce.


Now you got to Matthew 25, I used to know you as my wife, but I don’t know you as my wife anymore; there’s a divorce. You see?

Now God has already put the divorce in complete order. And so there’s nobody but His Bride except the wise virgin.

Now, who they are nobody knows except through a Word test. You’re not going to tell by their conduct. Pray so many hours a day. Read your Bible every day.

Talk to sinners every day. Win converts every day. Do this every day, cast out devils every day. No. No, goats can do that to perfection.

So don’t kid yourself, there’s just one test and that’s the Word test as it says right here. And the Word test in Matthew is the same thing, “Come out and behold Him.”

Now I want to ask you a question; how many saw Him when He came down? You tell me. Why that’s just a laughing stock.


These guys that write books, the stupid jerk from Canada, evidently of Germany, name of P-o-h-l or something. He must have been very young when he was around Brother Branham and he makes all this junk up about Brother Branham.

If I was the Branham family; I’d sue him. I’d bring him right into court for lying. That’s malicious lies. I was around Brother Branham. This guy’s a liar from the ground up, from the belly button both ways, and from his lousy stinking serpentine heart, to his mother manure brain. Yeah.

If his word smelt upon his breath, I could smell him ten miles away. There wouldn’t be a sewer to touch it. See, these guys all lie. I knew William Branham. I slept in his house. Even in his own bed that he gave me. Lies!

And I can’t wait to meet him down the road, and it will be worse than God pulling out his lying tongue and wrapping it around his throat and choking him.

How would you like to be a big mouth like him who’s supposed to love God and then God says, “You hate Me.” You know something; the guy will admit it, he’ll admit it.

I want to ask you a question: do you think Satan came before God with any repentance and sorrow when God booted him out of the place that he was in and kicked him out of heaven? He was just snottier and dirtier than ever.

I take my side with the Judge. You do what you want. Maybe you’re just too nice for me. He said he saw everything I saw, and heard everything I heard. Then let him be judged beside me. Fair enough. Fair enough. Fair enough. Well, I said it before, so I won’t say it again.


Let’s keep going.

[84-4]  Sons of the bride commit adultery… with… the bride. [What does he mean? Commits adultery with him, no, I don’t believe he’s saying that. Sons of the bride commit adultery, same as the bride did.] God’s Son…

His bride from Pentecost, virgin with the Word, went whoring and committed adultery just like Adam’s wife did, just like Jehovah’s wife did; and here’s the Son’s wife, she goes whoring, committing adultery with the Roman gods (plural), gods, for her lovers’ sake, the Roman gods, tried to take her own husband and split Him into three to please her lovers. God have mercy on them. Sure.

They got hundreds of gods, oh sure, Astarte the sun god, and Baalim the sun god, and the queen of heaven, and all that stuff there. So the bride, to please her ill-famed lovers… Didn’t God speak over there in the Songs of Solomon and tell about how his wife was nothing but a prostitute and sitting with herself open all the time and took every lover that come by.

Not Songs of Solomon, he’s a little mistake there, that’s over in Hosea,

I’m talking plain, but that’s what the Bible said. Every man that wanted to run with her, could run with her. That’s the same thing the bride of Christ has done: opened up herself to every old dirty, filthy habit of every organization they ever had, doing the same thing.

Now the point is, is he running down the Bride and saying she’s nothing but a whore and that’s all she ever was or is he making a point? He’s making a point of the church having started out right and having left the Word then they’ve come right down to the end.


Now remember when the sickle is thrust in, for the vine of the earth, the vine of God has already been taken out of the earth. We are now in the separation of the tares from the wheat and the chaff from the wheat.

And this is the separation by the Word, the next separation is by the Rapture, and then there comes the burning.

And remember the separation always was for the burning and bundling is for the burning. There has to be bundling and coming together with the power of the ecumenical system before we are taken out of here.

So don’t think for one minute Brother Branham is saying this Bride is a whore and that’s all she ever was, a lousy stinking rotten whore and look what she did.

There’s always been a seed and that seed has never sinned. And that seed has always gone for the revealed Word of the hour.


He’s talking about this time here when there’s nothing but the church system that came from the whore, is nothing but a conglomeration and a confederation of whores, with the old prostitute running the whole show.

