Spoken Word is Original Seed; Book 2 #21
The Two Seeds Are Enemies; The Capstone#4793

Shall we pray.
Heavenly Father, we know that now that You are here, as the angel said, “All things are possible, with Him who is present.”
And we think of the great Exodus, where all things were possible, and yet men wanted those things which were not really possible within Your grace and Your wisdom to grant, according to Your power, because we know power is controlled by wisdom and love.
They wanted things that they should not have had. They indulged in things that were not right, Lord. Then we find You were there just the same to give them those things which would be impossible without You, and You were exactly in the right thing and that’s what we find in our day, Lord.
We know You are here to give us the right thing: that which is in accordance with You, who is truth and righteousness, and all that which is right, Lord, we know lies in You because in You is no shadow of turning. You cannot lie.
And, if You cannot lie, then there is nothing evil that You can do, Lord. And may we realize that tonight, and not ask of You those things that are not in Your plan, Lord, for us to have, knowing that if You do listen, just as the psalmist said, that ‘You grant those desires, You will send leanness to people’s souls.’
Help us, Lord, to not want anything but what You want us to have in this hour, that our souls might be fat, even as You said in Malachi, be like calves in the stall that are fat, waiting, Lord, for that day when You take us away, and we come back, Lord, to walk upon the ashes of the wicked which indeed shall be done.
Help us Lord, to be a submissive people, therefore, to Your Will, which is Your Word by the Holy Spirit that lies within us.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
You may be seated.
Now, we’re at number 21, and we’re moving along. Last Sunday as we read Brother Branham’s vision of the two sowers with two seeds, we did not speak on it, but it is quite easy to see and I’m sure you realize that this vision is a part of Matthew 13: that’s the sower and the seed.
And Matthew 3, where it tells you that John the Baptist is speaking, and he said… when he… the fan is in his hand, thoroughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the garner.
And this is the revelation, that is, that Brother Branham’s vision is the revelation of how God is harvesting both crops according to Hebrews 6. There again you see, he takes the wheat in the garner, calling them herbs and that which is fit for use.
And, of course, you’re looking to the kingdom, which is come, and what is useful in that kingdom to come? God’s own people, the Bride. They’ll be there, and, of course, the tares will be burnt up.
And, of course, Paul knowing people, how they spook when you dare to talk about the left hand of God, at the same time you talk about the right hand of God; they right away, “Oh my, am I qualified? Am I going to make it?”
And he said, “We expect better things of you than the burning, because God is not unrighteous to forget your labour of love.” And remember, what that is; that faith worketh by love. There’s many things you could say there.
Also, we see in Malachi, the 4th chapter, and also in Matthew 24. In the last day, when people are separated … which, they are separated by the Word. The personal separator at the end time is Elijah, and so that’s why Brother Branham said, “May he come.”
And he admitted that he was Elijah. I think that was where he threw people a curve. Many people still look for Elijah. There’s right in this Message; they say “Well, he’s got to come back” – and he’s going to come back. What he does is his business. I’ve got no fight with that.
I’ve just got a fight with those who tell you, you got to believe their way they got it figured out, which is a lie. I’m not saying that what they say is a lie, as though that couldn’t come to pass. I’m saying what they’re saying is a lie. They haven’t got it figured out. There’s no way.
And I don’t have to believe what they say they believe. But, anyway, you can see this: that Brother Branham, in speaking of this end time here, and this present hour, is speaking of the sower and the seed again at the end time.
And, there again, you will be struggling as the fundamentalists, if you don’t remember: Alpha is Omega. What has been must be. All right, now.
Let’s go back to Ecclesiastes again, just to read it. I think I memorized that at one time, but, like all fine gentlemen, I forget. So, we got to go back and look at it. That’s right after Proverbs. In the 3rd chapter, 14:

(14) I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. [Now, that let’s you know something right there; that you can’t add or take from the Word.]
(15) That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past. [And then notice right away in the 16th verse…]
(16) And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there. [See, there’s your perfect picture of this Omega situation in which we are living.]
Now, Brother Branham makes the telling and definitive statement: “They were two different seeds to begin with; then they’ll be two different seeds to end with.” And no matter what you see or what you think you see, and say, “Bless God, I can see, I can tell, I’m not blind.”
Hey, you are not only blind—I’m not talking to you people here, I’m talking in the impersonal sense, stating the principle—not only blind, but insane.
Because when the Pharisees saw the Alpha of God Almighty in human flesh doing those wonderful works, through the body of His Son, they said, “Are you calling us blind?”
And he said, “If you’d only not said, ‘We see.’ Your sin would be taken from you.” And at the end time, according to Revelation, we have the very same thing again. There are two different seeds.
And though people are continuously screaming, winning the whole world for God, no place where the gospel isn’t, the great revival where millions are coming in — that is a lie! It’s got to be a lie.
I don’t care what the evidence to the eye is, or what fruitage people may think they see, I’m not arguing that. I’m only saying the Bible has to be right or forget it. If millions now living will not die, the whole Bible is a lie.
Now, that’s all there is to it, and I don’t care what you think you see or what you hear.
So then Brother Branham said, “They were two different seeds.” Not there were… they were two different seeds to begin with. It is very evident, even to the casual reader of Matthew 13, that the two sowers were at enmity one with another.
Now, let’s look at it. The second sower pulled a dirty trick, which was not necessary. He deliberately did it. It was in his nature to do it. Now, I don’t care how he did it, and I don’t care how his plans were formulated and carried out and all the embellishments.
And I don’t care what attitude he projected, he was an enemy of God. They had two different seeds they were sowing, and they were at enmity, just as the Bible says. And remember, the Bible distinctly says, “The natural mind is the enemy of God.”
So, when we’re pitting two people against each other, two seeds, there are two minds to be thinking of, and one is the mind of Christ, and one is the mind of hell.
Say, “Oh, it can’t be.” If you say it can’t be, you don’t belong here in this church. You’re a hypocrite; I have to tell you to your faces. Now this isn’t applying to you people here; and it goes around the world. I don’t pull no punches.
And if I am not a product of my own preaching, in the sense that I a hundred percent and endorse and condone, then you better kick me out of the pulpit and say, “Vayle, you’re the biggest hypocrite of the whole bunch and a liar.” …Do what you want with it, but that’s the truth.
So the casual reader can understand that when the whole Bible fits together, and Romans 8 tells you, “The natural mind is the enemy of God.”
See, so you got a bunch of people that are natural and a bunch of people that are spiritual; not many that are spiritual. And there has to be a certain way that people know the spiritual mind. Now, this enmity will always be over what the correct revelation of the Word of God is.
You say, “Well, Brother Vayle, what about those guys that are a bunch of Muslims? They won’t even look at the Bible.”
That’s what I’m telling you. They hate the Christians who are the infidels and the dogs, and they’d only be too happy to crucify Jesus, if He was here standing on earth in the flesh.
And believe me, if He disappeared from before their eyes, they’d find every way to find out what trick He did it by, to catch Him down at the next corner. Say, “Oh, Brother Vayle, they believe.” You pig!
Do you follow me tonight, and understand what this is all about? They are not the seed of God, and the whole argument is over what is truth.
In spite of all the talk the Muslims, they run back east and come back and say, “They’re great lovers of peace and this and that.” They are not! They have the religion of the sword and so does the Roman Catholic church.
Go to Africa. If they were turned back to jungles, they’d love nothing better than to cut you in pieces, and boil you in a pot and eat you, if they’re cannibals. So what are you looking at? You’re coming down to the wire, the finishing wire.
The wheat must and will be gathered into the garner, and the tares must and will be burned, leaving neither root nor branch, nor any seed thereafter. It is all over. Now remember, you don’t become, you are.
The only becoming you can be is this: you as a seed of God can become a placed son, and become more and more in the image of Christ, by the Holy Spirit-filled Word that is within you, and you listening to It.
And the other seed, even though they pretend to be very, very marvelously born again, they can only keep on going and being what they are according to their minds. Where are they getting their inspiration?
If they say they’re getting it from the Word, and ten thousand other people are contradicting each other, you know their inspiration is not of God. It is not the true inspiration.
That’s why Brother Branham said, “Let ten people think the same thing, which is the revealed Word of God — there’ll be a Rapture right now.”
He allows you two more people than the eight that got in the ark. Now, that’s not definitive, as far as I know. I believe it’s just a good type.
Now, the vision revealing Hebrews 6 is also the vision that reveals Acts, the 2nd chapter, 16 to 21. Now, let’s look at it and understand. Please follow me. At the day of Pentecost, this is what it said.
Now, remember, just before Israel went into the Promised Land, a great prophet, named Balaam, stood there and read the history to the end time. Brother Branham said, “There was an Exodus under Jesus.”
Now, watch what happens when the Holy Ghost comes; and you’re going to see right down to the end time, your day and mine, is spoken right here on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came, when the Pillar of Fire stood there, and God began to divide Himself.
So the Pillar of Fire will repeat again to a virgin church, and He will then begin to divide Himself, not that He hasn’t been doing it, but it’s the last time it shall be done. Now, here is the fulfillment of the end time which started way back there.
And they said, “These are drunk… This is this, this is that.”
And they said,