And you think for one minute that she’s got life in her? No, she’s got no life in her, there’s nothing in her; she’s dead. She’s twice dead, plucked up by the roots, ready for the burning.

She is… Revelation, the 3rd chapter, “Wretched, miserable, naked and blind.” And yet she says, “I sit as a queen, I’m no widow, look at me, I’ve got everything. I’m increased in goods, it’s wonderful. Wonderful.”

He said, “You don’t have the Holy Ghost, you should come to Me and get the salve that you say you got.”

They haven’t got it. But the Bride has it or there wouldn’t be a Bride to get out of here. There’s got to be a Bride in the condition of the world of the world church standing here, undefiled with her garments completely washed, without spot, without wrinkle, to be taken out of here.

And she’s got nothing to do with that. And I’m going to tell you, that does not bring forth Christ and they’re saying, “Millions now living will never die. Oh, He’s going to come and take us.”

That is a lie from the pit of hell, billions are going to die. I just read you what it says here. They turned down the truth. They can’t even read the truth.


Fellow was talking to his dad one… not too long ago. Real nice fellow. And he talked to his dad and his dad was talking about all the people going to go in the Rapture, a… his dad, he said, “I want to talk to you a second,”

“Well” he said, “What is it?”

He said, “Dad, look it, how many people made the ark and got over the flood.”

He said, “Eight people made it.”

“Well,” he said, “if this is the day like Noah, where do you get millions of people that are going to make the Rapture?” He didn’t say another word, he went out of the room and he came back a couple weeks later.

He said, “Son, I want to talk to you.” He said, “You know, you’re right. Millions aren’t going to make it.”

So he talked to his dad another time, very politely, because he loves his dad, his mother is actually a charlatan, pretender, of the highest order, and he talked about serpent seed. Dad was shocked.

He came back and he said, “You know, son, that explains a lot of things.”

Hey, look, if you’ve got anything in you, you will be able to read the Scripture as it was in the days of Noah, when eight people got out of here.

So it is in the days of the coming of the Son of man and the Rapture. Few, not a million: hardly anybody.


So, He’s telling you, what’s going on here, what happened. What did it.

Now look it, I can just tell you, just as flatter than Brother Branham told you, if in the days of Paul they had a wrong Jesus, a wrong spirit, and a wrong word, what do you think they’ve got today? Forget it.

His own words were, “If it took the Catholic church two thousand years to get where were at, it won’t take the Pentecostals two hundred.” Forget it.

It certainly won’t take two hundred. It won’t even take a hundred. They’ve been at it eighty-seven years and I don’t think it’s going to go another thirteen. So I’ll just wrap it up for you. Sure. Who needs a long sermon? See?

[84-2]  Now, the birth of the Word is Christ. Not polluted. [In other words, he’s telling you the birth of the Word which is Christ there’s no pollution there, no denominations.] The early church—no denominations, it was just… [so on and so on. And then] look what they did.

Well, the thing is they got all messed up in there and yet we know at the same time, “Many more are the children of the desolate than she that hath a husband” So, all right.


Then the church is… now Brother Branham talked about this where the sons of God commit adultery. He says, here’s a real nice boy, he turns to Christ, he’s baptized, and he wants to become a minister. What happens? They ship him off to seminary, and he comes back a complete bum like the rest.

Well, the point is this, he never was a true Bride, but you’re looking at the picture of what happens to the church that God claimed as His own. And here’s what happened to her, she got all messed up in idolatry. She got all messed up with everybody.

She’s run the full gamut of all this junk and so she’s here today, she’s a complete mess, but there is a Bride within her, in the sense, that she’s here in this same Word where they are. But she’s not in her anymore, she’s come out of her. You see? She’s left it.


He said,

[85-1]  I’m going to get criticized for this. That’s all right; I’m going to be blessed for it too. And that’s going to be the Truth, God’s Truth, because He wants it said, and here—I am doing my best to say it.

And what is he doing, he’s telling the church, “Look, it’s over with you. You’ve missed it, you’re gone. And if there’s anything in you at all, you will have to come to what is vindicated to be the truth, because everything is a truth out there, with ecumenism. No body cares anymore, it’s up for grabs, who cares? Let’s just talk about Jesus, just be nice.”

Oh, like the pope says, “Oh, there’s nothing wrong with these guys that are in the voodoo artists.” He said, “You’re worshipping the same God.” You’re going back, you know, you’re going back to hell.

Just like old Eberhart said, “You better be careful how you pray ‘Our Father which art in heaven,’ because the devil is the prince of the power of the air. You may be calling upon the devil.”


Let’s get that flat. You talk about a mess up that’s completely gone, that’s what he’s saying here. He’s not excoriating the Bride, this and that. He told you what the Bride is. She’s the virgin of the Word, told you what the virgin of the Word is; believes the prophet.

The sheep hear the voice: God’s voice: God’s representative: God’s man. Everything else is out there, the best they could possibly be, is foolish virgin.

Why? Because they don’t understand; it can’t get to them. They don’t turn It down, they just say, “Well, I don’t know.”

But these Pentecostal pussy-cats that come out fighting, spitting, and the rest of the dogs that bark, and rend. There’s only one thing, that’s serpent seed. Period. Just like Cain.

But Cain went to the Bible, he had a first fruit offering as far as I can see, but he said, “Well, it wasn’t sex like Brother Branham said, it was just, you know, offer fruit, this and that.” See?

[85-2]  She tried to please her many lovers. Doing… so she hybridized, tried to hybridize with their lovers, [that’s true.]


She just, the church became pagan, that’s what the pope said. Now, there was on one hand the Catholics say, “Oh, we’re sorry that we fraternized and allowed these heathen religions to come in,” you know, like it’s the truth.

They took Neptune and Thor and Venus and Mars and all these guys and give them Christian names. Peter, Paul and everything, and God knows what; same old junk.

They said, “Well, we shouldn’t have done it.” But the pope comes right around, and he’s doing the same thing right now. They can’t change. But thank God we did.

You’ve got people in this Message right now, they’re Jesus-Only. They can’t believe Brother Branham. I was thrilled this morning to talk to a man and he said, “You know,” he said, “about Jesus talking to his son,” and I said, “Gee, weren’t you Jesus-Only.”

“Yeah, I was Jesus-Only.”

I said, “How come you as a Jesus-Only are telling me what Brother Branham said.”

“Well,” he said, “I got my mind changed.”


But I can quote you men right now that phone me, they haven’t got a clue they’re Jesus-Only. Brother Branham said, “We’re not Jesus-Only.”

Make up your minds. You’re not Trinitarian, you’re not Jesus-Only. Then what are you? What did the prophet say?

Now, “I agree with him,” we’re getting somewhere. He’s vindicated. “Oh, I read the Bible.” Oh, you can read the Bible, can you?

Well, let me give you a manual that was made up by chemists, druggists, and you tell me everything that’s in those formulas, that you’re so smart. I bet you can’t even pronounce the names anymore than I can. And to know what they are, forget it.

Then how it acts, and the chemists and the doctors won’t even tell you how it acts, so the law says, they’re supposed to tell you, it will kill you. They tried to kill Norman, when he broke out that time.

And I said, the deacons said, “You either make sure he’s going to go to the hospital, or pick him up and carry him.” Now I phoned Tom Kash, and said, “What will this drug do?”

“Well,” he said, “For the first thing it will kill you.” They didn’t tell Norman. No, they wouldn’t tell Norman. But the law requires it. Now put that on your Bible, full of druggists. Haven’t got a clue to the names or anything else. Sheee.


Brother/sister, let’s become wise with the wisdom and revelation of Almighty God, because when a man’s wise in his own conceits, there’s only one thing, but death.

Well, when I get back, I’ll try to put my notes in order and I’m going to take you to where Brother Branham’s talking about this prostitute church. She’s not in the Songs of Solomon, but she’s in the Book of Hosea. We’ll go and read it for you.

And you’ll find where Brother Branham says, it’s a hundred percent true. The thing is how did she get that way? Was she divorced? Yes! Finished.

But God’s got a Bride, of so many seed, He’s got virgins out there of so many Seed. And there’s not one that isn’t going to make it because God doesn’t fail.

Let’s rise and be dismissed.

Gracious Eternal Father, we are glad that we have been able to come together, to come into this Word Lord, which shows us by divine revelation, authentication, perfect vindication, where the church is today, the divorced woman, who has no hold upon You Lord, because she’s, actually, she’s an imposter.