(15) …these are not drunken, as [ye] suppose, seeing it is but the third hour [nine o’clock in the morning.]
(16) But this is that… spoken by the prophet Joel;
(17) …it [shall] come to pass in the last days, saith God, [Now the last days are the last two days, which is two thousand years. However, remember, as you read this.] I will pour my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men [shall] dream dreams:
(18) And on my servants and [on] my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
You got two groups of people doing it. Now, remember, the Israelites that were standing there were the same ones that crucified Him, of whom Jesus said, “You are serpent seed.” See?
All right, and now watch what he says. “Within those two days, within the two thousand years…”

(19) I will shew wonders in [the] heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; [and] blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
Now, that’s the great Tribulation. The seed sown at Pentecost promised an anointing, as well as a true Baptism upon the people.
Now, remember, when you plant a seed and that goes to harvest, you don’t simply plant one seed and get that one seed back. You get the life of that one seed in many seeds that come back at the harvest time.
So, at the harvest time, you are going to see the serpent seed and the saints of God, both anointed with the Holy Ghost, though only one is baptized with the Holy Ghost, which is the true seed of God. And they’ll be manifesting these things.
And when they do, when it is general upon all flesh, Roman Catholics, who deny the Oneness of the Godhead, believe in a Trinity, exalt the pope, make the Virgin Mary the mother of God, which she wasn’t, she was the mother of Jesus, and Jesus is not God.
Idolatry in the Catholic Church and the Protestants; and you can see them all anointed. So, right off the bat there’s… right away, now, there’s got to be in the heaven, signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. … and…

(20) The sun shall be turned to darkness, the moon [shall be turned] to blood, [just] before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
Now that’s the day of the Lord, wherein He comes with destruction. As the Bible said, “The earth shall burn with fire.” Now it says, in the last two days,

(21) …whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
And remember, that Name of the Lord is the true revelation of God’s Word, and we’ll get some of this as we read. And keep all these things in mind, and don’t you budge from the premises, the precepts, and the teaching. You are no longer a fundamentalist.
You are a brainwashed convert to the truth. Or are you? I don’t know. I don’t know. If you are, you’ll be looking for every single thing in here, and not trying to drum up your own imaginations.
And you’ll live half way decent before God without lying, chiseling, stealing, and everything else. And you have no truck and trade with those that do.
If you want to be nice, be my guest. I’ll meet you at the great White Throne. Maybe both of us get chucked in the lake of fire. I just doubt seriously if I’m going there; very seriously doubt it. I’ve no reason to believe that I will be.
Now, the vision revealing Hebrews 6, which is the Omega sowing at the end time: As Brother Branham said, “Just think — the same Pillar of Fire that brought the Word to Paul is here revealing It.”
Hebrews 6 that reveals Acts 2:16-21, which I read, which leads to the great Tribulation.
And, notice that, though there are sporadic claims of healers in the world, that seem to operate apart from the power of God; if you’ll notice them, their healing is not like the Scripture brings out, but it be unique in the sense of operations and those things which can be done.
I haven’t got time to talk what I talked about some time ago, but I want you to notice at this time, the gifts of the Spirit, including healing, are all over Christendom, in very great abundance.
Now, let me show you the Omega coming to the Alpha. We’re going to go to 1 Thessalonians, the 1st chapter, which is the book of the second coming, as is the second book.

(01) Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and [doesn’t say ‘who is’, but ‘and’] the Lord Jesus Christ.
(02) We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;
(03) Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;
(04) Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.
(05) For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, [Now there’s the vindication,] and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as [you] know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.
Now, there’s no way you can tell me this is not a vindicated message. Paul came with vindication. You don’t just come to a bunch of heathen that practice witchcraft and have signs and wonders of their own, and you let them know right now and say, “You’re a false… worshipping a true God.”
It doesn’t work. Not in this hour. He’s talking about vindication. Watch!

(06) And [you] became followers of us, and of the Lord, [Notice, of us and the Lord.] having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost:
(07) So that [you] were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. [or Achaia.]
(08) For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing.
(09) For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how [you] turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;
(10) And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus [Christ], which delivered us from the wrath to come.
Now, notice what they were doing. They were waiting for the Son from heaven to come. What are we doing now? The same thing under vindication!
The same One that was proven risen from the dead, that caused them to wait for the Son to come to heaven, though it wasn’t in their hour, is the same One that’s proven He is risen from the dead.
And God is doing the mighty miracles, the same God that was in Jesus, is doing the mighty miracles now, and is turning people from heathenism.
And what is the great heathenism in the world today? Trinitarianism, and a false god called ‘Allah’, which never was the name of God. It’s the name of one of their devil idols.
So here’s the Omega; here’s your Alpha. Now, you try to tell me that principle doesn’t work. If you work outside of It, you’re not a Bible student, not of this hour.
Now we come perfectly to Revelation 2:20-23 again. Now, remember, this is that Jezebel church, and it says in here,

(20) Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and eat things sacrificed unto idols.
(21) And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
See, they’re even taking the Lord’s Supper right there, positively, and everything else is offered to idols, because God cannot take that little round wafer and all the junk they pull off because Trinitarianism is idolatry.

(21) And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
(22) Behold, I will cast her into… a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
(23) And I will kill her children with death; [In other words, the second death, that’s the last plague, just like in Egypt.] and all the churches [that…] shall know that I am he [that] searches the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
In other words, right in the midst of this whole system, God manifests, in the Omega premise, everything that was there in the beginning, and shows that this is positively now the time of the great Tribulation and the end of all things.
Now as I said, you can take Acts 2:16 and Hebrews 6 to Revelation 20:23, and you can see how the whole harlot system becomes anointed to power without revelation, which is identical to omnipotence outside, or without omniscience.
And in spite of claiming the love of God, end up with loving their father, the devil.
Now let’s go to 2 Thessalonians. You’ll see that, because that’s the condition of Hebrews 6, and Revelation 2:20-23, and Revelation chapter 13:14-23 and so on. Okay in,

(01) Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming [that’s the Presence] of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, [Now, this tells you flat that there has been a descent and the gathering, because that One is present.]
(02) That [you may] not [be] soon shaken in mind, or… troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
That means that day of the Lord is now present, which is the Day of Judgment. So you’re talking about a Presence and a Presence. You’re talking about a Lord descending and a Lord staying up there, ‘cause you’re going to meet the Lord in the air.
This is not a mixed up thing that we believe in, this is the truth: That God Almighty Himself, Elohim, the same One that went to the Garden of Eden to deal with His two fallen children, is the same One here.
Brother Branham said it; he’s vindicated. And so that’s the One that is present. When we’re caught away, we’ll meet the Lord in the air. That’s when we become Bride to the Bridegroom, and that’s at the reincarnation.

(03) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there [be] a falling away first, and [the] man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Now it tells you right there, there cannot be that great day of destruction until the son of perdition is revealed. Now, you got the son of perdition; you got to go to twins. “Well, I don’t believe that.” See, there you are.
You mess up on your principles, you mess up on your left hand, the right hand, the parallelism, you mess up on blessing and cursing: hey, you don’t even know this message! Forget it! You don’t know your Bibles! You can’t read your Bibles!
You show me when God comes here without a left hand and a right hand. He’s got a left hand and He’s got a right hand. Every place in Scripture: left hand is cursing, right hand is blessing.
Now, it tells you right here, if the son of perdition is revealed, you got to go to twins. You got to go to the Son of man; and those are spirits manifested.
And Judas was the son of perdition who took the anointing of God and used it against God, just the same as the devil took the power that God gave him and used it against God. You say, “I don’t think I can believe in a God like that.”
Well, let’s just say that God is playing chess and wants to confuse you. You’re still going to need Him, brother/sister, and go to hell or go to heaven. Right! So pretend God is up there playing games. Yeah.
Yeah, you know why I’m saying this? Because the minute this Message is preached the correct way, you are right up against it: God playing games. You’re right up against a fatalistic program, the same thing that Paul said, “Who are you, O man, to reply against God?”
He never even answered the argument, as though God could be unfair; that he’s got to say something in God’s defense. He said, “Shut-up! You haven’t got a think coming.” Well, that sure makes somebody’s ears ring, doesn’t it? Huh?
Let’s read on. Now watch!

(04) Who opposes and exalt[s] himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
All right, now you got a manifestation right there, just like old Judas; you got the authority, the whole bit. And you think for one minute the Romans turned down the charismatic? Rome hasn’t turned down the charismatic.

(05) Remember ye not, when I was with you, I told you these things?
(06) And now ye now what[ever] withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
(07) For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he [that hindereth] will [hinder], until he be taken out of the way. [Now notice the working of it. It’s worked back there; it’s working now. But you see it’s definitive at the end, and people just don’t realize that.]
(08) …then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
Coming, coming, coming, coming: present, coming back with another present: one time coming to gather; the next time going to destroy. You can’t get away from the way the Scripture is continuous.
I don’t pretend to have every single answer, but I know the laws. And so therefore, the law is in here. And now it says here:

(09) Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
(10) And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; [In other words, it’s a false worship; a wrong division of God’s Word just like it was with Cain.] because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. [Now they’ll talk about the blood all they want; we’ll get to that.]
(11) …for this cause God [will] send them strong delusion, they should believe [the] lie:
(12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. [See, false worship.]
(13) But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit [even] belief of the truth:
(14) Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now listen. If that gospel isn’t brought back to purity at the end time, there can be nobody at the time of Jesus Christ, His Presence. Then, in other words, God Himself standing here, there can be nobody make it. You can’t do it.
Now, that’s going to be contradictory to everybody. I don’t care what the contradiction is. You say, “Your Branham’s dead and he’s gone.” So what? So is Paul. See, they haven’t got an argument; they haven’t got a leg to stand on, but they think they do have, but that is their business.
Now listen! Look there then, in 2 Thessalonians again,

(01) Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, [That’s His Presence] and our gathering together
And Brother Branham said that was the Word, and you can see right through here, it is by the Word, because it’s the Word that makes the difference. Now, this is based on 2 Thessalonians, the 1st chapter, 7 to 10, and we read it:

(07) …you [that] are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, [taking] with his mighty angels,
(08) In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: [Now Paul said that was his gospel.]
(09) Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; [It tells you right there the Presence that He comes with here, it’s all over. That’s the Presence you’ll be seeing. And they don’t want it.]
(10) When he shall [have] come to be glorified in his saints, and… be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.
All right. Now, this 2 Thessalonians is based on that and then in the 2nd chapter of the 2nd verse.