From the foundation where we know that Paul brought a Word that came to the sheep that followed the Voice. He also said, that there were those amongst them who were literally wolves in sheep clothing.

And they had one purpose in life to be ministers of light so-called, that they may take and make unto themselves a following, just like Satan to have his own church and we see Lord, he’s got his own seed, he’s got his own church.

And we’re glad that the Bride is no longer a part of it, though we do sorrow within our hearts to know there is a foolish virgin that is, absolutely, condemned with those that are unrighteous and unholy at this particular time, and shall die in the Great Tribulation.

But will come up in the Second Resurrection and bring their glory into the Holy City as we understand this is what is going to happen.

And we praise You Lord, that there is this truth and there is a true Bride and like Brother Branham we know how he prayed and concur with him truly that, “If we’re not Bride there’s a Bride out there somewhere.,”

But our own thinking is this Lord, how could we know these things and not be Bride? How could we follow these things, the Voice of the Shepherd, with a knowledge and understanding which is heartfelt in these mysteries wherein Lord, the oil and the wine is flowing within us.

We know Lord, as far as anybody can know, that we are a part of Your sheep, we are a part of Your church, a part of Your Bride, and we’ll stand in the Resurrection with those, even though we do not aspire within ourselves, or hope within ourselves, concerning anything we have ever done.

But Lord, as the prophet said, “She’ll bring forth those works which will be amened every single Word, even what we don’t understand.”

We look Lord, to You to show us, or we leave it in Your care knowing that if You want us to have the revelation, You will give it to us, in the depth of which we should have it, because You know all things and You are in control of all things.

And Your Word Lord, will only go where You want it to go, bring forth what you want It to bring forth, whereunto You sent It. So we can rest assuredly that all of this is going to take place exactly as You so desire.

So our Father and our God, we commend ourselves to You tonight, ask You to be with us, and to keep us in all the way that we go, and not only in our direction tonight, as we go home, and the night we spend Lord, trusting You.

Because we have to trust every single moment, we know that, for such violence is filling the earth, and such turmoil Lord, that without Your protecting hand, where would we be?

And we want to say publicly Lord, how we do appreciate Your protection, what You’ve done, how You helped us from harm and all these things Lord, we just magnify Your Name, because we can see only too clearly that our times and our lives, and everything are in Your hands Lord.

And it is so wonderful to know that You are taking us through Lord, all the way we believe and perhaps Lord, even some standing here, in our midst, will not even taste death, but be taken away immortal.

What a fabulous thing that is. Knowing that there never has been a time like this one, when a group of people would be made immortal. And that’s marvelous.

I know Lord, that all of us here tonight are in this hour. We believe that, but that all should have it, I don’t know Lord, and I’m happy Lord, knowing that it’s been proven a hundred percent, that our times are in your hands.

If You take us off the scene, that’s fine, that’s good, because what can we say, it’s committed Lord, and I believe the committal is only our committal on the grounds that it has been Your committal.

And so therefore, we believe the contract to be certainly fulfilling on the grounds that nothing can touch it and we are the contracts.

So we praise You for this Lord, so may Your people have Your life from the Word within their souls, and the healing within their bodies, as the Word by illumination lightens the mind and the soul.

May the same life of the Word that was sent to heal the people lighten their eyes and just cause their very beings to respond that we might see more of the fulness of God manifested and Lord, in the way that You want it and not the way we want.

And if there’s some divergence from truth Lord, may we seriously consider it and be brought to our attention, that we may see the Word of God fulfilled and not lack any of It or take from It in any way shape or form, or be indolent, or not alert concerning It Father. We would certainly want to be the children You would have us to be.

So bless this the people here Lord, and may the place be blessed by Your very Presence. May It be literally felt in the sense Lord, of the anticipation, of the Word coming forth, illuminating.

Whatever Lord, You desire, that’s what we desire. May we just come in and live our lives in expectation, that Your Word, Lord, is not going to return void, but even to the extent, It’s going to take us with It as It returns and that’s what we know is really to be the truth.

So now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God be all power, and honor and glory, through Jesus Christ our blessed Lord. Amen.

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