(02) That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of [the Lord] is at hand.
Now, ‘at hand’ means ‘is now present’. So what’s he telling you here? He’s telling you positively that this Presence is not the second coming, when He meets the Bride in the air and comes back with her, taking the earth over in judgment. It’s not the same. There’s that period in there, where the son of perdition is taking over with the same power that Judas took over.
And remember, when Judas betrayed Jesus, the Scripture distinctly says in the Greek, he gave Him an affectionate kiss. “So bless God, I love the Lord.” Nobody said you didn’t love Him. “I love Jesus, hallelujah!”
Nobody said you didn’t. Nobody said you didn’t, but you haven’t got it. The Bible doesn’t say about loving Jesus. It says, “That love, if it’s not in your heart, you haven’t got it.”
And Brother Branham categorically said that that was the Holy Spirit. What’s he talking about? Three gods? Always in threes, people always forget that.
You don’t just say, He’s omnipotent and He’s omniscient. No, no. He’s omnipotent, He’s omniscient, and He’s love. That’s His nature. Now what kind of a love? Being God, He’s got to define His own love.
And you just can’t say, “Well, I can take the Bible, hallelujah, and read this and that.” No, anybody… the devil can do that and he’s done it. He’ll heap all the love on you like the kind, old priest. They’ll make you a renegade.
Now remember, I already said in this little preamble here, before I start reading, that those seeds were enemies.
You say, “Well, I don’t believe God is the enemy of anything.” You haven’t read your Bibles, honey. He said, “I am going to destroy My enemies.”
See, people don’t want to read the Bible. They don’t want to believe what’s here. You know something? I can see why Paul said he lived by the faith of Jesus Christ; not his own faith in Jesus Christ, and not any faith that Jesus or God gave him by reason of Jesus, the Man sitting on the throne; now He’s on the mercy seat.
But he’s talking about the faith of Jesus Himself who came down with faith in His Father. Took all the sins, burdens upon Him, everything else, stood right there, and He knows what God said is going to come to pass, and we are part of that, what’s coming to pass.
If I had… listen, if I had to stand on what God gave me and I operate it; I can tell you right now I’d be just like Adam, and just like Eve; I’d blow it, and just like the devil, I’d do worse. Do you follow what I’m saying?
It’s a whole lot different than you taking something and saying, “Well, bless God I’m going to use this.” It goes to a higher authority. I look at him and I say he has that faith and I’m included in it. That’s all I need to know.
Right now, brother/sister, we are looking forward to the literal catching away. Tribulation – three and one half years – go by like a wink of your eye. And come back with fire, destroying the earth and taking over.
As Brother Branham shows all types and shadows to prove his point, he comes to the place where he seems unable to sum it all up and present it to the church in a concise way that shows them the hour in which they live.
And at what place they are in this particular time; how they can stand, receive the truth, keep the promises of God, and where is she standing? What is it all about?
He’s brought us right to the place of the end time, the two seeds, the harvest. Now, is there anything he can tell us? So all right, let’s read. He said,
[106-1] I got to the place (page 44)… I got to the place… where I got so in the Spirit. …that… I got the church up to show it and prove it in the Word here exactly what’s happened all along, and then when I did, I thought, “Lord, I got the people standing here now; I’ll have… and I’ll have them standing there; what can I tell them…
[Now, he said], I can’t predict the future. [So, ‘I can see what’s going on; I can see the two seeds; what about it?’] I can’t tell them what to do. What will I do? I’ll leave them standing on a limb.
In other words, he’s going to say, he said to the people, “Now people, here’s the condition. Here’s the way it is. The Bride committed adultery; she’s all messed up.
She can’t produce Him. She can’t bring Him. He can’t come to her. She’s a whore, so there’s got to be a virgin Bride. All these things must come to pass I’ve been telling you. Now what am I going to do about it?”
Now he’s letting you know right there, that he… to even preach this and say this one paragraph, he considers himself a leader. Now right away the world will not take it. They love the pope. Oh, they’re going gaga over the holy father: holy father, h-o-l-e; he’s full of holes.
What does that guy got to offer? Come over here and tell his Catholic cohorts, the whole bunch, “Hey, now…” He told them the truth, “Sex is for marriage and no place else.”
Now he’s against abortion; that’s fine. But who do you think are about the biggest adulterers in all the world and abortion and everything else? It’s the Catholics. Come on. They tell him right to his face. They finally got the brass.
And the women are finally smartening up. They were human incubators for awhile, that’s all. The Catholics had sixteen, twenty kids; great. Thirteen girls all the better, make them all nuns, maybe we’ll have a priest out of the bunch.
They didn’t care two bits about anything except the church system, believing that was God. Hogwash! You can see why Brother Branham is against organization and denomination. The first thing you do, you miss the whole thing; it’s gone. See?
[106-1] …you’re standing on a limb. And I raised up my hand and I said, “God, I think I’m doing this for Your will. I’ve never done this, never did this before.” ‘Because the seed hadn’t been sowed yet.’ I said, “Now, I believe it’s time for me to say it; but what am I going to say now?”
In other words, there’s something in here he’s got to get to because plainly the church is in the position of Revelation 3:14 to 21, 23, because it is.
[106-2] And just as plain as you can hear my voice, something said, “Pick up your pen.” I’ll read it to you in a minute. And when I got through, there it was, just the answer.
I didn’t even know what I was writing, I just started writing; and when I got through, I laid the pen down; I looked up; “O God have mercy; there it is right there. That’s what I’m looking for.” Now, there’s some things I had to bypass. We’ll get to it in a little bit, the Lord willing….
Now, remember then, at this point everything he says is leading up to the writing. So he’s going to try to preface it now, as the whole sermon leading to it; you got this little connecting link right in here. So this is all going to be prefaced till we get to what he wrote.
Now, so he says here,
[106-3] All the Old Testament had types [you know, he’s writing this, and he says] all the Old Testament had types that point to Christ and His church.
Now that’s true. All types pointed to Christ who was the antetype to fulfillment. The Old Testament is full of types and shadows; the New Testament tells us that and pointed to…
Christ and His church. Do you believe Adam and Eve pointed to Christ and His church? [Well, what else? You know.] Do you believe Jehovah and His Wife pointed to Christ and His church? [Well, what else could it be? The Psalms and the books are full of it.] Now, Well, if those …are types and this is the antetype, it has to be like the type, because… antetype takes from the type.
[It means its based upon the type. See? It’s the picture and of course, it fulfills it. So he said,] Christ is the Head, the true Stone of God. [Now you’re looking again at the true revelation of God] (Do you believe that?), the true Word. The Bride is the Body.
So all right: he says by Scripture, you cannot get away from it, everything of the Alpha right coming up to the very Omega, where the very Omega shows you a Bride at the end time that’s the true virgin.
Now he said, “Everything points to it.” And he’s looking at the fact, did Adam actually have a whore for a wife? Well, she didn’t start that way, but she ended up that way.
Now the point is; did Jehovah? Didn’t start that way; ended up that way. Now, what about the Bride of Christ? She starts that way, continues that way. She started right, continues being what she was, which, she left Him.
Now at the end, though, He has got to have somebody back where Eve was, which she was the one to bring forth that seed and all the earth would be full of the glory of God and the glorious children all standing there.
So He’s going to have to have somebody at the end time that is going to fill that type. There’s got to be a virgin Bride at the end time.
Now he said,
[106-4] You want some Scriptures on these, so you can look them up?
He said, “I’ll just give them to you.” And he goes over here to 1 Peter, and in 1 Peter, the 2nd chapter, 1-6 he’s saying.

(01) Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,
(02) As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
(03) If so be ye have tasted… the Lord is gracious.
(04) To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,
(05) [You] also, as lively stones, are built up [to] a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
(06) Wherefore also it is [said] in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.
All right. He’s talking about a Headship, and the Headship has got to have a Bride, because He’s the husband. And if you haven’t got a Bride you aren’t a husband. So now he goes to Ephesians, the 5th chapter, and he reads in 23:

(23) For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
So, all right here, you’re going to find here now, that He’s got a Bride and that Bride has to be contingent upon what He does to save her so that she can be a Bride. You follow me?
Says right there: ‘Savior of the body.’ So now, He’s got to do something about it. As Brother Branham said, “The Bible says, ‘Be ye also holy, even as your Father in heaven.’”
And he said, “If God said it, He’s got to do something about it; and the Blood of Jesus Christ scatters sin till there be no evidence of it, how can you then make it a sinner.” And he said, “The Blood perfects the Bride.” All right.
Now look here.
[106-5] Let’s just take this for instance. (Maybe if my wife didn’t take my dollar. Here it is. Paid for some sandwiches a while ago. Excuse me, friends, I oughtn’t have said that, because I got a good wife.) Now, the back of this dollar… [And then he said,] (If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have the dollar, I guess; God’s mercy gave it to us and her helping me to keep it.)
[I guess that was the idea. Now he holds a dollar bill up and he said,] Now, on the back of this, looks like, if that be our money, the American seal on the left hand side of the dollar ought to be the great seal in this country. Is that right? Well, why is it the pyramid is called the great seal? Even your money has to testify to it.
Now, let’s look at the money in America. It’s going to be absolutely worthless, because the Jews have the paper and Rome has the gold; so what happens?
Rome takes over in the Name of the great God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and now, “Here we are, we’re going to put it all in order.”
So the very money in America is showing a headship of Jesus Christ which is in the pyramid, but it ends up under the headship of the devil. Because look, there…
Well, we’ll just keep reading here.
[106-5] Yes, every time you send a post card or send some mail, it testifies: the year of our Lord, 1962. Everything testifies of Christ. See?
[107-1] Did you notice that the great seal, it’s the pyramid? Everybody knows that the pyramid never had the capstone put on it? How many know that? Sure, I been there in Egypt, Cairo: saw it.
Never had the capstone, why? It was rejected, the cornerstone. [Now watch him go back and forth between cornerstone and capstone.] Never had the capstone, why? It was rejected, the cornerstone. [They rejected the cornerstone; the Bible says so.]
That was the cornerstone that held this building, now is a keystone. How many know what a keystone is? When the arch is built, then the keystone holds it together. The cornerstone’s what holds up the building, is that right? And the cornerstone in the pyramid was the capstone, was the keystone that held the rest of it together. Now, this keystone was rejected.
Now just a minute, it was the cornerstone rejected. When is the capstone rejected? Hebrews 6, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.”
They reject God Himself for His gifts and the gifts were restored under Pentecost. And so now when you speak in tongues, you got the Holy Ghost. Hogwash! ‘Tongues’ is not the Holy Ghost! Pentecost is gone haywire.
I know what I’m talking about; it started after Brother Branham came on the scene by Joe Styles, a brilliant doctor, professor of languages or something out there in the University of California, charismatic.
When I heard him, my friend, Fred Dobson said, “What do you think, Lee?”
I said, “Well, he’s got some good things, but Fred there’s something wrong, there’s something awful wrong.”
And I was backslidden; I knew more than he did frontslidden. Yeah, he went right with it; still with it. I love the guy but, hey, the Word separates. You can’t fool with It. You got to stick with the Word.
So he’s telling you here now, because you see, he brought the church up to the place of a complete mess. Now, you’re looking at the Presence. Now, the cornerstone is the same as a capstone; there’s no difference.
Now, they rejected the cornerstone, Alpha. They’ve got to reject the capstone because it’s the same thing, Omega. I know; listen, only to us who believe Brother Branham and know the Scripture, vindicated, can even begin to follow what we believe.
[107-2] Did you notice, up there, it’s standing up above, that’s that capstone, up above the pyramid?
Now, notice in between there’s an open space. And remember, when Brother Branham put the open space up there, he had little line’s coming down showing the Holy Ghost, and then he showed it coming through the Word.
Now remember that, he literally drew it. My wife may have that in a drawer somewhere yet. He drew it for us, but he drew it on the board. And it’s got to come through that. And notice, when he talks about the exact fitting, remember what I just told you. All right.
Now if you look at your dollar bill, this is… I’m talking now, you’re going to see there’s an ‘eye’ on it. And remember, after that eye, and Brother Branham does not disannul it, he said, “It’s right there and your money even tells you the truth.”
After the eye is the last moving part of the body, even if you can move your nose and your ears like a jackass and a bunny; the eye is still the last moving part of the body. I said that on purpose. A lot of people got rabbit and jackass religion. That’s right.
They don’t believe the prophet. The last moving part is the eye, vindication, and it’s the truth. Next is the brain; after the prophet, comes the Word.
That’s the great enemy right there. “Bless God, I can see, I can read, I know…” You know all that’s kind of trite.
All right, the capstone with an eye in it is above but separated and is waiting to come down, and when it comes down it’s got to fit, right?
Now Brother Branham,
[107-3] Here’s what taken place: it’s just like the Gospel church coming. See, now down in the wide part of the pyramid, that’s the base, represents the early days of reformation: just to call yourself a Christian… deny the Catholic church, meant you’d get killed for it. Then along come… [some who] …preached justification [that’s back in the time of Luther.]
[107-4] Then along come… [some more.] Now, watch the three come back again. Along come John Wesley that’s after Luther, preaching sanctification. The church becomes more… becomes in the minority even more (See?), come on down this… way.
See? Now notice, as it rises, it gets smaller like Noah’s ark; but I want you to notice something, he’s not talking about numbers, he’s talking about the Word. Now you can get fooled right here on numbers. He’s not talking about that.
He’s talking about the Word which is going to take out the elect, and of course, there will be increasingly, could be, an increasingly smaller number of Bride out of that church with a lot of, you know, foolish virgin in there.
But he’s talking about the Word, and of course, the people are identified with the Word. Numbers, we really don’t care, but he’s talking about Word here, because he mentions sanctification and justification.
[107-5] Now, when it comes down to the Pentecostals, it cut down a lot closer because it was the restoration of gifts, bringing it right up on top—What is it?
Now remember, Brother Branham… look in your Bibles, the Baptizer Himself is right there baptizing. Then what happens? Gifts. Right? Gifts. Everybody in the church has a gift, but only five-fold ministry have the revelation to give to those that have the gifts and so on. Follow what I’m looking at?
Look, see what I’m looking at right now: So then, if you come back to gifts, the next thing is the Giver. Right? If you have baptism and gifts, which is how it came, the next thing is Baptizer.
Yet people say they understand this Message and still can’t tell baptism from Baptizer. They can’t tell a chicken from an egg. I hate to say things like that, but that’s all I got to say things like that.
There’s no other way I can teach it, because the people’s conception is so gross, then they must be met with… you know, things that are more gross than refined.
Now, notice,
[107-5] …after Wesley’s days of sanctification, come the Pentecostal church, and God took a remnant out of that: each one accepting the Word. See? [It’s a Word thing.] Now, when it came down to the Pentecostals, it cut a lot closer because it brought back the gifts, bringing it right on up,… What is it? Way down here it’s far away from the looks of the head.
In other words, what the head looks like. You’re talking about the Headship. In other words, what the last thing looks like has come up through the church.
Now listen, at this point he’s talking, in my books, about himself and his ministry, where you literally get the Son of man revealed again and the mighty ministry of John 14:12. Now, just keep that in mind because that’s the only way I can read this.
[107-5] Now, it comes down to Pentecostals, it cuts it down a lot closer because it was the restoration of the gifts. Bringing it right on up—What is it? Why way down… is a far away from the looks of the head. Down here it’s a little closer to the head. Up here it’s a little closer,…
In other words, with Luther, the Catholic church said, “My God, that can’t be the truth at all.” Then Luther comes along and, “Hey, I believe that’s got to be the real Word right in there.” Then comes Wesley, “Yes sir, that’s it.” It’s coming closer.
Then Pentecost: restoration of the gifts and the baptism, “Yes sir. Hey, now, this has got to be it.” See? Every time, you bring a revelation it’s, “This has got to be it, organize it.” “This has got to be it, organize it.” You try to organize this Message; there’s no way.
Listen, I’ll tell you flat, there is no one preacher, even those that I love, I agree with, because I know they don’t really… there’s nobody really knows exactly what I am saying anymore than I would know exactly what they are saying. How are we going to get a book and put it together?
And I’m not saying they’re saying different. I’m just saying, hey, there’s a disparity when it comes down to this point where you could really write a book and say, one, two, three, four, five; one, two, three, four, five. And this is the end time.
If you could do it anytime, you could do it now. Hogwash! They couldn’t do it the first time. They got fouled up over a double vowel, how you pronounced it. Yeah, so there’s no way you can organize. But we can speak the truth in our own understanding and that’s fine, because God gives us the understanding.
Now, you see…
[107-5] …it’s… closer to the head. Up here… a little closer, but, notice, but that’s got to be absolutely right to fit with the rest of it.
What’s the rest of it? The Head Itself. Now he’s talking about Word; he’s talking about ministry, can’t get away from It. Without the ministry there’s no Word. Had Moses come without his ministry of vindication; forget it.
If Jesus was not vindicated; forget Him. If the apostle Paul’s not vindicated; forget Him. Now remember, “You can only deal with the Alphas and the Omegas. What’s in between; forget it.”
“Oh, Brother Vayle.”
Brother Branham said so.
“Oh, Brother Branham is no theologian.”
Never said he was. Prophet. Listen, you got to be dedicated to this Message, brother/sister; there’s no way you can fit unless you’re dedicated. Live, die, sink or swim.
And people are too impatient to wait for God to give the answer. I’m impatient, but I still got a lot of patience.
Now he said, “Closer, closer, closer, in order for it to fit.” In other words, Alpha to become Omega; and Omega is the Alpha. The cornerstone is the Headstone, capstone. Okay. Now,
[107-5] Up here it’s a little closer, [here a little closer to the head] …but that’s got to be absolutely you know, absolutely right, to fit with the rest of it. It’s got to be honed. In that pyramid, you can take a razor blade, and you can’t run between those rocks where the mortar was;
Brother Branham said, “The two spirits are razor blade.” And I’m going to tell you flat; you can’t even get a razor blade in there. So Brother Branham is telling you, if he has a ministry to vindicate Him, or the Omega, there isn’t any difference, no razor blade.
Now, all these people here can come right up to the razor blade and he told me, he said, “Lee, the latter rain was the closest but they’re wrong.” And you ought to see where they are today. See? Now let’s look at it again.
[107-5] …those rocks where the mortar was; it’s so fitly put together. They said Solomon’s temple was the same. See? [Not a hammer, nothing.]
[108-1] God is taking the elect out of that Pentecostal church (that hybrid), pulling it out, and finishing up the Word.
Notice: people, Word; Word, people. Christ is Word; we’re all Word. Can’t take a dog cell and put a cat cell to it and make a dog out of it. You can’t take a non-Word cell and make a Bride of Christ out of it. Forget it, you’re a hybrid.
You got to be genuine, like the thoroughbred horse, he knows his mammy and pappy. Not some old plug out there trying to be a race horse, like Brother Branham’s horse, couldn’t get him to buck if you put a burr under his saddle and the poor guy could hardly lift his feet. You know this Bride is not that kind of a horse.
[108-1] God is taking the elect out of that Pentecostal church (that hybrid), pulling it out, and finishing up the Word. And it’s got to be so close until the Word Itself will blend with this Word. And there comes the Headstone, crying, “Grace, grace, amazing grace.”
What did Brother Branham say? Deuteronomy: twice given. And what was the second given? Grace. Bunyan brought that out. The law; Deuteronomy: all law, death, but when he wrote it again, that’s twice written, grace. It’s all expunged by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
So therefore, the Blood of Jesus Christ is a hundred percent efficacious scattering every sin till there’s no evidence, and the Bride stands justified.
Now we’ll read a bit tonight, what do we got, two hours more to go? We got to get some of these places filled in or we’re never going to get this thing done here.
All right, because I can lose my thoughts if I have to go over next… you know, too many times… I mean too far down the road to wait till Sunday. All right. Calling grace.
[108-1] …here you are like this (See?), on this. [In other words, you’re bringing the capstone right down to the Bride itself that’s pyramid.] See, how it’s way down here?
And it keeps getting closer… and closer (the ministry), after awhile here it come… Here’s Luther: justification, justified. Here come Wesley: sanctified bunch. Here come Pentecostal: restoration of the gifts.
[108-2] Now, God’s taking from there, honing out a bunch to make a ministry just exactly like that Word there, because it’s got to fit with the Word. There’s the Bride; take Her up.
Now look, this is garbled, let’s face it. You got to know what we’re dealing with. We are dealing with a vindicated prophet whose ministry proves he’s bringing back the Word.
And when this Word, a hundred percent vindicated, received by a little group at the end time, there is nothing that can come between, not even a razor blade.
Listen, if you put a razor blade to the flange, which is the throat, you cut the jugular vein; there’s no more blood from the head to the body. Gone! You know what happens when your head hasn’t any blood in it? It’s called an amnesia.
They said that’s what I had and I drove the car for an hour, at least an hour not knowing what I was doing. You see, you can be a church without the blood. The blood can be cut off from the head and the head doesn’t recognize from that point on.
You know why? Because you’re rendered senseless. That’s a poor illustration that I’m giving, but it’s still the truth. There’s no way that the headship of Christ today, God Himself, will recognize this Bride outside the blood.
And if the body is entirely insensible to the head, that means the head is entirely insensible to the body. Forget it; she’s gone. He’s only going to have those that are covered by the blood.
You’re going to see some statements here by Brother Branham, we’ll never get to them tonight; it’s too bad.
[108-3] Now, Christ was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. Do you believe that? [Now just hold this in mind; he’s not kooky here. We’re going to get to it; because this is Omega.] Now, I can explain…
[Now you believe that.] I can explain all this; I’m just going through it just quickly… hit the high place… won’t keep you too long. Christ was manifested to destroy the works of the devil.
[That’s bring it to nothing] Is that right? You all believe that? What was He? God’s Word, God’s Word, which destroys the works of the hybrid, the devil.
Now he’s coming here where the average theologian and the reprobate fundamentalist will laugh at this. They don’t have a clue to Word and they’re not going to have a clue because they’re not elected.
Now notice!
[108-3] What was He? God’s Word, which destroys the works of the hybrid, the devil. Is that right? He was made to do that; He was born to be that, to destroy the works of the devil.
Now we know that from Genesis the 3rd chapter. Now remember, Eve refused the Word; Christ accepted It in her place, and so now her seed will bruise the serpent seed with Christ, the great Bruiser, stepping on him.
[108-4] Now, His body is to do the same, because… Head and body are together. [Well, aren’t we going to come back and throw the devil into the pit and everything else? Okay] Is that right?
If Christ is the Head, was the Word, His body has to be the same thing as His Head was or the Head is. (Is that right?), a church of the Word, borned of the Word, virgin born from the Word, not denominational now;
Which means what the Pharisees had. They give an interpretation to the Word once it has been vindicated that an interpretation given is correct. See, they turn it down. That’s what it says in the 6th chapter of the book of Hebrews.
…a church of the Word, borned of the Word. Virgin born from the Word, not denominational now. Virgin born from the Word. Remember, the Word is anti-denominational.
Now, here we find that only Word can be Word, just like I said awhile ago, Brother Branham said, “Don’t take a cat cell and a dog cell; if he’s Word, we got to be Word.”
[108-5] The way the body operates is by the head. Is that right? My body can’t move until my head tells it to move.
In other words, the Head came out of the grave in order to bring the Body out of the grave. And how is the Body going come out of the grave until the Head tells it to come on out. The Head’s got to come out. So, all right.
[108-5] Well, what if my head is flesh and my body is concrete? Can’t move. Head can say, “Move, move, move, move, move,” but there’s nothing to send a message to. [Oh boy, does he hit that.] Is that right?
Well, if my Head is Christ and my body is a denomination, how’s it going to work? How can purity and a whore work together?
Now here is where they are absolutely wrong, because they don’t understand the Blood and the Word. See, I’ve been preaching this for years. Are you really getting it? Don’t talk to me or claim any Blood outside of the Word; you cannot do it, because it was the bleeding Word. See?
He bled and shed His blood because He is and was the Word completely manifest in flesh. You can say God manifest in flesh, call it promise, call it anything you want, He was that Word manifest in flesh.
Now, the whole thesis or premise is what we’re looking at in here. He cannot…
[108-5] Well, if my Head is Christ and my body’s a denomination, how’s it going to work? How can purity and a whore work together? See?
And yet right today this pope is preaching the old faith, the old faith, the old faith. That’s right, his old faith and he’s a liar and his church is a prostitute; just like the Protestants.
There’s the faith that was once delivered to the saints as the old faith, and Paul delivered it, and the same Pillar of Fire was right here in our generation, revealing the same Word that He brought to Paul.
And Paul said, “Because you believe my testimony.” The whole world is now judged by Paul’s doctrine.
In other words, Brother Branham’s put us right before the White Throne. Do you see how we’re before the White Throne? Paul’s gospel. You can’t get away from it; and Brother Branham reading every heart, five thousand people couldn’t hide.
Well, if five thousand people couldn’t hide, five billion couldn’t hide. Sure, because if the Pythagorean Theorem is right, it’ll work every single time.
Bring five hundred, bring five, bring five hundred, bring five thousand, bring fifty thousand, bring a hundred thousand, bring a hundred and fifty, bring five hundred thousand, then go to five hundred million and jump to five billion; couldn’t hide. You’re not dealing with man; you’re dealing with God.
[108-6] Oh, how I love it, brethren; I’ll tell you. I’d like to preach on… this for a little while. For some while? The way the body operates is by the Head, and the Head is the Word. Is that right? The Head is the Word.
Okay, let’s just go back a minute now. Let’s go back to where Brother Branham just brings it out flat as a fritter. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”
He said, “If you make the Word ‘Jesus’,” he said, “You got three gods.” Who came down into human flesh? God did. “In the beginning was the Word.” The entire essentiality. See.
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.” In other words, compacted, you can’t separate the two, “and the Word was God.” So if you’re going to get anything of Word, it’s got to be God.
I want to ask you: Who came down in this hour? The Holy Spirit, Elohim came down; Jehovah came down. And in plain English, if you want to translate it, Jesus came down because that man of flesh did not have his own name, He had a borrowed name; “I came in My Father’s Name.”
I’m not Jesus-Only for fifteen seconds. I’m not Trinity. I worship one God who had an only begotten Son of one-of-a-kind who stands in the midst of the church, and He’s not ashamed of us, and He’s not ashamed even to call us brethren, as skuzzy as we are. Because there’s nothing He can do about it. We’re one source.
You know why He can’t be ashamed of us? He can’t be ashamed of His Father. Figure it out. Figure it out. Perfect birth control. You want birth control? That’s birth control right there; God. Don’t try to apply that to yourself.
[108-6] Is that right? The Head is the Word. [He in flesh was manifested Word. Yup, every prophesy was fulfilled in it.]
[109-1] Compare the modern church, now. Why don’t we have miracles in it? Why don’t we have the Word in it? It can’t get the Word to it; the denomination stops it. Sure.
Now what is he saying there? “Compare the modern church, now. Why don’t we have miracles…”? We have miracles in the modern church. See. Now watch! Watch his next word. “Why don’t we have the Word in it?”
Because there’s no substantiating miracles that came ahead of time to prove this was a prophet to give you the Word. See? Now they say, “Just a minute, we had it.” But just a minute, we haven’t finished reading yet, you see.
Now remember, Brother Branham is talking about himself. Remember, he said, “Billy Graham sowed a seed. Oral Roberts sowed a seed.” But Brother Branham also sowed a seed.
And remember, Brother Branham’s seed was John 14:10-12. Now, this is what we’re looking at:

(10) Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he doeth the works. [Giving him the right to speak.]
(11) Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake. [Then if you do, you’ll have to listen to what I say.]
(12) [Truly, truly,] I say unto you, He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father.
Now, watch Brother Branham. He’s going to take this paragraph and explain it. You ready?
[109-1] Compare the modern church, now. Why don’t we have miracles in it? Why don’t we have the Word in it?, [See, you can’t plant it.] It can’t get the Word to it; the denomination stops it. Sure. [Now watch!]
[109-2] Say… Here comes a good sainted man of God, preaching the Word of God just as straight off the Bible as he can, the denomination: “ Ahem”, rather. “No-o-o, no, sir. Get him out of here.” See? The body can’t move; chugged off–has to.
[109-3] Now, the body carries… on the works and does the works that the Head commands it to do.
Oh, come on; in the denominational church? Who went to denominations, with this godly life that you couldn’t put a finger on, with the miracles? William Branham.
“Well, he wasn’t trained. He doesn’t believe in Trinity. Oh, where did he come from? He’s not one of us.” He certainly wasn’t one of them, praise God; or I’d be down here in a worse cruddy mess that I’m in.
[109-3] Now, the body carries… on the works and does the works… the Head commands it to do. [This is here in John. See?] Tell me where did He ever say, “organize.” Tell me where the Head says it’s all right for woman to cut their hair.
Mention it; it’s not there. Tell me where the Head ever said, “These works I do, but you shall not do them.” Tell me that. But the Head said… (if you want to put the Scripture down, I’ll give it to you: John 14:12), “The work… that I do, shall you do also.” That’s the body. See?
Now come on, the Bible does not say that. The Bible says, “He.” But Brother Branham said, “If the hand does it; the body does it.”
So therefore, the Bride body does it because the prophet did it. None of those disciples at the time of Jesus or afterward, except the apostle Paul, could absolutely say that the Pillar of Fire was in them, doing the works, in order to prove he had the right to give the Word; only today: William Branham.
I quoted that many times right as he told me, “See, Lee, we haven’t had the Pillar of Fire for two thousand… no, we haven’t had the same Pillar of Fire that was with Moses for two thousand years, since the time of Paul until now.”
Something like that; you get an old tape and you’ll have the exact quotation. Because I remember it better now, maybe get it down a little better if I think about it.
Now, these works must be done. Now this is loaded.
[109-4] See now, why I have been so zealous of the kind of seed that I have planted for the body?
Boy, is this guy a big mouth. He misquotes the Scripture, but he has to turn around and admit that he planted the seed. How can he do it? You mean an un-vindicated person come by and tell me, Lee Vayle, and tell you sensible people here, that he’s going to plant a seed in you?
Only a bunch of goofy Mormons will take a Joe Smith, and the idiocy that’s Christian Science will take a Mary Baker Eddy. Tell me what kind of people will take a Jimmy Bakker and his cohorts, Swaggart, swaggering around.
What kind of seed are they planting? Look at their lives. Puffed up characters that just blab from the Bible; anybody can blab from the Bible. The devil uses it all the time. Let’s see a vindicated prophet.
William Branham, how can you say you planted a seed and were so zealous? And yet he turned around and he said to Brother Grant, who’s now deceased, he said, “The trouble,” he said, “The trouble with you is,” he said, “Your zeal has outrun your knowledge.”
What gave him the right to say it? I’ll tell you what did. Looked a hole in you, like you’ve never had a hole looked in you; and you better know that’s what the White Throne is like. Makes you think, doesn’t it?
[109-4] So now, why I have been so zealous of the kind of seed that I have planted for the body? The rain’s going to fall pretty soon; I mean the real rain. [True baptism; true power of the true Holy Spirit bringing that seed around, fulfilling the promises in flesh.]
And it’s got to have Seed to fall on. I hope I live to see it. Do you understand now? It will be the living Word as it was at the beginning, the spoken Word of God, have His power; for it is in Him in His own body, working His own way. Look at the promises that God gave the body.
No, listen, if this man’s not fully vindicated, he’s blowing off steam like you can never believe. And I’m going to tell you something, he’ll never be in any Resurrection.
And if I believe him, I’ll never be in any Resurrection that makes it worth a plug nickel. We’ll both go to hell, if there’s a hell to go to. See, what I’m telling you? You end up as a fatalist. It’s over. “You ain’t got a think coming.”
And if you ain’t got a think, you ain’t got a decision; and your repentance had better be His change-of-mind that He puts through that man. Now William Branham stands here, and…
[109-5] …we’re coming to something. Now, we’re coming to something. We’re coming to Mount Zion… [How many times have I preached on that in Hebrews 12? I won’t bother you tonight.]
But look, look what He said… this Body–I mean virgin born. [Brother Branham knocks–Ed.] Now, we see the (impersonations) of it. We see it every day. But let’s come to the real body, and see what He said about this. Let’s look. All right, here’s what He promised.
[109-6] Do you believe that John 3:16 is right? I’ve just got to read this. That’s all there is to it. All right. Everybody believes John 3:16: “God so love the world He give His only begotten Son,” and so forth, say, amen. [Congregation says, “Amen.”–Ed.] I dare you to believe the rest of it. I’m talking about the body now.
And then he pulls a real dilly, a real curve. He jumps right to John 20. I’m not going to be fooled by that. I’m going to go right to John 3:16 and read the rest of it like I’ve done time after time after time after time.

(16) For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son, whosoever believeth in him should not perish, [Hallelujah!] but have everlasting life.
(17) For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Just a minute! There’re two worlds: the world of the godly and the world of the ungodly. If he sent His Son to save, then He destroyed Himself in sending the Son, because the world is not saved, and it’s not going to be saved: eight people out of five billion, maybe a few hundred.
All right:

(18) He that believeth on him is not condemned: [Hallelujah!] but he that believeth not is condemned already, [That’s exactly true.] because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. [Now Brother Branham categorically said, “That Name is a revelation of the revelation of true Scripture.” Now, just a minute.]
(19) And this is the condemnation,…
Hold it! If I got rid of condemnation, how come there’s anymore? I come to your house and kill the rats and the next night it’s full of rats again; I didn’t get your rats. Keep reading. Read the rest of it like the prophet said.

(19) …this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
The evil deed of Cain; they want to worship their own way. They don’t want the true revelation. They just want the blood and hallelujah, Jesus. It doesn’t work that way.
When I first really began to believe this message under Branham, he was dead. Yup. When I really began to see the truth, and I preached that sermon, Righteousness and Unrighteousness, and I opened the exact program of the whole thing that Brother Branham was preaching.
You worship any way you want, but if you have a misinterpretation, a mis-revelation, you are nothing but a Cain. The best you could be is a foolish virgin.
That would be wonderful even to be that, but when you actually go against this and say, “Just a minute, just a minute,” you’re nothing but a denominational serpent seed, because it said, “This is the condemnation…”
In spite of what God did, in spite of what God said. Now listen! There’s two kinds of seeds, and one is an enemy of the other. Brother Branham said correctly, “It is a limited atonement.” Somewhere in there he said it; the same idea, see?

(19) …[because they] loved darkness rather than light, their deeds [are] evil.
(20) For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, [Every man that is organized can’t stand a true revelation and a new one. Yeah, I read the rest.]
Now let’s read what Brother Branham said. Okay, fair enough. John 20. Oh, about the 19th verse.
[110-1] I challenge you to believe it! Oh, I just love it. Oh, I could just wish I could see the Holy Spirit just hover over there, like that; and say, “Now, it’s Me.” [Huh? Presence, Presence; my ministry declared that He is here.]

(19) Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut… the disciples assembled [doors were shut where the disciples were assembled] for [the] fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
(20) And when he had so said, he shewed… his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.
Alpha! If there’s Alpha; got to be Omega. “Well, just a minute, Brother Vayle.” Aha, just a minute, my foot. ‘Ma faute’ as the Frenchman says.
Let’s go to I Corinthians, the 13th chapter, and let us read it. Huh? Verse 12:

(12) For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: [What about it?]
Oh, let’s not stop there. That’s just one. Let’s go to 1 John the 3rd chapter and let’s read some more.
And it says over here in,

(02) Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it [never] yet appear what we shall be: but [never come to pass] we know that, he [will] appear, we [will] be like him; for we [will] see him as he is.
…The Appearing before the Rapture. Now just tell me I’m misreading; I’m not smart enough to rearrange the Word. Fap! I saw this just about the time Brother Branham died. I preached this.

(21) Then said Jesus to them, Peace be unto you: [You that are troubled rest with us.] as my Father hath sent me, [He’s the Word; the Seed, He’s the Word-Seed,] so I [send] you. [Do you believe it? Don’t stop there’s more.]
(22) And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and [said], Receive ye the Holy Ghost:
(23) Whose soever sins ye remit, [to them] they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.
True; that happened in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 2:16, 17: “Everything is yours,” He said, “but don’t do this,” He said, “you get with this, you’re lost, you’re finished. It’s all over. That’s death.”
Now, He breathed on them and said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost,” Garden of Eden. He breathed on Adam, Breath of lives – the Holy Spirit.
[110-2] Is that… Truth? Who did He say that to? –the Seed, the Word. Why? They could only be borned by the Word. I think he meant, ‘they only… only they,’ could be born of the Word. That’s the reason. Do you believe that?
Let’s take Matthew 16 now just a minute. Matthew 16… Let’s read it just a minute. All right.
All right, I’m going to quit here because our time’s gone. Five minutes to go; it won’t really matter; I can’t cover it in five.
I’m going to go back, and we’re going to start where we started here about Brother Branham saying, “Do you really believe the Word? Let’s find out. Do you believe John 3:16? If you do, read it all; don’t stop with John 3:16.” [and] get yourself a promise box, and mutilate every Scripture. Forget it. Let’s go to the context; let’s find out what it’s saying.”
He said, “I’ll tell you, when you get through with that, let’s go to John 20; and let’s see now, I’m going to clue you. Let’s see if there is any forgiveness outside of this Message.”
Where’s the blood? Come on, you say “It’s in the Word.” I’m not saying that. The life is in the Word, and the life answers to the blood. And who’s got the blood? Do you believe this Message, or are you out there still in denominations?
You say, “Brother Vayle, you cut that to the place where you cut the limb off.” Hallelujah! I don’t believe in gravity; I believe in uppity. Look, I can believe in gravity and be perfectly safe. Which is up?
You say, “The north is up.” Prove it. Any place is up. So what’s going up is going down; right? Well, come on, be honest. It’s a round world. So let’s go home. Okay?
Let’s rise and be dismissed.
I love this Word; I don’t know about you, but I want to tell you one thing, this is the only stimulation I got. It’s about the only time my back doesn’t ache and my teeth don’t chatter or something else, because this is life.
You can say what you want; it’s in the Word. And the beautiful thing is, it’s in the words that a man spoke that God vindicated. Every time you speak this Word and believe It, and tell people, you are speaking life. That’s right.
Well, let’s go home. See you next Sunday.
Let’s pray.

Heavenly Father, we want to thank You again for Your kind mercies as we have them wrought in Jesus Christ our Lord, and we see tonight the Omega. O God, we know it’s the Omega.
That same One that was in Jesus doing the mighty works is here now in that same Pillar of Fire that came to Paul in vindication, that came to Moses, same One here now with William Branham.
We have seen, we have heard, we believe and we know, and Lord, we don’t know as ought to know on the grounds we have not yet been reprimanded to the place of knowing the severity of God and to really be sincere and upright before you.
Cleanse our hearts of double-mindedness. Breathe upon our minds, O God, and help us to get rid of every contrary Word or thought, not Lord, that we should do signs and wonders and things. No.
But to be a hundred percent with that Word and walk in that light and then Lord, what You want to do in and through us, if You ever want to do anything and Lord, that would be fine by me, but not ever again, O God, without that.
Yet Lord, I’ll stumble and yet I thank You, therefore, for the intercessor, even my Jesus who even says at this time, by the Voice of the Father, speaking to us out of that Pillar of Fire and out of the prophet, “I’m on the throne and you overcome you’ll be there with me.”
The message of the Son by the Father now putting the church in order, put our hearts in order, O God, today, put our minds in order Lord, we pray, all the way from heart, from mind, to spirit, to soul and then the outer expressions and then, Lord, get us out of here.
You’re worthy, You’re wonderful, we love You Lord, we want to praise and worship You, and honor You and love You more than ever, for You are worthy.
May Your church here be so blessed with the divine spirit of compassion doing the will of God, standing right with You tonight and You standing with us Lord, blessing Lord, healing the sick amongst us, encouraging us all, and bringing us all on, not that we are somebody or here to manifest in such a way, we’ll show anybody up.
Help us from that, Oh God, get anything out of us Lord, that is just a stupid as that, help us Lord, to realize that it’s all of grace and meekness and humility, stand before You in all men, knowing Lord, that only by the grace of God are what we are if indeed we are, what we’re looking at tonight and claiming and hoping through Jesus Christ.
Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the only wise God be all power, honor and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
‘Take the Name of Jesus with you.’